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Yang L  Ding J  Zhang C  Jia J  Weng H  Liu W  Zhang D 《Plant cell reports》2005,23(10-11):759-763
In transgenic plants, transgene copy number can greatly influence the expression level and genetic stability of the target gene, making estimation of transgene copy number an important area of genetically modified (GM) crop research. Transgene copy numbers are currently estimated by Southern analysis, which is laborious and time-consuming, requires relatively large amounts of plant materials and may involve hazardous radioisotopes. We report here the development of a sensitive, high-throughput real-time (RT)-PCR technique for estimating transgene copy number in GM rice. This system uses TaqMan quantitative RT-PCR and comparison to a novel rice endogenous reference gene coding for sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) to determine the copy numbers of the exogenous beta-glucuronidase (GUS) and hygromycin phosphotransferase (HPT) genes in transgenic rice. The copy numbers of the GUS and HPT in primary rice transformants (T0) were calculated by comparing quantitative PCR results of the GUS and HPT genes with those of the internal standard, SPS. With optimized PCR conditions, we achieved significantly accurate estimates of one, two, three and four transgene copies in the T0 transformants. Furthermore, our copy number estimations of both the GUS reporter gene and the HPT selective marker gene showed that rearrangements of the T-DNA occurred more frequently than is generally believed in transgenic rice.  相似文献   

Ingham DJ  Beer S  Money S  Hansen G 《BioTechniques》2001,31(1):132-4, 136-40
The development of transgenic events can be limited by many factors. These include expression levels, insert stability and inheritance, and the identification of simple insertion events. All of the factors can be related to the copy number of the transgene. Traditionally, copy number has been determined by laborious blotting techniques. We have developed an alternative approach that utilizes the fluorogenic 5' nuclease (TaqMan) assay to quantitatively determine transgene copy level in plants. Using this assay, hundreds of samples can be analyzed per day in contrast to the low throughput encountered with traditional methods. To develop the TaqMan copy number assay, we chose to utilize our highly efficient Agrobacterium-mediated transformation system of maize. This transformation procedure generates predominantly low copy number insertion events, which simplified assay development. We have also successful applied this assay to other crops and transformation systems.  相似文献   

实时荧光定量PCR(TaqMan)法测定外源基因的拷贝数   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王爱民 《广西植物》2009,29(3):408-412
实时荧光定量PCR是近年新兴的一项技术,因其快速、方便、便宜,需要DNA样品量少,无需放射性检测等优点被广泛应用于基因的定量分析。该文就实时荧光定量PCR(TaqMan)技术的发展、基本原理及测定外源基因拷贝数的技术流程做一介绍。  相似文献   

Transgene copy number has a great impact on the expression level and stability of exogenous gene in transgenic plants, so transgene copy number analysis is identified as one most important task after obtaining transgenic plants. In this paper, TaqMan real-time PCR was used to estimate the copy number of exogenous MAC12.2 and NPTII genes in transgenic precocious trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliata [L.] Raf) in order to overcome the limitations of Southern blot analysis, which is labor-intensive, time-consuming, in considerable needs of DNA, etc. We developed a real-time PCR assay which permitted the determination of the copy number of transgene (MAC12.2 and NPTII), relative to a conserved endogenous gene (PtLTP) in transgenic lines. R value is 0.92 by comparing the results to that of Southern blot analysis, indicating a strong correlation coefficient between TaqMan real-time PCR assay and Southern blot method.  相似文献   

Copy number changes are known to be involved in numerous human genetic disorders. In this context, qPCR-based copy number screening may serve as the method of choice for targeted screening of the relevant disease genes and their surrounding regulatory landscapes. qPCR has many advantages over alternative methods, such as its low consumable and instrumentation costs, fast turnaround and assay development time, high sensitivity and open format (independent of a single supplier). In this chapter we provide all relevant information for a successfully implement of qPCR-based copy number analysis. We emphasize the significance of thorough in silico and empirical validation of the primers, the need for a well thought-out experiment design, and the importance of quality controls along the entire workflow. Furthermore, we suggest an appropriate and practical way to calculate copy numbers and to objectively interpret the results.The provided guidelines will most certainly improve the quality and reliability of your qPCR-based copy number screening.  相似文献   

Accurate and timely detection of transgene copy number in sugarcane is currently hampered by the requirement to use Southern blotting, needing relatively large amounts of genomic DNA and, therefore, the continued growth and maintenance of bulky plants in containment glasshouses. In addition, the sugarcane genome is both polyploid and aneuploid, complicating the identification of appropriate genes for use as references in the development of a high-throughput method. Using bioinformatic techniques followed by in vitro testing, two genes that appear to occur once per base genome of sugarcane were identified. Using these genes as reference genes, a high-throughput assay employing RT-qPCR was developed and tested using a group of sugarcane plants that contained unknown numbers of copies of the nptII gene encoding kanamycin resistance. Using this assay, transgene copy numbers from 3 to more than 50 were identified. In comparison, Southern blotting accurately identified the number of transgene copies for one line and by inference for another, but was not able to provide an accurate estimation for transgenic lines containing numerous copies of the nptII gene. Using the reference genes identified in this study, a high-throughput assay for the determination of transgene copy number was developed and tested for sugarcane. This method requires much less input DNA, can be performed much earlier in the production of transgenic sugarcane plants and allows much more efficient assessment of numerous potentially transgenic lines than Southern blotting.  相似文献   

