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崔雨新 《生物学杂志》1999,16(1):31-31,38
我们都知道,DNA是遗传信息的携带者,决定着我们的肤色、性别、身高、健康状况等个体特征。每个人的DNA不完全一样。在法医学上,往往需要鉴别现场留下的物证是否属于犯罪嫌疑人。传统的方法主要是通过指纹、脚印、唇纹、化学物质等核对,这在一些情况下能起到作用...  相似文献   

肤纹学是研究皮肤纹嵴的科学。皮肤纹嵴主要有指纹、掌纹、趾纹和蹠纹。另外还有近年来才引起人们注意的唇纹。肤纹学研究是在人类学、人类遗传学、医学、生物学、法庭科学等多个学科中展开的。肤纹在法庭科学中的应用,主要是指纹在犯罪现场的提取,以及对提取的指纹与嫌疑人和指纹档案中存档指纹的比对。肤纹学是法庭科学中应用最早的科学方法之一。至今,司法部门在认定罪犯方面,肤纹仍是最可信赖的证据之一。一、指纹破案的由来指纹在破案中所起的作用主要是个体识别。指纹的这种作用,由于在电影、电视、戏剧、小说等故事情节中的无数次应用,现在已是老少皆知了。指纹用于破  相似文献   

口唇部是主要的面部形态区域之一,具有重要的生理功能。嘴唇保护口腔免受外部物质的渗透,维持口腔内部的湿度和温度,帮助咀嚼,同时也是外科美容整形手术中的主要部位之一,且在法医物证研究中唇纹也具有重要的鉴别价值。目前关于口唇部形态的研究主要包括以下几个方面:口唇部形态变异的性别、年龄、族群差异;影响口唇部形态变异的因素,如遗传基因、饮食结构、牙齿及颌骨形态和呼吸方式等;口唇部形态研究在医学、个人身份识别及法医刑侦领域的相关应用等。国内口唇部形态研究相对较少,尤其缺乏较为系统的口唇部形态生长发育及变异研究。本文通过梳理和归纳国内外相关文献的研究数据和结论,对口唇部形态相关研究作简要概述,并对国内口唇部生长发育及形态变异研究作了简要回顾和展望。  相似文献   

上海市细胞生物学学会于1986年12月26日至27日在上海召开了年会。26日上午举行了年会开幕式,会上由庄孝僡理事长致开幕词,胡兆庆秘书长作了学会的工作报告。大会并邀请了细胞生物学研究所王亚辉所长作了细胞生物学的趋向和发展战略的报告。有150余人参加了会议。26日下午和27日上午进行了分组论文报告,共报告了64篇论文,年会显示了近年来上海市细胞生物学研究取得的成就。会议期间还邀请了下述同志作了小组专题报告。庄孝僡:关于中胚层的决定和分化的问题;顾国彦:胞质分裂时蛙卵表面运动;鲍璿:体外培养神  相似文献   

中国微生物学会于1984年5月4日召开了在京常务理事扩大会。出席会议的有在京常务理事、各工作委员会和专业委员会的负责人等17人。秘书长王大耜同志主持了会议,就以下内容作了汇报,经会议讨论,大家取得了一致意见。1.传达了1984年中国科协工作要点;关于编写《当代中国的科技群众团体及其活动》的通知。2.讨论通过了1984年学术活动经费预分配方案。3.汇报了1984年科普和编辑出版工作安排。4.汇报了1984年的有关国际交流活动。5.研究了中国微生物学史料的收集工作。6.讨论了今年的常务理事扩大会议采用通讯方式召开和研究1985年召开学会理事会的初步打算等。  相似文献   

邻体干扰模型的改进及其在营林中的应用   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
本文研究了植物群落中优势种个体间的相互干扰问题。在前人工作基础上提出了邻体干扰指数的改进模型及野外资料搜集方法。保证了数学模型的逻辑一致性,增加了生态学的解释意义。本文还讨论了邻体干扰效应模型的选择问题,进而得出了约束条件下的材积增长的数学优化模型。以四川省重庆市缙云山马尾松林为例,进行了实例研究。  相似文献   

