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The aim of this study was to examine the influence of glyphosate (GL) residues in feedstuffs on performance, energy balance and health-related characteristics of lactating dairy cows fed diets with different concentrate feed proportions. After an adaption period, 64 German Holstein cows (207 ± 49 d in milk; mean ± SD) were assigned to either groups receiving a GL contaminated total mixed ration (TMR) (GL groups) or an uncontaminated TMR (CON groups) during a 16 weeks trial. Contaminated feedstuffs used were legally GL-treated peas and wheat (straw and grain). GL and CON groups were subdivided into a “low concentrate” group (LC) fed on dry matter (DM) basis of 21% maize silage, 42% grass silage, 7% straw and 30% concentrate and a “high concentrate” group (HC) composed of 11% maize silage, 22% grass silage, 7% straw and 60% concentrate for ad libitum consumption. Body condition score, body weight, DM intake and milk performance parameters were recorded. In blood serum, β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and glucose were measured and energy balance was calculated. Milk was analysed for GL residues. At week 0, 7 and 15, general health status was evaluated by a modified clinical score. The average individual GL intake amounted for Groups CONLC, CONHC, GLLC and GLHC to 0.8, 0.8, 73.8 and 84.5 mg/d, respectively. No GL residues were detected in milk. GL contamination did not affect body condition score, body weight, DM intake, nutrient digestibility, net energy intake, net energy balance or BHB, glucose, NEFA and milk performance parameters; whereas concentrate feed proportion and time did affect most parameters. The clinical examination showed no adverse effect of GL-contaminated feedstuffs on cows’ health condition. In the present study, GL-contaminated feedstuffs showed no influence on performance and energy balance of lactating dairy cows, irrespective of feed concentrate proportion.  相似文献   

Thirty-seven Holstein and 26 Brown Swiss dairy cows were used to evaluate the effect of two different cooling systems on physiological and hormonal responses during the summer. A control group of cows had access only to shade (C). A second group was cooled with spray and fans (S/F) and the third group was under an evaporative cooling system called Korral Kool (KK). The maximum temperature humidity index during the trial was from 73 to 85. Rectal temperatures and respiration rates of the C group were higher (P < 0.05) than those of the S/F and KK groups in both Holstein and Brown Swiss cows. Triiodothyronine levels in milk were higher (P < 0.05) in the KK group than in the S/F and C groups, while cortisol levels were lower (P < 0.05) in the C group than in S/F and KK. There was no significant difference in the hormonal response of the two breeds. These results demonstrate that both cooling systems may be used increase the comfort of Holstein and Brown Swiss cows during summer in hot, dry climates.  相似文献   

In two consecutive summers, 21 and 18 cows respectively were monitored for acid-base chemistry and some blood minerals, to assess their variation according to the level of heat stress at different stages of lactation. During both years, the cows were monitored according to their lactation phase (early, mid-, and late) at the beginning of the summer. Climatic conditions were described through the temperature humidity index. Cows were monitored weekly for: breathing rate, rectal temperature, hemogas parameters and blood minerals (morning and afternoon collection). In the first year, two hotter periods were identified, with more severe conditions in the second one, when cows had rectal temperatures higher than 40°C. In the second year, only one hotter period was identified, with a heat stress comparable to that of the first period of the first year. The behaviour of rectal temperature, breathing rate and the parameters of the acid-base status indicated that the suffering of the cows was on the borderline between mild and high heat stress during the hotter periods only, according to the climatic conditions in the two years. During the hotter periods, the acid-base chemistry differed significantly with a reduction of and an increase of Cl during the hotter hours of the day. The compensation mechanism for mild alkalosis during hotter hours maintained blood pH and the returned to normal values during the night. Significant reductions were observed for Mg and Zn during the hotter periods. The cows in late lactation appeared to be less stressed by the hot climate.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to characterize the dynamics of the concentrations of heat shock protein 70 kDa (HSP70) in peripheral blood lymphocytes of lactating Holstein-Friesian dairy cows (Bos taurus) during pregnancy. The detection of pregnancy was carried out and blood samples collected on Days 40, 90, 120, 150, 180, and 210 of gestation from 46 cows (11 primiparous and 35 pluriparous, 34 seropositive and 12 seronegative to Neospora caninum). Peripheral blood lymphocytes were isolated by density gradient centrifugation. Serologic analysis of Neospora infection and determinations of HSP70 concentrations in lymphocyte lysates were carried out using commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kits. Climate variables were monitored using on-farm data loggers. Heat shock protein 70 concentrations increased in lymphocytes as gestation progressed, particularly in primiparous cows, with no effect from Neospora infection, climate variables, milk production, semen-providing bull, or outcome of gestation (singletons or twins). Our results show that HSP70 concentrations increased in lymphocytes as gestation progressed and were not affected by stressful factors, such as milk production, heat stress, chronic infection (neosporosis), or twin pregnancies.  相似文献   

