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The crustacean zooplankton in Lake Mahinerangi, a polymictic, mesotrophic reservoir, were studied for 19 months. The cladocerans, Bosmina meridionalis and Ceriodaphnia dubia, had unimodal patterns of abundance with peak densities in summer; cyclopoids had a single peak of maximum abundance in autumn and Daphnia carinata showed a bimodal pattern with peak densities in early summer and early winter. The strong seasonality in abundance of zooplankton in Lake Mahinerangi distinguishes this lake from other temperate lakes in New Zealand and may reflect its cool winter temperatures (< 5 °C for 2 months). A calanoid, Boeckella hamata, bred throughout the year and was the dominant species numerically. Instar analysis indicated that there were at least three, and possibly four, generations per year. Instantaneous birth and death rates were low with annual mean values (0.036 and 0.057, respectively) that were 2-3.5 times less than those recorded in a population of the same species in Lake Pounui, but within the range of those recorded in calanoid populations elsewhere in New Zealand. The Boeckella population in Lake Mahinerangi appears to be controlled largely by temperature, parasitism and food, with predation having no, or a negligible, effect.  相似文献   

A. josephinae collected along the Salento Peninsula (Ionian and Adriatic Seas) laid two types of eggs, under laboratory conditions, and they are described for the first time. Under a light microscope subitaneous eggs looked smooth on the surface, but scanning electron microscopy revealed that the surface was not perfectly smooth but tubercular with many small protuberances. Resting eggs had long and thick spines whose apical part was multi-branched. The use of egg morphology as a taxonomic character, in the systematic of copepods, is proposed.  相似文献   

Maly  Edward J.  Maly  Mary P. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,354(1-3):41-50
Patterns of co-occurrences of Boeckella and Calamoeciafound in Western Australia are documented. Patterns are analyzed inrelation to size of organisms and to geographical distributions oforganisms. Deviations from randomness in the number ofmulti-species assemblages suggest that biotic interactionsinfluence co-occurrences, but size relationships in severalco-occurring pairs indicate that competition for resources is nota factor influencing co-occurrence. Laboratory experimentsdemonstrate that the large Boeckella triarticulata consumesimmature stages of the small Calamoecia tasmanica butprovides a partial refuge for C. tasmanica when theplanktivorous fish Gambusia, which consumes Boeckellamore rapidly than Calamoecia, is present. These resultsindicate that co-occurrence patterns may be related to theintensity of predation by fish: in the absence of fish predation,Boeckella can prevent invasion of Calamoecia, whilemoderate predation by fish will reduce Boeckella density,consequently allowing Calamoecia to invade.  相似文献   

In Lyell Reservoir the food niches of Calamoecia lucasi and Boeckella triarticulata appear to be substantially separated by food type and/or food size. Large B. triarticulata eat a wider size range of food particles and exhibit greater dietary richness and breadth than do the small C. lucasi, even though the dietary richness and breadth for the two calanoid species fluctuate through time. The dietary overlap is also variable but is generally low, ranging from 0.329–0.752 in terms of Schoener's index.  相似文献   

The zooplancton dynamics and the populations of Boeckella gracilipes Daday of Lake Escondido (Rio Negro, Argentina) were studied from March 1987 to March 1988. Rotifers and Cladocerans showed high densities during spring and summer, while copepods were densest in autumn. The vertical distribution study showed that rotifers prefer upper levels of the water column, while cladocerans and copepods prefer lower levels, especially during thermal stratification. Boeckella gracilipes had a sex ratio biassed toward female, though changes in the sex ratio were observed. The clutch size was high in winter when the proportion of ovigerous females was low. The instantaneous birth rates were low during winter and high in summer. This result is related to the thermal cycle of the lake, by the influence of temperature on egg development time. The mortality rates showed a similar pattern, and maximum values were registered in spring and summer.  相似文献   

