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Rat intestinal alkaline phosphatase (IAP) has been purified and proteolytic fragments sequenced. A cDNA library was constructed from duodenal poly(A) + RNA and screened for IAP positive clones by a full-length cDNA clone-encoding human IAP. A full length rat IAP clone (2237 bp) was isolated and sequenced, revealing a predicted primary sequence of 519 amino acids (61.974 kDa) with an additional signal peptide of 20 amino acids. 80% of amino acids from residues 1-474 were identical when compared with the human IAP, but there was only 31% identity in the COOH-terminal 45 amino acids. The homology diverges just before the putative binding site for the phosphatidylinositol-glycan (PI-glycan) anchor. The resulting peptide in rat AP contains five hydrophilic amino acids not present in the primary structure of human IAP. Binding of a synthetic 48-mer encoding a portion of this unique and divergent region (residues 476-491) was compared with that of the full-length clone on Northern blots of rat intestinal RNA. Two mRNAs, 3.0 and 2.7 kb, were detected by both probes, confirming earlier results, but the 48-mer bound preferentially to the 3.0 kb mRNA. The protein product of the full-length cDNA in a cell-free system was 62 kDa, corresponding with the smaller of the two IAP proteins produced by rat duodenal RNA. The cDNA transfected into COS-1 cells produced a membrane-bound IAP that was released by phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase (PI-PLC). These data provide definitive evidence that IAP is anchored by PI-glycan and conclusively demonstrate that the unique COOH-terminal structure encoded by this rat mRNA supports the addition of a PI-glycan anchor.  相似文献   

The ALP activities and properties of rat intestine cut into 20 segments were examined, and we were able to demonstrate that the ALP activity of upper intestine is high compared to that of lower intestine. This result coincided with those of other reports. However, we newly clarified that there is an ALP isoenzyme found in the lower intestine which can be inhibited by L-homoarginine. The molecular weight of the ALP isoenzyme was 136 kDa. In addition, it was clarified that there are several isoenzymes from upper to lower intestine. This study demonstrates that there exist isoenzymes, which are inhibited by L-HArg, in the intestine which are similar to the isoenzymes in the liver, bone and kidney.  相似文献   

Rat intestinal alkaline phosphatase is a dimeric enzyme with identical subunits and thus possesses two presumably identical active sites. Binding studies with Pi and l-phenylalanine and pre-steady-state “burst” titrations confirm the existence of two active sites per molecule of enzyme. The sites appear to be nonequivalent with respect to Pi binding, both at low pH, where an enzyme (E)-Pi covalent complex is formed, and at high Pi, where an E-Pi noncovalent complex predominates. The binding affinity of the first site is 100-fold greater than that of the second, i.e., there is negative cooperativity. The Ki value for competitive inhibition of substrate hydrolysis by Pi corresponds to the higher affinity site. The negative cooperativity appears not to be an artifact resulting from contaminating Pi in the purified enzyme preparation. l-Phenylalanine does not bind to the enzyme unless Pi is present, as expected from the previously proposed mechanism of uncompetitive inhibition by the amino acid. No negative cooperativity is seen in l-phenylalanine binding, but the number of moles of amino acid bound at saturation depends on the degree of saturation by Pi The enzyme is also inhibited uncompetitively by NADH, which can compete with l-phenylalanine for the same site on alkaline phosphatase.  相似文献   

Three forms of alkaline phosphatase have been isolated from different sections of the small intestine: F3 180 kDa from the duodenum; F2 150 kDa principally jejunal; F1 120 kDa the only ileal form. Their catalytic properties have been compared as well as the electrophoretic properties the dimer and monomer of their phosphorylated intermediates. Pi was a competitive inhibitor of F1 and F3, whereas glycerophosphate was competitive inhibitor only of F3. Pi was a non competitive inhibitor of F2 and of a mixture F1 plus F3. Heating the phosphorylated enzyme preparations led to their dissociation into the phosphorylated monomers: F1 and F3 appear to be homodimers 65 kDa and 90 kDa peptides respectively whilst F2 seems to be a dimer formed from one of each monomer. F1 was phosphorylated faster but less intensively than F3. F2 was strongly phosphorylated over a long time-course and its 65 kDa monomer fraction was phosphorylated more strongly for longer than that from F1.  相似文献   

