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In order to define central neurons projecting to the subcommissural organ (SCO) and to related areas in the postero-medial diencephalon, Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) was injected into the lateral geniculate nucleus of the rat. PHA-L-labelled neurons send axonal processes medially through the posterior thalamic nuclei and the posterior commissure to the other hemisphere. Branches of fibres originating from this projection form a plexus of nerve terminals in the underlying precommissural nucleus and in the nucleus of the posterior commissure. A small number of PHA-L-immunoreactive nerve fibres penetrate from the precommissural nucleus into the lateral part of the SCO. A few labelled fibres penetrate directly from the posterior commissure into the medial part of the caudal SCO. Most of the PHA-L-immunoreactive fibres occur in the hypendymal layer, although a few terminate near the ependymal cells of the organ. Many labelled fibres are found in the ventricular ependyma adjacent to the SCO, some fibres lying close to the ventricular lumen. These results were obtained only if the tracer was delivered into the intergeniculate leaflet of the lateral geniculate nucleus (IGL). The IGL innervates both the suprachiasmatic nucleus and the pineal organ; the connections between the IGL and the midline structures, including the SCO, suggest that these areas are influenced by the circadian system.  相似文献   

Summary Ultracytochemical reactions for the demonstration of acid phosphatase, glucose-6-phosphatase and thiamine pyrophosphatase, as well as zinc iodide-osmium tetroxide impregnation, revealed the existence of GERL (Golgi apparatus — Endoplasmic Reticulum — Lysosomes) in pinealocytes of the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus). The spatial arrangement of this structure was studied on thick sections using a goniometric stage. Although it was not possible to determine whether GERL in pinealocytes belongs to the Golgi apparatus or to endoplasmic reticulum, it can be concluded that its presence in studied cells signifies that they are considerably more active synthetically than has been believed to date.  相似文献   

Summary Intraventricular blood vessels and choroidal-like cells were studied using scanning electron microscopy and correlative light microscopy. The intraventricular blood vessels were covered on their ependymal surface with a layer of cells essentially identical to the ependyma of the choroid plexus in the gerbil. Similar choroidal-like cells were seen either singly or in clusters associated with the cerebrospinal fluid-contacting pinealocytes of the suprapineal recess. Processes of the cerebrospinal fluid-contacting pinealocytes were seen extending to and making contact with the choroidal-like cells. The intraventricular blood vessels appeared to be derived from the choroid plexus, and typically took one of three courses in and around the surface of the deep pineal: (1) the vessels or their equivalent were located in the suprapineal recess with no indication of penetration into the substance of the deep pineal; (2) the vessels coursed from the suprapineal recess around the anterior surface of the habenular commissure to enter the ventral surface of the deep pineal; or (3) the vessels entered the parenchyma of the deep pineal from its dorsal surface and could be seen coursing through the substance of the gland. The close association between the choroidal-like cells and the intraventricular blood vessels with the deep pineal gland add morphological support for the possibility of interaction between the cerebrospinal fluid, or perhaps the choroid plexus, and the deep pineal gland.  相似文献   

Summary The pineal system of the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) was investigated by light and electron microscopy, special attention being paid to the sites of contact with the ventricular system. The results reveal that the pineal system of this species has a specific topographical relationship to the suprapineal recess of the third ventricle. The dorsal side of the proximal part of the pineal system forms the floor and the caudal wall of this recess. Here, a consistent and relatively large area lacks an ependymal lining, enabling pinealocytes to come into direct contact with the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). This area is assumed to be the morphological correlate of a close functional interrelationship between the pineal tissue and the CSF.  相似文献   

