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Yu H  Su MY  Wang Z  Nalcioglu O 《Radiation research》2002,158(2):152-158
Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI with two different-sized contrast agents, Gd-DTPA and Gadomer-17, was used to study the effects of radiation on the pharmacokinetics of the paramagnetic enhancement of water relaxation in the rat R3230 AC adenocarcinoma tumor model. The kinetics of enhancement was analyzed by a two-compartment pharmacokinetic model to derive parameters related to vascular volume (V(b)) and permeability (K(2)). Rats implanted with tumors were divided into two groups; one received 5 Gy and the other received 20 Gy (137)Cs gamma rays. Sequential dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI studies were performed, one before irradiation, one at day 1 after irradiation, and another at day 3 after irradiation, to investigate the effect of the radiation dose and the changes that occurred over time. The analysis was performed on a pixel-by-pixel basis to study the heterogeneity within the tumor. The pixel distribution profiles of V(b) and K(2) from each tumor were obtained to assess the regional radiation-induced effects on vascular volume and permeability. No significant change in vascular volume was detected with either Gd-DTPA or Gadomer-17 after irradiation of the tumor; however, a small dependence of K(2) on the radiation dose was observed. After low-dose (5 Gy) irradiation, the mean value of K(2) decreased by 46% at day 1 compared to the baseline, presumably due to cell swelling, and decreased further by 67% from the baseline on day 3. When the dose was increased to 20 Gy, the mean value of K(2) measured with Gadomer-17 did not show any significant changes at either day 1 or day 3 after irradiation. The value of K(2) measured with Gd-DTPA did not show any significant changes after either the low or the high radiation dose.  相似文献   

Using dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) to monitor vascular changes induced by sunitinib within a murine xenograft kidney tumor, we previously determined a dose that caused only partial destruction of blood vessels leading to "normalization" of tumor vasculature and improved blood flow. In the current study, kidney tumors were treated with this dose of sunitinib to modify the tumor microenvironment and enhance the effect of kidney tumor irradiation. The addition of soy isoflavones to this combined antiangiogenic and radiotherapy approach was investigated based on our studies demonstrating that soy isoflavones can potentiate the radiation effect on the tumors and act as antioxidants to protect normal tissues from treatment-induced toxicity. DCE-MRI was used to monitor vascular changes induced by sunitinib and schedule radiation when the uptake and washout of the contrast agent indicated regularization of blood flow. The combination of sunitinib with tumor irradiation and soy isoflavones significantly inhibited the growth and invasion of established kidney tumors and caused marked aberrations in the morphology of residual tumor cells. DCE-MRI studies demonstrated that the three modalities, sunitinib, radiation, and soy isoflavones, also exerted antiangiogenic effects resulting in increased uptake and clearance of the contrast agent. Interestingly, DCE-MRI and histologic observations of the normal contralateral kidneys suggest that soy could protect the vasculature of normal tissue from the adverse effects of sunitinib. An antiangiogenic approach that only partially destroys inefficient vessels could potentially increase the efficacy and delivery of cytotoxic therapies and radiotherapy for unresectable primary renal cell carcinoma tumors and metastatic disease.  相似文献   

Pegylated paramagnetic and fluorescent immunoliposomes were designed to enable the parallel detection of the induced expression of molecular markers on endothelial cells with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and fluorescence microscopy. MRI is capable of three-dimensional noninvasive imaging of opaque tissues at near cellular resolution, while fluorescence microscopy can be used to investigate processes at the subcellular level. As a model for the expression of a molecular marker, human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) were treated with the pro-inflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha) to upregulate the expression of the adhesion molecule E-selectin/CD62E. E-selectin-expressing HUVEC were incubated with pegylated paramagnetic fluorescently labeled liposomes carrying anti-E-selectin monoclonal antibody as a targeting ligand. Both MRI and fluorescence microscopy revealed the specific association of the liposomal MR contrast agent with stimulated HUVEC. This study suggests that this newly developed system may serve as a useful diagnostic tool to investigate pathological processes in vivo with MRI.  相似文献   



Few data are available concerning structural changes at the hip observed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in people with or without hip osteoarthritis (OA). The aim of this study was to compare cartilage volume and the presence of cartilage defects and bone marrow lesions (BMLs) in participants with and without diagnosed hip OA.


