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Therapeutic cloning, which is based on human somatic cell nuclear transfer, is one of our major research objectives. Though inter-species nuclear transfer has been introduced to construct human somatic cell cloned embryos, the effects of type, passage, and preparation method of donor cells on embryo development remain unclear. In our experiment, cloned embryos were reconstructed with different passage and preparation methods of ossocartilaginous cell, skin fibroblast, and cumulus cells. The cumulus cell embryos showed significantly higher development rates than the other two (P < 0.05). The development rate of embryos reconstructed with skin fibroblasts of different passage number and somatic cells of different chilling durations showed no significant difference. Also, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was conducted to detect nuclear derivation of the embryos. The result showed that the nuclei of the inter-species cloned embryo cells came from human. We conclude that (1) cloned embryos can be constructed through human-rabbit interspecies nuclear transfer; (2) different kinds of somatic cells result in different efficiency of nuclear transfer, while in vitro passage of the donor does not influence embryo development; (3) refrigeration is a convenient and efficient donor cell preparation method. Finally, it is feasible to detect DNA genotype through FISH. Translated from Zoological Research, 2005, 26(4): 416–421 [译自: 动物学研究]  相似文献   

马康目  汤雪明 《生命科学》2008,20(3):431-437
细胞核重编程是哺乳动物正常受精胚胎和克隆胚胎发育过程中的一个重要特性,主要是对表观遗传学特征进行重新编写,包括染色质重塑、组蛋白修饰、DNA甲基化、印记基因表达、X染色体失活等表观遗传修饰的改变。通过细胞核重编程,首先,受精卵和克隆胚胎的供体核停止其特有的基因表达程序,恢复为全能状态的基因表达程序;然后,受精胚胎和克隆胚胎的细胞再从全能状态重新进入分化状态,最终形成各种组织和器官。近年来,不少研究表明,克隆胚胎的细胞核重编程存在不同程度的表观遗传修饰异常,可能对克隆及其农业和医学应用有着重要影响。本文就正常和克隆胚胎细胞核重编程的研究进展以及克隆胚胎的细胞核重编程异常对克隆的影响作一综述,并对目前有关治疗性克隆前景的不同看法进行了讨论。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the effect of recipient activation time on the chromatin structure and development of bovine nuclear transfer embryos. Serum-starved skin cells were electrofused to enucleated oocytes, activated 1-5 hr after fusion, and cultured in vitro. Some fused eggs were fixed at each time point after fusion without activation, or 3 or 7 hr after activation. Some nocodazole treated zygotes were fixed to analyze their chromosome constitutions. The proportion of eggs with a morphologically normal premature chromosome condensation (PCC) state increased 1-2 hr after fusion. Whereas eggs with elongated chromosome plate increased as activation time was prolonged to 3 hr, and 5 hr after fusion, 58.1% of eggs showed more than two scattered chromosome sets. The proportion of eggs with a single chromatin mass (40.6-56.7%) significantly increased when eggs were activated within 2.5 hr after fusion (P < 0.05). Only 23.3% of reconstituted embryos activated 5 hr after fusion formed one pronucleus-like structure (PN), whereas, 64.5-78.3% of embryos activated 1-2.5 hr after fusion formed one PN. The proportion of embryos with normal chromosome constitutions decreased as activation time was prolonged. Development rates to the blastocyst stage were higher in eggs activated within 2 hr after fusion (17.3-21.7%) compared to those of others (0-8.6%, P < 0.05). The result of the present study suggests that activation time can affect the chromatin structure and in vitro development of bovine nuclear transfer embryos.  相似文献   

