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Circulating antibodies to poliovirus were estimated in a group of 300 British and 84 foreign first year students who registered at the health centre of Nottingham University in 1984. Detectable antibodies to all three poliovirus serotypes were found in 212 (71%) of the British students but in only 47 (56%) of those from abroad. Most of the British students (280; 93%) had been born in 1965 or 1966, when uptake of poliomyelitis vaccine was declining. Immunisation histories showed that 10 British and 29 foreign students (3% and 35%) had no record of any immunisation; only five British and two foreign students, however, were negative for all three poliovirus serotypes. These findings provide evidence that a high proportion of British born people aged 18-29 have adequate circulating poliovirus antibodies despite incomplete immunisation schedules. Though this is reassuring, the absence of antibodies in some students and the lack of previous immunisation against poliomyelitis in 39 suggest that reinforcing doses of vaccine at the time of leaving school or beginning further education are still warranted, particularly for students from other countries. The findings also emphasise the need for accurate immunisation records.  相似文献   

《Life sciences》1995,57(10):PL103-PL107
Risperidone is a recently introduced neuroleptic distinguished by a decreased incidence of extrapyramidal side effects (EPS). The mechanism of its low EPS is unclear. Since it has been shown that EPS is related to the level of D2 receptor occupancy, we studied nine patients receiving 2–6 mg/day of risperidone using [11C]-raclopride PET scans in order to determine the in vivo D2 receptor binding characteristics of risperidone. The mean level of receptor occupancy was 66% at 2 mg; 73% at 4 mg; and 79% at 6 mg. Three patients, those with the highest receptor occupancies, exhibited mild EPS, though none required anitparkinsonian medications. Our results suggest that at doses of 4–6 mg the in vivo D2 receptor occupancy of risperidone is similar to that of typical neuroleptics and higher than that of clozapine. This would suggest that the EPS benefits of risperidone cannot be explained by a low D2 binding but may be related to its high 5-HT2 affinity. However, the emergence of EPS at higher levels of D2 receptor occupancy, in this study and in previous clinical trials, would suggest that risperidone's high 5-HT2 affinity provides only a relative protection from EPS. and once the D2 occupancy exceeds a certain threshold this ‘relative’ 5-HT2-mediated protection from EPS may be lost.  相似文献   


Osgood's Semantic Differential technique was used with a sample of 12 animal names to see if they elicited responses that were distinctively characteristic, and therefore useful in uncovering connotative meaning. The 100 survey participants responded with unanimity to some species, whereas their responses to others were highly variable. Results disclosed a taxonomy of grouping animal names that differed from the normal zoological taxonomy. This suggests that the technique may be useful for discovering the connotations that animals have, and what various animal species may mean to people.  相似文献   

The question of whether attributes of the combs of laying hens have any consistent relationship with dominance behaviour has yet to be answered unequivocally. This study sought to address this by investigating whether a relationship existed between the competitive ability of hens within stable groups and the size or colour of their combs. Pullets (n = 120, Hy-line® Variety Brown) were allocated randomly to eight groups of 15 hens for 32 weeks. Over this period the length and height of each hen's comb was measured regularly to estimate the total comb area and hens were weighed. In weeks 3-10 the aggressive interactions between hens in each group were observed to calculate a behavioural dominance score (David's score) for each hen. This score was based on the outcome of agonistic interactions with other group members; and accounts for the relative strengths of all opponents. Thus dominance scores reflected the competitive ability of hens from their overall within-group fighting success. The luminance, purity and dominant wavelength of the colour of each hen's comb was measured in week 27 using a telespectroradiometer. Hens with higher dominance scores had larger combs than those with lower dominance scores (gradient of slope = 0.008 ± 0.002, P < 0.001); this relationship was consistent across the experiment. There was no association between body weight and dominance score but there was a significant inverse relationship between dominance score and the dominant wavelength of the comb (gradient of slope = −0.067 ± 0.023, P < 0.01). This indicated that hens with combs perceived by humans as more yellow-red than pure red were generally more successful competitors. Further research is required to ascertain whether or not hens utilise this information on comb size and the underexplored area of comb colour to assess the competitive ability of their opponents.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to examine the relationship between balance and pitching error in college baseball pitchers. Sixteen college baseball pitchers, 9 National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) and 7 National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division III, participated in the study. Balance ability, expressed as average sway velocity (deg.s(-1)), during dominant leg unilateral stance with eyes open and eyes closed was quantified for each subject utilizing the Balance Master System 7.04 (long force plate). Additionally, each subject underwent sensory organization testing on the SMART EquiTest System providing information regarding the effective use of the somatosensory, visual, and vestibular inputs. Pitching error was assessed with a high-speed video camera recorder during spring practice. A JUGS radar gun measured pitch velocity. The mean pitching error was 37.50 cm with a mean pitch velocity of 78 miles.h(-1) (35 m.s(-1)). No significant correlation was demonstrated between unilateral stance eyes open and pitching error (r = -0.24; p = 0.36) or unilateral stance eyes closed and pitching error (r = -0.29; p = 0.27). A significant negative correlation was demonstrated between sensory organization test 5 and pitching error (r = -0.50; p = 0.05) and between sensory organization test 5/1 and pitching error (r = -0.50; p = 0.05). Additionally, unilateral stance eyes closed demonstrated a positive correlation with pitch velocity (r = 0.52; p = 0.04). The results reveal that low levels of vestibular input utilization may lead to high levels of pitching error in college baseball pitchers.  相似文献   