Summary The tracer Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) was injected into the lateral septum of the rat at different rostrocaudal locations to study the efferent septal projections to the anterior hypothalamus. For spatial correlation of these septofugal elements with the vasopressinergic system a dual immunocytochemical technique was used (i) to demonstrate nerve fibers and their corresponding bouton-like structures labeled with the tracer, and (ii) to identify vasopressin in the same section. The hypothalamic paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei, the accessory hypothalamic magnocellular system, and the suprachiasmatic nucleus are recipients of PHA-L-labeled fibers from all parts of the lateral septum. Close appositions between (i) these axons and their varicosities, and (ii) vasopressin-immunoreactive perikarya and their processes, putatively indicating functional interrelationships, were observed in all these nuclear areas, especially in their neuropil formations.Abbreviations F fornix - OC optic chiasm - OT optic tract - PVN paraventricular nucleus - SCN suprachiasmatic nucleus - SON supraoptic nucleus - III third ventricle  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of efferent fibers originating in the lateral septal nucleus was investigated in guinea pigs by means of anterograde tracing with Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin (PHA-L). Special emphasis was placed on the intraseptal fiber systems. The fibers originating from the different subnuclei of the lateral septal nucleus formed massive horizontal connections in the rostrocaudal axis. Projections to the contralateral, congruent subnuclei were also detected. In the medial septum/diagonal band of Broca complex the largest number of PHA-L-stained fibers was found after application of the tracer into the dorsal subnucleus of the lateral septal nucleus; the density of the efferent fibers decreased progressively after injection into the intermediate or ventral subnuclei. In all cases the diagonal band contained a much higher number of efferent fibers from the lateral septal nucleus than from the medial septal nucleus. In the medial septal nucleus, terminal labeling was generally sparse. Other telencephalic areas (organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis, nucleus accumbens, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, amygdala, hippocampal complex, and other cortical areas) contained varying numbers of labeled projections. In double-labeling experiments, a close spatial relationship between PHA-L-stained fibers and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-immunoreactive perikarya was observed in several of these target areas.  相似文献   

Summary Parasympathetic stimulation of parotid glands has been studied in vivo, a) in normal resting glands, b) 72 h after post-ganglionic sympathectomy and c) after adrenergic degranulation of the acinar cells.Morphological results in each gland were compared with a similarly pretreated, but not parasympathetically stimulated, contralateral gland from the same animal.On parasympathetic stimulation of glands with densely granulated acinar cells (groups a- and b-) a variable, but usually relatively small, tendency for vacuole formation occurred in some cells. After prior degranulation of the cells (group c-) the tendency for vacuole formation was greatly accentuated. This indicates that the pre-existing metabolic state of the cells can influence the responses to stimulation of a single nerve. Dilatation of rough endoplasmic reticulum and nuclear changes were also more prominent after parasympathetic stimulation of previously degranulated acinar cells, and this suggests that parasympathetic impulses may have strong activating effects on resynthesis under these conditions. It is also likely that parasympathetic stimulation induced some, albeit small, degree of degranulation and, since this occurred in the absence of sympathetic nerves (group b-) it was probably the consequence of a direct cholinergic effect. The present results therefore indicate that the concept of an absolute dichotomy between parasympathetic and sympathetic responses is not tenable in this tissue.Analyses of saliva for amylase and peroxidase gave complex results but indicate that the two enzymes are not necessarily secreted in parallel. The morphological results support the idea that some enzyme molecules may have entered the saliva without being prepackaged into secretory granules, but could have passed directly from dilated cisterns of rough endoplasmic reticulum into intra-cellular vacuoles, and this tendency was most apparent after para-sympathetic stimulation of previously degranulated cells.Travel grants from the Wellcome Trust to J.R. Garrett are gratefully acknowledged. This work has been helped by the technical assistance of Mr. P.S.A. RowleyM.R.C. Research Assistant  相似文献   

Summary The anterograde Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) tracing technique was used to determine the distribution of efferent fibers originating in the lateral septal nucleus of the guinea pig. For complementary detection of the chemical identity of the target neurons, double-labeling immunocytochemistry was performed with antibodies to PHA-L and to vasopressin, oxytocin, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, serotonin or dopamine -hydroxylase, respectively. The hypothalamus received the majority of the PHA-L-stained septofugal fibers. Here, a specific topography was observed. (1) The medial and lateral preoptic area, (2) the anterior, lateral, dorsal, posterior hypothalamic and retrochiasmatic area, (3) the supraoptic, paraventricular, suprachiasmatic, dorsomedial, caudal ventromedial and arcuate nuclei, and (4) the tuberomammillary, medial and lateral supramammillary, dorsal and ventral premammillary nuclei always contained PHA-L-labeled fibers. The rostral portion of the ventromedial nucleus and the medial and lateral mammillary nucleus only occasionally showed weak terminal labeling. In other diencephalic areas, termination of PHA-L-labeled fibers was observed in the epithalamus and the nuclei of the midline region of the thalamus. In the mesencephalon, terminal varicosities occurred in the ventral tegmental area, interfascicular and interpeduncular nucleus, and periaqueductal gray. In addition, the dorsal and medial raphe nuclei of the metencephalon, together with the locus coeruleus and the dorsal tegmental nucleus, received lateral septal efferents.  相似文献   

