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Mutations in the Park2 gene, encoding the E3 ubiquitin‐ligase parkin, are responsible for a familial form of Parkinson's disease (PD). Parkin‐mediated ubiquitination is critical for the efficient elimination of depolarized dysfunctional mitochondria by autophagy (mitophagy). As damaged mitochondria are a major source of toxic reactive oxygen species within the cell, this pathway is believed to be highly relevant to the pathogenesis of PD. Little is known about how parkin‐mediated ubiquitination is regulated during mitophagy or about the nature of the ubiquitin conjugates involved. We report here that USP8/UBPY, a deubiquitinating enzyme not previously implicated in mitochondrial quality control, is critical for parkin‐mediated mitophagy. USP8 preferentially removes non‐canonical K6‐linked ubiquitin chains from parkin, a process required for the efficient recruitment of parkin to depolarized mitochondria and for their subsequent elimination by mitophagy. This work uncovers a novel role for USP8‐mediated deubiquitination of K6‐linked ubiquitin conjugates from parkin in mitochondrial quality control.  相似文献   

The Parkinson disease (PD)-associated E3-ubiquitin (Ub) ligase PARK2/parkin plays a central role in many stress response pathways, and in particular, in mitochondrial quality control. Within this pathway, PARK2 activation is accompanied by a robust increase in its autoubiquitination, followed by clearance of the damaged mitochondria by selective autophagy (mitophagy). Yet, little is known about how this auto-ubiquitination is regulated during mitophagy. In our study, we demonstrate that PARK2 forms predominantly K6-linked Ub conjugates on itself. Moreover, PARK2 interacts with the deubiquitinating enzyme USP8 that preferentially removes these K6-linked conjugates, thereby regulating the activity and function of PARK2 in the pathway. When USP8 is silenced, a persistence of K6-linked Ub conjugates on PARK2 delays both its translocation to damaged mitochondria and successful completion of mitophagy. Taken together, these findings implicate a novel role for K6-linked Ub conjugates and USP8-mediated deubiquitination in the regulation of PARK2 in mitochondrial quality control.  相似文献   


SQSTM1/p62 (sequestosome 1) is a critical macroautophagy/autophagy receptor that promotes the formation and degradation of ubiquitinated aggregates. SQSTM1 can be modified by ubiquitination, and this modification modulates its autophagic activity. However, the molecular mechanisms underpinning its reversible deubiquitination have never been described. Here we report that USP8 (ubiquitin specific peptidase 8) directly interacted with and deubiquitinated SQSTM1. USP8 preferentially removed the lysine 11 (K11)-linked ubiquitin chains from SQSTM1. Moreover, USP8 deubiquitinated SQSTM1 principally at K420 within its ubiquitin-association (UBA) domain. Finally, USP8 inhibited SQSTM1 degradation and autophagic influx in cells with wild-type SQSTM1, but not its mutant with substitution of K420 with an arginine. Taken together, USP8 acts as a negative regulator of autophagy by deubiquitinating SQSTM1 at K420.

Abbreviations: BafA1: bafilomycin A1; BAP1: BRCA1 associated protein 1; DUB: deubiquitinating enzyme; ESCRT: endosomal sorting complex required for transport; HTT: huntingtin; K: lysine; KEAP1: kelch like ECH associated protein 1; MAP1LC3/LC3: microtubule associated protein 1 light chain 3; MEF: mouse embryonic fibroblast; shRNA: short hairpin RNA; SQSTM1: sequestosome 1; Ub: ubiquitin; UBA: ubiquitin-association; UBE2D2: ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 D2; UBE2D3: ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 D3; USP: ubiquitin specific peptidase; WT: wild-type  相似文献   

