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The nucleotide sequence (572 bp) of the cytochrome b gene of the common shrew Sorex araneus was analyzed. In total, 92 animals of five chromosome races from 12 localities were studied. The median haplotype network has a pronounced star-like structure. The central haplotype common for all samples, except for the southern island sample of the race Sok, accounts for about 36%. The main characteristics of molecular variation in our work correspond to those obtained in other studies. We revealed the lack of a correlation between the genetic and geographic distances and also population structurization of the species. On the basis of variation of the haplotypes in the samples, a scenario of colonization of the postglacial territories by females of one or several close matrilines with subsequent rapid subdivision of the population into independent populations is discussed.  相似文献   

A total of 440 skulls of common shrews, Sorex araneus, from Germany and Europe (Croatia, Hungary, Austria, and Norway) were studied. The material represented six chromosomal races (Ulm, Laska, Drnholec, Mooswald, Jütland, and Abisko) assignable to the Western European and Northern European karyotypic groups. The race of a few samples was not determined. Twenty-one linear measurements were taken on skulls and mandibles and used in this study. Pearson correlations and multiple linear regressions were used to see the relationship of the cranial variables to altitude, latitude, the chromosomal race, and the geographic location. The results from the tested samples differed; the most negative correlations to latitude were found in the samples assigned to the Western European karyotypic group (WEK), the least negative ones in the samples of the Ulm race. These results indicate the converse of Bergmann's rule. But taking into consideration all the samples of the different karyotypic groups across Europe, the correlations to latitude included positive ones, which would indicate that Sorex follows Bergmann's rule in some of the variables. The studied material of different karyotypic groups could not be differentiated in discriminant analyses. The separation of the studied races within the WEK alone was slightly better, but about 30 % of ungrouped cases remained. Only the separation of the regional samples within one chromosomal race revealed better results but was still very different between the races. This indicates that within the races, regional differences might be strong enough for a separation of the samples and that within a karyotypic group, and even more so across karyotypic groups, regional differences conceal racial differences.  相似文献   

The variation of microsatellite loci in 130 individuals of four common shrew chromosome races (Moscow, Western Dvina, Seliger, and St. Petersburg) contacting on the Valdai Hills was studied. A low level of genetic differences between the chromosome races, which differ at three-five fixed diagnostic metacentric chromosomes, was found. The genetic differentiation within the races is more considerable as compared with that between the races. A high deficiency in heterozygotes was recorded; presumably, this is connected with regular variation in the population sizes. It is assumed that the fixation of centric chromosome fusions was supported by selection (drive) in the evolution of the common shrew against the background of a neutral evolution of the microsatellite loci.  相似文献   

Variability of the cranial properties of chromosomal races Serov, Manturovo and Pechora of the common shrew were studied. A consistent increase of scull size in the Serov race with moving from the plain to highlands and a skull size decrease from low to high latitudes was detected. Interpopulation variability among different races was shown to be comparable with interracial variability or to exceed it. This suggests microevolution at the level of local populations.  相似文献   

This paper presents an electron microscopic analysis of the behavior and morphology of the sex chromosomes and autosomes during prophase I in the common shrew, Sorex araneus L. The pairing patterns of the X/Y1Y2 and autosomal Robertsonian trivalents are described.  相似文献   

Karyotypes of the Petchora and Kirillov chromosomal races of the common shrew differ by six Robertsonian metacentrics with monobrachial homology, such that interracial F1 hybrids produce a ring-of-six configuration at meiosis I and are expected to suffer infertility. Mapping of 52 karyotyped individuals by using a unique global positioning system (GPS) revealed that the Kirillov-Petchora hybrid zone is positioned close to the river Mezen, which separated these races, and so may limit the migration of shrews across the contact zone. Although the population density of shrews was found to be markedly different with respect to habitats, the zone runs through a mosaic of habitats that are similar for both the Petchora and the Kirillov sides. This is one of the narrowest chromosomal hybrid zones among those studied in Sorex araneus with a standard cline width of about 1 km. The center of the cline is located on a bank occupied by the Petchora race at a distance of 0.4 km away from a riverine barrier. Interestingly, both the Kirillov race and hybrid individuals were found on a small island in the middle of a river fully flooded each spring. The frequencies of karyotypic variants allow us to consider the zone as an example of a bimodal zone. New Robertsonian and de novo whole-arm reciprocal translocations (WART) chromosomal variants found in the zone could be regarded as evidences of current evolutionary process in chromosomal hybrid zones.  相似文献   

Pregnant female common shrews were collected from an area of Robertsonian polymorphism, involving five different arm combinations, around Oxford (England). The females and their fetuses were karyotyped, and the karyotypes of the sires were deduced. Ten pregnancies where at least one parent was known to be either a single or double Robertsonian heterozygote were available for analysis. From these pregnancies, upper and lower estimates of anaphase I nondisjunction arising from Robertsonian heterozygosity were calculated to be 1.0-2.5% per heterozygous arm combination and 1.5-3.7% per heterozygous parent. One trisomic fetus with retarded development was identified. This trisomy can be attributed to anaphase I nondisjunction of a trivalent in a female Robertsonian heterozygote.  相似文献   

Adult male common shrews, both Robertsonian heterozygotes and homozygotes, were collected from Oxford and elsewhere in Britain. In both simple Robertsonian heterozygotes and Robertsonian heterozygotes with monobrachial homology, regular chain configurations were observed at meiosis I; only 1-2% were incomplete such that univalents were observed. On the average, there was one chiasma per chromosome arm among those that displayed Robertsonian variation, including both chain configurations and bivalents. According to one hypothesis, a single chiasma per chromosome arm may facilitate proper disjunction of chain trivalents of simple Robertsonian heterozygotes. Based on metaphase II counts, anaphase I nondisjunction frequency can be estimated as 1.0% per heterozygous individual and 0.7% per heterozygous arm combination.  相似文献   

