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Deinococcus radiodurans is one of the most radiation-resistant organisms known. It can repair hundreds of radiation-induced double-strand DNA breaks without loss of viability. Genome reassembly in heavily irradiated D. radiodurans is considered to be an error-free process since no genome rearrangements were detected after post-irradiation repair. Here, we describe for the first time conditions that frequently cause erroneous chromosomal assemblies. Gross chromosomal rearrangements have been detected in recA mutant cells that survived exposure to 5 kGy γ-radiation. The recA mutants are prone also to spontaneous DNA rearrangements during normal exponential growth. Some insertion sequences have been identified as dispersed genomic homology blocks that can mediate DNA rearrangements. Whereas the wild-type D. radiodurans appears to repair accurately its genome shattered by 5 kGy γ-radiation, extremely high γ-doses, e.g., 25 kGy, produce frequent genome rearrangements among survivors. Our results show that the RecA protein is quintessential for the fidelity of repair of both spontaneous and γ-radiation-induced DNA breaks and, consequently, for genome stability in D. radiodurans. The mechanisms of decreased genome stability in the absence of RecA are discussed.  相似文献   

It has been shown previously that the RecA protein of Deinococcus radiodurans plays a unique role in the repair of DNA damage in this highly DNA damage-resistant organism. Despite the high level of amino-acid identity, previous work has shown that Escherichia coli RecA does not complement D. radiodurans RecA mutants, further suggesting the uniqueness of D. radiodurans RecA. The work presented here shows that E. coli RecA does in fact provide partial complementation to a D. radiodurans RecA null mutant, suggesting that the RecA protein from D. radiodurans may not be as unique as believed previously.  相似文献   

Deinococcus radiodurans shows remarkable resistance to reactive oxygen species (ROS), generated by irradiation. Disruption of recX (dr1310) in D. radiodurans using targeted mutagenesis method enhanced its ROS scavenging activity, and recX overexpression in this bacterium repressed its antioxidant activity significantly. Further analyses on catalase and superoxide dismutase, two important antioxidant proteins in cells, showed that RecX could repress the induction of antioxidant enzymes, revealing that it negatively regulates the ROS scavenging activity in D. radiodurans.  相似文献   

A genomic DNA library of Deinococcus radiodurans DNA has been prepared using the plasmid vector pBR322. The recombinant plasmid was used to transform a more radiation-sensitive organism, Escherichia coli RR1. Following selection of transformed organisms by their ability to grow on ampicillin, radiation-resistant organisms were selected by irradiation with 137Cs gamma radiation. Increased radiation resistance correlates with the presence of a 3-kb fragment of DNA in these cells which is derived from D. radiodurans.  相似文献   

Physiologic determinants of radiation resistance in Deinococcus radiodurans   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Immense volumes of radioactive wastes, which were generated during nuclear weapons production, were disposed of directly in the ground during the Cold War, a period when national security priorities often surmounted concerns over the environment. The bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans is the most radiation-resistant organism known and is currently being engineered for remediation of the toxic metal and organic components of these environmental wastes. Understanding the biotic potential of D. radiodurans and its global physiological integrity in nutritionally restricted radioactive environments is important in development of this organism for in situ bioremediation. We have previously shown that D. radiodurans can grow on rich medium in the presence of continuous radiation (6,000 rads/h) without lethality. In this study we developed a chemically defined minimal medium that can be used to analyze growth of this organism in the presence and in the absence of continuous radiation; whereas cell growth was not affected in the absence of radiation, cells did not grow and were killed in the presence of continuous radiation. Under nutrient-limiting conditions, DNA repair was found to be limited by the metabolic capabilities of D. radiodurans and not by any nutritionally induced defect in genetic repair. The results of our growth studies and analysis of the complete D. radiodurans genomic sequence support the hypothesis that there are several defects in D. radiodurans global metabolic regulation that limit carbon, nitrogen, and DNA metabolism. We identified key nutritional constituents that restore growth of D. radiodurans in nutritionally limiting radioactive environments.  相似文献   

