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  • 1 The J blood group activity of red cells is measured in terms of 50 % haemolysis (‘direct test’), that of dissolved or suspended samples in terms of 50 % haemolysis inhibition (‘indirect test’) in a standardized bovine J system.
  • 2 The volume of J-containing sample required for a 50% haemolysis inhibition decreases with increasing J activity.
  • 3 The volume of anti-J required for a 50% haemolysis of J-positive erythrocytes also decreases with increasing J activity.
  • 4 The use of antigen units (UAg) was introduced to serve as a measure of J activity of dissolved or suspended samples.
  • 5 Antigen units were also used to characterize J-containing red cells. This was made possible by measuring the relation of the direct test (on red cells). Thus, a relatively simple method of determination of red cell UAg is obtained.
  • 6 It was confirmed by absorption experiments that erythrocytes containing high concentrations of antigen require relatively low amounts of antibody to bring about a 50 % haemolysis, but are able to bind a relatively high excess of antibody.

Two glycosphingolipids with J blood group activity were found in J-positive bovine spleen. They were tentatively identified as ceramide deca- and dodecahexosides containing galactose, glucose, N -acetylgalactosamine and N -acetylglucosamine in a molar ratio of 5:3:1:1 and 6:3:2:1, respectively. Fucose was not present. Ceramide decahexosides without J activity were also found in J-negative bovine spleen. The principal component fatty acids of the J-active glycosphingolipids were saturated even-numbered long-chain acids with 16 to 24 C atoms. Their principal long-chain bases were sphingosine and dihydrosphingosine with smaller amounts of phy-tosphingosine.
Both J-active glycosphingolipids were readily water-soluble and showed strong activity in the bovine J and in the porcine A blood group system. They exhibited no cross-reactivity in the human A system. However, a J-negatiye glycosphingolipid fraction - also from J-negative spleen - with shorter carbohydrate chain-length showed strong activity in the human A system.  相似文献   

Associations of the 11 bovine blood group systems with mastitis were examined in Red Danish dairy cattle. The mastitis status was followed during three lactational periods. A significant effect of the M blood group system on mastitis incidence was observed in the first and second lactation periods and a lower frequency of mastitis is found among animals lacking the M' factor as compared to those having the M' blood group factor. The significance of these results are discussed in view of the close relation between the M blood group system and the bovine lymphocyte antigens (BoLA), and the expected effect of eliminating the M' gene from the breed is estimated. Among the remaining 10 blood group systems, the T' system was the only system showing an overall effect on mastitis, and only in first and third lactation. However, the T' system was inconsistent with regard to the effect of the T' gene on the various mastitis diagnoses.  相似文献   

Linkage analysis between size variants of the centromeric region of chromosome 15 and G blood group alleles produced a lod score of 5.03. The maximum likelihood estimate of the recombination fraction is θ= 0.24 with a 95 % confidence interval of 0.08 < θ < 0.40. Since this is the second time that linkage between a chromosome 15 marker and the G blood group locus has been shown, the assignment of the G blood group locus to chromosome 15 is confirmed.  相似文献   

One hundred and fifty-four microsatellite markers were selected for genomic scanning of the porcine genome and were grouped into amplification sets to reduce the cost and labour required. Thirty amplification sets had two markers (duplex), 20 sets had three markers (triplex) and five sets had four markers (quadruplex) while 14 markers were analysed separately. The selection criteria for microsatellites were: ease of scoring, level of polymorphism, genetic location and ability to be genotyped in a multiplexed polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The selected microsatellites were chosen to span the entire genome flanked by the porcine linkage map with intervals between adjacent markers of 15–20 cM where possible. The utility of this set of markers was demonstrated by linkage analyses with loci controlling blood plasma protein and red cell enzyme polymorphisms ( n = 13), erythrocyte antigens ( n = 15), the S blood group, coat colour and ryanodine receptor from 174 backcross Meishan-White Composite pigs. These loci displayed various forms of inheritance and most (24 loci) have been placed in linkage groups. Significant two-point linkages (lod > 3·0) were detected for each polymorphic marker. These results provide the first linkage assignments for phosphoglucomutase (PGM2) and erythrocyte antigen F (EAF) to SSC8; and serum amylase (AMY) and erythrocyte antigen I (EAI) to SSC18. All of the remaining polymorphic loci ( n = 24) mapped to previously identified regions confirming earlier results. Most of the markers used in this study should be useful in resource populations of various breed crosses as the number of alleles detected in a multibreed reference population was one of the selection criteria.  相似文献   