Femoral head cartilage volume was measured by MRI for 141 community-based persons with no diagnosed hip OA, and 19 with diagnosed hip OA. Cartilage defects and BMLs were regionally scored at the femoral head and acetabulum.


Compared with those without diagnosed hip OA, people with diagnosed hip OA had less femoral head cartilage volume (1763 mm3 versus 3343 mm3; p <0.001) and more prevalent cartilage defects and BMLs (all p ≤0.05) at all sites other than the central inferomedial region of the femoral head. In those with no diagnosed hip OA, cartilage defects in the anterior and central superolateral region of the femoral head were associated with reduced femoral head cartilage volume (all p ≤0.02). Central superolateral BMLs at all sites were associated with reduced femoral head cartilage volume (all p ≤0.003), with a similar trend occurring when BMLs were located in the anterior region of the hip (all p ≤0.08).


Compared with community-based adults with no diagnosed hip OA, people with diagnosed hip OA have less femoral head cartilage volume and a higher prevalence of cartilage defects and BMLs. For people with no diagnosed hip OA, femoral head cartilage volume was reduced where cartilage defects and/or BMLs were present in the anterior and central superolateral regions of the hip joint. Cartilage defects and BMLs present in the anterior and central superolateral regions may represent early structural damage in the pathogenesis of hip OA.  相似文献   

Fifty-eight patients with giant cell tumors (GCT) underwent a comprehensive radiation diagnosis involving X-ray study and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The obtained MR images indicated the high efficiency of this combination of radiation diagnostic techniques in solving the problems in the visualization of osteoarticular tumor lesions. GCT is characterized by well-known primary X-ray semiotics; MR images are also rather pathognomonic of these tumors and they illustrate the process of morphogenesis of these masses. MRI made it possible to solve the specific problems facing a physician (a radiation diagnostician), to determine the site, shape, sizes, volume, and local extent of a tumor, which permitted the planning of surgical treatment policy; to assess its results, to reveal possible inflammatory complications; and to visualize a local recurrence and on-going growth of a tumor, including the signs of GCT malignancy.  相似文献   

Based on the results of examination of 30 patients with hormonally active adrenal tumors, the authors consider the MRI sympatomatology of their different types and the potentialities of the technique in the complex radiation diagnosis of this pathology. The authors present their assessments of the relative intensity of a signal and the structure of each type of hormone-producing tumors of the glands by using different MRI pulse sequences that may be useful in establishing a presumptive morphological diagnosis. They identify MRI sequences that are of the greatest informative value for the diagnosis of each type of hormonally active adrenal tumors. There is evidence for that MRI is highly effective in detecting all types of hormonally active adrenal tumors and, in the context of their topographic and anatomic diagnosis, has an unquestionable advantage over ultrasonography and X-ray computed tomography in some cases.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To correlate and assess the utility of dynamic contrast-enhanced three-dimensional gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (Gd-3DMRI) and fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) findings in patients with suspected breast disease. STUDY DESIGN: Beginning in 1993, all patients who underwent percutaneous FNAB of the breast and had concurrent Gd-3DMRI evaluation of the breast were selected for this study. Findings for FNAB and Gd-3DMRI were stratified into two categories, positive and negative. Subsequent clinical management decisions, which included surgical intervention and/or clinical follow-up, were recorded for all patients. RESULTS: There were 69 FNABs in 59 patients with corresponding Gd-3DMRI evaluation. A positive result by both FNAB and Gd-3DMRI was found in 15 of 18 malignant cases. FNAB missed one case, and Gd-3DMRI missed two, and each of these was thought to be technical. Combining the methods yielded 100% sensitivity. False positive results on Gd-3DMRI (17 cases) were all confirmed to be benign by FNAB and subsequent tissue evaluation. All 32 cases with combined negative results by FNAB and Gd-3DMRI demonstrated a benign process, yielding a specificity of 100% (32/32). CONCLUSION: Our combined testing modalities showed a high degree of specificity and good sensitivity. FNAB used with dynamic contrast-enhanced Gd-3DMRI can contribute valuable information for physicians treating patients with suspected breast abnormalities.  相似文献   

