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The CheA histidine kinase initiates the signal transduction pathway of bacterial chemotaxis by autophosphorylating a conserved histidine on its phosphotransferase domain (P1). Site-directed mutations of neighboring conserved P1 residues (Glu-67, Lys-48, and His-64) show that a hydrogen-bonding network controls the reactivity of the phospho-accepting His (His-45) in Thermotoga maritima CheA. In particular, the conservative mutation E67Q dramatically reduces phosphotransfer to P1 without significantly affecting the affinity of P1 for the CheA ATP-binding domain. High resolution crystallographic studies revealed that although all mutants disrupt the hydrogen-bonding network to varying degrees, none affect the conformation of His-45. 15N-NMR chemical shift studies instead showed that Glu-67 functions to stabilize the unfavored N(delta1)H tautomer of His-45, thereby rendering the N(epsilon2) imidazole unprotonated and well positioned for accepting the ATP phosphoryl group.  相似文献   

To probe the structural basis for protein histidine kinase (PHK) catalytic activity and the prospects for PHK-specific inhibitor design, we report the crystal structures for the nucleotide binding domain of Thermotoga maritima CheA with ADP and three ATP analogs (ADPNP, ADPCP and TNP-ATP) bound with either Mg(2+) or Mn(2+). The conformation of ADPNP bound to CheA and related ATPases differs from that reported in the ADPNP complex of PHK EnvZ. Interactions of the active site with the nucleotide gamma-phosphate and its associated Mg(2+) ion are linked to conformational changes in an ATP-lid that could mediate recognition of the substrate domain. The inhibitor TNP-ATP binds CheA with its phosphates in a nonproductive conformation and its adenine and trinitrophenyl groups in two adjacent binding pockets. The trinitrophenyl interaction may be exploited for designing CheA-targeted drugs that would not interfere with host ATPases.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli cells express two forms of CheA, the histidine kinase associated with chemotaxis. The long form, CheA(L), plays a critical role in chemotactic signal transduction by phosphorylating two chemotaxis-associated response regulators, CheY and CheB. CheA(L) first autophosphorylates amino acid His-48 before its phosphoryl group is transferred to these response regulators. The short form, CheA(S), lacks the amino-terminal 97 amino acids of CheA(L) and therefore does not possess the site of phosphorylation. The centrally located transmitter domain of both forms of CheA contains four regions, called N, G1, F, and G2, highly conserved among histidine kinases of the family of two-component signal transduction systems. On the basis of sequence similarity to highly conserved regions of certain eukaryotic kinases, the G1 and G2 regions are purported to be involved in the binding and hydrolysis of ATP. We report here that alleles mutated in the G1, G2, or F region synthesize CheA variants that cannot autophosphorylate in vitro and which cannot support chemotaxis in vivo. We also show that in vitro, the nonphosphorylatable CheA(S) protein mediates transphosphorylation of a CheA(L) variant defective in both G1 and G2. In contrast, CheA(L) variants defective for either G1 or G2 mediate transphosphorylation of each other poorly, if at all. These results are consistent with a mechanism by which the G1 and G2 regions of one protomer of a CheA dimer form a unit that mediates transphosphorylation of the other protomer within that dimer.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium, appropriate changes of cell swimming patterns are mediated by CheA, an autophosphorylating histidine protein kinase whose activity is regulated by receptor/transducer proteins. The molecular mechanism underlying this regulation remains unelucidated but may involve CheA shifting between high-activity and low-activity conformations. We devised an in vivo screen to search for potential hyperkinase variants of CheA and used this screen to identify two cheA point mutations that cause the CheA protein to have elevated autokinase activity. Each point mutation resulted in alteration of proline 337. In vitro, CheA337PL and CheA337PS autophosphorylated significantly more rapidly than did wild-type CheA. This rate enhancement reflected the higher affinities of the mutant proteins for ATP and an increased rate constant for acquisition by CheA of the gamma-phosphoryl group of ATP within a kinetically defined CheA.ATP complex. In addition, the mutant proteins reacted with ADP more rapidly than did wild-type CheA. We considered the possibility that the mutations served to lock CheA into an activated signaling conformation; however, we found that both mutant proteins were regulated in a normal fashion by the transducer Tsr in the presence of CheW. We exploited the activated properties of one of these mutants to investigate whether the CheA subunits within a CheA dimer make equivalent contributions to the mechanism of trans phosphorylation. Our results indicate that CheA trans phosphorylation may involve active-site residues that are located both in cis and in trans to the autophosphorylation site and that the two protomers of a CheA dimer make nonequivalent contributions in determining the affinity of the ATP-binding site(s) of CheA.  相似文献   

