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II-32A, an elite male-sterile line of rice (Oryza sativa L.), has been widely used for the production of hybrid rice seed In China. Heading date In most combinations using II-32A shows transgressive Inheritance or similarity to the latter parent, but the genotype of II-32A with respect to major genes for heading time Is unknown. This limits the further exploitation of this sterile line In breeding and hybrid seed production. Using a number of major gene heading date Isogenlc lines and heading date QTL near-lsogenic lines, we genetically analyzed II-32B under both long- and short-day conditions. We show that II-32B carries two photoperlod-sensltlve genes, E1 and E3, a recessive late-heading gene, ef-l, and a photoperlod-sensltlve allele, Se-1^u. In addition we Identified In II- 32B a recessive Inhibitor for E1 or Se-1^n and other modified photoperlod-sensltlve genes. The heading-date constitution of II-32A was determined to be E1e2E3Se-1^uef-li-Se-1.  相似文献   

抽穗期是水稻(Oryza sativa)品种的重要农艺性状之一,适宜的抽穗期是获得理想产量的前提。鉴定和定位水稻抽穗期基因/QTL,分析其遗传效应对改良水稻抽穗期至关重要。以籼稻品种9311(Oryzasativa ssp.indica‘Yangdao 6’)为受体,粳稻品种日本晴(Oryza sativa ssp.japonica‘Nipponbare’)为供体构建的94个染色体片段置换系群体为材料,以P≤0.01为阈值,对置换片段上的抽穗期QTL进行了鉴定。采用代换作图法共定位了4个控制水稻抽穗期的QTL,分别位于第3、第4、第5和第8染色体;QTL的加性效应值变化范围为–6.4––2.7,加性效应百分率变化范围为–6.4%––2.7%;qHD-3和qHD-8加性效应值较大,表现主效基因特征。为了进一步定位qHD-3和qHD-8,在目标区域加密16对SSR引物,qHD-3和qHD-8分别被界定在第3染色体RM3166–RM16206之间及第8染色体RM4085–RM8271之间,其遗传距离分别为13.9cM和6.4cM。研究结果为利用分子标记辅助选择改良水稻抽穗期奠定了基础。  相似文献   

水稻(Oryza sativa)抽穗期是决定产量和品质的重要性状,在育种、制种及引种驯化过程中发挥重要作用。将热研2号(O. sativa subsp. japonica cv.‘Nekken2’)和华占(O. sativa subsp. indica cv.‘HZ’)杂交获得F1代,经连续多代自交得到120个重组自交系(RILs)群体。在常规水肥管理条件下,对120个RILs株系的抽穗时间进行统计分析。利用已构建好的高密度遗传图谱,对水稻抽穗期相关性状进行QTL定位分析,结果共检测到11个QTLs,分别位于第1、3、4、5、6、8和12号染色体上,其中1个LOD值高达5.75。通过分析QTLs区间内的候选基因,筛选出可能影响两亲本抽穗期的相关基因,并利用实时定量PCR进行基因表达量分析,发现LOC_Os03g03070、LOC_Os03g50310、LOC_Os03g55389、LOC_Os04g55510、LOC_Os08g07740和LOC_Os08g01670共6个基因在双亲间的表达量差异显著,其中LOC_Os03g50310在Nekken2中的表达量比H...  相似文献   

水稻F2不育和抽穗期QTL分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
对台中65(粳稻)/Bhadua(籼稻)杂交F2代群体构建了RFLP连锁图谱,含94个分布较为均匀的标记。对F2小穗不育性状进行单点分析和区间分析的结果基本一致:有两个F2小穗不育QTL座位分别位于染色体1的XNpb113~XNpb346之间和染色体8的G187~XNpb397之间,而且该两个QTL均为新检测出的座位;检测出5个抽穗期TQL,其中3个座位在单点分析和区间分析中的结果一致,分别位于染色体1的XNpb113~XNpb346,染色体4的C891~C335,染色体的8的C166~C1121,另外,染色体6的XNpb27为单点分析结果,染色体10的R716~C405为区间分析结果。由于染色体1上的F2不育QTL和抽穗期QTL重叠,该QTL座位是由于遗传效应所至还是由于环境因素(迟抽穗)所至有待构建近等基因系进一步研究。;位于染色体1和10上的抽穗期QTL座位为新检测的座位。对新检测的F2不育和抽穗期QTL座位正在建立相应的近等基因系以精确定位和克隆上述基因。  相似文献   

