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For the analysis of a simple steroid-dependent mating behavior, careful response definition, complete neural circuit delineation and placement of estrogen-responsive cells within this circuit have been accomplished. Molecular studies of two relevant genes have emphasized DNA/RNA hybridization assays nd DNA binding techniques. For both the rat preproenkephalin gene and the gene for the progesterone receptor, a strong induction by estrogen, tissue specificity of expression and a sex difference in regulation are prominent phenomena. On the rat preproenkephalin promoter, estrogen (ER) and thyroid receptors may compete for a DNA binding site. Likewise, progesterone (PR) and glucocorticoid receptors may compete for the same sites. On the rat PR gene, interactions between ER and AP-1 binding proteins are of special interest. Such interactions could underlay competitions and synergies between steroid hormones and neurally signalled events in the environment.  相似文献   

Summary It is apparent in the genetic code that amino acids of similar chemical nature have similar codons. I show how through successive codon captures (multiple rounds of Osawa-Jukes type reassignments), complete codon swappings in an unfavorable genetic code are evolutionarily feasible. This mechanisms could have complemented the ambiguity reduction and the vocabulary extension processes of codon-amino acid assignments. Evolution of wobble rules is implied. Transfer RNA molecules and synthetases may still carry memories of it.  相似文献   

Light-induced phosphorylation of rhodopsin has been extensively studied by a number of investigators from a biochemical point of view. However, little is known about the physiological function of this reaction. The slow rates measured for phosphorylation and dephosphorylation suggest that it may be involved in visual adaptation rather than in excitation. This paper presents biochemical data obtained from phosphorylation experiments in isolated photoreceptor membranes as well as in the more physiological system of whole retinas and living animals. An attempt is made to compare the phosphorylation reaction with visual adaptation hypotheses taken from the electrophysiological literature. Finally, effects of cyclic nucleotide metabolism on the sensitivity of photoreceptors are presented and discussed.Abbreviations used ATP adenosine 5-triphosphate - GTP guanosine 5-triphosphate - ROS rod outer segments - IBMX isobutylmethylxanthine - cyclic GMP guanosine 3, 5-monophosphate Presented at the EMBO-Workshop on Transduction Mechanism of Photoreceptors, Jülich, Germany, October 4–8, 1976  相似文献   

The radioadaptive response was assessed by the chromosome aberration test in lymphocytes of humans with hereditary diseases of connective tissue, which were earlier characterized as repair-deficient: Marfan syndrome (SM), Elers-Danlos syndrome (E-D), and homocystinurea (HCU). The radioadaptive response was observed in cells of patients with Marfan syndrome and Elers-Danlos syndrome but not in cells of patients with homocystinurea. Parameters of cell protection against gamma-irradiation at radioadaptive response were similar to those obtained in cells pretreated with interferon. These data indicate, first, the possibility that repair pathways and the radioadaptive response are independent and second, that there are common pathways of protection upon radioadaptive response and the antimutagenic action of interferon.  相似文献   

Light-induced phosphorylation of rhodopsin has been extensively studied by a number of investigators from a biochemical point of view. However, little is known about the physiological function of this reaction. The slow rates measured for phosphorylation and dephosphorylation suggest that it may be involved in visual adaptation rather than in excitation. This paper presents biochemical data obtained from phosphorylation experiments in isolated photoreceptor membranes as well as in the physiological system of whole retinas and living animals. An attempt is made to compare the phosphorylation reaction with visual adaptation hypotheses taken from the electrophysiological literature. Finally, effects of cyclic nucleotide metabolism on the sensitivity of photoreceptors are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Using a semiquantitative PCR-based approach, a breakpoint cluster region of AML1 was associated with the nuclear matrix. Inhibition of topoisomerase II (topoII) by etoposide stimulated the appearance of histone γH2AX foci, indicative of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). The majority of these foci were associated with the nuclear matrix. Nuclear matrix-associated multiprotein complexes involved in topoII-induced DNA DSB repair were visualized. Colocalization studies demonstrated that these complexes included the main components of the nonhomologous end joining repair system (Ku80, DNA-PKcs, and DNA ligase IV). Thus, it was suggested that nonhomologous DNA end joining is a possible mechanism of topoII-induced chromosomal rear-rangements.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle cell energetics of taenia caeci during relaxation, activity and maximal contraction were investigated using 31P-NMR. In relaxed muscle obtained in calcium-free medium, [ATP], [phosphocreatine] and [sugar phosphate] were 4.4 mM, 7.7 mM and 2.8 mM, respectively. There was only a small difference in the energetics of spontaneously active and maximally contracted muscles, but under both conditions substantial changes occurred as compared with relaxed muscles. The internal pH in relaxed muscle was found to be 7.05, which acidified to 6.5 during contraction. The level of sugar phosphates was found to be not a limiting factor in energetics.  相似文献   

Bipedalism in lizards: whole-body modelling reveals a possible spandrel   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper illustrates how simple mechanical models based on morphological, ethological, ecological and phylogenetic data can add to discussions in evolutionary biology. Bipedal locomotion has evolved on numerous occasions in lizards. Traits that appear repeatedly in independent evolutionary lines are often considered adaptive, but the exact advantages of bipedal locomotion in lizards remain debated. Earlier claims that bipedalism would increase maximal running speed or would be energetically advantageous have been questioned. Here, we use 'whole body' mechanical modelling to provide an alternative solution to the riddle. The starting point is the intermittent running style combined with the need for a high manoeuvrability characterizing many small lizard species. Manoeuvrability benefits from a caudal shift of the centre of mass of the body (body-COM), because forces to change the heading and to align the body to this new heading do not conflict with each other. The caudally situated body-COM, however, might result in a lift of the front part of the body when accelerating (intermittent style), thus resulting in bipedal running bouts. Based on a momentum-impulse approach the effect of acceleration is quantified for a mechanical model, a virtual lizard (three segments) based on the morphometrics of Acanthodactylus erythrurus (a small lacertid lizard). Biologically relevant input (dimensions, inertial properties, step cycle information, etc.) results in an important lift of the front part of the body and observable distances passively covered bipedally as a consequence of the acceleration. In this way, no functional explanation of the phenomenon of lizard bipedalism is required and bipedalism can probably be considered non-adaptive in many cases. This does not exclude, however, some species that may have turned this consequence to their benefit. For instance, instantaneous manipulation of the position of the centre of the body-COM allows stable, persisting bipedal running. Once this was achieved, the bipedal spandrel could be exploited further.  相似文献   

