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This study compared apparent ileal and total tract digestibility of macronutrients and amino acids in blue foxes (Alopex lagopus) fed dry extruded diets. The control diet contained fish meal as the main protein source, while in the other diets 50% of the fish meal protein was replaced by not de-hulled solvent-extracted soybean meal, meat meal or bacterial protein meal. Ileal digestibility was obtained with animals modified with ileorectal anastomosis (IRA method). There were no significant differences in the average digestibility of CP, Lys, Trp, Val, Ala or Glu between IRA modified and intact animals. Average ileal digestibilities of His, Thr, Asp, Cys, Gly, Hyp, Pro, Ser, starch and total carbohydrates (CHO) were significantly lower compared with total tract values. Average ileal digestibility of Arg, Ile, Leu, Met, Phe, Tyr and crude fat was significantly higher than total tract digestibility. Digestibility measured in IRA modified animals showed less variability compared with values from intact animals. There were significant differences among diets in ileal as well as total tract digestibility of orude protein, most amino acids, starch and CHO, and in ileal digestibility of crude fat. Ileal crude protein digestibility of the diets ranged from 81.0-86.4% and total tract digestibility from 82.5-86.4%. Ileal amino acid digestibilities ranged from 70.1 (Asp) to 93.3% (Arg) and total tract values ranged from 72.8 (Cys) to 92.2% (Arg). Both ileal and total tract digestibilities of crude protein and most amino acids were significantly lower for diets containing meat meal or bacterial protein meal compared with the control fish meal-based diet and the diet with soybean meal. Although ileal digestibility may be more accurate than total tract digestibility in estimating the protein and amino acid supply in blue foxes, total tract digestibility may be acceptable because of numerically small differences between ileal and total tract digestibilities for protein and most amino acids. It was further concluded that ileal digestibilities of starch and CHO in the blue fox are lower than corresponding total tract digestibilities.  相似文献   

A total of 15 blue fox vixens aged 1–6 years were mated, 12 once on the first day of estrus and three a second time 48 hr after the first mating, and were killed 4 hr to 8 days following mating. Ova were collected from the oviducts, evaluated by stereomicroscopy, and studied by transmission (TEM; N = 49, 12 vixens) or scanning (SEM, N = 11, three vixens) electron microscopy. At 0–3 days after ovulation, the ova had not cleaved and were at different stages of meiotic maturation. In about one-half of these ova, representing all stages of meiotic maturation, a decondensing sperm head without nuclear envelope or a small pronucleus with partial nuclear envelope was observed. No clear relationship was found between maternal meiotic stage and the stage of paternal pronucleus formation. Sperm tails were never identified in the ooplasm. Cortical granules were released after sperm penetration at early stages of meiotic maturation. Thus the block against polyspermic penetration was activated during maturation of the oocyte. The first two-cell stage appeared 4 days after ovulation (3 days after mating), the first four-cell stage the following day (day 5), and the first eight-cell stage 6 days after ovulation (5 days after mating). In a single vixen mated late (7 days postovulation) two- to four-cell stages appeared the following day (day 8). This indicates that the time required for the first cleavage division decreases with increasing interval from ovulation to mating. The development of a functional nucleolus with fibrillar centers and fibrillar and granular components at the eight-cell stage indicates activation of embryonic RNA synthesis in fox embryos at the six- to eight-cell stage, suggesting that the embryonic genome is activated at this stage. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Morphology and sperm morphometry, this is an important determinant of male reproductive capacity. Morphometric data may provide relevant information in studies focused on evolutionary biology, sperm quality assessment, including prediction of the potential fertility, semen cryopreservation, or the effect of reprotoxicants. The paper presents the morphometric analysis of spermatozoa from two colour morphs of Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus), and attempts to determine the relationship between selected quality indicators and dimensions and shape of spermatozoa. The research material consisted of ejaculates collected once by manual stimulation from 20 one-year-old Arctic foxes (10 individuals of the blue morph and 10 of the white morph). Ejaculates were analysed for standard parameters (volume, sperm concentration, total number of spermatozoa in the ejaculate) and used for the preparation of microscopic specimens. It was found that, the dimensions of spermatozoa from Arctic foxes depend on the male colour morphs. Spermatozoa from white Arctic foxes were significantly longer (by 1.82 µm) and had larger heads (0.32 µm longer and 0.15 µm wider) compared to spermatozoa from blue Arctic foxes (P<0.05). The interactions between particular sperm dimensions indicated the occurrence of gametes differing in shape. The all correlation coefficients between the morphometric traits of spermatozoa were statistically significant. Our research proved that in the blue Arctic foxes, sperm dimensions (tail length and total sperm length) can be related to the percentage of spermatozoa with primary changes (respectively: r = -0.68 and r = -0.75; at P <0.05). However, in the case of white Arctic foxes, these characteristics depend on the ejaculate volume (respectively: r = 0.65 and r = 0.68; at P <0.05).  相似文献   

