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This study was carried out to evaluate the stability of the 89 bound water molecules that were observed in the neutron diffraction study of CO myoglobin. The myoglobin structure derived from the neutron analysis was used as the starting point in the molecular dynamics simulation using the software package CHARMM. After solvation of the protein, energy minimization and equilibration of the system, 50 ps of Newtonian dynamics was performed. This data showed that only 4 water molecules are continously bound during the length of this simulation while the other solvent molecules exhibit considerable mobility and are breaking and reforming hydrogen bonds with the protein. At any instant during the simulation, 73 of the hydration sites observed in the neutron structure are occupied by water. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A new method is presented for determining the hydration site of proteins, where the effect of structural fluctuations in both protein and hydration water is explicitly considered by using molecular dynamics simulation (MDS). The whole hydration sites (HS) of lysozyme are composed of 195 single HSs and 38 clustered ones (CHS), and divided into 231 external HSs (EHS) and 2 internal ones (IHS). The largest CHSs, ‘Hg’ and ‘Lβ’, are the IHSs having 2.54 and 1.35 mean internal hydration waters respectively. The largest EHS, ‘Clft’, is located in the cleft region. The real hydration structure of a CHS is an ensemble of multiple structures. The transition between two structures occurs through recombinations of some H-bonds. The number of the experimental X-ray crystal waters is nearly the same as that of the estimated MDS hydration waters for 70% of the HSs, but significantly different for the rest of HSs.  相似文献   

Monte Carlo simulations of a small protein, carmbin, were carried out with and without hydration energy. The methodology presented here is characterized, as compared with the other similar simulations of proteins in solution, by two points: (1) protein conformations are treated in fixed geometry so that dihedral angles are independent variables rather than cartesian coordinates of atoms; and (2) instead of treating water molecules explicitly in the calculation, hydration energy is incorporated in the conformational energy function in the form of g i A i, whereA i is the accessible surface area of an atomic groupi in a given conformation, andg i is the free energy of hydration per unit surface area of the atomic group (i.e., hydration-shell model). Reality of this model was tested by carrying out Monte Carlo simulations for the two kinds of starting conformations, native and unfolded ones, and in the two kinds of systems,in vacuo and solution. In the simulations starting from the native conformation, the differences between the mean propertiesin vacuo and solution simulations are not very large, but their fluctuations around the mean conformation during the simulation are relatively smaller in solution thanin vacuo. On the other hand, in the simulations starting from the unfolded conformation, the molecule fluctuates much more largely in solution thanin vacuo, and the effects of taking into account the hydration energy are pronounced very much. The results suggest that the method presented in this paper is useful for the simulations of proteins in solution.  相似文献   

Lu H  Skolnick J 《Biopolymers》2003,70(4):575-584
Recently ab initio protein structure prediction methods have advanced sufficiently so that they often assemble the correct low resolution structure of the protein. To enhance the speed of conformational search, many ab initio prediction programs adopt a reduced protein representation. However, for drug design purposes, better quality structures are probably needed. To achieve this refinement, it is natural to use a more detailed heavy atom representation. Here, as opposed to costly implicit or explicit solvent molecular dynamics simulations, knowledge-based heavy atom pair potentials were employed. By way of illustration, we tried to improve the quality of the predicted structures obtained from the ab initio prediction program TOUCHSTONE by three methods: local constraint refinement, reduced predicted tertiary contact refinement, and statistical pair potential guided molecular dynamics. Sixty-seven predicted structures from 30 small proteins (less than 150 residues in length) representing different structural classes (alpha, beta, alpha;/beta) were examined. In 33 cases, the root mean square deviation (RMSD) from native structures improved by more than 0.3 A; in 19 cases, the improvement was more than 0.5 A, and sometimes as large as 1 A. In only seven (four) cases did the refinement procedure increase the RMSD by more than 0.3 (0.5) A. For the remaining structures, the refinement procedures changed the structures by less than 0.3 A. While modest, the performance of the current refinement methods is better than the published refinement results obtained using standard molecular dynamics.  相似文献   

