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Fish are a healthful source of protein, but contaminants in some fish pose a risk. While there are multiple risk assessments from Europe and North America, there are far fewer for other parts of the world. We examined the risks from mercury, arsenic, lead, and other metals in fish consumed by people in Jeddah area, Saudi Arabia, using site-specific data on consumption patterns and metal levels in fish. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Hazard Quotient (HQ) and cumulative Hazard Index (HI) for non-cancer endpoints and Carcinogenic Index for cancer were used to determine the health risk based on fish consumption rates. Of the 13 fish species examined, HQ was greater than 1 (indicating elevated risk) in two species for arsenic, and seven species for methylmercury. The cumulative HI for all metals was above 1 for all but three species of fish at the mean consumption rates. Generally, fish species with HI above 1 for one sampling location, had HI above 1 for all sampling locations. The implications of these findings are discussed in the light of strategies for reducing risk from fish consumption while encouraging dietary intakes of fish with low mercury and arsenic levels.  相似文献   

Concentrations of six heavy metals (chromium, nickel, copper, arsenic, cadmium, and lead) in fish and vegetables were estimated to evaluate contamination levels and health risks for Bangladeshi adults. The analyzed metals varied between different species of fish and vegetables. Metals like Ni, Cd, and Pb in fish species were higher than the respective maximum allowable concentrations (MAC), whereas As, Cd, and Pb in some species of vegetables exceeded the MAC. Health risks associated with these metal intakes were evaluated in terms of dietary intake and target hazard quotients (THQs). The THQ values for individual metals were below 1 (except As for some species), suggesting that people would not experience significant health hazards if they ingest a single metal from one species of fish and/or vegetable. However, total metal THQ (TTHQ) signifies the potential non-carcinogenic health hazard to the highly exposed consumers in Bangladesh. Also, the estimation showed that the carcinogenic risk (TR) of arsenic and lead were within the acceptable range for fish but exceeded the accepted risk level for vegetables. From the health point of view, this study showed that the inhabitants who consume contaminated fish and vegetables are exposed chronically to metal pollution with carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic consequences.  相似文献   

The levels of mercury and lead in three major species of imported frozen fish—Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus), sardine (Sardinella sindesis), and scumbera (Scumbria spp)—were determined and potential health hazard resulting from their ingestion by Nigerians was assessed. Sample digestion was carried out as prescribed in the Food and Agricultural Organisation/Swedish International Development Agency wet digestion method. Quantitation of the Hg and Pb content of the digested samples and blanks was carried out spectrophotometrically using thiozone as the ligand. The ranges of level of Hg in the samples in mg/Kg were: 0.03–0.42 for Scomber scombrus and 0.03–0.37 and 0.020–0.31 for Scumbria and Sardinella sindesis, respectively. Also, Pb had value ranges in mg/Kg of 0.20–0.28, 0.24–0.32, and 0.15–0.32 in Scomber scombrus, Scumbria, and Sardinella sindesis, respectively. Potential health hazard assessment that was carried out showed no risk status for children and adults consuming Sardinella sindesis and scumbera and adults consuming Scomber scombrus (HQ < 1). The results further showed a risk (HQ = 1.022 and THI = 1.036) for children taking Scomber scombrus.  相似文献   

In this study, a field research regarding groundwater contamination with fluoride and its related health risks to human health was carried out in 39 rural areas of Gonabad and Bajestan, Iran, in 2017. The results indicated that fluoride levels in two rural areas exceeded the WHO guideline. A total of 55% and 4.7% of the studied rural areas in Gonabad and Bajestan, respectively, had fluoride levels below the minimum recommended value of WHO for fluoride (0.5 mg/L). In this article, chronic non-cancer risks to three different groups of people, adults, children, and infants, for exposure to the fluoride were assessed. Health risk index values for fluoride contamination for 44% and 90% of children and infants in rural areas of Gonabad and Bajestan, respectively, were more than unity (>1), which clearly reveals that these age groups at the studied areas are at the chronic health risk due to the intake of fluoride-containing water. The order of fluoride contribution to non-carcinogenic health risk among the studied age groups was infants > children > adults. Therefore, from a public health viewpoint, it would be prudent and important that risk reduction measures be implemented to diminish the total body burden of fluoride in residents.  相似文献   