The aim of the present experiment was to determine if a niacin supplementation of 6 g/d to lactating dairy cow diets can compensate negative effects of a rumen nitrogen balance (RNB) deficit. A total of nine ruminally and duodenally fistulated lactating multiparous German Holstein cows were successively assigned to one of three diets consisting of 10 kg maize silage (dry matter [DM] basis) and7 kg DM concentrate: Diet RNB– (n = 6) with energy and utilisable crude protein at the duodenum (uCP) according to the average requirement of the animals but with a negative RNB (–0.41 g N/MJ metabolisable energy [ME]); Diet RNB0 (n = 7) with energy, uCP and a RNB (0.08 g N/MJ ME) according to the average requirement of the animals and, finally, Diet NA (n = 5), which was the same diet as RNB–, but supplemented with 6 g niacin/d. Samples of milk were taken on two consecutive days, blood samples were taken on one day pre- and post-feeding and faeces and urine were collected completely over five consecutive days. The negative RNB reduced milk and blood urea content and apparent total tract digestibility of DM, organic matter (OM) and neutral detergent fibre (NDF). Also N excretion with urine, the total N excreted with urine and faeces and the N balance were reduced when the RNB was negative. Supplementation of niacin elevated plasma glucose concentration after feeding and the N balance increased. Supplementing the diet with a negative RNB with niacin led to a more efficient use of dietary N thereby avoiding the negative effects of the negative RNB on the digestibility of DM, OM and NDF.  相似文献   

Cryogenic protocols have been developed for the storage of farmed silver fox (Vulpes vulpes) spermatozoa. However, these same protocols and modifications of these protocols have failed to satisfactorily preserve spermatozoa collected from farmed blue foxes (Alopex lagopus). Because cryogenic success has been linked to membrane composition, the plasma membrane lipid composition of farmed blue fox and silver fox spermatozoa was studied. Silver fox spermatozoal membranes have significantly higher levels of docosapentaenoic acid (DPA; 22:5, n-6) compared to blue fox spermatozoa, and blue fox spermatozoal membranes have significantly higher levels of stearic acid (18:0). Silver fox spermatozoal membranes not only have a higher ratio of unsaturated/saturated membrane fatty acids, but also higher levels of membrane desmosterol and cholesterol.  相似文献   

