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The abundance and composition of seed rain was measured over 14 months (February 2004 to March 2005) in Currawinya National Park, western Queensland. The experimental design included four measurement periods, three vegetation communities and two grazing regimes. A total of 12 586 seeds from 104 species were captured. There were significantly more seeds and species captured during the measurement period with the least rainfall, although no significant correlation was found between the amount of rainfall and the number of seeds or species captured. More seeds and species were captured where native and feral grazing pressure was removed, but this was only significant for the number of species. The above‐ground vegetation showed no significant difference between grazing treatments over the study period and exhibited far fewer species than the seed rain. However, the majority of species found in the above‐ground vegetation were represented in the seed rain. Hypotheses are explored as an attempt to understand the apparent lack of a relationship between seed rain and rainfall. The effects of grazing and seed movement and storage are also discussed.  相似文献   

Among diplopods with desert populations, only three species of Spirostreptida have been studied in an ecological context. The present review compares regional environments, life-history patterns, and uses of habitat by Orlhoporus ornatus (Girard) from southwestern North America, Archispirostreptus tumuliporus judaicus (Attems) from the eastern Mediterranean seaboard, and Harpagophora nigra (Attems) from southwestern Africa. Published and unpublished studies are used to explore evidence for convergence among these species, as opposed to traits adapting them to physical aspects of given regions or habitats. Unlike A. t. judaicus, O. ornatus and H. nigra are relatively restricted to arid habitats, although populations of all three species experience a variety of rainfall regimes and regional topographies. Where studied, O. ornatus and H. nigra hibernate during the long, often cool or cold dry season; they forage following warm-season rains. A. t. judaicus , in contrast, forages during its long, warm dry season and hibernates in the cool, wet winter. Populations from the Judaean and Negev deserts differ from those inhabiting a mesic habitat (Megiddo) closer to the coast in regard to rates of development, seasonal activity and seasonal water balance. Convergence in the form of well-developed desiccation resistance characterizes the two strictly desert species. All three species, together with other subtropical millipedes exposed to long dry seasons, are convergent with respect to patterns of diel surface activity and use of shelter. However species- and habitat-specific life-history features such as the seasonal timing of dormancy and emergence tend to mask convergence at the habitat level. Hence, the independent evolution of the three species with desert populations has resulted in life histories and habitat use that combine a moderate amount of convergence with considerable opportunistic adaptation to regional and local conditions.  相似文献   

Arid environments are characterized by limited and variable rainfall that supplies resources in pulses. Resource pulsing is a special form of environmental variation, and the general theory of coexistence in variable environments suggests specific mechanisms by which rainfall variability might contribute to the maintenance of high species diversity in arid ecosystems. In this review, we discuss physiological, morphological, and life-history traits that facilitate plant survival and growth in strongly water-limited variable environments, outlining how species differences in these traits may promote diversity. Our analysis emphasizes that the variability of pulsed environments does not reduce the importance of species interactions in structuring communities, but instead provides axes of ecological differentiation between species that facilitate their coexistence. Pulses of rainfall also influence higher trophic levels and entire food webs. Better understanding of how rainfall affects the diversity, species composition, and dynamics of arid environments can contribute to solving environmental problems stemming from land use and global climate change.  相似文献   



Desert ecosystems, with their harsh environmental conditions, hold the key to understanding the responses of biodiversity to climate change. As desert community structure is influenced by processes acting at different spatial scales, studies combining multiple scales are essential for understanding the conservation requirements of desert biota. We investigated the role of environmental variables and biotic interactions in shaping broad and fine‐scale patterns of diversity and distribution of bats in arid environments to understand how the expansion of nondesert species can affect the long‐term conservation of desert biodiversity.


Levant, Eastern Mediterranean.


We combine species distribution modelling and niche overlap statistics with a statistical model selection approach to integrate interspecific interactions into broadscale distribution models and fine‐scale analysis of ecological requirements. We focus on competition between desert bats and mesic species that recently expanded their distribution into arid environment following anthropogenic land‐use changes.


We show that both climate and water availability limit bat distributions and diversity across spatial scales. The broadscale distribution of bats was determined by proximity to water and high temperatures, although the latter did not affect the distribution of mesic species. At the fine‐scale, high levels of bat activity and diversity were associated with increased water availability and warmer periods. Desert species were strongly associated with warmer and drier desert types. Range and niche overlap were high among potential competitors, but coexistence was facilitated through fine‐scale spatial partitioning of water resources.

