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Electrical conductivity was measured on thermally reconstituted collagen fibers in vitro and on isolated rat tail tendon collagen fiber bundles in vivo, The results obtained indicated that collagen per se is not an electroconductor under physiological conditions, but rather a biological insulator.  相似文献   

采用稀平板法对我国辽宁渤海海域水母体中细菌的微生态分布进行了考察,结果表明,在渤海水母体中各部位均有腐生性细菌及弧菌生长,其中腐生性细菌主要存在于水母体现,而弧菌除存在于水母体表外,有的则能在水母体内深层生长,水母体细菌微生态研究结果表明,弧菌的占细菌总数的90%以上,通过改进TCBAS培养基,从水母体中分离得到6株优势类群的细菌,对其菌落特征、菌体形态、生理生化特性进行了研究,它们都具备弧菌属的共同特点:革兰氏阴性,氧化酶阳性,兼性厌氧,TCBS培养基上能生长,对O/129敏感,初步鉴定为弧菌属,研究还发现,这几株菌都能产蛋白酶,其中JF2、JF4、JF5、JF6产蛋白酶的能力明显较强,它们极有可能是导致水母捕捞后快速解体腐败的主要原因。  相似文献   

In this paper, the effects of some chemical and physical factors such as temperature, pH values, glycerol, and divalent metal cations on the protease activity of venom from jellyfish, Rhopilema esculentum Kishinouye, were assayed. Protease activity was dependent on temperature and pH values. Zn2+, Mg2+, and Mn2+ in sodium phosphate buffer (0.02 M, pH 8.0) could increase protease activity. Mn2+ had the best effects among the three metal cations and the effect was about 20 times of that of Zn2+ or Mg2+ and its maximal protease activity was 2.3 × 105 U/mL. EDTA could increase protease activity. PMSF had hardly affected protease activity. O-Phenanthroline and glycerol played an important part in inhibiting protease activity and their maximal inhibiting rates were 87.5% and 82.1%, respectively.  相似文献   

Bengkoang (Pachyrhizus erosus (L.) Urban) is one of the most popular edible root vegetables in Indonesia. Bengkoang contains fairly large amounts of carbohydrates and crude fiber. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the immunomodulatory effect of the bengkoang fiber extract (BFE) in vitro and in vivo. BFE was prepared by heating the powder of bengkoang fiber suspended in distilled water at 121 °C for 20 min. BFE facilitated IgM production by the human hybridoma cell line HB4C5 cells. In addition, production of IgM, IgG, and IgA by mouse primary splenocytes was facilitated by BFE in a dose-dependent manner. BFE also significantly facilitated production of both interleukin-5 and interleukin-10 by splenocytes. Immunoglobulin production by lymphocytes from the spleen, Peyer’s patch, and mesenteric lymph node were significantly activated by oral administration of BFE to mice for 14 days. The serum immunoglobulin levels of IgG, IgM, and IgA were also significantly enhanced. Furthermore, cytokine production by lymphocytes from the spleen, Peyer’s patch, and mesenteric lymph node were also facilitated by oral administration of BFE. These results suggest that BFE has positive effects on the immune system in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

The water-soluble fraction of kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala DC.) had immunoglobulin (Ig) production stimulating activity in human hybridoma HB4C5 cells and human peripheral blood lymphocytes. The biochemical and physical properties of the main active substance in kale were found to be a heat-stable protein with a molecular weight higher than 50 kDa. The Ig production-stimulating factors were assumed to act on the translational and/or secreting processes of Igs. This Ig production-stimulating effect was also observed in lymphocytes from the mesenteric lymph node and Peyer's patches of mice that had been administered with the kale extract for 14 d. The partially purified kale extract was analyzed by LC-ESI-MS/MS, the result indicating ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rubisco) as an active substance. Rubisco from spinach indeed exhibited Ig production-stimulating activity in HB4C5 cells. These findings provide another beneficial aspect of kale as a health-promoting foodstuff.  相似文献   

提取水母胶原蛋白,观察其体内外抗氧化作用。体外采用邻苯三酚自氧化法观察水母胶原蛋白对超氧阴离子(·O2-)的清除作用,采用Fenton反应体系观察对羟自由基(·OH)的清除作用;体内观察水母胶原蛋白对小鼠血清、肝脏、大脑中超氧化物歧比酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT),丙二醛(MDA)含量的影响。结果表明:水母胶原蛋白对·O2-、·OH具有良好的清除作用,呈一定的剂量依赖关系,能明显提高小鼠血清、肝脏、大脑中的SOD、CAT含量,能在一定程度上降低血清、肝脏、大脑中的MDA水平。因此,水母胶原蛋白具有显著的抗氧化生物活性。  相似文献   