There is considerable controversy with regard to the genotoxicity of glyphosate, with some reports stating that this compound is non-toxic for fish, birds and mammals. In this work, we used the comet assay to examine the genotoxicity of glyphosate isopropylamine (0.7, 7, 70 and 700 μM) in human lymphocytes, erythrocytes of Oreochromis niloticus and staminal nuclei of Tradescantia (4430) in vitro and in vivo. Cells, nuclei and fish that had and had not been exposed to 5 mM N-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) were used as positive and negative controls, respectively. Significant (p < 0.01) genetic damage was observed in vivo and in vitro in all cell types and organisms tested. Human lymphocytes and Tradescantia hairs showed lower genetic damage in vivo compared to in vitro, possibly because of efficient metabolization of the herbicide. In O. niloticus erythrocytes, significant (p < 0.001) genotoxicity was observed at ≥ 7 μM, whereas in vitro, glyphosphate was genotoxic in human lymphocytes and Tradescantia hairs at ≥ 0.7 μM. These results indicate that glyphosate is genotoxic in the cells and organisms studied at concentrations of 0.7–7 μM.  相似文献   

The objective was to determine performance and milk fatty acid changes of high producing dairy cows in early lactation, under summer heat, by adding a supplemental rumen inert fat in the form of a saturated free fatty acid (856 g/kg C16:0/kg of total fatty acids) to the total mixed ration (TMR). Early lactation multiparous Holstein cows in two similar pens of 99 and 115 cows were used in a 2 × 2 Latin Square design experiment with 35 d periods during a period when daily high and low temperatures averaged 34.3 and 15.9 °C, the relative humidity averaged 51% and there were no rain events. The TMR was the same for both groups, consisting of approximately 435 g/kg forage and 565 g/kg concentrate, except that the vitamin/mineral premix had no added fat (control, C) or added fat (C16:0) at a level designed to deliver approximately 450 g/cow/d of supplemental fat if cows consumed 26.5 kg/d of dry matter (DM). The two TMR averaged 905 g/kg organic matter (OM), 318 g/kg neutral detergent fiber (aNDF), and 186 g/kg crude protein (CP). The ‘C’ TMR had 58 g/kg total fatty acids with an estimated net energy for lactation (NEl) of 7.3 MJ/kg (DM), while the C16:0 TMR had 72 g/kg total fatty acids and 7.5 MJ/kg NEl (DM). Whole tract digestibility of DM, OM, aNDF and CP tended (P<0.10) to increase, and that of fatty acids increased substantially (P<0.01), with C16:0 feeding, whereas, DM intake was not affected. Milk fat content decreased (P<0.01) with C16:0 feeding (37.5 versus 36.0 g/kg), whereas, true protein content tended (P=0.09) to increase. There was a tendency (P=0.07) for increased milk yield (36.69 versus 38.04 kg/d), while milk protein yield increased (P=0.03) with C16:0 supplementation (1.08 versus 1.13 kg/d). Milk fat yield was unaffected by treatment. Concentrations of short and medium chain milk fatty acids (C6:0–C15:0), decreased, or tended to decrease, with C16:0 addition (C13:0 and C15:0, P<0.10; all others, P≤0.05). The concentration of C16:0 increased (P<0.001) in milk triglycerides from cows fed C16:0 (27.10 versus 31.57 g/kg), the longer chain saturated fatty acids C17:0 and C18:0 decreased (P≤0.05) and other long chain unsaturated fatty acids were unaffected. Benefits of C16:0 feeding on cow productivity must be balanced against negative effects on the nutritive value of the milk (i.e., increased C16:0 in milk fatty acids) produced for human consumption. However, relatively low amounts of supplemental C16:0 (27.10 versus 31.57 g/kg in milk triglycerides for C and C16:0 supplemented cows, respectively) were actually secreted in milk, in spite of them being essentially fully digested in the digestive tract. Strategies to divide cows into production groups based on milk yield and/or milk fat proportions could further limit C16:0 secretion in milk. Supplemental dietary C16:0 may have positive effects on milk production that outweigh the negative health effects of the increased C16:0 content in the milk fat.  相似文献   