USP30 is an integral protein of the outer mitochondrial membrane that counteracts PINK1 and Parkin‐dependent mitophagy following acute mitochondrial depolarisation. Here, we use two distinct mitophagy reporter systems to reveal tonic suppression by USP30, of a PINK1‐dependent component of basal mitophagy in cells lacking detectable Parkin. We propose that USP30 acts upstream of PINK1 through modulation of PINK1‐substrate availability and thereby determines the potential for mitophagy initiation. We further show that a fraction of endogenous USP30 is independently targeted to peroxisomes where it regulates basal pexophagy in a PINK1‐ and Parkin‐independent manner. Thus, we reveal a critical role of USP30 in the clearance of the two major sources of ROS in mammalian cells and in the regulation of both a PINK1‐dependent and a PINK1‐independent selective autophagy pathway.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin-specific protease 33 (USP33) is a deubiquitinase that has been associated with a variety of physiological events. Here, we show the existence of multiple USP33 splice variants and characterize the sub-cellular localization of endogenous USP33 as well as GFP-USP33 isoforms 1-3. The localization of USP33 is broadly confined to the secretory pathway, with all variants localizing to endoplasmic reticulum-associated structures. In addition, GFP-USP33 variant 3 shows a marked accumulation at the Golgi apparatus. Several deubiquitinases have large insertions within their otherwise highly conserved catalytic domains, the function of which is poorly characterized. Analysis of USP33 reveals a role for two distinct inserts within the catalytic domain. One is required for association with the endoplasmic reticulum, whilst the second is required for membrane association, but can be alternatively spliced (variant 3) to excise eight amino acids, which otherwise suppress Golgi localization. We propose that varying the expression of differentially localized isoforms provides a means to influence the spectrum of substrates encountered by USP33.  相似文献   

Damaged mitochondria are selectively degraded via autophagy in a regulated pathway known as mitophagy. Parkinson disease-linked proteins PINK1 (PTEN induced putative kinase 1) and PARK2 (parkin RBR E3 ubiquitin protein ligase) are recruited to the outer mitochondrial membrane upon mitochondrial damage, leading to the PARK2-mediated ubiquitination of mitochondrial proteins. Here, we discuss our recent work demonstrating that OPTN (optineurin) is recruited to damaged mitochondria, serving as an autophagy receptor for autophagosome formation around mitochondria. Using high-resolution live-cell imaging, we find that OPTN is recruited to ubiquitinated mitochondria downstream of PARK2, and induces autophagosome assembly around mitochondria via its LC3-interacting region. Mutations in OPTN are linked to both glaucoma and ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), and an ALS-associated E478G mutation in OPTN''s ubiquitin binding domain leads to defective mitophagy and accumulation of damaged mitochondria. Importantly, our results highlight a role for mitophagy defects in ALS pathogenesis, and demonstrate that defects in the same pathway for mitochondrial homeostasis are causal for both familial Parkinson disease and ALS.  相似文献   


Maintaining the integrity and function of the presynaptic neurotransmitter release apparatus is a demanding process for a post-mitotic neuron; the mechanisms behind it are still unclear. BSN (bassoon), an active zone scaffolding protein, has been implicated in the control of presynaptic macroautophagy/autophagy, a process we recently showed depends on poly-ubiquitination of synaptic proteins. Moreover, loss of BSN was found to lead to smaller synaptic vesicle (SV) pools and younger pools of the SV protein SV2. Of note, the E3 ligase PRKN/parkin appears to be involved in BSN deficiency-related changes in autophagy levels, as shRNA-mediated knockdown of PRKN counteracts BSN-deficiency and rescues decreased SV protein levels as well as impaired SV recycling in primary cultured neurons. These data imply that BSN and PRKN act in concert to control presynaptic autophagy and maintain presynaptic proteostasis and SV turnover at the physiologically required levels.  相似文献   

