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Summary: Pre-nesting foundresses of Belonogaster petiolata (Degeer) displayed a continuous variation in body size and ovarian development, wherein the majority (96%) of females possessed well-developed or developing ovaries. The latter indicates that most foundresses, including those that ultimately become subordinates in multiple-foundress colonies, have the potential to lay eggs when they first initiate or join nests. Relatively small differences in ovarian development between associated females at the start of the nesting season became pronounced over the course of the pre-emergence and early pre-matrifilial period concurrently with the differentiation of their roles as queens or subordinates. In pre-matrifilial colonies, ovarian development of queens was significantly greater than that of subordinates. Dominance rank and ovarian development among subordinates in pre-matrifilial colonies were not correlated, probably due to advanced ovarian regression in these females. The majority (96.5%) of foundresses from three successive nesting seasons were inseminated and would therefore have been capable of laying female-producing (i.e. worker- and queen-destined) eggs. Although queens of B. petiolata were not significantly larger than subordinates, they were the largest females in 41% of colonies. Similarly, #-foundresses were larger on average than %-foundresses. This indicates that body size may contribute to social and reproductive dominance, but is probably of secondary importance compared with hormonal and nutritional factors. These and previously published findings from B. petiolata suggest that the fitness benefits of associating with other foundresses during colony foundation may be largely mutualistic, and favoured by individual selection in addition to kin selection.  相似文献   

Summary: The reproductive strategy between queen-right and orphaned colonies of Myrmica kotokui was compared. The ratio of orphaned colonies reached about 30 percent in the field. Although colony size was significantly smaller in orphaned colonies, the mean body size and mean ovariole length of the workers were significantly larger than those in queen-right colonies. The reproductive individuals in orphaned colonies were also significantly larger than those in queen-right colonies. Only 38.5 % of the orphaned colonies, however, contained eggs during the reproductive season, compared to 100 % of the queen-right colonies. This indicates that worker reproduction under natural conditions is relatively low, even in orphaned colonies.  相似文献   

Summary. The ability of worker ants to adapt their behaviour depending on the social environment of the colony is imperative for colony growth and survival. In this study we use the greenhead ant Rhytidoponera metallica to test for a relationship between colony size and foraging behaviour. We controlled for possible confounding ontogenetic and age effects by splitting large colonies into small and large colony fragments. Large and small colonies differed in worker number but not worker relatedness or worker/brood ratios. Differences in foraging activity were tested in the context of single foraging cycles with and without the opportunity to retrieve food. We found that workers from large colonies foraged for longer distances and spent more time outside the nest than foragers from small colonies. However, foragers from large and small colonies retrieved the first prey item they contacted, irrespective of prey size. Our results show that in R. metallica, foraging decisions made outside the nest by individual workers are related to the size of their colony.Received 23 March 2004; revised 3 June 2004; accepted 4 June 2004.  相似文献   

Broad bean (Vicia faba), an annual plant bearing extrafloral nectaries (EFN) at the base of the upper leaves, is regularly infested by two aphid species, Aphis fabae and Acyrthosiphon pisum. EFN and A. fabae are commonly attended by the ant, Lasius niger, while Ac. pisum usually remains uninfested. Sugar concentration and sugar composition of extrafloral nectar did not change significantly after aphid infestation. The sugar concentration was significantly higher in EFN (c. 271 µg µl-1) than in the honeydew of A. fabae (37.5 µg µl-1). The presence of small A. fabae colonies had no significant effect on ant attendance of EFN, which remained at the same level as that on plants without A. fabae. Obviously, there was no significant competitive effect between the two sugar sources. We suggest that the high sugar concentration in the extrafloral nectar may outweigh the higher quality (due to the presence of melezitose) and quantity of aphid honeydew. Ants and the presence of EFN influenced aphid colony growth. While A. fabae colonies generally grew better in the presence of ants, Ac. pisum colonies declined on plants with EFN or A. fabae colonies. We conclude that EFN may provide some degree of protection for V. faba against those sucking herbivores that are not able to attract ants.  相似文献   

