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Environmental investigations of former industrial sites often detect the presence of chemicals for which no soil criteria exist and for which regulatory agencies have not derived estimates of toxic potency. This poses a considerable problem for making informed risk management decisions involving sites where such chemicals are present. As a result, a methodology has been developed for making risk-based decisions for chemicals of unknown toxic potency in soil at contaminated sites. The method is based on principles and procedures used by the US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA), the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME). After analyzing the data on hundreds of carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic substances, the USFDA and other leading researchers have concluded that, if no toxicological data is available on a chemical, exposures less than 1.5?µg/person/day (i.e., 0.02?µg/kg body weight/day) are unlikely to result in appreciable health risks even if the substance was later found to be a carcinogen. To develop maximum soil concentrations that will be protective of human health (i.e., Risk Management Criteria or RMC), the above exposure limit of 0.02?µg/kg body weight/day has been assumed to be protective of risks from exposure to chemicals lacking toxicological data. Using a stochastic risk assessment model for estimating exposures to chemicals from contaminated sites, our analyses indicate that a soil concentration of 2?µg/g would be protective of human health for land uses that include residential, commercial, and industrial development provided no major indirect pathways exist at the site. If indirect pathways exists (e.g., vapor infiltration of soil gases, uptake of chemicals into garden produce, etc.), alternate RMC could be developed, that include such indirect pathways, using the methodology provided in this paper. Used by experienced risk assessors, the approach is a scientifically defensible screening method that will preclude many chemicals from unnecessary evaluation, while allowing risk assessors to focus efforts on chemicals of greater concern and make informed risk management decisions.  相似文献   

Efforts to model human exposures to chemicals are growing more sophisticated and encompass increasingly complex exposure scenarios. The scope of such analyses has increased, growing from assessments of single exposure pathways to complex evaluations of aggregate or cumulative chemical exposures occurring within a variety of settings and scenarios. In addition, quantitative modeling techniques have evolved from simple deterministic analyses using single point estimates for each necessary input parameter to more detailed probabilistic analyses that can accommodate distributions of input parameters and assessment results. As part of an overall effort to guide development of a comprehensive framework for modeling human exposures to chemicals, available information resources needed to derive input parameters for human exposure assessment models were compiled and critically reviewed. Ongoing research in the area of exposure assessment parameters was also identified. The results of these efforts are summarized and other relevant information that will be needed to apply the available data in a comprehensive exposure model is discussed. Critical data gaps in the available information are also identified. Exposure assessment modeling and associated research would benefit from the collection of additional data as well as by enhancing the accessibility of existing and evolving information resources.  相似文献   

A variety of exposure factors ultimately control the uptake of xenobiotic chemicals by colonial piscivorous birds, such as herons and egrets. These factors, which include feeding rate for various food sources, feeding territory size, and body weight, are critical to the implementation of models commonly used to predict ecological risks. A critical evaluation of literature on avian behavior, physiology, and ecology was conducted in order to identify those variables that most strongly influence uptake of chemicals by herons and egrets. After developing a database of such exposure factors, we identified each factor's range, central tendency, and distribution. Sufficient information was available to allow the development of statistical distributions for body weight, fraction of diet from fish, prey length, distance to foraging site, and feeding territory size for great blue herons. The five distributions presented in this paper are intended to support probabilistic assessments of potential risks to great blue herons. Distributions of exposure factors for great blue herons have not been previously published. Without such data, application of all but the most simple mechanistic models will require point estimates, most of which will be overly conservative and will not support accurate characterization of actual exposures of herons at hazardous waste sites.  相似文献   

