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胚胎干细胞(ESC)建系取材包括桑椹胚的卵裂球、囊胚的内细胞团(ICM)、上胚层细胞和原始生殖细胞(PGCs),甚至从新生鼠睾丸细胞也分离得到ES样细胞.传统观念常常把ESC等同于ICM细胞,也有学者认为ESC更像上胚层细胞,而在已知的基因标记方面,ESC所具有的特征更接近体内早期生殖细胞.不清楚ESC最接近的体内细胞类型与本质,可能是制约许多品系小鼠和大多哺乳类动物建系成功率提高的原因之一.综述了胚胎多能性细胞、早期生殖细胞和ESC的研究进展及相互关系,发现ESC可源于多种细胞类型.目前仍难以确定ESC最接近的体内细胞类型,进一步应通过研究不同体内细胞类型源ESC系间的差异,以弄清ESC本质,为提高ESC建系效率提供理论支持.  相似文献   

西北农林科技大学、陕西省干细胞工程技术研究中心的徐小明、杨炜峰、窦忠英等先生对胚胎干细胞(embrgonicstemcells,ES)与胚胎生殖细胞(embryonicgermCells,EG)分别从附置前早期胚胎内细胞团(innercellmass,ICM)和早期胎儿生殖嵴原始生殖细胞(primordialgtrmcells,PGCs)分离克隆出来的一种具有自我更新、无限增殖能力,能分化成代表3个胚层组织细胞能力的干细胞、可对其进行遗传操作、选择和冻存不失其多能性。ES/EG应用于移植医学,在特定条件下可诱导其分化为特定细胞,并可在体外构建特定组织器官,如诱导分化为心肌细胞来治疗心肌梗…  相似文献   

影响鸡原始生殖细胞分离克隆因素的研究(简报)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
具有多向分化潜能的胚胎干细胞有两种来源:一是来自于早期胚胎内细胞团的胚胎干细胞(Em.bryonic Stem Cells,ESCs),另一种是来自于胚胎生殖腺原始生殖细胞(Primordial Germ Cells,PGCs)的胚胎生殖细胞(Embryonic Germ Cells,EGCs)。  相似文献   

胚胎干细胞有2种来源:一种来自于早期胚胎囊胚期内细胞团(inner cell mass,ICM)的胚胎干细胞(embryonic stem cells,ES细胞),另一种是来自胚胎生殖腺原始生殖细胞(primordial germ cells,PGCs)的胚胎生殖细胞(embryonic germ cells,EG细胞)。PGCs是生殖母细胞的前体细胞,是精子或卵子的祖先细胞。自Matsui等证实了PGCs同样可以作为胚胎干细胞的原材料之后,现已在人、小鼠、猪和鸡等多种动物的PGCs进行了分离培养并获得了EG细胞。现从形态特征和迁移、分离培养及鉴定方面对禽类EG细胞的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

多潜能胚胎性干细胞来源有两条途经,从植入前的早期胚胎内细胞团(inner cell mass,ICM)分离出来的称胚胎干细胞(embryonic stem cells,ES);从原始生殖细胞(primordial germ cells,PGCs)分离得到的称胚胎生殖细胞(embryonic germ cells,EG)。这两种干细胞在小鼠嵌合体实验中,都证明具有参与生殖系传递的能力。这类干细胞在体外保持  相似文献   

具有多向分化潜能的胚胎干细胞有两种来源:一是来自于早期胚胎内细胞团的胚胎干细胞(Em-bryonic Stem Cells,ESCs),另一种是来自于胚胎生殖腺原始生殖细胞(Primordial Germ Cells,PGCs)的胚胎生殖细胞(Embryonic Germ Cells,EGCs)。  相似文献   

小鼠原生殖细胞建系过程及其分化特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以小鼠8.5dpc、10.5dpc、12.5dpc胚胎为材料,分离其中包含PGC的胚胎组织,使其生长于饲养层细胞上,在生长因子LIF、SCF和bFGF的共同作用下存活增殖,形成PGC克隆,经过几次分散转移至新的饲养层细胞,产生稳定增殖的EG干细胞克隆,共建成5株EG细胞系,AKP染色以及oct-4基因表达产物的免疫荧光检测均显示阳性。EG1、EG2、EG3、EG4、EG5,分别来自8.5、10.5dpc的胚胎,没有得到长期培养的12.5dpc的EG细胞系。EG细胞系在有饲养层细胞或添加LIF的环境中可稳定传代,保持不分化状态,至少15代内正常核型细胞所占比例80%以上。去除抑制分化因素的前提下,悬浮培养的EG细胞形成胚体,分化出类似胚胎内胚层和外胚层的细胞结构;贴壁生长的胚体能产生不同类型的分化细胞,包括上皮细胞、成纤维细胞、神经细胞等。EG细胞在裸鼠体内形成畸胎瘤。以上结果证实我们建立的EG细胞系具发育多能性,为研究早期胚胎和生殖细胞生长分化提供了模型。  相似文献   