In a recent paper, Liu et al. documented the changes in gene expression as stationary phase Deinococcus radiodurans cultures recover from acute exposure to gamma radiation. Given that the biochemical details of the response of D. radiodurans to ionizing radiation are poorly understood, this work represents an important first step towards achieving an understanding of the ionizing radiation resistance in this species.  相似文献   

To evaluate the importance of RecA in DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair, we examined the effect of low and high RecA concentrations such as 2500 and 100 000 molecules per cell expressed from the inducible Pspac promoter in Deinococcus radiodurans in absence or in presence of IPTG respectively. We showed that at low concentration, RecA has a negligible effect on cell survival after gamma-irradiation when bacteria were immediately plated on TGY agar whereas it significantly decreased the survival to gamma-irradiation of DeltaddrA cells while overexpression of RecA can partially compensate the loss of DdrA protein. In contrast, when cells expressing limited concentration of RecA were allowed to recover in TGY2X liquid medium, they showed a delay in mending DSB, failed to reinitiate DNA replication and were committed to die during incubation. A deletion of irrE resulted in sensitivity to gamma-irradiation and mitomycin C treatment. Interestingly, constitutive high expression of RecA compensates partially the DeltairrE sensitization to mitomycin C. The cells with low RecA content also failed to cleave LexA after DNA damage. However, neither a deletion of the lexA gene nor the expression of a non-cleavable LexA(Ind-) mutant protein had an effect on survival or kinetics of DNA DSB repair compared with their lexA+ counterparts in recA+ as well as in bacteria expressing limiting concentration of RecA, suggesting an absence of relationship between the absence of LexA cleavage and the loss of viability or the delay in the kinetics of DSB repair. Thus, LexA protein seems to play no major role in the recovery processes after gamma-irradiation in D. radiodurans.  相似文献   

Deinococcus radiodurans R1 recovering from acute dose of gamma radiation shows a biphasic mechanism of DNA double-strand break repair. The possible involvement of microsequence homology-dependent, or non-homologous end joining type mechanisms during initial period followed by RecA-dependent homologous recombination pathways has been suggested for the reconstruction of complete genomes in this microbe. We have exploited the known roles of exonuclease I in DNA recombination to elucidate the nature of recombination involved in DNA double-strand break repair during post-irradiation recovery of D. radiodurans. Transgenic Deinococcus cells expressing exonuclease I functions of Escherichia coli showed significant reduction in gamma radiation radioresistance, while the resistance to far-UV and hydrogen peroxide remained unaffected. The overexpression of E. coli exonuclease I in Deinococcus inhibited DNA double-strand break repair. Such cells exhibited normal post-irradiation expression kinetics of RecA, PprA and single-stranded DNA-binding proteins but lacked the divalent cation manganese [(Mn(II)]-dependent protection from gamma radiation. The results strongly suggest that 3' (rho) 5' single-stranded DNA ends constitute an important component in recombination pathway involved in DNA double-strand break repair and that absence of sbcB from deinococcal genome may significantly aid its extreme radioresistance phenotype.  相似文献   

