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Guo L  Yin B  Zhou J  Li X  Deng XW 《Cell research》2006,16(5):519-527
In addition to DNA sequence information,site-specific histone modifications are another important determinant ofgene expression in a eukaryotic organism.We selected four modification sites in common histones that are known tosignificantly impact chromatin function and generated monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies that recognize each of thosesite-specific modifications.We used these antibodies to demonstrate that the site-specific histone modification levelsremain relatively constant in different organs of the same organism.We also compared the levels of selected histonemodifications among several representative organisms and found that site-specific modifications are highly variable amongdifferent organisms,providing new insight into the evolutionary divergence of specific histone modifications.  相似文献   

Malondialdehyde (MDA), a lipid peroxidation product, reacts with lysine residues in proteins. Human serum albumin (HSA) is a major target of MDA-modification of serum proteins. To identify, the modification sites of HSA by MDA in vitro, MDA-treated HSA was digested with a protease and the resulting peptides were subjected to liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. We identified six peptides, which contained a N-propenal adduct at Lys136, Lys174, Lys240, Lys281, Lys525, and Lys541, and revealed that Lys525 is the most reactive residue for MDA modification. Analysis of electrostatic surface potential of a 3-D model structure of HSA indicates that Lys525 is located at the center of positively charged grooves. The results of this study indicate that the modification of proteins by lipid-derived aldehydes may be influenced by the electrostatic potential of the protein surface.  相似文献   

高效与特异的基因组定点修饰是基因工程动物研究的前沿与难点.链霉菌噬菌体ΦC31整合酶能介导含attB位点的外源基因定点整合于多种真核生物基因组的假attP位点,可维持外源基因的正常结构及高效表达.本文探讨ΦC31整合酶介导外源基因在猪基因组内定点整合的分子基础.构建含attB位点的报告载体pEGFP-N1-attB,与ΦC31整合酶表达载体pCMV-INT共转染猪肾PK15细胞,G418筛选获得单克隆细胞系.实时荧光定量PCR筛选出单拷贝整合的转基因细胞系.TAIL-PCR鉴定出1个猪基因组假attP位点,位于猪1号染色体,watson链,坐标114220087-114220126,命名为pig-attP-1.测序结果显示,pEGFP-N1-attB在attB位点处断开插入到pig-attP-1.用荧光计测定细胞培养基上清EGFP含量发现,该转基因细胞系EGFP的表达水平是本底的50倍(13500 AU vs.280 AU),表明pig-attP-1是利于外源基因高效表达的"友好位点".该研究不仅为实现外源基因在猪基因组内的定点整合提供了新策略,也为创制基因工程猪、建立动物生物反应器等研究注入了新思路.  相似文献   

本文报道了在亚硒酸钠、平阳霉素及半乳糖诱发大鼠产生白内障过程中晶状体中非蛋白质巯基及蛋白质巯基的动态变化,并探讨了其变化机理及相互关系。在亚硒酸钠诱发白内障过程中,给药24h后晶状体中非蛋白质巯基减少到正常的二分之一,以后又逐渐回升,但始终未达到正常水平,至第7天,非蛋白质巯基又再度减少。在平阳霉素及半乳糖诱发白内障过程中,晶状体中非蛋白质巯基分别在给药后的第7天及第3天开始大量减少,以后继续减少,至第15天时,其含量分别为正常的十分之一及五分之一。在体外,亚硒酸钠有促进还原型谷胱甘肽自氧化的作用,半乳糖对此作用无影响,而平阳霉素可阻止其进行,但能加强亚硒酸钠的促进作用。在三种白内障晶状体中,蛋白质巯基开始减少的时间均较非蛋白质巯基为晚,这表明只有非蛋白质巯基减少到一定程度后蛋白质巯基才会被大量氧化,同时也说明非蛋白质巯基具有保护蛋白质巯基免受氧化的作用。只有这种保护作用减弱后,才会使蛋白质巯基遭受氧化而导致白内障。  相似文献   

基于单抗的靶向疗法已成为各种癌症的重要治疗手段,抗体与小分子药物一体化的联姻——抗体—药物偶联物(antibody-drug conjugates,ADC)新药获得了突破性进展。传统ADC是将药物与抗体的赖氨酸残基或链间二硫键还原而产生的半胱氨酸残基相偶联 而形成,其稳定性差,易发生聚集,且其中药物易脱落而产生非治疗性毒副作用。而应用近年发展起来的定点偶联技术所获ADC,除均 一性好外,还保留了母体单抗的药动学性质,毒副作用也远低于具有相同偶联比的传统ADC,极有可能发展成为新一代重磅药物。综述 4种ADC定点偶联方法。  相似文献   