Baud, A., Cuoc, C. and Alekseev, V. 222_. Ultrastructure of the digestive tract of Diacyclops thomasi (Cyclopoida, Copepoda) during different stages of encystment during a summer diapause. — Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 85 : 181–189 Diacyclops thomasi ( Forbes, 1882 ) has a life cycle comprising a summer diapause with whole‐body encystment at the copepodid IV stage. Formed progressively, the cyst can indicate the extent of entry into diapause. In this study the ultrastructure of the midgut epithelium during encystment of CIV was compared with that of active CIV and females. In active individuals two well‐differentiated epithelial cell types were observed: vacuolar cells (B‐cells), and cells without vacuoles but with more densely packed microvilli and abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria (F/R cells). In encysted specimens a striking transformation of the midgut epithelial layer was noted. Only inactive nuclei with highly concentrated euchromatin and encircled by a thin rim of hyaloplasm were observed. Compartments of both urosome and especially cephalothorax displayed large lipid‐rich lacunae. At the beginning of encystment, the midgut epithelium showed an intermediate state. Changes in ultrastructure observed in the midgut epithelium of D. thomasi clearly reflect different stages of diapause, and represent clear evidence of profound reorganization, which is progressively induced by diapause in the organism.  相似文献   

Heteropsyllus nunni Coull, a meiobenthic harpacticoid copepod is the marine crustacean to undergo a state of diapause within a cyst. A 12 month field study indicated H. nunni adults reached peak population densities in winter, with nauplii maturing in the spring, becoming adults by April or May.At the last stage of development, a mature but unmated adult, they begin to prepare for encystment diapause. The copepods remain within their cyst in a state of diapause for 3–4 months during the summer only. Studies on the effects of temperature and photoperiod suggested that these two environmental cues are not crucial for induction or termination of diapause. Low temperature delayed development and time to encystment, while high temperatures accelerated development, making the time to encystment shorter. There were males than females in the cysts in laboratory experiments. Upon excystment, the copepods mate, and females begin egg production within one week. Adults that have excysted and mated die after a few weeks of active reproductive effort. Nauplii go on to mature and begin the univoltine diapause/reproductive cycle.The copepods prepare for dormancy in two ways: they begin to produce and store two types of secretory products to be used in cyst construction; then they produce large quantities of lipid to be used as a nutrient supply throughout diapause. Histochemistry of the cyst-building material indicated the lower urosome is full of two chemically different products. Dorsally, there is a storage sac of proteinaceous material. The ventral sac of secretory product is a mucopolysaccharide. The copepod builds the spherical cysts in a matrix of small and large sand grains. The cysts fit tightly around the ventral portion of the animal in the its flexed position: however, there is a large space between the cyst and the sides of the copepod.Biochemical analysis of the cyst showed it is composed of an amino acid complex similar to collagenous material. Scanning electron microscopy revealed a complex of large cuticular pores located in the lower urosome and caudal rami. There are specific pores for secretion of the two cyst-building products.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. The impact of parasitism by a fungus Aphanomyces sp. (Phycomycetes: Saprotegniaceae) on a population of Boeckella hamata in Lake Mahinerangi in New Zealand was studied over 20 months. The incidence of infection among adult female copepods exceeded 12% throughout winter (May-October) and was highest in autumn (46%) when population birth rates were depressed by 48.8%. During most of the study, parasitism lowered the rates of population recruitment and growth by more than 10%. These effects on the B. hamata population exceeded those of Aphanomyces on Boeckella dilatata Sars in another study.
2. It is hypothesized that the high incidence of parasitism by Aphanomyces and its importance at times in regulating populations of Boeckella in New Zealand lakes may be an ecological consequence of life in predator-poor ecosystems.  相似文献   

The New Zealand distributions of three species of Boeckella (Copepoda, Calanoida), B. triarticulata, B. dilatata and B. hamata are mapped. B. triarticulata is primarily a pond dweller but is also found in reservoirs and shallow lakes. B. dilatata is mainly found in the deeper glacial lakes and ponds in the central region of the South Island and B. hamata has a more widespread distribution in lakes and ponds in the South Island and lower half of the North Island. Differences in temperature optima, food requirements and dispersal ability among the three Boeckella species are related to vicariant events to explain their distribution in New Zealand.  相似文献   