RecA protein is essential for the very high level of resistance of Deinococcus radiodurans to DNA damage induced by ionizing radiation or other DNA-damaging agents. Since the mechanism(s) involved in the control of recA expression and the extent of RecA induction following DNA damage in this species are still unclear, we have performed a genetic analysis of the recA locus and quantified the basal and induced levels of RecA protein in wild type, recA, and lexA mutants. We found that the two genes upstream of recA in the predicted cinA ligT recA operon appear to have no role in the regulation of recA expression or function, despite the fact that the reading frames in the operon overlap. By using a translational fusion of recA to a lacZ reporter gene, we showed that induction began with no delay following exposure to gamma-radiation or treatment with mitomycin, and continued at a constant rate until it reached a plateau. The induction efficiency increased linearly with inducer dose, levelling off at a concentration fourfold above the background. The basal concentration of RecA protein measured by Western blotting corresponded to approximately 11,000 monomers per cell, and the induced concentration to around 44,000 monomers per cell. These levels remained unchanged upon disruption of the lexA gene, indicating that LexA does not plays a role in recA regulation. However, inactivation of lexA caused cells to aggregate, suggesting that LexA may control the activity or expression of as yet undefined membrane functions. Cells bearing the recA670 mutation showed an elevated constitutive expression of recA in the absence of DNA damage. This phenotype did not result from the defect in DNA repair associated with the RecA670 protein, since the increased basal level of recA expression was also found in recA670/ recA(+) diploid cells that are proficient in DNA repair. These results suggest that RecA may be involved in regulating its own expression, possibly by stimulating proteolytic modification of other regulatory proteins.  相似文献   

The bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans is resistant to extremely high levels of DNA-damaging agents such as UV light, ionizing radiation, and chemicals such as hydrogen peroxide and mitomycin C. The organism is able to repair large numbers of double-strand breaks caused by ionizing radiation, in spite of the lack of the RecBCD enzyme, which is essential for double-strand DNA break repair in Escherichia coli and many other bacteria. The D. radiodurans genome sequence indicates that the organism lacks recB and recC genes, but there is a gene encoding a protein with significant similarity to the RecD protein of E. coli and other bacteria. We have generated D. radiodurans strains with a disruption or deletion of the recD gene. The recD mutants are more sensitive than wild-type cells to irradiation with gamma rays and UV light and to treatment with hydrogen peroxide, but they are not sensitive to treatment with mitomycin C and methyl methanesulfonate. The recD mutants also show greater efficiency of transformation by exogenous homologous DNA. These results are the first indication that the D. radiodurans RecD protein has a role in DNA damage repair and/or homologous recombination in the organism.  相似文献   

To study the effects of heat shock on Deinococcus radiodurans and the role of DNA repair in high temperature resistance, different strains of D. radiodurans (wild type, recA, irrE, and pprA) were treated with temperatures ranging from 40 to 100?°C under wet and dry conditions. The mutant strains were more sensitive to wet heat of ≥60?°C and dry heat of ≥80?°C than the wild type. Both wild-type and DNA repair-deficient strains were much more resistant to high temperatures when exposed in the dried state as opposed to cells in suspension. Molecular staining techniques with the wild-type strain revealed that cells in the dried state were able to retain membrane integrity after drying and subsequent heat exposure, while heat-exposed cells in suspension showed significant loss of membrane integrity and respiration activity. The results suggest that the repair of DNA damage (e.g., DNA double-strand breaks by RecA and PprA) is essential after treatment with wet heat at temperatures >60?°C and dry heat >80?°C, and the ability of D. radiodurans to stabilize its plasma membrane during dehydration might represent one aspect in the protection of dried cells from heat-induced membrane damage.  相似文献   

Ionizing radiation damages DNA and also induces oxidative stress, which can affect the function of proteins involved in DNA repair, thereby causing repair of DNA damage to become less efficient. We previously developed a mathematical model of this potentially synergistic relationship and applied it to γ-ray exposure data on the radiation-resistant prokaryote Deinococcus radiodurans. Here, we investigate the effects of radiation quality on these processes by applying the model to data on exposures of D. radiodurans to heavy ions with linear energy transfer (LET) of 18.5–11,300 keV/μm. The model adequately describes these data using three parameters combinations: radiogenic DNA damage induction, repair protein inactivation and cellular repair capacity. Although statistical uncertainties around best-fit parameter estimates are substantial, the behaviors of model parameters are consistent with current knowledge of LET effects: inactivation cross-sections for both DNA and proteins increase with increasing LET; DNA damage yield per unit of radiation dose also increases with LET; protein damage per unit dose tends to decrease with LET; DNA and especially protein damage yields are reduced when cells are irradiated in the dry state. These results suggest that synergism between oxidative stress and DNA damage may play an important role not only during γ-ray exposure, but during high-LET radiation exposure as well.  相似文献   

