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Both benzyl chloride and 4-chloromethylbiphenyl induce repairable types of DNA damage in cultured human cells. No DNA damage can be detected after treatment with 4-hydroxymethylbiphenyl.  相似文献   

The effects of pesticides on the induction of unscheduled DNA synthesis in SV-40 transformed human cells (VA-4) in culture with and without metabolic activation by liver microsomes was studied. Results showed that ten of the thirteen compounds examined either directly or upon metabolic activation induced unscheduled DNA synthesis in the human cell system used. The DNA repair kinetics and size of the repaired regions resulting from treatment with four of the chemicals (Carbaryl, Chlordane, Dieldrin and 2.4-D Fluid) were studied by 313 nm photolysis of repaired regions containing bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR). The size of the repaired regions differed between compounds but could generally be classified as either of the X-ray (short) or UV-type (long).  相似文献   

Tamoxifen, a breast cancer drug, has recently been approved for the chemoprevention of this disease. However, tamoxifen causes hepatic carcinomas in rats through a genotoxic mechanism and increases the risk of endometrial tumors in women. DNA adducts have been detected at low levels in human endometrium, and there is much interest in determining whether DNA damage plays a role in tamoxifen-induced endometrial carcinogenesis. This study investigates the mutagenicity of tamoxifen DNA adducts formed by alpha-acetoxytamoxifen, a reactive ester producing the major DNA adduct formed in livers of tamoxifen-treated rats. pSP189 plasmid DNA containing the supF gene was treated with alpha-acetoxytamoxifen and adduct levels (0.5-8.0 adducts per plasmid) determined by (32)P-postlabeling. Adducted plasmids were transfected into nucleotide excision repair proficient (GM00637) or deficient (GM04429, XPA) human fibroblasts. After replication, plasmids were recovered and screened in indicator bacteria. Relative mutation frequencies increased with the adduct level, with 1.3-3.6-fold higher numbers of mutations in the XP cells compared to the GM00637 cells, indicating that NER plays a significant role in the removal of these particular tamoxifen DNA adducts. The majority of sequence alterations (91-96%) occurred at GC base pairs, as did mutation hotspots, although the type and position of mutations was cell-specific. In both cell lines, as the adduct level increased, the proportion of GC --> AT transitions decreased and GC --> TA transversions, mutations known to arise from the major tamoxifen adducts, increased. Given the high mutagenicity of dG-N(2)-tamoxifen adducts, if not excised, they may potentially contribute to the initiation of endometrial cancer in women.  相似文献   

At non-inhibitory concentrations, 4CMB and BC both induced small, but dose-related increases in SCE. The dose-response curves gave a highly significant correlation for 4CMB (r=0.996, P<0.001) and a significant correlation for BC (r=0.757, P<0.05) which reflects the relative activities of these substances in bacterial mutation tests.  相似文献   

In cultured human lymphocytes we determined the ability of nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) to inhibit DNA replication and to stimulate DNA repair synthesis (UDS), as well as to influence the UDS induced by UV irradiation. In phytohemagglutinin-stimulated lymphocytes a strong inhibition of DNA replication was induced by NTA concentrations above 10(-3) M, which was accompanied by a marked cell lethality, whereas at lower doses the incorporation of tritiated thymidine (3H-TdR) into DNA or treated cells was slightly increased in comparison to untreated cells. When, after NTA pretreatment, UDS was determined by scintillation spectrometry or autoradiography in unstimulated G0 lymphocytes, UV-irradiated or unirradiated, an increased incorporation of 3H-TdR was observed, positively correlated with the NTA doses. This effect was only partially due to the expansion of the intracellular TdR pool as a consequence of the stimulation of 3H-TdR uptake by NTA. Even after normalization of the scintillometric data by the radioactivities of the soluble nucleotide fraction, significant increase of DNA repair synthesis was detected after treatment with 7.5 x 10(-3)-10(-2) M NTA.  相似文献   

The mutagenic activity of 4CMB was investigated in agar layer cultures of Salmonella typhimurium TA1535, TA1537, TA1538, TA98 and TA100, and Escherichia coli WP2 and WP2 uvrA. The mutagenic activity of BC was investigated in the Salmonella strains only. Assays were performed both in the absence and in the presence of S9 microsomal fraction obtained from a liver homogenate from rats pretreated with Aroclor 1254.  相似文献   