Short-term cultured cumulus cell lines (1-5BCC) derived from 5 individual cows were used in nuclear transfer (NT) and 1188 enucleated bovine oocytes matured in vitro were used as nuclear recipients. A total of 931 (78.4%) cloned embryos were reconstructed, of which 763 (82%) cleaved, 627 (67.3%) developed to 8-cell stage, and 275 (29.5%) reached blastocyst stage. The average cell number of blastocysts was 124±24.5 (n=20). In this study, the effects of donor cell sources, serum starvation of donor cells, time interval from fusion to activation (IFA) were also tested on cloning efficiency. These results showed that blastocyst rates of embryos reconstructed from 5 different individuals cells were significantly different among them (14.1%, 45.2%, 27.3%, 34.3%, vs 1.5%, P<0.05); that serum starvation of donor cells had no effect on blastocyst development rate of NT embryos (47.1% vs 44.4%, P>0.05); and that blastocyst rate (20.3%) of the group with fusion/activation interval of 2–3 h, was significantly lower than that of the 3–6 h groups (31.0%), while not significantly different among 3–4 h (P < 0.05), 4–5 h, and 5–6 h groups (P≥0.05). Sixty-three thawed NT blastocysts were transferred to 31 recipient cows, of which 4 pregnancies were established and two cloned calves were given birth. These results indicate that serum starvation of cumulus cells is not a key factor for successful bovine cloning, while IFA treatment and sources of donor cells have effects on cloning efficiency.  相似文献   

The successful production of viable progeny following adult somatic cell nuclear transfer (cloning) provides exciting new opportunities for basic research for investigating early embryogenesis, for the propagation of valuable or endangered animals, for the production of genetically engineered animals, and possibly for developing therapeutically valuable stem cells. Successful cloning requires efficient reprogramming of gene expression to silence donor cell gene expression and activate an embryonic pattern of gene expression. Recent observations indicate that reprogramming may be initiated by early events that occur soon after nuclear transfer, but then continues as development progresses through cleavage and probably to gastrulation. Because reprogramming is slow and progressive, cloned embryos have dramatically altered characteristics in comparison with fertilized embryos. Events that occur early following nuclear transfer may be essential prerequisites for the later events. Additionally, the later reprogramming events may be inhibited by sub-optimum culture environments that exist because of the altered characteristics of cloned embryos. By addressing the unique requirements of cloned embryos, the entire process of reprogramming may be accelerated, thus increasing cloning efficiency.  相似文献   

Cloned calves produced by nuclear transfer from cultured cumulus cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Short-term cultured cumulus cell lines (1-5BCC) derived from 5 individual cows were used in nuclear transfer (NT) and 1188 enucleated bovine oocytes matured in vitro were used as nuclear recipients. A total of 931 (78.4%) cloned embryos were reconstructed, of which 763 (82%) cleaved, 627 (67.3%) developed to 8-cell stage, and 275 (29.5%) reached blastocyst stage. The average cell number of blastocysts was 124±24.5 (n=20). In this study, the effects of donor cell sources, serum starvation of donor cells, time interval from fusion to activation (IFA) were also tested on cloning efficiency. These results showed that blastocyst rates of embryos reconstructed from 5 different individuals cells were significantly different among them (14.1%, 45.2%, 27.3%, 34.3%, vs 1.5%, P<0.05); that serum starvation of donor cells had no effect on blastocyst development rate of NT embryos (47.1% vs 44.4%, P>0.05); and that blastocyst rate (20.3%) of the group with fusion/activation interval of 2-3 h, was significantly lower  相似文献   

范勇  陈欣洁  王晓蔓  孙筱放 《生物磁学》2009,(20):3820-3822,3815
目的:探讨利用IVF废弃胚胎构建人体细胞克隆胚胎的发育潜能及其在人治疗性克隆应用的可能性。方法:收集2008年7-12月在广州医学院第三附属医院进行体外受精-胚胎移植周期中的多精受精胚胎和MII期体外受精失败卵母细胞,运用显微操作技术构建人体细胞克隆胚胎,观察胚胎发育情况。结果:多精受精胚胎为核移植受体的克隆胚胎能够发育到8-细胞期,受精失败MII期卵母细胞为核移植受体的克隆胚胎能够激活,但不能够卵裂。两种IVF废弃的胚胎构建的人体细胞克隆胚胎在去核成功率,注核成功率上无显著差异(P&gt;0.05),但卵裂率和8细胞率上具有显著差异(P&lt;0.05)。结论:多精受精胚胎比MII期体外受精失败卵母细胞更适合作为人核移植受体细胞。  相似文献   

