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Pea (Pisum sativum L.) somaclones of cultivars Adept, Komet and Bohatýr were obtained after selection in vitro with Fusarium solani filtrate and fusaric acid (FA). R2 regenerants were analysed by random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD; OPAB4, P-14, UBC-556) and inter-retrotransposon amplification polymorphism (IRAP; Ogre) markers. Marker UBC-556 showed different banding patterns for each cultivar, but without specific bands for selected and control plants. Markers OPAB4, P14 and Ogre were useful for clear discrimination between selected and non-selected variants of all three cultivars. Flow cytometry analysis proved the same genome size of selected and non-selected pea lines. Therefore in vitro selection by pathogen derived agents could be the efficient method for obtaining of pea somaclones with increased resistance to F. solani.  相似文献   

Fusarium solani f sp pisi (Nectria haematococca) isolate 77-2-3 with one cutinase gene produced 10 to 20% of the cutinase produced by isolate T-8 that has multiple cutinase genes, whereas cutinase gene-disrupted mutant 77-102 of isolate 77-2-3 did not produce cutinase. On the surface of pea stem segments, lesion formation was most frequent and most severe with T-8, less frequent and less severe with 77-2-3, and much less frequent and much milder with the gene-disrupted mutant. Microscopic examination of the lesions caused by the mutant strongly suggest that it penetrated the host mostly via the stomata. In seedling assays, 77-2-3 caused severe lesions on every seedling and stunted growth, whereas the mutant showed very mild lesions on one-third of the seedlings with no stunting. Thus, cutinase gene disruption resulted in a significant decrease in the pathogenicity of F. s. pisi on pea.  相似文献   

Cloning of plant disease resistant genes is greatly helpful for disease resistant breeding in plants and the insight of resistance mechanism. However, there are less relevant researches in peach [prunus persica (L.) Batch]. In this study, four NBS-LRR type resistance gene analogs (RGAs) were cloned from genomic DNA of peach. The PNBS2 fragment was also amplified from peach cDNA and the full-length cDNA of PNBS2 (PRPM1, GenBank accession no. AY599223) has been cloned. Sequence analysis indicated that the cDNA of PRPM1 is 3007 bp in length and that the contained ORF encodes for a polypeptide of 917 amino acids. Compared with known NBS-LRR genes, it presented relatively high amino acid sequence identity. The polypeptide has typical structure of non-TIR-NBS-LRR genes, with NB-ARC, LZ, LRR and transmembrane domains. Southern analysis indicated that the PRPM1 gene might be a single copy in peach genome. Northern blot and RT-PCR analysis showed that the expression of PRPM1 was not induced by salicylic acid (SA) in peach young leaves. The isolation of putative resistance genes from peach provided useful bases for studying the structure and function of peach disease-resistance relating genes and disease resistant genetic breeding in peach.  相似文献   

The rice gene Xa21 represents a unique class of plant disease resistance (R) genes with distinct protein structure and broad-spectrum specificity; few sequences or genes of this class have been cloned and characterized in other plant species. Degenerate primers were designed from the conserved motifs in the kinase domains of Xa21 and tomato Pto, and used in PCR amplification to identify this class of resistance gene candidate (RGC) sequences from citrus for future evaluation of possible association with citrus canker resistance. Twenty-nine RGC sequences highly similar to the kinase domain of Xa21 (55%–60% amino-acid identity) were cloned and characterized. To facilitate recovery of full-length gene structures and to overcome RGC mapping limitations, large-insert genomic clones (BACs) were identified, fingerprinted and assembled into contigs. Southern hybridization revealed the presence of 1–3 copies of receptor-like kinase sequences (i.e., clustering) in each BAC. Some of these sequences were sampled by PCR amplification and direct sequencing. Twenty-three sequences were thus obtained and classified into five groups and eight subgroups, which indicates the possibility of enhancing RGC sequence diversity from BACs. A primer-walking strategy was employed to derive full-length gene structures from two BAC clones; both sequences 17o6RLK and 26m19RLK contained all the features of the rice Xa21 protein, including a signal peptide, the same number of leucine-rich-repeats, and transmembrane and kinase domains. These results demonstrate that PCR amplification with appropriately designed degenerate primers is an efficient approach for cloning receptor-like kinase class RGCs. Utilization of BAC clones can facilitate this approach in multiple ways by improving sequence diversity, providing full-length genes, and assisting in understanding gene structures and distribution.Communicated by P. Langridge  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2010,45(7):1115-1120
Nitrilase activity in Fusarium solani IMI196840 (approx. 1500 U l−1 of culture broth) was induced by 2-cyanopyridine. The enzyme was purified by a factor of 20.3 at a yield of 26.9%. According to gel filtration, the holoenzyme was an approx. 550-kDa homooligomer consisting of subunits with a molecular weight of approximately 40 kDa, as determined by SDS-PAGE. Mass spectrometry analysis of the tryptic fragments suggested a high similarity of this enzyme to the hypothetical CN hydrolases from Aspergillus oryzae, Gibberella zeae, Gibberella moniliformis and Nectria haematococca. Circular dichroism and fluorescence spectra indicated that secondary structure content and overall tertiary structure, respectively, were almost identical in nitrilases from F. solani IMI196840 and F. solani O1. The melting temperatures of the enzymes were 49.3 °C and 47.8 °C, respectively. The best substrates for the purified nitrilase from F. solani IMI196840 were benzonitrile and 4-cyanopyridine, which were hydrolyzed at the rates of 144 and 312 U mg−1 protein, respectively, under the optimum conditions of pH 8 and 45 °C. The enzyme was highly chemoselective, producing ≤2% amides as by-products.  相似文献   