Cultured rat-liver epithelial cells, RL4, were exposed to maximum concentrations of 24 μg/ml 4CMB, 100 μg/ml 4HMB and 30 μg/ml BC. 4CMB and BC induced highly significant numbers of aberrations; 4HMB did not cause an increase in aberration levels.  相似文献   

Alkylation damage, DNA repair and mutagenesis in human cells   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
17 human cell lines that differ significantly in level of O6-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase (AGT) activity were identified by comparing their sensitivity to the cytotoxic effect of N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) and determining the level of AGT activity in cell extracts from the various lines by measuring the decrease in radiolabeled O6-methylguanine from DNA, using high-performance liquid chromatography. 9 lines exhibited high levels of AGT activity, 2 showed an intermediate level (25–50% of the mean of those with the higher levels), and 6 exhibited very low or virtually undetectable levels of AGT. Included were several lines that are very deficient in capacity for nucleotide excision repair. When representatives from the 3 categories of cell lines defined by the level of AGT activity were compared for sensitivity to the cytotoxic and mutagenic effect of MNNG, they showed an inverse correlation between the degree of cell killing and frequency of mutants induced and the level of AGT activity. The cells' capacity for nucleotide excision repair did not affect these results. Exposure of cells with a high level of AGT activity to O6-methylguanine in the medium reduced the AGT activity 60–80%. These pre-treated cells exhibited a significantly higher frequency of MNNG-induced mutants than did cells that were not pre-treated, suggesting that the O6-methylguanine lesion in DNA is responsible for a significant proportion of the mutations induced. Cell strains containing substrates for assaying intrachromosomal homologous recombination were constructed using parental cell lines from each of the 3 categories of AGT activity. These strains showed an inverse correlation between the level of AGT activity and the frequency of MNNG-induced recombination. When various cell lines representing the 3 categories of AGT activity were compared for sensitivity to ethylnitrosourea, the results were consistent with AGT and nucleotide excision repair playing a role in preventing cell killing and mutation induction by this agent.  相似文献   

DNA damage and DNA repair in cultured human cells exposed to chromate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DNA damage and DNA repair have been observed in cultured human skin fibroblasts exposed to potassium chromate but not to a chromic glycine complex. DNA repair synthesis (unscheduled incorporation of [3H]thymidine (TdR)) was measured in cells during or following exposure to chromate and was significant for chromate concentrations above 10(-6) M. Maximal DNA repair was observed at about 10(-4) M chromate. DNA repair capacity was found to be saturated at this concentration. Chromate was stable for at least 8 h in culture medium and produced approximately a linear increase in repair with duration of exposure. DNA damage as determined by alkaline sucrose gradient sedimentation was detected after treatment for 1.5 h with 5 . 10(-4) M chromate. Exposure to 10(-7) M chromate solution for 7 days inhibited colony formation while acute (1 h) treatment was toxic at 5 . 10(-6) M. The chromic glycine complex was toxic above 10(-3) M for a 1-week exposure but was not observably toxic after a 1-h treatment. These results indicate that chromate and not chromic compounds may be the carcinogenic form for man. The nature of the ultimate carcinogen is discussed. These findings illustrate the utility of the DNA repair technique to study the effects on human cells of inorganic carcinogens and mutagens.  相似文献   

Mutations in the RECQL4 helicase gene have been linked to Rothmund-Thomson syndrome, which is characterized by genome instability, cancer susceptibility, and premature aging. To better define the cellular function of the RecQ4 protein, we investigated the subcellular localization of RecQ4 upon treatment of cells with different DNA-damaging agents including UV irradiation, 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide, camptothecin, etoposide, hydroxyurea, and H(2)O(2). We found that RecQ4 formed discrete nuclear foci specifically in response to UV irradiation and 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide. We demonstrated that functional RecQ4 was required for the efficient removal of UV lesions and could rescue UV sensitivity of RecQ4-deficient Rothmund-Thomson syndrome cells. Furthermore, UV treatment also resulted in the colocalization of the nuclear foci formed with RecQ4 and xeroderma pigmentosum group A in human cells. Consistently, RecQ4 could directly interact with xeroderma pigmentosum group A, and this interaction was stimulated by UV irradiation. By fractionating whole cell extracts into cytoplasmic, soluble nuclear, and chromatin-bound fractions, we observed that RecQ4 protein bound more tightly to chromatin upon UV irradiation. Taken together, our findings suggest a role of RecQ4 in the repair of UV-induced DNA damages in human cells.  相似文献   