Main conclusions

Adaptations to drier and warmer conditions allow desert‐obligate species to prevail in more arid environments. However, this competitive advantage may disappear as anthropogenic activities encroach further into desert habitats. We conclude that reduced water availability in arid environments under future climate change projections pose a major threat to desert wildlife because it can affect survival and reproductive success and may increase competition over remaining water resources.  相似文献   

中国西部干旱地区啮齿动物多样性分布格局   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
周立志  马勇 《生物多样性》2002,10(1):T001-T003
在系统整理我国西部干旱地区啮齿动物的分布资料,获得物种分布范围的基础上,应用GIS软件,基于等面积栅格系统,研究啮齿动物的等级多样性,探讨啮齿动物物种的区域分化特征。结果表明,祁连山地和北塔山、伊犁天山、阿拉套山和阿尔泰山地,以及贺兰山地等处的啮齿动物的属数最高;塔里木盆地中心和藏北高原的属数最低。阿尔泰山南麓、伊犁天山和东祁连山地的啮齿动物科数最多;塔里木盆地中心和藏北高原的科数较少。在青藏高原的周边,寒漠与温性荒漠、荒漠与山地、高原与盆地、荒漠与草原、山地与草原等景观的交界处,多样性指数较高。蒙新荒漠区的啮齿动物的属科数比相对较高,青藏高原的属科数比值较低,但青藏高原的种属数比值相对较高,而且GF指数亦较高。  相似文献   

甘肃石羊河流域干旱荒漠区花棒蒸腾耗水量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了甘肃石羊河流域干旱荒漠区天然生长条件下花棒的蒸腾耗水规律.结果表明:花棒木质部液流速率随探针插入深度的加大呈“高-低”变化趋势;主根直径较小的花棒各位点的平均液流速率上升速度较快,变幅较大;不同主根直径花棒的液流量相差较大,但变化趋势较为一致,即昼夜变幅较大,夜间液流量较小,白天液流量较大,呈多峰曲线;日液流量与蒸发蒸腾量ET0呈线性相关,蒸腾耗水主要在6-9月,占生长季总蒸腾量的79.04%;花棒生长后期日液流量与0—50cm深沙层含水量呈显著相关,与其它层含水量无明显相关性;气象因素对花棒树干液流量影响的大小表现为日均气温〉空气水汽压差〉风速.  相似文献   

干旱、半干旱环境降水脉动对生态系统的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
干旱、半干旱环境降水事件通常以脉动的形式发生,其发生时间、持续时间以及降水强度均具有较大变异性,降水事件的间断性和不可预知特征导致土壤水分与养分等关键资源的获得也呈不连续的脉动状态.资源脉动对生态系统的影响涉及个体、种群、甚至群落各个尺度.本文从干旱、半干旱环境资源脉动对生态系统的影响,以及生态系统对脉动事件的响应两方面系统综述了近年来的最新研究进展.指出国内外在资源脉动特征对生态系统的影响、不同生态系统资源脉动效应之间存在的差异、影响资源脉动持续时间的生态水文机制、资源可获得性对生态过程的影响等方面的研究尚处于尝试阶段,在全球气候变化、降水格局显著改变背景下,干旱区不同时空尺度资源脉动影响和生态系统响应是未来的研究重点.  相似文献   

We used a climate‐driven regression model to develop spatially resolved estimates of soil‐CO2 emissions from the terrestrial land surface for each month from January 1980 to December 1994, to evaluate the effects of interannual variations in climate on global soil‐to‐atmosphere CO2 fluxes. The mean annual global soil‐CO2 flux over this 15‐y period was estimated to be 80.4 (range 79.3–81.8) Pg C. Monthly variations in global soil‐CO2 emissions followed closely the mean temperature cycle of the Northern Hemisphere. Globally, soil‐CO2 emissions reached their minima in February and peaked in July and August. Tropical and subtropical evergreen broad‐leaved forests contributed more soil‐derived CO2 to the atmosphere than did any other vegetation type (~30% of the total) and exhibited a biannual cycle in their emissions. Soil‐CO2 emissions in other biomes exhibited a single annual cycle that paralleled the seasonal temperature cycle. Interannual variability in estimated global soil‐CO2 production is substantially less than is variability in net carbon uptake by plants (i.e., net primary productivity). Thus, soils appear to buffer atmospheric CO2 concentrations against far more dramatic seasonal and interannual differences in plant growth. Within seasonally dry biomes (savannas, bushlands and deserts), interannual variability in soil‐CO2 emissions correlated significantly with interannual differences in precipitation. At the global scale, however, annual soil‐CO2 fluxes correlated with mean annual temperature, with a slope of 3.3 Pg C y?1 per °C. Although the distribution of precipitation influences seasonal and spatial patterns of soil‐CO2 emissions, global warming is likely to stimulate CO2 emissions from soils.  相似文献   