Biologically important protein complexes often involve molecular interactions that are low affinity or transient. We apply pulsed dipolar electron spin resonance spectroscopy and site-directed spin labeling in what to our knowledge is a new approach to study aggregation and to identify regions on protein surfaces that participate in weak, but specific molecular interactions. As a test case, we have probed the self-association of the chemotaxis kinase CheA, which forms signaling clusters with chemoreceptors and the coupling protein CheW at the poles of bacterial cells. By measuring the intermolecular dipolar interactions sensed by spin-labels distributed over the protein surface, we show that the soluble CheA kinase aggregates to a small extent through interactions mediated by its regulatory (P5) domain. Direct dipolar distance measurements confirm that a hydrophobic surface at the periphery of P5 subdomain 2 associates CheA dimers in solution. This result is further supported by differential disulfide cross-linking from engineered cysteine reporter sites. We suggest that the periphery of P5 is an interaction site on CheA for other similar hydrophobic surfaces and plays an important role in structuring the signaling particle.  相似文献   

Histidine kinases are part of the two-component signal transduction system responsible for eubacterial responses to diverse environmental signals. They have recently been detected in eukaryotes but their existence in the kingdom Archaea remains uncertain. Here we report the sequence and function of a histidine kinase (CheAH.s.) from Halobacterium salinarium, the first such transmitter in Archaea. The protein CheAH.s. (668 residues) has significant sequence identity with the CheA proteins known from eubacterial signal transduction (e.g. 34% identity with CheA from Bacillus subtilis). Antibodies were raised against CheAH.s. as expressed in Escherichia coli and were used in Western blotting to demonstrate the expression of cheAH.s. in H. salinarium. As has been observed for other halophilic proteins, CheAH.s. has a deviant electrophoretic migration, with an apparent molecular weight of 103 kDa on SDS-PAGE compared with a calculated molecular weight of 72 kDa. Deletion of a part of the cheAH.s. gene leads to loss of both chemotactic and phototactic responses in H. salinarium as measured by swarm plate assays, motion analysis and tethering experiments. This indicates that CheAH.s. plays a crucial role in chemical and light signal integration, presumably interacting with at least two phototransducers and a number of chemoreceptors.  相似文献   

CheA is a histidine kinase central to the signal transduction pathway for chemotaxis in Escherichia coli. CheA autophosphorylates at His-48, with ATP as the phosphodonor, and then donates its phosphoryl groups to two aspartate autokinases, CheY and CheB. Phospho-CheY controls the flagellar motors, whereas phospho-CheB participates in sensory adaptation. Polypeptides encompassing the N-terminal P1 domain of CheA can be transphosphorylated in vitro by the CheA catalytic domain and yet have no deleterious effect on chemotactic ability when expressed at high levels in wild-type cells. To find out why, we examined the effects of a purified P1 fragment, CheA[1-149], on CheA-related signaling activities in vitro and devised in vivo assays for those same activities. Although readily phosphorylated by CheA[260-537], the CheA catalytic domain, CheA[1-149], was a poor substrate for transphosphorylation by full-length CheA molecules, implying that the resident P1 domain monopolizes the CheA catalytic center. CheA-H48Q, a nonphosphorylatable mutant, failed to transphosphorylate CheA[1-149], suggesting that phosphorylation of the P1 domain in cis may alleviate the exclusion effect. In agreement with these findings, a 40-fold excess of CheA[1-149] fragments did not impair the CheA autophosphorylation reaction. CheA[1-149] did acquire phosphoryl groups via reversible phosphotransfer reactions with CheB and CheY molecules. An H48Q mutant of CheA[1-149] could not participate in these reactions, indicating that His-48 is probably the substrate site. The low level of efficiency of these phosphotransfer reactions and the inability of CheA[1-149] to interfere with CheA autophosphorylation most likely account for the failure of liberated P1 domains to jam chemotactic signaling in wild-type cells. However, an excess of CheA[1-149] fragments was able to support chemotactic signaling by P1-deficient cheA mutants, demonstrating that CheA[1-149] fragments have both transphosphorylation and phosphotransfer capability in vivo.  相似文献   