Metformin (dimethyl-biguanide) is an insulin-sensitizing agent that lowers fasting plasma-insulin concentration, wherefore it's wide use for patients with a variety of insulin-resistant and prediabetic states, including impaired glucose tolerance. During pregnancy it is a further resource for reducing first-trimester pregnancy loss in women with the polycystic ovary syndrome. We tested metformin genotoxicity in cells of Chinese hamster ovary, CHO-K1 (chromosome aberrations; comet assays) and in mice (micronucleus assays). Concentrations of 114.4 μg/mL and 572 μg/mL were used in in vitro tests, and 95.4 mg/kg, 190.8 mg/kg and 333.9 mg/kg in assaying. Although the in vitro tests revealed no chromosome aberrations in metaphase cells, DNA damage was detected by comet assaying after 24 h of incubation at both concentrations. The frequency of DNA damage was higher at concentrations of 114.4 μg/mL. Furthermore, although mortality was not observed in in vitro tests, the highest dose of metformin suppressed bone marrow cells. However, no statistically significant differences were noted in micronuclei frequencies between treatments. In vitro results indicate that chronic metformin exposure may be potentially genotoxic. Thus, pregnant woman undergoing treatment with metformin should be properly evaluated beforehand, as regards vulnerability to DNA damage.  相似文献   

In the present in vitro study, a comet assay was used to determine whether 1.8-GHz radiofrequency radiation (RFR, SAR of 2 W/kg) can influence DNA repair in human B-cell lymphoblastoid cells exposed to doxorubicin (DOX) at the doses of 0 μg/ml, 0.05 μg/ml, 0.075 μg/ml, 0.10 μg/ml, 0.15 μg/ml and 0.20 μg/ml. The combinative exposures to RFR with DOX were divided into five categories. DNA damage was detected at 0 h, 6 h, 12 h, 18 h and 24 h after exposure to DOX via the comet assay, and the percent of DNA in the tail (% tail DNA) served as the indicator of DNA damage. The results demonstrated that (1) RFR could not directly induce DNA damage of human B-cell lymphoblastoid cells; (2) DOX could significantly induce DNA damage of human B-cell lymphoblastoid cells with the dose–effect relationship, and there were special repair characteristics of DNA damage induced by DOX; (3) E–E–E type (exposure to RFR for 2 h, then simultaneous exposure to RFR and DOX, and exposure to RFR for 6 h, 12 h, 18 h and 24 h after exposure to DOX) combinative exposure could obviously influence DNA repair at 6 h and 12 h after exposure to DOX for four DOX doses (0.075 μg/ml, 0.10 μg/ml, 0.15 μg/ml and 0.20 μg/ml) in human B-cell lymphoblastoid cells.  相似文献   

Compounds of the 1,4-dihydropyridine (1,4-DHP) series have been shown to reduce spontaneous, alkylation- and radiation-induced mutation rates in animal test systems. Here we report studies using AV-153, the 1,4-DHP derivative that showed the highest antimutagenic activity in those tests, to examine if it modulates DNA repair in human peripheral blood lymphocytes and in two human lymphoblastoid cell lines, Raji and HL-60. AV-153 caused a 50% inhibition of growth (IC50) of Raji and HL-60 cells at 14.9+/-1.2 and 10.3+/-0.8mM, respectively, but did not show a cytotoxic effect at concentrations <100 microM. Alkaline single-cell gel electrophoresis (comet) assays showed that AV-153 reduced the number of DNA strand breaks in untreated cells and also in cells exposed to 2 Gy of gamma-radiation, 100 microM ethylmethane sulfonate (EMS), or 100 microM H2O2. DNA damage was reduced by up to 87% at AV-153 concentrations between 1 and 10nM, and a positive dose-effect relationship was seen between 0.01 and 1 nM. Comparison of the kinetics of DNA strand-break rejoining in the presence and absence of AV-153 revealed a considerable influence on the rate of repair. In view of the resemblance of this compound's structure to that of dihydronicotinamide, a substrate for poly(ADP-rybose)polymerase, the modulation of DNA repair by AV-153 could involve an influence on poly(ADP)ribosylation.  相似文献   