The physicochemical and in vitro mechanism of immunologic tolerance of pepsin-soluble collagen and its peptide, CII-P, from blue shark cartilage were studied. Protein patterns showed three identical (α1)3 chains, suggesting that it was a type-II collagen (CII). CII-P had high antioxidant activity and low carbohydrate content. Collagens had better biocompatibility with decreased the viability of 6T-CEM cell compared to control cells (without collagen). Immunological indices such as FAS/APO-1, cytokine, and caspase levels were higher in CII-treated 6T-CEM cells. Collagen bound to 6T-CEM cell receptors in a dose-dependent manner, and an optimum effect was observed with 10 μg/mL collagen. The high carbohydrate content of CII could activate the FAS receptor, which led to increased apoptotic gene expression in 6T-CEM cells. Breakdown of 6T-CEM cell nuclei through the induction of apoptosis by CII was confirmed by fluorescence microscopy. Collagen molecular weight and glycosylation patterns were crucial factors for immunologic tolerance and 6T-CEM cellular apoptosis.  相似文献   

The structure of O-glycan in qniumucin (Q-mucin), which is a novel mucin extracted from jellyfish, was analyzed by a combination of NMR and ESI-MS/MS. A previously unidentified monosaccharide involved in the glycan chains was determined to be N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc) substituted by 2-aminoethylphosphonate (AEP) at the C-6. The O-glycans in Q-mucin from Aurelia aurita were proved to be mainly composed of three monosaccharides: GalNAc, AEP-(O→6)-GalNAc, and P-6-GalNAc. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first example of an O-glycan structure of glycoproteins containing AEP. This exceptionally simple structure of Q-mucin and its potential use in material science and technology are revealed.  相似文献   

Hemolysin is one of the most hazardous components in the venom of Cyanea nozakii Kishinouye. Here we describe the purification and in vitro characterization of the hemolysin, which we named CnPH. The CnPH was isolated by anion-exchange and size-exclusion chromatography from the nematocyst venom. Two protein bands with molecular masses of 20 kDa, 60 kDa respectively were shown in the reducing SDS-PAGE analysis of the CnPH. And Approximately 5 μg/mL of the CnPH resulted in 50% hemolysis of the erythrocyte suspension. The hemolytic activity of the CnPH was both temperature and pH dependent. Moreover, it was significantly inhibited in the presence of divalent metal cations, including Cu2+, Mg2+, Mn2+, Zn2+ and Ca2+, but enhanced in the presence of EDTA. However, how CnPH performs its hemolytic activity is not yet clear, therefore the mechanism of the hemolytic activity of the CnPH is under research.  相似文献   

闽江口海蜇渔业生态学研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
根据1993年5~9月的调查材料,研究了福建闽江口海域海蜇的渔业生态学。其密度和生物量高峰分别出现在6月20日和7月10日;群体伞径范围为18~546mm,平均328.8mm.体重范围为0.5~9540g,平均2877.4g;伞径为345~485mm的雌性有性繁殖力在1120.6×104~3754.8×104粒,平均2444.7×104粒,有性生殖期在8月初至11月;采用高次方程和指数高次方程分别模拟伞径和体重生长,生长方程为:Φt=12.1337+17.7048t+3.1385t2-0.2049t3+0.00302t4,logeWt=-0.5749+1.4818t-0.0771t2+0.00129t3;以生物经济学原理确定7月20日为合理开捕期,开捕伞径为465.8mm.讨论分析了执行合理开捕期和开捕规格,对保护和合理利用海蜇资源,提高经济效益的重要意义.  相似文献   

Direct observations on Black-browed albatross (BBA, Thalassarche melanophrys) feeding have been barely informed. An item considered scarce in the Diomedeidae diets is jellyfishes, due to the impossibility of recognizing them from bird regurgitates or their feces. By means of direct visual records, BBAs were seen capturing jellyfish in southern Chilean coasts (40°S). These birds used the surface seizing method over short periods (<13 s), feeding mainly on jellyfish umbrella. The prey corresponds to the family Ulmaridae, neritic cnidarians distributed in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Difficulties arose when determining the identity of cnidarians to species level mainly due to the lack of reference material on Chile and few studies on this region. The present contribution helps to add to the few registers of the in situ feeding activity of BBAs in the waters of the southeast Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

