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The universal genetic code links the 20 naturally occurring amino acids to the 61 sense codons. Previously, the UAG amber stop codon (a nonsense codon) has been used as a blank in the code to insert natural and unnatural amino acids via nonsense suppression. We have developed a selection methodology to investigate whether the unnatural amino acid biocytin could be incorporated into an mRNA display library at sense codons. In these experiments we probed a single randomized NNN codon with a library of 16 orthogonal, biocytin-acylated tRNAs. In vitro selection for efficient incorporation of the unnatural amino acid resulted in templates containing the GUA codon at the randomized position. This sense suppression occurs via Watson-Crick pairing with similar efficiency to UAG-mediated nonsense suppression. These experiments suggest that sense codon suppression is a viable means to expand the chemical and functional diversity of the genetic code.  相似文献   

The Case for an Error Minimizing Standard Genetic Code   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Since discovering the pattern by which amino acids are assigned to codons within the standard genetic code, investigators have explored the idea that natural selection placed biochemically similar amino acids near to one another in coding space so as to minimize the impact of mutations and/or mistranslations. The analytical evidence to support this theory has grown in sophistication and strength over the years, and counterclaims questioning its plausibility and quantitative support have yet to transcend some significant weaknesses in their approach. These weaknesses are illustrated here by means of a simple simulation model for adaptive genetic code evolution. There remain ill explored facets of the `error minimizing' code hypothesis, however, including the mechanism and pathway by which an adaptive pattern of codon assignments emerged, the extent to which natural selection created synonym redundancy, its role in shaping the amino acid and nucleotide languages, and even the correct interpretation of the adaptive codon assignment pattern: these represent fertile areas for future research.  相似文献   

The standard genetic code is a set of rules that relates the 20 canonical amino acids in proteins to groups of three bases in the mRNA. It evolved from a more primitive form and the attempts to reconstruct its natural history are based on its present-day features. Genetic code engineering as a new research field was developed independently in a few laboratories during the last 15 years. The main intention is to re-program protein synthesis by expanding the coding capacities of the genetic code via re-assignment of specific codons to un-natural amino acids. This article focuses on the question as to which extent hypothetical scenarios that led to codon re-assignments during the evolution of the genetic code are relevant for its further evolution in the laboratory. Current attempts to engineer the genetic code are reviewed with reference to theoretical works on its natural history. Integration of the theoretical considerations into experimental concepts will bring us closer to designer cells with target-engineered genetic codes that should open not only tremendous possibilities for the biotechnology of the twenty-first century but will also provide a basis for the design of novel life forms.  相似文献   

The genetic code provides the translation table necessary to transform the information contained in DNA into the language of proteins. In this table, a correspondence between each codon and each amino acid is established: tRNA is the main adaptor that links the two. Although the genetic code is nearly universal, several variants of this code have been described in a wide range of nuclear and organellar systems, especially in metazoan mitochondria. These variants are generally found by searching for conserved positions that consistently code for a specific alternative amino acid in a new species. We have devised an accurate computational method to automate these comparisons, and have tested it with 626 metazoan mitochondrial genomes. Our results indicate that several arthropods have a new genetic code and translate the codon AGG as lysine instead of serine (as in the invertebrate mitochondrial genetic code) or arginine (as in the standard genetic code). We have investigated the evolution of the genetic code in the arthropods and found several events of parallel evolution in which the AGG codon was reassigned between serine and lysine. Our analyses also revealed correlated evolution between the arthropod genetic codes and the tRNA-Lys/-Ser, which show specific point mutations at the anticodons. These rather simple mutations, together with a low usage of the AGG codon, might explain the recurrence of the AGG reassignments.  相似文献   

Recoding a stop codon to an amino acid may afford orthogonal genetic systems for biosynthesizing new protein and organism properties. Although reassignment of stop codons has been found in extant organisms, a model organism is lacking to investigate the reassignment process and to direct code evolution. Complete reassignment of a stop codon is precluded by release factors (RFs), which recognize stop codons to terminate translation. Here we discovered that RF1 could be unconditionally knocked out from various Escherichia coli stains, demonstrating that the reportedly essential RF1 is generally dispensable for the E. coli species. The apparent essentiality of RF1 was found to be caused by the inefficiency of a mutant RF2 in terminating all UAA stop codons; a wild type RF2 was sufficient for RF1 knockout. The RF1-knockout strains were autonomous and unambiguously reassigned UAG to encode natural or unnatural amino acids (Uaas) at multiple sites, affording a previously unavailable model for studying code evolution and a unique host for exploiting Uaas to evolve new biological functions.  相似文献   

