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The interaction of covalently cross-linked double-stranded (ds) DNA gels and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) is investigated. The volume transition of the gels that follows the absorption of the oppositely charged surfactant from aqueous solution is studied. As do other polyelectrolyte networks, DNA networks form complexes with oppositely charged surfactant micelles at surfactant concentrations far below the critical micelle concentration (cmc) of the polymer-free solution. The size of the absorbed surfactant aggregates is determined from time-resolved fluorescence quenching (TRFQ). At low surfactant concentrations, small discrete micelles (160 < N < 210) are found, whereas large micelles (N > 500) form at surfactant concentrations of 1 mM. When the DNA is in excess of the surfactant, the surfactant binding is essentially quantitative. The gel volume decreases by 90% when the surfactant to DNA charge ratio, beta, increases from 0 to 1.  相似文献   

The efficiencies of the binary liposomes composed of 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine and cationic gemini surfactant, (2S,3R)-2,3-dimethoxy-1,4-bis(N-hexadecyl-N,N-dimethylammonium)butane dibromide as transfection vectors, were measured using the enhanced green fluorescent protein coding plasmid and COS-1 cells. Strong correlation between the transfection efficiency and lipid stoichiometry was observed. Accordingly, liposomes with X(SR-1) > or = 0.50 conveyed the enhanced green fluorescent protein coding plasmid effectively into cells. The condensation of DNA by liposomes with X(SR-1) > 0.50 was indicated by static light scattering and ethidium bromide intercalation assay, whereas differential scanning calorimetry and fluorescence anisotropy of diphenylhexatriene revealed stoichiometry dependent reorganization in the headgroup region of the liposome bilayer, in alignment with our previous Langmuir-balance study. Surface charge density and the organization of positive charges appear to determine the mode of interaction of DNA with (2S,3R)-2,3-dimethoxy-1,4-bis(N-hexadecyl-N,N-dimethylammonium)butane dibromide/1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine liposomes, only resulting in DNA condensation when X(SR-1) > 0.50. Condensation of DNA in turn seems to be required for efficient transfection.  相似文献   

The dilational rheological properties of gelatin with cationic gemini surfactant 1,2-ethane bis(dimethyl dodecyl ammonium bromide) (C(12)C(2)C(12)) at air/water interface were investigated using oscillating barriers method at low frequency (0.005-0.1 Hz), which was compared with single-chain surfactant dodecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (DTAB). The results indicate that the maximum dilational modulus and the film stability of gelatin-C(12)C(2)C(12) are higher than those of gelatin-DTAB. At high concentration of C(12)C(2)C(12) or DTAB, the dilational modulus of gelatin-surfactant system becomes close to that corresponding to pure surfactant, suggesting gelatin at interface is replaced by surfactant. This replacement is also observed by surface tension measurement. However, it is found that gelatin-C(12)C(2)C(12) system has two obvious breaks but gelatin-DTAB has not in surface tension isotherms. These phenomena are ascribed to the double charges and strong hydrophobicity of C(12)C(2)C(12). Based on these experimental results, a mechanism of gelatin-surfactant interaction at air/water interface is proposed.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2014,49(4):623-630
Herein, we report the effect of N,N-bis(dodecyloxycarbonylmethyl)-N,N,N,N-tetramethyl-1,2-ethanediammonium dibromide (dodecyl betainate gemini or DBG) on the structure and function of bovine serum albumin (BSA) by using fluorescence, time resolved fluorescence, circular dichroism and dynamic light scattering techniques. The Stern–Volmer quenching constants KSV and the corresponding thermodynamic parameters viz ΔH, ΔG and ΔS have been estimated by the fluorescence quenching method. The results indicated that DBG binds spontaneously with BSA through hydrophobic interaction. Time resolved fluorescence data show that the quenching follows the static mechanism pathway. It can be seen from far-UV CD spectra that the α-helical network of BSA is disrupted and its content increases from 71% to 79% at lower concentrations which again decreases to 38% at higher concentration. DLS measurements suggested that hydrodynamic radius (Rh) decreases in the presence of 30 and 40 μM of DBG while it increases when the concentration of DBG was 70 and 100 μM. The molecular docking study indicated that DBG is embedded into subdomain IIA of BSA and binds with the R-914, R-195 and R-217 residues by hydrogen bonding and by hydrophobic interaction.  相似文献   