Aims Spatial distribution patterns and formation mechanisms of species diversity are fundamental issues in community ecology. The objectives of this study are to assess the species diversity patterns at the different spatial scales in Jianfengling, Hainan Island, China.
Methods Based on the dataset from the 60 hm2 plot in the tropical montane rain forest in Jianfengling, Hainan Island, the spatial distribution patterns of species richness, species abundance, Shannon-Wiener, Simpson and Pielou’s evenness indices were analyzed at six spatial scales, including 5 m × 5 m, 10 m × 10 m, 20 m × 20 m, 40 m × 40 m, 100 m × 100 m, and 200 m × 200 m, respectively.Important findings
Results showed that spatial distribution patterns of species richness, species abundance and Shannon-Wiener index were much more obviously changed with the spatial scales than Simpson and Pielou’s evenness indices. Change of variance of the species richness with the increase of spatial scales was unimodal, which had the maximum value at the 20 m × 20 m scale. Variance of the species abundance showed a linear relationship with the increase of spatial scales. The positive relationship between species richness and abundance gradually decreased and even disappeared with the increase of sampling scales, which may be correlated with the increase of habitat heterogeneity. The effects of spatial scales on Shannon-Wiener, Simpson, and Pielou’s evenness indices may be also correlated with the composition of rare species in the plot.  相似文献   

物种多样性的空间分布格局和维持机制是群落生态学的基本问题。为了探讨海南尖峰岭地区物种多样性空间分布格局的尺度效应, 以海南尖峰岭热带山地雨林60 hm2样地为研究对象, 分析了物种丰富度、物种多度、Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数以及Pielou均匀度指数随6个空间取样尺度(5 m × 5 m、10 m × 10 m、20 m × 20 m、40 m × 40 m、100 m ×100 m、200 m × 200 m)的变化。结果表明: 相比Simpson指数和Pielou均匀度指数, 物种丰富度、多度以及Shannon-Wiener指数具有更为明显的空间尺度效应; 物种丰富度的方差随取样尺度增加呈现单峰分布特征, 并且在20 m × 20 m尺度上达到最大值, 而物种多度的方差随取样尺度的增加而增大; 物种丰富度和多度的正相关性随着取样尺度的增加逐渐减小甚至消失, 这可能与随取样尺度增加生境异质性增加有关; 取样尺度对3个物种多样性指数空间分布的影响可能与研究区域内稀有种的组成有关。  相似文献   

Altered precipitation patterns resulting from climate change will have particularly significant consequences in water‐limited ecosystems, such as arid to semi‐arid ecosystems, where discontinuous inputs of water control biological processes. Given that these ecosystems cover more than a third of Earth's terrestrial surface, it is important to understand how they respond to such alterations. Altered water availability may impact both aboveground and belowground communities and the interactions between these, with potential impacts on ecosystem functioning; however, most studies to date have focused exclusively on vegetation responses to altered precipitation regimes. To synthesize our understanding of potential climate change impacts on dryland ecosystems, we present here a review of current literature that reports the effects of precipitation events and altered precipitation regimes on belowground biota and biogeochemical cycling. Increased precipitation generally increases microbial biomass and fungal:bacterial ratio. Few studies report responses to reduced precipitation but the effects likely counter those of increased precipitation. Altered precipitation regimes have also been found to alter microbial community composition but broader generalizations are difficult to make. Changes in event size and frequency influences invertebrate activity and density with cascading impacts on the soil food web, which will likely impact carbon and nutrient pools. The long‐term implications for biogeochemical cycling are inconclusive but several studies suggest that increased aridity may cause decoupling of carbon and nutrient cycling. We propose a new conceptual framework that incorporates hierarchical biotic responses to individual precipitation events more explicitly, including moderation of microbial activity and biomass by invertebrate grazing, and use this framework to make some predictions on impacts of altered precipitation regimes in terms of event size and frequency as well as mean annual precipitation. While our understanding of dryland ecosystems is improving, there is still a great need for longer term in situ manipulations of precipitation regime to test our model.  相似文献   

Precipitation pulses play an important role in regulating ecosystem carbon exchange and balance of semiarid steppe ecosystems. It has been predicted that the frequency of extreme rain events will increase in the future, especially in the arid and semiarid regions. We hypothesize that large rain pulses favor carbon sequestration, while small ones cause more carbon release in the semiarid steppes. To understand the potential response in carbon sequestration capacity of semiarid steppes to the changes in rain pulse size, we conducted a manipulative experiment with five simulated rain pulse sizes (0, 5, 10, 25, and 75 mm) in Inner Mongolia steppe. Our results showed that both gross ecosystem productivity (GEP) and ecosystem respiration (Re) responded rapidly (within 24 h) to rain pulses and the initial response time was independent of pulse size. However, the time of peak GEP was 1–3 days later than that of Re, which depended on pulse size. Larger pulses caused greater magnitude and longer duration of variations in GEP and Re. Differences in the response time of microbes and plants to wetting events constrained the response pattern of heterotrophic (Rh) and autotrophic (Ra) components of Re following a rain event. Rh contributed more to the increase of Re in the early stage of rain pulse response, while Ra played an more important role later, and determined the duration of pulse response, especially for large rain events of >10 mm. The distinct responses of ecosystem photosynthesis and respiration to increasing pulse sizes led to a threshold in rain pulse size between 10 and 25 mm, above which post wetting responses favored carbon sequestration. The disproportionate increase of the primary productivity of higher plants, compared with those in the activities of microbial decomposers to larger pulse events suggests that the carbon sequestration capacity of Inner Mongolia steppes will be sensitive to changes in precipitation size distribution rather than just precipitation amount.  相似文献   

