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The overwintering biology ofMyiopharus aberrans (Townsend) andMyiopharus doryphorae (Riley), tachinid parasitoids of the Colorado potato beetle, was investigated. Sixty seven overwintered Colorado potato beetle adults were dug from the soil before beetle emergence in the spring of 1990 from a field that had been planted to potatoes the previous year. Five adultM. aberrans and two adultM. doryphorae flies were reared from seven beetles. This is the first record of howM. aberrans andM. doryphorae flies overwinter.   相似文献   

The abilities ofMyiopharus doryphorae (Riley) andM. aberrans (Townsend) (Diptera: Tachinidae) to discriminate between parasitized and non-parasitized Colorado potato beetle (host)Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) larvae, were investigated under laboratory and field conditions. Laboratory experiments showed that bothMyiopharus species have a significantly greater frequency for larvipositing in non-parasitized hosts over parasitized ones. Direct field observations of larvipositional behavior of bothMyiopharus species over three growing seasons showed effective restraint from larviposition into parasitized hosts, while larviposition into nonparasitized ones occurred readily. Avoidance of previously-parasitized hosts occurred after the larvipositing flies briefly landed on host larvae without attempting to insert the larvipositor. The low levels of superparasitism which occurred in the caged experiments and in the field appeared to be due to a breakdown of the larvipositing parasitoids' restraint when they met only parasitized hosts or when many parasitoids competed for reduced numbers of hosts late in the season.  相似文献   

The resistance of Solanum okadae Hawkes & Hjert. (PI 458367), Solanum oplocense Hawkes (PI 473368), and Solanum tarijense Hawkes (PI 414150) to the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) (Chrysomelidae: Chrysomelini), was studied. In replicated field trials all three accessions showed a high level of resistance to the beetle. No significant genetic variability between genotypes of the same species was found. Results from host acceptance behavior experiments, suitability for larval development tests, foliage consumption tests, and adult survival and oviposition tests supported the hypothesis that the mode of resistance differs between the three wild Solanum species. Solanum okadae and S. oplocense affected host acceptance and consumption. Because the beetle reacted differently to these two species it was hypothesized that the antifeedant chemical(s) differed in nature or quantity. S. tarijense contrasted with the other two species by affecting mostly adult colonization and oviposition.  相似文献   

Crosses between white and black color morphs of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say, used as genetic markers, showed that male beetles ride and guard females to achieve the three copulations required to fill the spermatheca. Multiple matings are necessary for the females to realize their full reproductive potential. Sperm mixing occurs in the spermatheca providing partial sperm precedence. The data support the competitive mate searching theory.
Résumé Différentes combinaisons d'accouplements entre des mutants noirs et blancs du doryphore de la pomme de terre, Leptinotarsa decemlineata, servirent à étudier le comportement de guarde de la femelle par le mâle après un premier accouplement. Les résultats indiquent que le sperme de deux mâles accouplant la même femelle se mélange dans la spermathèque assurant ainsi un certain niveau de précédence du sperme du dernier mâle.La masse de sperme dans la spermathèque était inférieure à sa capacité chez les femelles ayant été accouplées une ou deux fois. Le doryphore mâle aurait donc avantage à demeurer sur la femelle après un premier accouplement afin d'obtenir le minimum de trois accouplements requis pour remplir la spermathèque avant que les autres mâles puissent accoupler cette femelle. Les autres mâles ont avantage à essayer de dérober cette femelle pour remplir eux mêmes la spermathèque ou tout au moins profiter d'une certaine précédence du sperme du dernier mâle pour fertiliser une partie des oeufs.Sans accouplements multiples, la femelle ne possède pas suffisamment de sperme pour féconder tous ses oeufs. II semble aussi que les accouplements répétés puissent augmenter sa fécondité.Les résultats supportent une stratégie reproductive de compétition plutôt qu'une simple maximisation du nombre d'accouplements.