Nesting is a critical yet hazardous life stage for many birds. For colonial‐breeding birds, the conspicuousness of the colony to predators suggests immense pressure to select optimal colonial nesting sites. But what drives selection of those sites? As with solitary nesting birds, reducing access by predators may be the single most important factor. If so, knowledge of the predators involved and the attributes of different potential colony sites can allow us to predict the features that make a site especially safe. We examined the attributes of trees used by breeding colonies of metallic starlings Aplonis metallica in tropical Australia, and experimentally tested if those attributes prevented nest access by predatory snakes. Our surveys confirmed that tree choice by starling nesting colonies is highly non‐random, with all colonies located in tall trees in rainforest clearings, with no low branches and smooth bark. Experimental tests demonstrated that the climbing ability of predatory snakes depends upon bark rugosity, and that colony access by snakes depends on tree attributes such as bark rugosity and canopy connectivity. Our study confirms that colonial‐nesting starlings select colony sites that provide a safe refuge from predation. Intense predation pressure may have driven the evolution of stringent breeding habitat criteria in many other species of colonial‐breeding birds.  相似文献   

In 1978, Oster and Wilson proposed a bang-bang investment strategy for social insects in which colony size at maturity amplifies colony reproduction. In this paper, the investment strategies of the monogyne form of the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, were compared to the predictions of the bang-bang model. Demographic census data, collected on fire ant mounds excavated every month during the years 1985 and 1988, revealed that colony reproduction was independent of colony size (~50,000 to ~250,000 workers). Why were mature S. invicta colonies up to five times larger than they needed to be to reproduce an annual batch of sexual offspring? To address this question, Oster and Wilson's bang-bang model was modified to a "yoyo-bang" investment strategy for perennial societies. In the yoyo-bang model, excess workers are a disposable reserve - a buffer - that can oscillate up or down depending on resource availability without adversely affecting annual reproductive cycles. The yoyo-bang model links colony size, colony survival and lifetime reproductive fitness.  相似文献   

Summary. As Lasius niger societies grow from incipient nests to mature colonies, their foraging strategies shift from the individual exploitation of food sources to mass recruitment. Colony size instead of age is the key factor that shapes the exploratory and foraging responses of Lasius niger: a drastic reduction (or increase) of the population elicits an activity profile similar to that observed in younger (or older) societies of the same size. As a colony grows, the proportion of patrollers significantly decreases while the proportion of conveyors remains rather constant. As regards the energetic return, it increases with incipient nest size due to the replacement of minims by ordinary workers of larger crop capacity. We also demonstrate that minims of incipient nests modulate their trail-laying behaviour according to the social context, in this case the colony size. During their ontogenesis, L. niger colonies exhibit a progressive integration of individual foragers into a network of communication, the adaptive significance of which is discussed.  相似文献   

The reproductive success of colonially breeding species depends in part upon a trade‐off between the benefit of a dilution effect against nestling predation within larger colonies and colony conspicuousness. However, there may be no net survivorship benefit of dilution if smaller colonies are sufficiently inconspicuous. This raises the question about how the size distribution of breeding colonies on a landscape might change as the predation danger for nestlings changes. In southwest British Columbia, Canada, bald eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus populations have increased exponentially at ~5% per year in recent decades and prey upon nestlings of colonial breeding great blue herons Ardea herodias faninni. Motivated by field data on reproductive success in relation to colony size, modeling is used to ask under which circumstances trading off a dilution benefit against colony conspicuousness can improve population reproductive success. That is, which colonial nesting distribution, dispersed and cryptic versus clumped and conspicuous, best mitigates predation danger on nestlings? When predators are territorial, the modeling predicts a dispersed nesting strategy as attack rate increases, but not as predator numbers increase. When predators are non‐territorial, the modeling predicts a dispersed nesting strategy as predator numbers and/or attack rates increase. When predators are both territorial and non‐territorial, colonial nesting within a predator's territory improves reproductive success when attack rates are low. This suggests nesting in association with territorial predators may offer decreased levels of predation when compared with nesting amongst non‐territorial predators. Thus a change in the colony size distribution of colonially breeding species might be anticipated on a landscape experiencing a change in predation danger.  相似文献   

