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Adult male rats injected with cadmium chloride were compared with controls with respect to serum levels of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), androgens and testicular histology. A single injection of cadmium chloride (9 mg/kg) was found to bring about no consistent short term changes in the plasma levels of FSH or LH, but after a long period the levels of both these hormones were elevated. In contrast, the levels of androgen showed a sharp increase at 6 h which declined by 12 h. In accordance with the elevated levels of gonadotropins found at 9–28 days after cadmium chloride injection, the androgen levels showed a drastic reduction. Histological aspect of the testis revealed acute necrotic changes of which the vacuolation of spermatid nuclei and fibrosis of Leydig cells are noteworthy.  相似文献   

Our previous work has suggested that glucocorticoid pretreatment suppresses the enhanced responsiveness to GnRH seen in serum LH 12 h after castration. By contrast, serum FSH continues to show the castration-induced hypersensitivity to GnRH. Our attempts to replicate this LH suppression in static pituitary culture in vitro were not successful. This suggested to us the possibility that corticoids in vivo might be preventing castration-induced increases in pituitary GnRH receptor levels. We tested this at 24 h post-castration and, in fact, corticoids did not suppress the increase in GnRH receptors. In addition to the aforementioned effects of corticoids, we have seen that cortisol reverses the castration-induced drop in pituitary FSH content. It does this for 7 days post-castration, even though it no longer has an effect in suppressing serum LH. Thus, our accumulated data reveal that glucocorticoids have a differential effect on LH and FSH synthesis and secretion. Further studies are needed to clarify the site(s) of action of glucocorticoids in gonadotropin secretion and synthesis. Glucocorticoids may well prove to be a key in unlocking the mystery of the mechanism of differential control of regulation of LH and FSH.  相似文献   

A synthetic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (Gn-RH) was administered to female and male adult bovines in order to study the release of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones into blood by the pituitary gland. Plasma LH and FSH were determined by means of a radioimmunological method. In females as well as in males, increasing doses of Gn-RH (range 50 to 1500 μg) administered i.v. or i.m. caused a linear increase in plasma LH. The release of FSH evidently was curvilinear over the same dosage range.After 2 or 3 injections of Gn-RH every 3 hours, or every 24 hours or more, smaller amounts of LH were released; repeated treatment did not result in reduction of FSH. Thus pituitary depletion of LH occurred more readily than FSH. The effect of Gn-RH on plasma levels of LH and FSH at various stages of the estrous cycle shows a tendency for an increasing release of both gonadotropins on Days 17 – 18 in comparison to Days 4 – 5 or Days 11 – 12.The results suggest that, within the limits allowed by the heterogenous FSH assay and the method of administration used in these experiments, synthetic Gn-RH does not evoke completely normal physiological responses. Therefore, further work is needed to determine its role in improving reproductive function.  相似文献   

Six peptide sequences residing between basic amino acid residues in GAP were tested for effects on the release of FSH, LH and PRL in vivo in ovariectomized, estrogen-progesterone-primed (OEP) rats. Synthetic GAP peptides (1–13, 1–23, 15–23, 25–36, 38–53 and 41–53) were injected intravenously (IV) into conscious OEP rats and plasma levels of FSH, LH and PRL were measured by RIA. The activity of GAP peptides in the control of PRL was further examined in ether-stressed male rats which were injected IV with GAP peptides just prior to a 1-min etherization. GAP(1–13) significantly stimulated FSH release at doses of 1, 10 and 100 μg, whereas it stimulated LH release only at the highest dose of 100 μg. GAP(1–23) elevated plasma levels of FSH and LH only at a dose of 100 μg. The other 4 peptides had no effect on the release of gonadotropins. Of these 6 peptides, only GAP(1–13) partially lowered the plasma levels of PRL at the high dose of 100 μg in OEP rats, but it had no effect on the ether-induced PRL surge at doses of 10 and 100 μg. In conclusion, both GAP(1–13) and GAP(1–23) stimulate FSH and LH release in vivo; these 2 peptides are much less potent in stimulating gonadotropin release than is LHRH. GAP(1–13) exerts a preferential FSH-releasing activity, but its PRL-inhibiting activity is minimal.  相似文献   

Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats, maintained under a controlled photoperiod of LD 14:10 (white lights on at 06:00 h, CST), were injected with lithium chloride and changes in the levels of plasma and pituitary homogenates of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and prolactin (PRL) were examined to evaluate the effects of this anti-manic drug on reproductive function. Two groups of rats were injected with lithium chloride intraperitoneally, twice daily at 09:00 and 16:00 h, for 2 and 7 days at a dosage of 2.5 meg/Kg body weight. Plasma and pituitary levels of LH, FSH and PRL were measured by radioimmunoassay. Plasma levels of LH were significantly (P<0.05) increased after 2 days of lithium treatment. In contrast, a significant (P<0.005) reduction in plasma levels of LH was evident when lithium injections were continued for 7 days. The plasma levels of FSH remained unaffected by lithium treatment by either time period. Lithium administered for 2 days did not bring about any significant alteration in the plasma levels of PRL, although there was a significant (P<0.002) reduction in plasma PRL levels after 7 days treatment. The concentrations of pituitary LH, FSH and PRL remained unchanged after 2 and 7 days of lithium treatment.  相似文献   

The hormonal interactions required for the generation of a secondary surge of FSH on the evening of proestrus have not been clearly defined. The role of GnRH in driving a surge of FSH has been questioned by findings in previous studies. In the current study, gonadotropin secretion was measured from pituitary fragments obtained from rats at 0900 and 2400 h on each day of the estrous cycle. Pituitary fragments were perifused in basal (unstimulated) conditions or in the presence of GnRH pulses to determine whether a selective increase in basal release of FSH and/or an increase in the responsiveness to GnRH occurs during the secondary FSH surge. Each anterior pituitary was cut into eighths and placed into a microchamber for perifusion. Seven pulses of GnRH (peak amplitude = 50 ng/ml; duration = approximately 2 min) were administered at a rate of one per hour starting at 30 min. Fractions of perfusate were collected every 5 min and frozen until RIA for LH and FSH. The mean total amount of LH or FSH secreted during the hour interval following each of the last six pulses of GnRH (or the corresponding basal hour) was calculated. Analysis of variance with repeated measures indicated that the evening secretion of LH on proestrus (2400 h) dropped significantly (p less than 0.05) from a maximum on the morning of proestrus (0900 h), whereas the FSH secretion remained elevated at this time. Therefore, the ratio of FSH to LH secreted in response to GnRH pulses was highest during the secondary FSH surge and lowest on the morning of proestrus.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The levels of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) were determined in the buffalo bull seminal plasma by double-antibody radioimmunoassay. The mean levels of FSH and LH ranged from 8.98 ± 3.08 to 18.40 ± 2.19 ng/ml and from 0.598 ± 0.200 to 1.22 ± 0.334 ng/ml, respectively. FSH and LH concentration was positively correlated with mass motility and sperm concentration of buffalo semen samples. Concentration of hormones did not differ significantly among bulls.  相似文献   

The effects of third ventricular (3V) injection of the beta-adrenergic antagonist, propranolol (PROPR), a selective beta 1-antagonist, metoprolol (MET), a selective beta 2-antagonist, IPS 339, and a beta-adrenergic agonist (-) isoproterenol (ISOPR), on plasma concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), and growth hormone (GH) were studied in conscious, ovariectomized (OVX) rats. Samples were removed from unrestrained rats which had been previously implanted with atrial and 3V cannulae, and plasma hormone levels were determined by radioimmunoassay (RIA). Intraventricular injection of PROPR (30 micrograms), MET (40 micrograms), or IPS 339 (20 micrograms) induced a gradual elevation in plasma GH concentrations, whereas ISOPR (30 micrograms) reduced plasma GH. ISOPR (30 micrograms) brought about a decrease in plasma LH concentrations, but PROPR, MET and IPS 339 had no effect on LH levels. PROPR (30 micrograms) increased plasma FSH concentrations, but there was no significant effect of MET, IPS 339 or ISOPR on FSH secretion. The results indicate that the beta-adrenergic system can inhibit the release of GH, LH, and FSH. This system appears to have a tonic inhibitory effect on GH and FSH but not LH release in the OVX rat.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of adjuvant arthritis (AA) on the endocrine circadian rhythms of plasma prolactin (PRL), growth hormone (GH), insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), luteinizing hormone (LH), testosterone, and melatonin and of pituitary PRL and GH mRNA in male Long Evans rats. Groups of control and AA rats (studied 23 days after AA induction) that were housed under a 12/12 h light/dark cycle (light on at 06:00 h) were killed at 4 h intervals starting at 14:00 h. Cosinor analysis revealed a significant 12 h rhythm in PRL and PRL mRNA (p < 0.001) in controls with peaks at 14:00 h and 02:00 h, respectively. The peak at 02:00 h was abolished in the AA group resulting in a significant 24 h rhythm in parallel with that of PRL (p < 0.05) and PRL mRNA (p < 0.0001). Growth hormone showed no rhythm, but a significant rhythm of GH mRNA was present in both groups (p < 0.0001). Insulin-like growth factor-1 showed a 24 h rhythm in control but not in AA rats. The mean values of GH, GH mRNA, and IGF-1 were significantly reduced in AA. Luteinizing hormone displayed a significant 24 h rhythm (p < 0.01) peaking in the dark period in the control but not AA group. Testosterone showed in phase temporal changes of LH levels with AA abolishing the 02:00 h peak. Melatonin exhibited a significant 24 h rhythm in control (p < 0.001) and AA (p < 0.01) rats with maximum levels during the dark phase; the mesor value was higher in the AA males. These results demonstrate that AA interferes with the rhythms of all the studied hormones except the non-24 h (arrhythmic) GH secretion pattern and the rhythm in melatonin. The persistence of a distinct melatonin rhythm in AA suggests the observed disturbances of hormonal rhythms in this condition do not occur at the level of the pineal gland.  相似文献   