Interaction between casein and the oppositely charged surfactant   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Liu Y  Guo R 《Biomacromolecules》2007,8(9):2902-2908
The interactions between the classical cationic surfactant dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB) and 2.0 mg/mL casein were investigated using isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), turbidity, dynamic light scattering (DLS), and fluorescence spectra measurements. The results suggest that the cationic headgroup of the surfactant individually binds to the negatively charged amino acid sites on the casein chains because of the electrostatic attraction upon the addition of DTAB. When the surfactant concentration reaches a critical value c1, DTAB forms micelle-like aggregates on the casein chain, resulting in the formation of insoluble casein/DTAB complexes. Further addition of DTAB leads to the redissolution of casein/DTAB complexes because of the net positive charge on casein/DTAB complexes and the formation of DTAB free micelles. The addition of salt screens the repulsion between the surfactant headgroups and the attraction between casein and surfactant molecules, which weakens the binding of surfactant onto the casein chain, favoring the formation of free surfactant micelles.  相似文献   

Chen Z  Liu G  Chen M  Peng Y  Wu M 《Analytical biochemistry》2009,384(2):337-653
A new high-sensitivity detection of protein assay at the nanogram level is proposed based on the decreased resonance light scattering (RLS) signals of zwitterionic gemini surfactant (phosphodiesters quaternary ammonium salt [PQAS]). It was found that PQAS self-assembled into nanometer-scale PQAS aggregates, which induced intense RLS signal in Britton-Robinson (BR) buffer solution (pH 10.5). Under the optimum conditions, the RLS intensity quenching extent of PQAS aggregation was in proportion to the concentration of proteins in the range of 0.0012-1.08 μg/ml for bovine serum albumin, 0.0015-0.95 μg/ml for human serum albumin, and 0.0025-1.3 μg/ml for γ-globulin. The detection limits were 0.8, 1.2, and 2.0 ng/ml, respectively. The proposed method was successfully applied to determine total protein in human serum samples, and the results were identical to those obtained by the Bradford assay. The mechanism of interaction between PQAS and protein was studied using RLS, fluorescence, and time-resolved fluorescence, which indicated that the new complex formed between them, disaggregating self-aggregation of PQAS, resulted in the dominated quenching of RLS signal of the assay system.  相似文献   

Langmuir isotherms, fluorescence microscopy, and atomic force microscopy were used to study lung surfactant specific proteins SP-B and SP-C in monolayers of dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol (DPPG) and palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylglycerol (POPG), which are representative of the anionic lipids in native and replacement lung surfactants. Both SP-B and SP-C eliminate squeeze-out of POPG from mixed DPPG/POPG monolayers by inducing a two- to three-dimensional transformation of the fluid-phase fraction of the monolayer. SP-B induces a reversible folding transition at monolayer collapse, allowing all components of surfactant to remain at the interface during respreading. The folds remain attached to the monolayer, are identical in composition and morphology to the unfolded monolayer, and are reincorporated reversibly into the monolayer upon expansion. In the absence of SP-B or SP-C, the unsaturated lipids are irreversibly lost at high surface pressures. These morphological transitions are identical to those in other lipid mixtures and hence appear to be independent of the detailed lipid composition of the monolayer. Instead they depend on the more general phenomena of coexistence between a liquid-expanded and liquid-condensed phase. These three-dimensional monolayer transitions reconcile how lung surfactant can achieve both low surface tensions upon compression and rapid respreading upon expansion and may have important implications toward the optimal design of replacement surfactants. The overlap of function between SP-B and SP-C helps explain why replacement surfactants lacking in one or the other proteins often have beneficial effects.  相似文献   