In this review, we discuss the processes of fixation of Robertsonian chromosome fusions in populations of the common shrew Sorex araneus L. Various Robertsonian fusions, accumulating in populations, create an illusion of large chromosomal rearrangements, reciprocal translocations of complete chromosome arms. The use of these rearrangements for phylogenetic reconstructions results in false conclusions. Robertsonian fusions accumulate in populations at such stages of the species evolution, when large open or subdivided populations prevail (populations of warm periods of Pleistocene and many present-day populations) and are fixed in small isolated populations and glacial refugia. The formation of monomorphic chromosome races requires a long time, several glaciation epochs during the whole Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Coat colour anomalies in the common shrew, Sorex araneus L., in the geographical range of this species, including Poland, are extremely rare. This study describes atypically coloured common shrews. Light colouration of the coat is a result of lack ofpigment in the entire hair or hair fragments. It appears that atypically coloured shrews occur more often in isolated populations whose gene transfer with neighboring populations is limited.  相似文献   

Mandibles from 13 island and six mainland populations of common shrews from the west coast of Scotland were subjected to geometric morphometric analysis in order to investigate the relationship between genetic diversity and fluctuating asymmetry. Although population mean shape fluctuating asymmetry (FA) and size FA were significantly inversely correlated with population genetic diversity this result was substantially due to one island. Sanda, the smallest island with by far the lowest genetic diversity, also had the highest FA. When Sanda was removed from the analysis, the relationship was not significant. There was no relationship between genetic diversity and FA at the individual level, whether measured as mean locus heterozygosity or d(2). In general, if genetic variation affects FA at all, the effect is weak and may only be of biological interest in very small populations.  相似文献   

Thirty-three adult male common shrews (Sorex araneus L.) were collected from a hybrid zone between two chromosomal races that differed in Robertsonian metacentrics. Anaphase I nondisjunction frequencies were estimated on the basis of metaphase II counts. RIV and CV complex heterozygotes (four-element rings and five-element chains at meiosis I, respectively) had substantially higher nondisjunction rates than homozygotes and simple Robertsonian heterozygotes. However, at least in the case of RIV-forming hybrids, increased nondisjunction frequency did not result from malsegregation of the heterozygous complex. Extra elements found in hyperploid spreads were most frequently acrocentrics, that could not originate from a fully metacentric multivalent. Complex heterozygotes were also characterized by higher frequencies of univalents observed at diakinesis I. However, univalents did not originate from complex configurations, which were regularly formed with usually one chiasma per chromosome arm. Hence, we suppose that the presence of multivalents in the cell affects pairing and segregation of other elements at meiosis I.  相似文献   

Summary Population density of shrews in a clearing in the submountain spruce forest was established per 1 hectare 17.5 individuals of common shrew, 4.6 of pygmy shrew and 1.1 of alpin shrew. The mean radius of activity in common shrew amounts to 13 m. The ratio of shrew to rodents was 1:3 or 1:2 in summer and autum respectively. Theoretical home range reached 532 m2. The importance of home range studies for synecological studies and theory of natural focality was demonstrated.District Station of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Olomouc, SSR.  相似文献   

White TA  Searle JB 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(10):2005-2016
Populations of many species are currently being fragmented and reduced by human interactions. These processes will tend to reduce genetic diversity within populations and reduce individual heterozygosities because of genetic drift, inbreeding and reduced migration. Conservation biologists need to know the effect of population size on genetic diversity, as this is likely to influence a population's ability to persist. Island populations represent an ideal natural experiment with which to study this problem. In a study of common shrews (Sorex araneus) on offshore Scottish islands, 497 individuals from 13 islands of different sizes and 6 regions on the mainland were trapped and genotyped at eight microsatellite loci. Previous genetic work had revealed that most of the islands in this study were highly genetically divergent from one another and the mainland. We found that most of the islands exhibited lower genetic diversity than the mainland populations. In the island populations, mean expected heterozygosity, mean observed heterozygosity and mean allelic richness were significantly positively correlated with log island size and log population size, which were estimated using habitat population density data and application of a Geographic Information System.  相似文献   

In this laboratory experiment it is shown that, like four North American soricid shrew species, the European common shrew Sorex araneus L. is able to use echolocation to identify open and closed tubes at a distance of 200 mm.
Three common shrews captured in Sweden were used for the experiments, which were carried out in darkness and within a sound-proof box. The experimental set-up eliminated orientation using sight, sound or scent from outside the experimental cage. Echolocation calls consisted of broadband ultrasonic clicks at low sound pressure. These were recorded using an ultrasound detector.
The ecological significance of echolocation in shrews is discussed. It is proposed that common shrews use echolocation to locate protective cover, thus minimizing the risk to be taken by, e.g. owls.
Echolocation may also be used for detecting obstacles in subterranean tunnels. Hence, echolocation could be of certain importance when abandoned burrows in the periphery of the tunnel system are restored during periods of increasing population densities. Since density peaks in most populations occur regularly each summer, and may reach extreme magnitudes in cyclic populations, the ecological significance of echolocation in shrews may be considerabl.  相似文献   

The allozyme variability of the common shrew Sorex araneus of Western Siberia is studied. The small level of genetic variability and lack of reliable differences in indices of polymorphism for taiga, subtaiga, and forest-steppe populations are revealed. A significant level of genetic differentiation in populations belonging to adjacent chromosomal races—Novosibirsk and Serov (F st = 0.3) — has been shown.  相似文献   

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