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This study explores so-called Darwinian Daisyworlds mathematically rigorously in detail. The original Daisyworld was introduced by Watson & Lovelock (1983) to demonstrate how two species of daisies regulate the global temperature of their planet through competition among these species against the rising solar luminosity, i.e. the Gaia hypothesis. Its variants are Darwinian Daisyworlds in which daisies can adapt themselves to the local temperature. Robertson & Robinson (1998) insist their Darwinian daisies lose the ability for temperature regulation on the basis of their spreadsheet simulations. Lenton & Lovelock (2000) point out that the constraints on adaptation recovers Darwinian daisies' ability of temperature regulation on the basis of their Euler-code simulations. The present study shows there exist the exact and closed-form solutions to these two Daisyworlds. The results contradict the former studies: Robertson and Robinson's daisies do regulate the global temperature even longer than non-adaptive daisies; Lenton and Lovelock's daisies are less adaptive than Robertson and Robinson's daisies because of the constraints on adaptation; the introduction of weak adaptability drives species into a dead end of evolution. Thus, the present results confirm that the Gaia hypothesis and Darwinian evolution can coexist.  相似文献   

A stain of 0.1% toluidine blue in a 1.0% aqueous solution of triethylene glycol followed by decolorization with acid-alcohol resulted in mycobacteria retaining the stain (violet), whereas non-acid-fast bacteria were decolorized.  相似文献   

As personalized biologically-assisted models of the spine have evolved, the normalization of raw electromyographic (EMG) signals has become increasingly important. The traditional method of normalizing myoelectric signals, relative to measured maximum voluntary contractions (MVCs), is susceptible to error and is problematic for evaluating symptomatic low back pain (LBP) patients. Additionally, efforts to circumvent MVCs have not been validated during complex free-dynamic exertions. Therefore, the objective of this study was to develop an MVC-independent biologically-assisted model calibration technique that overcomes the limitations of previous normalization efforts, and to validate this technique over a variety of complex free-dynamic conditions including symmetrical and asymmetrical lifting. The newly developed technique (non-MVC) eliminates the need to collect MVCs by combining gain (maximum strength per unit area) and MVC into a single muscle property (gain ratio) that can be determined during model calibration. Ten subjects (five male, five female) were evaluated to compare gain ratio prediction variability, spinal load predictions, and model fidelity between the new non-MVC and established MVC-based model calibration techniques. The new non-MVC model calibration technique demonstrated at least as low gain ratio prediction variability, similar spinal loads, and similar model fidelity when compared to the MVC-based technique, indicating that it is a valid alternative to traditional MVC-based EMG normalization. Spinal loading for individuals who are unwilling or unable to produce reliable MVCs can now be evaluated. In particular, this technique will be valuable for evaluating symptomatic LBP patients, which may provide significant insight into the underlying nature of the LBP disorder.  相似文献   

Further evidence that eugenol does not bind to DNA in vivo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The naturally-occurring alkenylbenzene, eugenol, was examined for its ability to form DNA adducts in the livers of mice that had been treated with up to 10 mg of the compound. No adducts were detected by 32P-postlabelling with a limit of detection of 1 adduct in 10(9) nucleotides. Under these conditions adducts were readily detected in liver DNA from the structurally-related hepatocarcinogen safrole.  相似文献   

While the proliferation of the species‐rich teleost fish has been ascribed to an ancient genome duplication event at the base of this group, the broader impact of polyploidy on fish evolution and diversification remains poorly understood. Here, we investigate the association between polyploidy and diversification in several fish lineages: the sturgeons (Acipenseridae: Acipenseriformes), the botiid loaches (Botiidae: Cypriniformes), Cyprininae fishes (Cyprinidae: Cypriniformes) and the salmonids (Salmonidae: Salmoniformes). Using likelihood‐based evolutionary methodologies, we co‐estimate speciation and extinction rates associated with polyploid vs. diploid fish lineages. Family‐level analysis of Acipenseridae and Botiidae revealed no significant difference in diversification rates between polyploid and diploid relatives, while analysis of the subfamily Cyprininae revealed higher polyploid diversification. Additionally, order‐level analysis of the polyploid Salmoniformes and its diploid sister clade, the Esociformes, did not support a significantly different net diversification rate between the two groups. Taken together, our results suggest that polyploidy is generally not associated with decreased diversification in fish – a pattern that stands in contrast to that previously observed in plants. While there are notable differences in the time frame examined in the two studies, our results suggest that polyploidy is associated with different diversification patterns in these two major branches of the eukaryote tree of life.  相似文献   