Green gemini surfactants (m-E2-m) containing cleavable ester functionalities were allowed to interact with porcine serum albumin (PSA) and the binding mechanism along with concomitant physicochemical changes were analyzed using a multi-technique approach. Intrinsic fluorescence study reveals that the concerned gemini surfactants have a substantial affinity for PSA at a pH well above its isoelectric point. Static quenching is indicated by the relevant value of bimolecular quenching constant (kq). Synchronous, three-dimensional and pyrene fluorescence data depict the PSA−m-E2-m complex formation together with significant conformational changes induced in PSA. UV–vis studies are also indicative of ground state complexation involving the biomolecule and the amphiphile. Far-UV CD spectra indicate the stabilization of protein structure as deciphered by the increased α-helical content, whereas near-UV CD spectra signify a tertiary structure close to that of the native state. In order to validate the results obtained by fluorescence, cyclic voltammetry is employed, which unveils the formation of electrochemically inactive PSA−m-E2-m complex. Moreover, it is revealed that gemini with longer chain interacts more efficiently than the one with shorter chain owing to stronger hydrophobic forces. All these findings suggest that in future, the m-E2-m geminis may be potentially utilized as excipients in drug, skincare and immunoassay reagent formulations. Furthermore, results of this research work will also contribute in understanding the physicochemical effect of surfactant architecture on its interaction with biomacromolecules.  相似文献   

Pi Y  Shang Y  Peng C  Liu H  Hu Y  Jiang J 《Biopolymers》2006,83(3):243-249
Interactions between bovine serum albumin (BSA) and cationic gemini surfactant alkanediyl-alpha,omega-bis(dimethyldodecyl-ammonium bromide) (12-n-12, n=3, 4, 6) in aqueous solution have been investigated by measuring fluorescence, UV-vis transmittance, dynamic lighting scattering, and circular dichroism. Compared to a traditional surfactant dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB), 12-n-12 interacts with BSA more strongly. With increasing concentration, 12-n-12 first binds specifically onto BSA leading to the unfolding and aggregation of BSA, and the decrease in alpha-helix content; and then forms micelle-like complexes along the unfolded BSA chains. A gemini surfactant with a longer spacer has a larger effect on BSA unfolding due to a stronger hydrophobic interaction.  相似文献   

The assembling behaviors of nonchiral dicationic amphiphilic molecules (gemini) in the presence of the mixture of chiral anionic nucleotides and nonchiral anions are investigated. We demonstrate that subtle balance of various physico-chemical parameters and the competition between chiral and nonchiral anions at the interface of gemini assemblies influences the expression of molecular chirality at the micrometer scale through the hierarchical molecular assembly.  相似文献   

There was an ionic interaction between acidic polysaccharides (APS) and proteins at the pH range in which APS were negatively charged and proteins were positively charged, and in enzymes the interaction was detected as a change in the enzyme activity. At pH 4.7, acid phosphatase (pI, 5.4), alpha-glucosidase (pI, 5.7), and beta-glucosidase (pI, 7.3) were inhibited by APS to various extents. On the other hand, alpha-glucosidase and alkaline phosphatase (pI, 4.5) were not inhibited by APS at pH 6.8 and 9.8, respectively, most of these two enzymes being negatively charged at the respective pHs. Sulfated polysaccharides combined with hemoglobin (pI, 6.8 to approximately 7.0) by an ionic bond at pH 2 to make hemoglobin unsusceptible to proteolysis by pepsin, but polyuronides which were not charged at this pH did not affect hydrolysis of hemoglobin.  相似文献   

The direct electrical communication between hemoglobin (Hb) and GCE surface was achieved based on the immobilization of Hb in a cationic gemini surfactant film and characterized by electrochemical techniques. The cyclic voltammograms showed that direct electron transfer between Hb and electrode surface was obviously promoted and then a novel unmediated nitric oxide (NO) biosensor was constructed in view of this protein-based electrode. This modified electrode showed an enzyme-like activity towards the reduction of NO and its amperometric response to NO was well-behaved with a rapid response time and displaying Michaelis-Menten kinetics with a calculated Km(app) value of 84.37 micromol L(-1). The detection limit was estimated to be 2.00 x 10(-8)mol L(-1). This biosensor was behaving as expected that it had a good stability and reproducibility, a higher sensitivity and selectivity and should has a potential application in monitoring NO released from biologic samples.  相似文献   