长爪沙鼠是分布于我国北方典型和荒漠草原及农牧交错区的优势鼠种之一。2000 年10 月至2004 年10 月通过标志重捕法研究了栖息于内蒙古农牧交错区草地生境的种群动态。对其不同季节出生群性成熟特征和种群性成熟比率、繁殖个体比例、个体月补充率等繁殖参数的季节特征研究显示:冬季和春季出生的个体性成熟较夏季出生的个体快,尤雌鼠表现突出,其3 个季节出生群的性成熟时间分别为4. 6 ± 0.2、4. 4 ± 0.8 和7.7 ± 0.4月龄。种群性成熟比率、繁殖个体比例和个体补充率月间差异显著,季节消长明显,即春季最高,秋季(9 ~10月间)最低。结果还显示,种群性成熟比率与气温和降水负相关。长爪沙鼠喜栖于植被稀疏、低矮的干燥沙质土壤环境。从初春到夏末,随降水和气温增加其栖息生境的植被由低矮稀疏变得高而稠密,土壤湿度和粘性亦随之提高,地面种子库因发芽贮量减少,适宜生境的减少可能加剧了社群竞争,抑制了种群的繁殖表现。长爪沙鼠种群繁殖的季节变化反映了其生活史对策中适应高纬度气候和食物的季节波动的重要特征。  相似文献   

Summary The chemical composition of intermediate filaments (IF's) in the ependyma of the subcommissural organ (SCO) of the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) was investigated immunohistochemically in paraffin-embedded tissue. Antibodies against glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), vimentin, neurofilament proteins and cytokeratins were used. Only GFAP and vimentin were detected in the non-specialized diencephalic ependyma and in the ependymocytes of the SCO. Staining could be observed in apical and basal processes of the SCO-cells. The latter processes extended into the posterior commissure up to the subpial surface, thus establishing a well-developed leptomeningeal route of ependymal projections. In contrast to the homogeneous vimentin-labeling, the SCO was particularly immunoreactive for GFAP in its lateral aspects and in the supraand precommissural parts. The coexpression of GFAP and vimentin in a subclass of SCO-ependymocytes was demonstrated on differentially immunostained semithin sections. The present study confirms the glial nature of the SCO-ependyma, which has been a matter of debate recently. It appears from this investigation that the high degree of secretory activity in the SCO does not necessarily lead to the disappearance of glial IF proteins. Moreover, the SCO-cells belong to the expanding group of mature astroglia, which is characterized by coexpression of GFAP and vimentin. The morphological similarity between SCO-ependymocytes and tanycytes is underscored by their common immunoreactivity against these two IF proteins. In view of the absence of GFAP from the rat SCO, interspecific differences must be considered in the evaluation of the IF protein composition.  相似文献   

徐德立  王德华 《兽类学报》2015,35(4):369-378
动物的免疫系统是防御细菌、病毒等病原体侵害的重要途径,对其生存很重要,而食物短缺是影响动物免疫的重要因素。前期研究发现,禁食3天可抑制雌性长爪沙鼠T细胞介导的免疫功能,而禁食时长可能在影响动物免疫中起重要作用。为此,本实验主要测定不同的禁食时间如何影响雌性长爪沙鼠的免疫功能,该问题的解决有助于理解它们在野外面临食物短缺时的生存状况。将55只成年雌鼠随机分为8组,分别禁食1 d、2 d 、3 d和自由取食,每种处理又分别注射磷酸缓冲液和植物血凝素(PHA)。结果发现,随禁食时间的延长,PHA反应(指示T细胞介导的免疫功能)逐渐受到抑制,胸腺和脾脏逐渐萎缩,表明禁食时间对长爪沙鼠的免疫功能影响显著。同样,随饥饿时间增加,长爪沙鼠的体脂、血糖和血清瘦素水平逐渐下降,并且与PHA反应呈正相关,但白细胞总数和皮质酮水平不受禁食时间的影响。结果表明,禁食时间长短能显著影响雌性长爪沙鼠的免疫功能,随禁食时间的延长,长爪沙鼠T细胞介导的免疫功能逐渐受抑制,这可能与体脂和葡萄糖含量下降有关,血清瘦素逐渐降低也可能是其免疫受抑制的原因。  相似文献   