Restriction endonuclease analyses of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) were used to examine genetic variability and population structure inLeptinotarsa decemlineata (Say). A group of three enzymes, EcoRI, HpaI, and PstI, was used to reveal polymorphism both within and among some of the 10 populations tested, yielding 16 haplotypes in combination. The frequencies of these 16 haplotypes differed significantly across geographic regions, indicating some partitioning of mtDNA haplotypes. Estimates of mtDNA sequence divergence (δ) between haplotypes ranged from 0.016 to 0.135%, suggesting local differentiation of mtDNA in some populations. Analysis of these data suggests that Texas was colonized by more than one mtDNA lineage, most likely originating in Mexico. We hypothesize that a larger founder size for the initial introductions or high levels of variability in the parent population at the edge of the CPB expanding range led to the initial partitioning of haplotypes observed in samples from Texas.  相似文献   

Among the drimane compounds tested, the dialdehydes polygodial and warburganal were the most active as antifeedants against Colorado potato beetle larvae, Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), in a dual-choice assay with potato, Solanum tuberosum L., leaf discs. Lactones were less effective. Direct observations showed that decreased feeding on leaf discs treated with polygodial and warburganal was accompanied by increased locomotry activity. Topical application of these two compounds on the insect's cuticle decreased food intake of untreated leaf discs, indicating that besides deterrent effects, toxic properties of these molecules influence feeding behaviour.  相似文献   

Some components of the food-related behaviour (biting, feeding, walking on the plant or walking elsewhere, and resting) of two North American and three European Colorado potato beetle (CPB) populations, on six solanaceous plant species were monitored with the help of a microcomputer-based program, testing the hypothesis whether populations showed differences at the behavioural level to alternative host plants (S. melongena, S. dulcamara, andLycopersicon esculentum), as well as to non-host plants occasionally encountered (S. luteum, S. nigrum.). The few significant differences found were among populations of the same continent in 1) the number of activities monitored, 2) the duration of feeding periods, 3) the number of bites taken to the onset of feeding, 4) the ‘amount of behavioural plasticity’, and 5) the ‘behavioural diversity’. On the basis of two-way ANOVA analyses, no plant-by-population interactions were detected indicating that the CPB populations studied did not have specific relationships with any of the plant species tested. The lack of substantial differences in food-related behaviour was unexpected since considerable isolation in space and time exists between the populations occurring on the two continents.  相似文献   

In order to isolate new pathogens (viruses, microsporidia, etc.) or to evaluate the efficiency of some pathogens (serovarieties and mutants of Bacillus thuringiensis, fungi, etc.) in the control of Colorado potato beetle, an economically important pest, we established four cell lines from tissues of this insect. One was initiated from embryonated egg fragments in the M3 medium supplemented with 20% fetal bovine serum (FBS) and then transferred after several passages to the Ex-Cell 400 medium with 20% FBS. Another was initiated from larval hemocytes in Ex-Cell 400 with 5% FBS. Finally, two other cell lines were initiated from adult hemocytes: one in the Ex-Cell 400 with 20% FBS and 1% of lipid mixture and the other in the Ex-Cell 400 with 5% FBS only. These cell lines have been characterized by their morphology with light and electron microscopy, their karyotypes, cell growth, and isozyme analysis. Each cell line differed in morphologic, karyologic, growth, and isozyme patterns. The cell line initiated from embryonated eggs was growing slower than the three initiated from hemocytes. The cytotoxicity of solubilized crystal delta-endotoxins from different B. thuringiensis formulations (M-One, Trident, MYX-1806, Teknar-HPD, and Thuricide) and of destruxins, mycotoxins from Metarhizium anisopliae, was tested on these cell lines. They are sensitive to the solubilized toxins of some strains of B. thuringiensis (serovar. San Diego and serovar. tenebrionis) and to destruxins, and they can be used for the bioassay and detection of toxins and for the study of the mechanism of their action on coleopteran cells.  相似文献   