Both testosterone (T) and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)-antagonist (GnRH-A) when given alone lower serum luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in intact and castrated rats. However, when graded doses of testosterone enanthate (T.E.) were given to GnRH-A-treated intact male rats, a paradoxical dose-dependent increase in serum FSH occurred; whereas serum LH remained suppressed. This surprising finding led us to ask whether the paradoxical increase in serum FSH in GnRH-A-suppressed animals was a direct stimulatory effect of T on the hypothalamic-pituitary axis or the result of a T effect on a testicular regulator of FSH. To test these hypotheses, we treated adult male castrated rats with GnRH-A and graded doses of T.E. In both intact and castrated rats, serum LH remained undetectable in GnRH-A-treated rats with or without T.E. However, addition of T.E. to GnRH-A led to a dose-dependent increase in serum FSH in castrated animals as well, thus pointing against mediation by a selective testicular regulator of FSH. These data provide evidence that pituitary LH and FSH responses may be differentially regulated under certain conditions. When the action of GnRH is blocked (such as in GnRH-A-treated animals), T directly and selectively increases pituitary FSH secretion.  相似文献   

Periodic increases (episodes) of serum follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) were induced for various lengths of time (epochs) by the intraperitoneal injection of synthetic porcine luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LH-RH) into immature female rats. The effect of the FSH on ovarian weight was evaluated with augmentation by human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). Eight injections of LH-RH, at hourly intervals, produced increased ovarian weight in all animals; with 6 episodes 67% and with 4 only 33% responded. Increasing the length of the epoch of elevated serum FSH to 10 hours was without added effect. The minimally effective serum FSH level was estimated to be about 1000 ng/ml (RP-1). This concentration was produced by injecting LH-RH at 30 minute intervals over a period of 2 hours and it proved to be effective in increasing ovarian weight 48 hours later. Multiple 3 hour epochs, separated by at least 3 hours, were no more effective than a single epoch. Non augmented ovarian and uterine weights were significantly raised by injection of LH-RH on three consecutive days. The results suggest that a circadian rhythm in gonadotropin output could effectively cause normal ovarian development. Periods of increased pulsatile activity by the pituitary would need to be relatively brief to produce threshold concentration of gonadotropin for a threshold period of time.  相似文献   

In order to better understand the pituitary regulation of follicular growth in the domestic cat, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) receptors (R) were localized and quantified in relation to follicle diameter and atresia using in situ ligand binding on ovarian sections. Expression of FSHR was homogeneous and restricted to follicle granulosa cells from the early antral stage onwards, whereas expression of LHR was heterogeneous on theca cells of all follicles from the early antral stage onward, and homogeneous on granulosa cells of healthy follicles larger than 800 microm in diameter and in corpora lutea. LHR were also widely expressed as heterogeneous aggregates in the ovarian interstitial tissue. Atretic follicles exhibited significantly reduced levels of both FSHR and LHR on granulosa cells, compared with healthy follicles whatever the follicular diameter, whereas levels of LHR on theca cells were lower only for atretic follicles larger than 1,600 microm in diameter. In healthy follicles, levels of FSHR and LHR in all follicular compartments increased significantly with diameter. Although generally comparable to that observed in other mammals, the expression pattern of gonadotropin receptors in the cat ovary is characterized by an early acquisition of LHR on granulosa cells of growing follicles and islets of LH binding sites in the ovarian interstitial tissue.  相似文献   

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