Jolly - Seber 法估算长爪沙鼠种群参数的适用性探讨   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
以2000 年6 月~10 月群居性长爪沙鼠野生种群的标志重捕资料为依据, 采用Jolly - Seber 模型估算了该鼠种群参数, 结果表明, 长爪沙鼠个体间具等捕性(Leslie 法检验) , 研究期间取样个体的重捕率平均为89.7 %(77.4 % ~ 100 %) ; 参数估计结果具有合理的生物学意义, 认为采用该模型估算长爪沙鼠种群参数是适用的。  相似文献   

长爪沙鼠肥满度的年龄和季节特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用胴体重(去除内脏的体重,记为WN)替代传统计算公式中的体重(W)建立肥满度指标K′=100WN/L^3(g/cm^3)对长爪沙鼠肥满度的年龄和季节变化特征进行研究。结果显示:该鼠肥满度年龄组间差异显,末成年个体的肥满度明显高于成年个体;各性别年龄组肥满度季节变化明显,趋势基本一致,春季高、夏季最低、秋季又行育肥。在春夏季繁殖期(8月以前),雌鼠的肥满度大于雄鼠。成年雌鼠秋季育肥时间晚于其他个体组。长爪沙鼠肥满度的年龄差异和季节变化反映了该鼠在不同生活时期对环境的生理适应特征和对策。此外,各月肥满度与当月及其后第4个月的夹捕率存在一定的相关关系,提示该指标在短期预测长爪沙鼠种群数量方面可能有其参考价值。  相似文献   

冷暴露长爪沙鼠下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴对产热的调节   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨明  李庆芬  黄晨西 《动物学报》2003,49(5):571-577
为探讨下丘脑 -垂体 -肾上腺轴在野生小哺乳动物产热中的调节作用 ,对正常及肾上腺去除的长爪沙鼠进行了冷暴露研究。正常雄性长爪沙鼠在急性冷暴露 ( 4± 1℃ ,1天 )条件下 ,下丘脑促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素的合成和释放没有显著变化 ,肾上腺皮质酮含量增加 4 5 8% ,差异显著 ,血清皮质酮水平有增加趋势 ;慢性冷暴露 ( 4± 1℃ ,3周 )后 ,肾上腺皮质酮含量增加到对照的 2 14倍 ,血清皮质酮含量维持较高水平。肾上腺去除的长爪沙鼠冷暴露 3周后 ,褐色脂肪组织 (BAT)产热 (细胞色素C氧化酶活力、线粒体GTP结合数量 )增加 ,下丘脑促甲状腺激素释放激素的合成和释放、血清三碘甲腺原氨酸水平以及血清去甲肾上腺素的浓度均有增加的趋势。表明冷暴露条件下长爪沙鼠肾上腺皮质酮的合成和释放增加 ,从而抑制BAT的产热 ,皮质酮对BAT产热的抑制部分是通过抑制下丘脑 -垂体 -甲状腺轴激素的合成和分泌以及抑制交感神经系统的活动而实现的。  相似文献   

长爪沙鼠肠道生长抑素和P 物质细胞密度的年龄变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胃肠激素对调节小哺乳动物的消化功能具有重要作用。本文应用卵白素- 生物素- 过氧化物酶复合物(Avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex,ABC)免疫组织化学法,对冬季幼年、成年和老年长爪沙鼠肠道生长抑素(Somtostatin,SS)和P 物质(Substance P,SP)细胞进行了定位和比较。结果显示:不同年龄组两种内分泌细胞的形态学特征相似,呈圆形、椭圆形、梭形、锥形或不规则形。SS 细胞随年龄增加而分布范围缩小,主要分布于小肠和十二指肠,老年鼠的结肠和直肠无分布;盲肠段老年鼠高于幼年鼠和成年鼠,其余各段均无年龄差异。幼年鼠、成年鼠和老年鼠SP 细胞分别以结肠、盲肠和直肠密度为最高,成年鼠结肠和直肠无分布;肠道各段的密度均有年龄差异。这些结果表明,长爪沙鼠肠道SS 和SP 细胞的分布模式和发育特点有年龄差异,这可能与其生存环境的食物质量和两种内分泌细胞相互拮抗的消化生理功能有关。  相似文献   