To assess the risk of heavy metals contamination on the aquatic ecosystem in downstream waters of a gold field in Northeast China, samples of sediment, fish, shrimp, and mussels were collected to determine heavy metals concentrations. According to Igeo, more attention should be given to Hg, Pb, and Cu pollution in sediment of Weisha River. For aquatic animals, the greatest contents of Hg, Cu, and Pb were found in samples collected from Weisha River, while the maximum values of Zn, Cd, and Cr were found in Hongshi Reservoir, Banmiao River, and Songhua Lake, respectively. The Hg and Pb contents in fish were found in the order of predatory fish > omnivorous fish > herbivorous fish, although for other metals no significant difference was observed among the three trophic levels. The contents of metals in Oriental river prawn and Chinese pond mussel were greater than that in fish, except for Pb. The Target Hazard Quotient and Hazard Index of metals showed that the Carnivorous and Omnivorous fish from Songhua Lake and Hongshi Reservoir, as well as all fish from Banmiao River and Weisha River, were not suitable for consuming in the view of the combined risk of all metals.  相似文献   

This article describes, for the first time in 10 years, the toxicological evaluation of pesticide residues in highly consumed vegetables (35 commodities) and health risk studies. Among 1075 vegetable samples consisting mainly of tuber, root, fruiting, and Brassica, 20% of samples contained 38 pesticides in the range of 0.005–18.7 mg/kg and 1% > maximum residue limits (MRLs). Organophosphates and chloronitrile were most frequently found (20%) in the pesticide class. The highest concentration of 18.7 mg/kg was noted for dichlofluanid. Fruiting vegetables (8%), especially tomatoes (5%), were the most contaminated, while multi-residues were determined in 5% of the samples. Risk assessment was performed by analytical results and consumption on the 97.5 percentile expressed as hazard index (HI) and hazard quotient (HQ). The highest chronic HI was calculated for diazinon in lettuce (32% Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) adults and 36% children) and for forbidden dieldrin in carrots (26%, 62% ADI). The highest acute HI was estimated for dichlofluanid in lettuce (69% Acute Reference Dose (ARfD)) for adults, whereas for children it was above the acceptance values of ARfD (168%). Organophosphate insecticides with common mode of action showed the greatest HQ (108% ADI). Vegetables may not be a serious problem for consumers, but investigations on pesticide residues are necessary to ensure food safety and the protection of human health, especially toward children who are more highly exposed to pesticides than adults.  相似文献   

Access to safe and clean drinking water is an essential element of healthy life also known as the primary human needs. The present study was conducted to investigate heavy metal (HM) concentrations of drinking water. Excess health risk of HM (Cr, Pb, and Cd) intake is related to the drinking water consumption in local population. HMs concentrations were analyzed by using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometer and were compared with permissible limits regulated by country and World Health Organization (WHO). The hazard quotient (HQ) and Excess Lifetime Cancer Risk (ELCR) were determined to show the carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects of HMs, respectively. HQs were found in the order of Pb > Cd > Cr and subsequently HI index was also estimated for all HM in two age groups (children and adults). The comparisons indicate no possibility of non-carcinogenic effects to the local population. The values for ELCR were found in the order of Cr > Cd > Pb. The ELCR index was found above acceptable risk levels for chromium and cadmium in both children and adults groups. Furthermore, intermetal correlation results revealed that heavy metals have common sources resulting from geogenic and anthropogenic activities and these are major sources of water contamination in Sistan and Baluchestan province.  相似文献   