Middle indica cultivars are planted in the middle to lower regions of the Yangtze River. Hybrid combinations with these cultivars have a high yield potential but the presence of late-transgressive-segregants limits the further exploitation of heterosis. To understand the genetic basis of the heading date in these middle maturing cultivars, we carried out a genetic analysis of 10 typical middle-season cultivars using a number of heading date isogenic lines under both long and short day conditions. The results showed that Teqing, 752, CDR22, Bo B, 9311 and 11-32B carry two photoperiod sensitive genes E1 or Se.1 and E3, and Teqing, 752 and CDR22 carry a dominant early-heading gene Ef-1 while Bo B, 9311 and 11-32B carry a recessive late-heading gene ef-1. Based on the findings of the present and previous works on Guichao 2, Minghui 63, Nanjing 11 and Pei'ai64S, it was concluded that all of these middle indica cultivars carried the recessive allele hd2, which could inhibit the expression of El or Se.1, and they formed rational combinations of genotype for heading date during a long period of evolution. The effects of the different combinations of genotype for heading date on rice cultivation and extension were discussed, and genetic basis of broad adaptability of hybrid middle indica cultivars was analyzed.  相似文献   

There are generally four recognized classes of japonica rice cultivars grown in the lower region of the Yangtze River valley. The geographical distribution of the four classes is latitude-dependent. Variation for heading date (HD) among 29 japonica rice cultivars grown in the lower region of the Yangtze River valley and belonging to the four classes was characterized, and their sensitivity to variations in photoperiod and temperature was analyzed. All of the cultivars were sensitive to both photoperiod and temperature. A regression analysis showed that HD is closely correlated with photoperiod sensitivity (PS). The PS of the four classes increased gradually from the medium maturing middle (MMM) types, through the late maturing middle (LMM) and early maturing late (EML) types to the medium maturing late (MML) types. Crosses with tester lines established that almost all of the cultivars carry the dominant early-heading allele at Ef-1, the photoperiod insensitive allele e2 and the PS alleles E1 or E1^t. Most of the MMM, LMM and MML types carry the insensitive allele e3, while EML types have either E3 or E3^t. At Se-1, MMM and LMM types have Se-1^e, some EML types have Se-1^e and others Se-1^n, while the MML types are mostly Se-fn. The PS of some MMM, LMM and EML types is reduced by the presence of hd2. These results show that the distribution of the four rice cultivar classes from high latitude to low latitude regions depended on a gradual increase in PS, which is mainly determined by its HD genotypes.  相似文献   

水稻株高和抽穗期基因的定位和分离   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
利用241个重组自交系构成的群体,对水稻(Oryza sativaL.)株高和抽穗期进行基因定位,三年共定位到4个抽穗期的数量性状基因(QTLs)和4个株高OTLs,其中位于第7染色体C1023-R1440区间的QTL3年均可检测到,且效应大,同时影响株高和抽穗期。为了区分这个区间的QTL是一因多效还是紧密连锁的两个QTLs,从自交系群体里选取QTL区间来自明恢63,其他遗传背景与珍汕97高度相似的自交系RⅡ50,与珍汕97回交,获得含有363个单株的近等基因系BC1F2群体。考察株高和抽穗期。两个性状在群体里表现为双峰分布,它们的分离比符合期望的单基因盂德尔遗传分离比,BC1E2群体单株的株高和抽穗期基本表现为矮秆早抽穗,高秆迟抽穗,但是,6个单株表现相反的情况,以上结果证明,QTL能够作为盂德尔因子进行研究,在BC1F2群体里,株高和抽穗期是由单个基因控制的,第7染色体上是两个紧密连锁的基因分别控制株高和抽穗期。  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci (QTL) were identified for heading date and plant height in rice ( Oryza sativa L.) using a recombinant inbred line population consisting of 241 lines. Totally 4 QTLs for heading date and 4 QTLs for plant height were detected in three years. The QTL with large effects located in the interval C1023-R1440 on chromosome 7 was simultaneously detected in three years for both traits. In order to distinguished the interval whether contained one QTL with pleiotropy effect or two close linked QTLs, a recombinant line RIL50, whose genetic background was high similar to Zhenshan 97 except the regions covered the major QTL from Minghui 63, was selected to cross with Zhenshan 97. A BC1F2 population from the cross, which could be regarded as near isogenic lines (NIL) with the targeted QTL (QTL-NIL), was used to collect heading date and plant height data. The frequency distribution of the two traits in the BC1F2 population was bimodal, and their segregation ratios were in accordance with the expected Mendelian inheritance ratios. Normally, the short plants flowered early in the population, the high plants with late heading date, but the relationships between the plant height and the heading date of 6 plants conflicted with the case. The above results clearly demonstrated that QTL could be treated as single Mendelian factor. Moreover, there are two close linked genes controlling the heading date and the plant height on chromosome 7, respectively.  相似文献   