Binding studies of cationic detergents such as cetyl trimethylammonium bromide, Cetylpyridinium bromide and dodecyl trimethylammonium bromide with lysozyme were carried out by equilibrium dialysis, ultraviolet difference and circular dichroism techniques at 25 C. Binding isotherms at pH 5·0, 7·0 and 9·0 show cooperative binding at all concentrations of detergents and the number of available binding sites in lysozyme increases with pH. Gibbs free energy of binding calculated on the basis of Wymans’ binding potential concept increases with pH indicating increased binding strength at higher pH. The ultraviolet difference spectra of the detergent complexes with lysozyme at pH 7·0 and 9·0 in the region of 250–300 nm indicate the involvement of aromatic amino acid residues as probable binding sites and also the carboxylate groups since the binding is cooperative. The circular dichroism spectra also indicate the involvement of aromatic amino acid residues in the binding of these detergents. This is substantiated by the decrease in the intensity of the aromatic positive bands in the near ultraviolet region. The increase in the magnitude of [θ]222 nm values in the far ultraviolet region with the increase in the concentration of the detergent in the complex indicates conformational changes resulting in an increase of α-helical content producing a more ordered structure of lysozyme.These binding studies show that at pH 7·0 and 9·0, hydrophobic interactions play a major role, while at pH 5·0 only electrostatic interactions play prominent role in the binding of these detergents. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Biomolecular Structure and Interactions held at the Molecular Biophysics Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, during 17–22, December 1984.  相似文献   

Morphogenetic proteins such as SpoVID and SafA govern assembly of the Bacillus subtilis endospore coat by guiding the various protein structural components to the surface of the developing spore. Previously, a screen for peptides able to interact with SpoVID led to the identification of a PYYH motif present in the C-terminal half of the SafA protein and to the subsequent demonstration that SpoVID and SafA directly interact. spoVID and safA spores show deficiencies in coat assembly and are lysozyme susceptible. Both proteins, orthologs of which are found in all Bacillus species, have LysM domains for peptidoglycan binding and localize to the cortex-coat interface. Here, we show that the interaction between SafA and SpoVID involves the PYYH motif (region B) but also a 13-amino-acid region (region A) just downstream of the N-terminal LysM domain of SafA. We show that deletion of region B does not block the interaction of SafA with SpoVID, nor does it bring about spore susceptibility to lysozyme. Nevertheless, it appears to reduce the interaction and affects the complex. In contrast, lesions in region A impaired the interaction of SafA with SpoVID in vitro and, while not affecting the accumulation of SafA in vivo, interfered with the localization of SafA around the developing spore, causing aberrant assembly of the coat and lysozyme sensitivity. A peptide corresponding to region A interacts with SpoVID, suggesting that residues within this region directly contact SpoVID. Since region A is highly conserved among SafA orthologs, this motif may be an important determinant of coat assembly in the group of Bacillus spore formers.  相似文献   

Interaction between heat shock proteins and antimicrobial peptides   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Drosocin, pyrrhocoricin, and apidaecin, representing the short (18-20 amino acid residues) proline-rich antibacterial peptide family, originally isolated from insects, were shown to act on a target bacterial protein in a stereospecific manner. Native pyrrhocoricin and one of its analogues designed for this purpose protect mice from bacterial challenge and, therefore, may represent alternatives to existing antimicrobial drugs. Furthermore, this mode of action can be a basis for the design of a completely novel set of antibacterial compounds, peptidic or peptidomimetic, if the interacting bacterial biopolymers are known. Recently, apidaecin was shown to enter Escherichia coli and subsequently kill bacteria through sequential interactions with diverse target macromolecules. In this paper report, we used biotin- and fluorescein-labeled pyrrhocoricin, drosocin, and apidaecin analogues to identify biopolymers that bind to these peptides and are potentially involved in the above-mentioned multistep killing process. Through use of a biotin-labeled pyrrhocoricin analogue, we isolated two interacting proteins from E. coli. According to mass spectrometry, Western blot, and fluorescence polarization, the short, proline-rich peptides bound to DnaK, the 70-kDa bacterial heat shock protein, both in solution and on the solid-phase. GroEL, the 60-kDa chaperonin, also bound in solution. Control experiments with an unrelated labeled peptide showed that while binding to DnaK was specific for the antibacterial peptides, binding to GroEL was not specific for these insect sequences. The killing of bacteria and DnaK binding are related events, as an inactive pyrrhocoricin analogue made of all-D-amino acids failed to bind. The pharmaceutical potential of the insect antibacterial peptides is underscored by the fact that pyrrhocoricin did not bind to Hsp70, the human equivalent of DnaK. Competition assay with unlabeled pyrrhocoricin indicated differences in GroEL and DnaK binding and a probable two-site interaction with DnaK. In addition, all three antibacterial peptides strongly interacted with two bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) preparations in solution, indicating that the initial step of the bacterial killing cascade proceeds through LPS-mediated cell entry.  相似文献   