The African wildcat is one of the closest ancestors to the domestic cat and is believed to have similar nutrient requirements, but research is lacking. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of feeding a high‐protein extruded kibble diet vs. a raw meat diet on nutrient digestibility, nitrogen metabolism, and blood metabolite concentrations in African wildcats. Five wildcats were randomized onto either a high‐protein (>50% crude protein) extruded kibble diet or a raw meat diet. The study was executed as a crossover design, with 21‐d periods, consisting of a 16‐d adaptation phase followed by a 4‐d total fecal and urine collection phase. Cats were housed individually in metabolism cages and fed to maintain body weight (BW). A fresh fecal sample was collected for short‐chain fatty acid (SCFA) and branched‐chain fatty acid (BCFA) analyses. Blood was analyzed for serum chemistry and leptin concentration. Food intake (as is) did not differ (P>0.05) between diets. Food intake and fecal output (g/d DMB) were greater (P<0.05) when cats consumed the kibble diet. Protein digestibility was higher (P<0.05) when cats were fed the raw meat diet vs. the kibble diet. Nitrogen intake was greater (P<0.05) when cats consumed the kibble diet, and more (P<0.05) nitrogen was present in the feces; however, the percentage of nitrogen retained and nitrogen balance did not differ (P>0.05). Fecal scores, ammonia, SCFA, and BCFA concentrations did not differ (P>0.05) between diets. Fecal butyrate molar ratio was higher (P<0.01) when cats consumed the kibble diet. Blood analyses demonstrated few differences between diets, but alanine aminotransferase activity and bicarbonate were higher (P<0.05) when cats consumed the commercial raw meat diet. Owing to lack of differences, these data indicate that African wildcats can readily utilize a high protein extruded kibble diet, and may be able to replace a commercial raw meat diet. Zoo Biol 29:676–686, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to evaluate effects on nutritional responses of supplemental DL-methionine and 2-hydroxy-4-(methylthio) butanoic acid (HMTBA) in a commercial-type diet in growing dogs. A nitrogen balance study was conducted as a randomized complete block design using 30 Pointer puppies (72-d-old; 5.5 kg). A corn and poultry byproduct meal based diet was supplemented with 0.1 or 0.2% DL-methionine or HMTBA on an equimolar basis. Organic matter and gross energy tended (p < 0.10) to be less digestible by dogs fed the 0.1% HMTBA diet compared with the 0.2% DL-methionine diet, but other nutrients were unaffected. Postprandial urinary calcium tended (p < 0.10) to be lower for the basal and HMTBA treatments. Fecal ammonia tended (p < 0.10) to be lower for the 0.1% HMTBA diet than for the 0.2% DL-methionine diet. At the levels tested, DL-methionine and HMTBA appear to act similarly when included in a corn and poultry by-product meal diet fed to young dogs.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the endogenous fat loss (EFL) and to calculate true total tract digestibility (TTTD) of fat in mink (Neovison vison) using soybean oil–based diets with different fat levels. In the digestibility assay, four diets with 6.30%, 13.9%, 22.0% and 34.0% fat in dry matter were used. Sixteen adult male mink were distributed in a complete randomised design. The apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of dietary fat was 90.8%, 95.9%, 96.9% and 97.8%, respectively. The apparent total digestible fat was linearly related to dietary fat intake (r2 = 0.99). The EFL was estimated from the slope of the regression equation and was determined to be 5.09 g/kg DM intake. The TTTD of soybean oil was determined to be 99.3%. Therefore, TTTD values will have negligible impact in feed formulation as they are close to ATTD values with the dietary fat levels normally used for mink.  相似文献   

Mammals that hibernate must rely on endogenous lipid reserves to survive over winter. This study was conducted to compare the difference in serum fatty acid composition, dietary intake, and apparent digestibility in the Vancouver Island marmot (N = 6) fed the Metro Zoo lagomorph diet supplemented with α‐linolenic acid [C(18:3) n‐3 (α‐LA)]. The experiment was designed as a 3 × 3 Latin square with three 17‐day collection periods. The test diets contained 12.16, 14.85, and 17.05% α‐LA as a percentage of fatty acids in the diet supplied through the addition of flaxseed oil (~53% α‐LA). Across treatments, dry matter intake (g/d), dry matter digestibility, apparent fat digestibility, and apparent neutral detergent fiber digestibility did not differ significantly (P > 0.05). There were no significant differences in serum α‐LA concentration between the three levels of α‐LA supplementation. However, this supplementation did elevate serum α‐LA, eicosapentaenoic acid [C20:5 (n‐3)], and docosahexaenoic acid [C22:6 (n‐3)] levels compared with feeding the basal zoo lagomorph diet (P < 0.05). Thus, supplementation of the basal zoo lagomorph diet with α‐LA elevated the serum levels of essential fatty acids in the Vancouver Island marmot. Zoo Biol 20:251–259, 2001. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Twenty-five weaned 35-day-old piglets were used in a 35-day growth experiment to evaluate the effect of inclusion of chicory and ribwort forage in a cereal-based diet on growth performance, feed intake, digestibility and shedding of faecal coliform bacteria. A total of seven experimental diets were formulated, a cereal-based basal diet (B), and six diets with inclusion of 40, 80 and 160 g/kg chicory (C40, C80 and C160) or ribwort (R40, R80 and R160). Piglets had ad libitum access to feed and water throughout the experiment. Three and five weeks post-weaning faeces samples for determination of digestibility were collected once a day for five subsequent days. Additional faeces samples for determination of coliform counts were collected at days 1, 16 and 35 post-weaning. Piglets fed diet R160 had the lowest average daily feed intake (DFI) and daily weight gain (DWG), and differed (P < 0.05) from piglets fed diets B, R40 and R80. There were no differences in DFI and DWG between the chicory diets and diet B. Inclusion of chicory or ribwort had a minor negative impact on the coefficient of total tract apparent digestibility (CTTAD) of dry matter, organic matter and crude protein, whereas inclusion of both chicory and ribwort resulted in higher CTTAD of non-starch polysaccharides and neutral detergent fibre (NDF). The CTTAD of arabinose were higher for diets C160 and R160 than for diet B (P < 0.05), and the CTTAD of uronic acid was higher for diets C40, C80, C160, R80 and R160 than for diet B (P < 0.05). Age affected the CTTAD for all parameters (P < 0.05) except for NDF, with higher values at 5 than at 3 weeks post-weaning. The coliform counts decreased with increasing age (P < 0.05), but was not affected by treatment. The results indicate that inclusion of up to 160 g/kg of chicory do not negatively affect performance, whereas high inclusion of ribwort have a negative impact on feed consumption and consequently on growth rate. Both herbs have a higher digestibility of fibre compared to cereal fibre. Chicory and ribwort are both promising as feedstuffs to weaned piglets, but the low palatability of ribwort limits the inclusion level.  相似文献   


