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Abstract: Eleven randomly chosen outcrops in the Miocene Pakhna Formation of Cyprus were sampled for holoplanktonic Mollusca. Four species of Heteropoda were found, and 24 of Pteropoda, a substantial increase from the two species recorded until now from the Miocene of Cyprus. One pteropod species, Peracle charlotteae sp. nov. (Gastropoda, Pseudothecosomata), is introduced. Age assignments based on holoplanktonic molluscs for the 11 localities are as follows: Langhian (Alassa 1–4), (Serravallian?) Tortonian to Messinian (Episkopi 1), Tortonian (Agios Tychon, Tokhni and the Maroni Marlstone of Khirokitia 1–2) and Tortonian to Early Messinian (Episkopi 2). These age determinations in some cases are at odds with those from previous publications based on calcareous nannofossils and Foraminifera. The sediments underlying the Amathus Channel outcrop yielded insufficient fauna for definitive dating, but we suggest are younger than Late Serravallian. At some localities, particularly in the Alassa area, pteropod assemblages are strongly variable on a bed‐by‐bed basis, and this offers possibilities for future refined biostratigraphical interpretations. This is the first substantial holoplanktonic mollusc fauna described from the eastern Mediterranean basin and allows correlation with assemblages in the central Mediterranean and elsewhere.  相似文献   

Paleontological Journal - Abundant radiolarians of the family Neosciadiocapsidae Pessagno (order Nassellaria) are examined, 11 new species, including Coniforma quasiantiochensis sp. nov.,...  相似文献   

Radiolarians and planktonic foraminifers were studied from a series of continuous outcrops of the Upper Cretaceous (upper Campanian) Kannaviou Formation near Sarama Village (southwestern Cyprus). The composite study section has a narrow stratigraphic interval that covers the upper Campanian, with a total thickness of more than 70 m. The Amphipyndax tylotus (radiolarian) Zone is found within the study section. According to foraminiferal data the studied interval corresponds to the middle-upper Campanian age (from Contusotruncana plummerae Zone to the lower part of Gansserina gansseri Zone).  相似文献   

An occurrence of "Glossifungites saxicava”; Lomnicki (=Rhizocorallium jenense Zenker) is redescribed from its type area in Lviv, Ukraine, after more than 100 years since its first report. This trace fossil densely penetrates a Miocene transgressive surface cut in Cretaceous marlstones. Its occurrence is restricted to the top layer of the marlstones, where it was formed in a firmground typical of the Glossifungites ichnofacies. Most probably, the trace fossil was produced during a period of non‐deposition shortly before and at the beginning of deposition of Miocene strata by opportunistic suspension‐feeding organisms, possibly crustaceans.  相似文献   

Cenozoic bird tracks are known largely from North America, Europe, and the Middle East. There have been no reports of Cenozoic bird tracks from East Asia. This paper describes a series of two trackways produced by a galliform-like or gruiform-like bird from the Oligocene to Early Miocene of Tibet. The tracks are represented by tracings collected from a coal mine in Shigatse, Tibet, during the late 1970s. The tracks are comparable to Ornithoformipes and Pavoformipes and likely represent a medium-sized to large cursorial or flightless bird. In relation to modern bird tracks, the tracks bear a striking resemblance to those produced by the North American Wild Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) except that M. gallopavo tracks often possess a small, elevated hallux impression. Due to the fact that these are tracings, however, a hallux may have been present and simply have been overlooked. The Shigatse trackways were, unfortunately, lost when the mine was closed and then backfilled during the 1980s, and there is little to no likelihood of recovery. Casts can be catalogued as holotype specimens but tracings cannot; however, all the original tracings have been donated to a public institution by their discoverer, Yimin Wu.  相似文献   

New earthworm samples from Cyprus are assessed and discussed. A re-evaluation of specimens previously relegated to the Southern Alpine species Perelia nematogena (Rosa, 1903), revealed two independent species: Perelia phoebea (Cognetti, 1913 Cognetti, L. (1913): Escursioni zoologiche del Dr. E. Festa nell’Isola di Rodi V. Oligocheti. Bollettino dei Musei di zoologia ed anatomia comparata della R. Università di Torino, 28, 16. [Google Scholar]) ,described originally from Rhodes Island, (Greece) and an undescribed species Perelia makrisi sp. n. The new species is similar also to the Levantine Pe. galileana Csuzdi &; Pavlí?ek, 2005 and corroborates the hypotheses that the autochthonous earthworm fauna of Cyprus is of Levantine origin.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:FD1996DC-2FFC-42D5-A1D2-005B50E6FC64  相似文献   

Symptoms of bacterial canker disease on tomato were first observed in June 1998, in three tomato fields in the semi‐mountainous region of Eptagonia (Limassol district). In two of these fields, which were planted with cv. FA 179, infection was almost 100%, with heavy losses. The third field, planted with cv. Graziella, had only sporadic infections. An extensive survey during 1998–99 detected 10 additional cases of bacterial canker, all in the wider agro‐ecological zone of initial disease detection. The pathogen Clavibacter michiganensis. ssp. michiganensis was consistently isolated from diseased plants, identified, and its pathogenicity proved. This is the first report of bacterial canker disease on tomato in Cyprus.  相似文献   

