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Low density lipoproteins (LDL) were conjugated to colloidal gold to visualize the route for internalization of LDL in the cultured cells of human term placenta. Cells were obtained from placental villi (caesarian section) by a standard trypsin-DNase dispersion method followed in some cases by a Percoll gradient centrifugation step. Employing electron microscopy it was observed that after 3 days of culture, cells obtained by trypsin-DNase dispersion were a mixture of macrophages, mononucleated cells and large multinucleated cells. When the cells were incubated for 3 days after the Percoll purification, essentially multinucleated cells identical to the syncytiotrophoblast were present. The number of LDL receptor was increased by preincubation in medium with lipoprotein depleted serum. In binding experiments cells incubated at 4 degrees C for 2 h with medium containing gold LDL conjugates showed gold LDL attached to the plasma membrane without characteristic localization. After incubation with gold LDL at 37 degrees C for various times, the three cellular types showed ligand internalization. Gold LDL endocytosis involved first coated pits but also uncoated plasmalemmal invaginations. Then gold LDL was further observed in coated and non coated vesicles, smooth walled endosomes, multivesicular bodies and tubular vesicles. Lastly free gold particles were observed in lysosome like dense bodies. These results prove the internalization of gold LDL conjugates by human cultured placental cells, particularly by syncytiotrophoblast like multinucleated cells. This accumulation of LDL (the major cholesterol carrying protein in humans) is recognised to be responsible for the exogenous cholesterol supply indispensable to the progesterone biosynthesis and cellular growth of the placenta.  相似文献   

Summary Low density lipoproteins (LDL) were conjugated to colloidal gold to visualize the route for internalization of LDL in the cultured cells of human term placenta. Cells were obtained from placental villi (caesarian section) by a standard trypsin-DNase dispersion method followed in some cases by a Percoll gradient centrifugation step. Employing electron microscopy it was observed that after 3 days of culture, cells obtained by trypsin-DNAse dispersion were a mixture of macrophages, mononucleated cells and large multinucleated cells. When the cells were incubated for 3 days after the Percoll purification, essentially multinucleated cells identical to the syncytiotrophoblast were present. The number of LDL receptor was increased by preincubation in medium with lipoprotein depleted serum. In binding experiments cells incubated at 4° C for 2 h with medium containing gold LDL conjugates showed gold LDL attached to the plasma membrane without characteristic localization. After incubation with gold LDL at 37° C for various times, the three cellular types showed ligand internalization. Gold LDL endocytosis involved first coated pits but also uncoated plasmalemmal invaginations. Then gold LDL was further observed in coated and non coated vesicles, smooth walled endosomes, multivesicular bodies and tubular vesicles. Lastly free gold particles were observed in lysosome like dense bodies. These results prove the internalization of gold LDL conjugates by human cultured placental cells, particularly by syncytiotrophoblast like multinucleated cells. This accumulation of LDL (the major cholesterol carrying protein in humans) is recognised to be responsable for the exogenous cholesterol supply indispensable to the progesterone biosynthesis and cellular growth of the placenta.  相似文献   

Cells of an epidermoid cancer cell line of human uterine cervix, which possessed a high-affinity, specific receptor for low density lipoprotein (LDL), internalized and degraded [125I]iodo-LDL at a very low rate. In these cells, LDL did not stimulate cholesteryl ester synthesis, nor did it suppress 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase to the same extent as in the control cells. The binding of [125I]iodo-LDL by these cells was not decreased by preincubation of the cells in medium containing LDL. Using ferritin-labeled LDL (F-LDL) and electron microscopy, it was determined that at 4 degrees C the cells bound F-LDL in the same way as other cancer cell lines that did not have a defect in internalization. When these cells were warmed to 37 degrees C the F-LDL remained on the surface, whereas in cells from control cancer cell lines the F-LDL was internalized and was no longer observed on the cell surface. On the basis of the results of these studies it is concluded that cells of this epidermoid cancer cell line have a defective ability to internalize LDL.  相似文献   