人-兔异种核移植构建克隆胚的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“治疗性克隆”是人类最关注的课题之一,而人体细胞核移植是治疗性克隆的基础和前提。异种核移植的方法虽已被引入人体细胞克隆胚的构建,但供体细胞的类型、培养代数及准备方法与其效率之间的关系尚有待探讨。本实验以不同培养代数和不同准备方法的人卵丘细胞、皮肤成纤维细胞和软骨细胞为供体构建了克隆胚,对其发育情况的比较表明,以卵丘细胞为供体时重构胚的体外发育率高于其余二者,差异显著(P〈0.05);不同培养代数的成纤维细胞克隆胚和不同冷藏天数供体细胞克隆胚体外发育率无明显差异。此外,本实验还尝试用荧光原位杂交法检测所构建的异种克隆胚核遗传物质的来源,结果显示来自人体细胞。本研究表明,人一兔异种核移植构建克隆胚切实可行;体细胞的类型与核移植效率相关;供体细胞的体外培养传代对克隆胚的发育并无影响;而冷藏是一种简便有效的供体细胞准备方法;此外,用FISH方法对重构胚进行核遗传物质的鉴定切实可行。  相似文献   

This study examined the chromatin morphology, in vitro development, and expression of selected genes in cloned embryos produced by transfer of mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF) into the bovine ooplasm. After 6 hr of activation, inter-species nuclear transfer (NT) embryos (MEF-NT) had one (70%) or two pronuclei (20%), respectively. After 72 hr of culture in vitro, 62.6% of the MEF-NTs were arrested at the 8-cell stage, 31.2% reached the 2- to 4-cell stage, and only 6.2% had more than eight blastomeres, but none of these developed to the blastocyst stage. Whereas, 20% of NT embryos derived from bovine embryonic fibroblast fused with bovine ooplasm (BEF-NT) reached the blastocyst stage. Donor MEF nuclei expressing an Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein (EGFP) transgene resulted in 1- to 8-cell stage MEF-NT that expressed EGFP. The expression of selected genes was examined in 8-cell MEF-NTs, 8-cell mouse embryos, enucleated bovine oocytes, and MEFs using RT-PCR. The mRNA for heat shock protein 70.1 (Hsp 70.1) gene was detected in MEF-NTs and MEF, but not in mouse embryos. The hydroxy-phosphoribosyl transferase (HPRT) mRNA was found in normal mouse embryos and MEF but not in MEF-NTs. Expression of Oct-4 and embryonic alkaline phospatase (eAP) genes was only detected in normal mouse embryos and not in the inter-species NT embryos. Abnormal gene expression profiles were associated with an arrest in the development at the 8-cell stage, but MEF-NT embryos appeared to have progressed through gross chromatin remodeling, typical of intra-species NT embryos. Therefore, molecular reprogramming rather than chromatin remodeling may be a better indicator of nuclear reprogramming in inter-species NT embryos.  相似文献   