The bovine J blood group substance exists as a glycosphingolipid (ceramide deca-hexoside as well as ceramide dodecahexoside) and as a glycoprotein. The lipidic form occurs in erythrocyte membranes, both forms are found in serum. The lipidic J substances were isolated from erythrocytes and from serum, and identified by thin-layer chromatography with lipidic J substances isolated from spleen. The glycoprotein nature of the non-lipidic J of serum was evident by pronase-catalysed hydrolysis yielding J-active glycopeptides of lower molecular weights. The lipidic J was completely extracted from lyophilized stroma with chloroform/methanol. From lyophilized serum, however. it was completely extracted only in the presence of water, indicating different binding partners in serum and in erythrocyte membranes. The J lipid was incorporated as intact molecule into the erythrocyte membrane by a simple incubation technique. The incorporation was inhibited by various glyc-erophospholipids (called blockers). The J glycoprotein could not be transferred to the erythrocyte membrane. Three methods are descrjbed which are suitable for the preparation of a blocker-free fraction enriched with J lipids from J-positive serum.  相似文献   

  • 1 Treatment of J-positive (JR) bovine erythrocytes with periodate (0.25 mmol/1 final concentration, 1 hour, room temperature) has no effect on the J activity. Higher periodate concentrations cause spontaneous haemolyses.
  • 2 Treatment of the lipids extracted from (and containing all J activity of) Jcs erythrocytes with periodate leads to a decrease of J activity even with lower periodate concentrations.
  • 3 Treatment of the stroma prepared from Jcs erythrocytes with periodate demonstrated the relative stability of the J antigen up to 0.25 mmol/l periodate. At the same time the sialic acid concentration of stroma is reduced to about 13 % of the initial concentration.
  • 4 Desialylation of Jcs erythrocytes or Jcs stroma with sialidase does not affect the J activity thus confirming previous findings. On the other hand, the J activity of desialylated Jcs stroma is much more susceptible to periodate.
  • 5 It is concluded that membrane-bound sialic acid shields the membrane-bound J antigen from being attacked by periodate.

Expression of chicken red blood cell (RBC) surface antigens was studied by using a monoclonal antibody (ISU-cA) specific for chicken A blood group antigens. Erythrocytes were examined from embryos of 3-18 days of incubation and from chicks at hatch up to 21 weeks of age. Specific antigens were detected on embryonic RBC surfaces by immunofluorescence as early as 3 days of incubation. Antigenic expression was examined by both haemagglutination and immunofluorescence and found to increase with age from embryos to mature birds. The antigen concentration on the cell surface was found to be affected by genotype; heterozygotes had an intermediate level of antigen between that of the two parental genotypes. These data confirm the co-dominance that is observed with most blood group antigens. Flow cytometric analysis allowed confirmation that the entire erythrocyte population gradually increased in antigenic expression over time, rather than having an antigen-negative subpopulation being replaced by a positive subpopulation.  相似文献   

Alloimmunizations with either lymphocytes or red cells from donor cows positive for BoLA w16 and blood group M' antigens into recipients negative for these antigens produced antisera reactive in the cytotoxic test with w16-positive lymphocytes and in the haemolytic test with M'-positive erythrocytes. Similarly, alloimmunizations of blood group M1-negative recipients with either lymphocytes or red cells from donor cows possessing the M1 blood group factor produced antisera specifically reactive with lymphocytes and erythrocytes from M1-positive cattle. Absorptions with either lymphocytes or erythrocytes from individual animals of the same M antigenic type as the donor removed all haemolytic and cytotoxic reactivity. The results indicate that blood group M' and BoLA w16 share a similar antigenic structure. Likewise, blood group M1 has an antigenically similar counterpart which is also part of the BoLA system.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that either the bovine B or C blood group system is the orthologue of human RH. A comparative linkage mapping strategy was applied, using blood typing and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of four loci linked to RH on HSA1; PGD, FGR, ALPL and FUCA1. Four sires with a total of 255 half-sib offspring were used for the linkage analysis. Strong support for linkage between ALPL, FUCA1 and FGR was obtained for all sire families (lod scores >11 for all pairwise comparisons). This new linkage group was assigned to bovine synteny group U17 based on previous somatic cell mapping of the FGR locus. The most favoured order is ALPL—FUCA1—FGR (2·18:1), with ALPL and FGR 5·4 cm and 6·3 cm , respectively, from FUCA1. The B and C blood group systems and PGD were genetically independent of each other and all other markers, indicating that neither B nor C is likely to be the bovine orthologue of human RH. However, given available comparative mapping data, there is some chance that the bovine orthologue of RH is on bovine synteny group U6. Although gene order appears to be conserved with humans, the differences in recombination rates between these three loci in cattle, humans and mice strongly suggest that it is not possible to use human map distances to predict map distances in cattle, making it imperative that bovine gene mappers continue to emphasize adding type I markers to the bovine linkage map.  相似文献   