The prevalence and impact of a specialized microfungal parasite (Escovopsis) that infects the fungus gardens of leaf-cutting ants was examined in the laboratory and in the field in Panama. Escovopsis is a common parasite of leaf-cutting ant colonies and is apparently more frequent in Acromyrmex spp. gardens than in gardens of the more phylogenetically derived genus Atta spp. In addition, larger colonies of Atta spp. appear to be less frequently infected with the parasite. In this study, the parasite Escovopsis had a major impact on the success of this mutualism among ants, fungi, and bacteria. Infected colonies had a significantly lower rate of fungus garden accumulation and produced substantially fewer workers. In addition, the extent of the reduction in colony growth rate depended on the isolate, with one isolate having a significantly larger impact than two others, suggesting that Escovopsis has different levels of virulence. Escovopsis is also spatially concentrated within parts of ant fungus gardens, with the younger regions having significantly lower rates of infection as compared to the older regions. The discovery that gardens of fungus-growing ants are host to a virulent pathogen that is not related to any of the three mutualists suggests that unrelated organisms may be important but primarily overlooked components of other mutualistic associations.  相似文献   

Summary: Workers of the ponerine ant, Paraponera clavata, grow allometrically, with the head disproportionately larger in larger workers. The anterior (clypeus)-posterior (occiput) dimension of the head capsule is allometric with the lateral (interocular) dimension, so that larger workers have elongate heads. The degree of head capsule allometry varies among colonies; this could result either from differences in colony maturity or from variation in developmental patterns among colonies. These data resolve a previously controversial issue concerning caste in Paraponera clavata.  相似文献   

Summary: We report data from a four-year field study on the relationship between colony size and reproduction in the western harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex occidentalis. In all years, the likelihood of reproduction significantly increased with increasing size in both field censuses during naturally-occurring mating flights and experimentally-watered colonies whose entire reproductive output was collected. However, the total amount of reproductive biomass was unrelated to colony size. We describe the size threshold for reproduction in P. occidentalis and show that it varies across years. Once colonies become reproductively mature, they reproduce consistently although not in every year. We describe a method for collecting the entire reproductive output for desert ants whose reproductive flights are cued by rainfall.  相似文献   

Queen number varies in the population of O. hastatus in SE Brazil. Here, we evaluate how nesting ecology and colony structure are associated in this species, and investigate how reproduction is shared among nestmate queens. Queen number per colony is positively correlated with nesting space (root cluster of epiphytic bromeliads), and larger nest sites host larger ant colonies. Plant samplings revealed that suitable nest sites are limited and that nesting space at ant-occupied bromeliads differs in size and height from the general bromeliad community. Dissections revealed that queens in polygynous colonies are inseminated, have developed ovaries, and produce eggs. Behavioral observations showed that reproduction in polygynous colonies is mediated by queen–queen agonistic interactions that include egg cannibalism. Dominant queens usually produced more eggs. Field observations indicate that colonies can be initiated through haplometrosis. Polygyny in O. hastatus may result either from groups of cofounding queens (pleometrosis) or from adoption of newly mated queens by established colonies (secondary polygyny). Clumping of bromeliads increases nest space and probably adds stability through a strong root system, which may promote microhabitat selection by queens and favor pleometrosis. Rainstorms that frequently knock down bromeliads can be a source of colony break-up and may promote polygyny. Bromeliads are limited nest sites and may represent a risk for young queens leaving a suitable nest, thus favoring secondary polygyny. Although proximate mechanisms mediating queen number are poorly understood, this study suggests that heterogeneous microhabitat conditions probably contribute to the coexistence of variable forms of social structure in O. hastatus.  相似文献   

Summary: Polistes dominulus (Christ), an old world paper wasp, was introduced accidentally into the eastern coast of the United States in the late 1970s and has been rapidly spreading westward, displacing the native P. fuscatus (F.). The biology of naturally nesting P. fuscatus and P. dominulus was compared at a field site in Rochester, Michigan. The basic methodology consisted of simultaneously videotaping spatially proximate, matched single-foundress colonies of P. fuscatus and P. dominulus (13 matched sets, 176.8 h of videography). In addition, extensive surveys and censuses were taken of colonies to record colony productivity, dates of nest initiation and first worker emergence, usurpation and parasitism.¶There was no evidence that P. dominulus is negatively impacting P. fuscatus through direct, agonistic encounters. However, P. dominulus is 4-5 times more productive than P. fuscatus, suggesting that P. dominulus is replacing P. fuscatus via exploitative competition. P. dominulus appears to have a number of advantages over P. fuscatus, including earlier production of workers, higher per capita foraging rates by queens and workers, higher queen survivorship, and lack of conspecific pressures. Nest site and/or prey availability may be limiting factors in the competition between the two species.  相似文献   