We investigated the functional roles of putative active site residues in Escherichia coli CheA by generating nine site-directed mutants, purifying the mutant proteins, and quantifying the effects of those mutations on autokinase activity and binding affinity for ATP. We designed these mutations to alter key positions in sequence motifs conserved in the protein histidine kinase family, including the N box (H376 and N380), the G1 box (D420 and G422), the F box (F455 and F459), the G2 box (G470, G472, and G474), and the "GT block" (T499), a motif identified by comparison of CheA to members of the GHL family of ATPases. Four of the mutant CheA proteins exhibited no detectable autokinase activity (Kin(-)). Of these, three (N380D, D420N, and G422A) exhibited moderate decreases in their affinities for ATP in the presence or absence of Mg(2+). The other Kin(-) mutant (G470A/G472A/G474A) exhibited wild-type affinity for ATP in the absence of Mg(2+), but reduced affinity (relative to that of wild-type CheA) in the presence of Mg(2+). The other five mutants (Kin(+)) autophosphorylated at rates slower than that exhibited by wild-type CheA. Of these, three mutants (H376Q, D420E, and F455Y/F459Y) exhibited severely reduced k(cat) values, but preserved K(M)(ATP) and K(d)(ATP) values close to those of wild-type CheA. Two mutants (T499S and T499A) exhibited only small effects on k(cat) and K(M)(ATP). Overall, these results suggest that conserved residues in the N box, G1 box, G2 box, and F box contribute to the ATP binding site and autokinase active site in CheA, while the GT block makes little, if any, contribution. We discuss the effects of specific mutations in relation to the three-dimensional structure of CheA and to binding interactions that contribute to the stability of the complex between CheA and Mg(2+)-bound ATP in both the ground state and the transition state for the CheA autophosphorylation reaction.  相似文献   

Six monoclonal antibodies directed against enterobacteria were produced and characterized. The specificity of one of these antibodies (CX9/15; immunoglobulin G2a) was studied by indirect immunofluorescence against 259 enterobacterial strains and 125 other gram-negative bacteria. All of the enterobacteria were specifically recognized, the only exception being Erwinia chrysanthemi (one strain tested). Bacteria not belonging to members of the family Enterobacteriaceae were not detected, except for Plesiomonas shigelloides (two strains tested), Aeromonas hydrophila (five strains tested), and Aeromonas sobria (one strain tested). This recognition spectrum strongly suggested that CX9/15 recognized the enterobacterial common antigen. By sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blot (immunoblot) experiments, the six antienterobacteria antibodies presented similar specificities; they all revealed only one band with an apparent molecular weight of about 20,000 from the crude extract of an enterobacterium. The six monoclonal antibodies, and especially CX9/15, can be used to develop new tests for rapid and specific detection of enterobacteria.  相似文献   

Six monoclonal antibodies directed against enterobacteria were produced and characterized. The specificity of one of these antibodies (CX9/15; immunoglobulin G2a) was studied by indirect immunofluorescence against 259 enterobacterial strains and 125 other gram-negative bacteria. All of the enterobacteria were specifically recognized, the only exception being Erwinia chrysanthemi (one strain tested). Bacteria not belonging to members of the family Enterobacteriaceae were not detected, except for Plesiomonas shigelloides (two strains tested), Aeromonas hydrophila (five strains tested), and Aeromonas sobria (one strain tested). This recognition spectrum strongly suggested that CX9/15 recognized the enterobacterial common antigen. By sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blot (immunoblot) experiments, the six antienterobacteria antibodies presented similar specificities; they all revealed only one band with an apparent molecular weight of about 20,000 from the crude extract of an enterobacterium. The six monoclonal antibodies, and especially CX9/15, can be used to develop new tests for rapid and specific detection of enterobacteria.  相似文献   