The present study, deals with the estimation of degrees of contamination, ecological and human health risk of heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn) in sediments, surface water and fishes, which were collected from middle stretch of Damodar river and ponds at Asansol, which receives outfall of various coal-based industries. Metal content in the premonsoon season was higher than the postmonsoon, due to influx of rainwater. The heavy metal pollution indices (HPI) at some locations was observed up to 1.45 times than recommended value and the cadmium (Cd) was found dominating metal for high HPI value. The Cd concentration in surface water and pore water varied from 2.8 to 14.9?µg/L and 15.3–57.0?µg/L, respectively, which was up to 6 times higher than the permissible limit. Ecological risk assessment for sediments illustrates ‘moderate to considerable ecological risk’, especially because of Cd. Hazard index (HI) calculated to identify potential human health risk by dermal exposure of surface water was <0.1, indicating ‘negligible non-cancer risk’ for all age group of people. However, HI varied from 0.73 to 1.49 for adult and 1.37–2.78 by consumption of fishes indicates children have higher ‘non-cancer risk’ than adult.  相似文献   


In this study, human exposure and risks of metals through fish ingestion were predicted. Concentrations of 10 metals (Cd, As, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, V, and Zn) in 17 commonly eaten fish species in Saudi Arabia were characterized. Using the fish ingestion patterns, chronic daily intakes of metals among the Saudi and expatriate populations were predicted to be in the ranges of 8.89?×?10?06–1.08?×?10?02 and 6.59?×?10?06–7.97?×?10?03?mg/kg/day, respectively. The average cancer risks from inorganic arsenic were 2.76?×?10?05 and 2.09?×?10?05 for Saudi and expatriate, and the ranges were 1.61?×?10?09–1.58?×?10?03 and 2.64?×?10?09–1.27?×?10?03, respectively. The predicted risks were much lower than the previously reported risks. There were 47.4% and 42.4% chances that cancer risks would be higher than 1.0?×?10?05 (10 per million) among Saudi and expatriate, respectively. The average cumulative hazard index (HI) for Saudi and expatriate were 0.324 and 0.239 with the ranges of 0.0142–7.26 and 0.017–6.43, respectively. Approximately 3.06% and 1.56% cases among Saudi and expatriate had HI greater than unity, indicating possible health concern, respectively. Through comprehensive understanding of exposure and risks, strategies can be adopted to protect human health.  相似文献   

Ecological risk assessment (ERA) is a process that evaluates the potential for adverse ecological effects occurring as a result of exposure to contaminants or other stressors. ERA begins with hazard identification/problem formulation, progresses to effects and exposure assessment, and finishes with risk characterization (an estimate of the incidence and severity of any adverse effects likely to occur). Risk management initially sets the boundaries of the ERA and then uses its results for decision-making. Key information required for an ERA includes: the emissions, pathways and rates of movement of contaminants in the environment; and, information on the relationship between contaminant concentrations and the incidence and (or) severity of adverse effects. Because of specific properties and characteristics of metals in general and of certain metals in particular, a generalized ERA process applicable to organic substances is inappropriate for metals. First, metals are naturally occurring and can arise, sometimes in very high concentrations, from non-anthropogenic sources; organisms can and do adapt to a wide range of metal concentrations. Second, certain metals (e.g., copper, zinc) are essential for biotic health, which means there is an effect threshold for both deficiency and excess, and that standard body burden indices such as bioaccumulation factors (BCFs) can be misleading. Third, metals can occur in the environment in a variety of forms that are more or less available to biota but adverse biological effects can only occur if metals are or may become bioavailable. Fourth, whereas the bioavailability and hence the possibility of toxicity of persistent organic substances are mainly dependent on their intrinsic properties (i.e., lipophilicity), those of metals are generally controlled by external environmental conditions. Examples include pH and ligands, which affect the metal speciation and coexisting cations (e.g., H+, Ca2+) which compete with the metal ions. ERAs involving metals must include the above four major considerations; other considerations vary depending on whether the ERA is for a site, a region, or is global in scope.  相似文献   