Since the genetic code first was determined, many have claimed that it is organized adaptively, so as to assign similar codons to similar amino acids. This claim has proved difficult to establish due to the absence of relevant comparative data on alternative primordial codes and of objective measures of amino acid exchangeability. Here we use a recently developed measure of exchangeability to evaluate a null hypothesis and two alternative hypotheses about the adaptiveness of the genetic code. The null hypothesis that there is no tendency for exchangeable amino acids to be assigned to similar codons can be excluded here as expected from earlier work. The first alternative hypothesis is that any such correlation between codon distance and amino acid distance is due to incremental mechanisms of code evolution, and not to adaptation to reduce deleterious effects of future mutations. More specifically, new codon assignments that occur by ambiguity reduction or by codon capture will tend to give rise to correlations, whether due to the condition of amino acid ambiguity, or to the condition of similarity between a new tRNA synthetase (or tRNA) and its parent. The second alternative hypothesis, the adaptive hypothesis, then may be defined as an excess relative to what may be expected given the incremental nature of evolution, reflecting true adaptation for robustness rather than an incidental effect. The results reported here indicate that most of the nonrandomness in the amino acids to codon assignments can be explained by incremental code evolution, with a small residue of orderliness that may reflect code adaptation.  相似文献   

The genetic code of living organisms has been expanded to allow the site-specific incorporation of unnatural amino acids into proteins in response to the amber stop codon UAG. Numerous amino acids have been incorporated including photo-crosslinkers, chemical handles, heavy atoms and post-translational modifications, and this has created new methods for studying biology and developing protein therapeutics and other biotechnological applications. Here we describe a protocol for reprogramming the amino-acid substrate specificity of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase enzymes that are orthogonal in eukaryotic cells. The resulting aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases aminoacylate an amber suppressor tRNA with a desired unnatural amino acid, but no natural amino acids, in eukaryotic cells. To achieve this change of enzyme specificity, a library of orthogonal aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase is generated and genetic selections are performed on the library in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The entire protocol, including characterization of the evolved aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase in S. cerevisiae, can be completed in approximately 1 month.  相似文献   

The aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases exist as two enzyme families which were apparently generated by divergent evolution from two primordial synthetases. The two classes of enzymes exhibit intriguing familial relationships, in that they are distributed nonrandomly within the codon-amino acid matrix of the genetic code. For example, all XCX codons code for amino acids handled by class II synthetases, and all but one of the XUX codons code for amino acids handled by class I synthetases. One interpretation of these patterns is that the synthetases coevolved with the genetic code. The more likely explanation, however, is that the synthetases evolved in the context of an already-established genetic code—a code which developed earlier in an RNA world. The rules which governed the development of the genetic code, and led to certain patterns in the coding catalog between codons and amino acids, would also have governed the subsequent evolution of the synthetases in the context of a fixed code, leading to patterns in synthetase distribution such as those observed. These rules are (1) conservative evolution of amino acid and adapter binding sites and (2) minimization of the disruptive effects on protein structure caused by codon meaning changes.  相似文献   

Directed protein evolution is the most versatile method for studying protein structure-function relationships, and for tailoring a protein's properties to the needs of industrial applications. In this review, we performed a statistical analysis on the genetic code to study the extent and consequence of the organization of the genetic code on amino acid substitution patterns generated in directed evolution experiments. In detail, we analyzed amino acid substitution patterns caused by (a) a single nucleotide (nt) exchange at each position of all 64 codons, and (b) two subsequent nt exchanges (first and second nt, first and third nt, second and third nt). Additionally, transitions and transversions mutations were compared at the level of amino acid substitution patterns. The latter analysis showed that single nucleotide substitution in a codon generates only 39.5% of the natural diversity on the protein level with 5.2-7 amino acid substitutions per codon. Transversions generate more complex amino acid substitution patterns (increased number and chemically more diverse amino acid substitutions) than transitions. Simultaneous nt exchanges at both first and second nt of a codon generates very diverse amino acid substitution patterns, achieving 83.2% of the natural diversity. The statistical analysis described in this review sets the objectives for novel random mutagenesis methods that address the consequences of the organization of the genetic code. Random mutagenesis methods that favor transversions or introduce consecutive nt exchanges can contribute in this regard.  相似文献   

With few exceptions, natural proteins are built from only 20 canonical (proteogenic) amino acids which limits the functionality and accordingly the properties they can possess. Genetic code expansion, i.e. the creation of codons and the machinery needed to assign them to non-canonical amino acids (ncAAs), promises to enable the discovery of proteins with novel properties that are otherwise difficult or impossible to obtain. One approach to expanding the genetic code is to expand the genetic alphabet via the development of unnatural nucleotides that pair to form an unnatural base pair (UBP). Semi-synthetic organisms (SSOs), i.e. organisms that stably maintain the UBP, transcribe its component nucleotides into RNA, and use it to translate proteins, would have available to them new codons and the anticodons needed to assign them to ncAAs. This review summarizes the development of a family of UBPs, their use to create SSOs, and the optimization and application of the SSOs to produce candidate therapeutic proteins with improved properties that are now undergoing evaluation in clinical trials.  相似文献   