The bacterial histidine autokinase CheA contains a histidine phosphotransfer (Hpt) domain that accepts a phosphate from the catalytic domain and donates the phosphate to either target response regulator protein, CheY or CheB. The Hpt domain forms a helix-bundle structure with a conserved four-helix bundle motif and a variable fifth helix. Observation of two nearly equally populated conformations in the crystal structure of a Hpt domain fragment of CheA from Thermotoga maritima containing only the first four helices suggests more mobility in a tightly packed helix bundle structure than previously thought. In order to examine how the structures of Hpt domain homologs may differ from each other particularly in the conformation of the last helix, and whether an alternative conformation exists in the intact Hpt domain in solution, we have solved a high-resolution, solution structure of the CheA Hpt from T. maritima and characterized the backbone dynamics of this protein. The structure contains a four-helix bundle characteristic of histidine phosphotransfer domains. The position and orientation of the fifth helix resembles those in known Hpt domain crystal and solution structures in other histidine kinases. The alternative conformation that was reported in the crystal structure of the CheA Hpt from T. maritima missing the fifth helix is not detected in the solution structure, suggesting a role for the fifth helix in providing stabilizing forces to the overall structure.  相似文献   

We examined the binding interactions of the methylation-dependent chemotaxis receptors Tsr and Tar with the chemotaxis-specific protein kinase CheA and the coupling factor CheW. Receptor directly bound CheW, but receptor-CheA binding was dependent upon the presence of CheW. These observations in combination with our previous identification of a CheW-CheA complex suggest that CheW physically links the kinase to the receptor. The ternary complex of receptor, CheW, and CheA is both kinetically and thermodynamically stable at physiological concentrations. Stability is not significantly altered by changes associated with attractant or repellent binding to the receptor. Such binding greatly modulates the kinase activity of CheA. Our results demonstrate that modulation of the kinase activity does not require association-dissociation of the ternary complex. This suggests that the receptor signal is transduced through conformational changes in the ternary complex rather than through changes in the association of the kinase CheA with receptor and/or CheW.  相似文献   

The x-ray crystal structure of the P1 or H domain of the Salmonella CheA protein has been solved at 2.1-A resolution. The structure is composed of an up-down up-down four-helix bundle that is typical of histidine phosphotransfer or HPt domains such as Escherichia coli ArcB(C) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ypd1. Loop regions and additional structural features distinguish all three proteins. The CheA domain has an additional C-terminal helix that lies over the surface formed by the C and D helices. The phosphoaccepting His-48 is located at a solvent-exposed position in the middle of the B helix where it is surrounded by several residues that are characteristic of other HPt domains. Mutagenesis studies indicate that conserved glutamate and lysine residues that are part of a hydrogen-bond network with His-48 are essential for the ATP-dependent phosphorylation reaction but not for the phosphotransfer reaction with CheY. These results suggest that the CheA-P1 domain may serve as a good model for understanding the general function of HPt domains in complex two-component phosphorelay systems.  相似文献   

During chemotactic signaling by Escherichia coli, autophosphorylation of the histidine kinase CheA is coupled to chemoreceptor control by the CheW protein, which interacts with the C-terminal P5 domain of CheA. To identify P5 determinants important for CheW binding and receptor coupling control, we isolated and characterized a series of P5 missense mutants. The mutants fell into four phenotypic groups on the basis of in vivo behavioral and protein stability tests and in vitro assays with purified mutant proteins. Group 1 mutants exhibited autophosphorylation and receptor-coupling defects, and their CheA proteins were subject to relatively rapid degradation in vivo. Group 1 mutations were located at hydrophobic residues in P5 subdomain 2 and most likely caused folding defects. Group 2 mutants made stable CheA proteins with normal autophosphorylation ability but with defects in CheW binding and in receptor-mediated activation of CheA autophosphorylation. Their mutations affected residues in P5 subdomain 1 near the interface with the CheA dimerization (P3) and ATP-binding (P4) domains. Mutant proteins of group 3 were normal in all tests yet could not support chemotaxis, suggesting that P5 has one or more important but still unknown signaling functions. Group 4 mutant proteins were specifically defective in receptor-mediated deactivation control. The group 4 mutations were located in P5 subdomain 1 at the P3/P3' interface. We conclude that P5 subdomain 1 is important for CheW binding and for receptor coupling control and that these processes may require substantial motions of the P5 domain relative to the neighboring P3 and P4 domains of CheA.  相似文献   

The enzyme dGTP triphosphohydrolase (dGTPase; EC was assayed in partially purified extracts of several genera of bacteria, and it was found to be strictly confined to members of the family Enterobacteriaceae. Whereas 11 of 12 enteric bacteria had comparable activity for this enzyme, 8 of 8 nonenteric bacteria, including species in the very closely related genera Vibrio and Aeromonas, did not assay positively for this enzyme. When challenged with Escherichia coli anti-dGTPase antiserum, the active enzymes fell into three groups, retaining 0, approximately 50, or 100% of their original activity. A computer search has revealed an amino acid sequence in the E. coli enzyme which matches well with the single-stranded-DNA binding motif of Prasad and Chiu (J. Mol. Biol. 193:579-584, 1987) and may account for the enzyme's observed interaction with DNA. As far as we are aware, this is the only enzymatic activity so far reported to be present solely in the enteric bacteria.  相似文献   

