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On the basis of established knowledge of microbial genetics one can distinguish three major natural strategies in the spontaneous generation of genetic variations in bacteria. These strategies are: (1) small local changes in the nucleotide sequence of the genome, (2) intragenomic reshuffling of segments of genomic sequences and (3) the acquisition of DNA sequences from another organism. The three general strategies differ in the quality of their contribution to microbial evolution. Besides a number of non-genetic factors, various specific gene products are involved in the generation of genetic variation and in the modulation of the frequency of genetic variation. The underlying genes are called evolution genes. They act for the benefit of the biological evolution of populations as opposed to the action of housekeeping genes and accessory genes which are for the benefit of individuals. Examples of evolution genes acting as variation generators are found in the transposition of mobile genetic elements and in so-called site-specific recombination systems. DNA repair systems and restriction-modification systems are examples of modulators of the frequency of genetic variation. The involvement of bacterial viruses and of plasmids in DNA reshuffling and in horizontal gene transfer is a hint for their evolutionary functions. Evolution genes are thought to undergo biological evolution themselves, but natural selection for their functions is indirect, at the level of populations, and is called second-order selection. In spite of an involvement of gene products in the generation of genetic variations, evolution genes do not programmatically direct evolution towards a specific goal. Rather, a steady interplay between natural selection and mixed populations of genetic variants gives microbial evolution its direction.  相似文献   

长期以来,自然选择理论与中性理论对生物分子进化中的环境适应机理存在着激烈争论。目前,在植物种群分子进化中对生境适应的研究中正面临着一些难题:中性突变是分子水平进化的唯一原因,自然选择发挥主要作用的适应性进化是否存在于分子水平,选择与中性两种学说两种机制完全不同,如何才能将两者联系和统一起来,部分学者利用建立各种模型来描述自然选择对分子标记位点以及连锁序列的直接作用,如生态位宽度变异假设等。本研究小组以新疆阜康荒漠植物为研究对象,通过对两种重要荒漠植物遗传多样性的研究,分析两种植物各亚种群不同生境的生态因子与其遗传变异的关系,讨论生态位宽度变异假设,揭示遗传变异的产生与维持。中性论者与选择论者都试图解释生物环境适应与分子变异之间的关系。中性论和选择论是反映进化的两个侧面,它们不是绝对的,可以相互转化。  相似文献   

We studied the evolution of colour polymorphism in diurnal raptors, owls and nightjars, the avian taxa in which this trait is most widespread, in relation to species ecological niche width and diet. Two main mechanisms have been put forward to explain the maintenance of polymorphism, namely apostatic selection and disruptive selection. The niche variation hypothesis states that species with broader ecological niches should be more variable compared with those with narrow niches because of the action of disruptive selection; the apostatic selection hypothesis conversely suggests that intraspecific colour variation should be promoted in predators by prey forming an avoidance image for the more common colour morph. Our aim was to determine if colour polymorphism occurrence was associated with broad ecological niches as predicted by the niche variation hypothesis, or with predation on intelligent and sharp‐sighted prey as predicted by the avoidance image hypothesis. Pairwise comparisons were made between pairs of closely related species differing in variables expected to influence the occurrence of polymorphism. We found that polymorphic species of all three groups showed wider and more continuous distribution ranges, frequented many different habitats, both open and closed, and lived in seasonally alternating dry/wet climates. Polymorphic species were more migratory compared with monomorphic ones, and they showed an activity pattern covering both day and night. Conversely, colour polymorphism was not higher in species preying on birds and mammals. All these findings support the hypothesis that colour polymorphism evolved in bird species with wider niche breadth and not in species preying on intelligent prey. Therefore, we propose that disruptive selection may be the main mechanism maintaining colour polymorphism in these bird groups by favouring different morphs in different environmental conditions. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 82 , 237–248.  相似文献   