Demecolcine-induced enucleation (IE) of mouse oocytes has been shown to improve development to term of cloned mice. In this study, we characterized the kinetics and morphological progression of bovine oocytes subjected to IE, and evaluated their ability to support embryo development to the blastocyst stage after nuclear transfer (NT). In vitro matured bovine oocytes were parthenogenetically activated and subsequently exposed to demecolcine at various times post-activation. Onset and duration of demecolcine treatment significantly altered activation and IE frequencies, which varied from 7.1% to 100% and 33.3% to 91.7%, respectively, at 5 hr post-activation. A significant decrease in IE frequencies was observed at 17 hr post-activation (3.4%-46.1%), possibly due to reincorporation of chromosomes into the oocyte after incomplete second polar body (PB) extrusion. Oocytes were reconstructed by NT before (treatment 1) or after (treatment 2) activation and demecolcine treatment, and cultured in vitro. Cleavage (48.1%-54.2%) and blastocyst rates (15.7%-19%) were equivalent for the two treatments, as well as the total cell number in NT blastocysts. Furthermore, most of the blastocysts were completely diploid (treatment 2) or heteroploid but with a majority of diploid nuclei (treatment 1). Our results demonstrate that the IE method can be successfully used to produce enucleated bovine cytoplasts that are competent to support development to the blastocyst stage after NT. This technically simple approach may provide a more efficient method to enhance the success rate of NT procedures. Further studies are needed to improve the in vitro development efficiency and to expand our understanding of the mechanism(s) involved in demecolcine-induced enucleation.  相似文献   

体细胞核移植后核重编程的影响因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李雁  冯云  孙贻娟 《生命科学》2006,18(4):355-360
近年来,人类核移植胚胎干细胞建系成为一项炙手可热的研究,用再生医学的理念治疗退行性疾病及器官移植为这一研究带来无穷的魅力和生命力;但是核重编程仍是核移植技术的瓶颈,制约了重构胚胎干细胞的研究。核重编程是指供体细胞核移入卵母细胞后必须停止本身的基因表达程序并恢复为胚胎发育所必需的特定的胚胎表达程序。只有供核发生完全重编程,重构胚胎才能正常发育。核重编程与供核者的年龄,供核细胞的组织来源、分化状态、细胞周期、传代次数,供核的表遗传标记以及供卵者的年龄、卵子的成熟度等因素有关。一般来说,颗粒细胞作为核供体最易被核重编程。供核者为胎体或新生体,供核细胞处于低分化状态或已传数代,供核细胞经过去表遗传标记处理,供卵者性成熟且年龄轻、卵子核与胞浆都成熟等均为有利于核重编程的因素。重构胚胎的培养方法对核重编程也至关重要,目前主张使用序贯培养及体细胞化培养。创造各种适于核重编程的条件有利于从更高的起点开展核移植胚胎干细胞研究,提高重构胚胎干细胞建系效率。  相似文献   

To solve the problem of immune incompatibility, nuclear transplantation has been envisaged as a means to produce cells or tissues for human autologous transplantation. Here we have derived embryonic stem cells by the transfer of human somatic nuclei into rabbit oocytes. The number of blastocysts that developed from the fused nuclear transfer was comparable among nuclear donors at ages of 5, 42, 52 and fi0 years, and nuclear transfer (NT) embryonic stem cells (ntES cells) were subsequently derived from each of the four age groups. These results suggest that human somatic nuclei can form ntES cells independent of the age of thedonor. The derived ntES cells are human based on karyotype, isogenicity, in situ hybridization, PCR and immunocytochemistry with probes that distinguish between the various species. The ntES ceils maintainthe capability of sustained growth in an undifferen tiated state, and form embryoid bodies, which, on furtherinduction, give rise to cell types such as neuron and muscle, as well as mixed cell populations that expressmarkers representative of all three germ layers. Thus, ntES cells derived from human somatic cells by NTto rabbit eggs retain phenotypes similar to those of conventional human ES ceils, including the ability toundergo multilineage cellular differentiation.  相似文献   

Fennel JA 《Bioethics》2008,22(2):84-91
Recent developments allow for the creation of human stem cells without the creation of human embryos, a process called alternate nuclear transfer ('ANT'). Pursuing this method of stem cell research makes sense for pro-lifers if arguments for the sanctity of the human embryo do not apply to ANT. However, the technology that makes ANT possible undermines the erstwhile technical barrier between human embryos and somatic cell DNA. These advances bring home the force of hypothetical arguments about the potential of the DNA in somatic cells, showing that there is not a morally relevant difference between the potential of an embryo and the potential of the DNA in a somatic cell. Therefore, the supposed distinction between entities that are potential human life and entities that are human life does not give any support to arguments for the sanctity of the human embryo because those arguments extend value to too many entities.  相似文献   