A theoretical model is proposed to describe the influence of a periodic electric field (PEF) upon a biopolymer. The biopolymer is treated as a classical mechanical system consisting of subsystems (molecular groups) which interact with each other through potential forces. The PEF is treated as a periodic driving force applied to a molecular group. The energy dissipation is considered using the model of fluid (viscous) friction. Arguments for the non-linear character of the friction-velocity dependence caused by the non-Newtonian rheology of a viscous medium are formulated.A forced molecular-group motion is investigated for the situation of a small driving-force period, with oscillations overdamped and a driving force consisting of more than one harmonic. As a result, it is established that the motion always gets to a terminal stage when only a small-scale vibration about some point, X *, takes place. The terminal motion is preceded by a transient characterized by the presence of a directional velocity component and so by a drift along a potential profile. the drift goes on until a barrier is met which has a sufficiently large steepness (the barrier height is not important). As a result, the point X * may happen to be remote from the conformation potential local minimum (conformational state). The physical reasons for the drift are described.If we consider the small-scale vibration about X * in the framework of the hierarchy of scales for intramolecular mobility, it can be regarded as an equilibrium mobility, whereas the drift can be regarded as a functionally important motion, and X * as a new conformational state which is realizable only in the presence of the PEF. It may be concluded, as the result of a consistent treatment and neglecting the small-scale vibration, that the conformational potential is modified by adding a linear term (in the one-dimensional case). In this connection, the set of conformational states can both deform (deviation of the positions of minima and their relative depth) and rearrange qualitatively (some minima can vanish and/or new minima can appear). In particular, the transition from one conformation to another one may happen due to rearrangement.  相似文献   

The radioadaptive survival response induced by a conditioning exposure to 0.45 Gy and measured as an increase in 30-day survival after mid-lethal X irradiation was studied in C57BL/6N mice. The acquired radioresistance appeared on day 9 after the conditioning exposure, reached a maximum on days 12-14, and disappeared on day 21. The conditioning exposure 14 days prior to the challenge exposure increased the number of endogenous spleen colonies (CFU-S) on days 12-13 after the exposure to 5 Gy. On day 12 after irradiation, the conditioning exposure also increased the number of endogenous CFU-S to about five times that seen in animals exposed to 4.25-6.75 Gy without preirradiation. The effect of the interval between the preirradiation and the challenge irradiation on the increase in endogenous CFU-S was also examined. A significant increase in endogenous CFU-S was observed when the interval was 14 days, but not 9 days. This result corresponded to the increase in survival observed on day 14 after the challenge irradiation. Radiation-inducted resistance to radiation-induced lethality in mice appears to be closely related to the marked recovery of endogenous CFU-S in the surviving hematopoietic stem cells that acquired radioresistance by preirradiation. Preirradiation enhanced the recovery of the numbers of erythrocytes, leukocytes and thrombocytes very slightly in mice exposed to a sublethal dose of 5 Gy, a dose that does not cause bone marrow death. There appears to be no correlation between the marked increase in endogenous CFU-S and the slight increase or no increase in peripheral blood cells induced by the radioadaptive response. The possible contribution by some factor, such as Il4 or Il11, that has been reported to protect irradiated animals without stimulating hematopoiesis is discussed.  相似文献   

Using semi-quantitative PCR-based approach, we have shown that the breakpoint cluster region of the AML1 gene was associated with the nuclear matrix. We have demonstrated that inhibition of topoisomerase II by etoposide stimulates the appearance of histone gammaH2AX foci, an indicator for the presence of DNA double-strand breaks. Furthermore, the major part of these foci was associated with the nuclear matrix. We also visualized nuclear matrix--associated multiprotein complexes involved in topoisomerase II--induced DNA double-strand break repair. Colocalization studies have demonstrated that these complexes included the principal components of the non-homologous end joining repair system (Ku80, DNA-PKcs and DNA ligase IV). Thus, it is reasonable to suggest that the non-homologous DNA end joining is a possible mechanism of topoisomerase II--induced chromosomal rearrangements.  相似文献   

Echinococcus granulosus is a parasitic cestode causing hydatidosis in intermediate hosts (human and herbivorous). Most symptoms of the disease occur by the pressure exerted on viscera by cysts that are formed upon ingestion of the parasite eggs excreted by definitive hosts (canines). Protoscoleces, the developmental form of the parasite infective to definitive hosts, are formed in the germinal nucleated layer of fertile hydatid cysts. For unknown reasons, some cysts are unable to produce protoscoleces (infertile hydatid cysts). In this study, analysis of DNA fragmentation using TUNEL and agarose gel electrophoresis showed higher levels of apoptosis in infertile cysts as compared to fertile cysts. Additionally, caspase 3 was detected both in fertile and infertile cysts; the activity of this enzyme was found to be higher in infertile cysts. We conclude that apoptosis may be involved in hydatid cyst infertility. This is the first report on the presence of programmed cell death in E. granulosus.  相似文献   

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