A multiprotein DNA processing complex isolated from Deinococcus radiodurans contains the DNA repair protein PprA, an ATP-type DNA repair ligase (LigB) encoded by the drB0100 gene, and protein kinase activity. An ATP-dependent DNA end-joining activity was detected in the complex. To elucidate the function of the drB0100 gene, we generated the deletion mutant for the DR_B0100 ORF. The mutant exhibited a nearly 2-log cycle reduction in growth rate when exposed to a 10,000 Gray dose of γ-radiation, and a significant loss in mitomycin C and methylmethane sulphonate tolerance as compared with wild type. Functional complementation of these phenotypes required the wild-type copy of drB0100 along with other genes such as drb0099 and drb0098, organized downstream in the operon. The in vitro DNA ligase activity of LigB was stimulated severalfold by PprA in the presence of the recombinant DRB0098 protein. However, this activity did not improve when PprA was substituted with purified DRB0099 protein or when DRB0098 protein was substituted with the DRB0099 protein in the presence of PprA in solution. These results suggest that PprA and DRB0098 protein are required for LigB function. Furthermore, they also suggest that the LigB operon components contribute to radiation resistance and double-strand break (DSB) repair in D. radiodurans.  相似文献   

Natural transformation, duplication insertion, and plasmid transformation in Deinococcus radiodurans, a bacterium that contains 4 to 10 chromosomes per cell, were studied. Duplication insertions were often heterozygous, with some chromosomes containing highly amplified insertions and others containing no insertions. Large amplified regions were apparently deleted by intrachromosomal recombination, generating as by-products extrachromosomal circles consisting of multiple tandem repeats of the amplified sequence. The circles were of heterogenous integer sizes, containing as many as 10 or more amplification units. Two strains that are defective in natural transformation and sensitive to DNA-damaging agents were further characterized. Both strains were defective in duplication insertion. While on strain was normal for plasmid transformation, the other was totally defective in this regard, suggesting that plasmid transfer in D. radiodurans may require recombinational functions.  相似文献   

Double-strand breaks in DNA can be repaired by homologous recombination including break-induced replication. In this reaction, the end of a broken DNA invades an intact chromosome and primes DNA replication resulting in the synthesis of an intact chromosome. Break-induced replication has also been suggested to cause different types of genome rearrangements.  相似文献   

Deinococcus radiodurans is extraordinarily resistant to DNA damage, because of its unusually efficient DNA repair processes. The mtcA+ and mtcB+ genes of D. radiodurans, both implicated in excision repair, have been cloned and sequenced, showing that they are a single gene, highly homologous to the uvrA+ genes of other bacteria. The Escherichia coli uvrA+ gene was expressed in mtcA and mtcB strains, and it produced a high degree of complementation of the repair defect in these strains, suggesting that the UvrA protein of D. radiodurans is necessary but not sufficient to produce extreme DNA damage resistance. Upstream of the uvrA+ gene are two large open reading frames, both of which are directionally divergent from the uvrA+ gene. Evidence is presented that the proximal of these open reading frames may be irrB+.  相似文献   

抗辐射菌中DNA损伤修复主要基因群的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
施美星  屠振力 《激光生物学报》2007,16(3):374-378,F0003
抗辐射红色球菌对电离辐射具有很高的放射线抵抗性,该菌具有惊人的DNA的二条链切断的修复能力,由辐射等引起的切断损伤DNA在几至十几小时内能高效正确地进行完全修复。在对切断的双链DNA进行修复时,除了大肠杆菌等生物在切断的双链DNA修复时出现的蛋白质以外,还有该菌所特有的修复蛋白质也参与修复。本文对该菌所特有的DNA二条链的切断损伤修复的主要基因及其相互作用进行了简要介绍。  相似文献   

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