Tendons are composed of fibroblasts and collagen fibrils. The fibrils are organized uniaxially and grouped together into fibers. Collagen VI is a non-fibrillar collagen expressed in developing and adult tendons. Human collagen VI mutations result in muscular dystrophy, joint hyperlaxity and contractures. The purpose of this study is to determine the functional roles of collagen VI in tendon matrix assembly. During tendon development, collagen VI was expressed throughout the extracellular matrix, but enriched around fibroblasts and their processes. To analyze the functional roles of collagen VI a mouse model with a targeted inactivation of Col6a1 gene was utilized. Ultrastructural analysis of Col6a1−/− versus wild type tendons demonstrated disorganized extracellular micro-domains and associated collagen fibers in the Col6a1−/− tendon. In Col6a1−/− tendons, fibril structure and diameter distribution were abnormal compared to wild type controls. The diameter distributions were shifted significantly toward the smaller diameters in Col6a1−/− tendons compared to controls. An analysis of fibril density (number/μm2) demonstrated a ~ 2.5 fold increase in the Col6a1−/− versus wild type tendons. In addition, the fibril arrangement and structure were aberrant in the peri-cellular regions of Col6a1−/− tendons with frequent very large fibrils and twisted fibrils observed restricted to this region. The biomechanical properties were analyzed in mature tendons. A significant decrease in cross-sectional area was observed. The percent relaxation, maximum load, maximum stress, stiffness and modulus were analyzed and Col6a1−/− tendons demonstrated a significant reduction in maximum load and stiffness compared to wild type tendons. An increase in matrix metalloproteinase activity was suggested in the absence of collagen VI. This suggests alterations in tenocyte expression due to disruption of cell-matrix interactions. The changes in expression may result in alterations in the peri-cellular environment. In addition, the absence of collagen VI may alter the sequestering of regulatory molecules such as leucine rich proteoglycans. These changes would result in dysfunctional regulation of tendon fibrillogenesis indirectly mediated by collagen VI.  相似文献   

At present, much of the fish adaptive immune system remains unknown due to the paucity of marker-specific reagents (e.g. antibodies) to identify immune cells. The genomic sequence of Takifugu rubripes (fugu) represents an important resource to facilitate the identification of lymphocyte-related genes. Here, we review the recent works on B-lymphocyte markers, the heavy (H) chains of IgM and IgD, and Ig light chain, and T-cell marker gene homologues, CD3ε, CD3γ/δ, CD4, and CD8α in a single fish species, fugu. Expressions of these B- and T-lymphocyte markers homologues in peripheral blood leukocytes and other lymphoid tissues of fugu suggest that these molecules in fish would be available as lymphocyte markers. These findings will lead us to develop reliable reagents for the identification of lymphocyte subpopulations. Fugu holds great promise as one of the model organisms for studies of development and evolution of adaptive and innate immunity in vertebrates.  相似文献   

The structural integrity of cartilage depends on the presence of extracellular matrices (ECM) formed by heterotypic fibrils composed of collagen II, collagen IX, and collagen XI. The formation of these fibrils depends on the site-specific binding between relatively small regions of interacting collagen molecules. Single amino acid substitutions in collagen II change the physicochemical and structural characteristics of those sites, thereby leading to an alteration of intermolecular collagen II/collagen IX interaction. Employing a biosensor to study interactions between R75C, R789C or G853E collagen II mutants and collagen IX, we demonstrated significant changes in the binding affinities. Moreover, analyses of computer models representing mutation sites defined exact changes in physicochemical characteristics of collagen II mutants. Our study shows that changes in collagen II/collagen IX affinity could represent one of the steps in a cascade of changes occurring in the ECM of cartilage as a result of single amino acid substitutions in collagen II.  相似文献   

