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The phytohormone indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) plays a vital role in plant growth and development as a regulator of numerous biological processes. Its biosynthetic pathways have been studied for decades. Recent genetic and in vitro labeling evidence indicates that IAA in Arabidopsis thaliana and other plants is primarily synthesized from a precursor that is an intermediate in the tryptophan (Trp) biosynthetic pathway. To determine which intermediate(s) acts as the possible branchpoint for the Trp-independent IAA biosynthesis in plants, we took an in vivo approach by generating antisense indole-3-glycerol phosphate synthase (IGS) RNA transgenic plants and using available Arabidopsis Trp biosynthetic pathway mutants trp2-1 and trp3-1. Antisense transgenic plants display some auxin deficient-like phenotypes including small rosettes and reduced fertility. Protein gel blot analysis indicated that IGS expression was greatly reduced in the antisense lines. Quantitative analyses of IAA and Trp content in antisense IGS transgenic plants and Trp biosynthetic mutants revealed striking differences. Compared with wild-type plants, the Trp content in all the transgenic and mutant plants decreased significantly. However, total IAA levels were significantly decreased in antisense IGS transgenic plants, but remarkably increased in trp3-1 and trp2-1 plants. These results suggest that indole-3-glycerol phosphate (IGP) in the Arabidopsis Trp biosynthetic pathway serves as a branchpoint compound in the Trp-independent IAA de novo biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   

Abstract. The hypothesis that tropic responses result from lateral auxin gradients was examined in coleoptiles of red-light-grown maize ( Zea mays L.) by measuring endogenous IAA (indole-3-acetic acid) using a physicochemical method. Phototropic stimulation (unilateral blue light; 8s at 0.33 μmol m−2s−1) was found to induce a lateral gradient of solvent-extractable IAA in a subapical zone (2-7mm from the tip). The gradient occurred in advance of the bending response, with a decrease of IAA in the irradiated half and a compensatory increase in the shaded half. The maximal gradient measured was about 1:2 (irradiated: shaded). Diffusible IAA, obtained from the cut end of an excised coleoptile tip (3mm long, with its base split by 1mm), was similarly redistributed between the two sides, indicating that IAA is laterally translocated in the tip and that the resulting IAA gradient migrates to the subapical zone. A smaller gradient was induced in a basal zone (12-17mm from the tip). This gradient was initiated about 20 min later than that at the subapical zone, in agreement with a similar delay of bending observed in this zone. Gravitropic stimulation (60° from the vertical) also resulted in a lateral gradient of extractable IAA in the subapical zone, the gradient preceding the bending response. It is concluded that the tropisms of maize coleoptiles are mediated by IAA gradients, which are most likely caused by lateral IAA transport as the Cholodny-Went theory of tropisms describes. From IAA measurement data, the mean velocity of basipetally-polar transport of endogenous IAA was estimated to be 12 mm h−1.  相似文献   

Two strategies for selection of plant mutants altered in their ability to hydrolyze IAA conjugates are described. The rationale for both strategies is to form a conjugate between two chemical moieties in which one moiety is a toxin. The first strategy makes use of a toxic auxin analogue. For this approach a series of halogenated IAA analogues were tested for toxic properties to Lemna gibba and Zea mays. Several halogenated analogues were toxic, but only 5-Br-IAA was highly toxic to both species. The second strategy required a toxic compound with suitable functional groups to allow IAA conjugation. The mycotoxin patulin was found to be a suitable candidate. Uptake and hydrolysis of IAA-conjugates was studied in order to better define the conditions required for conjugate analogues to be effectively employed for selections.  相似文献   