人胚胎干细胞(human embryonic stem cells,h ESCs)具有自我更新和分化的潜能,自成功建立细胞系以来学者们一直在改进建系方法和培养体系,如避免异源污染(基质胶的研究、无饲养层和无血清培养体系的研究等)以建立优质的细胞系,获得更高全能性的干细胞(采用不同小分子的组合培养干细胞或建系),这些研究已经取得巨大成果。现通过胚胎来源、内细胞团(inner cell mass,ICM)分离、h ESCs培养体系3个方面综述h ESCs建系的研究进展。  相似文献   

胚胎干细胞向造血细胞分化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘革修  张洹 《生命科学》2003,15(1):21-25
胚胎干(embryonic stem,ES)细胞是来源于囊胚的内细胞团(inner cell mass,ICM),具有发育的全能性或多能性,能嵌合到早期胚胎,在体内可以参与各种组织发育甚至包括生殖细胞;在体外分化培养条件下,可以顺序分化出各种组织细胞,与体内完整胚胎发育过程相符合,而且可以通过调节ES细胞某些基因的表达而调节其分化。因此,ES细胞是研究哺乳动物早期胚胎发育、细胞分化及其关键基因鉴定的理想模型。另外,胚胎生殖脊(embryonic germ,EG)细胞系也具有同样的生物学特性,它是由早期胚胎的原始生殖脊(primordial germ,PG)细胞建株而来。最近研究显示:ES细胞在体外不但可以分化为所有造血细胞系,而且还可以分化为具有长期增殖能力的造血干细胞。作者就胚胎干细胞向造血细胞和造血干细胞分化及其诱导因子和调控基因的表达作一综述。  相似文献   

胚胎干细胞技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胚胎干细胞是细胞工程重要的种子细胞,综述了获取胚胎干细胞的2种技术:以胚胎内细胞为来源的分离克隆技术、以原始生殖细胞为来源的分离克隆技术。并对2种技术做了简要的比较。  相似文献   

小鼠胚胎干细胞(ESC)在体外可以分化为多种细胞类型,其中包括各阶段的生殖细胞,甚至精细胞和成熟卵母细胞。ESC向生殖细胞分化的效率受到包括生长因子、激素和体细胞等多种因素的影响,在体外形成的是雌性配子还是雄性配子与ESC是XX型还是XY型没有必然联系。简要综述了小鼠生殖细胞在体内外的分化发育、性别决定和增殖等,并总结和展望了ESC向生殖细胞分化研究面临的问题和应用前景。  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cells: Problems and perspectives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Generation of human embryonic stem cell lines is one of the most important achievements in biological science in the 20th century. It has excited a wide scientific and social response, as embryonic stem cells (ESC) may, in the future, be regarded as an unlimited source of transplantation materials for replacement cell therapy. ESC lines are derived, cultured, inner cell mass from human blastocysts is used in the in vitro fertilization procedure. To date, human embryonic cell lines have been obtained in more than 20 countries. In our country, embryonic stem cell research is carried out in the Institute of Cytology, Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Gene Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences. Studies with human ESC go in several directions. Much attention is paid to finding the most optimal conditions for ESC cultivation, mainly to the development of cultivation techniques excluding animal feeder cells and other components of animal origin. Another direction is a large-scale analysis of gene expression specific to the embryonic state of cells and the corresponding signaling pathways. Great efforts are being focused on the directed differentiation of ESC into various tissue-specific cells. It has been shown that in vitro ESC are able to differentiate into virtually any somatic cells. Works are in progress to develop methods for “therapeutic cloning,” i.e. the transfer of somatic nuclei into enucleated oocytes or embryonic stem cell cytoblasts and their reactivation. Of great importance is the standardization of the human ESC lines. However, standard requirements for cells utilized for research or therapeutic purposes may be different. It has been found that many permanent human ESC lines underwent genetic and epigenetic variations. Therefore, the cell line genetic stability should be periodically verified. The main purpose of the review is to provide a detailed consideration of research on the genetic stability of human and mouse ESC lines. Human ESC lines established both in our country and others could not thus far be used in clinical practice. It is highly probable that undifferentiated ESCs cannot be applied for therapeutic purposes, as there is a risk of their malignant transformation. Therefore, main efforts should be focused on the production ESC progenitor and highly differentiated cells suitable for transplantation.  相似文献   

Derivation of human embryonic stem cell lines from parthenogenetic blastocysts   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
Mai Q  Yu Y  Li T  Wang L  Chen MJ  Huang SZ  Zhou C  Zhou Q 《Cell research》2007,17(12):1008-1019