The anaphase‐promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) is an E3 ubiquitin ligase and key regulator of cell cycle progression. Since APC/C promotes the degradation of mitotic cyclins, it controls cell cycle‐dependent oscillations in cyclin‐dependent kinase (CDK) activity. Both CDKs and APC/C control a large number of substrates and are regulated by analogous mechanisms, including cofactor‐dependent activation. However, whereas substrate dephosphorylation is known to counteract CDK, it remains largely unknown whether deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) antagonize APC/C substrate ubiquitination during mitosis. Here, we demonstrate that Cezanne/OTUD7B is a cell cycle‐regulated DUB that opposes the ubiquitination of APC/C targets. Cezanne is remarkably specific for K11‐linked ubiquitin chains, which are formed by APC/C in mitosis. Accordingly, Cezanne binds established APC/C substrates and reverses their APC/C‐mediated ubiquitination. Cezanne depletion accelerates APC/C substrate degradation and causes errors in mitotic progression and formation of micronuclei. These data highlight the importance of tempered APC/C substrate destruction in maintaining chromosome stability. Furthermore, Cezanne is recurrently amplified and overexpressed in numerous malignancies, suggesting a potential role in genome maintenance and cancer cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Melanoma is the most malignant skin cancer with increasing incidence worldwide. Although innovative therapies such as BRAF inhibitor and immune checkpoint inhibitor have gained remarkable advances, metastatic melanoma remains an incurable disease for its notorious aggressiveness. Therefore, further clarification of the underlying mechanism of melanoma pathogenesis is critical for the improvement of melanoma therapy. Ubiquitination is an important regulatory event for cancer hallmarks and melanoma development, and the deubiquitinating enzymes including ubiquitin‐specific peptidase (USP) families are greatly implicated in modulating cancer biology. Herein, we first found that the expression of the deubiquitinase USP4 was significantly up‐regulated in melanoma tissues and cell lines. Furthermore, although USP4 knockdown had little impact on melanoma cell proliferation, it could increase the sensitivity to DNA damage agent cisplatin. We subsequently showed that USP4 regulated cisplatin‐induced cell apoptosis via p53 signalling. More importantly, USP4 could accentuate the invasive and migratory capacity of melanoma cells by promoting epithelial‐mesenchymal transition. Altogether, our results demonstrate that the up‐regulated USP4 plays an oncogenic role in melanoma by simultaneously suppressing stress‐induced cell apoptosis and facilitating tumour metastasis.  相似文献   

CHDH (choline dehydrogenase) is an enzyme catalyzing the dehydrogenation of choline to betaine aldehyde in mitochondria. Apart from this well-known activity, we report here a pivotal role of CHDH in mitophagy. Knockdown of CHDH expression impairs CCCP-induced mitophagy and PARK2/parkin-mediated clearance of mitochondria in mammalian cells, including HeLa cells and SN4741 dopaminergic neuronal cells. Conversely, overexpression of CHDH accelerates PARK2-mediated mitophagy. CHDH is found on both the outer and inner membranes of mitochondria in resting cells. Interestingly, upon induction of mitophagy, CHDH accumulates on the outer membrane in a mitochondrial potential-dependent manner. We found that CHDH is not a substrate of PARK2 but interacts with SQSTM1 independently of PARK2 to recruit SQSTM1 into depolarized mitochondria. The FB1 domain of CHDH is exposed to the cytosol and is required for the interaction with SQSTM1, and overexpression of the FB1 domain only in cytosol reduces CCCP-induced mitochondrial degradation via competitive interaction with SQSTM1. In addition, CHDH, but not the CHDH FB1 deletion mutant, forms a ternary protein complex with SQSTM1 and MAP1LC3 (LC3), leading to loading of LC3 onto the damaged mitochondria via SQSTM1. Further, CHDH is crucial to the mitophagy induced by MPP+ in SN4741 cells. Overall, our results suggest that CHDH is required for PARK2-mediated mitophagy for the recruitment of SQSTM1 and LC3 onto the mitochondria for cargo recognition.  相似文献   

CHDH (choline dehydrogenase) is an enzyme catalyzing the dehydrogenation of choline to betaine aldehyde in mitochondria. Apart from this well-known activity, we report here a pivotal role of CHDH in mitophagy. Knockdown of CHDH expression impairs CCCP-induced mitophagy and PARK2/parkin-mediated clearance of mitochondria in mammalian cells, including HeLa cells and SN4741 dopaminergic neuronal cells. Conversely, overexpression of CHDH accelerates PARK2-mediated mitophagy. CHDH is found on both the outer and inner membranes of mitochondria in resting cells. Interestingly, upon induction of mitophagy, CHDH accumulates on the outer membrane in a mitochondrial potential-dependent manner. We found that CHDH is not a substrate of PARK2 but interacts with SQSTM1 independently of PARK2 to recruit SQSTM1 into depolarized mitochondria. The FB1 domain of CHDH is exposed to the cytosol and is required for the interaction with SQSTM1, and overexpression of the FB1 domain only in cytosol reduces CCCP-induced mitochondrial degradation via competitive interaction with SQSTM1. In addition, CHDH, but not the CHDH FB1 deletion mutant, forms a ternary protein complex with SQSTM1 and MAP1LC3 (LC3), leading to loading of LC3 onto the damaged mitochondria via SQSTM1. Further, CHDH is crucial to the mitophagy induced by MPP+ in SN4741 cells. Overall, our results suggest that CHDH is required for PARK2-mediated mitophagy for the recruitment of SQSTM1 and LC3 onto the mitochondria for cargo recognition.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin specific protease 33 (USP33) is a multifunctional protein regulating diverse cellular processes. The expression and role ofUSP33 in lung cancer remain unexplored. In this study, we show that USP33 is down-regulated in multiple cohorts of lung cancer patients and that low expression of USP33 is associated with poor prognosis. USP33 mediates Slit-Robo signaling in lung cancer cell migration. Downregulation of USP33 reduces the protein stability of Robo1inlungcancer cells, providing apreviouslyunknown mechanism for USP33 function in mediating Slit activity in lung cancer cells. Taken together, USP33 is a new player in lung cancer that regulates Slit-Robo signaling. Our data suggest that USP33 may be a candidate tumor suppressor for lung cancer with potential as a prognostic marker.  相似文献   