The defensive mechanisms of the wild potato, solanum berthaultii Hawkes, to larvae of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), were studied by selective removal of glandular trichomes and trichome exudates from leaflets, and by comparing performance on S. berthaultii and on the cultivated potato, S. tuberosum L., which lacks defensively active type A and B glandular trichomes. Removal of type A trichomes increased the proportion of larvae that fed on S. berthaultii. Removal of the exudate from type B trichomes increased the proportion of larvae that fed and led to a decrease in mortality. The predominant active compounds in type B exudate, i.e. fatty acid esters of sucrose, were only effective in the presence of type A trichomes. Sucrose esters did not affect larval feeding on S. tuberosum leaflets or on S. berthaultii leaf discs from which the type A trichomes had been removed. Growth of surviving larvae was not significantly affected by removing type A trichomes or type B exudate. Growth of larvae was significantly increased when S. berthaultii leaflets were presented in artificial diet which eliminated the physical barrier of the type B stalks. Growth was no different on artificial diet containing either S. berthaultii or S. tuberosum leaf material (fresh or lyophilized powder) but was poorer on these diets than on S. tuberosum leaflets. The presence of type A trichomes is a fundamental requirement for expression of S. berthaultii resistance to L1 L. decemlineata. Type B droplets containing sucrose esters increase the expression of resistance in the presence of defensively-active type A trichomes.
Résumé Les mécanismes de défense de la pomme de terre sauvage, S. berthaultii Hawkes, aux larves de Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say, ont été étudiés par ablation sélective des trichomes glandulaires et par l'élimination de leur exsudat des folioles, et par comparaison avec S. tuberosum L. qui a perdu les trichomes glandulaires défensifs A et B. L'ablation des trichomes A a augmenté la proportion de larves ayant consommé S. berthaultii. L'élimination de l'exsudat des trichomes B a augmenté la proportion de consommatrices et réduit la mortalité. Les principaux composés actifs de l'exsudat B, c'est-à-dire des esters d'acides gras de sucrose, n'étaient actifs qu'en présence de trichomes A. Les esters de sucrose n'ont pas modifié la consommation larvaire sur folioles de S. tuberosum, ou sur disques de feuilles de S. berthaultii dont les trichomes A avaient été enlevés. La croissance des larves survivantes n'a pas été modifiée significativement par l'ablation des trichomes A ou l'élimination de l'exsudat de B. La croissance des larves a été significativement augmentée quand les folioles de S. berthaultii ont été incorporés dans l'aliment artificiel après élimination de la barrière physique due aux pédoncules B. La croissance a été de même importance sur aliments artificiels contenant des feuilles (fraiches ou en poudre lyophylisée) de S. berthaultii ou de S. tuberosum, mais plus faible que sur folioles de S. tuberosum. La présence de trichomes A est indispensable à la résistance de S. berthaultii aux L, de L. decemlineata. Les gouttelettes de type B contenant des esters de sucrose augmentent l'expression de la résistance en présence d'une défense active par trichomes A.

Emergence of adults of Edovum puttleri Grissell (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) has a diel periodicity: most emergence occurred within 2 h of lights on (16L:8D, 24±1°C). Males emerged 2.0±3.0 h prior to females, and soon thereafter mated with emerging females. Courtship behavior did not differ between the Colombian and Mexican biotypes and was similar to that of members of the eulophid subfamily Tetrastichinae. The preoviposition period and oviposition period did not differ between biotypes. Males and females of both biotypes were long-lived, with the longevity of females of the Mexican biotype being significantly longer than that of Colombian females. males of both biotypes lived equally long. Mexican females produced more offspring than Colombian females, although this difference was not significant. After approximately 3 weeks, production of female offspring declined in both biotypes. A single mating was sufficient for females to produce a full complement of female offspring. Head capsule width of females correlated positively with fecundity.
Résumé L'émergence des adultes de E. puttleri Grissell (Hymen.: Eulophidae) présente une périodicité quotidienne, la plupart de émergences ayant lieu dans les deux premières heures de la photophase (16L/8D, 24°±1°C). Les mâles apparaissent 2±3 h avant les femelles, et s'accouplant immédiatement avec les femelles émergentes. Les biotypes mexicains et columbiens ont le même comportement de cour, qui correspond à celui décrit pour les Tetrastichini et pour les Entedontinae. Il en est de même pour la durée, d'une part des périodes précédent la ponte (3,7 ±2,8 j), et d'autre part de la ponte elle-même (25,1 ±4,5 j). Les adults des deux biotypes vivent longtemps, mais les femelles mexicaines vivent plus longtemps (57,4±18 j) que les colombiennes (46,2±14,8 j); les longévités des mâles sont identiques (45,7 ±18 j). Les femelles mexicaines produisent apparemment plus d'oeufs (221,2±29,5) que les colombiennes (166,6±58,1), mais ces différences ne sont pas significatives. Après trois semaines environ la production de descendants régresse chez les deux types. Un seul accouplement suffit à produire le contingent total de filles. La largeur de la capsule céphalique des femelles est liée positivement à leur fécondité.