Gas chromatography-mass spectrometric analyses of purified extracts from cultures of Rhizobium phaseoli wild-type strain 8002, grown in a non-tryptophan-supplemented liquid medium, demonstrated the presence of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), indole-3-ethanol (IEt), indole-3-aldehyde and indole-3-methanol (IM). In metabolism studies with 3H-, 14C- and 2H-labelled substrates the bacterium was shown to convert tryptophan to IEt, IAA and IM; IEt to IAA and IM; and IAA to IM. Indole-3-acetamide (IAAm) could not be detected as either an endogenous constituent or a metabolite of [3H]tryptophan nor did cultures convert [14C]IAAm to IAA. Biosynthesis of IAA in R. phaseoli, thus, involves a different pathway from that operating in Pseudomonas savastanio and Agrobacterium tumefaciens-induced crown-gall tumours.Abbreviations IAA indole-3-acetic acid - IAld indole-3-aldehyde - IAAm indole-3-acetamide - IEt indole-3-ethanol - IM indole-3-methanol - HPLC-RC high-performance liquid chromatography-radio counting - GC-MS gas chromatography-mass spectrometry  相似文献   

Rhodobacter sphaeroides photoproduced indole 3-acetic acid (IAA) when the precursor L-tryptophan was added to the basal medium. Of the other organic carbon sources that influenced IAA formation from L-tryptophan, -ketoglutaric acid gave the maximum formation of 530 mg 1–1 in less than 24 h of illuminated anaerobic incubation. IAA was also produced from indole, glycine and glucose together by Rb. sphaeroides under photoanaerobic conditions yielding 61 mg l–1 within 30 fh.  相似文献   

Synthesis of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), using stable-isotope incorporation, was investigated in Zea mays L. Incorporation of 2H from 2H2O into IAA molecules was shown to occur in intact plantlets and excised primary roots cultured in vitro. This demonstrates the de-novo formation of IAA, a process which is quantitatively well defined and is initiated early in germination.Abbreviations IAA indole-3-acetic acid  相似文献   

Plants are suggested to produce their major growth promoting phytohormone, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), via multiple redundantly operating pathways. Although great effort has been made and plenty of possible routes have been proposed based on experimental evidence, a complete pathway for IAA production has yet to be demonstrated. In this study, an in-vitro approach was taken to examine the conversion of l-tryptophan (l-trp) to IAA by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Especially the influence of putative reaction intermediates on the enzymatic conversion of l-trp to IAA was analyzed. Among the substances tested only indole-3-acetamide (IAM) showed a pronounced effect on the l-trp conversion. We additionally report that IAM is synthesized from l-trp and that it is further converted to IAA by the utilized cell free Arabidopsis extract. Together, our results underscore the functionality of an IAM-dependent auxin biosynthesis pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana.  相似文献   

Based on the distribution constant of IAA, the efficiency of solvent partitioning has been improved by modifying the proportions of the solvents. IAA is recovered almost quantitatively by this method which also renders further sample reduction superfluous. Selective IAA recovery is supported by the distribution of immunoreactive materials on chromatograms. This modified scheme simplifies prepurification of samples for more reliable immunoassay.  相似文献   

Colloidal gold-labelled antibody was used to localize indole-3-acetic acid in caps of primary roots of Z. mays cv. Kys. Gold particles accumulated on the nucleus, vacuoles, mitochondria, and some dictyosomes and dictyosome-derived vesicles. This is the first localization of indole-3-acetic acid in dictyosomes and dictyosome-derived vesicles and indicates that dictyosomes and vesicles constitute a pathway for indole-3-acetic acid movement in and secretion from root cap cells. Our findings provide cytochemical evidence to support the hypothesis that indole-3-acetic acid plays an important role in root gravitropism.  相似文献   

Göran Sandberg 《Planta》1984,161(5):398-403
Combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry has been used to identify indole-3-ethanol (IEt) in a purified extract from needles of Pinus sylvestris L. Quantitative estimates obtained by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection, corrected for samples losses occurring during purification, indicate that Pinus needles contain 46±4 ng g-1 IEt. This compares with 24.5±6.5 ng g-1 indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and 2.3±0.4 ng g-1 indole-3-carboxylic acid (ICA) (Sandberg et al. 1984, Phytochemistry, 23, 99–102). Metabolism studies with needles incubated in a culture medium in darkness revealed that both [3-14C]-tryptophan and [2-14C]tryptamine mine are converted to [14C]IEt. It was also shown that [3-14C]IEt acted as a precursor of [14C]IAA. The observed metabolism appears to be enzymic in nature. The [2-14C]IAA was not catabolised to [14C]ICA in detectable quantities implying that, at best, only a minor portion of the endogenous ICA pool in the Pinus needles originates from IAA.Abbreviations DEAE diethylaminoethyl - GC-MS gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - ICA indole-3-carboxylic acid - IEt indole-3-ethanol - PVP polyvinylpyrrolidone  相似文献   