There is compelling evidence on a global scale for compromised growth and reproduction, altered development, and abnormal behaviour in feral fish that can be correlated or in some cases causally linked with exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). Attributing cause and effect relationships for EDCs is a specific challenge for studies with feral fish as many factors including food availability, disease, competition and loss of habitat also affect reproduction and development. Even in cases where there are physiological responses of fish exposed to EDCs (e.g., changes in reproductive hormone titres, vitellogenin levels), the utility of these measures in extrapolating to whole animal reproductive or developmental outcomes is often limited. Although fish differ from other vertebrates in certain aspects of their endocrinology, there is little evidence that fish are more sensitive to the effects of EDCs. Therefore, to address why endocrine disruption seems so widespread in fish, it is necessary to consider aspects of fish physiology and their environment that may increase their exposure to EDCs. Dependence on aquatic respiration, strategies for iono-osmotic regulation, and maternal transfer of contaminants to eggs creates additional avenues by which fish are exposed to EDCs. This paper provides an overview of responses observed in feral fish populations that have been attributed to EDCs and illustrates many of the factors that need consideration in evaluating the risks posed by these chemicals.  相似文献   

PurposeThe objective of this study is to determine the quality of chest X-ray images using a deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) and a rule base without performing any visual assessment. A method is proposed for determining the minimum diagnosable exposure index (EI) and the target exposure index (EIt).MethodsThe proposed method involves transfer learning to assess the lung fields, mediastinum, and spine using GoogLeNet, which is a type of DCNN that has been trained using conventional images. Three detectors were created, and the image quality of local regions was rated. Subsequently, the results were used to determine the overall quality of chest X-ray images using a rule-based technique that was in turn based on expert assessment. The minimum EI required for diagnosis was calculated based on the distribution of the EI values, which were classified as either suitable or non-suitable and then used to ascertain the EIt.ResultsThe accuracy rate using the DCNN and the rule base was 81%. The minimum EI required for diagnosis was 230, and the EIt was 288.ConclusionThe results indicated that the proposed method using the DCNN and the rule base could discriminate different image qualities without any visual assessment; moreover, it could determine both the minimum EI required for diagnosis and the EIt.  相似文献   

Purpose: To assess the predictive power of the comet assay in the context of occupational exposure to pesticides.

Materials and methods: The recruited subjects completed a structured questionnaire and gave a blood sample. Exposure to pesticides was measured by means of an algorithm based on Dosemeci’s work (Agricultural Health Study). Approximately 50 images were analyzed for each sample via fluorescence microscopy. The extent of DNA damage was estimated by tail moment (TM) and is the product of tail DNA (%) and tail Length.

Results: Crude significant risks (odds ratios, ORs) for values higher than the 75th percentile of TM were observed among the exposed subjects (score?>?1). The frequency of some confounding factors (sex, age and smoking) was significantly higher among the exposed workers. A significant dose–effect relationship was observed between TM and exposure score. Significant high-risk estimates (ORs), adjusted by the studied confounding factors, among exposure to pesticides and TM, % tail DNA and tail length were confirmed using unconditional logistic regression models.

Conclusions: The adjusted associations (ORs) between the comet parameters and exposure to pesticides were significant. The sensitivity of the comet test was low (41%), the specificity (89%) and the predictive positive value (0.77) were found acceptable.  相似文献   

Assuring reproductive health in the workplace challenges researchers, occupational safety and health practitioners, and clinicians. Most chemicals in the workplace have not been evaluated for reproductive toxicity. Although occupational exposure limits are established to protect 'nearly all' workers, there is little research that characterizes reproductive hazards. For researchers, improvements in epidemiologic design and exposure assessment methods are needed to conduct adequate reproductive studies. Occupational safety and health programs' qualitative and quantitative evaluations of the workplace for reproductive hazards may differ from standardized approaches used for other occupational hazards in that estimates of exposure intensity must be considered in the context of the time-dependent windows of reproductive susceptibility. Clinicians and counselors should place the risk estimate into context by emphasizing the limitations of the available knowledge and the qualitative nature of the exposure estimates, as well as what is known about other non-occupational risk factors for adverse outcomes. This will allow informed decision-making about the need for added protections or alternative duty assignment when a hazard cannot be eliminated. These policies should preserve a worker's income, benefits, and seniority. Applying hazard control technologies and hazard communication training can minimize a worker's risk. Chemical reproductive hazard training is required for workers by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's Hazard Communication Standard. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has formed a National Occupational Research Agenda Team to promote communication and partnering among reproductive toxicologists, clinicians and epidemiologists, to improve reproductive hazard exposure assessment and management, and to encourage needed research.  相似文献   


Limiting exposure to potentially toxic chemicals in food packaging can lead to environmental impact trade-offs. No available tool, however, considers trade-offs between environmental impacts of packaging systems and exposure to potentially toxic chemicals in food packaging. This study therefore explores the research needs for extending life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) to include exposure to chemicals in food packaging.