1. The calanoid copepods, Boeckella triarticulata Sars and Boeckella hamata Brehm, are major components of the freshwater zooplankton of New Zealand. It was not known whether these copepods ingest rotifers, nor whether the inclusion of rotifers in their diets might improve their fitness. The present study aimed to identify rotifer taxa which are eaten by each copepod species, and to examine the fitness consequences of the inclusion of one species of rotifer in the diet of B. triarticulata .
2. In feeding experiments using natural rotifer assemblages, both species of copepod ingested the rotifer Anuraeopsis fissa (0.4–4% of daily carbon intake), and B. triarticulata also ingested Polyarthra dolichoptera (6–30% of daily carbon intake) and Keratella cochlearis tecta (1% of daily carbon intake).
3. The contribution of rotifers to the fitness of adult female B. triarticulata was assessed by comparing survival and reproduction among five diets that contained varying densities of algae ( Cryptomonas sp.) and/or Polyarthra dolichoptera (4 μg C L−1). Boeckella triarticulata produced fewer clutches on a rotifer-only diet than on a solely algal diet, and addition of rotifers to a threshold algal diet did not affect copepod fitness relative to the solely algal diets. The present results suggest that Polyarthra at 4 μg C L−1 is not a high-quality food for B. triarticulata .  相似文献   

Abstract. Eggs of a local population of Locusta migratoria L. (Orthoptera: Acrididae) collected near Hirosaki (40.5oN) entered diapause when incubated at temperatures between 20 and 35oC. For diapause development the optimum temperature was 10oC. The lower thermal threshold for post-diapause development was 14.7oC. After chilling at 10oC for 20 days, the rate of hatching varied with incubation temperature, being 0, 61% and 81% at 20, 25 and 30oC, respectively. After chilling for 40 days or more, however, almost all eggs hatched at 20–30oC. Diapause with a reduced intensity seemed to be eliminated easily by a high temperature of 25 or 30oC.
When eggs chilled at 10oC for 20 days were kept at 20oC for 7 days or more before incubation at 25oC, almost all eggs maintained diapause. Most eggs chilled at 10oC for three 10 day periods separated by 3 days of warming at 25oC failed to terminate diapause. Daily alternations of 10oC (18 h) and 25oC (6h) decreased the diapause-terminating effect of chilling. These facts suggest that diapause intensity can be restored if eggs chilled insufficiently are exposed to a moderately high temperature. This reversible change in diapause intensity would play an important role in maintaining diapause before winter.  相似文献   

Solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation poses a threat to most livingorganisms. Aquatic organisms have evolved three basic mechanismsto cope with harmful levels of radiation. Two mechanisms, avoidance(e.g. vertical migration) and photoprotection (e.g. productionof photoprotective compounds that act as filters, antioxidants,etc.), serve to minimize the dose of UV radiation that reachesthe organism's vital structures (DNA, membranes, etc.). Thethird mechanism, repair (e.g. dark repair mechanisms, such asnucleotide excision repair; or photoreactivation mechanisms,such as photoenzymatic repair), serves to repair the damagefollowing UV exposure. Here, we compare the vulnerability toUV-B radiation of three copepod species (Boeckella brevicaudata,Boeckella gibbosa, and Boeckella gracilipes) that occur in lakesthat differ in UV-B penetration and depth. Our aim was to gaininsight into the significance of each of the three mechanismsin different UV-B environments. Results from a 3-day ‘insitu’ incubation in ultra-oligotrophic Lake Toncek showedthat B.gracilipes is highly vulnerable to UV-B and UV-A radiation.In contrast, virtually no mortality was observed in B.gibbosaand B.brevicaudata during the same period. In order to discriminatethe contribution of photoprotection and photoreactivation, thethree species were subsequently exposed in the laboratory toan artificial source of UV-B radiation, both in the presenceand absence of visible radiation (recovery radiation). The photoprotectionpotential (i.e. resistance to UV-B in the absence of recoveryradiation) of B.gracilipes and B.gibbosa was lower than thatof B.brevicaudata. On the other hand, photoreactivation (higherresistance to UV-B in the presence of recovery radiation) wasobserved in B.brevicaudata and B.gibbosa, but not in B.gracilipes.To cope with damaging UV-B levels in nature, B.gracilipes dependsexclusively on the attenuation by the external media (i.e. avoidance).Although B.gibbosa tends to avoid the surface waters of lakes,it also occurs in shallow transparent pools. Most likely itsability to survive in these shallow, high UV environments isdue to its photoreactivation potential. Finally, despite itsoccurrence in highly turbid lakes, B.brevicaudata seems extremelywell suited to cope with UV-B radiation thanks to a combinationof photoreactivation and photoprotection.  相似文献   