传统的以病毒DNA为载体的基因治疗方法存在病毒导入的靶向性差、整合位点的特异性差、基因剂量的可控性差以及病毒载体具有一定的免疫原性的缺点,而实际上许多单基因遗传病只要将突变的单个碱基校正就能达到基因治疗的目的,不必置换或整合入整个基因.嵌合修复术(chimerplasty)是近年来迅速发展起来的一种基因定位修复技术,该技术利用RNA/DNA嵌合体分子与要修复的宿主染色体DNA碱基序列互补而精确定位并原位修复,也可用于人工定点突变,已在单基因遗传病的基因治疗及植物遗传改良等方面获得了成功的应用.介绍了该技术的原理、应用举例及前景.  相似文献   

Site-specific mutagenesis of dihydrofolate reductase from Escherichia coli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two site-specific mutations of dihydrofolate reductase from Escherichia coli based on the x-ray crystallographic structure were constructed. The first mutation (His-45----Gln) is aimed at assessing the interaction between the imidazole moiety and the pyrophosphate backbone of NADPH. The second (Thr-113----Val) is part of a hydrogen bonding network that contacts the dihydrofolate substrate and may be involved in proton delivery to the N5-C6 imine undergoing reduction. The first mutation was shown to alter both the association and dissociation rate constants for the cofactor so that the dissociation constant was increased 6-40-fold. A corresponding but smaller (fourfold) effect was noted in V/K but not in V compared to the wild-type enzyme. The second was demonstrated to increase the dissociation rate constant for methotrexate 20-30-fold, and presumably dihydrofolate also, with a corresponding 20-30-fold increase in the dissociation constant. In this case an identical effect was noted on V/K but not in V relative to the native enzyme. Thus, in both mutant enzymes the decrease in binding has not been translated into a loss of catalytic efficiency.  相似文献   

尽管重组粒细胞集落刺激因子(rhG-CSF)具有重大的治疗价值,然而在实际应用却受到体内半衰期过短因而需要频繁重复注射的限制.为了解决这一问题,我们利用两种不同分子量(5 kD和 20 kD)的单甲氧基聚乙二醇丙醛(mPEG-PAL)对rhG-CSF的N端氨基进行了定点PEG化修饰.通过正交实验的统计学方法得到了最适修饰条件.研究发现,PEG化后的rhG-CSF具有了更高的体外稳定性,其体内活性也得到了很大提高,体内作用时间得到很大延长.因此,对于rhG-CSF的N端氨基定点PEG化修饰,可以显著提高rhG-CSF的临床应用价值.  相似文献   

位点特异重组系统由重组酶和相应的重组酶识别位点组成,通过两者间的相互作用,实现外源基因精确整合与切除等一系列遗传操作.主要可分为Cre/lox系统、FLP/frt系统、R/RS系统和Gin/gix系统.目前,研究最充分应用最广泛的位点特异重组系统为Cre/lox系统.此系统为位点特异重组系统家族中的一员,由38.5kDCre重组酶和34bplox位点组成,最早被应用于动物转基因研究,包括基因敲除、基因激活、基因易位等.近年来,随着研究的深入,Cre/lox系统被逐步应用到植物研究中,并在诸多领域取得重大进展.本文总结归纳了Cre/lox系统在定点整合、定点切除以及叶绿体转化等方面的最新研究成果,旨在为利用Cre/lox系统构建环境安全和高效表达的植物遗传转化体系提供参考.  相似文献   

Recent advances in chemoselective ligation technology have made possible the modification of proteins with polymers in a site-specific and controlled manner. These approaches rely on the incorporation of chemoselective anchors into the protein backbone by either chemical or recombinant means, and subsequent modification with a polymer carrying a complementary linker. As a result, the assembly process and the covalent structure of the resulting protein-polymer conjugate are completely controlled, enabling the rational optimization of drug properties, in particular efficacy and pharmacokinetic properties. Application of chemoselective ligation technologies to cytokines and chemokines has led to the generation of new lead proteins for use as erythropoietic agents and HIV fusion inhibitors.  相似文献   

PEG修饰被认为是改善重组蛋白药物特性的最有效手段,包括增加蛋白质药物在体内的血浆半衰期,降低免疫原性和抗原性。目前典型的PEG修饰手段为将PEG连接至蛋白质的游离氨基,包括赖氨酸和N-末端,但这种连接缺乏选择性,产物为混合物,活性及工艺稳定性差,难以控制。酶法PEG化修饰能有效克服上述缺点,其中谷氨酰胺转氨酶(TGase)可以作为PEG化定点修饰用酶。文中选择重组人干扰素α2a(IFNα2a)进行酶法修饰反应,通过计算机模拟预测IFNα2a可以在第101位Gln特异性定点修饰。将IFNα2a与40 kDa的Y型PEG在微生物来源的谷氨酰胺转氨酶(mTG)催化下进行定点PEG化修饰。结果显示,mTG可以介导IFNα2a特异性位点Gln的单一定点PEG修饰,产生分子量为58 495.6 Da的PEG-Gln101-IFNα2a分子。圆二色谱结果显示,PEG-Gln101-IFNα2a与未修饰的IFNα2a具有相同的二级结构。SD大鼠药代结果显示,与IFNα2a相比,PEG-Gln101-IFNα2a能有效提高药代动力学参数,强于已上市PEGIFNα2a-PEGASYS?。  相似文献   