The paths of Colorado beetles (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say)in a featureless environment are circular. This behavior is explained by an internal asymmetry. To stabilize the path, the fixation reaction or the optomotor response must work against this asymmetry. The turning behavior was examined in stationary patterns of vertical stripes different at spatial wavelengths (). The internal asymmetry was tested in a horizontally striped pattern. A stable fixation reaction was found only for 120 °. The results suggest that larger intrinsic turning tendencies shifts the stable point of the fixation reaction. The same vertically striped patterns were rotated to examine the following reaction of the beetle. It is concluded that the fixation component of the response of these insects, in particular, does not differ in the two situations.  相似文献   

为明确降水在中国新疆地区对马铃薯甲虫分布的影响,揭示制约马铃薯甲虫分布扩散的关键环境因子,为马铃薯甲虫的持续防控和综合治理提供理论依据。该研究结合新疆历史降水数据,对马铃薯甲虫现有分布区内的降水时空格局展开分析,比较了马铃薯甲虫危害程度与降水时空格局的关系。结果表明:马铃薯甲虫现主要分布于新疆年降水量在150 mm以上地区,早期定殖的地区降水量大于后期定殖区,其扩散方向为自西向东,同时年降水量也逐渐减少。马铃薯甲虫危害程度也随着经度增加而递减,早期发现马铃薯甲虫的地区受危害程度较重。降水量减少导致的水分缺乏对马铃薯甲虫的分布扩散具有一定的制约作用。  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that the Colorado potato beetle (CPB) (Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say)) depends, at least partially, on cysteine proteinases for protein digestion. Midgut homogenates of CPB larvae have a mildly acidic pH and exhibit major proteolytic activity in the mildly acidic pH range. This proteolytic activity is activated by reducing agents, is inhibited by E-64 (a specific cysteine proteinase inhibitor), and is not inhibited by serine proteinase inhibitors. In addition, consumption of E-64 treated potato leaves by CPB larvae at rates as low as 0.8 g/cm2 of leaf tissue has a deleterious effect on larval growth and development.
Résumé Les protéinases intestinales des larves de Leptinotarsa decemlineata sont en partie caractérisées par les pH limitant leur activité, et par l'effet d'inhibiteurs de protéinases de spécificités connues. Les protéinases ont été testées avec la méthémoglobine tritiée comme substrat et nous avons déterminé les taux relatifs de peptides radioactives TCA solubles, libérées, dans des conditions précises, pour des pH compris entre 2,0 et 12,0. Le taux le plus élevé d'activité protéolytique a été observé pour des pH 5,0 à 6,0, bien qu'il y ait eu une activité appréciable aux pH 4,0 et 8,0. Parmi les inhibiteurs examinés, le E-64, inhibiteur protéinase cystéine très sélectif, a été le plus efficace sur l'activité protéinase. La pepstatine, inhibiteur protéinase aspartique, a été actif, mais seulement dans une gamme plus moin de pH. Les inhibiteurs protéinase sérine, ont été pratiquement inactifs sur l'activité protéinase.Chez des larves de doryphores nourries de feuilles de pommes de terre traitées avec différentes concentrations de E-64 ou de pepstatine, la consommation de E-64 a retardé fortement la croissance larvaire et le développement, la pepstatine a provoqué un retard du développement plus limitée.Nos résultats suggèrent que le doryphore dépend, tout au moins partiellement, des protéinases cystéine pour l'assimilation des protéines.