The LCIA framework for human toxicity was extended for the first time to include consumer exposure to chemicals in food packaging through the product intake fraction (PiF) metric. The related exposure pathway was added to LCIA without other modifications to the existing toxicity characterization framework used by USEtox®, i.e., effect factor derivation. The developed method was applied to a high impact polystyrene (HIPS) container case study with the functional unit of providing 1 kg of yogurt in single servings. Various exposure scenarios were considered, including an evidence-based scenario using concentration data and a migration model. Human toxicity impact scores in comparative toxic units (CTUh) for the use stage were evaluated and then compared to human toxicity impact scores from a conventional LCIA methodology.

Results and discussion

Data allowed toxicity characterization of use stage exposure to only seven chemicals in HIPS out of fourty-four identified. Data required were the initial concentration of chemicals in food packaging, chemical mass transfer from packaging into food, and relevant toxicity information. Toxicity characterization demonstrated that the combined CTUh for HIPS material acquisition, manufacturing, and disposal stages exceeded the toxicity scores related to consumer exposure to previously estimated concentrations of the seven characterizable chemicals in HIPS, by about two orders of magnitude. The CTUh associated with consumer exposure became relevant when migration was above 0.1% of the European regulatory levels. Results emphasize missing data for chemical concentrations in food contact materials and a need to expand the current USEtox method for effect factor derivation (e.g., to consider endocrine disruption, mixture toxicity, background exposure, and thresholds when relevant).


An LCIA method was developed to include consumer exposure to chemicals in food packaging. Further study is required to assess realistic scenarios to inform decisions and policies, such as circular economy, which can lead to trade-offs between environmental impacts and potentially toxic chemicals in packaging. To apply the developed method, data regarding occurrence, concentration, and toxicity of chemicals in food packaging are needed. Revisiting the derivation of effect factors in future work could improve the interpretation of human toxicity impact scores.


A defining feature of industrial ecology is the design of processes to minimize any disruption of the functioning of the natural ecosystem that supports life, including human beings. The extent of human exposure to anthropogenic contaminants in the environment is a complex function of the amount of chemical emitted, its physicochemical properties and reactivity, the nature of the environment, and the characteristics of the pathways for human exposure, such as inhalation, dermal contacts, and intake of food and water. For some chemicals, the location of emissions relative to areas of high population density or intense food production may also be an important factor. We explore the relative importance of these variables using the regionally segmented Berkeleyf-Trent (BETR) North America contaminant fate model and data for food production patterns and population density for North America. The model is applied to fourfff contaminants emitted to air: benzene, carbon tetrachloride, benzo-a-pyrene, and 2,3,7,8 tetrachlorodibenzo-pff-dioxin. The total continental intake fraction (iF), relating exposure quantity to emission quantity, is employed as a metric for assessing population exposure to these contaminants. Results show that the use of continentally averaged parameters for population density and food production provides an accurate estimate of the median of iF calculated for emissions in individual regions; however, iF can range from this median by up to 3 orders of magnitude, especially for chemicals transferred to humans through foods. The locations of population and food production relative to sources of chemicals are important variables that should be considered when assessing the possible human health impacts of chemical emissions as in life-cycle assessment.  相似文献   