The C-terminal P5 domain of the histidine kinase CheA is essential for coupling CheA autophosphorylation activity to chemoreceptor control through a binding interaction with the CheW protein. To locate P5 determinants critical for CheW binding and chemoreceptor control, we surveyed cysteine replacements at 39 residues predicted to be at or near the P5 surface in Escherichia coli CheA. Two-thirds of the Cys replacement proteins exhibited in vitro defects in CheW binding, either before or after modification with a bulky fluorescein group. The binding-defective sites were widely distributed on the P5 surface and were often interspersed with sites that caused no functional defects, implying that relatively minor structural perturbations, often far from the actual binding site, can influence its conformation or accessibility. The most likely CheW docking area included loop 2 in P5 folding subdomain 1. All but four of the binding-defective P5-Cys proteins were defective in receptor-mediated activation, suggesting that CheW binding, as measured in vitro, is necessary for assembly of ternary signaling complexes and/or subsequent CheA activation. Other Cys sites specifically affected receptor-mediated activation or deactivation of CheA, demonstrating that CheW binding is not sufficient for assembly and/or operation of receptor signaling complexes. Because P5 is quite similar to CheW, whose structure is known to be dynamic, we suggest that conformational flexibility and dynamic motions govern the signaling activities of the P5 domain. In addition, relative movements of the CheA domains may be involved in CheW binding, in ternary complex assembly, and in subsequent stimulus-induced conformational changes in receptor signaling complexes.  相似文献   

The Caulobacter crescentus histidine kinase genes pleC and divJ have been implicated in the regulation of polar morphogenesis and cell division, respectively. Mutations in pleC also potentiate the cell division phenotype of divJ mutations. To investigate the involvement of the PleC kinase in motility and cell cycle regulation, we carried out a pseudoreversion analysis of the divJ332 allele, which confers a temperature-sensitive motility (Mot-) phenotype. All cold-sensitive pseudorevertants with a Mot+ phenotype at 37 degrees C and a cold-sensitive swarm phenotype in soft agar at 24 degrees C contained extragenic suppressors that were null mutations mapping to pleC. Instead of a cell division defect at the nonpermissive temperature, however, revertants displayed a cold-sensitive defect in chemotaxis (Che-). In addition, the mutant cells were also supermotile, a phenotype previously associated only with mutations in the response regulator gene pleD that block the loss of motility. We also found that the Mot- defect of pleC mutants is suppressed by a pleD301/pleD+ merodiploid and results in a similar, supermotile, cold-sensitive Che- phenotype. These results implicate signal transduction pathways mediated by PleC-DivK and DivJ-PleD in the regulation of chemotaxis as well as motility. We discuss these findings and the observation that although the PleC kinase does not play an indispensable role in cell division, a temperature-sensitive allele of pleC (pleC319) has severely reduced viability under stringent growth conditions.  相似文献   

In this study we demonstrate that most members of the family Enterobacteriaceae possess a maltose-inducible outer membrane protein homologous to the LamB protein of Escherichia coli K-12. These proteins react with polyclonal antibodies raised against the LamB protein of E. coli K-12. We compared the antigenic structure of the LamB protein in members of the family Enterobacteriaceae with six monoclonal antibodies raised against the LamB protein of E. coli K-12. Four of them reacted with epitopes located at the outer face of the membrane, and two reacted with epitopes located at the inner face of the membrane. A great degree of variability was observed for the external epitopes. Even in a single species, such as E. coli, an important polymorphism was present. In contrast, the internal epitopes were more conserved.  相似文献   

Four of the genes required for the biosynthesis of isoleucine and valine form the ilvGEDA operon in Escherichia coli K-12 and Salmonella typhimurium. The structural relationship of these genes was examined in eight other members of the family Enterobacteriaceae by genomic Southern blot hybridization. These genes are contiguous in all the strains examined, and specific restriction sites appear to be highly conserved, indicating the possible functional importance of the DNA sequences of which they are part.  相似文献   

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