Down feathers and regurgitant were collected from nestling wood storks (Mycteria americana) from two inland and two coastal breeding colonies in Georgia. The stable isotopic ratios of carbon (13C/12C) and nitrogen (15N/14N) in these materials were analyzed to gain insights into the natal origins of juvenile storks and the foraging activities of adults. Down feathers differed in '13C between inland and coastal colonies, having average isotopic values that reflected the sources of carbon fixed in biomass at the base of the food web. Feathers from the inland colonies differed between colonies in '15N, while those from the coastal colonies did not. These patterns primarily reflected the foraging activities of parent storks, with individuals capturing differing percentages of prey of distinct trophic status at each colony. Collectively, the carbon and nitrogen isotopic signatures of feather keratin were used to distinguish nestlings from each colony, except for instances where storks from different colonies foraged in common wetlands. The stable isotopic composition of food items in regurgitant was used to reconstruct the trophic structure of the ecosystems in which wood storks foraged. Predicted foraging activities based on the isotopic composition of keratin were generally consistent with the percentage of prey types (freshwater vs. saltwater and lower trophic level vs. upper trophic level consumer) observed in regurgitant, except for the coastal colony at St. Simons Island, where the '13C of feathers strongly suggested that freshwater prey were a significant component of the diet. This inconsistency was resolved by aerial tracking of adults during foraging excursions using a fixed-wing aircraft. Observed foraging activities supported interpretations based on the stable isotope content of feathers, suggesting that the latter provided a better record of overall foraging activity than regurgitant analysis alone. Observed foraging patterns were compared to the predictions of a statistical model that determined habitat utilization based on habitat availability using a geographic information system (GIS) database. Observed foraging activities and those predicted from feathers both suggested that some adult storks preferred to feed their young freshwater prey, even when saltwater resources were more accessible in the local environment. This conclusion supports the contention that wood stork populations are sensitive to changes in the distribution of freshwater habitats along the southeastern coastal plain of the United States.  相似文献   

The effects of herbivory on plant fitness are integrated over a plant??s lifetime, mediated by ontogenetic changes in plant defense, tolerance, and herbivore pressure. In symbiotic ant?Cplant mutualisms, plants provide nesting space and food for ants, and ants defend plants against herbivores. The benefit to the plant of sustaining the growth of symbiotic ant colonies depends on whether defense by the growing ant colony outpaces the plant??s growth in defendable area and associated herbivore pressure. These relationships were investigated in the symbiotic mutualism between Cordia alliodora trees and Azteca pittieri ants in a Mexican tropical dry forest. As ant colonies grew, worker production remained constant relative to ant-colony size. As trees grew, leaf production increased relative to tree size. Moreover, larger trees hosted lower densities of ants, suggesting that ant-colony growth did not keep pace with tree growth. On leaves with ants experimentally excluded, herbivory per unit leaf area increased exponentially with tree size, indicating that larger trees experienced higher herbivore pressure per leaf area than smaller trees. Even with ant defense, herbivory increased with tree size. Therefore, although larger trees had larger ant colonies, ant density was lower in larger trees, and the ant colonies did not provide sufficient defense to compensate for the higher herbivore pressure in larger trees. These results suggest that in this system the tree can decrease herbivory by promoting ant-colony growth, i.e., sustaining space and food investment in ants, as long as the tree continues to grow.  相似文献   

Ian Billick 《Oecologia》2002,132(2):244-249
While it is commonly assumed that variation in worker sizes within a single ant colony increases colony efficiency, there is little causal evidence of a link between worker size variation and colony performance. I tested whether the range of worker sizes within colonies of the ant species Formica neorufibarbis affected new worker production. Removing large workers from colonies lowered the rate of new worker production. A study of unmanipulated colonies indicated that colonies did not maintain a full range of worker sizes; mean worker head widths varied from 0.89-1.24 mm. Colonies naturally missing large workers did not have lower rates of worker production, suggesting that the relative size, not the absolute size, of workers within colonies was important. These are the first results to directly link the range of worker sizes to a component of colony fitness in a natural setting.  相似文献   