Summary A new program for molecular dynamics (MD) simulation and energy refinement of biological macromolecules, OPAL, is introduced. Combined with the supporting program TRAJEC for the analysis of MD trajectories, OPAL affords high efficiency and flexibility for work with diferent force fields, and offers a user-friendly interface and extensive trajectory analysis capabilities. Salient features are computational speeds of up to 1.5 GFlops on vector supercomputers such as the NEC SX-3, ellipsoidal boundaries to reduce the system size for studies in explicit solvents, and natural treatment of the hydrostatic pressure. Practical applications of OPAL are illustrated with MD simulations of pure water, energy minimization of the NMR structure of the mixed disulfide of a mutant E. coli glutaredoxin with glutathione in different solvent models, and MD simulations of a small protein, pheromone Er-2, using either instantaneous or time-averaged NMR restraints, or no restraints.Abbreviations D diffusion constant in cm2/s - Er-2 pheromone 2 from Euplotes raikovi - GFlop one billion floating point operations per second - Grx(C14S)-SG mixed disulfide between a mutant E. coli glutaredoxin, with Cys14 replaced by Ser, and glutathione - MD molecular dynamics - NOE nuclear Overhauser enhancement - rmsd root-mean-square deviation - density in g/cm3  相似文献   

We have used Brillouin scattering to measure the linewidths and frequencies of GHz acoustic phonons in Na- and Li-DNA films as a function of temperature between 300 and 140 K for samples that were dry, lightly, and heavily hydrated. The linewidths decrease with falling temperature and water contents, indicating that coupling to a water relaxation is the main source of phonon damping. The strength of the relaxation was determined using measurements of the phonon linewidth as a function of frequency, and confirmed by comparison of measured and calculated spectral profiles. The relaxation strength is anisotropic, being greater for phonons propagating perpendicular to the helix axis. The hydrated DNA exhibits both a rapid relaxation (≤ 10?11 s per radian) giving rise to a classical f2 damping, and a slower motion with a relaxation time that varies from ~ 4 × 10?11 s per radian (primary hydration shell) to ~ 2 × 10?12 s per radian (secondary hydration shell) at room temperature. In the frequency interval that bounds these relaxation times (~ 4 to 80 GHz) we expect degrees of freedom associated with the primary hydration shell to be important. The sample with primary hydration follows a simple Arrhenius behavior with ΔH ~ 5 kcal mole?1. The effective activation energy for the sample with secondary hydration is somewhat higher (indicating a more cooperative water relaxation) and varies strongly with temperature. The elastic moduli change much more than can be accounted for by relaxation, indicating the importance of water motion in softening interatomic potentials. The extent of the softening caused by the “unfreezing” of water motion is similar to the degree of softening caused by hydrating the sample.  相似文献   

The permittivities of three solutions of sperm-whale myoglobin of different concentrations were measured in the frequency range 300-1300MHz at 20 degrees C by using a coaxial-line technique. These results were combined with those measured previously at frequencies below 10MHz. Two methods are described for calculating the extent of macromolecular hydration from the data. The more reliable method yields results of approx. 0.25g of H(2)O/g of protein, which is in satisfactory agreement with the theoretically calculated value. Agreement with the value found from the rotational motion of the molecule is not so close, which is probably caused by the different meanings that may be ascribed to the term hydration.  相似文献   

Fast Fourier transform (FFT) correlation methods of protein-protein docking, combined with the clustering of low energy conformations, can find a number of local minima on the energy surface. For most complexes, the locations of the near-native structures can be constrained to the 30 largest clusters, each surrounding a local minimum. However, no reliable further discrimination can be obtained by energy measures because the differences in the energy levels between the minima are comparable with the errors in the energy evaluation. In fact, no current scoring function accounts for the entropic contributions that relate to the width rather than the depth of the minima. Since structures at narrow minima loose more entropy, some of the nonnative states can be detected by determining whether or not a local minimum is surrounded by a broad region of attraction on the energy surface. The analysis is based on starting Monte Carlo Minimization (MCM) runs from random points around each minimum, and observing whether a certain fraction of trajectories converge to a small region within the cluster. The cluster is considered stable if such a strong attractor exists, has at least 10 convergent trajectories, is relatively close to the original cluster center, and contains a low energy structure. We studied the stability of clusters for enzyme-inhibitor and antibody-antigen complexes in the Protein Docking Benchmark. The analysis yields three main results. First, all clusters that are close to the native structure are stable. Second, restricting considerations to stable clusters eliminates around half of the false positives, that is, solutions that are low in energy but far from the native structure of the complex. Third, dividing the conformational space into clusters and determining the stability of each cluster, the combined approach is less dependent on a priori information than exploring the potential conformational space by Monte Carlo minimizations.  相似文献   