Human skin pigmentation shows a strong positive correlation with ultraviolet radiation intensity, suggesting that variation in skin color is, at least partially, due to adaptation via natural selection. We investigated the evolution of pigmentation variation by testing for the presence of positive directional selection in 6 pigmentation genes using an empirical F(ST) approach, through an examination of global diversity patterns of these genes in the Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain (CEPH)-Diversity Panel, and by exploring signatures of selection in data from the International HapMap project. Additionally, we demonstrated a role for MATP in determining normal skin pigmentation variation using admixture mapping methods. Taken together (with the results of previous admixture mapping studies), these results point to the importance of several genes in shaping the pigmentation phenotype and a complex evolutionary history involving strong selection. Polymorphisms in 2 genes, ASIP and OCA2, may play a shared role in shaping light and dark pigmentation across the globe, whereas SLC24A5, MATP, and TYR have a predominant role in the evolution of light skin in Europeans but not in East Asians. These findings support a case for the recent convergent evolution of a lighter pigmentation phenotype in Europeans and East Asians.  相似文献   

A promising recent development in molecular biology involves viewing the genome as a mini‐ecosystem, where genetic elements are compared to organisms and the surrounding cellular and genomic structures are regarded as the local environment. Here, we critically evaluate the prospects of ecological neutral theory (ENT), a popular model in ecology, as it applies at the genomic level. This assessment requires an overview of the controversy surrounding neutral models in community ecology. In particular, we discuss the limitations of using ENT both as an explanation of community dynamics and as a null hypothesis. We then analyse a case study in which ENT has been applied to genomic data. Our central finding is that genetic elements do not conform to the requirements of ENT once its assumptions and limitations are made explicit. We further compare this genome‐level application of ENT to two other, more familiar approaches in genomics that rely on neutral mechanisms: Kimura's molecular neutral theory and Lynch's mutational‐hazard model. Interestingly, this comparison reveals that there are two distinct concepts of neutrality associated with these models, which we dub ‘fitness neutrality’ and ‘competitive neutrality’. This distinction helps to clarify the various roles for neutral models in genomics, for example in explaining the evolution of genome size.  相似文献   

Environmental heterogeneity may be a general explanation for both the quantity of genetic variation in populations and the ecological niche width of individuals. To evaluate this hypothesis, I review the literature on selection experiments in heterogeneous environments. The niche width usually – but not invariably – evolves to match the amount of environmental variation, specialists evolving in homogeneous environments and generalists evolving in heterogeneous environments. The genetics of niche width are more complex than has previously been recognized, particularly with respect to the magnitude of costs of adaptation and the putative constraints on the evolution of generalists. Genetic variation in fitness is more readily maintained in heterogeneous environments than in homogeneous environments and this diversity is often stably maintained through negative frequency‐dependent selection. Moreover environmental heterogeneity appears to be a plausible mechanism for at least two well‐known patterns of species diversity at the landscape scale. I conclude that environmental heterogeneity is a plausible and possibly very general explanation for diversity across the range of scales from individuals to landscapes.  相似文献   

The proteomes that make up the collection of proteins in contemporary organisms evolved through recombination and duplication of a limited set of domains. These protein domains are essentially the main components of globular proteins and are the most principal level at which protein function and protein interactions can be understood. An important aspect of domain evolution is their atomic structure and biochemical function, which are both specified by the information in the amino acid sequence. Changes in this information may bring about new folds, functions and protein architectures. With the present and still increasing wealth of sequences and annotation data brought about by genomics, new evolutionary relationships are constantly being revealed, unknown structures modeled and phylogenies inferred. Such investigations not only help predict the function of newly discovered proteins, but also assist in mapping unforeseen pathways of evolution and reveal crucial, co-evolving inter- and intra-molecular interactions. In turn this will help us describe how protein domains shaped cellular interaction networks and the dynamics with which they are regulated in the cell. Additionally, these studies can be used for the design of new and optimized protein domains for therapy. In this review, we aim to describe the basic concepts of protein domain evolution and illustrate recent developments in molecular evolution that have provided valuable new insights in the field of comparative genomics and protein interaction networks.  相似文献   