Phaeocystis was cultured at a range of ecologically significantdaily irradiances under nutrient-replete conditions. Below athreshold of 100 W h m–1 day–1, the cells were smalland flagellated, and remained solitary. Above this threshold,the cells were larger and able to form colonies. Growth rateand colony formation were maximum at sea surface irradiances(>700 W h m–2 day–2). Presumably, colonial growthis a strategy to maintain optimum growth rates in the watercolumn. Sinking, nutrient-stressed colonies reach low irradiancesand colonial cells can transform into small solitary flagellatedcells. These observations are important in understanding theecology and life cycle of Phaeocystis.  相似文献   

Thomas Ranius 《Oecologia》2001,126(2):208-215
A species rich beetle fauna is associated with old, hollow trees. Many of these species are regarded as endangered, but there is little understanding of the population structure and extinction risks of these species. In this study I show that one of the most endangered beetles, Osmoderma eremita, has a population structure which conforms to that of a metapopulation, with each tree possibly sustaining a local population. This was revealed by performing a mark-release-recapture experiment in 26 trees over a 5-year period. The spatial variability between trees was much greater than temporal variability between years. The population size was on average 11 adults tree-1 year-1, but differed widely between trees (0-85 adults tree-1 year-1). The population size in each tree varied moderately between years [mean coefficient of variation (C.V.)=0.51], but more widely than from sampling errors alone (P=0.008, Monte Carlo simulation). The population size variability in all trees combined, however, was not larger than expected from sampling errors alone in a constant population (C.V.=0.15, P=0.335, Monte Carlo simulation). Thus, the fluctuations of local populations cancel each other out when they are added together. This pattern can arise only when the fluctuations occur asynchronously between trees. The asynchrony of the fluctuations justifies the assumption usually made in metapopulation modelling, that local populations within a metapopulation fluctuate independently of one another. The asynchrony might greatly increase persistence time at the metapopulation level (per stand), compared to the local population level (per tree). The total population size of O. eremita in the study area was estimated to be 3,900 individuals. Other localities sustaining O. eremita are smaller in area, and most of these must be enlarged to allow long-term metapopulation persistence and to satisfy genetic considerations of the O. eremita populations.  相似文献   

Yarrowia lipolytica KCCM50506, which transforms isobutyric acid to L-#-hydroxy isobutyric acid (L-#-HIBA), was screened. Chemostat cultures were carried out in jar fermentors at dilution rates of 0.02 hу to 0.12 hу. L-#-HIBA fermentation-regulating factors were determined to be specific growth rate, and concentrations of glucose and isobutyric acid in fermentor from analysis of steady-state data. The specific productivity of L-#-HIBA increased as the specific growth rate increased, apparently as a growth-associated type of product formation. A fed-batch culture was carried out under optimum conditions where the concentrations of glucose and isobutyric acid in the fermentor were maintained at 23 g lу and 9 g lу, respectively. The concentrations of cells and L-#-HIBA obtained at the end of fermentation were 20 g lу and 49 g lу, respectively, corresponding to 2.0 and 2.7 times more than concentrations in batch culture.  相似文献   

Shoot and leaf growth rate as well as shoot hydraulic conductance per unit leaf area (KSL) were measured on three evergreen (Viburnum tinus L., Prunus laurocerasus L., Laurus nobilis L.) and three deciduous (Corylus avellana L., Juglans regia L., Castanea sativa L.) trees growing under the same environmental conditions. The times required to complete shoot growth (27 days for P. laurocerasus to 51 days for V. tinus) and leaf expansion (24 days for C. sativa to 42 days for C. avellana) were very different among the studied species. These species also differed in KSL that ranged between 1.5 and 3.5 e-4 kg s-1 m-2 MPa-1 in C. avellana and C. sativa, respectively, with intermediate values recorded in the other species. A strong, negative and statistically significant correlation was found to exist between KSL and the time required for complete leaf expansion. This suggests that duration of leaf growth is shortened by the high hydraulic efficiency of the shoot. In contrast, no statistically significant relationship was found to exist between KSL and shoot growth rate. Whether a high leaf growth rate can be interpreted as advantageous to plants or it is only an epiphenomenon of the high efficiency in the vertical water transport is discussed.  相似文献   

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