Five bovine paternal half-sib pedigrees for a total of 527 individuals were typed for six blood group systems: A, B, F/V, L, S, Z; for nine biochemical polymorphisms: ADA, MPI, PGM-3(slow), NP, Gc, Pi2, Tf, Ptf1 and Ptf2; and for restriction fragment length polymorphisms at five autosomal loci: Tg, GH, LDLr, BoLA-DQ and BoLA-DY. Two of the pedigrees were informative for segregation at the 'muscular hypertrophy' locus, and one was informative at the coat colour determining 'roan' locus. Linkage analysis was performed between all markers. Linkage was demonstrated between the S and F/V blood group systems (z = 3.11), adding one locus to the previously identified linkage group VII (LGVII) [Pi-2 and S], the most likely order being Pi2-S-F/V with maximum likelihood recombination rates of 0.208 and 0.211. Also shown to be linked were the blood group systems B and Z (z = 5.7, theta = 0.245). We confirmed the observation previously made by Andersson et al. (1988) of a high recombination rate between class II genes DQ and DY, suggesting either a larger physical distance between those genes than expected from comparative data, or the presence of a 'recombinational hotspot' in the bovine major histocompatibility complex. No linkage was found either with the 'muscular hypertrophy' locus, or with the 'roan' locus. However, these two loci could be excluded from respectively 1.7 and 2.5 Morgans of the bovine genome.  相似文献   

During the differentiation and maturation of erythrocytes, the surface molecules of erythrocytes are gradually expressed and stabilized. These molecules are to be antigenic in addition to their functions of maintaining cell membrane structural stability, material transport and exchange of cells and signal transmission between cells. The antigenic molecules on the erythrocyte surface are called erythrocyte blood group antigens. The blood group antigens and their corresponding blood group antibodies in vivo are important indicators for clinical blood transfusion and organ transplantation, and also form the basis for research on blood group related diseases. Three hundred and sixty-eight erythrocyte blood group antigens have been confirmed so far, which are classified into 39 blood group systems, 5 blood group collections and 2 blood group series. Based on the diversity of blood group antigens and their composition of glycolipids, glycoproteins and other molecules, this study mainly reviews the classification, molecular structure, antibody response and gene regulation of blood group antigens, and explains the main reasons for the diversity of blood group antigens.  相似文献   

Linkage studies of three-point crosses (triple backcross matings) showed that the linear sequence of three of the pig's immunogenetic traits — the SLA major histocompatibility complex and the J and C blood group loci — is SLA-J-C . Andresen & Baker (1964) and Rasmusen (1965) described close linkage between the J and C blood group loci and respectively found their recombination frequency to be 5.29 ± 1.1 % and 7.00 ± 3.4 %; by combining the data the exact frequency was determined at 5.75 ± 0.79 % (Muir & Rasmusen, 1974). Later, linkage of the SLA major histocompatibility complex with both J (Hruban et al., 1976) and C (Hruban et al., 1977) erythrocytic loci was found. The maximum tabular lod score values were found in the recombination fraction Θ= 0.10 in comparison of SLA and J and in the fraction Θ= 0.20 in comparison of SLA and C (Hruban et al., 1977).  相似文献   

Serological evidence is presented to prove the presence of an F2 allele in the F system of British Friesian cattle.  相似文献   

Linkage between the C and I blood group loci in sheep was demonstrated by lod score analysis of data from double backcross matings. The recombination frequency between the I locus and the gene coding for the Cb red cell antigen was estimated to be 0.09 with a standard error of 0.04.  相似文献   

A frequency of recombination between genes at the H and C blood group loci of θ= 115/271 = 0.424 ± 0.030 and between genes at the H and J blood group loci of θ= 831199 = 0.417 ± 0.035 has been calculated in pigs.  相似文献   

A previously unrecognized canine red cell antigen, tentatively named O, was found after absorption analysis of an alloimmune antiserum and absorption of several immune or naturally occurring cross-reacting heteroantibodies from man, cattle and swine. The serological results and genetic analysis of a limited number of complete dog families indicated that the new factor probably belongs to the Tr blood group system. No individual possessed both factors Tr and O, and a large proportion of animals was negative for both factors. The serological pattern for the new Tr system obtained was consistent with similar systems observed in sheep (A-O), pig (R-O) and man (Bombay) in which the gene for one factor was dominant over and masked the gene for the second factor in the system. The negative phenotype was accounted for by the actions of an epistatic gene.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to map classical markers (plumage colours and blood proteins) on the microsatellite linkage map of the Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). The segregation data on two plumage colours and three blood proteins were obtained from 25 three-generation families (193 F2 birds). Linkage analysis was carried out for these five classical markers and 80 microsatellite markers. A total of 15 linkage groups that included the five classical loci and 69 of the 80 microsatellite markers were constructed. Using the BLAST homology search against the chicken genome sequence, three quail linkage groups, QL8, QL10 and QL13, were suggested to be homologous to chicken chromosomes GGA9, GGA20 and GGA24, respectively. Two plumage colour loci, black at hatch (Bh) and yellow (Y), and the three blood protein loci, transferrin (Tf), haemoglobin (Hb-1) and prealbumin-1 (Pa-1), were assigned to CJA01, QL10, QL8, CJA14 and QL13, respectively.  相似文献   

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