We have prepared a conjugate of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and ferritin that retains substantial binding affinity for cell receptors and is biologically active. Glutaraldehyde-activated EGF was covalently linked to ferritin to produce a conjugate that contained EGF and ferritin in a 1:1 molar ratio. The conjugate was separated from free ferritin by affinity chromatography using antibodies to EGF. Monolayers of human epithelioid carcinoma cells (A-431) were incubated with EGF:ferritin at 4 degrees C and processed for transmission electron microscopy. Under these conditions, approximately 6 X 10(5) molecules of EGF:ferritin bound to the plasma membrane of each cell. In the presence of excess native EGF, the number of bound ferritin particles was reduced by 99%, indicating that EGF:ferritin binds specifically to cellular EGF receptors. At 37 degrees C, cell-bound EGF:ferritin rapidly redistributed in the plane of the plasma membrane to form small groups that were subsequently internalized into pinocytic vesicles. By 2.5 min at 37 degrees C, 32% of the cell-bound EGF:ferritin was localized in vesicles. After 2.5 min, there was a decrease in the proportion of conjugate in vesicles with a concomitant accumulation of EGF:ferritin in multivesicular bodies. By 30 min, 84% of the conjugate was located in structures morphologically identified as multivesicular bodies or lysosomes. These results are consistent with other morphological and biochemical studies utilizing 125I-EGF and fluorescein-conjugated EGF.  相似文献   

K Kurihara  K Hosoi  T Ueha 《Enzyme》1992,46(4-5):213-220
Hydrolysis of extracellular ATP and other nucleoside phosphates by A-431 human epidermoidal carcinoma cells was studied. The hydrolysis of extracellular ATP by these cells required either Mg2+ or Ca2+, and either cation could be replaced by Co2+, Fe2+, or Mn2+. Nucleoside triphosphates (ATP, GTP, CTP, UTP, and dTTP), but not nucleoside diphosphates, were hydrolyzed by the cells with Km and Vmax values similar to those for ATP (0.9-1.1 mmol/l and 6-10 nmol Pi formed/10(6) cells, respectively). The hydrolysis of ATP was inhibited strongly by ATP-gamma S and AMPPNP, and weakly by AMPCPP and ADP-beta S, but not by AMPCPP or AMPCP. Since the hydrolysis of [gamma-32P]ATP was inhibited by all these nucleoside triphosphates, the binding site for ATP is presumed to be the same as that for the other nucleoside triphosphates. All these results indicate that ecto-ATPase activity associated with A-431 cells is due to ecto-nucleoside triphosphatase. The nucleotide specificity shown in the present study indicates that ecto-nucleoside triphosphatase associated with A-431 cells is a molecule different from P2-purinergic receptors which can be stimulated specifically with nucleoside phosphates like ATP, ADP, UTP, UDP, and GTP, but not by other nucleotides.  相似文献   

Human monocyte-macrophages in culture express specific receptors for low density lipoproteins (LDL receptor) and human acetylated LDL (AcLDL receptors or scavenger receptors). After 24 h in lipoprotein-deficient serum, the cells expressed 2-3 fold more AcLDL receptors than LDL receptors as measured by trypsin releasable radioactivity after exposure to 125I-LDL or 125I-AcLDL at 37 degrees C. The efficiency of intracellular ligand delivery by the two receptors was evaluated as an internalization index (defined as intracellular + degraded/bound ligand). This index was several fold greater for 125I-AcLDL than for 125I-LDL, in the same cells exposed to either ligand under identical conditions. These results suggest that the scavenger receptors recycle more rapidly than do LDL receptors.  相似文献   

Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) uptake was used to measure fluid-phase pinocytosis in monolayers of human epithelioid carcinoma cells (A-431). Histochemistry confirmed that cell-associated HRP was restricted to intracellular vesicles. Biochemical methods showed that HRP uptake in control cultures was directly proportional to the duration of exposure. The addition of low concentrations of epidermal growth factor (EGF) to the incubation media produced a 10-fold increase in the initial rate of pinocytosis. The EGF effect was rapid (within 30 s) but transient; the rate of pinocytosis returned to control levels within 15 min. Metabolic inhibitors reduced the EGF-stimulated rate of pinocytosis by greater than 90%. A conjugate of EGF and ferritin (F:EGF) was used to simultaneously compare the intracellular locations of EGF and HRP. Much of F:EGF was internalized in approximately 100-nm vesicles, while most of the HRP was located in much larger vesicles (range 0.1--1.2 micrometer) which also contained F:EGF. The tumor-promoter 12-0-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate, which shares several biological activities with EGF, was also effective in stimulating an increase in the rate of pinocytosis.  相似文献   