The health hazard associated with the consumption of fish from the Gomti River in India, contaminated with the heavy metals Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn was assessed in terms of target hazard quotients (THQs). The concentrations of metals (mg kg?1, wet weight basis) in the muscle tissues of different fish species Mastacembelus puncalus, Clupisona garua, Cyrinous carpio, Botia lochachata, Channa punctatus, Heteropneustise fossilis, Puntius sofore, and Clarious batrachus ranged as follows: Cr (2.2–21.4), Cu (0.3–14.3), Mn (2.3–5.5), Ni (0.5–10.9), Pb (1.0–3.9), and Zn (12.3–46.9). The accumulation of metals in fish muscle tissue was in the order: Zn > Cr > Ni > Mn > Cu > Pb. THQs indicated a potential health hazard to children due to the consumption of fish contaminated with Ni and Pb; their THQs were greater than 1 for almost all fish species except for Ni in C. garua (THQ, 0.07) and C. carpio (THQ, 0.90). For adults, insignificant health hazard was associated with THQs less than 1 for all metals in the different fish species, but long-term exposure to these metals and subsequent bioaccumulation in the body may require additional investigation.  相似文献   


Heavy metals in vegetables are of great concern worldwide due to their potential bioaccumulation in human. This review-based study researched the concentrations of heavy metals in vegetables from all provinces of China between 2004 and 2018, and assessed the health risk for the residents. The results displayed the highest Pb, Cd, Cu, and Zn concentrations in vegetables were 0.192?mg/kg (west area), 0.071?mg/kg (central area), 3.961?mg/kg (central area), and 10.545?mg/kg (central area), which were lower than the maximum allowable concentration. In the national scale, the weighted average level of heavy metals in vegetables was found to be in the order of Zn?>?Cu?>?Pb?>?Cd. The hazard index (HI) of each province showed that beside Anhui and Hunan province, residents in other provinces of China faced a low high risk of Pb, Cd, Cu, and Zn. However, people consuming vegetables faced a high risk of Pb, Cd, Cu, and Zn in Anhui and Hunan provinces. This research may provide insight into heavy metal accumulation in vegetables and forecast to residents to cope with these problems for improved human health.  相似文献   

This study investigated heavy metals concentration in groundwater in six coastal communities in Gokana, Rivers State, namely, Gbe, K-Dere, B-Dere, Mogho, Kpor and Bodo City and the human health risk posed to the local populace via ingestion and dermal contact using non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic health risk assessment. The mean values of the heavy metals ranged between 0.02–0.86, 0.16–0.19, 0.03–0.10, 0.02–0.03 and 0.01–0.17 for Mn, Ni, Pb, Cd and Cr, respectively. The heavy metals were above the drinking water quality recommended limits in all the study sites. Estimations of average daily dose (ADD) and dermal absorbed dose (DAD) health risk indicates that Mn, Ni and Pb posed human health risk via ingestion contact pathway. However, hazard index (HI) values of Cd and Cr for ingestion pathway were >1.0 and the estimated Lifetime of Carcinogenic Risks (LTCR) for Ni, Cd and Cr exceeded the predicted lifetime risk for carcinogens of 10?6 from ingestion pathway. Furthermore, there were more appreciable risk from Ni and Cr in the study sites as LTCR value in most sites were >10?4. This study indicates possible non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic human health hazard from groundwater consumption in Gokana via oral ingestion.  相似文献   

Chemical-specific hazard quotient (HQ) risk characterization in ecological risk assessment (ERA) can be a value-added tool for risk management decision-making at chemical release sites, when applied appropriately. However, there is little consensus regarding how HQ results can be used for risk management decision-making at the population, community, and ecosystem levels. Furthermore, stakeholders are reluctant to consider alternatives to HQ results for risk management decisions. Chemical-specific HQs risk characterization should be viewed as only one of several approaches (i.e., tools) for addressing ecological issues; and in many situations, other quantitative and qualitative approaches will likely result in superior risk management decisions. The purpose of this paper is to address fundamental issues and limitations associated with chemical-specific HQ risk characterization in ERA, to identify when it may be appropriate, to explore alternatives that are currently available, and to identify areas that could be developed for the future. Several alternatives (i.e., compensatory restoration, performance-based ecological monitoring, ecological significance criteria, net environmental benefit analysis), including their limitations, that can supplement, augment, or substitute for HQs in ERA are presented. In addition, areas of research (i.e., wildlife habitat assessment/landscape ecology/population biology, and field validated risk-based screening levels) that could yield new tools are discussed.  相似文献   