The involvement of vesicular formation processes in the membrane transduction and nuclear transport of oligoarginine is currently a subject of controversy. In this report, a novel quantitative method which allows for the selective measurement of membrane transduction excluding concurrent endocytosis was used to determine the effects of temperature, endosomal acidification, endosomolysis, and several known inhibitors of endocytic pathways on the internalization of oligoarginine. The results show that, unlike endocytosis, transduction of oligoarginine was not affected by incubation at 16 degrees C as compared to the 37 degrees C control, and was only partially inhibited at 4 degrees C incubation. Additionally, membrane transduction was not inhibited to the same extent as endocytosis following treatment with ammonium chloride, hypertonic medium, amiloride, or filipin. The endosomolytic activity of oligoarginine was investigated by examining the leakage of FITC-dextran into the cytosolic compartment, which was not higher in the presence of oligoarginine. Furthermore, ammonium chloride showed no effect on the nuclear transport of oligoarginine. The data presented in this report indicate that membrane transduction is likely to occur at the plasma membrane without the formation of membrane vesicles, and the nuclear localization involves membrane transduction, rather than endocytosis of oligoarginine.  相似文献   

The concept that mutations cause aging phenotypes could not be directly tested previously due to inability to identify age‐related mutations in somatic cells and determine their impact on organismal aging. Here, we subjected Saccharomyces cerevisiae to multiple rounds of replicative aging and assessed de novo mutations in daughters of mothers of different age. Mutations did increase with age, but their low numbers, < 1 per lifespan, excluded their causal role in aging. Structural genome changes also had no role. A mutant lacking thiol peroxidases had the mutation rate well above that of wild‐type cells, but this did not correspond to the aging pattern, as old wild‐type cells with few or no mutations were dying, whereas young mutant cells with many more mutations continued dividing. In addition, wild‐type cells lost mitochondrial DNA during aging, whereas shorter‐lived mutant cells preserved it, excluding a causal role of mitochondrial mutations in aging. Thus, DNA mutations do not cause aging in yeast. These findings may apply to other damage types, suggesting a causal role of cumulative damage, as opposed to individual damage types, in organismal aging.  相似文献   

Results of experiments using phosphatidylcholine transfer protein and phospholipase C as probes indicate that there are at least two pools of phosphatidylcholine in rat liver microsomes. One of these is preferentially labelled with [14C]choline and does not equilibrate across the bilayer. The second pool is labelled with [3H]glycerol and does equilibrate across the bilayer. Our observations also confirm that phosphatidylcholine exchange protein does not modify the distribution of phospholipids or cause randomization of the inner and outer leaflet pools of phosphatidylcholine when these are differentially labelled by [14C]choline.  相似文献   

In a primary monolayer cell culture of the anterior pituitary from mature male rats the effects of exogenous rPrl (rPrl exog.) and endogenously secreted rPrl (rPrl endog.) on basal and LHRH stimulated LH secretion were investigated. In pilot studies basal Prl- and LH secretion as well as influence of various LHRH concentrations (10(-1)-10(+3) ng/ml) on Prl- and LH release were observed. The influence of exogenous rPrl was studied at various concentrations (50-500 ng/ml) and with preincubation periods of 2 hrs and 6 hrs before starting LHRH stimulation. The dopamine agonist bromocriptine and the dopamine antagonist sulpirid were preferentially used to prove physiologic function of the cell system presented. Basal LH secretion started after a delay of 3 hrs, whereas basal Prl secretion began immediately showing a linear rise for 9 hrs. LHRH stimulation resulted in a non-linear dose and time dependent LH secretion. LHRH showed no influence on endogenous Prl (rPrl endog.) secretion of the mammotroph cells. Exogenous Prl (rPrl exog.) did not affect spontaneous Prl release excluding ultra short loop inhibition in this cell system. Furthermore, exogenous Prl had no effect on either basal or LHRH stimulated LH secretion even after a preincubation period of up to 6 hrs and at concentrations generally observed for prolactin secreting tumors. Bromocriptine suppressed endogenous Prl release and did not affect LH secretion. Sulpirid had no influence on either Prl or LH secretion.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Leaf‐cutting ants are a very specialized group of ants that cultivate fungus gardens in their nests, from which they obtain food. The current opinion is that the fungus cultivated by leaf‐cutting ants digests cellulose. Here we reassess the cellulose‐degrading capability of the fungus by using two complementary approaches tested in four Attini species (genera Atta and Acromyrmex): (1) ability of fungus to grow in cellulose; and (2) lignin/cellulose ratio in the refuse material dumped outside the nest, as an indicator of cellulose consumption. We found that (1) the fungus did not grow in cellulose, and (2) the lignin/cellulose ratio was much lower in the ants' refuse than in material digested by cellulose‐digesting organisms, such as brown‐rot fungus, termites, and ruminant mammals. This evidence strongly suggests the inability of the fungus to degrade cellulose. Therefore, the fungus–ant symbiosis and the ecological role of leaf‐cutting ants need to be reconsidered.  相似文献   

Kinetics of association--dissociation, competition and chromatography on two different resins, all revealed the presence of a new binding site which: specifically accepts 7-alpha-propyl spirolactone (3H-RU-26752), has little affinity for aldosterone, is present only in the target tissue (rat kidney), and is wanting in a non-target organ (liver). The presence of such sites could explain syndromes of mineralocorticoid excess where even trace amounts of an unusual aldosterone analogue, with little affinity for the classical mineralocorticoid receptor, can nevertheless produce hypertension through the intervention of an entirely new and abundant receptor system. This new molecule thus forms a novel tool to understand the nature and function of the soluble mineralocorticoid receptor in target organs.  相似文献   

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