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Twenty-one sequenced protein members of the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) family have been identified and characterized in terms of their sizes, hydropathy profiles, sequence similarities and phylogenies. These proteins derive from mammals, the frog Xenopus laevis and the worm Caenorhabditis elegans. The eleven sequenced vertebrate proteins fall into four subfamilies designated α, β, γ, and δ. The 10 C. elegans proteins do not cluster with the vertebrate proteins, and they all proved to be distantly related to each other. Nonetheless, the 21 ENaC proteins exhibit the same apparent topology, each with two transmembrane spanning segments separated by a large extracellular loop. All but two ENaC proteins possess highly conserved extracellular domains containing numerous conserved cysteine residues as well as adjacent C-terminal amphipathic transmembrane spanning segments, postulated to contribute to the formation of the hydrophilic pores of these oligomeric channel protein complexes. It is proposed that the well-conserved extracellular domains serve as receptors to control the activities of the channels. A topological model for the ENaC family proteins is presented.  相似文献   

The extracellular domain of the epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC) is exposed to a wide range of anion concentrations in the kidney. We have previously demonstrated that extracellular Cl(-) inhibits ENaC activity. To identify sites involved in Cl(-) inhibition, we mutated residues in the extracellular domain of α-, β-, and γENaC that are homologous to the Cl(-) binding site in acid-sensing ion channel 1a and tested the effect of Cl(-) on the activity of ENaC expressed in Xenopus oocytes. We identified two Cl(-) inhibitory sites in ENaC. One is formed by residues in the thumb domain of αENaC and the palm domain of βENaC. Mutation of residues at this interface decreased Cl(-) inhibition and decreased Na(+) self-inhibition. The second site is formed by residues at the interface of the thumb domain of βENaC and the palm domain of γENaC. Mutation of these residues also decreased Cl(-) inhibition yet had no effect on Na(+) self-inhibition. In contrast, mutations in the thumb domain of γENaC and palm of αENaC had little or no effect on Cl(-) inhibition or Na(+) self-inhibition. The data demonstrate that Cl(-) inhibits ENaC activity by two distinct Na(+)-dependent and Na(+)-independent mechanisms that correspond to the two functional Cl(-) inhibitory sites. Furthermore, based on the effects of mutagenesis on Cl(-) inhibition, the additive nature of mutations, and on differences in the mechanisms of Cl(-) inhibition, the data support a model in which ENaC subunits assemble in an αγβ orientation (listed clockwise when viewed from the top).  相似文献   

Protons regulateelectrogenic sodium absorption in a variety of epithelia, including thecortical collecting duct, frog skin, and urinary bladder. Recently,three subunits (, , ) coding for the epithelial sodium channel(ENaC) were cloned. However, it is not known whether pH regulatesNa+ channels directly byinteracting with one of the three ENaC subunits or indirectly byinteracting with a regulatory protein. As a first step to identifyingthe molecular mechanisms of proton-mediated regulation of apicalmembrane Na+ permeability inepithelia, we examined the effect of pH on the biophysical propertiesof ENaC. To this end, we expressed various combinations of -, -,and -subunits of ENaC in Xenopusoocytes and studied ENaC currents by the two-electrode voltage-clampand patch-clamp techniques. In addition, the effect of pH on the-ENaC subunit was examined in planar lipid bilayers. We report that ,,-ENaC currents were regulated by changes in intracellular pH(pHi) but not by changes inextracellular pH (pHo).Acidification reduced and alkalization increased channel activity by avoltage-independent mechanism. Moreover, a reduction ofpHi reduced single-channel openprobability, reduced single-channel open time, and increased single-channel closed time without altering single-channel conductance. Acidification of the cytoplasmic solution also inhibited ,-ENaC, ,-ENaC, and -ENaC currents. We conclude thatpHi but notpHo regulates ENaC and that the-ENaC subunit is regulated directly bypHi.  相似文献   

The epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC), composed of three subunits (alpha beta gamma), plays a critical role in salt and fluid homeostasis. Abnormalities in channel opening and numbers have been linked to several genetic disorders, including cystic fibrosis, pseudohypoaldosteronism type I and Liddle syndrome. We have recently identified the ubiquitin-protein ligase Nedd4 as an interacting protein of ENaC. Here we show that ENaC is a short-lived protein (t1/2 approximately 1 h) that is ubiquitinated in vivo on the alpha and gamma (but not beta) subunits. Mutation of a cluster of Lys residues (to Arg) at the N-terminus of gamma ENaC leads to both inhibition of ubiquitination and increased channel activity, an effect augmented by N-terminal Lys to Arg mutations in alpha ENaC, but not in beta ENaC. This elevated channel activity is caused by an increase in the number of channels present at the plasma membrane; it represents increases in both cell-surface retention or recycling of ENaC and incorporation of new channels at the plasma membrane, as determined by Brefeldin A treatment. In addition, we find that the rapid turnover of the total pool of cellular ENaC is attenuated by inhibitors of both the proteasome and the lysosomal/endosomal degradation systems, and propose that whereas the unassembled subunits are degraded by the proteasome, the assembled alpha beta gamma ENaC complex is targeted for lysosomal degradation. Our results suggest that ENaC function is regulated by ubiquitination, and propose a paradigm for ubiquitination-mediated regulation of ion channels.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that the intracellularNa+ concentration([Na+]i)is a regulator of the epithelialNa+ channel (ENaC) was tested withthe Xenopus oocyte expression systemby utilizing a dual-electrode voltage clamp.[Na+]iaveraged 48.1 ± 2.2 meq (n = 27)and was estimated from the amiloride-sensitive reversal potential.[Na+]iwas increased by direct injection of 27.6 nl of 0.25 or 0.5 MNa2SO4.Within minutes of injection,[Na+]istabilized and remained elevated at 97.8 ± 6.5 meq(n = 9) and 64.9 ± 4.4 (n = 5) meq 30 min after theinitial injection of 0.5 and 0.25 MNa2SO4,respectively. This increase of[Na+]icaused a biphasic inhibition of ENaC currents. In oocytes injected with0.5 MNa2SO4(n = 9), a rapid decrease of inwardamiloride-sensitive slope conductance(gNa) to 0.681 ± 0.030 of control within the first 3 min and a secondary, slowerdecrease to 0.304 ± 0.043 of control at 30 min were observed.Similar but smaller inhibitions were also observed with the injectionof 0.25 MNa2SO4.Injection of isotonicK2SO4(70 mM) or isotonicK2SO4made hypertonic with sucrose (70 mMK2SO4-1.2M sucrose) was without effect. Injection of a 0.5 M concentration ofeitherK2SO4,N-methyl-D-glucamine (NMDG) sulfate, or 0.75 M NMDG gluconate resulted in a much smaller initial inhibition (<14%) and little or no secondary decrease. Thusincreases of[Na+]ihave multiple specific inhibitory effects on ENaC that can betemporally separated into a rapid phase that was complete within 2-3 min and a delayed slow phase that was observed between 5 and 30 min.