The growth hormone auxin is a key regulator of plant cell division and elongation. Since plants lack muscles, processes involved in growth and movements rely on turgor formation, and thus on the transport of solutes and water. Modern electrophysiological techniques and molecular genetics have shed new light on the regulation of plant ion transporters in response to auxin. Guard cells, hypocotyls and coleoptiles have advanced to major model systems in studying auxin action. This review will therefore focus on the molecular mechanism by which auxin modulates ion transport and cell expansion in these model cell types.  相似文献   

Stem segments excised from light-grown Pisum sativum L. (cv. Little Marvel) plants elongated in the presence of indole-3-acetic acid and its precursors, except for L-tryptophan, which required the addition of gibberellin A, for induction of growth. Segment elongation was promoted by D-tryptophan without a requirement for gibberellin, and growth in the presence of both D-tryptophan and L-tryptophan with gibberellin A3, was inhibited by the D-aminotransferase inhibitor D-cycloserine. Tryp-tophan racemase activity was detected in apices and promoted conversion of L-tryptophan to the D isomer; this activity was enhanced by gibberellin A3. When applied to apices of intact untreated plants, radiolabeled D-tryptophan was converted to indole-3-acetic acid and indoleacetylaspartic acid much more readily than L-tryptophan. Treatment of plants with gibberellin A3, 3 days prior to application of labeled tryptophan increased conversion of L-tryptophan to the free auxin and its conjugate by more than 3-fold, and led to labeling of N-malonyl-D-tryptophan. It is proposed that gibberellin increases the biosynthesis of indole-3-acetic acid by regulating the conversion of L-tryptophan to D-tryptophan, which is then converted to the auxin.  相似文献   

To investigate the distribution of IAA (indole-3-acetic acid) and the IAA synthetic cells in maize coleoptiles, we established immunohistochemistry of IAA using an anti-IAA-C-monoclonal antibody. We first confirmed the specificity of the antibody by comparing the amounts of endogenous free and conjugated IAA to the IAA signal obtained from the IAA antibody. Depletion of endogenous IAA showed a corresponding decrease in immuno-signal intensity and negligible cross-reactivity against IAA-related compounds, including tryptophan, indole-3-acetamide, and conjugated-IAA was observed. Immunolocalization showed that the IAA signal was intense in the approximately 1 mm region and the outer epidermis at the approximately 0.5 mm region from the top of coleoptiles treated with 1-N-naphthylphthalamic acid. By contrast, the IAA immuno-signal in the outer epidermis almost disappeared after 5-methyl-tryptophan treatment. Immunogold labeling of IAA with an anti-IAA-N-polyclonal antibody in the outer-epidermal cells showed cytoplasmic localization of free-IAA, but none in cell walls or vacuoles. These findings indicated that IAA is synthesized in the 0–2.0 mm region of maize coleoptile tips from Trp, in which the outer-epidermal cells of the 0.5 mm tip are the most active IAA synthetic cells.  相似文献   

Summary High perfomance liquid chromatography (HPLC) of the products of [5-3H] tryptophan metabolism byFrankia sp. Avc I1 indicates that small amounts of [3H] indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) are excreted into the growth medium.Frankia has a limited capacity for the catabolism of [2-14C]IAA and the product that accumulates is different from that detected inRhizobium japonicum cultures following inoculation with [2-14C]IAA. The data imply that the rate of turnover of IAA is much more rapid inRhizobium thanFrankia and that the two organisms employ different routes for the catabolism of IAA.  相似文献   