This article argues that the political accommodation of ethnic groups is a major determinant of ethnic violence and its effects vary depending on the pre-existing levels of mobilization. Accordingly, civic assimilationism is the most effective ethnic incorporation mode in terms of ensuring that weakly mobilized ethnic groups remain peaceful. Liberal multiculturalism is most effective in terms of eliciting peaceful mobilizations from highly mobilized ethnic groups. The ethnocratic mode tends to be the most conducive to violent mobilization at both low and high pre-existing mobilization levels. The theory is explored through case studies of Turks in Bulgaria and Cyprus. By demonstrating how the effects of ethnic incorporation policies vary depending on pre-existing mobilization levels, the article also challenges previous assumptions about the relationship between political opening and ethnic mobilization. Such an account not only explains the political determinants of ethnic violence, but also indicates potential political remedies to such problems.  相似文献   

In Cyprus, there are 16 species of bats most of which are threatened with extinction. With the exception of the megachiropteran Egyptian Fruit bat Rousettus aegyptiacus that feeds on fruit, the rest of them are insectivorous microchiropterans. The Fruit bat was declared as a pest by the Department of Agriculture of the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment of Cyprus since the early 1900s. To reduce the number of this “pest”, the above-mentioned Department, since 1927, used fumigation, shooting, and the purchase of dead bats. Fumigating and closing caves not only destroyed Fruit bats by direct poisoning, but the entire cave ecosystems, including highly beneficial and protected insectivorous species. The first attempt to protect bats on the island was in 1988 with law No. 24 of 1988, ratifying the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats, 82/72/EEC. This convention protects all microchiroptera species except Pipistrellus pipistrellus that is strictly protected. R. aegyptiacus is rare, with small populations that are not at present endangered or vulnerable but at risk. Cyprus recently became a member state of the European Union. This provided the opportunity to include R. aegyptiacus in the Annexes II and IV of the council directive 92/42/EEC of May 21, 1993 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora, which will guarantee the long-range protection and survival of this species.  相似文献   

红杉属植物在中国云南中新世首次发现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
化石标本采自中国云南省中部楚雄市吕合煤矿的石鼓村层 ,该层为灰色至浅灰色细砂岩至粗砂岩、粉砂质粘土层和褐煤层 ,地质时代属中新世 ① 。石鼓村层的孢粉组合以被子植物占绝对优势(90 % ) ,其中热带、亚热带植物成分类型较多 ,如金缕梅科、棕榈科等 ,温带植物成分类型较少 ,如榆科、桦木科等 ;裸子植物花粉占整个孢粉组合的 9% ,主要是松科和杉科花粉 ;蕨类植物孢子仅占整个孢粉组合的 1% ,以水龙骨单缝孢为主。本次发现的标本小枝长约 2 .8cm ,宽约 1.6cm ,小枝基部稍膨大。叶螺旋状排列 ,基部扭转 ,在同一平面排成 2列 ,以 30~ 70…  相似文献   

A quantitative study was performed on planktonic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils of the astronomically dated Late Miocene Pissouri section (Cyprus). Our results confirm the reliability of well-known planktonic foraminiferal events as Catapsydraxparvulus LO (Last Occurrence), sinistral coiling change of Globorotaliascitula, Globorotaliamiotumida group FRO (First Regular Occurrence), Globorotalianicolae FO (First occurrence) and LO, sinistral coiling change of Neogloboquadrinaacostaensis and also of several important calcareous nannofossil events (Amaurolithusprimus FO, Amaurolithusdelicatus FO, Reticulofenestrarotaria FO and FCO). Integrated planktonic foraminifera and calcareous nannoplankton data contribute to an enhanced time resolution of the Tortonian - early Messinian interval in the Levantine basin, and contribute to detailed correlations throughout the Eastern Mediterranean. In addition, we compare methodologies commonly used in calcareous plankton biostratigraphy, and shortly outline sources of bias that can influence the results of stratigraphic studies.  相似文献   