Hydration sites are high-density regions in the three-dimensional time-averaged solvent structure in molecular dynamics simulations and diffraction experiments. In a simulation of sperm whale myoglobin, we found 294 such high-density regions. Their positions appear to agree reasonably well with the distributions of waters of hydration found in 38 x-ray and 1 neutron high-resolution structures of this protein. The hydration sites are characterized by an average occupancy and a combination of residence time parameters designed to approximate a distribution of residence times. It appears that although the occupancy and residence times of the majority of sites are rather bulk-like, the residence time distribution is shifted toward the longer components, relative to bulk. The sites with particularly long residence times are located only in the cavities and clefts of the protein. This indicates that other factors, such as hydrogen bonds and hydrophobicity of underlying protein residues, play a lesser role in determining the residence times of the longest-lived sites.  相似文献   


Monte Carlo simulations of water in the NVT ensemble using three models (SPC, TIP4P and TIPS2) are reported. The internal energy, dielectric constant, and the site-site radial distribution functions of liquid water (temperature 300 K and mass density 1 gm cc?1) were calculated and compared with experiment. It was found that of the three intermolecular potential models, SPC gives the best dielectric constant. Since SPC also yields acceptable results for the energy and structure, it is judged to be the best among the three models studied.  相似文献   

Summary The expression of many genetic defects may be suppressed by proper medical care or even by changing the environmental conditions. We have used the Penna model of ageing to show that such efFects may be responsible for increasing the human life expectancy during the 20 th century. This effect is equivalent to the shift of the threshold (T) in the Penna model, which determines how many deleterious, expressed mutations kill an organism. For long genomes, the shift of T changes the age distribution significantly with negligible relative changes in the maximum life span, while for short genomes, the shift of T changes both, the age distribution as well as the maximum age. Unfortunately the same simulations show that the strategy of enhancing the medical care requires more and more effort to keep the mortality rate of our populations at the same lower level and that some new defects could be exposed to selection.  相似文献   

We examine the water solvation of the complex of the inhibitors DMP323 and A76928 bound to HIV-1 protease through grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations, and demonstrate the ability of this method to reproduce crystal waters and effectively predict water positions not seen in the DMP323 or A76928 structures. The simulation method is useful for identifying structurally important waters that may not be resolved in the crystal structures. It can also be used to identify water positions around a putative drug candidate docked into a binding pocket. Knowledge of these water positions may be useful in designing drugs to utilize them as bridging groups or displace them in the binding pocket. In addition, the method should be useful in finding water sites in homology models of enzymes for which crystal structures are unavailable.  相似文献   

PurposeA Geant4 model of a novel, water-equivalent electronic portal imaging device (EPID) prototype for radiotherapy imaging and dosimetry utilising an array of plastic scintillating fibres (PSFs) has been developed. Monte Carlo (MC) simulations were performed to quantify the PSF-EPID imaging performance and to investigate design aspects affecting performance for optimisation.MethodsUsing the Geant4 model, the PSF-EPID’s imaging performance for 6 MV photon beams was quantified in terms of its modulation transfer function (MTF), noise power spectrum (NPS) and detective quantum efficiency (DQE). Model parameters, including fibre dimensions, optical cladding reflectivity and scintillation yield, were varied to investigate impact on imaging performance.ResultsThe MC-calculated DQE(0) for the reference PSF-EPID geometry employing 30 mm fibres was approximately nine times greater than values reported for commercial EPIDs. When using 10 mm long fibres, the PSF-EPID DQE(0) was still approximately three times greater than that of a commercial EPID. Increased fibre length, cladding reflectivity and scintillation yield produced the greatest decreases in NPS and increases in DQE.ConclusionsThe potential to develop an optimised next-generation water-equivalent EPID with MV imaging performance at least comparable to commercial EPIDs has been demonstrated. Factors most important for optimising prototype design include fibre length, cladding reflectivity and scintillation yield.  相似文献   