Two trials were conducted with 48 newly weaned piglets (28 d old) each 8.6 ± 0.05 kg to study how Laminaria japonica plants (LJ) affect zootechnical performance, feed conversion and the apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of crude nutrients. All basal diets consisted of cereals, soybean meal, skim milk powder and premixes according to recommendations (no growth promoters or enzymes). For Trial 1, piglets from 16 litters (50% male-castrated, 50% female) were assigned to three treatment groups (n = 16) in a completely randomised block design. Groups received either 2.5% supplementation with sun dried (SD) or drum dried (DD) LJ powder or 2.5% of diatomaceous earth (control). For Trial 2, piglets from 12 litters received either 5% of diatomaceous earth (control) or one of three mixtures of diatomaceous earth + DD LJ powder (3.3%+1.7%, 1.7%+3.3% or 0.0%+5%; n = 12). Data collection included zootechnical performance, faecal consistency, blood plasma urea (Trial 1 and 2) and ATTD (Trial 2). Metabolisable energy (ME) of DD LJ and diets in Trial 2 was estimated using digestible nutrients. Statistical analysis included two-way ANOVA (treatment, block) and mixed linear regression. During both trials, LJ at dosages ≥2.5% significantly reduced feed:gain ratio compared to control (p ≤ 0.0001, = 0.01 for Trial 1, Trial 2) irrespective of the drying method. ATTD from Trial 2 significantly increased digestibilities of dry matter (DM) and crude ash (CA) (p ≤ 0.01) and significantly decreased digestibilities of organic matter and crude fibre in animals fed ≥3.33% DD LJ (p = 0.01). Fractional digestibility of the DD LJ resulted in limited ME of ~9.3 ± 2.5 MJ/kg DM. Dietary conversion ratios of ME and digestible DM of DD LJ diets from Trial 2 decreased linearly with increasing algal supplementation (R2 = 0.93, 0.94 and pslope = 0.002, 0.002 for MCR, DCR). In conclusion, dried LJ powder was included up to 5% into diets without impairing zootechnical performance. The improved feed conversion in the presence of LJ was partly due to slightly higher ME within the algae diets compared to control. However, piglets receiving LJ during Trial 2 needed significantly lower dietary ME and digestible DM to maintain growth performance. Thus, LJ exerted a performance enhancing effect on weaned piglets. The precise mode-of-action is yet unclear.  相似文献   