According to international guidelines, the assessment of biophysical effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) generated by hand-operated sources needs the evaluation of induced electric field (E in) or specific energy absorption rate (SAR) caused by EMF inside a worker's body and is usually done by the numerical simulations with different protocols applied to these two exposure cases. The crucial element of these simulations is the numerical phantom of the human body. Procedures of E in and SAR evaluation due to compliance analysis with exposure limits have been defined in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers standards and International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection guidelines, but a detailed specification of human body phantoms has not been described. An analysis of the properties of over 30 human body numerical phantoms was performed which has been used in recently published investigations related to the assessment of EMF exposure by various sources. The differences in applicability of these phantoms in the evaluation of E in and SAR while operating industrial devices and SAR while using mobile communication handsets are discussed. The whole human body numerical phantom dimensions, posture, spatial resolution and electric contact with the ground constitute the key parameters in modeling the exposure related to industrial devices, while modeling the exposure from mobile communication handsets, which needs only to represent the exposed part of the human body nearest to the handset, mainly depends on spatial resolution of the phantom. The specification and standardization of these parameters of numerical human body phantoms are key requirements to achieve comparable and reliable results from numerical simulations carried out for compliance analysis against exposure limits or within the exposure assessment in EMF-related epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

Gestational exposure to pesticides may adversely affect fetal development and birth outcomes. However, data on fetal exposure and associated health effects in newborns remain sparse. We measured a variety of pesticides and metabolites in maternal urine, maternal serum, cord serum, amniotic fluid, and meconium samples collected at the time of cesarean delivery from 150 women in central New Jersey, USA. Women who used pesticides at home had higher concentrations of pesticides or metabolites in cord serum [e.g., dacthal (p = .007), diethyltoluamide (p = .043), and phthalimide (p = .030)] than those who did not use pesticides, suggesting that residential use of pesticides may contribute to overall exposure as assessed by biomonitoring. Except for orthophenylphenol, the concentrations of most pesticides in biological matrices of this study population were either comparable to or lower than the levels reported in previous studies and in the U.S. general population. The daily exposure estimates of two representative organophosphorus insecticides (chlorpyrifos and diazinon) were lower than most regulatory protection limits (USEPA oral benchmark dose10/100, USEPA reference oral dose, or ATSDR minimal risk levels); however, they were near or at the USEPA's population-adjusted doses for children and women. No abnormal birth outcomes or other clinical endpoints were noted in those newborns who had higher concentrations of orthophenylphenol during the perinatal period.  相似文献   


The introduction of the pesticide registration system in pesticide risk assessments has promoted the scientific and safe use of pesticides, and the assessment of occupational exposure risk. In the present study, we performed an experiment in a citrus orchard subject to normal orchard management practices. By measuring the exposure of applicators’ (farmers and technicians) body parts to 45% malathion emulsifiable concentrate during its application using electric backpack sprayers (0.25?KPa) and stretcher-mounted sprayers (1.5?KPa), the unit exposure (UE) was determined. The risks of exposure for pesticide applicators who adopted five different protective measures (A: no personal protective equipment (PPE), i.e., no clothes, no gloves, no caps, and no socks; B: short-sleeved top and shorts; C: short-sleeved top, shorts, and a single pair of gloves; D: short-sleeved top, shorts, a single pair of gloves, and a cap; E: long-sleeved top, long pants, a single pair of gloves, and a cap) were also assessed. The results were as follows: 1) The total levels of exposure for pesticide applicators using electric backpack sprayers and stretcher-mounted sprayers were 3613.63?µg and 5654.28?µg, respectively. When electric backpack sprayers were used, the body parts that had the highest exposure were the head (13.8%), hands (19.9%) and back (14.0%), and when stretcher-mounted sprayers were used, the hands (32.5%) and lower legs (21.1%) had the highest level of exposure; 2) In the absence of PPE, the UE values for farmers who used electric backpack sprayers and farmers who used stretcher-mounted sprayers were significantly different. However, when PPE was used, the difference in UE values between the farmers using the two different types of sprayers was not significant; 3) When protective measure A was adopted, the risk quotient (RQ) values of the farmers and technicians who used electric backpack sprayers for the application of malathion were 1.44 and 0.54, respectively; the corresponding RQ values when protective measure B was adopted were 0.97 and 0.28, respectively. When stretcher-mounted sprayers were used for the application of chlorpyrifos, the RQ value of the farmers who adopted protective measure E was 0.43 while other types of PPE use resulted in RQ values greater than 1. In contrast, the RQ value for technicians was 1.62 when protective measure A was used and 1.02 when protective measure B was adopted, whereas other types of PPE use resulted in RQ values less than 1. Therefore, besides increasing the awareness of personal protection among pesticide applicators, improvement in the management of pesticide use and the enhancement of standard operations are of practical significance for controlling occupational exposure to pesticides.  相似文献   