There are generally four recognized classes of japonica rice cultivars grown in the lower region of the Yangtze River valley. The geographical distribution of the four classes is latitude-dependent. Variation for heading date (HD) among 29 japonica rice cultivars grown in the lower region of the Yangtze River valley and belonging to the four classes was characterized, and their sensitivity to variations in photoperiod and temperature was analyzed. All of the cultivars were sensitive to both photoperiod and temperature. A regression analysis showed that HD is closely correlated with photoperiod sensitivity (PS). The PS of the four classes increased gradually from the medium maturing middle (MMM) types, through the late maturing middle (LMM) and early maturing late (EML) types to the medium maturing late (MML) types. Crosses with tester lines established that almost all of the cultivars carry the dominant early-heading allele at Ef-1 , the photoperiod insensitive allele e2 and the PS alleles E1 or E1t . Most of the MMM, LMM and MML types carry the insensitive allele e3 , while EML types have either E3 or E3t . At Se-1 , MMM and LMM types have Se-1e , some EML types have Se-1e and others Se-1n , while the MML types are mostly Se-1n . The PS of some MMM, LMM and EML types is reduced by the presence of hd2 . These results show that the distribution of the four rice cultivar classes from high latitude to low latitude regions depended on a gradual increase in PS, which is mainly determined by its HD genotypes.  相似文献   

一个新的水稻迟熟性基因的遗传分析和分子标记定位   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
中籼迟熟水稻品系8987含未知的长生育期基因,在杂交水稻育种中有重要的利用价值,应用该品系与4个不同生态类型的水稻品种杂交,对其F1和F2群体进行生育期调查和遗传分析,确认8987的长生育期受1对隐性主效基因控制。以(8987X地谷)F2群体为基础,应用RFLP和微卫星标记结合群分法,发现第7染色体的RFLP标记C213与该基因连锁;进一步应用F2分离群体将该基因定位于第7染色体上,暂定名为lf-3。此基因的发现和定位将有助于分子标记辅助选择和杂交水稻的改良。  相似文献   

尚江源  淳雁  李学勇 《植物学报》2021,56(5):520-532
穗型是决定水稻(Oryza sativa)产量的关键因素之一。我们从粳稻品种圣稻808 (SD808)的EMS诱变突变体库中发现4份短穗突变体,这些突变体的穗长、一级枝梗数、二级枝梗数和穗粒数发生不同程度的降低。基因定位和图位克隆表明,这些突变体的表型受同一基因控制,将该基因命名为PAL3 (PANICLE LENGT...  相似文献   