EP-1 不育剂对长爪沙鼠野生种群增长的控制作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长爪沙鼠在内蒙古地区的分布非常广泛,长期以来由其造成的“鼠害” 不仅给农牧业生产带来危害,而且还传播疾病。2009 年3 ~ 10 月,在内蒙古鄂尔多斯荒漠草原,利用复合不育剂左炔诺孕酮- 炔雌醚(EP-1)
对长爪沙鼠野生种群进行了不育控制试验研究。结果表明,复合不育剂EP-1 对长爪沙鼠种群结构和种群密度均有显著影响,在5 月和6 月两个繁殖高峰期,不育剂EP-1 显著降低了幼体出生的数量,实验区与对照区幼体组
成差异和成体组成差异均达到极显著(P < 0.01)。在8 ~ 10 月,实验区和对照区种群结构组成中,幼体之间、成体之间差异均达到显著和极显著(P < 0.05, P < 0.01)。在整个发育生长期,实验区长爪沙鼠幼体种群从6 月
份开始出现,9 月达到数量最高值,幼体种群全年呈现下降趋势。而对照区幼体种群从5 月份开始出现,且数量在5 月份达到全年的最高值,幼体种群与实验区相反呈增长趋势。实验区种群总体数量全年呈下降趋势,而对
照区相反,呈增长趋势。因此,复合不育剂EP-1 显著降低了长爪沙鼠种群的繁殖率、幼体出生比例和种群密度,可以对长爪沙鼠野生种群起到有效的繁殖控制作用,进而降低该鼠对农牧业生产的危害和对人类疾病传播
的风险。  相似文献   

The first studies that correlated mammalian paternal behavior and testosterone levels indicated that the concentration of this steroid hormone decreases when males exhibit paternal care. However, recent studies have also shown that testosterone levels do not decrease when males display paternal behavior. In this study, we measured testosterone levels in plasma throughout the reproductive cycle of the Mongolian gerbil. Testosterone concentrations were correlated with paternal care as well as aggression. We also examined whether there is a trade-off between paternal behavior and aggression in this mammal. Our results show that Mongolian gerbil testosterone levels do not decrease when the males give paternal care. Likewise, male Mongolian gerbils exhibit high levels of aggression while displaying paternal behavior, indicating that there is no trade-off between aggression and paternal behavior. More studies are needed to determine whether testosterone is involved in the regulation of paternal behavior in this rodent.  相似文献   

Summary Mammalian pinealocytes have been shown to contain synaptic-like microvesicles with putative secretory functions. As a first step to elucidate the possibility that pinealocyte microvesicles store messenger molecules, such as neuroactive amino acids, we have studied the distributional pattern of glutamate immunoreactivity in the pineal gland of the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) at both light- and electron-microscopic levels. In semithin sections of plastic-embedded pineals, strong glutamate immunoreactivity could be detected in pinealocytes throughout the pineal gland. The density of glutamate immunolabeling in pinealocytes varied among individual cells and was mostly paralled by the density of immunostaining for synaptophysin, a major integral membrane protein of synaptic and synaptic-like vesicles. Postembedding immunogold staining of ultrathin pineal sections revealed that gold particles were enriched over pinealocytes. In particular, a high degree of immunoreactivity was associated with accumulations of microvesicles that filled dilated process terminals of pinealocytes. A positive correlation between the number of gold particles and the packing density of microvesicles was found in three out of four process terminals analyzed. However, the level of glutamate immunoreactivity in pinealocyte process endings was lower than in presumed glutamatergic nerve terminals of the cerebellum and posterior pituitary. The present results provide some evidence for a microvesicular compartmentation of glutamate in pinealocytes. Our findings thus lend support to the hypothesis that glutamate serves as an intrapineal signal molecule of physiological relevance to the neuroendocrine functions of the gland.  相似文献   

为确定食物蛋白对长爪沙鼠行为和生理特征的影响,我们采用两种不同蛋白含量(9% 和27% )的食物饲喂不同年龄的雄性长爪沙鼠,测定了不同食物条件下长爪沙鼠的体重、睾丸重、脾脏重、血清抗体、社会行为和气味吸引力等指标。结果发现,食物蛋白含量没有影响长爪沙鼠的社会行为、生理特征及幼体气味的选择,但对成体气味的被选择程度影响显著,提示食物质量与其配偶选择过程相关联。  相似文献   

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