《Cancer epidemiology》2014,38(3):321-327
BackgroundThe most effective way to reduce cancer burden is Q2 prevention which is dependent on identifying individuals at risk for a particular cancer and counseling them to avoid exposure to causative agents. Other than a few well characterized environmental agents linked to specific cancers, linkage between any particular environmental exposure and a specific type of cancer is mostly unknown. Thus, we propose a systems approach to analyze publicly available large datasets to identify candidate agents that play a role in organ-specific carcinogenesis.MethodsPublicly available datasets for mRNA and miRNA expression in ovarian cancer were queried to define the differentially expressed genes that are also targets of differentially expressed miRNAs. These target genes were then used to query the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database to identify interacting chemicals and also were analyzed by Ingenuity Pathway Analysis to identify pathways.ResultsThe interacting chemicals interact with genes in known pathways in ovarian carcinogenesis and support the hypothesis that these chemicals are likely etiologic agents in ovarian carcinogenesis.ConclusionA systems approach may prove useful to identify specific etiologic agents to better develop personalized preventive medicine strategies for those most at risk.  相似文献   

In the last decades, the availability of sophisticated analytical chemistry techniques has facilitated measuring trace levels of multiple environmental chemicals in human biological matrices (i.e. biomonitoring) with a high degree of accuracy and precision. As biomonitoring data have become readily available, interest in their interpretation has increased. We present an overview on the use of biomonitoring in exposure and risk assessment using phthalates and bisphenol A as examples of chemicals used in the manufacture of plastic goods. We present and review the most relevant research on biomarkers of exposure for phthalates and bisphenol A, including novel and most comprehensive biomonitoring data from Germany and the United States. We discuss several factors relevant for interpreting and understanding biomonitoring data, including selection of both biomarkers of exposure and human matrices, and toxicokinetic information.  相似文献   

目的:探讨二甲双胍联合放射线照射对鼻咽癌细胞CNE-1增殖的影响。方法:分别给予鼻咽癌细胞CNE-1二甲双胍(5m M)、2Gy放射线照射、二甲双胍(5 m M)联合2Gy放射线照射处理后,采用MTT实验、克隆形成实验检测和比较其细胞增殖抑制率和克隆形成抑制率。结果:MTT实验结果显示:与二甲双胍组或2Gy放射线照射组相比,二甲双胍联合放射线照射组细胞增殖抑制率显著升高,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05);克隆形成实验结果显示,与二甲双胍组或2Gy放射线照射组相比,二甲双胍联合放射线照射组细胞克隆形成抑制率显著升高,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:二甲双胍联合放射线照射能够有效的抑制鼻咽癌细胞CNE-1的增殖。  相似文献   

目的:了解哈尔滨市某三级医院介入人员外照射个人剂量现况和本院辐射防护情况,以期为本院介入防护策略提供一定的科学依据。方法:按照《中华人民共和国国家职业卫生标准》(GBZ128-2016)版本要求,在2016年7月8号~2017年7月8号期间,采用双剂量计监测目标人群年外照射个人剂量,x2检验和logistic回归分析介入人员外照射个人剂量的影响因素。结果:年外照射最小个人剂量为0.08mSv,最大个人剂量为3.60mSv,平均个人剂量为0.23mSv,x2检验表明科室(x~2=50.420,P0.001)、职业类别(x~2=32.992,P0.001)、职称(x~2=33.806,P0.001)和学历(x2=9.289,P0.05)有统计学意义;logistic回归分析均表明,职称、工作年限、职业类别进入方程,但只有职称(Wals=4.896,P0.05)和职业类别(Wals=8.424,P0.05)有统计学意义,医务人员职称和职业类别(Wals=8.424,P0.05)是影响个人外照射剂量的因素。结论:本院总体外照射防护措施得当,本院从事介入工作的相关医务人员中,高级职称医务人员外照射个人剂量低于中、低级职称医务人员;技师外照射个人剂量高于护士和医生。根据本研究结果,在医院的外照射防护中应采取一些措施,比如合理分配工作,避免同一工种医务人员长时间暴露于介入相关外照射,避免中低级职称医生长时间接触介入相关外照射,加强医务人员防护意识,适当调整工作岗位,适时进行防护培训。  相似文献   