To assess the extent of cytoplasmic genetic variability in cloned cattle produced by nuclear transplantation procedures, we investigated 29 individuals of seven male cattle clones (sizes 2–6) from two different commercial sources. Restriction enzyme and direct sequence analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) detected a total of 12 different haplotypes. Transmitochondrial individuals (i.e., animals which share identical nuclei but have different mitochondrial DNA) were detected in all but one of the clones, demonstrating that mtDNA variation among cloned cattle is a very common phenomenon which prevents true genetic identity. The analyses also showed that the cytoplasmic genetic status of some investigated individuals and clones is further complicated by heteroplasmy (more than one mtDNA type in an individual). The relative proportions of different mtDNA‐types in two animals with mild heteroplasmy were estimated at 2:98% and 4:96% in DNA samples derived from blood. This is in agreement with values expected from karyoplast‐cytoplast volume ratios. In contrast, the mtDNA haplotype proportions observed in six other heteroplasmic animals of two different clones ranged from 21:79% to 57:43%, reflecting a marked increase in donor blastomere mtDNA contributions. These results suggest that mtDNA type of donor embryos and recipient oocytes used in nuclear transfer cattle cloning should be controlled to obtain true clones with identical nuclear and cytoplasmic genomes. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 54:24–31, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

核移植胚胎干细胞的研究及其应用前景   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着核移植技术和干细胞技术的逐渐成熟,目前已获得牛、小鼠核移植胚胎干细胞,以及人 - 兔异种间核移植胚胎干细胞,这些细胞在体外可分化成多种细胞形态 . 已经进行的实验性动物克隆性治疗,显示了诱人的潜力,但人核移植胚胎干细胞研究还面临着许多问题,如建系效率低、卵母细胞来源有限以及伦理学和安全性问题等 . 长远地看,随着克隆效率的提高,在道德与法律之间达成共识,核移植胚胎干细胞必将造福人类 .  相似文献   

In this study we investigated spontaneous oocyte activation and developmental ability of rat embryos of the SD-OFA substrain. We also tried to improve the somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) technique in the rat by optimizing methods for the production of reconstructed embryos. About 20% of oocytes extruded the second polar body after culture for 3 hr in vitro and 84% of oocytes were at the MII stage. MG132 blocked spontaneous activation but decreased efficiency of parthenogenetic activation. Pronuclear formation was more efficient in strontium-activated oocytes (66.1-80.9%) compared to roscovitine activation (24.1-54.5%). Survival rate after enucleation was significantly higher (89.4%) after slitting the zona pellucida and then pressing the oocyte with a holding pipette in medium without cytochalasin B (CB) compared to the conventional protocol using aspiration of the chromosomes after CB treatment (67.7%). Exposure of rat ova to UV light for 30 sec did not decrease their in vitro developmental capacity. Intracytoplasmic cumulus cell injection dramatically decreased survival rate of oocytes (42%). In contrast, 75.9% of oocytes could be successfully electrofused. Development to the 2-cell stage was reduced after SCNT (24.6% compared 94.6% in controls) and none from 244 reconstructed embryos developed in vitro beyond this stage. After overnight in vitro culture, 74.4% of the SCNT embryos survived and 56.1% formed pronuclei. The pregnancy rate of 33 recipients after the transfer of 695 of these cloned embryos was, however, very low (18.2%) and only six implantation sites could be detected (0.9%) without any live fetuses and offspring.  相似文献   