In two consecutive summers, 21 and 18 cows, respectively, were monitored for blood parameters and milk yield, to assess their variation according to the level of heat stress at different stages of lactation. During both years, the cows were monitored according to their lactation phase (early, mid-, and late) at the beginning of the summer. Climatic conditions were described through the temperature humidity index. Cows were monitored for breathing rate, rectal temperature, blood metabolites and enzymes, and milk yield. In the first year, two hotter periods were identified, with more severe conditions in the second one, when cows had rectal temperatures higher than 40°C. In the second year, only one hotter period was identified, with a heat stress comparable to that of the first period of the first year. Milk yield declined during the hotter period; in both years, a higher reduction in milk yield was recorded for cows in the mid-stage of lactation. The decrease in plasma glucose during the hotter period was evident in both years. Plasma cholesterol also decreased in those periods. The reduction in plasma ALP activity in the hotter period of both years confirmed the role of this enzyme as a quick and reliable heat-stress blood marker.  相似文献   

The effects of concentrate energy source on feed intake and rumen fermentation parameters of lactating dairy cattle, offered one of three grass silages differing in fermentation and intake characteristics, were evaluated in a partially balanced changeover design experiment involving four rumen fistulated dairy cows. Three silages were harvested using different management practices prior to and at ensiling. Silages A and C and silage B were harvested from primary or secondary regrowths either untreated or treated with a bacterial inoculant. For silages A, B and C, dry matter (DM) concentrations were 334, 197 and 183 g/kg (S.E. 3.1), pH values 4.00, 4.79 and 4.80 (S.E. 0.042) and ammonia nitrogen (N) concentrations were 123, 319 and 295 g/kg total N (S.E. 20.0), respectively. Two concentrates were formulated to contain similar crude protein, effective rumen degradable protein, digestible undegradable protein and metabolisable energy concentrations but using different carbohydrate sources to achieve a wide range of starch concentrations. For the low and high starch concentrates starch concentrations were 17 and 304 g/kg DM and acid detergent fibre concentrations were 170 and 80 g/kg DM, respectively. The silages were offered ad libitum, supplemented with 10 kg fresh concentrate daily. For silages A, B and C, DM intakes were 10.9, 7.2 and 8.6 kg/day and concentrate energy sources did not alter (P>0.05) intake. Increasing the level of starch in the concentrate decreased the molar concentration of acetate (P<0.05) and tended to increase the molar concentration of propionate (P<0.1). Silage type altered the molar concentration of acetate (P<0.01) and the acetate:propionate ratio (P<0.05). There were no silagetype×concentrate interactions (P>0.05) on silage intake or rumen fermentation parameters. It is concluded that when concentrate and silage form equal proportions of the diet, the composition of the silage has an over-riding influence on rumen fermentation parameters. Furthermore, the changes in milk fat concentration, observed in a concurrent production study, due to changes in silage and concentrate types can be accounted for by changes in the ratio of lipogenic to glucogenic precursors in the rumen fluid.  相似文献   

At the dairy research farm Karkendamm, the individual roughage intake was measured since 1 September 2005 using a computerised scale system to estimate daily energy balances as the difference between energy intake and calculated energy requirements for lactation and maintenance. Data of 289 heifers with observations between the 11th and 180th day of lactation over a period of 487 days were analysed. Average energy-corrected milk yield, feed intake, live weight and energy balance were 31.8kg, 20.6kg, 584 kg and 13.6 MJ NEL (net energy lactation), respectively, per day. Fixed and random regression models were used to estimate repeatabilities, correlations between cow effects and genetic parameters. The resulting genetic correlations in different lactation stages demonstrate that feed intake and energy balance at the beginning and the middle of lactation are genetically different traits. Heritability of feed intake is low with h2=0.06 during the first days after parturition and increases in the middle of lactation, whereas the energy balance shows the highest heritability with h2=0.34 in the first 30 days of lactation. Genetic correlations between energy balance and feed intake and milk yield, respectively, illustrate that energy balance depends more on feed intake than on milk yield. Genetic correlation between body condition score and energy balance decreases rapidly within the first 100 days of lactation. Hence, to avoid negative effects on health and reproduction as consequences of strong energy deficits at the beginning of lactation, the energy balance itself should be measured and used as a selection criterion in this lactation stage. Since the number of animals is rather small for a genetic analysis, the genetic parameters have to be evaluated on a more comprehensive dataset.  相似文献   