Membranous and soluble forms of rat liver alkaline phosphatase were selectively prepared by extracting microsomes with n-butanol at pH 8.5 and 5.5, respectively, and purified in homogeneous forms by the method previously established (Miki et al. (1986) Eur. J. Biochem. 160, 41-48). When subjected to polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the two forms migrated to the same position in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate, while the membranous form remained at the top of gels in the absence of the detergent. Treatment of the membranous form with phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C resulted in its conversion to a soluble form with the same electrophoretic mobility even in the absence of the detergent as that of the soluble form extracted at pH 5.5. Automated Edman degradation analysis showed that the two forms have the same N-terminal amino acid sequence up to the 30th residue determined. Chemical analyses of hydrolysates of the two forms by gas-liquid chromatography demonstrated that the membranous form contains palmitic acid, stearic acid, and inositol, while the soluble form contains inositol but is devoid of the fatty acids. Taken together, these results suggest that rat liver alkaline phosphatase is covalently attached to phosphatidylinositol acylated with palmitic acid and stearic acid, which functions as the membrane-anchoring domain of the enzyme molecule.  相似文献   

Structural analysis of 55 nearly full-length cDNA clones of rat liver alkaline phosphatase mRNAs revealed the presence of two totally different sequence stretches at the 5'-distal region starting from the position 88 nucleotides upstream of the initiation codon ATG. Since each of these two sequences, E1 and E2, was assigned on the rat genome about 36 kilobase pairs (kbp) and 10 kbp upstream of the common exon E3, respectively, they are presumably used as alternatively spliced exons. The distances between these sequences and E3 were unusually long, as compared with other intronic distances (0.4-4 kbp) observed between successive pairs of the eleven exons which are common to both types of mRNAs. The relative ratio of E1-containing mRNA to E2-mRNA was about three in the liver after bile-duct ligation and colchicine treatment.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted, using a nonspecific lipid transfer protein, to vary the cholesterol/phospholipid molar ratio of rat proximal small intestinal microvillus membranes in order to assess the possible role of cholesterol in modulating enzymatic activities of this plasma membrane. Cholesterol/phospholipid molar ratios from 0.71 to 1.30 were produced from a normal value of 1.05 by incubation with the transfer protein and an excess of either phosphatidylcholine or cholesterol/phosphatidylcholine liposomes for 60 min at 37 degrees C. Cholesterol loading or depletion of the membranes was accompanied by a decrease or increase, respectively, in their lipid fluidity, as assessed by steady-state fluorescence polarization techniques using the lipid-soluble fluorophore 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene. Increasing the cholesterol/phospholipid molar ratio also decreased alkaline phosphatase specific activity by approximately 20-30%, whereas decreasing this ratio increased this enzymatic activity by 20-30%. Sucrase, maltase, and lactase specific activities were not affected in these same preparations. Since the changes in alkaline phosphatase activity could be secondary to alterations in fluidity, cholesterol, or both, additional experiments were performed using benzyl alcohol, a known fluidizer. Benzyl alcohol (25 mM) restored the fluidity of cholesterol-enriched preparations to control levels, did not change the cholesterol/phospholipid molar ratio, and failed to alter alkaline phosphatase activity. These findings, therefore, indicate that alterations in the cholesterol content and cholesterol/phospholipid molar ratio of microvillus membranes can modulate alkaline phosphatase but not sucrase, maltase, or lactase activities. Moreover, membrane fluidity does not appear to be an important physiological regulator of these enzymatic activities.  相似文献   

Two fractions of rat intestinal alkaline phosphatase (IAP) were detected by Western blot: 168 +/- 6 and 475 +/- 45 kDa. The low molecular weight fraction constitutes 43% of the isolated proteins exhibiting 82% of the enzymatic activity, and a heavier fraction constitutes 57% of the isolated proteins and has 18% of the enzymatic activity. Calcium produced an increase of the 475-kDa form to the detriment of the 168-kDa form. This work also describes the kinetic and structural changes of IAP as a function of calcium concentration. With [Ca2+] < 10 mmole/L, the Ca(2+)-IAP interaction fitted a binding model with 7.8 +/- 4.4 moles of Ca2+ /mole of protein, affinity constant = 19.1 +/- 8.4 L/mmole, and enzymatic activity increased as a linear function of [Ca2+] (r = 0.946 p < 0.01). On the other hand, with [Ca2+] > 10 mmole/L the data did not fit this model and, the enzymatic activity decreased as a function of [Ca2+] (r = - 0.703 p < 0.05).  相似文献   