A 2 × 3 factorial experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of partial substitution of dietary fish meal with soybean meal and citric acid (CA) supplementation on growth, food utilization, muscle composition and nutrient digestibility of Beluga, Huso huso. Three isonitrogenic and isoenergetic diets, as SBM1 (soybean meal protein (SBP):fishmeal protein (FP) = 1:3), SBM2 (SBP:FP = 2:3) and SBM3 (SBP:FP = 1:1) containing two levels of CA (0 and 30 g kg−1) were fed to triplicate groups of fish for 8 weeks. The results revealed that adding CA increased (P<0.05) the weight gain (WG), specific growth rate (SGR) and protein efficiency ratio (PER) and decreased (P<0.05) food conversion rate (FCR) whereas partial substitution of fishmeal with soybean meal decreased (P<0.05) growth performance. Partial replacement of fishmeal with SBM (P=0.021) as well as CA supplementation (P=0.019) and their interaction (P<0.001) affected hepatosomatic index (HSI). No differences (P>0.05) were observed for viscerosomatic index (VSI) among treatments (P>0.05). No differences (P>0.05) were detected in moisture, protein of muscle sample among treatments, but lipid content was reduced (P<0.05) while ash content increased (P=0.035) by CA. Soybean meal decreased (P<0.05) nutrient digestibility, whereas CA improved apparent protein and phosphorus (P) digestibility (P=0.011 and P<0.001 respectively). No interaction (P<0.05) between levels of SBM and CA was found on these parameters. Results of the present study indicate that Beluga has a limited ability to utilize SBM as a protein source in practical diets whereas CA can improve growth and nutrient utilization in Beluga.  相似文献   

Adult goats (no. = 18) were supplemented with chromium (Cr, 0.5 mg/kg concentrate) for 120 days as Cr chloride and Cr yeast complex and their responses in terms of glucose tolerance and serum profiles of metabolites and hormones were measured. The goats were fed 200 g/day of the concentrate and reared under a semi-intensive regimen. Cr supplementation significantly reduced serum glucose ( P = 0.049) and cholesterol ( P = 0.0001) levels compared with the same in the control group (calculated as % change between days 0 and 120). Serum cortisol on day 120 was lower in goats fed Cr chloride than in the control group ( P < 0.05). Overall, the mean cortisol level was lower ( P = 0.001) in the goats receiving added dietary Cr. An intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT) was performed on the goats on day 75. The clearance rate (k) of glucose between 5 and 60 min of glucose infusion was significantly higher ( P = 0.004) in the goats supplemented with Cr yeast compared with those on the control or the Cr chloride supplemented diets. The kinetic parameters as well as the k and T1/2 responses for serum insulin during the IVGTT were not affected. The ratio between the insulin k to glucose k increased ( P = 0.011) in the goats fed added dietary Cr as Cr chloride compared with the control and the Cr yeast groups. Post-prandial serum levels of glucose (diet effect P = 0.038) and cholesterol (diet effect P = 0.033) was lower in both the Cr supplemented groups than the control. Serum glucose during an epinephrine challenge test tended to remain elevated ( P = 0.076) 2 h after epinephrine infusion in the Cr yeast group indicating a delayed return of serum glucose to the basal level. However, serum insulin and cortisol remained unaffected. Several changes in selected blood metabolites and hormone measurements were observed when Cr was added as a dietary supplement in the diet of the goats. Contrary to the generally accepted view, supplemental Cr may influence the metabolism of ruminants even in a non-stressed management regime.  相似文献   


The experiment was conducted to study the effects of fermentation of barley, using two different strains of lactic acid bacteria, a Lactobacillus plantarum/pentosus strain isolated from spontaneously fermented rye sourdough (AD2) and a starch-degrading Lactobacillus plantarum (AM4), on contents of mixed-linked (1 → 3) (1 → 4)-β-glucans, α-amylase inhibitor activity, inositol phosphates, and apparent digestibility of macronutrients in mink. Effects of fermentation were compared with effects of gamma irradiation (γ-irradiation: 60Co γ-rays at 25 kGy). The diets were fed to mink with and without a supplementary enzyme preparation. Both lactic acid fermentation and γ-irradiation followed by soaking and incubation, reduced concentrations of soluble β-glucans, phytate and α-amylase inhibitor activity. Dietary enzyme supplementation increased significantly digestibility of crude protein, fat, starch and crude carbohydrate (CHO). Fermentation of the barley increased digestibility of starch and CHO. Fermentation with lactic acid bacteria AD2 resulted in higher starch and CHO digestibility than strain AM4, and had greater effect than γ-irradiation, soaking and incubation. The highest digestibility of starch and CHO was obtained after AD2 fermentation followed by enzyme supplementation. It is concluded that both lactic acid fermentation of barley and enzyme supplementation have positive nutritional implications in the mink by limiting the effects of antinutrients and improving digestibility and energy utilization.  相似文献   