Diet change and fatness are supposed to challenge the immune system of the cow. Therefore, immunological and haematological consequences of adaptation to and continued feeding of a high-energy diet were studied in eight non-pregnant, non-lactating Holstein cows over 16 weeks. Blood haptoglobin concentration remained unaltered, suggesting that an acute phase reaction was not induced. Stimulation ability of peripheral blood mononuclear cells and stimulated oxidative burst capacity of granulocytes increased significantly in the course of the experiment after an initial drop. While total leucocyte counts increased, the proportion of granulocytes increased and that of lymphocytes decreased at the same time as the ratio of CD4+/CD8+ lymphocytes did. Capability of rumen microbes to detoxify the immune-modulating mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) was not compromised as indicated by the exclusive presence of de-DON as the detoxified DON metabolite in blood. In conclusion, both diet change and prolonged positive energy balance influenced the bovine immune system.  相似文献   

Holstein cows were tested to determine which measures of thermal strain are the better predictors of production over 24–96 h at constant air temperatures of 19 and 29 °C. Both rectal temperature and respiration rate increased within 24 h, followed by milk yield and feed intake reductions after 48 h of heat stress. There were significant correlations between milk yield, feed intake, and rectal temperature. Several physiological strain indices were created to determine if combinations of measures are better than single measures in predicting production under these acute conditions. Mean daily rectal temperature was superior to maximum and minimum daily values of rectal temperature, as well as other indicators of thermal status in predicting dairy cow production. Likewise, mean daily rectal temperature was equal if not better than the physiological strain indices used in this study in predicting production. These data suggest that rectal temperature is superior to both single and combined indicators of thermal status in predicting dairy cow production, and should be considered for future development of physiological strain indices over a longer time period in both laboratory and field environments.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate circadian variations of blood and milk lead toxicokinetics in dairy cows in summer. Twenty lactating Holstein animals were randomly assigned to four treatments corresponding to different hours after onset of light (HALO): 2, 8, 14, and 20. Cows received a single intravenous administration of 2.5 mg/kg lead as lead acetate. Blood and milk samples were taken and analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. For each toxicokinetic parameter, a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to outline the existence of daily variations. Significant blood differences as a function of HALO were found for the hybrid constant of distribution (α), hybrid constant of elimination (β), elimination half-life (), area under the curve (AUC), volume of distribution at steady state (Vss) and clearance (ClB) (p<0.05). Half-life of elimination presented two peaks at 2 and 14 HALO. Milk data showed significant differences for maximum concentration and AUC (p<0.05). The ratio AUCmilk/AUCblood was utilized to estimate penetration of lead in milk. It differed significantly throughout the day (p<0.05). Milk data for the significant parameters could be fitted to circadian rhythms. No circadian rhythms were detected in blood parameters or in the ratio AUCmilk/AUCblood.  相似文献   

Fourteen animals of second and third lactation of Thai Friesian crossbred cows (87.5% Friesian × 12.5% Bos indicus) located at Sakol Nakhon Research and Breeding Centre, Department of Livestock Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, were divided randomly into two groups of seven each to evaluate the effects of evaporative cooling on reproductive and physiological traits under hot, humid conditions. Results indicated that installation of evaporating cooling in the open shed gave a further improvement in ameliorating heat stress in dairy cows in hot-wet environments by utilising the low humidity conditions that naturally occur during the day. The cows housed in an evaporatively cooled environment had both a rectal temperature and respiration rate (39.09°C, 61.39 breaths/min, respectively) significantly lower than that of the non-cooled cows (41.21°C; 86.87 breaths/min). The former group also had higher milk yield and more efficient reproductive performance (pregnancy rate and reduced days open) than the latter group. It is suggested that the non-evaporatively cooled cows did not gain benefit from the naturally lower heat stress during night time.  相似文献   