本书绪论回顾了分子光子学的发展历程,并概述了相关的研究领域。第一章根据光学原理、分子学理论、辐射理论和分子场与辐射场的相互作用,介绍了分子光子学的基本原理。第二章总结了光化学反应的特性。第三章讨论了受激发能量转移和光诱导电子跃迁等典型物理化学过程。第四章展示了在电场、磁场或声学场的作用下,光的散射现象和材料诱发变性。第五章介绍了由光辐射引起的光变性,并讨论了非线性光学现象和相干光谱学。  相似文献   

大豆转基因的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李海燕 《生物技术》2007,17(6):83-86
近年来利用基因工程技术,大豆的遗传转化取得了较大的进展。该文介绍了几种主要的大豆遗传转化系统的优点和缺点。探讨了影响农杆菌介导大豆遗传转化的因素。分析了大豆遗传转化中存在的一些问题及其解决办法,评价了转基因大豆的生物安全性,展望了未来大豆遗传转化的发展前景。  相似文献   

原生质体在分离和鉴定植物生化突变体中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文就植物原生质体在生化突变体的分离与鉴定中的应用进行了述评。对一些从原生质体培养系统中选出的生化突变体进行了归类。讨论了原生质体在分离生化突变体中的优点。分析了原生质体在选择方案中的特殊性。评价了原生质体在鉴定和应用突变体中的作用。此外,还指出了原生质体应用中存在的一些问题。  相似文献   

邻体干扰模型的改进及其在营林中的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
 本文研究了植物群落中优势种个体间的相互干扰问题。在前人工作基础上提出了邻体干扰指数的改进模型及野外资料搜集方法。保证了数学模型的逻辑一致性,增加了生态学的解释意义。本文还讨论了邻体干扰效应模型的选择问题,进而提出了约束条件下的材积增长的数学优化模型。以四川省重庆市缙云山马尾松林为例,进行了实例研究。  相似文献   

Lip prints are very useful in forensic investigations. The objective of this study is to determine predominant lip print pattern found among a central Indian population, to evaluate whether any sex difference exists and to study the permanence of the pattern over a 6 month duration. This study included 200 healthy adult subjects comprising of 100 males and 100 females in the age group of 18–25 years. A convenient and easier method of data collection i.e., digital photography was used instead of the traditional lipstick methods. Lip prints were then divided into four quadrants and recognized as per Suzuki and Tsuchihashi’s classification.Type I (30.63%) was found to be most predominant overall in the Marathi population. Type I (29.75%) and Type III (35.75%) were found most prevalent in males and females respectively. Applying the Chi-Square test, statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) were observed between male and female lip print patterns in each of the quadrants individually and all quadrants taken together. The lip print patterns remained stable over a period of six-months. Being stable and with significant sex differences, lip prints can be effectively used as an important tool in forensic investigations for individualization as well as identification of sex of the donor, thus, narrowing down the scope of investigation to almost half.  相似文献   

宁夏回、汉族指纹白线的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分析了宁夏回族 390 例 (男 :189 例 ,女 :201 例) 、汉族 425 (男 :217 例 ,女 208 例) 指纹白线的分布特 征。结果表明 : 宁夏回族指纹白线出现率为 : 19103 % (男 : 17109 % ,女 : 20185 %) ; 汉族为 : 17155 % (男 : 16122 % ,女 :18194 %) 。同一民族指纹白线出现率女性高于男性 ,有显著性差异 (回 :χ2 = 81916 ,P < 0101 ; 汉 :χ2 = 51434 ,P < 0105) ;回、汉族间指纹白线出现率无显著性差异(χ2 = 21956 ,P > 0105) 。  相似文献   