Selected elements (Na, K, P, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cr, Ni, Cu, Mn, Pb, Hg) in fish and fish products bought in supermarkets in Krakow were investigated. Contents of elements were analyzed using AMA 254 apparatus for Hg, and ICP-AES method on JY238 ULTRACE apparatus after samples digestion (HNO3+HClO4 3:1) for other elements. Elements’ concentrations in six fish species and fish products were within the range of (mg/kg w.m.): 2151–6239 for Na; 855–2500 for K; 49.3–183 for P; 353–531 for Mg; 32.6–61.3 for Fe; 4.01–17.6 for Zn; 7.04–12.9 for Cr; 4.25–7.98 for Ni; 1.30–2.27 for Cu; 0.99–1.51 for Mn; 0.09–0.21 for Pb; and 0.01–0.13 for Hg. Human health risk assessment revealed that total non-carcinogenic risk was low to medium with general decreasing order: tuna > salmon > herring> pollock > crab sticks > iridescent shark-catfish. The carcinogenic risk was acceptable for adults and unacceptable for children. Carcinogenic risk values for all subpopulations for Pb were decreasingly ordered as follows: tuna > salmon > herring > pollock > iridescent shark-catfish > crab sticks; and for Cr(VI): tuna > salmon > herring > pollock > crab sticks > iridescent shark-catfish.  相似文献   

The study measured the concentration of Cd, Cr, Pb, Cu, and Zn in various fish tissues (muscle, gills, and liver) of 18 fish species (C. gachua, C. marulius, C. punctatus, C. nama, C. ranga, H. fossilis, C. batrachus, P. ticto, P. phutunio, L. rohita, L. calbasu, L. gonius, T. putitora, T. tor, R. rita, G. chapra, H. ilisa, and N. botia) collected from Ganga river. It is the survey regarding metal concentration in fish tissues increasing day by day. The metal concentration in different fish tissues varied on the following range: Cu (0.45–8.54 µg/g wet wt), Zn (0.07–2.2 µg/g wet wt), Pb (0.20–2.62 µg/g wet wt), Cd (0.07–2.32 µg/g wet wt), and Cr (0.09–1.74 µg/g wet wt). The results show the concentration of Pb, Cd, and Cr metals to be higher than internationally recommended standard limits (as determined by the WHO and FAO) and other similar studies. Generally, higher concentrations of metals were found in liver and gills than muscles. Despite lower estimated daily intake (EDI) of fish in the area (per recommended daily allowance guidelines), values of daily average consumption were lower than the recommended values by FAO/WHO/EFSA, and in fish samples these were below the provisional permissible levels for human consumption. The continuous exposure to heavy metals has been linked to the development of mental retardation, kidney damage, various cancers, and even death in instances of very high exposure in human body.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the relative roles of the human health hazard index (HI) and the ecological risk assessment hazard quotient (HQ) in remedial decision-making. Through an analysis of HI outcomes drawn from Superfund Records of Decision, the reduced importance of the HI statistic in human health risk assessments is demonstrated, and the high visibility of the ecological risk assessment (ERA) HQ for terrestrial receptors (birds and mammals) is underscored. Three HQ method limitations common to both HHRA and ERA, deriving either from the mathematical construct of the HQ (a simple binary measure, indicating that an animal's exposure either exceeds its toxicity value or does not) or from dose-response outcomes in animal trials, are reviewed. Two additional HQ limitations unique to ERA (i.e., a propensity for the HQ to easily exceed its threshold value, and a propensity for it to assume values that are unreasonably high), and deriving from the complexities of estimating bird and mammal dietary intakes of contaminants and the availability of toxicological effects information, are also identified. The paper cautions of the potential to err in concluding that terrestrial site receptors are at risk when the HQ threshold is exceeded, and regardless of the toxicological information (NOAELs, LOAELs, etc.) used. It recognizes that because other methods of terrestrial assessment are presently unavailable, HQs are sometimes, out of necessity, used to justify a remedial action. The analysis and discussion are intended to remind ecological risk assessors that the HQ is a measure of a level of concern only and not a measure of risk  相似文献   