Ubiquitination is vital for multiple cellular processes via dynamic modulation of proteins related to cell growth, proliferation, and survival. Of the ubiquitination system components, E3 ubiquitin ligases and deubiquitinases have the most prominent roles in modulating tumor metastasis. This review will briefly summarize the observations and underlying mechanisms of multiple E3 ubiquitin ligases and deubiquitinases to regulate tumor metastasis. Further, we will discuss the relationship and importance between ubiquitination components and tumor progression.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2020,30(1):98-111.e5
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Mitochondrial dynamics play a critical role in deciding the fate of a cell under normal and diseased condition. Recent surge of studies indicate their regulatory role in meeting energy demands in renal cells making them critical entities in the progression of diabetic nephropathy. Diabetes is remarkably associated with abnormal fuel metabolism, a basis for free radical generation, which if left unchecked may devastate the mitochondria structurally and functionally. Impaired mitochondrial function and their aberrant accumulation have been known to be involved in the manifestation of diabetic nephropathy, indicating perturbed balance of mitochondrial dynamics, and mitochondrial turnover. Mitochondrial dynamics emphasize the critical role of mitochondrial fission proteins such as mitochondrial fission 1, dynamin-related protein 1 and mitochondrial fission factor and fusion proteins including mitofusin-1, mitofusin-2 and optic atrophy 1. Clearance of dysfunctional mitochondria is aided by translocation of autophagy machinery to the impaired mitochondria and subsequent activation of mitophagy regulating proteins PTEN-induced putative kinase 1 and Parkin, for which mitochondrial fission is a prior event. In this review, we discuss recent progression in our understanding of the molecular mechanisms targeting reactive oxygen species mediated alterations in mitochondrial energetics, mitophagy related disorders, impaired glucose transport, tubular atrophy, and renal cell death. The molecular cross talks linking autophagy and renoprotection through an intervention of 5′-AMP-activated protein kinase, mammalian target of rapamycin, and SIRT1 factors are also highlighted here, as in-depth exploration of these pathways may help in deriving therapeutic strategies for managing diabetes provoked end-stage renal disease.  相似文献   

One of the key mechanisms underlying skeletal muscle functional deterioration during aging is disrupted mitochondrial dynamics. Regulation of mitochondrial dynamics is essential to maintain a healthy mitochondrial population and prevent the accumulation of damaged mitochondria; however, the regulatory mechanisms are poorly understood. We demonstrated loss of mitochondrial content and disrupted mitochondrial dynamics in muscle during aging concomitant with dysregulation of miR‐181a target interactions. Using functional approaches and mito‐QC assay, we have established that miR‐181a is an endogenous regulator of mitochondrial dynamics through concerted regulation of Park2, p62/SQSTM1, and DJ‐1 in vitro. Downregulation of miR‐181a with age was associated with an accumulation of autophagy‐related proteins and abnormal mitochondria. Restoring miR‐181a levels in old mice prevented accumulation of p62, DJ‐1, and PARK2, and improved mitochondrial quality and muscle function. These results provide physiological evidence for the potential of microRNA‐based interventions for age‐related muscle atrophy and of wider significance for diseases with disrupted mitochondrial dynamics.  相似文献   

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