Expert decision making often seems impressive, even miraculous. People with genuine expertise in a particular domain can perform quickly and accurately, and with little information. In the series of experiments presented here, we manipulate the amount of “information” available to a group of experts whose job it is to identify the source of crime scene fingerprints. In Experiment 1, we reduced the amount of information available to experts by inverting fingerprint pairs and adding visual noise. There was no evidence for an inversion effect—experts were just as accurate for inverted prints as they were for upright prints—but expert performance with artificially noisy prints was impressive. In Experiment 2, we separated matching and nonmatching print pairs in time. Experts were conservative, but they were still able to discriminate pairs of fingerprints that were separated by five-seconds, even though the task was quite different from their everyday experience. In Experiment 3, we separated the print pairs further in time to test the long-term memory of experts compared to novices. Long-term recognition memory for experts and novices was the same, with both performing around chance. In Experiment 4, we presented pairs of fingerprints quickly to experts and novices in a matching task. Experts were more accurate than novices, particularly for similar nonmatching pairs, and experts were generally more accurate when they had more time. It is clear that experts can match prints accurately when there is reduced visual information, reduced opportunity for direct comparison, and reduced time to engage in deliberate reasoning. These findings suggest that non-analytic processing accounts for a substantial portion of the variance in expert fingerprint matching accuracy. Our conclusion is at odds with general wisdom in fingerprint identification practice and formal training, and at odds with the claims and explanations that are offered in court during expert testimony.  相似文献   

谢业琪 《人类学学报》1982,1(2):137-148
本文描述了海南岛黎族和临高人的指、掌纹特征;应用聚类分析方法对临高人与汉族、壮族的指、掌纹特征进行了比较。作者认为:(1)黎族的个别掌纹特征表明存在着黎族与某些黑色人种混血的可能性;(2)黎族的四个支系中,(亻考)黎的指、掌纹特征最具有代表性;(3)临高人的指、掌纹特征与汉族类似而与壮族有着较大的差异。  相似文献   

Latent print examiners use their expertise to determine whether the information present in a comparison of two fingerprints (or palmprints) is sufficient to conclude that the prints were from the same source (individualization). When fingerprint evidence is presented in court, it is the examiner''s determination—not an objective metric—that is presented. This study was designed to ascertain the factors that explain examiners'' determinations of sufficiency for individualization. Volunteer latent print examiners (n = 170) were each assigned 22 pairs of latent and exemplar prints for examination, and annotated features, correspondence of features, and clarity. The 320 image pairs were selected specifically to control clarity and quantity of features. The predominant factor differentiating annotations associated with individualization and inconclusive determinations is the count of corresponding minutiae; other factors such as clarity provided minimal additional discriminative value. Examiners'' counts of corresponding minutiae were strongly associated with their own determinations; however, due to substantial variation of both annotations and determinations among examiners, one examiner''s annotation and determination on a given comparison is a relatively weak predictor of whether another examiner would individualize. The extensive variability in annotations also means that we must treat any individual examiner''s minutia counts as interpretations of the (unknowable) information content of the prints: saying “the prints had N corresponding minutiae marked” is not the same as “the prints had N corresponding minutiae.” More consistency in annotations, which could be achieved through standardization and training, should lead to process improvements and provide greater transparency in casework.  相似文献   

In a sample of 500 persons, including 76 families with 133 children, 22 mono- and 17 dizygote twins, lip prints were prepared for the study of variability and genetical basis of ridge-pattern in the region of mucous membrane lips. Taking 4 classes of pattern with different ridge-branching as a basis we observed more frequently branched pattern at the upper lip and mainly simple pattern at the lower lip. About 30% of the lip-prints showed whirling figures--at the upper lip simple and median, at the lower lip double and paramedian. Investigations during several months showed stability against environmental factors. The results of twins, families and mother(father)-child combinations proved a genetical basis of lip-prints. Applications of cheiloscopy to genetical investigations are reported.  相似文献   