Boron (B) is an essential micronutrient for higher plants. There is wide genetic variation in the response to B deficiency among plant species and cultivars. The objective of this study was to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) that control B efficiency in natural Arabidopsis accessions. The B efficiency coefficient (BEC) and seed yield under low B conditions (SYLB) were investigated by solution culture in two separate experiments in an Arabidopsis recombinant inbred line (RIL) population. Both of the traits studied exhibited high transgressive variation in the RIL population, and, in total, five and three QTL were identified for BEC and SYLB, respectively. Three of the five QTL, including the QTL, AtBE1-2, that has a large effect on the BEC, were found at the interval of the corresponding QTL for SYLB in both experiments. The close genetic relationship between BEC and SYLB was further confirmed by conditional QTL mapping in the RIL population and unconditional QTL mapping in an AtBE1-2-segregated F(2) population. Epistatic interactions for the tested traits were analysed, and were found to be widespread in the detected QTL of Arabidopsis in the RIL population. Comparison of the QTL interval for B efficiency with reported B-related genes showed that 10 B-related genes, together with one BOR1 homolog (BOR5, At1g74810) were located in the QTL region of AtBE1-2. These results suggest that natural variation in B efficiency in Arabidopsis has a complex molecular basis. They also provide a basis for fine mapping and cloning of the B-efficiency genes, with the ultimate aim of discovering the physiological mechanism of action of the genes.  相似文献   

水稻(Oryza sativa)的高产优质是我国粮食安全的重要保障,也是育种家一直追求的目标。水稻籽粒灌浆速率(GFR)是一个重要而复杂的农艺性状,直接影响籽粒充实度、粒重和米质。目前,快速灌浆的优良水稻品种缺乏,可供育种利用的相关优异基因资源有限,已成为制约水稻产量和品质进一步提高的瓶颈。相对于水稻的其它农艺性状,G...  相似文献   

Heterosis is an important phenomenon, and the molecular mechanisms underlying heterosis are still enigmatic. microRNAs (miRNAs) play vital roles in many aspects of plant development. A set of miRNAs was selected to investigate the roles of miRNAs in heterosis displayed in a superhybrid rice. We analysed the expression patterns of miRNAs in different organs and developmental stages of the superhybrid rice and its parental lines. All possible modes of miRNA action were observed, including additive, high‐ and low‐parent value, above high‐ and below low‐parent value. Different organs and developmental stages exhibited different modes of miRNA expression. Overall, the non‐additive mode is the predominant expression pattern of miRNAs observed in this superhybrid. Many heterotic QTL intervals harbour miRNAs, whose expression patterns reveal their specific roles in different organs and developmental stages. miRNAs regulate the expression levels of target genes that have important functions in plant development. The predominant non‐additive mode of miRNA expression pattern in the hybrid suggests that miRNAs play critical roles in hybrid development, in particular, those miRNAs located in the heterotic QTL intervals may have important roles in heterosis. Our research sheds new light on understanding of the molecular mechanisms of heterosis.  相似文献   

A set of 148 F9 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) was developed from the cross of an indica cultivar 93-11 and japonica cultivar DTI13, showing strong F1 heterosis. Subsequently, two backcross F1 (BCFI) populations were constructed by backcrossing these 148 RILs to two parents, 93-11 and DT713. These three related populations (281BCF1 lines, 148 RILs) were phenotyped for six yield-related traits in two locations. Significant inbreeding depression was detected in the population of RILS and a high level of heterosis was observed in the two BCF1 populations. A total of 42 main-effect quantitative trait loci (M-QTLs) and 109 epistatic effect QTL pairs (E-QTLs) were detected in the three related populations using the mixed model approach. By comparing the genetic effects of these QTLs detected in the RILs, BCF1 performance and mid-parental heterosis (HMp), we found that, in both BCF1 populations, the QTLs detected could be classified into two predominant types: additive and over-dominant loci, which indicated that the additive and over-dominant effect were more important than complete or partially dominance for M-QTLs and E-QTLs. Further, we found that the E-QTLs detected collectively explained a larger portion of the total phenotypic variation than the M-QTLs in both RILs and BCF1 populations. All of these results suggest that additive and over-dominance resulting from epistatic loci might be the primary genetic basis of heterosis in rice.  相似文献   