Dairy cows are commonly fed energy-dense diets with high proportions of concentrate feedstuffs to meet the increased energy needs of early lactation. However, feeding large amounts of concentrates may cause rumen acidosis and impact cow health. The hypothesis tested was that the energy supply and metabolic health of early-lactation Simmental cows can be maintained when high-quality hay rich in water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC) and crude protein (CP) is fed, despite the proportion of concentrates in the diet being reduced or even excluded. Twenty-four Simmental cows were allocated to one of four feeding groups beginning 10 d before the expected calving date, until 28 d thereafter. The feeding groups were 60CH (60% conventional fibre-rich hay plus 40% concentrate feed), 60HQH (60% high-quality hay plus 40% concentrate feed), 75HQH (75% high-quality hay plus 25% concentrate feed) and 100HQH (100% high-quality hay). The fibre-rich hay and high-quality hay differed in WSC content (110 g vs. 198 g of dry matter (DM)), neutral detergent fibre (646 g vs. 423 g of DM) and CP (65 g vs. 223 g of DM). Individual feed intake and milk production were monitored daily, and blood samples were collected weekly. Dry matter intake (DMI) and milk yield increased post partum, but 4 weeks post partum, the DMI of cows fed 100HQH only reached a daily mean DMI of 18.6 kg, whereas the DMI of the other groups averaged 21.9 kg (p < 0.046). The negative energy balance was less pronounced in cows fed 75HQH since they showed similar milk yields to the cows fed 60CH and 100HQH, but their energy intake was higher. Concentrations of milk components were similar across rations 60CH, 60HQH and 75HQH, as were most of blood parameters. Cows fed 100HQH responded to the energy deficit post partum with a higher ratio of non-esterified fatty acids to cholesterol and a higher concentration of ß-hydroxybutyrate (significant in comparison to cows fed 75HQH, p < 0.05). In conclusion, feeding high-quality hay with a WSC content of 20% in DM has the potential to decrease the proportion of concentrates in dairy cow feeding in early lactation, but cannot fully replace their supplementation due to a limited rumen capacity for forage intake.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to determine the influence of dietary replacement of n-6 with n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on cellular immunity and oxidative stress in the transition period dairy cows. The experiment was conducted on 20 dairy Holstein cows from 3±1 weeks before parturition until the 6th week of lactation. Both groups were fed an iso-energetic and iso-nitrogenous diet. Soybean meal from control (C) group was replaced with linseed in the experimental (LS) group. Cellular immunity and oxidative stress were measured on days −10, 1, 21 and 42 relative to parturition. During the entire experimental period, the proportion of CD45+ cells was lower (P<0.05) in LS group compared with the C group. The phagocytosis ability and phagocytosis index of cows fed with n-3 fatty acids were significantly reduced (P<0.05) compared with the group of cows fed with n-6 fatty acids. The most severe decrease in phagocytosis ability was on day −10 and 1 relative to parturition. The activity of superoxide dismutase (P<0.05) and plasma glutathione peroxidase (P<0.05) increased around calving, although activities were not influenced by dietary treatment. Increased malondialdehyde concentration (P<0.05) was influenced by dietary n-3 fatty acids and the time relative to parturition. The immune suppression was most pronounced during periparturient period. In that matter we can conclude that not only dietary n-3 fatty acids but also oxidative stress, which reached peak at time of parturition, contributed to the reduced cellular immunity during the periparturient period.  相似文献   

Four rumen fistulated wethers were used to investigate the effect of glyphosate contaminated feed on rumen fermentation. The rations were based on corn silage, urea and a vitamin-mineral premix, either in the absence or presence of 0.77?g glyphosate per kg DM. Furthermore, rations were fed either with or without aromatic amino acid supplementation. During four periods of 28 days, sheep received each of the four dietary treatments according to a Latin square. After 14 days of adaptation rumen fermentation parameters (pH, ammonia, volatile fatty acids) were measured on day 15 over a five-hour period after the morning feeding. The remaining 13 days served for in sacco degradation studies with grass hay and corn grain. Ammonia (NH3) and pH of rumen fluid were within the normal range for all dietary treatments (NH3: 9.1 – 32.3?mmol·l???1, pH: 6.2 – 6.7). Neither rumen fermentation parameters nor in sacco DM and NDF degradation of incubated feedstuffs were significantly affected by glyphosate, with or without aromatic amino acid supplementation. Kinetic profiles of the in sacco dry matter and NDF degradation of grass hay were almost identical for the dietary treatments.  相似文献   