Dietary salt intake controls epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC)-mediated Na+ reabsorption in the distal nephron by affecting status of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS). Whereas regulation of ENaC by aldosterone is generally accepted, little is known about whether other components of RAAS, such as angiotensin II (Ang II), have nonredundant to aldosterone-stimulatory actions on ENaC. We combined patch clamp electrophysiology and immunohistochemistry in freshly isolated split-opened distal nephrons of mice to determine the mechanism and molecular signaling pathway of Ang II regulation of ENaC. We found that Ang II acutely increases ENaC Po, whereas prolonged exposure to Ang II also induces translocation of α-ENaC toward the apical membrane in situ. Ang II actions on ENaC Po persist in the presence of saturated mineralocorticoid status. Moreover, aldosterone fails to stimulate ENaC acutely, suggesting that Ang II and aldosterone have different time frames of ENaC activation. AT1 but not AT2 receptors mediate Ang II actions on ENaC. Unlike its effect in vasculature, Ang II did not increase [Ca2+]i in split-opened distal nephrons as demonstrated using ratiometric Fura-2-based microscopy. However, application of Ang II to mpkCCDc14 cells resulted in generation of reactive oxygen species, as probed with fluorescent methods. Consistently, inhibiting NADPH oxidase with apocynin abolished Ang II-mediated increases in ENaC Po in murine distal nephron. Therefore, we concluded that Ang II directly regulates ENaC activity in the distal nephron, and this effect complements regulation of ENaC by aldosterone. We propose that stimulation of AT1 receptors with subsequent activation of NADPH oxidase signaling pathway mediates Ang II actions on ENaC.  相似文献   

Aldosterone acts to increase apical membrane permeability by activation of epithelial Na(+) channels (ENaC). We have previously shown that aldosterone activates ENaC early in the course of its action by stimulating the methylation of the beta subunit of this heteromeric channel in A6 cells. Aldosterone also stimulates the expression and methylation of k-ras in A6 cells. To determine whether aldosterone-stimulated methylations are seen in mammalian cells, we examined the effect of aldosterone on methylation and ras activation in a continuous line of cultured epithelial cells derived from mouse cortical collecting duct (CCD) and determined that beta mENaC is a substrate for methylation by an enzyme contained in CCD cells. Aldosterone stimulated protein base labile methylation in CCD cells. Aldosterone stimulated Na(+) transport in CCD cells within 1 h of addition and without an increase in cellular amount of any ENaC subunits over the first 4 h. Inhibition of methylation, using the inhibitor 3-deaza-adenosine, blocked the stimulation of Na(+) transport induced by aldosterone at early time points (1-4 h) without affecting cellular amounts of any ENaC subunits. In contrast to 3-deaza-adenosine (3-DZA), which inhibits all methylation reactions, specific inhibitors of small G-protein methylation or prenylation had no effect on the early aldosterone-induced current. Overexpression of isoprenylcysteine carboxylmethyltransferase (PCMTase), the enzyme that methylates ras, had little effect on basal transport but enhanced aldosterone-stimulated transport in A6 cells. Overexpression of PCMTase in CCD cells had no effect on either basal or aldosterone-stimulated transport. Moreover PCMTase had no effect on ENaC activity when co-expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Aldosterone had no effect on either message or protein levels of k-ras in CCD cells. Searching a mouse kidney library, we identified a methyltransferase that stimulates ENaC activity in Xenopus oocytes without affecting surface expression of ENaC. Our results demonstrate that aldosterone stimulates protein methylation in CCD cells, and this is required for expression of the early transport response. In CCD cells this effect is not mediated via methylation of ras, which is not induced by aldosterone in these cells, and the enzyme that methylates ras has no direct effect on ENaC activity. beta ENaC is a substrate for methylation in CCD cells. A novel methyltransferase that stimulates ENaC directly has been identified in CCD cells.  相似文献   

Böhmer C  Wehner F 《FEBS letters》2001,494(1-2):125-128
The epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC) is composed of the subunits alpha, beta, and gamma [Canessa et al., Nature 367 (1994) 463-467] and typically exhibits a high affinity to amiloride [Canessa et al., Nature 361 (1993) 467-470]. When expressed in Xenopus oocytes, conflicting results were reported concerning the osmo-sensitivity of the channel [Ji et al., Am. J. Physiol. 275 (1998) C1182-C1190; Hawayda and Subramanyam, J. Gen. Physiol. 112 (1998) 97-111; Rossier, J. Gen. Physiol. 112 (1998) 95-96]. Rat hepatocytes were the first system in which amiloride-sensitive sodium currents in response to hypertonic stress were reported [Wehner et al., J. Gen. Physiol. 105 (1995) 507-535; Wehner et al., Physiologist 40 (1997) A-4]. Moreover, all three ENaC subunits are expressed in these cells [B?hmer et al., Cell. Physiol. Biochem. 10 (2000) 187-194]. Here, we injected specific antisense oligonucleotides directed against alpha-rENaC into single rat hepatocytes in confluent primary culture and found an inhibition of hypertonicity-induced Na(+) currents by 70%. This is the first direct evidence for a role of the ENaC in cell volume regulation.  相似文献   

The epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC), composed of three subunits (alphabetagamma), is expressed in various Na(+)-absorbing epithelia and plays a critical role in salt and water balance and in the regulation of blood pressure. By using patch clamp techniques, we have examined the effect of cytosolic ATP on the activity of the rat alphabetagammaENaC (rENaC) stably expressed in NIH-3T3 cells and in Madin-Darby canine kidney epithelial cells. The inward whole-cell current attributable to rENaC activity ran down when these cells were dialyzed with an ATP-free pipette solution in the conventional whole-cell voltage-clamping technique. This run down was prevented by 2 mM ATP (but not by AMP or ADP) in the pipette solution or by the poorly or non-hydrolyzable analogues of ATP (adenosine 5'-O-(thiotriphosphate) and adenosine 5'-(beta,gamma-imino)triphosphate) in both cell lines, suggesting that protection from run down was mediated through non-hydrolytic nucleotide binding. Accordingly, we demonstrate binding of ATP (but not AMP) to alpharENaC expressed in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells, which was inhibited upon mutation of the two putative nucleotide-binding motifs of alpharENaC. Single channel analyses indicated that the run down of currents observed in the whole-cell recording was attributable to run down of channel activity, defined as NPo (the product of the number of channels and open probability). We propose that this novel ATP regulation of ENaC may be, at least in part, involved in the fine-tuning of ENaC activity under physiologic and pathophysiologic conditions.  相似文献   

Indirect activation of the epithelial Na+ channel by trypsin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We tested the hypothesis that the serine protease trypsin can indirectly activate the epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC). Experiments were carried out in Xenopus oocytes and examined the effects on the channel formed by all three human ENaC subunits and that formed by Xenopus epsilon and human beta and gamma subunits (epsilonbetagammaENaC). Low levels of trypsin (1-10 ng/ml) were without effects on the oocyte endogenous conductances and were specifically used to test the effects on ENaC. Addition of 1 ng/ml trypsin for 60 min stimulated the amiloride-sensitive human ENaC conductance (g(Na)) by approximately 6-fold. This effect on the g(Na) was [Na(+)]-independent, thereby ruling out an interaction with channel feedback inhibition by Na(+). The indirect nature of this activation was confirmed in cell-attached patch clamp experiments with trypsin added to the outside of the pipette. Trypsin was comparatively ineffective at activating epsilonbetagammaENaC, a channel that exhibited a high spontaneous open probability. These observations, in combination with surface binding experiments, indicated that trypsin indirectly activated membrane-resident channels. Activation by trypsin was also dependent on catalytic activity of this protease but was not accompanied by channel subunit proteolysis. Channel activation was dependent on downstream activation of G-proteins and was blocked by G-protein inhibition by injection of guanyl-5'-yl thiophosphate and by pre-stimulation of phospholipase C. These data indicate a receptor-mediated activation of ENaC by trypsin. This trypsin-activated receptor is distinct from that of protease-activated receptor-2, because the response to trypsin was unaffected by protease-activated receptor-2 overexpression or knockdown.  相似文献   