水稻分蘖角度的QTL定位和主效基因的遗传分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
利用水稻籼粳亚种间组合Asominori×IR24重组自交系(RIL)群体71个株系和相应的全基因组染色体片段置换系(Chromosomesegmentsubstitutionline,CSSL)群体65个株系,在2种环境下对分蘖角度性状进行了数量性状基因座(QTL)定位和上位性效应的遗传分析。在两种群体中都出现了分蘖角度的超亲分离。在RIL群体中发现了5个主效QTLs和3对上位性双位点互作标记基因座,控制水稻分蘖角度。其中在第9染色体上位于XNpb108~C506RFLP分子标记区间的qTA-9基因座在2种环境中同时出现,其贡献率平均为28·6%,增加分蘖角度的等位基因来自籼稻品种IR24。利用CSSL群体图示基因型分析,证实在第9染色体上含有RFLP标记C609和C506约15cM的染色体区段,存在增加分蘖角度的基因,来源于染色体片段供体亲本IR24,在Asominori的遗传背景中能增加分蘖角度约15°,该基因的位置与RIL群体在第9染色体上定位的QTL相同,证实了qTA-9的存在。F1表型测定及F2代遗传分析表明,来自IR24的等位基因是一个不完全显性基因。除一对上位性位点存在显著的环境互作效应外,未发现其他位点存在与环境的互作效应。不同基因的加性效应和双位点的上位性效应的共同作用可能是造成水稻分蘖角度超亲分离的主要原因。  相似文献   

水稻对叶瘟和穗瘟部分抗性的遗传分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在一个水稻籼籼交重组自交系群体中,选用由感病株系构成的2个亚群体和2个不同的稻瘟病菌小种,进行了水稻对叶瘟部分抗性的QTL定位,还选用由感病而且抽穗期相近的株系构成的亚群体和另一个病菌小种,进行了水稻对穗瘟部分抗性的QTL定位,将病叶面积百分比(DLA)、病斑大小(LS)和病斑数(LN)作为对叶瘟部分抗性的性状,将病斑长度(LL)和孢子量(CA)作为对穗瘟部分抗性的性状。所构建的图谱包含168个标记。应用QTLMapper 1.01b,共检测到11个表现主效应的QTL和28对双因子互作,有3个表现主效应的QTL参与对同一性状的互作。QTL的主效应对单一性状的贡献率为4.7%~38.8%,而上位性效应对单一性状的贡献率为16.0%~51.7%,QTL的主效应对大多数性状的贡献率小于互作效应,表明互作效应对于部分抗性的重要作用。对穗瘟部分抗性的两个性状LL和CA,所检测到QTL总效应的贡献率分别达到70.6%和82.6%,表明由排除了主效抗病基因的感病株系组成的亚群体适合于进行部分抗性QTL定位。  相似文献   

We investigated the natural variations in the flag leaf morphology of rice. We conducted a principal component analysis based on nine flag leaf morphology traits using 103 accessions from the National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences Core Collection. The first component explained 39% of total variance, and the variable with highest loading was the width of the flag leaf (WFL). A genome-wide association analysis of 102 diverse Japanese accessions revealed that marker RM6992 on chromosome 4 was highly associated with WFL. In analyses of progenies derived from a cross between Takanari and Akenohoshi, the most significant quantitative trait locus (QTL) for WFL was in a 10.3-kb region containing the NARROW LEAF 1 (NAL1) gene, located 0.4 Mb downstream of RM6992. Analyses of chromosomal segment substitution lines indicated that a mutation (G1509A single-nucleotide mutation, causing an R233H amino acid substitution in NAL1) was present at the QTL. This explained 13 and 20% of total variability in WFL and the distance between small vascular bundles, respectively. The mutation apparently occurred during rice domestication and spread into japonica, tropical japonica, and indica subgroups. Notably, one accession, Phulba, had a NAL1 allele encoding only the N-terminal, or one-fourth, of the wild-type peptide. Given that the Phulba allele and the histidine-type allele showed essentially the same phenotype, the histidine-type allele was regarded as malfunctional. The phenotypes of transgenic plants varied depending on the ratio of histidine-type alleles to arginine-type alleles, raising the possibility that H233-type products function differently from and compete with R233-type products.  相似文献   

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