Monitoring tumor development is essential for the understanding of mechanisms involved in tumor progression and to determine efficacy of therapy. One of the evolving approaches is longitudinal noninvasive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of tumors in experimental models. We applied high-resolution MRI at 7 Tesla to study the development of colon cancer tumors in rat liver. MRI acquisition was triggered to the respiratory cycle to minimize motion artifacts. A special radio frequency (RF) coil was designed to acquire detailed T1-weighted and T2-weighted images of the liver. T2-weighted images identified hyperintense lesions representing tumors with a minimum diameter of 2 mm, enabling the determination of growth rates and morphological aspects of individual tumors. It is concluded that high-resolution MRI using a dedicated RF coil and triggering to the respiratory cycle is an excellent tool for quantitative and morphological analysis of individual diffusely distributed tumors throughout the liver. However, at present, MRI requires expensive equipment and expertise and is a time-consuming methodology. Therefore, it should preferably be used for dedicated applications rather than for high-throughput assessment of total tumor load in animals.  相似文献   

This dynamic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study is concerned with a prospective evaluation of wrist synovitis in patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA) in comparison with patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and healthy controls. Fifteen consecutive patients with PsA, 49 consecutive patients with RA, 30 RA patients matched for disease severity with those with PsA, and 8 healthy controls were studied. MRI was performed with a low-field (0.2T), extremity-dedicated machine. After an intravenous bolus injection of gadolinium-diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid, 20 consecutive fast spin-echo axial images of the wrist were obtained every 18 s. The enhancement ratio was calculated both as rate of early enhancement (REE), which shows the slope of the curve of contrast uptake per second during the first 55 s, and as relative enhancement (RE), which indicates the steady state of enhancement. The REE was 1.0 ± 0.6 in patients with PsA, 1.6 ± 0.7 in consecutive patients with RA, and 0.1 ± 0.1 in controls (p <0.001). The RE was 87.1 ± 39.2 in patients with PsA, 125.8 ± 48.0 in consecutive RA patients, and 15.5 ± 19.2 in controls (p <0.001). However, the same figures in matched RA patients were 1.3 ± 0.7 and 107.3 ± 48.2, respectively (not significant in comparison with PsA). Rheumatoid-like PsA and oligoarticular PsA did not differ from each other in terms of synovial enhancement. Dynamic MRI shows the same pattern of synovitis in patients with PsA and RA when the two groups are matched for disease severity. This technique cannot be used to differentiate PsA from RA. However, REE and RE were significantly higher in PsA than in normal controls, with only one instance of overlap between values found for the two groups.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a noninvasive imaging technique that today constitutes one of the main pillars of preclinical and clinical imaging. MRI’s capacity to depict soft tissue in whole specimens ex vivo as well as in vivo, achievable voxel resolutions well below (100 μm)3, and the absence of ionizing radiation have resulted in the broad application of this technique both in human diagnostics and studies involving small animal model organisms. Unfortunately, MRI systems are expensive devices and have so far only sporadically been used to resolve questions in zoology and in particular in zoomorphology. However, the results from two recent studies involving systematic scanning of representative species from a vertebrate group (fishes) as well as an invertebrate taxon (sea urchins) suggest that MRI could in fact be used more widely in zoology. Using novel image data derived from representative species of numerous higher metazoan clades in combination with a comprehensive literature survey, we review and evaluate the potential of MRI for systematic taxon scanning. According to our results, numerous animal groups are suitable for systematic MRI scanning, among them various cnidarian and arthropod taxa, brachiopods, various molluscan taxa, echinoderms, as well as all vertebrate clades. However, various phyla in their entirety cannot be considered suitable for this approach mainly due to their small size (e.g., Kinorhyncha) or their unfavorable shape (e.g., Nematomorpha), while other taxa are prone to produce artifacts associated either with their biology (e.g., Echiura) or their anatomy (e.g., Polyplacophora). In order to initiate further uses of MRI in zoology, we outline the principles underlying various applications of this technique such as the use of contrast agents, in vivo MRI, functional MRI, as well as magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Finally, we discuss how future technical developments might shape the use of MRI for the study of zoological specimens.  相似文献   