Summary The ultrastructure of seven types of neurosecretory cells (NSC) in the medial and lateral groups of the protocerebrum is described. The differences among cell types established earlier by light microscopy parallel differences in size and appearance of the neurosecretory particles observed in electron micrographs. No relationship was found between the affinity for Gomori's paraldehyde fuchsin stain and the nature of the particles.The secretions of the A-, A1-, and C-types of NSC of the medial group are characterized by electron-dense neurosecretory granules of 1250 Å dia., medium-dense granules of 2100 Å, and electron-lucent vesicles of 1700 Å, respectively. The L-type NSCof the lateral group contain smaller (1300 Å) or larger (1700 Å) neurosecretory granules. The medial B- and E-types of NSC and the lateral LB-type contain granulated vesicles (1200 Å) of the same appearance. These cell types differ in other respects and most likely have separate functions.The author wishes to thank the Laboratory of Virology of the Agricultural University for the use of the electron microscope, Mr. J. Groenewegen and Miss J. van Rinsum for technical assistance, and Professor J. Lattin for correcting the English text. Part of the work has been done while the author was in the service of the Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Pure Research (ZWO, grant 942-48), and the National Council for Agricultural Research (TNO).  相似文献   

A short critical review is given on the literature of host plant finding in phytophagous insects with main emphasis on the Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say, col.: Chrysomelidae). The literature data are compared with the results of field experiments: (1) the foraging behaviour of adults was observed in a field arena on bare ground, and (2) adults were released in closed plant stands and recaptured by potted potato plants. It is concluded that host plant finding is a chance event in this species. The observed high directionality of move must be an adaptation increasing probability of host finding. Implications on population dynamics and agricultural practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Using a servosphere (locomotion compensator), locomotory behavior of Colorado potato beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) larvae was measured in detail in response to pulsed and non-pulsed odors of hostplant and conspecific pheromone. Second instars showed decreased straightness of movement, and all larvae showed decreased speed, in response to potato odor. Change in straightness by 2nd instars was also significantly affected by the interaction of pheromone and pulsing treatments. Fourth instars showed increased positive anemotaxis in response to the combined hostplant and pheromone odors. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of larval behavioral responses to adult pheromone in a holometabolous insect.  相似文献   

Abstract. Close-range interactions with plants and the early stages of feeding behaviour of adult Colorado potato beetles, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), were studied using beetles with and without various mouthpart sensilla. Representative host, potato (Solarium tuberosum) , and non-host, tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) , leaves were treated very differently by beetles with and without their galeal or palpal sensilla. Galeal sensilla were particularly important for beetles interacting with these two plants. Compared with normal beetles, fewer beetles without galeae fed on potato leaves, and those that did feed spent more time assessing the plant and took more bites before feeding. On tomtato, more beetles without galeae fed, spent less time assessing the plant and took fewer bites before feeding. Beetles without galeae also had lower consumption rates on potato and higher consumption rates on tomato. Beetles were very reluctant to feed on tomato if the galeae were present so removal of maxillary sensilla was studied only on potato. Without the sensilla on the maxillary palpi only the time between first touch and first bite was affected (lengthened). The importance of galeal sensilla in host recognition by this species and the implications for chemosensory studies are discussed here and in a companion paper.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Responses of galeal sensilla of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), to leaf sap from Solanum tuberosum and a number of other solanaceous and non-solanaceous plants are described. A single cell responds vigorously to expressed sap from S.tuberosum , -and even to ten-fold dilutions of expressed sap. The response is characterized by a high spike frequency, low phasic activity and a tonic phase which can last for tens of seconds. At 8 s following stimulus application the primary response is typically 50% of its original activity, indicating slow adaptation to the sap stimulus. The primary response varies little among multiple stimulations of single sensilla and among sensilla on the same animal. There is a secondary response to potato leaf sap from one or more cells which have low spike amplitudes. This is usually of much lower frequency than the response from the primary cell, and it is highly variable.
The prominent and reproducible single cell response to potato sap may be an important component in signalling the presence of a host plant. This hypothesis is tested using saps from two other species of Solanum which are hosts, and several solanaceous and non-solanaceous non-hosts. Responses of galeal sensilla to the three host-plants tested were qualitatively similar and reproducible while responses to the non-hosts were highly variable and qualitatively different from responses to host saps. These results are interpreted and discussed in the context of a possible mechanism for chemosensory coding of complex stimuli in the insect/plant relationship.
Analysis of the raw electrophysiological data required extensive use of a microcomputer and several programs were developed during the course of this study. The computer analyses are briefly described in the paper and additional information and copies of the programs are available from the authors.  相似文献   