Distribution of endogenous diffusible auxin into agar blocks from phototropically stimulated maize coleoptile tips was studied using a bioassay and a physicochemical assay, to clarify whether phototropism in maize coleoptiles involves a lateral gradient in the amount of auxin. At 50 min after the onset of phototropic stimulation, when the phototropic response was still developing, direct assay of the blocks with the Avena curvature test showed that the auxin activity in the blocks from the shaded half-tips was twice that of the lighted side, at both the first and second positive phototropic curvatures. However, physicochemical determination following purification showed that the amount of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) was evenly distributed in the blocks from lighted and shaded coleoptile half-tips at both the first and second positive phototropic curvatures. The even distribution of the IAA was also confirmed with the Avena curvature test following purification by HPLC. These results indicate that phototropism in maize coleoptiles is not caused by a lateral gradient of IAA itself and thus cannot be described by the Cholodny-Went theory. Furthermore, the lower auxin activity in the blocks from the lighted half-tips suggests the presence of inhibitor(s) interfering with the action of auxin and their significant diffusion from unilaterally illuminated coleoptile tips.  相似文献   

Seeds from mature flowers of Heracleum laciniatum were collected locally (Tromsø, Norway). Seed coats were removed and the seeds were analyzed for their content of free, free plus ester-conjugate, and total indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) by quantitative gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Seeds contained high levels of free and amide-linked IAA relative to other dicotyledonous seeds for which values have been published. The major amide conjugate in this material was identified as indole-3-acetylaspartate by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of its bis-methyl ester.  相似文献   

The isolation and annotation of an 8994-bp DNA fragment from Pseudomonas putida 1290, which conferred upon P. putida KT2440 the ability to utilize the plant hormone indole 3-acetic acid (IAA) as a sole source of carbon and energy, is described. This iac locus (for indole 3-acetic acid catabolism) was identified through analysis of a plasposon mutant of P. putida 1290 that was no longer able to grow on IAA or indole 3-acetaldehyde and was unable to protect radish roots from stunting by exogenously added IAA. The iac locus consisted of 10 genes with coding similarity to enzymes acting on indole or amidated aromatics and to proteins with regulatory or unknown function. Highly similar iac gene clusters were identified in the genomes of 22 bacterial species. Five of these, i.e. P. putida GB-1, Marinomonas sp. MWYL1, Burkholderia sp. 383, Sphingomonas wittichii RW1 and Rhodococcus sp. RHA1, were tested to confirm that bacteria with IAA-degrading ability have representatives in the Alpha-, Beta- and Gammaproteobacteria and in the Actinobacteria. In P. putida 1290, cat and pca genes were found to be essential to IAA-degradation, suggesting that IAA is channeled via catechol into the beta-ketoadipate pathway. Also contributing to the IAA degrading phenotype were genes involved in tricarboxylate cycling, gluconeogenesis, and carbon/nitrogen sensing.  相似文献   

Müller A  Weiler EW 《Planta》2000,211(6):855-863
 The tryptophan auxotroph mutant trp3-1 of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh., despite having reduced levels of l-tryptophan, accumulates the tryptophan-derived glucosinolate, glucobrassicin and, thus, does not appear to be tryptophan-limited. However, due to the block in tryptophan synthase, the mutant hyperaccumulates the precursor indole-3-glycerophosphate (up to 10 mg per g FW). Instability of indole-3-glycerophosphate leads to release of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) from this metabolite during standard workup of samples for determination of conjugated IAA. The apparent increase in “conjugated IAA” in trp3-1 mutant plants can be traced back entirely to indole-3-glycerophosphate degradation. Thus, the levels of neither free IAA nor conjugated IAA increase detectably in the trp3-1 mutant compared to wild-type plants. Precursor-feeding experiments to shoots of sterile-grown wild-type plants using [2H]5-l-tryptophan have shown incorporation of label from this precursor into indole-3-acetonitrile and indole-3-acetic acid with very little isotope dilution. It is concluded that Arabidopsis thaliana shoots synthesize IAA from l-tryptophan and that the non-tryptophan pathway is probably an artifact. Received: 1 March 2000 / Accepted: 10 April 2000  相似文献   

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