Beauvericin, a cyclohexadepsipeptide-possessing natural product with synergistic antifungal, insecticidal, and cytotoxic activities. We isolated and characterized the fpBeas gene cluster, devoted to beauvericin biosynthesis, from the filamentous fungus Fusarium proliferatum LF061. Targeted inactivation of the F. proliferatum genomic copy of fpBeas abolished the production of beauvericin. Comparative sequence analysis of the FpBEAS showed 74% similarity with the BbBEAS that synthesizes the cyclic trimeric ester beauvericin in Beauveria bassiana, which assembles N-methyl-dipeptidol monomer intermediates by the programmed iterative use of the nonribosomal peptide synthetase modules. Differences between the organization of the beauvericin loci in F. proliferaturm and B. bassiana revealed the mechanism for high production of beauvericin in F. proliferatum. Our work provides new insights into beauvericin biosynthesis, and may lead to beauvericin overproduction and creation of new analogs via synthetic biology approaches.  相似文献   

We have isolated and sequenced the full length cDNA for topoisomerase I. Using degenerate primers, based on the conserved amino acid sequences of five eukaryotic topoisomerase I, a 386 bp fragment was PCR amplified using pea cDNA as template. This fragment was used as a probe to screen a pea cDNA library. Two partial cDNA clones were isolated which were truncated at the 5 end. RACE-PCR was employed to isolate the remaining portion of the gene. The total size of the gene was 3055 bp with an open reading frame of 2676 bp. The deduced structure of pea topoisomerase I contain 892 amino acids with a calculated molecular weight of 100 kDa and an estimated pI of 9.3. A comparison of the deduced amino acid sequences of the pea topo I with the other eukaryotic topoisomerases clearly suggested that they are all related. Pea topoisomerase I has been overexpressed in E. coli system and the recombinant topoisomerase purified to homogeneity. The purified protein relaxes both positive and negative supercoiled DNA in the absence of divalent cation Mg2+. In the presence of Mg2+ ions the purified enzyme introduces positive supercoils a unique property not reported in any other organism except in archaebacterial topoisomerase I. Polyclonal antibodies were raised against recombinant topoisomerase I and western blotting with sub-cellular fractions indicated the localization of this topoisomerase in pea nuclei.  相似文献   

The thiol tripeptide glutathione (GSH; γ Glu-Cys-Gly) is very abundant in legume nodules where it performs multiple functions that are critical for optimal nitrogen fixation. Some legume nodules contain another tripeptide, homoglutathione (hGSH; γ Glu-Cys- β Ala), in addition to or instead of GSH. We have isolated from a pea ( Pisum sativum L.) nodule library a cDNA, GSHS2 , that is expressed in nodules but not in leaves. This cDNA was overexpressed in insect cells and its protein product was identified as a highly active and specific hGSH synthetase. The enzyme, the first of this type to be completely purified, is predicted to be a homodimeric cytosolic protein. It shows a specific activity of 3400 nmol hGSH min−1 mg−1 protein with a standard substrate concentration (5 m M β -alanine) and Km values of 1.9 m M for β -alanine and 104 m M for glycine. The specificity constant (Vmax/Km) shows that the pure enzyme is 57.3-fold more specific for β -alanine than for glycine. Southern blot analysis revealed that the gene is present as a single copy in the pea genome and that there are homologous genes in other legumes. We conclude that the synthesis of hGSH in pea nodules is catalysed by a specific hGSH synthetase and not by a GSH synthetase with broad substrate specificity.  相似文献   

A gas-phase biofilter inoculated with the fungus Fusarium solani, isolated from a consortium grown on hexane vapors, was used to degrade this compound. The biofilter, packed with perlite and operated with an empty bed residence time of 60 s, was supplied with hexane concentrations between 0.5 gm(-3) and 11 gm(-3). Biofilter performance was evaluated over 100 days of operation. Several strategies for supplying the nutritive mineral medium were assayed to maintain favorable conditions for the fungal growth and activity. The Fusarium system was able to sustain an average elimination capacity of 90 gm(-3)(reactor) h(-1) with a maximum of 130 gm(-3)(reactor) h(-1) . The mass transfer limitations due to high biomass development in the biofilter were confirmed in batch experiments. Bacterial contamination was observed, but experiments in the biofilter and in batch reactors using selective inhibitors and controlled pH confirmed the predominant role of the fungus. Results indicate that fungal biofilters can be an effective alternative to conventional abatement technologies for treating hydrophobic compounds.  相似文献   