The common mucosal immune system (CMIS) is an interconnecting network of immune structures that provides effective immunity to mucosal surfaces. The structures of the mucosal immune system are fully developed in utero by 28 weeks gestation, but in the absence of intrauterine infection, activation does not occur until after birth. Mucosal immune responses occur rapidly in the first weeks of life in response to extensive antigenic exposure. Maturation of the mucosal immune system and establishment of protective immunity varies between individuals but is usually fully developed in the first year of life, irrespective of gestational age at birth. In addition to exposure to pathogenic and commensal bacteria, the major modifier of the developmental patterns in the neonatal period is infant feeding practices. A period of heightened immune responses occurs during the maturation process, particularly between 1 and 6 months, which coincides with the age range during which most cases of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) occur. A hyper-immune mucosal response has been a common finding in infants whose death is classified as SIDS, particularly if in association with a prior upper respiratory infection. Inappropriate mucosal immune responses to an otherwise innocuous common antigen and the resulting inflammatory processes have been proposed as factors contributing to SIDS.  相似文献   


Research shows use of social media (SM) has important implications for college adjustment. However, most studies only focused on Facebook and did not attend to specific use patterns. Drawing on the activity-audience framework of social media use and literature of college adjustment, we examined the associations between use of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and college social adjustment. Regression and cluster analyses of survey data from 257 undergraduates (Mage?=?19.48) showed that SM interactants had stronger and more consistent associations with social adjustment than did activities. Using Facebook and Instagram with on-campus friends and family were related to better social adjustment; using Instagram with strangers was related to poorer adjustment. Students who frequently used all three SM to interact with off-campus friends were less adjusted than those who rarely used the platforms to interact with strangers. Some associations were moderated by SM activities. Implications of college students’ development in the digital age are discussed.  相似文献   

IntroductionTumour staging at time of presentation is an important factor in determining survival in colorectal cancer. The aim of this paper is to investigate the relationship between ethnicity and deprivation in late (Stage IV) presentation of colorectal cancer.MethodsData from the Thames Cancer Registry comprising 77,057 colorectal cancer patients between the years 2000 and 2012 were analysed.ResultsA total of 17,348 patients were identified with complete data, of which 53.9% were male. Patients from a Black Afro/Caribbean background were diagnosed with CRC at a much younger age than the White British group (median age 67 compared with 72, p < 0.001). In multiple regression, ethnicity, deprivation and age were positive predictors of presenting with advanced tumour stage at time of diagnosis. Black patients were more likely to present with Stage IV tumours than white patients (OR 1.37, 95% CI 1.18–1.59, p < 0.001). Social deprivation was also a predictor of Stage IV cancer presentation, with the most deprived group (Quintile 5) 1.26 times more likely to be diagnosed with Stage IV cancer compared with the most affluent group (CI 1.13–1.40, p < 0.001). Sub-group analyses demonstrated that Black & Affluent patients were still at greater risk of Stage IV CRC than their White & Affluent counterparts (OR 1.24, 95% CI 1.11–1.45, p = 0.023). Patients with rectal cancer were less likely to present with Stage IV CRC (OR 0.66, 95% CI 0.61–0.71, p < 0.001).ConclusionRacial and age related disparities exist in tumour presentation in the United Kingdom. Patients from black and socially deprived backgrounds as well as the elderly are more likely to present with advanced tumours at time of diagnosis.  相似文献   