When protein sequences divergently evolve under functional constraints, some individual amino acid replacements that reverse the charge (e.g. Lys to Asp) may be compensated by a replacement at a second position that reverses the charge in the opposite direction (e.g. Glu to Arg). When these side-chains are near in space (proximal), such double replacements might be driven by natural selection, if either is selectively disadvantageous, but both together restore fully the ability of the protein to contribute to fitness (are together "neutral"). Accordingly, many have sought to identify pairs of positions in a protein sequence that suffer compensatory replacements, often as a way to identify positions near in space in the folded structure. A "charge compensatory signal" might manifest itself in two ways. First, proximal charge compensatory replacements may occur more frequently than predicted from the product of the probabilities of individual positions suffering charge reversing replacements independently. Conversely, charge compensatory pairs of changes may be observed to occur more frequently in proximal pairs of sites than in the average pair. Normally, charge compensatory covariation is detected by comparing the sequences of extant proteins at the "leaves" of phylogenetic trees. We show here that the charge compensatory signal is more evident when it is sought by examining individual branches in the tree between reconstructed ancestral sequences at nodes in the tree. Here, we find that the signal is especially strong when the positions pairs are in a single secondary structural unit (e.g. alpha helix or beta strand) that brings the side-chains suffering charge compensatory covariation near in space, and may be useful in secondary structure prediction. Also, "node-node" and "node-leaf" compensatory covariation may be useful to identify the better of two equally parsimonious trees, in a way that is independent of the mathematical formalism used to construct the tree itself. Further, compensatory covariation may provide a signal that indicates whether an episode of sequence evolution contains more or less divergence in functional behavior. Compensatory covariation analysis on reconstructed evolutionary trees may become a valuable tool to analyze genome sequences, and use these analyses to extract biomedically useful information from proteome databases.  相似文献   

Rates of molecular evolution vary substantially between lineages, and a growing effort is directed at uncovering the causes and consequences of this variation. Comparing local-clocks (rates of molecular evolution estimated from different sets of branches of a phylogenetic tree) is a common tool in this research effort. Here, I show that a commonly used test (the Likelihood Ratio Test, LRT) will not be statistically valid for comparing local-clocks in most cases. Instead, I propose the local-clock permutation test (LCPT), a simple test that can be used to test the significance of differences between local-clocks. The LCPT could also be used to test for differences between any parameter that can be assigned to individual branches on a phylogenetic tree. Using simulated data, I show that the LCPT has good power to detect differences between local-clocks.  相似文献   

Skibinski  D. O. F. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,420(1):137-152
The principal methods of using DNA sequence information to test the neutral theory of evolution and polymorphism are described. These include the use of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions for detecting purifying and positive selection, the analysis of nucleotide diversity, mismatch analysis and the HKA, McDonald-Kreitman, Tajima and Ewens-Watterson tests. Analysis of the covariation of different kinds of molecular markers and the relationship between genetic variation and fitness is also considered. Examples of the use of these approaches in a wide variety of marine organisms are described. It is emphasised that tests of neutral theory, in addition to providing important fundamental knowledge about the action of evolutionary forces, provide valuable information about the influence of environmental and demographic factors.  相似文献   

To investigate the evolutionary impact of protein structure, the experimentally determined tertiary structure and the protein-coding DNA sequence were collected for each of 1,195 genes. These genes were studied via a model of sequence change that explicitly incorporates effects on evolutionary rates due to protein tertiary structure. In the model, these effects act via the solvent accessibility environments and pairwise amino acid interactions that are induced by tertiary structure. To compare the hypotheses that structure does and does not have a strong influence on evolution, Bayes factors were estimated for each of the 1,195 sequences. Most of the Bayes factors strongly support the hypothesis that protein structure affects protein evolution. Furthermore, both solvent accessibility and pairwise interactions among amino acids are inferred to have important roles in protein evolution. Our results also indicate that the strength of the relationship between tertiary structure and evolution has a weak but real correlation to the annotation information in the Gene Ontology database. Although their influences on rates of evolution vary among protein families, we find that the mean impacts of solvent accessibility and pairwise interactions are about the same.  相似文献   