For 8 weeks, adult CD‐1 male mice were continuously exposed to complex time‐varying pulsed magnetic fields (PMF) generated in the horizontal direction by a set of square Helmholtz coils. The PMF were <1000 Hz and delivered at a peak flux density of 1 mT. Sham‐exposed mice were kept in a similar exposure system without a PMF. Positive control animals exposed to 1 Gy gamma radiation were also included in the study. Blood samples were collected before (time 0) and at 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks. All mice were euthanized at the end of 8 weeks and their bone marrow was collected. From each blood and bone marrow sample, smears were prepared on microscope slides, fixed in absolute methanol, air‐dried, and stained with acridine orange. All slides were coded and examined using a fluorescence microscope. The extent of genotoxicity and cytotoxicity was assessed from the incidence of micronuclei (MN) and percent polychromatic erythrocytes (PCE) in the blood and bone marrow, respectively. The data indicated that both indices in PMF‐exposed mice were not significantly different from those observed in sham‐exposed animals. In contrast, positive control mice exhibited significantly increased MN, and decreased percentages of PCE in both tissues. Thus, the overall data suggested that 8 weeks of continuous exposure to PMF did not induce significantly increased genotoxicity and cytotoxicity in experimental mice. Further investigations are underway using other genotoxicity assays (comet assay, γ‐H2AX foci, and chromosomal aberrations) to assess genotoxicity following PMF exposure. Bioelectromagnetics 31:445–453, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The frequencies of micronuclei (MN) and morphological nuclear abnormalities (NA) in erythrocytes in the peripheral blood of tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), treated with 2 mg.L(-1) methylmercury (MeHg), were analyzed. Two groups (nine specimens in each) were exposed to MeHg for different periods (group A - 24 h; group B - 120 h). A third group served as negative control (group C, untreated; n = 9). Although, when compared to the control group there were no significant differences in MN frequency in the treated groups, for NA, the differences between the frequencies of group B (treated for 120 h) and the control group were extremely significant (p < 0.02), thus demonstrating the potentially adverse effects of MeHg on C. macropomum erythrocytes after prolonged exposure.  相似文献   

Treatment with the herbicide glyphosate led to significantly increased activities of the enzyme gluiathione S-transferase (GST, EC in wheat ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. Kadett and cv. Satu), pea ( Pisum sativum L. ev. Debreceni Világoszöld) and in maize ( Zea mays. L. Pioneer 3839 hybrid) tissues. GST activities in wheat seedlings (cv. Kadett) exposed to 960 μM glyphosate for 4 days were ca 6-fold and 3-fold higher in shoots and roots, respectively, than in the controls. Glyphosate increased the GST activity to a lesser extent in pea and maize than in wheat. In wheat seedlings (cv. Satu) exposed let 120 μM glyphosate gradual increases in the content of non-protein thiols were observed. After 7 days exposure to glyphosate the thiol levels rose to about 360% and 220% of the controls in wheal shoots and roots, respectively. The elevation of thiol content in glyphosate-treated plants was shown to be primarily due increases of glutathione level. These results suggest that the enhanced glutathione metabolism may have a role in the mode of action or degradation of this herbicide.  相似文献   

The purpose of this experiment was to investigate how early lactating cows adjust their metabolism and production to acute, but moderate changes in the energy density of the diet. Sixty dairy cows were randomly assigned to one of four treatments: two change-over groups (HNH and NHN) and two control groups (HHH and NNN), where H and N refer to a high and normal energy density in the total mixed ration (TMR), respectively. The experimental period covered the first 9 weeks post calving, which was split up in three 3-week periods. Thus, cows assigned to HNH or NHN shifted TMR in weeks 4 and 7 after calving while cows assigned to HHH or NNN were fed the same TMR for all 9 weeks. Results from cows on treatment HNH were compared with group HHH while cows on treatment NHN were compared with group NNN. When the diet changed from N to H and H to N, cows increased and decreased their dry-matter intake (DMI), respectively compared with control groups. Cows adjusted milk yield accordingly to changes in DMI, although not always significantly. Energy-corrected milk yield was not significantly affected by any of the changes in the energy density of the diet but generally showed same tendencies as milk yield. Non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), beta-hydroxybutyrate in blood and milk and triacylglycerol and glycogen content in the liver were not significantly affected by changes in the energy density of the diet, except from NEFA at one change. Glucose increased more when the diet changed from N to H and increased less when the diet changed from H to N, compared with control groups, although not always significantly. Collectively, these results suggest that cows adjust their DMI and partly milk yield according to the energy density of the diet and therefore only limited effects were observed in physiological parameters.  相似文献   

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