A bidirectional relationship between obesity and depression may exist, though previous results are conflicting. The objectives of our study were to determine whether there is a bidirectional relationship between obesity and symptoms of depression in younger adults and whether this relationship varies with sociodemographic factors. We used data from 7,980 participants in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 to examine whether baseline depressive symptoms (score ≥ 10 on a seven-item subscale of the CES-D) in 1992, predicted adjusted percent change in BMI between 1992 and 1994. We then examined whether obesity in 1992 predicted the development of symptoms of depression in 1994, after adjustment for confounders. We found that the presence of baseline depressive symptoms was not prospectively associated with increase in percent BMI, except in Hispanic women. Additionally, baseline obesity was not associated with higher risk of future symptoms of depression in the sample overall (adjusted risk ratio (RR) 1.20; 99% CI 0.91-1.60). However, in those of higher socioeconomic status, obesity was associated with almost double the risk of depressive symptoms compared to nonobese (highest income category: adjusted RR 1.97; 99% CI 1.14-3.40). We concluded that although obesity was not associated with risk of depression symptoms in the population overall, obesity was associated with an increased risk of developing depressive symptoms in those of higher socioeconomic status. Sociodemographic factors may be important modifiers of the relationship between obesity and depression.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between anaerobic threshold (Th(an)) and muscle fatigue threshold (EMGFT) as estimated from electromyographic (EMG) data taken from the quadriceps muscles (vastus lateralis) during exercise on a cycle ergometer. The subjects in this study were 20 female college students, including highly trained endurance athletes and untrained sedentary individuals, whose fitness levels derived from their maximal oxygen consumption ranged from 24.9 to 62.2 ml.kg-1.min-1. The rate of increase in integrated EMG (iEMG) activity as a function of time (iEMG slope) was calculated at each of four constant power outputs (350, 300, 250, 200 W), sufficiently high to bring about muscle fatigue. The iEMG slopes so obtained were plotted against the exercise intensities imposed, resulting in linear plots which were extrapolated to zero slope to give an intercept on the power axis which was in turn interpreted as the highest exercise intensity sustainable without electromyographic evidence of neuromuscular fatigue (EMGFT). The Th(an) was estimated from gas exchange parameters during an incremental exercise test on the same cycle ergometer. The mean results indicated that oxygen uptake (VO2) at Than was 1.39 l.min-1, SD 0.44 and VO2 at EMGFT was 1.33 l.min-1, SD 0.57. There was no significant difference between these mean values (P greater than 0.05) and there was a highly significant correlation between VO2 at Than and VO2 at EMGFT (r = 0.823, P less than 0.01).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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The effects of first calving (FC) in Holstein heifers on their first lactation, second lactation and lifetime milk production were examined from an initial database of 459 743 animals that first calved between 1 January 1990 and 31 July 2010 in Wallonia, Belgium. The FC age class (18 to 22, 22 to 26, 26 to 30, 30 to 34, 34 to 38 and 38 to 42 months), the FC season and FC year class (1990 to 1994, 1995 to 1999, 2000 to 2004 and 2005 to 2010) were considered when analysing the first and second lactation data. Lifetime data were similarly analysed, but did not include animals that calved after 2005 because many of them were still lactating. Only 24% of animals had their FC before 26 months of age. Animals that first calved between 22 and 26 months of age had more lactations and productive days during their life. They also had higher first and second lactation milk production and lifetime milk production. Summer or autumn FC improved first lactation, second lactation and lifetime milk production, as well as production per day of lactation, compared with winter or spring FC. Compared with animals that calved for the first time in 1990 to 1994, animals with a FC in 2000 to 2004 had a longer calving interval (0.5 months), fewer lactations per animal (−0.6) and fewer days in their lifetime lactation (a reduction of 144 days). As a result, the animals’ lifetime production did not increase between 1990 to 1994 and 2000 to 2004, although milk production per day of lactation (22.85v. 20.49 l/day) and per day of life (11.49v. 10.78 l/day) improved. Milk fat content was lower in 2000 to 2004 than in 1990 to 1994, but protein content remained relatively constant, probably because of the cows’ higher production level and increased dietary concentrate supplementation.  相似文献   

Adolescents classified as overweight or obese are more likely to use unhealthy weight control behaviors such as skipping meals or fasting than their healthy weight peers. Adolescents with low perceived social support may be at particular risk. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to investigate the association between adolescent overweight and obesity, indices of perceived peer and family social support, and their interaction in the use of unhealthy weight control behaviors among adolescents. The present study used data from the 2001–2002 Health Behavior in School-Aged Children collaborative survey. Participants included 4598 adolescent girls and boys in the ninth and tenth grades. Results of binary logistic regression analyses showed that obese boys and girls were more likely to use unhealthy weight control behaviors than their healthy weight peers. Boys and girls who endorsed difficult communication with their parents, low levels of parent school support, or frequent bullying were more likely to engage in unhealthy weight control behaviors than relevant comparison groups. Among girls, poor classmate relationships were associated with increased use of unhealthy weight control behaviors whereas fewer friendships were associated with decreased use. Results suggest that adolescents are at high risk for use of unhealthy weight control behaviors and would benefit from interventions to increase knowledge and social support for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.  相似文献   