125I-labeled and ferritin-labeled low density lipoprotein (LDL) were used as visual probes to study the surface distribution of LDL receptors and to examine the mechanism of the endocytosis of this lipoprotein in cultured human fibrobasts. Light microscopic autoradiograms of whole cells incubated with 125I-LDL at 4 degrees C showed that LDL receptors were widely but unevenly distributed over the cell surface. With the electron microscope, we determined that 60-70% of the ferritin-labeled LDL that bound to cells at 4 degrees C was localized over short coated segments of the plasma membrane that accounted for no more than 2% of the total surface area. To study the internalization process, cells were first allowed to bind ferritin-labeled LDL at 4 degrees C and were then warmed to 37 degrees C. Within 10 min, nearly all the surface-bound LDL-ferritin was incorporated into coated endocytic vesicles that were formed by the invagination and pinching-off of the coated membrane regions that contained the receptor-bound LDL. With increasing time at 37 degrees C, these coated vesicles were observed sequentially to migrate through the cytoplasm (1 min), to lose their cytoplasmic coat (2 min), and to fuse with either primary or secondary lysosomes (6 min). The current data indicate that the coated regions of plasma membrane are specialized structures of rapid turnover that function to carry receptor-bound LDL, and perhaps other receptor-bound molecules, into the cell.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor (EGF) induces rapid rounding of A-431 human epidermoid carcinoma cells in Ca(++)-free medium. Cell rounding is not induced by a variety of other polypeptide hormones, antiserum to cell membranes, local anesthetics, colchicine, cytochalasin B, or cyclic nucleotides. However, trypsin, like EGF, induces rounding of A- 431 cells in the absence of Ca(++). Both trypsin- and EGF-induced rounding are temperature dependent, appear to be energy dependent, and are inhibited by cytochalasins, suggesting that the active participation of microfilaments in cell rounding. However, a medium transfer experiment suggests that EGF-induced rounding is not attributable to secretion of a protease, and a number of serine protease inhibitors have no effect on the EGF-induced rounding process. Cell rounding is not attributable to the slight stimulation by EGF of the release of Ca(++) that is observed in the Ca(++)-free medium, as stimulation of such release by the ionophore A23187 neither induces cell rounding nor blocks EGF-induced rounding. Cells that have rounded up after treatment with EGF or trypsin spread out upon addition of Ca(++) to the medium, even in the continuing presence of EGF or typsin. Like the cell-rounding process, the cell-spreading process is temperature dependent, appears to be energy dependent, and is inhibited by cytochalasin B. Thus, EGF does not destroy the ability of the cell to spread; rather, in the presence of the EGF (or trypsin), cell spreading and the maintenance of the flattened state become dependent on external Ca(++). Because untreated cells remain flattened in the absence of Ca(++), the data suggest that EGF may disrupt Ca(++)-independent mechanisms of adhesion normally present in A-431 cells.  相似文献   

Human adipose tissue derives its cholesterol primarily from circulating lipoproteins. To study fat cell-lipoprotein interactions, low density lipoprotein (LDL) uptake and metabolism were examined using isolated human adipocytes. The 125I-labelled LDL (d = 1.025-1.045) was bound and incorporated by human fat cells in a dose-dependent manner with an apparent Km of 6.9 + 0.9 microgram LDL protein/mL and a Vmax of 15-80 microgram LDL protein/mg lipid per 2 h. In time-course studies, LDL uptake was characterized by rapid initial binding followed by a linear accumulation for at least 4 h. The 125I-labelled LDL degradation products (trichloroacetic acid soluble iodopeptides) accumulated in the incubation medium in a progressive manner with time. Azide and F- inhibited LDL internalization and degradation, suggesting that these processes are energy dependent. Binding and cellular internalization of 125I-labelled LDL lacked lipoprotein class specificity in that excess (25-fold) unlabelled very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) (d less than 1.006) and high density lipoprotein (HDL) (d = 1.075-1.21) inhibited binding and internalization of 125I-labelled LDL. On an equivalent protein basis HDL was the most potent. The 125I-labelled LDL binding to an adipocyte plasma membrane preparation was a saturable process and almost completely abolished by a three- to four-fold greater concentration of HDL. The binding, internalization, and degradation of LDL by human adipocytes resembled that reported by other mesenchymal cells and could account for a significant proportion of in vivo LDL catabolism. It is further suggested that adipose tissue is an important site of LDL and HDL interactions.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1987,105(6):2751-2762
Epidermal growth factor (EGF) rapidly stimulates receptor autophosphorylation in A-431 cells. After 1 min the phosphorylated receptor can be identified at the plasma membrane using an anti- phosphotyrosine antibody. With further incubation at 37 degrees C, approximately 50% of the phosphorylated EGF receptor was internalized (t1/2 = 5 min) and associated with the tubulovesicular system and later with multivesicular bodies, but not the nucleus. During this period, there was no change in the extent or sites of phosphorylation. At all times the phosphotyrosine remained on the cytoplasmic side of the membrane, opposite to the EGF ligand identified by anti-EGF antibody. These data indicate that (a) the tyrosine-phosphorylated EGF receptor is internalized in its activated form providing a mechanism for translocation of the receptor kinase to substrates in the cell interior; (b) the internalized receptor remains intact for at least 60 min, does not associate with the nucleus, and does not generate any tyrosine-phosphorylated fragments; and (c) tyrosine phosphorylation alone is not the signal for receptor internalization.  相似文献   