A multitude of evidence suggests that iodinated contrast material causes nephrotoxicity; however, there have been no previous studies that use arterial spin labeling (ASL) blood flow functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate the alterations in effective renal plasma flow between normointensive and hypertensive rats following injection of contrast media. We hypothesized that FAIR-SSFSE arterial spin labeling MRI may enable noninvasive and quantitative assessment of regional renal blood flow abnormalities and correlate with disease severity as assessed by histological methods. Renal blood flow (RBF) values of the cortex and medulla of rat kidneys were obtained from ASL images postprocessed at ADW4.3 workstation 0.3, 24, 48, and 72 h before and after injection of iodinated contrast media (6 ml/kg). The H&E method for morphometric measurements was used to confirm the MRI findings. The RBF values of the outer medulla were lower than those of the cortex and the inner medulla as reported previously. Iodinated contrast media treatment resulted in decreases in RBF in the outer medulla and cortex in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), but only in the outer medulla in normotensive rats. The iodinated contrast agent significantly decreased the RBF value in the outer medulla and the cortex in SHR compared with normotensive rats after injection of the iodinated contrast media. Histological observations of kidney morphology were also consistent with ASL perfusion changes. These results demonstrate that the RBF value can reflect changes of renal perfusion in the cortex and medulla. ASL-MRI is a feasible and accurate method for evaluating nephrotoxic drugs-induced kidney damage.  相似文献   

Early pancreatic cancer response following cetuximab and/or irinotecan therapies was measured by serial dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) before and during therapy. Groups 1 to 4 (n = 6/group) of SCID mice bearing orthotopic pancreatic adenocarcinoma xenografts expressing luciferase were treated with phosphate-buffered saline, cetuximab, irinotecan, or cetuximab combined with irinotecan, respectively, twice weekly for 3 weeks. DCE-MRI was performed on days 0, 1, 2, and 3 after therapy initiation, whereas anatomic magnetic resonance imaging was performed on days 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, and 13. Bioluminescence imaging was performed on days 0 and 21. At day 21, all tumors were collected for further histologic analyses (Ki-67 and CD31 staining), whereas tumor dimensions were measured by calipers. The Ktrans values in the 0.5 mm-thick peripheral tumor region were calculated, and the changes in Ktrans during the 3 days posttherapy were compared to tumor volume changes, bioluminescent signal changes, and histologic findings. The Ktrans changes in the peripheral tumor region after 3 days of therapy were linearly correlated with 21-day decreases in tumor volume (p < .001), bioluminescent signal (p = .050), microvessel densities (p = .002), and proliferating cell densities (p = .001). This study supports the clinical use of DCE-MRI for pancreatic cancer patients for early assessment of an anti-epidermal growth factor receptor therapy combined with chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Vascular malformations are anatomically subdivided according to the predominant channel anomaly into either capillary, arterial, venous, lymphatic, or combinations. They can be further subdivided into high- or low-flow malformations. Any lesion that has an arterial component is considered a high-flow malformation. Once the diagnosis of a vascular malformation is made, it is of paramount importance to define not only the flow characteristics but also the full range of extension, because the prognosis and appropriate treatment vary substantially for each type of anomaly. The two most useful noninvasive imaging techniques for assessing vascular malformations are magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasonography. The aim of this review is to give surgeons involved in treating patients with vascular malformations an opportunity to gain some background on MRI scans when assessing vascular malformations. Although MRI is a powerful modality for assessing vascular malformations, we will also discuss some of the limitations of MRI. We further suggest a diagnostic flow chart developed on the basis of MRI features designed to help determine the composition of a vascular birthmark when intervention is anticipated.  相似文献   