Access to drinking water is one of the most important indicators determined by the World Health Organization (WHO). This investigation surveyed the concentration of various pollutants in drinking water and its health risk attribute to Arsenic in Sistan and Baluchistan province, Iran. Water samples were collected from ground water and analyzed for physical parameters, anions, and heavy metals using the standard procedures. The concentrations of sulfate (269 ± 127 mg/l) in five sites exceeded the permissible limit (250 mg/l), while chlorine concentrations (223 ± 100 mg/l) in four sites exceeded the permissible limit (250 mg/l) set by WHO. Similarly, the concentrations of Mg (30 ± 11 mg/l) in four sites exceeded the permissible limit (30 mg/l), while Na concentrations (222 ± 99 mg/l) in five sites exceeded the permissible limit (200 mg/l) set by Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran (ISIRI). In addition, arsenic was in acceptable levels recommended by WHO and local regulations. Based on the calculated indices of hazard qutient (HR) and excess lifetime cancer risk (ELCR), the in-use drinking water has no adverse effects on the consumer's health. Excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides, unsuitable sewerage systems, and inappropriate sludge and solid waste disposal in this province can lead to drinking water pollution. Also, excessive pumping of ground water should be managed as an effective method for supply of safe drinking water.  相似文献   

Concentrations of trace metals were determined in the muscle tissue, digestive gland and gills of Mediterranean mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) collected from different locations around an offshore copper alloy fish farm. Levels of copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn) and iron (Fe) as mg/kg wet weight in the edible part of the mussels collected from distant zone (upstream Zn7.33 > Fe2.8 > Cu0.13 > Mn0.07 and downstream Zn9.9 > Fe5.67 > Cu0.18 > Mn0.17) were significantly lower (p < 0.05) than those sampled from the cage zone (bottom panel Zn22.25 > Fe13.75 > Cu2.39 > Mn0.85 and cage frame Zn17.1 > Fe8.74 > Cu1.39 > Mn0.26). Trace metal concentrations in mussels were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in the samples from the frame and bottom panel of the copper alloy mesh pen, compared to those from distant areas, namely the farm affected downstream -and non-affected upstream locations. However, the rates of target hazard quotients (THQ) for all tested trace metals from all locations in the present study were smaller than “one” (THQ < 1), indicating that the consumption of mussels grown around a cage farm with copper alloy mesh pens were within safe limits and did not exceed maximum levels suggested by the US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) and European Union (EU) regulations for seafood consumption.  相似文献   

The quality of water sources and its potential health implications to adults and children populations of respective major communities in Northern Cross-River was assessed. Water samples (n = 10/water source/site) were collected from three (Okpoma, Okuku and Ugaga) communities and heavy metal concentrations (Lead (Pb), Cadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr), Manganese (Mn), Nickel (Ni), Copper (Cu), Cobalt (Co), and Zinc (Zn)) were evaluated using Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS). Overall, Pb, Cd, Ni, and Co were higher than drinking water guidelines, while only Cr, Mn, Cu, and Zn were within the permissible limits. The estimated average daily intake (EADI) and target hazard quotient (THQ) were used to determine risk implications for adult and children consumer populations. The EADI for Pb in adults for borehole water, Pb and Cr by child consumer population for borehole and shallow well water exceeded the reference dose (RfD) by USEPA. The THQ for adult population were >1 for Pb in borehole water and >1 for Pb and Cr across all sites for the child consumer population. Overall, our findings indicate toxicity and higher hazard risk for both adult (Pb) and children (Pb and Cr) populations that source drinking water from borehole and shallow well water in these communities.  相似文献   

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