Functional state of internalized epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor in A-431 cells has been studied. The use of photoaffinity [125I]EGF derivative allowed us to establish that inside the cell the EGF retains its connection with the receptor. With the help of polyclonal antibodies to phosphotyrosine, it has been shown that EGF-receptor complexes maintain their phosphorylated state during internalization. The internalized EGF receptor kinase as well as that localized in the plasma membrane appeared to be able to phosphorylate synthetic peptide substrate introduced into the cell.  相似文献   

In order to characterize more fully the mechanism by which casein kinase II is regulated in mammalian cells, the effect of epidermal growth factor (EGF) on the activity of the kinase in human A-431 carcinoma cells was examined. Treatment of cells with EGF prior to lysis consistently resulted in a transient 4-fold increase in the activity of cytosolic casein kinase II. Activity rose sharply between 20 and 30 min, peaked at approximately 50 min, and returned to basal levels by approximately 120 min. Similar results were obtained using the casein kinase II specific peptide substrate, Arg-Arg-Arg-Glu-Glu-Glu-Thr-Glu-Glu-Glu, or DNA topoisomerase II (which is specifically modified by the kinase in vivo and serves as a high affinity substrate in vitro) as the phosphate acceptor in assays. Identification of casein kinase II as the stimulated activity was confirmed by partial proteolytic mapping and phosphoamino acid analysis of modified topoisomerase II, by inhibition at nanomolar levels of heparin or micromolar levels of nonradioactive GTP, and by the ability to employ radioactive GTP as a direct phosphate donor. The EGF stimulation of casein kinase II was dependent on the availability of intracellular (but not extracellular) calcium. In addition, hormonal action was modulated by calcium/phospholipid-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase C). Casein kinase II stimulation did not require an increase in the concentration of the kinase, protein synthesis, the continual presence of a small effector molecule, or a direct interaction with the EGF receptor/tyrosine kinase. In contrast, hormonal activation of the kinase was dependent on the phosphorylation of casein kinase II or a terminal stimulatory factor.  相似文献   

Pretreatment of cultured human fibroblasts by cyclic AMP resulted in a marked decrease in the binding and internalization of the low density lipoproteins (about 55% of controls for cyclic AMP 2.10(-3) M). This effect was dose dependent and increased by theophyllin. DL propranolol, an inhibitor of adenylcyclase, had an opposite effect. Isoproterenol, which stimulates adenylcyclase, reproduced the effect of cyclic AMP. The cholesterol synthesis from [2-14C] acetate was decreased by cyclic AMP, theophyllin and isoproterenol, and increased by propranolol. The incorporation of [1-14C] oleate into cholesteryl esters was reduced by cyclic AMP, theophyllin, isoproterenol and propranolol.  相似文献   

A double antibody radioimmunoassay technique was developed for the measurement of apolipoprotein A-I, the major apoprotein of human high density lipoproteins. Apolipoprotein A-I was prepared from human delipidated high density lipoprotein (d equal to 1.085-1.210) by gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography. Purified apolipoprotein A-I antibodies were obtained by means of apolipoprotein A-I immunoadsorbent. Apolipoprotein A-I was radiolabeled with 125-I by the iodine monochloride technique. 65-80% of 125 I-labeled apolipoprotein A-I could be bound by the different apolipoprotein A-I antibodies, and more than 95% of the 125-I-labeled apolipoprotein A-I was displaced by unlabeled apolipoprotein A-I. The immunoassay was found to be sensitive for the detection of about 10 ng of apolipoprotein A-I in the incubation mixture, and accurate with a variability of only 3-5% (S.E.M.). This technique enables the quantitation of apolipoprotein A-I in whole plasma or high density lipoprotein without the need of delipidation. The quantitation of apolipoprotein A-I in high density lipoprotein was found similar to that obtained by gel filtration technique. The displacement capacity of the different lipoproteins and apoproteins in comparison to unlabeled apolipoprotein A-I was: very low density lipoprotein, 1.8%; low density lipoprotein, 2.6%; high density lipoprotein, 68%; apolipoprotein B, non-detectable; apolipoprotein C, 0.5%; and apolipoprotein A-II, 4%. The distribution of immunoassayable apolipoprotein A-I among the different plasma lipoproteins was as follows: smaller than 1% in very low density lipoprotein and low density lipoprotein; 50% in high density lipoprotein, and 50% in lipoprotein fraction of density greater than 1.21 g/ml. The amount of apolipoprotein A-I in the latter fraction was found to be related to the number of centrifugations.  相似文献   