Sensitivity of oocyte-expressed epithelial Na+ channel to glibenclamide   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of glibenclamide on heterologously expressed amiloride-sensitive sodium channels (ENaCs) was investigated in Xenopus oocytes. The ENaC is a heteromer and consists of alpha-, beta- and gamma-subunits and the alpha- and beta-subunits have previously been shown to confer sensitivity to glibenclamide. We coexpressed either colonic rat alpha- (ralpha) or guinea-pig alpha-subunit (gpalpha) with Xenopus betagamma-subunits. The gpalphaxbetagamma was significantly stimulated by glibenclamide (100 microM) (184+/-15%), whereas the ralpha-combination was slightly down-regulated by the sulfonylurea (79+/-4%). The stimulating effect did not interfere with Na(+)-self-inhibition resulting from intracellular accumulation of Na(+)-ions. We exchanged cytosolic termini between both orthologs but the gpalpha-chimera with the termini from rat retained sensitivity to glibenclamide. The effect of glibenclamide on Xenopus ENaC (xENaC) was inhibited by ADP-beta-S but not by ATP-gamma-S, when applied intracellularly. Intracellular loading with Na(+)-ions after inhibition of Na(+)/K(+)-ATPases with ouabain prevented an up-regulation of ENaC activity by glibenclamide. Pretreatment of oocytes expressing xENaC with edelfosine (ET-18-OCH(3)) slightly reduced stimulation of I(ami) (118+/-12%; control: 132+/-9%) while phosphatidylinositol-4,5-biphosphate (PIP(2)) significantly reduced the effect of glibenclamide to 101+/-3%.  相似文献   

Epithelial Na+ channels (ENaCs) and related channels have large extracellular domains where specific factors interact and induce conformational changes, leading to altered channel activity. However, extracellular structural transitions associated with changes in ENaC activity are not well defined. Using crosslinking and two-electrode voltage clamp in Xenopus oocytes, we identified several pairs of functional intersubunit contacts where mouse ENaC activity was modulated by inducing or breaking a disulfide bond between introduced Cys residues. Specifically, crosslinking E499C in the β-subunit palm domain and N510C in the α-subunit palm domain activated ENaC, whereas crosslinking βE499C with αQ441C in the α-subunit thumb domain inhibited ENaC. We determined that bridging βE499C to αN510C or αQ441C altered the Na+ self-inhibition response via distinct mechanisms. Similar to bridging βE499C and αQ441C, we found that crosslinking palm domain αE557C with thumb domain γQ398C strongly inhibited ENaC activity. In conclusion, we propose that certain residues at specific subunit interfaces form microswitches that convey a conformational wave during ENaC gating and its regulation.  相似文献   

The epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) is the apical entry pathway for Na+ in many Na+-reabsorbing epithelia. ENaC is a heterotetrameric protein composed of homologous alpha, beta, and gamma subunits. Mutations in ENaC cause severe hypertension or salt wasting in humans; and consequently, ENaC activity is tightly controlled. According to the concept of Na+ self-inhibition, the extracellular Na+ ion itself can reduce ENaC activity. The molecular basis for Na+ self-inhibition is unknown. Here, we describe cloning of a new ENaC subunit from Xenopus laevis (epsilonxENaC). epsilonxENaC can replace alphaxENaC and formed functional, highly selective, amiloride-sensitive Na+ channels when coexpressed with betaxENaC and gammaxENaC. Channels containing epsilonxENaC showed strong inhibition by extracellular Na+. This Na+ self-inhibition was significantly slower than for alphaxENaC-containing channels. Using site-directed mutagenesis, we show that the proximal part of the large extracellular domain controls the speed of self-inhibition. This suggests that this region is involved in conformational changes during Na+ self-inhibition.  相似文献   

The epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC) is typically formed by three homologous subunits (alpha, beta, and gamma) that possess a characteristic large extracellular loop (ECL) containing 16 conserved cysteine (Cys) residues. We investigated the functional role of these Cys residues in Na(+) self-inhibition, an allosteric inhibition of ENaC activity by extracellular Na(+). All 16 Cys residues within alpha and gamma ECLs and selected beta ECL Cys residues were individually mutated to alanine or serine residues. The Na(+) self-inhibition response of wild type and mutant channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes was determined by whole cell voltage clamp. Individual mutation of eight alpha (Cys-1, -4, -5, -6, -7, -10, -13, or -16), one beta (Cys-7), and nine gamma (Cys-3, -4, -6, -7, -10, -11, -12, -13, or -16) residues significantly reduced the magnitude of Na(+) self-inhibition. Na(+) self-inhibition was eliminated by simultaneous mutations of either the last three alpha ECL Cys residues (Cys-14, -15, and -16) or Cys-7 within both alpha and gamma ECLs. By analyzing the Na(+) self-inhibition responses and the effects of a methanethiosulfonate reagent on channel currents in single and double Cys mutants, we identified five Cys pairs within the alphaECL (alphaCys-1/alphaCys-6, alphaCys-4/alphaCys-5, alphaCys-7/alphaCys-16, alphaCys-10/alphaCys-13, and alphaCys-11/alphaCys-12) and one pair within the gammaECL (gammaCys-7/gammaCys-16) that likely form intrasubunit disulfide bonds. We conclude that approximately half of the ECL Cys residues in the alpha and gamma ENaC subunits are required to establish the tertiary structure that ensures a proper Na(+) self-inhibition response, likely by formation of multiple intrasubunit disulfide bonds.  相似文献   

We examined the regulation of a cloned epithelial Na+ channel (alpha beta gamma-rENaC) by protein kinase A (PKA) and protein kinase C (PKC). Experiments were performed in Xenopus oocytes and in planar lipid bilayers. At a holding potential of -100 mV, amiloride-sensitive current averaged -1,279 +/- 111 nA (n = 7) in alpha beta gamma-rENaC- expressing oocytes. Currents in water-injected oocytes were essentially unresponsive to 10 microM amiloride. A 1-h stimulation of PKC with 100 nM of PMA inhibited whole-cell currents in Xenopus oocytes to 17.1 +/- 1.8, and 22.1 +/- 2.6% of control (n = 7), at holding potentials of - 100 and +40 mV, respectively. Direct injection of purified PKC resulted in similar inhibition to that observed with PMA. Additionally, the inactive phorbol ester, phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate, 4-O-methyl, was without effect on alpha beta gamma-rENaC currents. Pretreatment with the microtubule inhibitor colchicine (100 microM) did not modify the inhibitory effect of PMA; however, pretreatment with 20 microM cytochalasin B decreased the inhibitory action of PMA to < 20% of that previously observed. In vitro-synthesized alpha beta gamma-rENaC formed an amiloride-sensitive Na(+)-selective channel when incorporated into planar lipid bilayers. Addition of PKC, diacyl-glycerol, and Mg-ATP to the side opposite that which amiloride blocked, decreased the channel''s open probability (Po) from 0.44 +/- 0.06 to 0.13 +/- 0.03 (n = 9). To study the effects of PKA on alpha beta gamma-rENaC expressed in Xenopus oocytes, cAMP levels were elevated with 10 microM forskolin and 1 mM isobutyl-methyl-xanthine. This cAMP-elevating cocktail did not cause any stimulation of alpha beta gamma-rENaC currents in either the inward or outward directions. This lack of activation was also observed in oocytes preinhibited with PMA and in oocytes pretreated with cytochalasin B and PMA. Neither alpha-rENaC nor alpha beta gamma-rENaC incorporated into planar lipid bilayers could be activated with PKA and Mg-ATP added to either side of the membrane, as Po remained at 0.63 +/- 0.06 (n = 7) and 0.45 +/- 0.05 (n = 9), respectively. We conclude that: alpha beta gamma-rENaC is inhibited by PKC, and that alpha beta gamma- rENaC is not activated by PKA.  相似文献   

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