The power of the symptoms of jet lag in predicting the amount of jet lag measured at the same and different times of the day has been investigated. A total of 85 subjects was studied for 6 days after a flight from the UK to Australia (10 time zones to the east). At 08:00, 12:00, 16:00, 20:00, and 24:00h, the subjects recorded their jet lag and fatigue. At 08:00h, they also assessed their sleep. At 12:00 and 16:00h, they assessed their attitude to a meal, as well as their motivation, commitment, and irritability. On retiring, they recorded bowel activity. Assessments were by visual analog scales. Jet lag was treated as the dependent variable and the symptoms as covariates in ANCOVAs. Fatigue was a powerful predictor of jet lag, provided it was measured at the same time, and some aspects of sleep predicted jet lag measured on retiring or rising. The other symptoms predicted jet lag less powerfully and/or at a wider range of times. It is concluded that, even though jet lag at any time of the day can be predicted from contemporaneous assessments of fatigue and that it can be predicted on retiring or rising from some aspects of changed sleep, jet lag is predicted less reliably from other symptoms, including aspects of mental performance. These findings question exactly what causes jet lag at a particular time of day, and so are relevant to studies which use this measurement to investigate the problems associated with time-zone transitions, and ways to ameliorate them.  相似文献   

Few studies have investigated personality and psychopathological profiles associated to the choice of university education. Our study examined students from four faculties of Turin University, in Turin, Italy (Medicine, Engineering, Education, Law), comparing sociodemographic features, personality characteristics and psychiatric symptoms. A heterogeneous group of 1,323 students were assessed using a semistructured interview, the Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire-Revised (PDQ-R), and the Symptoms Checklist 90 (SCL-90). Statistical analysis included four logistic regression models, each fitted for one faculty, considering the other three as a control group. Associations were found in Medical and Engineering students concerning type of high school, school final score, and father?s socioeducational level. Factors associated with students of Law and Education included socioeducational characteristics, but stronger correlations were seen with PDQ-R personality scales and SCL-90 symptom clusters. In conclusion, four different profiles were identified. Medicine was not significantly related to personality and psychiatric factors. Engineering was related to male gender, choice of technical high school and father?s social level. Law was related to female gender and narcissistic personality profile. These data may be useful for counseling activities addressed to high school and university students.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate how and to what extent modern people's life is affected by cell phones, which have been rapidly penetrating into the people's individual life. Surveys were conducted by questionnaires to Japanese college students (288 females and 54 males, ages 18 to 21) about their dependency on cell phones and habits of using them. The result was analyzed by the KJ method extracting the typical feelings about cell phones. Forty typical feelings were rated by 5 levels and analyzed in relation to the using years and the frequency per day. About 20% of the students used cell phones more than 30 times a day and for more than 3 hours in average per day. A decisive point concerning the users' dependency on cell phones seemed to exist between the daily use of 30 times and 40 times. At the same time, female students appeared more dependent on cell phones. Those feelings were classified into 6 groups; being 'dependent' on cell phones, regarding cell phones as 'important', 'necessary', 'convenient', just a 'method' of communication, and 'troublesome'. The percentages of those who felt cell phones as convenient, a method, important and necessary were high both in males and females. The dependence on cell phones seemed to be affirmative in both sexes, but males consistently felt cell phones as methods, whereas females tended to be more dependent on them from psychological reasons. Consequently, there were observed some differences between males and females in their use and feelings to cell phones.  相似文献   

Among group-housed male Cercopithecus aethiops, dominant animals have higher concentrations of whole bood serotonin (WBS) than their subordinate counterparts. In contrast, there appears to be no relationship between social status and WBS in Macaca nemestrina. We report here the relationship between social status and WBS among 29 male Macaca fascicularis housed in groups of five. Membership in these groups was disrupted periodically (20 times in 26 months) with a reorganization manipulation. Concentrations of WBS were assessed just prior to the 20th (final) social reorganization and at 1, 2, and 5 weeks following that reorganization. Correlations between these repeated samples were high, indicating considerable intraindividual stability in WBS. Overall, there were no persistent differences in WBS between clearly dominant (ranked 1 or 2) and subordinate (ranked 3, 4, or 5) monkeys, despite the substantial behavioral differences between such animals and the stability of social status across time. A multivariate analysis indicated that WBS was best predicted by a model that included a positive relationship with the interaction between rate of grooming and social status (P < 0.002), a negative relationship with extreme aggressiveness (P = 0.03), and a positive relationship with time spent alone (P < 0.04). Further analysis of the social status by grooming rate interaction revealed that WBS was higher in dominants than subordinates, but only if the dominants also initiated grooming frequently. These differences in the relationship WBS and social status in C. aethiops and M. fascicularis may reflect differences in the behavioral dynamics underlying the dominance hierarchies in small groups of these two species.  相似文献   

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