A gas-phase biofilter inoculated with the fungus Fusarium solani, isolated from a consortium grown on hexane vapors, was used to degrade this compound. The biofilter, packed with perlite and operated with an empty bed residence time of 60 s, was supplied with hexane concentrations between 0.5 g m−3 and 11 g m−3. Biofilter performance was evaluated over 100 days of operation. Several strategies for supplying the nutritive mineral medium were assayed to maintain favorable conditions for the fungal growth and activity. The Fusarium system was able to sustain an average elimination capacity of 90 g m−3 reactor h−1 with a maximum of 130 g m−3 reactor h−1 . The mass transfer limitations due to high biomass development in the biofilter were confirmed in batch experiments. Bacterial contamination was observed, but experiments in the biofilter and in batch reactors using selective inhibitors and controlled pH confirmed the predominant role of the fungus. Results indicate that fungal biofilters can be an effective alternative to conventional abatement technologies for treating hydrophobic compounds.


A DNA fragment enhancing resistance against oxidative stress caused by several peroxides was cloned from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and the corresponding gene was designated OSR; oxidative stress-resistant gene. By amplification of the OSR gene in the yeast cell, the transformant became resistant to tert-butyl hydroperoxide, linoleic acid hydroperoxide and hydrogen peroxide, whereas it became hypersensitive to cumene hydroperoxide. Thus, the dosage of the OSR gene in the yeast cell seemed to affect the behaviour of the transformant against peroxides. The resistance of the transformant was suppressed by the addition of buthionine sulfoximine, a potent inhibitor of glutathione biosynthesis, into a medium containing lipid hydroperoxide; thus a glutathione-dependent resistance mechanism was suggested to be concerned with the phenotype of the transformant.  相似文献   

Sequences analogous to plant resistance genes of the NBS-LRR class were cloned from the genomic DNA of 11 Avena species with different genomes and levels of ploidy. Three pairs of degenerate primers were used, based on conserved DNA sequence motifs belonging to the NBS domain, and 33 sequences were identified. These were subdivided into 7 classes depending on nucleotide sequence identity. Despite the high level of degeneracy, the primers behaved in a highly selective way; the majority of sequences from the different species obtained with every primer combination showed strong identity and were considered homologous. For most species, only one sequence of each class was identified in each genome, suggesting that duplicated sequences are fairly divergent. The strong identity among specific NBS sequences precludes any conclusions being made on the evolution of these species. The genomic organization of the RGA sequences was explored using those of A. strigosa as probes in Southern blots involving digested DNA from 15 Avena species. The hybridization patterns showed wide diversity both among sequences within a species and among species for each sequence. However, the dendrogram generated using the RFLPs showed relationships among species to be in good agreement with those previously established using other molecular markers.  相似文献   

A lectin from the mycelial extract of an endophytic strain of Fusarium solani was purified. Its hemagglutinating activity was inhibited by glycoproteins possessing N-linked as well as O-linked glycans. The thermodynamics and kinetics of binding of glycans and glycoproteins to F. solani lectin was studied using surface plasmon resonance. The lectin showed high affinity for asialofetuin, asialomucin, asialofibrinogen, and thyroglobulin; and comparatively low affinity for mucin, fetuin, fibrinogen, and holotransferrin. Glycoproteins showed several fold higher affinity than their corresponding glycans with significant contribution from enthalpy and positive entropy, suggesting the involvement of non-polar protein-protein interaction. Moreover, the higher affinity of the glycoproteins was due to their faster association rates and low activation energy.  相似文献   

Pollen of the white birch (Betula verrucosa) is one of the main causes of Type I allergic reactions (allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, allergic bronchial asthma) in Middle and Northern Europe, North America and the USSR. Type I allergies are a major threat to public health in these countries, since 10-15% of the population suffer from these diseases. BetvI, an allergenic protein with an Mr of 17 kd is a constituent of the pollen of white birch and is responsible for IgE binding in more than 95% of birch pollen allergic patients. Here, we report the complete nucleotide sequence and deduced amino acid sequence of a cDNA clone coding for the major pollen allergen (BetvI) of white birch. It is similar to the N-terminal peptide sequences of the allergens of hazel, alder and hornbeam (close relatives) but it has no significant sequence homology to any other known allergens. However, it shows 55% sequence identity with a pea disease resistance response gene, indicating that BetvI may be involved in pathogen resistance of pollen.  相似文献   

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