An early systemic response induced by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-guided interstitial percutaneous laser thermoablation was analyzed in 13 consecutive patients with malignant liver tumors by serum interleukin (IL)-1beta, IL-6, IL-10, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, its receptor TNFRI, and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels up to 72h after the procedures. Only IL-6 (p=0.033) and TNFRI (p<0.001) increased statistically significantly after ablation, while the TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta, and IL-10 levels remained unchanged. The peak median CRP response was 92mg/l. There was a dose-dependent correlation between the energy used and the maximum CRP values (tau=0.68, p=0.013). MRI-guided laser thermoablation induced an early systemic inflammatory reaction with statistically significantly elevated IL-6, TNFRI, and CRP levels but not TNF-alpha or IL-10 levels and without procedure-related complications, favoring this procedure as a safe therapeutic alternative for well-selected patients with liver tumors.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress may be involved in the dopaminergic neurodegenerations seen in 6-OHDA-lesioned rats through its production of free radicals and through mitochondrial dysfunction. In this study, we noninvasively demonstrate brain redox alterations in 6-OHDA-lesioned rats using Overhauser-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (OMRI). The reduction rate of 3-methoxycarbonyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethylpyrrolidine-l-oxyl (methoxycarbonyl-PROXYL), a redox-sensitive contrast agent, was used as an index of the redox status in vivo. The methoxycarbonyl-PROXYL reduction rate, calculated from continuous images, decreased significantly in lesioned hemispheres compared to their corresponding contralateral hemispheres. The reduction rates in cellular fractions obtained from the striatum were estimated by X-band electron spin resonance (ESR) and calculated by assuming first-order kinetics for their time-dependent decreases. When methoxycarbonyl-PROXYL was mixed with cytoplasm fractions, the reduction rates were the same in both hemispheres. However, the ESR signal of methoxycarbonyl-PROXYL in the mitochondrial fraction of the lesioned hemispheres decayed more slowly than that of the corresponding contralateral hemispheres. Concordantly, biochemical assays showed that the activity of mitochondrial complex I also decreased more slowly in lesioned hemispheres. Thus, this method of noninvasively imaging brain redox alterations faithfully reflects changes in mitochondrial complex I activity in 6-OHDA-lesioned rats.  相似文献   

Use of magnetic resonance imaging in surgical hepatology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three hundred and ninety eight patients with different diseases of the liver and biliary tract were examined on the basis of the complex use of latest technologies of magnetic resonance imaging (dynamic contrast MRI, MR-arterio- and venoportography, MR-cholangiopancreatography), which yield all necessary information during one study to design surgical treatment. The study was conducted by using a Magnetom Vision 1.5T apparatus (Siemens). The advantages of the technique over invasive X-ray studies are shown. Different MRI procedures have been ascertained to be highly diagnostically effective in evaluating hepatic and biliary diseases.  相似文献   

Background: Local recurrence, the most frequent pattern of recurrence of rectal carcinoma, is almost always fatal. The difficulty of diagnosing local recurrence contributes importantly to the poor prognosis. Methods: We coupled monoclonal antibody (Mab) A7, which reacts specifically with human colorectal carcinoma, to ferromagnetic lignosite (FML) particles to distinguish rectal carcinoma from other tissues by magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. We examined retention of immunoreactivity by the A7-FML complexes in vitro, and also their distribution in vivo according to radiolabeling and MR imaging when injected into nude mice bearing human colorectal carcinoma xenografts. Results: A7-FML retained binding activity nearly identical to that of Mab A7. Significantly more 125I-labeled A7-FML accumulated in engrafted tumors than did 125I-labeled normal mouse IgG-FML complexes (P<0.05). A7-FML disappeared rapidly from the blood. Normal tissues accumulated less 125I-labeled A7-FML than tumors; this accumulation decreased linearly with time. In MR imaging, signal intensity was reduced in the tumor by the injection of A7-FML. Conclusions: A7-FML is potentially useful as a MR contrast enhancing agent for human colorectal carcinoma xenografts implanted subcutaneously.  相似文献   

In this article, a specific targeting Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) nanoplatform, composed by iron oxide nanoparticle (NP) with cRGD peptides as targeting agent onto NP surface, is explored for the diagnosis of brain tumors by MRI using intracranial U87MG mice xenograft tumor. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled "Recent Advances in Bionanomaterials" Guest Editor: Dr. Marie-Louise Saboungi and Dr. Samuel D. Bader.  相似文献   

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