Abstract: If individuals can be identified from patterns in their footprints, noninvasive survey methods can be used to estimate abundance. Track plates capture fine detail in the footprints of fishers (Martes pennanti), recording rows of dots corresponding to tiny papillae on the animal's metacarpal pad. We show that the pattern of these dots can be used to identify individual fishers, similar to human fingerprints. A probabilistic model of uniqueness based on variation in spacing between 1,400 pairs of dots that we measured in prints of 14 different fisher feet suggests the probability of encountering a similar pattern in the print of a different foot by chance alone is ≤ 0.35n, where n = the number of dot pairs examined. This predicts a 0.00003 probability that a match made using 10 pairs of dots is false. Dot spacing from footprints made by the same foot was remarkably consistent (sN = 0.02 mm, n = 24 dot pairs). Combined, these results suggest dot patterns in fisher footprints were unique to individuals and were consistently reproduced on track plates. Empirical tests of matching accuracy were best with good-quality prints, highlighting the need for experience judging when prints are usable. We applied print matching to fisher detections collected on track plates deployed at 500-m intervals along 10 3.5-km transects in the Adirondack region of New York, USA. Of 62 fisher detections, 85% had ≥ 1 footprint of suitable quality to compare with other high-quality prints. We found that most detections from a transect were from the same individual fisher suggesting nonindependence of detections. Thus, data from traditional track-plate deployments over small time periods cannot be used as a measure of abundance, but new study designs using print matching could obtain robust noninvasive, mark—recapture density estimates.  相似文献   

人体测量指标与掌指纹特征之间的相关研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张继宗 《人类学学报》1991,10(3):231-237
本文对106名中国东北汉族女性进行了活体测量,并拓取了掌指纹。样本的年龄范围为18—34岁。所分析的人体测量指标共41项,掌指纹指标共59项。将人体测量指标与掌指纹指标同时输入电子计算机,进行了100项实验指标间的相关分析,并做了相关显著性检验。在41项人体测量指标中,有35项指标与掌指纹特征有相关关系。其中与掌指纹特征同时相关的人体测量特征有18项,与指纹特征相关的人体测量指标有2项,与掌纹相关的人体测量指标有15项。与掌指纹特征同时相关的人体测量特征,与遗传因素之间的相互关系大于与指纹相关的人体测量特征。与指纹相关的人体测量特征,与遗传因素的关系,要大于与掌纹相关的人体测量特征。  相似文献   

Summary.  A very large nature print of Petasites japonicus (Sieb. & Zucc.) Maxim. subsp. giganteus Kitam., executed by Professor Keisuke Ito, was recently rediscovered in the collections of the Library, the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. The subject of nature prints is discussed, as are attempts to reproduce such a print, and a short discourse on the artist, Prof. Ito, is given. The confusing taxonomic history of Petasites japonicus subsp. giganteus is discussed. The plant is described and illustrated along with notes on its distribution and ecology; cultivation notes and indications of current uses are provided.  相似文献   

Abstract Sea cucumbers possess a peculiar specialized defense system: the so-called Cuvierian tubules. The system is mobilized when the animal is mechanically stimulated, resulting in the discharge of a few white filaments, the tubules. Their great adhesivity, combined with their high tensile strength, allows Cuvierian tubules to entangle and immobilize potential predators. The cellular origin and composition of the Cuvierian tubule adhesive were investigated in the species Holothuria forskali by studying prints left on the substratum after mechanical detachment of the tubule. Polyclonal antibodies raised against tubule print material were used to locate the origin of tubule print constituents in the tubules. Extensive immunoreactivity was detected in the secretory granules of mesothelial granular cells, suggesting that their secretions make up the bulk of the adhesive material. Tubule print material consists of 60% proteins and 40% carbohydrates, a composition that is unique among the adhesive secretions of marine invertebrates. Although it is highly insoluble, a small fraction of this material can be extracted using denaturing buffers. Electrophoretic analysis of the extracts revealed that it contains about 10 proteins with apparent molecular masses ranging from 17 to 220 kDa and with closely related amino acid compositions, rich in acidic and in small side-chain amino acids. The adhesive from the Cuvierian tubules of H. forskali shares these characteristics with many marine bioadhesives and structural biomaterials.  相似文献   

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