The present study evaluates the influence of previous nutritional status, fish fed on diets supplemented with tea and methionine, on acute hypoxia tolerance and subsequent recovery of Sparus aurata juveniles. Four isonitrogenous (45% of protein) and isolipidic (18% lipid) diets were formulated to contain 0.3% methionine, 2.9% white tea dry leaves or 2.9% of white tea dry leaves+0.3% methionine. An unsupplemented diet was used as control. Hepatic key enzymes of intermediary metabolism and antioxidant status, superoxide dismutase isoenzyme profile, glutathione (total, reduced and oxidized) and oxidative damage markers were determined under normoxia, hypoxia challenge and during normoxia recovery. Dietary white tea inclusion decreased plasma glucose levels under normoxia and seemed to induce an increase in anaerobic pathways as showed by enhanced liver lactate dehydrogenase activity. Hypoxia challenge reversed some of the responses induced by diet tea supplementation. Hypoxia decreased plasma glucose levels, increased glucose 6-P-dehydrogeanse activity, decreased superoxide dismutase activity (especially Mn-SOD and CuZn-SOD isoforms) and increased glutathione peroxidase activity in all dietary treatments. Catalase activity during hypoxia varied with dietary treatments and glutathione reductase was not modified. Antioxidant defenses were insufficient to avoid an oxidative stress condition under hypoxia, independently of dietary treatment. In general, pre-challenge values were recovered for almost all parameters within 6 h recovery time.  相似文献   

An experiment with broiler chickens was conducted to study the effect of inclusion of blue lupins and exogenous enzyme to broiler diets on the apparent metabolisable energy (AME), digestibility and performance. Two basal diets were formulated: a non-lupin diet A based on soya bean meal and maize, and a diet B where parts of soya bean meal and maize were substituted with blue lupin (200 g/kg). The two basal diets were fed either alone or, for diet B in combination with different enzyme preparations (Bio-Feed Plus, lactase, two galactanases (Gal-I and Gal-II)). The experiment was performed in battery cages with 648 male broiler chickens, where eight experimental diets were fed to the chickens from 7 to 21 days of age and weight gain and feed intake were measured during the period. At the end of the experiment, three chickens from each pen were slaughtered and the content from jejunum and ileum was separately collected and pooled and used for measurement on intestinal viscosity. For measurements of the apparent metabolisable energy and the apparent digestibility, excreta were collected at 22–24 days of age and ileal contents collected at 25–26 days from the remaining chickens.

Substitution of soya bean meal and maize with blue lupin depressed weight gain (9%) and feed conversion ratio (12%) significantly. Feed intake of the lupin-based diets was not decreased. The protein in lupin was digested to the same extent as the protein from soya bean meal, the coefficient of ileal apparent digestibility being on average 0.75. However, the high content of the non-starch polysaccharides (NSP; 450 g/kg) in lupin depressed the apparent digestibility of the organic matter by approximately 10%. The AMEn of the non-lupin diet was 14.01 MJ/kg dry matter (DM) compared to a value of 13.11 MJ/kg DM in the lupin control diet. Improvements in the measured parameters were seen with some of the enzymes. Gal-I, and Gal-II in combination with lactase were the most efficient enzymes concerning improvement in AMEn and performance. Weight gain was increased by 3.5–5.5% by addition with these enzymes. Gal-I increased the AMEn significantly to 13.65 MJ/kg, a value not significantly different from the AMEn of the non-lupin diet. There was no effect of addition with the different enzymes on the coefficients of apparent digestibility of organic matter measured in the ileum, whereas addition with Gal-I to the lupin diet increased the apparent digestibility of organic matter over the total tract by 3%. The mode of action of the galactanases has been to hydrolyse the galactan in the NSP cell wall of lupins to galactose and dimers of galactose, which are energy-yielding to poultry. From the results obtained, it can be indicated that Gal-I increased the energy utilisation of the lupin-based diet, confirmed by the improved AMEn content and performance.  相似文献   

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