Although the timing of snowmelt and growth temperatures appear to be the main factors that influence the species richness and phenology of snowbed plants, site-specific characteristics may also play a role in modifying the effects of the timing of snowmelt and temperature. In this study, the effects of site-specific factors (microtopography and snow origin) on species richness and plant phenology were evaluated in 72 plots in two snowbeds in the Andorran Pyrenees. Snowmelt patterns influenced the spatial distribution of species richness and abundance. Site-specific factors had significant effects on the responses of species (shortening or lengthening the duration of the phenophase) and on the extent to which the timing of snowmelt influenced leaf expansion and flowering. Notably, the highest rates of leaf expansion occurred on late snowmelt isoclines, where, nevertheless, the time taken to reach peak flowering was significantly longer than on the early snowmelt isoclines. The results of this study highlight the fact that, in addition to the effects of interannual variability in climate, site-specific factors have a significant effect on the phenology and reproductive success of the commonest plants in the snowbed communities of the Pyrenees.  相似文献   

Cre介导的片段交换技术利用重组酶Cre的位点特异性重组特性 ,在基因组的特定位点进行靶片段与目的片段的交换。运用互为反向的Lox位点 ,在鼠红白血病MEL细胞中进行靶载体的整合和交换载体的交换 ,探讨在特定的染色质环境下红系特异性顺式作用元件的功能。电穿孔转染MEL细胞后从含有潮霉素 (hygromycin)的选择性半固体培养基中挑取MEL细胞单克隆 ,通过PCR和Southern杂交鉴定整合完整性和拷贝数 ,获得三种整合有靶载体p1L HyTk L1 β EGFP neo的细胞株A ,B和D。交换载体pL1 HS2 1L(含有 732 bp的人β 珠蛋白基因簇 5′DNaseI高敏位点 2核心片段 )和Cre表达载体pBS185共转染细胞株A ,9 (1,3 二羟 2丙氧甲基 )鸟嘌呤 (gancyclovir)负筛选后挑取单细胞克隆A HS。PCR检测显示HS2片段以反方向进行了交换。流式细胞仪分析显示平均的荧光细胞百分比 (2 .4 2 % )低于未交换的细胞株A (35 .94 % )。A HS中EGFP的低表达可能是处于非容许方向的HS2片段出现方向依赖性基因沉默所致。  相似文献   

聚乙二醇(PEG)定点修饰蛋白药物是针对蛋白特定基团特定位点的修饰,相比于非定点随机修饰的特点是PEG修饰位点的单一与确定,避免了修饰异构体的干扰,能较好的保留药物体内外活性;修饰产物组成均一、性质稳定,便于质量控制,降低由修饰异构体引起的潜在的安全性风险,并很大程度上提高得率,降低成本。已有PEG定点修饰蛋白药物上市,还有部分处于临床试验阶段。本文综述了PEG定点修饰蛋白药物的技术研究与临床进展,包括PEG定点修饰剂、定点修饰方法、PEG定点修饰的上市和临床药物及面临的问题,并展望了PEG修饰技术未来的发展前景。  相似文献   

Ku protein, a relatively abundant nuclear protein associated with DNA of mammalian cells, is known to be a heterodimer with subunits of 85 and 72 kDa which binds in vitro to DNA ends and subsequently translocates along the molecule. The functional role played by this protein in the cell, however, remains to be elucidated. We have observed here that Ku protein, purified from cultured monkey cells, is the target of specific endoproteolysis in vitro, by which the 85 kDa subunit is cleaved at a precise site while the 72 kDa subunit remains intact. This cleavage releases an 18 kDa polypeptide and converts Ku protein into a heterodimer composed of the 72 kDa subunit associated with a 69 kDa fragment from the 85 kDa subunit. The proteolyzed form of Ku protein, denoted Ku′, has DNA binding properties similar to those of Ku protein. The proteolytic mechanism, which is inhibited by leupeptin and chymostatin, is extremely sensitive to ionic conditions, in particular to pH, being very active at pH 7.0 and completely inhibited at pH 8.0. In addition, cleavage occurs only when Ku protein is bound to DNA, not free in solution. We suggest that in vivo, such proteolysis might be necessary for Ku protein function at some stage of the cell cycle. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Treatment of patients with malignant melanoma with interferon-alpha achieves a response in a small but significant subset of patients. Currently, although much is known about interferon biology, little is known about either the particular mechanisms of interferon-alpha activity that are crucial for response or why only some patients respond to interferon-alpha therapy. Two melanoma cell lines (MeWo and MM418) that are known to differ in their response to the antiproliferative activity of interferon-alpha, have been used as a model system to investigate interferon-alpha action. Using a proteomics approach based on two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry, several proteins induced in response to interferon-alpha have been identified. These include a number of gene products previously known to be type I interferon responsive (tryptophanyl tRNA synthetase, leucine aminopeptidase, ubiquitin cross-reactive protein, gelsolin, FUSE binding protein 2 and hPNPase) as well as a number of proteins not previously reported to be induced by type I interferon (cathepsin B, proteasomal activator 28alpha and alpha-SNAP). Although the proteins upregulated by interferon-alpha were common between the cell lines when examined at the level of Western blotting, the disparity in the basal level of cathepsin B was striking, raising the possibility that the higher level in MM418 may contribute to the sensitivity of this cell line to interferon-alpha treatment.  相似文献   