Background and objective: Toenail is an advantageous biomarker to assess exposure to metals such as manganese and mercury. Toenail Mn and Hg are in general analyzed by chemical methods such as inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and atomic absorption spectrophotometry. In this project, a practical and convenient technology—portable X-ray florescence (XRF)—is studied for the noninvasive in vivo quantification of manganese and mercury in toenail.

Material and methods: The portable XRF method has advantages in that it does not require toenail clipping and it can be done in 3?min, which will greatly benefit human studies involving the assessment of manganese and mercury exposures. This study mainly focused on the methodology development and validation which includes spectral analysis, system calibration, the effect of toenail thickness, and the detection limit of the system. Manganese- and mercury-doped toenail phantoms were made. Calibration lines were established for these measurements.

Results: The results show that the detection limit for manganese is 3.65?μg/g (ppm) and for mercury is 0.55?μg/g (ppm) using 1?mm thick nail phantoms with 10?mm soft tissue underneath.

Discussion and conclusion: We conclude that portable XRF is a valuable and sensitive technology to quantify toenail manganese and mercury in vivo.  相似文献   

Dietary exposure to Cadmium (Cd) is of increasing interest globally because of the adverse health effects of Cd arising from multiple sources. The assumptions used when undertaking deterministic assessment of Cd in global or regional diets have implications when applied to specific national cases representing local variation in food composition and consumption patterns different from global or regional norms. We have conducted deterministic dietary Cd exposure assessments for the South Korean population using a variety of schemes for point estimation. Consumption data from the Korean Nutrition Survey (2001 to 2003) and monitoring data from the Korea Food and Drug Administration were used as the basis for the exposure estimates. The average daily per capita Cd exposure was 14 μ g for the South Korean population, representing about 27% of tolerable daily intake (TDI) and is similar to that reported in other countries. The hazard index (HI, the ratio of total Cd exposure to the TDI) typically ranged from 0.3 to 0.9 depending on assumptions used in deterministic estimates of dietary exposure. Even though the current exposure of the South Korean population at large is found to be safe on the basis of these estimates, consideration of high-end patterns of Cd level and consumption suggests the need for continued vigilance in dietary Cd monitoring.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe immunotoxicity induced by vanadium exposure have been reported in some toxicology researches. However, evidence from population-based epidemiological studies was lacking.MethodsThis study was conducted to assess the associations between prenatal and postnatal exposure to vanadium and immune function of children. A total of 407 pre-school aged children were followed, whose peripheral blood was collected for T lymphocyte subsets and inflammatory cytokines analysis, as well as vanadium concentration measurement. Maternal urine samples were also collected to measure vanadium concentration. We used generalized linear models to evaluate the associations of maternal and children vanadium concentration with children’s immune function. Stratification analysis was further conducted to explore the potential gender-specific effects.ResultsThe geometric means of vanadium concentration in maternal urine and children plasma were 0.85 and 1.12 μg/L, respectively. Maternal urinary vanadium was inversely associated with the percentage of CD3+CD4+ cells [-5.53 % (-10.38 %, -0.41 %)] and absolute counts of CD3+ cells [-2.43 % (-5.05 %, 0.25 %)], and we only observed significant negative associations in males when stratifying by fetal gender. Children plasma vanadium was also associated with reduced absolute counts of CD3+ cells [-5.25 % (-9.57 %, -0.73 %)], but gender-specific effects were not observed. No significant associations of vanadium exposure with cytokines were found.ConclusionsPrenatal and postnatal exposure to vanadium had suppressive impacts on childhood cellular immune. Further studies are needed to confirm our findings.  相似文献   

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