This review examines how real-time PCR can be used to determine copy number and zygosity in transgenic plants. Distinguishing between plants that harbor one and two copies of a transgene or are hemizygous and homozygous requires the ability to routinely distinguish twofold differences, a detection difference which approaches the resolution of PCR-based quantification methods. After explaining the basic principles, especially the threshold cycle (Ct value) as the basic measuring unit in real-time PCR, we introduce three quantitation methods currently in use. While the absolute and relative standard curve approaches are qualitative methods that distinguish high-copy from low-copy transformants, the comparative ( ) method with double-dye oligonucleotides (TaqMan probes) is able to detect twofold differences. In order to obtain reliable results, Ct values for an amplicon should be below 25 and the standard deviation below 0.3. Although real-time PCR can deliver exact copy number determinations, the procedure is not fail-safe. Therefore, real-time PCR should to be viewed as complementary to—rather than as a replacement of—other methods such as Southern analysis, but it is particularly useful as a preliminary screening tool for estimating copy numbers of a large number of transformants.  相似文献   

The production of microcystin toxins by cyanobacteria is an intrapopulation feature and the toxic and nontoxic genotypes can be separated only through molecular analyses targeting the mcy markers. Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) is a procedure that has been established, not only to detect but to specifically quantify these genotypes. In the present work, primers were designed for the mcyD region to estimate the number of cyanobacteria that are potential microcystin producers. Laboratory tests to verify the efficiency and the specificity of the primers were performed. The methodology was first established for single strain cultures and thereafter was applied in environmental water samples, from a reservoir located in the Brazilian savannah (“cerrado”). The results were very satisfactory, demonstrating the high efficiency and the specificity of the primers used, and their ability to detect different cyanobacteria genera. Of particular interest were the results showing a high proportion of toxic strains (as high as 100 %) in the environmental samples, as previously reported in another tropical system. Furthermore, the occurrence of a smaller fraction of toxic strains at high cyanobacteria densities, and of more toxic populations when fewer cyanobacteria were present, deserves further investigation. Although records of cyanobacteria blooms are very common in the tropics and suggest an increasing incidence of toxic populations, the present research is one of the few applying qPCR in a tropical environment. The results obtained here, by a technique that allows a more precise quantification and in situ follow-up of changes in toxicity, will make possible new observations of seasonal and spatial dynamics in these environments.  相似文献   

Evaluation of uncertainty in quantitative real-time PCR   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Quantitative real-time PCR is one of the newer methods for measurement of the amount of nucleic material in biological systems. However, reliable measurement requires an appropriate estimation of uncertainty and this paper has developed the uncertainty budget associated with this procedure using as an example, data from a quantitative real-time PCR method for the enumeration of Campylobacter jejuni. This uncertainty is relatively large and for instance, a measured result of 151 units of DNA would have a 95% confidence interval of +/-84 units of DNA with the main sources of uncertainty being the measurement of the threshold cycle (Ct) value, the predicted DNA content of the unknown sample from the calibration line and the molar absorbance value for DNA.  相似文献   

The assessment of ERa, PgR and HER2 status is routinely performed today to determine the endocrine responsiveness of breast cancer samples. Such determination is usually accomplished by means of immunohistochemistry and in case of HER2 amplification by means of fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). The analysis of these markers can be improved by simultaneous measurements using quantitative real-time PCR (Qrt-PCR). In this study we compared Qrt-PCR results for the assessment of mRNA levels of ERa, PgR, and the members of the human epidermal growth factor receptor family, HER1, HER2, HER3 and HER4. The results were obtained in two independent laboratories using two different methods, SYBR Green I and TaqMan probes, and different primers. By linear regression we demonstrated a good concordance for all six markers. The quantitative mRNA expression levels of ERa, PgR and HER2 also strongly correlated with the respective quantitative protein expression levels prospectively detected by EIA in both laboratories. In addition, HER2 mRNA expression levels correlated well with gene amplification detected by FISH in the same biopsies. Our results indicate that both Qrt-PCR methods were robust and sensitive tools for routine diagnostics and consistent with standard methodologies. The developed simultaneous assessment of several biomarkers is fast and labor effective and allows optimization of the clinical decision-making process in breast cancer tissue and/or core biopsies.  相似文献   

A quantitative real-time 5′-nuclease (Taqman) PCR technique was developed to specifically detect Mycobacterium immunogenum. rpoB-specific primers and Taqman probe were evaluated for detection of M. immunogenum DNA extracted from pure cultures and from industrial metal working fluids (MWFs). Specificity was confirmed and the sensitivity of detection of M. immunogenum genomic DNA was shown to be approximately 9 fg (2 cell equivalents). When tested on industrial metal working fluids from the UK and USA from which no M. immunogenum CFU were recovered, the assay detected between 3.4 × 101 and 1.9 × 104 cell equivalents (CE) per ml, and increased the detection rate over culture to 37.5% (12 of 32 samples). This assay provides a specific, sensitive and rapid method for the detection of M. immunogenum and is applicable within industry for the early detection of this human pathogen and to the possible prevention of hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) in workers.  相似文献   