To understand the differences between the rat intestinal alkaline phosphatase isozymes rIAP-I and rIAP-II, we constructed structural models based on the previously determined crystal structure for human placental alkaline phosphatase (hPLAP). Our models of rIAP-I and rIAP-II displayed a typical alpha/beta topology, but the crown domain of rIAP-I contained an additional beta-sheet, while the embracing arm region of rIAP-II lacked the alpha-helix, when each model was compared to hPLAP. The representations of surface potential in the rIAPs were predominantly positive at the base of the active site. The coordinated metal at the active site was predicted to be a zinc triad in rIAP-I, whereas the typical combination of two zinc atoms and one magnesium atom was proposed for rIAP-II. Using metal-depleted extracts from rat duodenum or jejunum and hPLAP, we performed enzyme assays under restricted metal conditions. With the duodenal and jejunal extract, but not with hPLAP, enzyme activity was restored by the addition of zinc, whereas in nonchelated extracts, the addition of zinc inhibited duodenal IAP and hPLAP, but not jejunal IAP. Western blotting revealed that nearly all of the rIAP in the jejunum extracts was rIAP-I, whereas in duodenum the percentage of rIAP-I (55%) correlated with the degree of AP activation (60% relative to that seen with jejunal extracts). These data are consistent with the presence of a triad of zinc atoms at the active site of rIAP-I, but not rIAP-II or hPLAP. Although no differences in amino acid alignment in the vicinity of metal-binding site 3 were predicted between the rIAPs and hPLAP, the His153 residue of both rIAPs was closer to the metal position than that in hPLAP. Between the rIAPs, a difference was observed at amino acid position 317 that is indirectly related to the coordination of the metal at metal-binding site 3 and water molecules. These findings suggest that the side-chain position of His153, and the alignment of Q317, might be the major determinants for activation of the zinc triad in rIAP-I.  相似文献   

Two fractions of rat intestinal alkaline phosphatase (IAP) were detected by Western blot: 168 ± 6 and 475 ± 45 kDa. The low molecular weight fraction constitutes 43% of the isolated proteins exhibiting 82% of the enzymatic activity, and a heavier fraction constitutes 57% of the isolated proteins and has 18% of the enzymatic activity. Calcium produced an increase of the 475-kDa form to the detriment of the 168-kDa form. This work also describes the kinetic and structural changes of IAP as a function of calcium concentration. With [Ca2+] < 10 mmole/L, the Ca2+-IAP interaction fitted a binding model with 7.8 ± 4.4 moles of Ca2+ /mole of protein, affinity constant = 19.1 ± 8.4 L/mmole, and enzymatic activity increased as a linear function of [Ca2+] (r = 0.946 p < 0.01). On the other hand, with [Ca2+] >10 mmole/L the data did not fit this model and, the enzymatic activity decreased as a function of [Ca2+] (r = ? 0.703 p < 0.05).  相似文献   

The alkaline phosphatase and (Ca2+ +Mg2+)-ATPase (ATP phosphohydrolase, EC of chick and rat small intestine have been investigated. The same pH optimum was found for membrane-bound and solubilized alkaline phosphatase, whereas those of the corresponding ATPases differed. The solubilised ATPases had inhibition and activation characteristics similar to those of alkaline phosphatase but markedly different from those of the membrane-bound ATPase. These results suggest that membrane-bound alkaline phosphatase and ATPase are not the same enzyme.  相似文献   

Summary A primary mechanism of amino acid inhibition of intestinal alkaline phosphatase is postulated to be the formation of a dissociable enzyme-amino acid complex at an allosteric zinc site. The degree of inhibition was highly correlated with the Zn2+ stability constant of each amino acid and the inhibition was reversible by the addition of exogenous Zn2+ or by dialysis. This allosteric amino acid inhibition proved to be a useful probe of the membrane arrangement of the enzyme in the intact tissue. The catalytic site appears to face the lumen based on the poor permeability of the substrate, the accumulation of the coproducts in the luminal bath, and the response of the enzyme to luminal pH. Amino acid inhibition of alkaline phosphatase in the intact tissue was only effective in the presence of sodium; whereas sodium was not required in butanol extracted preparations which lacked the sidedness of the intact tissue. Since amino acid uptake from the intestine is sodium dependent, the allosteric inhibitory site is probably intracellular. The results suggest that the intestinal alkaline phosphatase spans the apical membrane with the catalytic site accessible from the lumen and the allosteric inhibitory site from the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Translation of rat intestinal RNA yields two alkaline phosphatases.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
After translation of total rat intestinal RNA, immunoprecipitation using monospecific antiserum against rat intestinal alkaline phosphatase yielded two polypeptides in the adult duodenum and jejunum (molecular masses 62 and 65 kDa). Immunoprecipitation of both bands was blocked by a single purified alkaline phosphatase. In the adult ileum and in the entire small intestine of suckling pups, only the 62 kDa translation product was found. After fat feeding, translated alkaline phosphatase increased by an amount proportionate to the increase in enzyme activity previously seen in the serum. A small fraction of nascent alkaline phosphatase was translocated into microsomal vesicles, producing peptides of 65 and 69 kDa. Tunicamycin-treated membranes demonstrated a different signal peptide for each translation product. N-Terminal sequencing of the translation products showed leucine residues at similar positions, but overlap with the mature protein sequence was not demonstrated. On the basis of these data, we propose the presence of two mRNAs encoding alkaline phosphatase in the rat intestine.  相似文献   

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