A phase of matter is a familiar notion for inanimate physical matter. The nature of a phase of matter transcends the microscopic material properties. For example, materials in the liquid phase have certain common properties independent of the chemistry of the constituents: liquids take the shape of the container; they flow; and they can be poured—alcohol, oil, and water as well as a Lennard-Jones computer model exhibit similar behavior when poised in the liquid phase. Here, we identify a hitherto unstudied “phase” of matter, the elixir phase, in a simple model of a polymeric chain whose backbone has the correct local cylindrical symmetry induced by the tangent to the chain. The elixir phase appears on breaking the cylindrical symmetry by adding side spheres along the negative normal direction, as in proteins. This phase, nestled between other phases, has multiple ground states made up of building blocks of helices and almost planar sheets akin to protein native folds. We discuss the similarities of this “phase” of a finite size system to the liquid crystal and spin glass phases. Our findings are relevant for understanding proteins; the creation of novel bioinspired nanomachines; and also may have implications for life elsewhere in the cosmos.  相似文献   

In recent years, the awareness of potential radiation damage of metal centers in protein crystals during crystallographic data collection has received increasing attention. The radiation damage can lead to radiation-induced changes and reduction of the metal sites. One of the research fields where these concerns have been comprehensively addressed is the study of the reaction intermediates of the heme peroxidase and oxygenase reaction cycles. For both the resting states and the high-valent intermediates, the X-rays used in the structure determination have given undesired side effects through radiation-induced changes to the trapped intermediates. However, X-rays have been used to generate and trap the peroxy/hydroperoxy state in crystals. In this review, the structural work and the influence of X-rays on these intermediates in myoglobin are summarized and viewed in light of analogous studies on similar intermediates in peroxidases and oxygenases.  相似文献   

We develop a procedure for exploring the free energy landscape of protein-peptide binding at atomic detail and apply it to PDZ domain-peptide interactions. The procedure involves soft constraints on receptor proteins providing limited chain flexibility, including backbone motions. Peptide chains are left fully flexible and kept in spatial proximity of the protein through periodic boundary conditions. By extensive Monte Carlo simulations, full representative conformational ensembles at temperatures where bound and unbound states coexist are obtained. To make this approach computationally feasible, we develop an effective all-atom energy function centering on hydrophobicity, hydrogen bonding, and electrostatic interactions. Our initial focus is a set of 11 PDZ domain-peptide pairs with experimentally determined complex structures. Minimum-energy conformations are found to be highly similar to the respective native structures in eight of the cases (all-atom peptide RMSDs < 6 Å). Having achieved that, we turn to a more complete characterization of the bound peptide state through a clustering scheme applied on the full ensembles of peptide structures. We find a significant diversity among bound peptide conformations for several PDZ domains, in particular involving the N terminal side of the peptide chains. Our computational model is then tested further on a set of nine PDZ domain-peptide pairs where the peptides are not originally present in the experimentally determined structures. We find a similar success rate in terms of the nativeness of minimum-energy conformations. Finally, we investigate the ability of our approach to capture variations in binding affinities for different peptide sequences. This is done in particular for a set of related sequences binding to the third PDZ domain of PSD-95 with encouraging results.  相似文献   

Aggregation of expanded polyglutamine tracts is associated with nine different neurodegenerative diseases, including Huntington's disease. Experiments and computer simulations have demonstrated that monomeric forms of polyglutamine molecules sample heterogeneous sets of collapsed structures in water. The current work focuses on a mechanistic characterization of polyglutamine homodimerization as a function of chain length and temperature. These studies were carried out using molecular simulations based on a recently developed continuum solvation model that was designed for studying conformational and binding equilibria of intrinsically disordered molecules such as polyglutamine systems. The main results are as follows: Polyglutamine molecules form disordered, collapsed globules in aqueous solution. These molecules spontaneously associate at conditions approaching those of typical in vitro experiments for chains of length N ≥ 15. The spontaneity of these homotypic associations increases with increasing chain length and decreases with increasing temperature. Similar and generic driving forces govern both collapse and spontaneous homodimerization of polyglutamine in aqueous milieus. Collapse and dimerization maximize self-interactions and reduce the interface between polyglutamine molecules and the surrounding solvent. Other than these generic considerations, there do not appear to be any specific structural requirements for either chain collapse or chain dimerization; that is, both collapse and dimerization are nonspecific in that disordered globules form disordered dimers. In fact, it is shown that the driving force for intermolecular associations is governed by spontaneous conformational fluctuations within monomeric polyglutamine. These results suggest that polyglutamine aggregation is unlikely to follow a homogeneous nucleation mechanism with the monomer as the critical nucleus. Instead, the results support the formation of disordered, non-β-sheet-like soluble molten oligomers as early intermediates—a proposal that is congruent with recent experimental data.  相似文献   

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