The evolution of sociality represented a major transition point in biological history. The most advanced societies, such as those displayed by social insects, consist of reproductive and nonreproductive castes. The caste system fundamentally affects the way natural selection operates. Specifically, selection acts directly on reproductive castes, such as queens, but only indirectly through the process of kin selection on nonreproductive castes, such as workers. In this study, we present theoretical analyses to determine the rate of substitution at loci expressed exclusively in the queen or worker castes. We show that the rate of substitution is the same for queen- and worker-selected loci when the queen is singly mated. In contrast, when a queen is multiply mated, queen-selected loci show higher rates of substitution for adaptive alleles and lower rates of substitution for deleterious alleles than worker-selected loci. We compare our theoretical expectations to previously obtained genomic data from the honeybee, Apis mellifera, where queens mate multiply and the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, where queens mate singly and find that rates of evolution of queen- and worker-selected loci are consistent with our predictions. Overall, our research tests theoretical expectations using empirically obtained genomic data to better understand the evolution of advanced societies.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity in a pair of cirripede species, based on electrophoretic analysis of 25 gene loci, is higher for Chthamalus stellatus, the species with a broader biogeographical distribution, and hence, with a broader ecological niche, than that of Euraphia depressa. Comparing the genetic diversity within E. depressa we again report a higher genetic diversity among the specimens exposed to solar radiation (living in the wider ecological niche) versus the specimens confined to the sheltered dark environments in caves or under boulders. The indices of genetic diversity used in this study are polymorphism, heterozygosity, mean number of alleles per locus and gene diversity. We conclude that the niche-width variation hypothesis has been confirmed in this pair of species: genetic diversity is positively correlated with niche breadth.  相似文献   

Asexual reproduction could offer up to a two‐fold fitness advantage over sexual reproduction, yet higher organisms usually reproduce sexually. Even in facultatively parthenogenetic species, where both sexual and asexual reproduction is sometimes possible, asexual reproduction is rare. Thus, the debate over the evolution of sex has focused on ecological and mutation‐elimination advantages of sex. An alternative explanation for the predominance of sex is that it is difficult for an organism to accomplish asexual reproduction once sexual reproduction has evolved. Difficulty in returning to asexuality could reflect developmental or genetic constraints. Here, we investigate the role of genetic factors in limiting asexual reproduction in Nauphoeta cinerea, an African cockroach with facultative parthenogenesis that nearly always reproduces sexually. We show that when N. cinerea females do reproduce asexually, offspring are genetically identical to their mothers. However, asexual reproduction is limited to a nonrandom subset of the genotypes in the population. Only females that have a high level of heterozygosity are capable of parthenogenetic reproduction and there is a strong familial influence on the ability to reproduce parthenogenetically. Although the mechanism by which genetic variation facilitates asexual reproduction is unknown, we suggest that heterosis may facilitate the switch from producing haploid meiotic eggs to diploid, essentially mitotic, eggs.  相似文献   

A major goal of evolutionary science is to understand how biological diversity is generated and altered. Despite considerable advances, we still have limited insight into how phenotypic variation arises and is sorted by natural selection. Here we argue that an integrated view, which merges ecology, evolution and developmental biology (eco evo devo) on an equal footing, is needed to understand the multifaceted role of the environment in simultaneously determining the development of the phenotype and the nature of the selective environment, and how organisms in turn affect the environment through eco evo and eco devo feedbacks. To illustrate the usefulness of an integrated eco evo devo perspective, we connect it with the theory of resource polymorphism (i.e. the phenotypic and genetic diversification that occurs in response to variation in available resources). In so doing, we highlight fishes from recently glaciated freshwater systems as exceptionally well‐suited model systems for testing predictions of an eco evo devo framework in studies of diversification. Studies on these fishes show that intraspecific diversity can evolve rapidly, and that this process is jointly facilitated by (i) the availability of diverse environments promoting divergent natural selection; (ii) dynamic developmental processes sensitive to environmental and genetic signals; and (iii) eco evo and eco devo feedbacks influencing the selective and developmental environments of the phenotype. We highlight empirical examples and present a conceptual model for the generation of resource polymorphism – emphasizing eco evo devo, and identify current gaps in knowledge.  相似文献   