Collagen is the predominant load bearing component in many soft tissues including arterial tissue and is therefore critical in determining the mechanical integrity of such tissues. Degradation of collagen fibres is hypothesized to be a strain dependent process whereby the rate of degradation is affected by the magnitude of strain applied to the collagen fibres. The aim of this study is to investigate the ability of small angle light scattering (SALS) imaging to identify strain dependent degradation of collagen fibres in arterial tissue ex vivo, and determine whether a strain induced protection mechanism exists in arterial tissue as observed in pure collagen and other collagenous tissues. SALS was used in combination with histological and second harmonic generation (SHG) analysis to determine the collagen fibre architecture in arterial tissue subjected to strain directed degradation. SALS alignment analysis identified statistically significant differences in fibre alignment depending on the strain magnitude applied to the tissue. These results were also observed using histology and SHG. Our findings suggest a strain protection mechanism may exist for arterial collagen at intermediate strain magnitudes between 0% and 25%. These findings may have implications for the onset and progression of arterial disease where changes in the mechanical environment of arterial tissue may lead to changes in the collagen degradation rate.  相似文献   

Summary It has been previously shown that the distances between the nuclei within the collagen bundles of mineralizing tissues were in good agreement with the repeat distances of the cross-banding pattern of collagen, which supports the assumption that the distances between the mineral deposits reflect to a good approximation the distances between nucleation centres on the collagen macromolecule. However, the lateral separation of the nuclei were significantly higher than the distances between close-packed triple helices.Recently a new model of collagen aggregation has been proposed in which the smallest morphological units are subfibrils (Ø approx. 39 Å) packed in tetragonal array. This led us to measure once again the lateral separation between a) close-packed calcium phosphate needles lying in bundles at (1) the mineralizing front of mantle dentine and (2) at the mineralizing front of rat tail bone, and b) between the uranyl-lead nuclei produced in the staining of rat tail tendon.The mean lateral distances separating these nuclei fell within the range of 39–47 Å, which is a little higher than the distances of 39 Å which separate the microholes between the subfibrils in the tetragonal packing model, which are regarded as the likely sites of nucleation. If, however, it is assumed that the forces generated during mineralization can cause the collagen fibres to swell, then the lateral separation of the nuclei and the distances between the microholes would correspond very closely.We thank the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft for financial support. We thank Prof. Dr. K. Heckmann and Dr. U. Mays, Dept. of Zoology, Münster, for allowing us to use their Siemens-Elmiskop 101 sponsored by Stiftung Volkswagenwerk, and Frau Dr. Weichan, Applikationslabor Siemens, Berlin, for performing the tilting experiments at their Siemens-Elmiskop 102. We thank Fräulein Ute Sporman for valuable technical help.  相似文献   

Collagen II fibrils are a critical structural component of the extracellular matrix of cartilage providing the tissue with its unique biomechanical properties. The self-assembly of collagen molecules into fibrils is a spontaneous process that depends on site-specific binding between specific domains belonging to interacting molecules. These interactions can be altered by mutations in the COL2A1 gene found in patients with a variety of heritable cartilage disorders known as chondrodysplasias. Employing recombinant procollagen II, we studied the effects of R75C or R789C mutations on fibril formation. We determined that both R75C and R789C mutants were incorporated into collagen assemblies. The effects of the R75C and R789C substitutions on fibril formation differed significantly. The R75C substitution located in the thermolabile region of collagen II had no major effect on the fibril formation process or the morphology of fibrils. In contrast, the R789C substitution located in the thermostable region of collagen II caused profound changes in the morphology of collagen assemblies. These results provide a basis for identifying pathways leading from single amino acid substitutions in collagen II to changes in the structure of individual fibrils and in the organization of collagenous matrices.  相似文献   

Astronauts experiencing long periods of space flight suffer from severe loss of bone tissue, particularly in those bones that carry the body weight under normal gravity. It is assumed that the lack of mechanical load decreases connective tissue biosynthesis in bone-forming cells. To test this assumption, quantitative and qualitative aspects of collagen synthesis under microgravity, normal gravity, and hypergravity conditions were investigated by incubating human fibroblast cultures with [3H]-proline for 4, 7, 10, and 20 h during the Spacelab D2-mission in 1993. Quantitative analysis revealed an increase of collagen synthesis under microgravity conditions, being up to 143% higher than in 1 g controls. In contrast, hypergravity samples showed a decrease in collagen synthesis with increasing g, being at the 13% level at 10 g. The relative proportion of collagen in total synthesized protein showed a slight decrease with increasing g. The secretion of collagen by the cells, proline hydroxylation of individual collagen -chains, and the relative proportions of synthesized collagens I, III, and V were not affected under any of the applied conditions.Our research was supported financially by Dara GmbH Bonn (grant. no. 01QV 8866), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB A1/367) and BMFT grant. no. 01 KM 9303/8.  相似文献   

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