人胚胎干细胞建系的研究现状与存在的问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人胚胎干细胞系的建立,对人类胚胎发生和人类发育生物学研究、人类新基因的发现和功能研究以及基因治疗、细胞和组织的移植治疗等领域的突破性进展具有重大意义;回顾了人胚胎干细胞建系研究的历程,就建系的几种方案、路线、意义和可行性进行了探讨;详细系统地说明了迄今为止建立人胚胎干细胞系所需要的饲养层类型、培养基组成、添加细胞因子种类及其作用;分析了建立和维持人胚胎干细胞系所需消化酶的种类及其作用以及目前常用的几种传代方法;从若干方面总结了人胚胎干细胞系的鉴定方法,并对建立和维持人胚胎干细胞系中存在的若干问题进行了剖析,提出了目前急待解决的问题。  相似文献   

Pluripotent stem cells, termed embryonic germ (EG) cells, have been generated from both human and mouse primordial germ cells (PGCs). Like embryonic stem (ES) cells, EG cells have the potential to differentiate into all germ layer derivatives and may also be important for any future clinical applications. The development of PGCs in vivo is accompanied by major epigenetic changes including DNA demethylation and imprint erasure. We have investigated the DNA methylation pattern of several imprinted genes and repetitive elements in mouse EG cell lines before and after differentiation. Analysed cell lines were derived soon after PGC specification, “early”, in comparison with EG cells derived after PGC colonisation of the genital ridge, “late” and embryonic stem (ES) cell lines, derived from the inner cell mass (ICM). Early EG cell lines showed strikingly heterogeneous DNA methylation patterns, in contrast to the uniformity of methylation pattern seen in somatic cells (control), late EG cell and ES cell lines. We also observed that all analysed XX cell lines exhibited less methylation than XY. We suggest that this heterogeneity may reflect the changes in DNA methylation taking place in the germ cell lineage soon after specification.  相似文献   

Three and four independent cell lines with limited pluripotency were obtained from the inner cell mass cells of blastocysts and primordial germ cells of common voles, respectively. The results of cytogenetic analysis suggest that all these lines originated from the embryos of F1 Microtus rossiaemeridionalis × M. arvalis males and had a great number of near-triploid cells already during the early passages. The cells of these lines, like those of the inner cell mass, were characterized by the alkaline phosphatase activity. Nine independent cell lines were obtained as a result of hybridization of the mouse embryonic stem cells and vole splenocytes: eight lines and one line from hybridization with the M. kirgisorum and M. rossiaemeridionalis splenocytes, respectively. The cells of these lines expressed some properties of embryonic stem lines had a chromosome complement similar to the sum of two initial diploid sets of the mouse and vole.  相似文献   

Pluripotent stem cell lines with similar phenotypes can be derived from both blastocysts (embryonic stem cells, ESC) and primordial germ cells (embryonic germ cells, EGC). Here, we present a compendium DNA microarray analysis of multiple mouse ESCs and EGCs from different genetic backgrounds (strains 129 and C57BL/6) cultured under standard conditions and in differentiation-promoting conditions by the withdrawal of Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF) or treatment with retinoic acid (RA). All pluripotent cell lines showed similar gene expression patterns, which separated them clearly from other tissue stem cells with lower developmental potency. Differences between pluripotent lines derived from different sources (ESC vs. EGC) were smaller than differences between lines derived from different mouse strains (129 vs. C57BL/6). Even in the differentiation-promoting conditions, these pluripotent cells showed the same general trends of gene expression changes regardless of their origin and genetic background. These data indicate that ESCs and EGCs are indistinguishable based on global gene expression patterns alone. On the other hand, a detailed comparison between a group of ESC lines and a group of EGC lines identified 20 signature genes whose average expression levels were consistently higher in ESC lines, and 84 signature genes whose average expression levels were consistently higher in EGC lines, irrespective of mouse strains. Similar analysis identified 250 signature genes whose average expression levels were consistently higher in a group of 129 cell lines, and 337 signature genes whose average expression levels were consistently higher in a group of C57BL/6 cell lines. Although none of the genes was exclusively expressed in either ESCs versus EGCs or 129 versus C57BL/6, in combination these signature genes provide a reliable separation and identification of each cell type. Differentiation-promoting conditions also revealed some minor differences between the cell lines. For example, in the presence of RA, EGCs showed a lower expression of muscle- and cardiac-related genes and a higher expression of gonad-related genes than ESCs. Taken together, the results provide a rich source of information about the similarities and differences between ESCs and EGCs as well as 129 lines and C57BL/6 lines. Such information will be crucial to our understanding of pluripotent stem cells. The results also underscore the importance of studying multiple cell lines from different strains when making comparisons based on gene expression analysis.  相似文献   

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