Recombinant protein production in Escherichia coli cells is a complex process, where among other parameters, plasmid copy number, structural and segregational stability of plasmid have an important impact on the success of productivity. It was recognised that a method for accurate and rapid quantification of plasmid copy number is necessary for optimization and better understanding of this process. Lately, qPCR is becoming the method of choice for this purpose. In the presented work, an improved qPCR method adopted for PCN determination in various fermentation processes was developed.  相似文献   

实时定量PCR技术的介绍   总被引:61,自引:0,他引:61  
张立国  张琚 《生物技术》2003,13(2):39-40
实时定量PCR(real-timePCR)技术是近几年发展起来的新技术 ,既保持了PCR技术灵敏、快速的特点 ,又克服了以往PCR技术中存在的假阳性污染和不能进行准确定量的缺点。另外 ,还有重复性好、省力、低费用等优点。实时定量PCR技术是从传统PCR技术发展而来 ,其基本原理是相同的 ,主要不同之处是其定量的体系。下面简单介绍一下该技术定量的原理。1 荧光染料的应用荧光染料的应用是实时PCR技术能够进行定量检测的一个重要部分 ,在PCR反应体系中应用荧光标记物 ,通过监测荧光信号的累积实现对整个PCR循环进程的观察。目前主要有四种方法…  相似文献   

Rapid detection of Oenococcus oeni in wine by real-time quantitative PCR   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
AIMS: To develop a real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method for rapid detection and quantification of Oenococcus oeni in wine samples for monitoring malolactic fermentation. METHODS AND RESULTS: Specific primers and fluorogenic probe targeted to the gene encoding the malolactic enzyme of O. oeni were developed and used in real-time PCR assays in order to quantify genomic DNA either from bacterial pure cultures or wine samples. Conventional CFU countings were also performed. The PCR assay confirmed to be specific for O. oeni species and significantly correlated to the conventional plating method both in pure cultures and wine samples (r = 0.902 and 0.96, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: The DNA extraction from wine and the real-time PCR quantification assay, being performed in ca 6 h and allowing several samples to be concurrently processed, provide useful tools for the rapid and direct detection of O. oeni in wine without the necessity for sample plating. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Rapid quantification of O. oeni by a real-time PCR assay can improve the control of malolactic fermentation in wines allowing prompt corrective measures to regulate the bacterial growth.  相似文献   

PCR quantification is regarded as one of the most promising techniques for real-time identification of bio-aerosols. We have, therefore, validated a QPCR assay for quantification of a viral aerosol sample using the double-stranded DNA-binding dye SYBR green I, an economical alternative for quantification of target microorganisms. To achieve this objective we used mycobacteriophage D29 as model organism. Phage D29 aerosol was produced in an aerosol cabinet and then collected by use of an AGI liquid sampler. A standard curve was created by use of purified genomic DNA from the phage in liquid culture of known concentration measured by titration. To prevent false-positive results caused by formation of primer–dimers, an additional data-acquisition step was added to the three-step QPCR procedure; the new technique was called four-step QPCR. The standard curve was then used to quantify the total amount of phage D29 in liquid culture and aerosol samples. For liquid culture samples there was no significant difference (> 0.05) between results from quantification of the virus using double-agar culture and QPCR. For aerosol samples, however, the result determined by the QPCR method was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than that from the double-agar culture method. The four-step SYBR green I QPCR method is a quick quantitative method for mycobacteriophage D29 aerosol. We believe that QPCR using SYBR green I dye will be an economical method for detection of airborne bio-aerosols.  相似文献   

正Dear Editor,The 2002–2003 severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus(SARS-CoV)(Drosten et al.,2003)caused human pandemics that began in China and spread globally.Subsequently,diverse SARS-like coronaviruses  相似文献   

实时荧光PCR技术定量检测转Bt基因水稻的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以转Bt基因的"克螟稻"为研究材料,通过使用特异的引物和荧光标记探针,以已知转基因成份含量的水稻样品为模板建立标准曲线,对转基因水稻的NOS和Bt外源基因进行了荧光定量检测分析.初步建立了转基因水稻定量检测的技术方法.  相似文献   

实时定量聚合酶链反应(real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction,简称qPCR)是一种通过荧光信号对PCR进程进行实时监测,并对未知模板进行定量分析的一种核酸定量技术,该技术在临床诊断和生命科学等多领域发挥着重要的作用。现就生物制品领域有着重要应用价值的中介探针聚合酶链反应(mediator probe polymerase chain reaction,MP PCR)和数字聚合酶链反应(digital polymerase chain reaction,dPCR)新技术加以介绍,同时也对qPCR技术中的关键因素(如参考基因选择和核酸质量评价)以及qPCR最低限度标准(minimum information for the publication of real-time quantitative PCR,MIQE)指南作一概述。  相似文献   

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