Acartia bifilosa from Southampton Water lays two morphologically distinct types of egg which are described for the first time. Eggs with a smooth surface are considered subitaneous, while eggs covered with thick 'spines' are diapause. During the seasonal occurrence of A.bifilosa in Southampton Water, from November/December to June, subitaneous eggs are laid during the first months of this period. The production of diapause eggs is restricted to a 2 month period before A.bifilosa disappears from the water column. There are significant differences between the response of the eggs produced at seasonal field temperatures (5-12C) and those reported for other Acartia species. In particular, the numbers of eggs female-1 day-1, both subitaneous and diapause, are lower and typically <4; and the hatching time of subitaneous eggs is longer, at up to 10 days, at optimum temperatures between 15 and 20°C and optimum salinity >20 PSU. Females acclimated to higher laboratory temperature regimes show higher egg production rates at field salinity. A delayed-hatch subitaneous egg is also reported. Results suggest that fecundity in A.bifilosa from Southampton Water might be limited to some degree by temperature and the responses of the eggs produced appear to offer A.bifilosa a reproductive repertoire to ensure its sustained presence in this seasonally influenced environment.   相似文献   

The spatial distribution of Canthocamptus staphylinus (Jurine) in Lake Ladoga was examined. C. staphylinus is one of the most numerous species of harpacticoids in the lake. It can dwell in almost all littoral biotopes. In profundal biotopes strongly exposed to anthropogenic influence (pollution and eutrophication) only this species of harpacticoid was found. A peculiarity of C. staphylinus biology is that in summer individuals are in the resting stage as cysts. In summer active individuals were found in littoral habitats at a water temperature of 20 °C, but their number was small in comparison with cold periods of the year. In the littoral zone the relative number of individuals in cysts was clearly related to water temperature. Twelve degrees temperature appears to be critical for development of littoral populations of C. staphylinus.  相似文献   

Thirty-five species of the family Lecanidae are examined from Tripura state in North-Eastern India. Of these, Lecane levistyla and L. scutata are interesting cold-water forms; L. batillifer is an Australasian element; L. acanthinula and L. sinuata are Oriental endemics and L. braumi, L. lateralis and L. simonneae are palaeotropical species. The lecanid fauna also includes the pantropical L. thienemanni and L. sola while the remainder are cosmopolitan and tropicopolitan elements. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Embryonic development times of Boeckella triarticulata, B. dilatata and B. hamata are compared. Two species, B. triarticulata and B. hamata had widely varying embryonic development times. Variable development times often resulted in greater hatching success.  相似文献   

All the postembryonic developmental instars of Neodiaptomus lindbergi Brehm, 1953, reared in the laboratory from eggs, are described and illustrated. Further, the larval affinities of this species vis-a-vis certain other Indian diaptomid species are mentioned.  相似文献   

All the postembryonic developmental instars of Phyllodiaptomus blanci (Guerne & Richard, 1896), reared in the laboratory, are described and illustrated. The larval affinities of this species vis-a-vis certain other diaptomid species are mentioned.  相似文献   

Mature females of the copepodTemora longicornis from the Marsdiep tidal inlet were incubated at ambient water temperature during the winter of 1989/1990 to estimate their egg production during 24 hours. Throughout winter this production remained at a level of 0 to 10 eggs per female. In March a steep rise to 60 to 80 eggs coincided with an equally steep rise in chlorophyll-a from 4 to 20 g.l–1. Excess food given during incubation tended to increase the observed production rate only in October at relatively high temperature. Additive effects of rising food level and temperature on daily egg production were found in spring. In March and April 1988 and 1990 the observed maximum daily egg production per female increased from about 20 at 5°C and 5 g.l–1 chlorophyll to 70 at almost 10°C and 20 g.l–1. The egg production in winter gives a prebloom potential to maintain a stock of premature stages ready to utilize the algal spring bloom. Early spawning before April can also contribute to the development of the abundance peak of adults in May–June. Due to growth rates increasing with temperature in the months March and April, most of the adults at their peak density may have hatched from eggs before the period of maximum egg production rate at the end of April. The exceptionally high production rate observed at the end of March may be related to a developingPhaeocystis bloom.  相似文献   

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