Analysis of stable isotope composition is an important tool in research on plant physiological ecology. However, large‐scale patterns of leaf‐stable isotopes for aquatic macrophytes have received considerably less attention. In this study, we examined the spatial pattern of stable isotopes of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) of macrophytes leaves collected across the arid zone of northwestern China (approximately 2.4 × 106 km2) and attempted to illustrate its relationship with environmental factors (i.e., temperature, precipitation, potential evapotranspiration, sediment total carbon and nitrogen). Our results showed that the mean values of the leaf δ13C and δ15N in the macrophytes sampled from the arid zone were −24.49‰ and 6.82‰, respectively, which were far less depleted than those measured of terrestrial plants. The order of averaged leaf δ13C from different life forms was as follows: submerged > floating‐leaved > emergent. Additionally, our studies indicated that the values of foliar δ13C values of all the aquatic macrophytes were only negatively associated with precipitation, but the foliar δ15N values were mainly associated with temperature, precipitation, and potential evapotranspiration. Therefore, we speculated that water‐relation factors are the leaf δ13C determinant of macrophytes in the arid zone of northwestern China, and the main factors affecting leaf δ15N values are the complex combination of water and energy factors.  相似文献   

全球变化背景下,荒漠草原降水格局受到不同程度扰动,识别荒漠草原变化环境下脉动性降水格局及其时空变化特征具有重要生态学和水文学意义。利用达尔罕茂明安联合旗位于不同雨量带的3个气象站1960—2013年日降水数据,分析荒漠草原地区降水格局及其时空变化特征。研究表明,研究区0—5 mm、5—10 mm和大于10mm降水事件及降水量所占的比例分别为77%—80.9%、11.5%—12.2%、7.6%—10.9%和25.2%—32.2%、21.9%—25.4%、42.4%—52.9%。不同等级降水事件日均降水量分别为1.2—1.3 mm/d、7.0—7.1 mm/d、17.8—19.2 mm/d。研究区降水量较降水日数具有更强的时空变异性,全年和生长季降水日数和降水量主周期在2.84—4.5a左右。研究区不同雨量带不同降水等级降水日数和降水量普遍呈增加趋势,尤以0—5mm小降水事件的增加为主。  相似文献   

Resource pulses are a key feature of semi‐arid and arid ecosystems and are generally triggered by rainfall. While rainfall is an acknowledged driver of the abundance and distribution of larger animals, little is known about how invertebrate communities respond to rain events or to vegetative productivity. Here we investigate Ordinal‐level patterns and drivers of ground‐dwelling invertebrate abundance across 6 years of sampling in the Simpson Desert, central Australia. Between February 1999 and February 2005, a total of 174 381 invertebrates were sampled from 32 Orders. Ants were the most abundant taxon, comprising 83% of all invertebrates captured, while Collembola at 10.3% of total captures were a distant second over this period. Temporal patterns of the six invertebrate taxa specifically analysed (Acarina, ants, Araneae, Coleoptera, Collembola and Thysanura) were dynamic over the sampling period, and patterns of abundance were taxon‐specific. Analyses indicate that all six taxa showed a positive relationship with the cover of non‐Triodia vegetation. Other indicators of vegetative productivity (seeding and flowering) also showed positive relationships with certain taxa. Although the influence of rainfall was taxon‐dependent, no taxon was affected by short‐term rainfall (up to 18 days prior to survey). The abundance of Acarina, ants, and Coleoptera increased with greater long‐term rainfall (up to 18 months prior to survey), whilst Araneae showed the opposite effect. Temperature and dune zone (dune crest vs. swale) also had taxon‐specific effects. These results show that invertebrates in arid ecosystems are influenced by a variety of abiotic factors, at multiple scales, and that responses to rainfall are not as strong or as predictable as those seen for other taxa. Our results highlight the diversity of invertebrates in our study region and emphasize the need for targeted long‐term sampling to enhance our understanding of the ecology of these taxa and the role they play in arid ecosystems.  相似文献   

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