Anderson JC  Schultz PG 《Biochemistry》2003,42(32):9598-9608
Recently, it has been shown that an amber suppressor tRNA/aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase pair derived from the tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase of Methanococcus jannaschii can be used to genetically encode unnatural amino acids in response to the amber nonsense codon, TAG. However, we have been unable to modify this pair to decode either the opal nonsense codon, TGA, or the four-base codon, AGGA, limiting us to a 21 amino acid code. To overcome this limitation, we have adapted a leucyl-tRNA synthetase from Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum and leucyl tRNA derived from Halobacterium sp. NRC-1 as an orthogonal tRNA-synthetase pair in Escherichia coli to decode amber (TAG), opal (TGA), and four-base (AGGA) codons. To improve the efficiency and selectivity of the suppressor tRNA, extensive mutagenesis was performed on the anticodon loop and acceptor stem. The two most significant criteria required for an efficient amber orthogonal suppressor tRNA are a CU(X)XXXAA anticodon loop and the lack of noncanonical or mismatched base pairs in the stem regions. These changes afford only weak suppression of TGA and AGGA. However, this information together with an analysis of sequence similarity of multiple native archaeal tRNA sequences led to efficient, orthogonal suppressors of opal codons and the four-base codon, AGGA. Ultimately, it should be possible to use these additional orthogonal pairs to genetically incorporate multiple unnatural amino acids into proteins.  相似文献   

Directed protein evolution is the most versatile method for studying protein structure–function relationships, and for tailoring a protein's properties to the needs of industrial applications. In this review, we performed a statistical analysis on the genetic code to study the extent and consequence of the organization of the genetic code on amino acid substitution patterns generated in directed evolution experiments. In detail, we analyzed amino acid substitution patterns caused by (a) a single nucleotide (nt) exchange at each position of all 64 codons, and (b) two subsequent nt exchanges (first and second nt, first and third nt, second and third nt). Additionally, transitions and transversions mutations were compared at the level of amino acid substitution patterns. The latter analysis showed that single nucleotide substitution in a codon generates only 39.5% of the natural diversity on the protein level with 5.2–7 amino acid substitutions per codon. Transversions generate more complex amino acid substitution patterns (increased number and chemically more diverse amino acid substitutions) than transitions. Simultaneous nt exchanges at both first and second nt of a codon generates very diverse amino acid substitution patterns, achieving 83.2% of the natural diversity. The statistical analysis described in this review sets the objectives for novel random mutagenesis methods that address the consequences of the organization of the genetic code. Random mutagenesis methods that favor transversions or introduce consecutive nt exchanges can contribute in this regard.  相似文献   

Explaining the apparent non-random codon distribution and the nature and number of amino acids in the ‘standard’ genetic code remains a challenge, despite the various hypotheses so far proposed. In this paper we propose a simple new hypothesis for code evolution involving a progression from singlet to doublet to triplet codons with a reading mechanism that moves three bases each step. We suggest that triplet codons gradually evolved from two types of ambiguous doublet codons, those in which the first two bases of each three-base window were read (‘prefix’ codons) and those in which the last two bases of each window were read (‘suffix’ codons). This hypothesis explains multiple features of the genetic code such as the origin of the pattern of four-fold degenerate and two-fold degenerate triplet codons, the origin of its error minimising properties, and why there are only 20 amino acids. Reviewing Editor: Dr. Laura Landweber An erratum to this article can be found at .  相似文献   

At the time of its discovery four decades ago, the genetic code was viewed as the result of a "frozen accident." Our current knowledge of the translation process and of the detailed structure of its components highlights the roles of RNA structure (in mRNA and tRNA), RNA modification (in tRNA), and aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase diversity in the evolution of the genetic code. The diverse assortment of codon reassignments present in subcellular organelles and organisms of distinct lineages has 'thawed' the concept of a universal immutable code; it may not be accidental that out of more than 140 amino acids found in natural proteins, only two (selenocysteine and pyrrolysine) are known to have been added to the standard 20-member amino acid alphabet. The existence of phosphoseryl-tRNA (in the form of tRNACys and tRNASec) may presage the discovery of other cotranslationally inserted modified amino acids.  相似文献   