FtsE and FtsX, which are widely conserved homologs of ABC transporters and interact with each other, have important but unknown functions in bacterial cell division. Coimmunoprecipitation of Escherichia coli cell extracts revealed that a functional FLAG-tagged version of FtsE, the putative ATP-binding component, interacts with FtsZ, the bacterial tubulin homolog required to assemble the cytokinetic Z ring and recruit the components of the divisome. This interaction is independent of FtsX, the predicted membrane component of the ABC transporter, which has been shown previously to interact with FtsE. The interaction also occurred independently of FtsA or ZipA, two other E. coli cell division proteins that interact with FtsZ. In addition, FtsZ copurified with FLAG-FtsE. Surprisingly, the conserved C-terminal tail of FtsZ, which interacts with other cell division proteins, such as FtsA and ZipA, was dispensable for interaction with FtsE. In support of a direct interaction with FtsZ, targeting of a green fluorescent protein (GFP)-FtsE fusion to Z rings required FtsZ, but not FtsA. Although GFP-FtsE failed to target Z rings in the absence of ZipA, its localization was restored in the presence of the ftsA* bypass suppressor, indicating that the requirement for ZipA is indirect. Coexpression of FLAG-FtsE and FtsX under certain conditions resulted in efficient formation of minicells, also consistent with an FtsE-FtsZ interaction and with the idea that FtsE and FtsX regulate the activity of the divisome.  相似文献   

The interactions of imidazolium bashed ionic liquid-type cationic gemini surfactant ([C12-4-C12im]Br2) with HSA were studied by fluorescence, time-resolved fluorescence, UV-visible, circular dichroism, molecular docking and molecular dynamic simulation methods. The results showed that the [C12-4-C12im]Br2 quenched the fluorescence of HSA through dynamic quenching mechanism as confirmed by time-resolved spectroscopy. The Stern–Volmer quenching constant (Ksv) and relevant thermodynamic parameters such as enthalpy change (ΔH), Gibbs free energy change (ΔG) and entropy change (ΔS) for interaction system were calculated at different temperatures. The results revealed that hydrophobic forces played a major role in the interactions process. The results of synchronous fluorescence, UV-visible and CD spectra demonstrated that the binding of [C12-4-C12im]Br2 with HSA induces conformational changes in HSA. Inquisitively, the molecular dynamics study contribute towards understanding the effect of binding of [C12-4-C12im]Br2 on HSA to interpret the conformational change in HSA upon binding in aqueous solution. Moreover, the molecular modelling results show the possible binding sites in the interaction system.  相似文献   

Herein, we are reporting the interaction of ionic liquid type gemini surfactant, 1,4‐bis(3‐dodecylimidazolium‐1‐yl) butane bromide ([C12?4‐C12im]Br2) with lysozyme by using Steady state fluorescence, UV‐visible, Time resolved fluorescence, Fourier transform‐infrared (FT‐IR) spectroscopy techniques in combination with molecular modeling and docking method. The steady state fluorescence spectra suggested that the fluorescence of lysozyme was quenched by [C12?4‐C12im]Br2 through static quenching mechanism as confirmed by time resolved fluorescence spectroscopy. The binding constant for lysozyme‐[C12?4‐C12im]Br2 interaction have been measured by UV‐visible spectroscopy and found to be 2.541 × 105M?1. The FT‐IR results show conformational changes in the secondary structure of lysozyme by the addition of [C12?4‐C12im]Br2. Moreover, the molecular docking study suggested that hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interactions play a key role in the protein‐surfactant binding. Additionally, the molecular dynamic simulation results revealed that the lysozyme‐[C12?4‐C12im]Br2 complex reaches an equilibrium state at around 3 ns. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 103: 406–415, 2015.  相似文献   

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