Antibody therapeutics have revolutionized the treatment of cancer over the past two decades. Antibodies that specifically bind tumor surface antigens can be effective therapeutics; however, many unmodified antibodies lack therapeutic activity. These antibodies can instead be applied successfully as guided missiles to deliver potent cytotoxic drugs in the form of antibody drug conjugates (ADCs). The success of ADCs is dependent on four factors—target antigen, antibody, linker, and payload. The field has made great progress in these areas, marked by the recent approval by the US Food and Drug Administration of two ADCs, brentuximab vedotin (Adcetris®) and ado-trastuzumab emtansine (Kadcyla®). However, the therapeutic window for many ADCs that are currently in pre-clinical or clinical development remains narrow and further improvements may be required to enhance the therapeutic potential of these ADCs. Production of ADCs is an area where improvement is needed because current methods yield heterogeneous mixtures that may include 0–8 drug species per antibody molecule. Site-specific conjugation has been recently shown to eliminate heterogeneity, improve conjugate stability, and increase the therapeutic window. Here, we review and describe various site-specific conjugation strategies that are currently used for the production of ADCs, including use of engineered cysteine residues, unnatural amino acids, and enzymatic conjugation through glycotransferases and transglutaminases. In addition, we also summarize differences among these methods and highlight critical considerations when building next-generation ADC therapeutics.  相似文献   

Conjugation of small molecule drugs to specific sites on the antibody molecule has been increasingly used for the generation of relatively homogenous preparations of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) with physicochemical properties similar or identical to those of the naked antibody. Previously a method for conjugation of small molecules to glycoproteins through existing glycans by using an engineered glycotransferase and a chemically reactive sugar as a handle was developed. Here, for the first time, we report the use of this method with some modifications to generate an ADC from a monoclonal antibody, m860, which we identified from a human naïve phage display Fab library by panning against the extracellular domain of human HER2. M860 bound to cell surface-associated HER2 with affinity comparable to that of Trastuzumab (Herceptin®), but to a different epitope. The m860ADC was generated by enzymatically adding a reactive keto-galactose to m860 using an engineered glycotransferase and conjugating the reactive m860 to aminooxy auristatin F. It exhibited potent and specific cell-killing activity against HER2 positive cancer cells, including trastuzumab-resistant breast cancer cells. This unique ADC may have utility as a potential therapeutic for HER2 positive cancers alone or in combination with other drugs. Our results also validate the keto-galactose/engineered glycotransferase method for generation of functional ADCs, which could potentially also be used for preparation of ADCs targeting other disease markers.  相似文献   

Conjugation of small molecule drugs to specific sites on the antibody molecule has been increasingly used for the generation of relatively homogenous preparations of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) with physicochemical properties similar or identical to those of the naked antibody. Previously a method for conjugation of small molecules to glycoproteins through existing glycans by using an engineered glycotransferase and a chemically reactive sugar as a handle was developed. Here, for the first time, we report the use of this method with some modifications to generate an ADC from a monoclonal antibody, m860, which we identified from a human naïve phage display Fab library by panning against the extracellular domain of human HER2. M860 bound to cell surface-associated HER2 with affinity comparable to that of Trastuzumab (Herceptin®), but to a different epitope. The m860ADC was generated by enzymatically adding a reactive keto-galactose to m860 using an engineered glycotransferase and conjugating the reactive m860 to aminooxy auristatin F. It exhibited potent and specific cell-killing activity against HER2 positive cancer cells, including trastuzumab-resistant breast cancer cells. This unique ADC may have utility as a potential therapeutic for HER2 positive cancers alone or in combination with other drugs. Our results also validate the keto-galactose/engineered glycotransferase method for generation of functional ADCs, which could potentially also be used for preparation of ADCs targeting other disease markers.  相似文献   

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