The rate of degradation of oxidatively modified low density lipoprotein (Ox-LDL) by human endothelial cells was similar to that of unmodified low density lipoprotein (LDL), and was approximately 2-fold greater than the rate of degradation of acetylated LDL (Ac-LDL). While LDL and Ac-LDL both stimulated cholesterol esterification in endothelial cells, Ox-LDL inhibited cholesterol esterification by 34%, demonstrating a dissociation between the degradation of Ox-LDL and its ability to stimulate cholesterol esterification. Further, while LDL and Ac-LDL resulted in a 5- and 15-fold increase in cholesteryl ester accumulation, respectively, Ox-LDL caused only a 1.3-fold increase in cholesteryl ester mass. These differences could be accounted for, in part, by the reduced cholesteryl ester content of Ox-LDL. However, when endothelial cells were incubated with Ac-LDL in the presence and absence of Ox-LDL, Ox-LDL led to a dose-dependent inhibition of cholesterol esterification without affecting the degradation of Ac-LDL. This inhibitory effect of Ox-LDL on cholesteryl ester synthesis was also manifest in normal human skin fibroblasts incubated with LDL and in LDL-receptor-negative fibroblasts incubated with unesterified cholesterol to stimulate cholesterol esterification. Further, the lipid extract from Ox-LDL inhibited cholesterol esterification in LDL-receptor negative fibroblasts. These findings suggest that the inhibition of cholesterol esterification by oxidized LDL is independent of the LDL and scavenger receptors and may be a result of translocation of a lipid component of oxidatively modified LDL across the cell membrane.  相似文献   

Morphological and biochemical studies on low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor metabolism were performed in squamous carcinoma cells (SCC-15 and SCC-12F2). Modulation of terminal differentiation was achieved by culturing these cells at different cell densities. Studies on these cells cultured at low density (hardly any terminal differentiation) showed the following results: High affinity binding of LDL was excessive; LDL binding to SCC-15 cells was twice as high as that in SCC-12F2 cells and in fibroblasts. The distribution of the LDL binding visualized by LDL receptor antibodies was non-linear. There was no contact inhibition of LDL binding. LDL-gold particles were mainly bound to the plasma membrane outside coated pits. LDL-gold particles were internalized and delivered to dense bodies (= lysosomes). Degradation of LDL took place after a lag period of 10 min. Dissociation of LDL from the plasma membrane was substantial (more than 40% after a 120 min chase period). The same experiments on the cells cultured at high density (terminal differentiation present) showed several differences: A sharp decrease in high affinity LDL binding in both cell types. The internalization of surface bound LDL was defective in most of the squamous carcinoma cells. Dissociation of LDL from the plasma membrane was substantial, and after a chase period of 120 min at 37 degrees C still more than 20% of LDL remained intracellular and was not degraded. We postulate that LDL receptor-mediated endocytosis and degradation take place in squamous carcinoma cells but that during the process of terminal differentiation modulation of LDL-receptor metabolism occurs.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The intracellular proteasome distribution in A-431 cells was shown using methods of cell fractionation and immunofluorescence. In growing cells the distribution of proteasomes was EGF-dependent. In unstimulated cells and within 30 min of EGF treatment, proteasomes were localized in the cytoplasm and nuclei, but not on the plasma membrane. After 30 min of EGF treatment they were observed on the plasma membrane as well. In A-431 cells cultivated for 24 h in the medium with a lowered serum concentration, proteasomes were detected on the plasma membrane already in unstimulated cells. It is suggested that dephosphorylation of the EGF receptor and signalling proteins in unstimulated cells may depend on the proteolytic activity of proteasomes.  相似文献   

Phosphorylated receptors of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) were localized in the human epidermoid carcinoma cells using immunofluorescent staining with antibody to phosphotyrosine. The application of EGF at 4 degrees C was seen to induce a characteristic fluorescence of the cell margins, whereas no cell staining occurs in the absence of EGF. After a 1 hour incubation of cells at 37 degrees C, within which the internalized EGF receptor complexes are accumulated in the juxtanuclear compartment near the para-Golgi region, the staining with antiphosphotyrosine antibody reveals the receptors in this region. It is concluded that the internalized EGF-receptor complexes may remain in the phosphorylated state.  相似文献   

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