Bacterial fluctuation tests (Green et al., 1976) were performed both with and without metabolic activation using the ‘Ames’ Salmonella typhimurium strains TA98 and TA100 (Ames et al., 1975) to assay the mutagenic potential of 4CMB, 4HMB and BC.4CMB and 4HMB were tested on the same occasion. However, 4CMB was only compared to BC in one assay. The results also show an independent test of BC.  相似文献   

Using a radioimmunoassay specific for Pyr(6-4)Pyo photoproducts, we have demonstrated the removal of these lesions from denaturated DNA isolated from UV-irradiated Chinese hamster ovary cells at various times post irradiation. When assayed undenatured, these same DNA samples, which are initially 10-20 times less capable of binding antibody, show a substantial increase in binding capacity during the first few hours of repair. At 3 h post irradiation the difference between native and heat-denatured DNA samples is negligible, indicating that all of the residual lesions are contained in a single-stranded (relaxed) configuration. This relaxation also occurs in UV-hypersensitive cell lines, that are deficient in the ability to remove Pyr(6-4)Pyo photoproducts. Novobiocin, an inhibitor of topoisomerase II, prevents both the initial increase in binding and the subsequent excision of the antibody-binding sites.  相似文献   

We have examined the relationship between the distribution of DNA damage and repair in chromatin from confluent human fibroblasts treated with the carcinogen 7-bromomethylbenz (a) anthracene. Analysis of staphylococcal nuclease (SN)4 digestion kinetics and gel electrophoresis revealed that more total damage occurs in nucleosome core DNA (approximately 80-85% of chromatin DNA) than in SN sensitive DNA (APPROXIMATELY15-20%). Furthermore, over a 24 hr period, damage is removed at about the same rate from these two regions. In contrast, virtually all of the nucleotides incorporated during repair synthesis are initially SN sensitive even when measured at 12 hr after damage. With time many repair-incorporated nucleotides become SN resistant and coelectrophorese with nucleosome core DNA. To explain these data we propose a model whereby excision repair occurs in both linker and core DNA; however, in core DNA the repair process induces conformational changes resulting in temporarily increased SN sensitivity; subsequently, rearrangement occurs and results in the re-establishment of native or near-native nucleosome conformation and SN resistance.  相似文献   

Colon epithelium is made up of two general classes of cells, surface cells which are post-mitotic and crypt cells which contain the proliferative population. Their relative vulnerability to environmental damage and ability to perform DNA repair are important issues in colon carcinogenesis. DNA damage and repair was studied by the nucleoid sedimentation method in freshly isolated crypt cells for comparison with previous studies of post-mitotic surface epithelial cells. Suspensions of crypt cells were isolated from preparations of mouse colon by a series of sequential incubations in buffer containing 1.5 mM EDTA. Treatment of crypt cells for 30 min with 1.2 X 10(-6) M methyl methane sulfonate (MMS), photoaffinity labeling with 1 X 10(-6) M ethidium monoazide, lithocholic acid (2.5 X 10(-4) M) treatment for 1 h or X-irradiation at 1500 rads resulted in single-strand breaks in the DNA, which were repaired after 2 h of additional incubation. Interestingly, X-rays at 1000 rads and lithocholic acid (LA) (2.5 X 10(-6) M) after 30 min incubation failed to produce the detectable shift in nucleoid sedimentation characteristic of single-strand breaks, perhaps due to rapid repair by these proliferative cells. UV-irradiation failed to provoke strand incision as was also observed for the superficial post-mitotic cells in the previous studies. These studies showed the feasibility of studying DNA damage and repair processes in these two classes of colon epithelial cells in response to specific carcinogenic insult.  相似文献   

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