Immunization of mice with crude or purified homogenates of brain and endocrine organs of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), generated antibodies against specific antigens in the insect tissue. Hybridomas were prepared and screened immunocytochemically for the production of monoclonal antibodies (MAB) that recognized specific cells and that were useful for neuroanatomical studies. A relatively high proportion of MABs recognized one or more cells or tissues in neuronal, neuroendocrine or nonneural compartments of the brain or in fatbody or haemocytes, using standard immunocytochemical procedures. We could make a clear differentiation in subsets of neurons (both normal and peptidergic) and neuron-specific neuroglial cells. A full account of the obtained responses is given. The preparation of the immunogen and the immunization protocol affects the selection of MABs produced. It is argued that not all possibilities have been exploited and that continued experiments would probably increase the number of selective MABs.
Résumé L'utilisation de techniques immunocytochimiques lors d'études neuro-anatomiques est encore dans l'enfance par suite de l'absence de données sur la chimie de structures spécifiques et, par conséquent, de l'absence d'anticorps spécifiques d'antigènes et de tissus. Nous apportons la preuve que de nombreuses substances réelles d'homogénats bruts de cerveaux sont de bons antigènes et que les souris peuvent être induites à produire des anticorps contre ceux-ci. Nous avons produit et testé de nombreux anticorps monoclonaux qui reconnaissent ces antigènes sur des lames de microscope, en utilisant des techniques immunocytochimiques courantes ou plus élaborées.Les immunogènes ont été préparés de différentes façons pour examiner si le taux de mélange de tissus du cerveau et/ou des ganglions associés et de glandes endocrines, et si les procédés ultérieurs de purification et d'immunisation, influeraient sur la spécificité des anticorps. L'intégralité de l'ensemble cerveau-glandes endocrines a été le plus immunogénique quand l'homogénat a subi le minimum de manipulations. Une grande diversité d'anticorps a été obtenue après des injections répétées chez la souris. Ces anticorps reconnaissent les épitopes dans toutes les catégories de tissus considérés, c'est-à-dire, les tissus spécifiquement nerveux, neuro-endocrines, et non nerveux. La purification progressive et le cross-linking des constituants de l'homogénat réduisent la variabilité des anticorps. Tout en l'espérant, on ne s'attendait pas à ce que les substances jusqu'alors dans des centres peptidergiques indéfinis fussent parmi les structures les plus souvent identifiées. Les chances de produire de tels anticorps spécifiques de peptides ont augmenté quand les tissus endocrines ont servi d'immunogènes.Nous avons résumé les types de tissus et de cellules mis en évidence par cette sélection d'anticorps monoclonaux. Nous soulignons que l'expérimentateur peut difficilement influencer les préférences du système immunologique de la souris, mais les anticorps produits jusqu'ici sont valables pour les études neuroanatomiques et pour la récolte d'antigènes intéressants à partir de procédés biochimiques de séparation. Il reste à explorer la spécificité sensu stricto des anticorps.

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