The Bonelli's Eagle is endangered in Europe, and the Cyprus population is estimated to be the 4th largest in Europe. During 2011 and 2012, ten active nests were confirmed in Pentadactylos Mountains with 8 additional sites meriting further investigation. Observations suggest a varied opportunistic diet largely based on Black Rat (Rattus rattus). Lowland wetland sites are confirmed as important foraging grounds. Bonelli's Eagle is under a variety of anthropogenic threats in Pentadactylos Mountains most significantly hunting and poisoning, evidence for which are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to assess the resilience of socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes (SEPLS) of Lefke Region in North Cyprus in the face of disturbance factors (e.g. drought, urbanization and land abandonment) by adopting a set of indicators. The main objectives of the study include measurement of the respective resilience of the ecological, social and agricultural systems of the SEPLS by using relevant indicators. The method of the study consists of three parts: (i) conceptualization of the resilience of the SEPLS of Lefke Region to address the key systems (ecosystem, agricultural and social), their hierarchical structures, components and interrelations; (ii) development of a set of suitable resilience assessment indicators for these systems; (iii) for the development of resilience assessment indicators a participatory approach was designated to collect the relevant data. Accordingly, a multiple-choice questionnaire – consisting of 5 choices – was prepared and relevant data were collected from December 2015 to March 2016 in 12 villages through personal interviews with 106 respondents.The respondents have expressed their preferences by selecting the most suitable choice in 5 which were ordered from the lowest to the highest degree of resilience (1–5 point scale). The results of the evaluation revealed that the average values (importance) of the ecological, agricultural and social resilience are respectively 2,87 (low), 3,44 (moderate) and 2,53 (low) out of maximum 5-points. The overall resilience of the SEPLS was estimated to be low with a 2,94 magnitude. Finally, some conclusions (e.g. integrated landscape management) for strengthening the resilience of the SEPLS in Lefke Region in terms of biodiversity conservation, agricultural production and sustainable livelihood development were drawn based on the major findings of the study.It is expected that the findings and conclusions of this study can draw attention of policy makers and natural resource managers on building and strengthening the resilience of the SEPLS of Lefke Region in terms of biodiversity conservation, sustainable agricultural production and livelihood development.  相似文献   

Paleontological Journal - A new dipnoan genus and species Anchidipterus dariae Krupina, gen. et sp. nov. (Dipteridae) is described based on a lower jaw specimen from the Famennian (Upper Devonian)...  相似文献   

A mitochondrial and nuclear gene analysis allowed us to precise the taxonomical position of the two sympatric species of mice known to be present on Cyprus. One of them is the commensal house mouse M. m. domesticus, and the other revealed to be a new taxon that is a sister species of M. spicilegus and M. macedonicus. The new species is equidistant from each of these, the divergence dating around 0.5-1 Myr. Its origin either results from an ancient accidental colonisation of the island or from a recent transportation by the first epipalaeolithic settlers. In this last eventuality, the new species would also exist somewhere else in Asia Minor.  相似文献   

P. Petrou 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(3):522-533

The present study was carried out in abandoned fields in central Cyprus. The main objective was to examine the impact of the regeneration environment on the establishment and survival of Pinus brutia seedlings. Sixty-four permanent plots of 16 m2 were randomly established in two distinct sites. Four regeneration environments were recorded: (a) bare soil under the crown of a P. brutia tree, (b) soil under the canopy of a P. brutia tree and low shrubs, (c) bare soil in open areas, and (d) soil under the canopy of low shrubs in open areas. All P. brutia seedlings were classified in categories according to their regeneration environment. In all plots, the density of the P. brutia seedlings was measured in three different seasons (spring, summer, autumn). Soil temperatures were recorded, samples of surface soil were taken and the percentage of soil organic matter was measured. The main conclusions drawn from this research were the following: (1) the mature P. brutia trees and low shrubs facilitate the establishment and especially the survival of P. brutia seedlings, as all seedlings in bare vegetation ground had died by the end of the growing season, and (2) the importance of facilitation increases as abiotic stress rises.  相似文献   

A taxonomic study of the Korean Passandridae is presented. The family, genus and species (Ancistria apicalis Reitter) are reported for the first time in Korea. Comparison with a lectotype was made. An illustration of the habitus and line drawings of diagnostic characters are provided.  相似文献   

An incomplete mandible of a fossil sperm whale (Odontoceti; Physeteridae) is described. It is a portion of elongated and narrow symphysis with cylindrical and slightly curved teeth without enamel. The specimen, collected from the Miocene “Pietra leccese” sediments of South Italy, appears to represent a species of Orycterocetus, and is the first such record from the Mediterranean. Considering the wide diffusion of Orycterocetus in the North Atlantic, we believe its rare presence in the Mediterranean as occasional and due to a certain degree of interchange between the Mediterranean and the North Atlantic cetacean fauna during the Miocene.  相似文献   

We describe the otolith assemblage from the early Miocene (Burdigalian) exposures of the Castillo Formation at the Cerro La Cruz locality (Falcón Basin, Lara State, northwestern Venezuela). The samples were obtained through surface and bulk sampling at distinct stratigraphic levels of the study area. The otolith assemblage from Cerro La Cruz includes 14 families, 25 genera and 30 taxa, of which 20 are reported for first time from the Castillo Formation. These include two new sciaenid taxa, Ctenosciaena angusticaudata nov. sp. and Pareques laraensis nov. sp. The Castillo Formation otolith assemblage represent fishes typical of shallow and near-shore and coral reef associated environments as characterized primarily by a high taxonomic diversity and abundance of Sciaenidae, and the lack of mesopelagic families (Myctophidae). The faunal composition of Cerro La Cruz is similar to other chronological equivalent sedimentary units along the proto-Caribbean area (Pirabas and Cantaure formations; Brazil and Venezuela respectively), though the Castillo Formation fish fauna shows lower taxonomic diversity, suggesting some heterogeneity of the coastal and near shore marine environments along the southern portion of the proto-Caribbean.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:B79F51B8-BC35-4119-8957-84544286868D  相似文献   

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