Caste polymorphism, defined as the presence within a colony of two or more morphologically differentiated individuals of the same sex, is an important character of highly eusocial insects both in the Hymenoptera (ants, bees and wasps) and in the Isoptera (termites), the only two groups in the animal kingdom where highly eusocial species occur. Frequently, caste polymorphism extends beyond mere variations in size (although the extent of variations in size can be in the extreme) and is accompanied by allometric variations in certain body parts. How such polymorphism has evolved and why, in its extreme form, it is essentially restricted to the social insects are questions of obvious interest but without satisfactory answers at the present time. I present a hypothesis entitled ‘genetic release followed by diversifying evolution’, that provides potential answers to these questions. I argue that genetic release followed by diversifying evolution is made possible under a number of circumstances. One of them I propose is when some individuals in a species begin to rely on the indirect component of inclusive fitness while others continue to rely largely on the direct component, as workers and queens in social insects are expected to do. Thus when queens begin to rely on workers for most of the foraging, nest building and brood care, and workers begin to rely increasingly on queens to lay eggs—when queen traits and worker traits do not have to be expressed in the same individual—I postulate the relaxation of stabilizing selection and new spurts of directional selection on both queen-trait genes and worker-trait genes (in contrasting directions) leading to caste polymorphism.  相似文献   

Multilocus electrophoretic methods and microcomplement fixation comparisons of serum albumin are used to assess phylogenetic relationships among species of uropeltid snakes, to infer aspects of their population biology and biogeography, and to evaluate their relationships to other primitive snakes (Henophidia). There is very good agreement between phylogenetic inferences derived from the electrophoretic data and those derived from the albumin immunological data. Protein variation detected by electrophoresis is relatively high among 17 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) examined. The mean number of alleles per locus (5.1 across all OTUs), levels of polymorphism (25% of loci), and heterozygosity (4–6%), are typical of, or greater than, values reported for other snakes. Species of uropeltids are genetically highly differentiated, as measured by genetic distances (lowest interspecific Nei's unbiased genetic distances, 0.22-0.27 among several Sri Lankan species; 2.3 between Teretrurus of India and other uropeltines). The phylogenetic tree most consistent with both the immunological and electrophoretic data shows uropeltines from Sri Lanka to be monophyletic, but the Indian species are paraphyletic with respect to those from Sri Lanka. Rhinophis travancoricus of India is inferred to be the sister taxon to the Sri Lankan radiation. As the genera are presently understood, neither Rhinophis nor Uropeltis appears to be monophyletic. A biogeographic scenario derived from the phylogenetic hypothesis suggests an early diversification of uropeltids in India, followed by a single invasion into the lowlands of Sri Lanka. Subsequent evolution on Sri Lanka resulted in occupation of montane biotopes. Cylindrophis is the sister group to uropeltines and is considered a member of the Uropeltidae. The immunological data indicate no phylogenetic association between uropeltids and other ‘anilioid’ taxa, specifically Anilius, Loxocemus or Xenopeltis, although we cannot rule out a very remote relationship. We specifically reject the hypothesis that uropeltines and scolecophidians form a clade relative to henophidians. High levels of genetic variation and a trend toward negative FIS values for polymorphic loci in three populations suggest generally large effective population sizes and outbreeding in these species. The niche-width variation hypothesis for allozyme loci is not supported by the uropeltid data. In comparison to other vertebrates, the relationship between Nei's genetic distance and albumin immunological distance in uropeltids suggests either conservative albumin evolution or strong differentiation at electrophoretic loci.  相似文献   

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