The standard genetic code, by which most organisms translate genetic material into protein metabolism, is non-randomly organized. The Error Minimization hypothesis interprets this non-randomness as an adaptation, proposing that natural selection produced a pattern of codon assignments that buffers genomes against the impact of mutations. Indeed, on the average any given point mutation has a lesser effect on the chemical properties of the utilized amino acid than expected by chance. Might it also, however, be the case that the non-random nature of the code effects the rate of adaptive evolution? To investigate this, here we develop population genetic simulations to test the rate of adaptive gene evolution under different genetic codes. We identify two independent properties of a genetic code that profoundly influence the speed of adaptive evolution. Noting that the standard genetic code exhibits both, we offer a new insight into the effects of the "error minimizing" code: such a code enhances the efficacy of adaptive sequence evolution.  相似文献   

Pyrrolysine is an amino acid encoded by the amber codon in genes required for methylamine utilization by members of the Methanosarcinaceae. Pyrrolysine and selenocysteine share the distinction of being the only two non-canonical amino acids that have entered natural genetic codes. Recent experiments have shown that encoding of pyrrolysine, unlike that of selenocysteine, also shares an important trait of the original set of twenty amino acids. UAG is translated as pyrrolysine with the participation of a dedicated aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase. Expression of the genes encoding the pyrrolysyl-tRNA synthetase and its cognate tRNA is sufficient to add pyrrolysine to the genetic code of a recombinant organism. Thus, the recruitment of pyrrolysine into the genetic code involved evolution of the first non-canonical aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase and cognate tRNA to be described from nature.  相似文献   

Liu W  Brock A  Chen S  Chen S  Schultz PG 《Nature methods》2007,4(3):239-244
We developed a general approach that allows unnatural amino acids with diverse physicochemical and biological properties to be genetically encoded in mammalian cells. A mutant Escherichia coli aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase (aaRS) is first evolved in yeast to selectively aminoacylate its tRNA with the unnatural amino acid of interest. This mutant aaRS together with an amber suppressor tRNA from Bacillus stearothermophilus is then used to site-specifically incorporate the unnatural amino acid into a protein in mammalian cells in response to an amber nonsense codon. We independently incorporated six unnatural amino acids into GFP expressed in CHO cells with efficiencies up to 1 mug protein per 2 x 10(7) cells; mass spectrometry confirmed a high translational fidelity for the unnatural amino acid. This methodology should facilitate the introduction of biological probes into proteins for cellular studies and may ultimately facilitate the synthesis of therapeutic proteins containing unnatural amino acids in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

The organization of the canonical genetic code needs to be thoroughly illuminated. Here we reorder the four nucleotides-adenine, thymine, guanine and cytosine-according to their emergence in evolution, and apply the organizational rules to devising an algebraic representation for the canonical genetic code. Under a framework of the devised code, we quantify codon and amino acid usages from a large collection of 917 prokaryotic genome sequences, and associate the usages with its intrinsic structure and classification schemes as well as amino acid physicochemical properties. Our results show that the algebraic representation of the code is structurally equivalent to a content-centric organization of the code and that codon and amino acid usages under different classification schemes were correlated closely with GC content, implying a set of rules governing composition dynamics across a wide variety of prokaryotic genome sequences. These results also indicate that codons and amino acids are not randomly allocated in the code, where the six-fold degenerate codons and their amino acids have important balancing roles for error minimization. Therefore, the content-centric code is of great usefulness in deciphering its hitherto unknown regularities as well as the dynamics of nucleotide, codon, and amino acid compositions.  相似文献   

Reprogramming of the standard genetic code to include non-canonical amino acids (ncAAs) opens new prospects for medicine, industry, and biotechnology. There are several methods of code engineering, which allow us for storing new genetic information in DNA sequences and producing proteins with new properties. Here, we provided a theoretical background for the optimal genetic code expansion, which may find application in the experimental design of the genetic code. We assumed that the expanded genetic code includes both canonical and non-canonical information stored in 64 classical codons. What is more, the new coding system is robust to point mutations and minimizes the possibility of reversion from the new to old information. In order to find such codes, we applied graph theory to analyze the properties of optimal codon sets. We presented the formal procedure in finding the optimal codes with various number of vacant codons that could be assigned to new amino acids. Finally, we discussed the optimal number of the newly incorporated ncAAs and also the optimal size of codon groups that can be assigned to ncAAs.  相似文献   

Synonymous but not the same: the causes and consequences of codon bias   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Despite their name, synonymous mutations have significant consequences for cellular processes in all taxa. As a result, an understanding of codon bias is central to fields as diverse as molecular evolution and biotechnology. Although recent advances in sequencing and synthetic biology have helped to resolve longstanding questions about codon bias, they have also uncovered striking patterns that suggest new hypotheses about protein synthesis. Ongoing work to quantify the dynamics of initiation and elongation is as important for understanding natural synonymous variation as it is for designing transgenes in applied contexts.  相似文献   

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