Zhao C  Yao R  Hao J  Ding C  Fan Y  Dai X  Li W  Hai T  Liu Z  Yu Y  Wang Y  Hou X  Ji W  Zhou Q  Jouneau A  Zeng F  Wang L 《Cell research》2007,17(1):80-87
Therapeutic cloning, whereby embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are derived from nuclear transfer (NT) embryos, may play a major role in the new era of regenerative medicine. In this study we established forty nuclear transfer-ESC (NTESC) lines that were derived from NT embryos of different donor cell types or passages. We found that NT-ESCs were capable of forming embryoid bodies. In addition, NT-ESCs expressed pluripotency stem cell markers in vitro and could differentiate into embryonic tissues in vivo. NT embryos from early passage RI donor cells were able to form full term developed pups, whereas those from late passage RI ES donor cells lost the potential for reprogramming that is essential for live birth. We subsequently established sequential NT-RI-ESC lines that were developed from NT blastocyst of late passage R 1 ESC donors. However, these NT-R I-ESC lines, when used as nuclear transfer donors at their early passages, failed to result in live pups. This indicates that the therapeutic cloning process using sequential NT-ESCs may not rescue the developmental deficiencies that resided in previous donor generations.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the presence of lamin A/C in porcine nuclear transfer embryos and to determine whether lamin A/C can serve as a potential marker for nuclear reprogramming. First, lamin A/C was studied in oocytes and embryos produced by fertilization or parthenogenetic oocyte activation. We found that lamin A/C was present in the nuclear lamina of oocytes at the germinal vesicle stage while it was absent in mature oocytes. Lamin A/C was detected throughout preimplantation development in both in vivo-derived and parthenogenetic embryos. Incubation of the activated oocytes in the presence of alpha-amanitin (an inhibitor of RNA polymerase II), or cycloheximide (a protein synthesis inhibitor) did not perturb lamin A/C assembly, indicating that the assembly resulted from solubilized lamins dispersed in the cytoplasm. In nuclear transfer embryos, the lamin A/C signal that had previously been identified in fibroblast nuclei disappeared soon after fusion. It became detectable again after the formation of the pronucleus-like structure, and all nuclear transfer embryos displayed lamin A/C staining during early development. Olfactory bulb progenitor cells lacked lamin A/C; however, when such cells were fused with enucleated oocytes, the newly formed nuclear envelopes stained positive for lamin A/C. These findings suggest that recipient oocytes remodel the donor nuclei using type A lamins dispersed in the ooplasm. The results also indicate that lamin A/C is present in the nuclear envelope of pig oocytes and early embryos and unlike in some other species, its presence after nuclear transfer is not an indicator of erroneous reprogramming.  相似文献   

Chromatin in early mammalian embryos: achieving the pluripotent state   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Gametes of both sexes (sperm and oocyte) are highly specialized and differentiated but within a very short time period post-fertilization the embryonic genome, produced by the combination of the two highly specialized parental genomes, is completely converted into a totipotent state. As a result, the one-cell-stage embryo can give rise to all cell types of all three embryonic layers, including the gametes. Thus, it is evident that extensive and efficient reprogramming steps occur soon after fertilization and also probably during early embryogenesis to reverse completely the differentiated state of the gamete and to achieve toti- or later on pluripotency of embryonic cells. However, after the embryo reaches the blastocyst stage, the first two distinct cell lineages can be clearly distinguished—the trophectoderm and the inner cells mass. The de-differentiation of gametes after fertilization, as well as the differentiation that is associated with the formation of blastocysts, are accompanied by changes in the state and properties of chromatin in individual embryonic nuclei at both the whole genome level as well as at the level of individual genes. In this contribution, we focus mainly on those events that take place soon after fertilization and during early embryogenesis in mammals. We will discuss the changes in DNA methylation and covalent histone modifications that were shown to be highly dynamic during this period; moreover, it has also been documented that abnormalities in these processes have a devastating impact on the developmental ability of embryos. Special attention will be paid to somatic cell nuclear transfer as it has been shown that the aberrant and inefficient reprogramming may be responsible for compromised development of cloned embryos.  相似文献   

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