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The meiotic spindle is a bipolar molecular machine that is designed to segregate duplicated chromosomes toward the opposite poles of the cell. The size and shape of the spindle are considered to be maintained by a balance of forces produced by molecular motors and microtubule assembly dynamics. Several studies have probed how mechanical perturbations of the force balance affect the spindle structure. However, the spindle’s response to a stretching force acting at the spindle pole and along its long axis, i.e., the direction in which chromosomes are segregated, has not been examined. Here, we describe a method to apply a stretching force to the metaphase spindle assembled in Xenopus egg extracts and measure the relationship between the force and the three-dimensional deformation of the spindle. We found that the spindle behaves as a Zener-type viscoelastic body when forces are applied at the spindle pole, generating a restoring force for several minutes. In addition, both the volume of the spindle and the tubulin density are conserved under the stretching force. These results provide insight into how the spindle size is maintained at metaphase.  相似文献   

The formation and function of the mitotic spindle depends upon force generation by multiple molecular motors and by the dynamics of microtubules, but how these force-generating mechanisms relate to one another is unclear. To address this issue we have modeled the separation of spindle poles as a function of time during the early stages of spindle morphogenesis in Drosophila embryos. We propose that the outward forces that drive the separation of the spindle poles depend upon forces exerted by cortical dynein and by microtubule polymerization, and that these forces are antagonized by a C-terminal kinesin, Ncd, which generates an inward force on the poles. We computed the sum of the forces generated by dynein, microtubule polymerization, and Ncd, as a function of the extent of spindle pole separation and solved an equation relating the rate of pole separation to the net force. As a result, we obtained graphs of the time course of spindle pole separation during interphase and prophase that display a reasonable fit to the experimental data for wild-type and motor-inhibited embryos. Among the novel contributions of the model are an explanation of pole separation after simultaneous loss of Ncd and dynein function, and the prediction of a large value for the effective centrosomal drag that is needed to fit the experimental data. The results demonstrate the utility of force balance models for explaining certain mitotic movements because they explain semiquantitatively how the force generators drive a rapid initial burst of pole separation when the net force is great, how pole separation slows down as the force decreases, and how a stable separation of the spindle poles characteristic of the prophase steady state is achieved when the force reaches zero.  相似文献   

During normal metaphase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, chromosomes are captured at the kinetochores by microtubules emanating from the spindle pole bodies at opposite poles of the dividing cell. The balance of forces between the cohesins holding the replicated chromosomes together and the pulling force from the microtubules at the kinetochores result in the biorientation of the sister chromatids before chromosome segregation. The absence of kinetochore–microtubule interactions or loss of cohesion between the sister chromatids triggers the spindle checkpoint which arrests cells in metaphase. We report here that an MEN mutant, cdc15-2, though competent in activating the spindle assembly checkpoint when exposed to Noc, mis-segregated chromosomes during recovery from spindle checkpoint activation. cdc15-2 cells arrested in Noc, although their Pds1p levels did not accumulate as well as in wild-type cells. Genetic analysis indicated that Pds1p levels are lower in a mad2Δ cdc15-2 and bub2Δ cdc15-2 double mutants compared with the single mutants. Chromosome mis-segregation in the mutant was due to premature spindle elongation in the presence of unattached chromosomes, likely through loss of proper control on spindle midzone protein Slk19p and kinesin protein, Cin8p. Our data indicate that a slower rate of transition through the cell division cycle can result in an inadequate level of Pds1p accumulation that can compromise recovery from spindle assembly checkpoint activation.  相似文献   

Two types of unusual motion within the spindle have heen studied in a grasshopper (Melanoplus differentialis) spermatocyte. The first is the motion of granules placed by micromanipulation within the normally granule-free spindle. The most specific motions are poleward, approximate the speed of the chromosomes in anaphase, and occur in the area between the kinetochores and the nearer pole during both metaphase and anaphase. Exactly the same transport properties were earlier observed by Bajer inHaemanthus endosperm spindles. The absence of significant motion in the interzone between the separating chromosomes at anaphase has been unequivocally demonstrated inMelanoplus spermatocytes. Thus very specific motion of non-kinetochoric materials is probably a general spindle capability which would much restrict admissible models of mitotic force production,if the same forces move both granules and chromosomes. The second unusual motion is seen following chromosome detachment from the spindle by micromanipulation during anaphase. These tend to move toNearer pole rather than to the pole the chromosome's kinetochoresFace. The latter preference was earlier demonstrated after detachment during prometaphase or metaphase and has been confirmed without exception in the present studies. The apparent preference for motion to the nearer pole in anaphase provides the first evidence for poleward forces within each half-spindle which cannot be entirely specified by the chromosomal spindle fibers. Almost certainly these would be the usual forces responsible for chromosome motion since they act specifically at the kinetochores of detached chromosomes. This evidence requires interpretation, however because additional factors influence chromosome motion following detachment at anaphase. On thesimplest interpretation, certain current models of mitosis clearly are not satisfactory and others are favored.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2022,121(2):263-276
A microtubule-based machine called the mitotic spindle segregates chromosomes when eukaryotic cells divide. In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, which undergoes closed mitosis, the spindle forms a single bundle of microtubules inside the nucleus. During elongation, the spindle extends via antiparallel microtubule sliding by molecular motors. These extensile forces from the spindle are thought to resist compressive forces from the nucleus. We probe the mechanism and maintenance of this force balance via laser ablation of spindles at various stages of mitosis. We find that spindle pole bodies collapse toward each other after ablation, but spindle geometry is often rescued, allowing spindles to resume elongation. Although this basic behavior has been previously observed, many questions remain about the phenomenon's dynamics, mechanics, and molecular requirements. In this work, we find that previously hypothesized viscoelastic relaxation of the nucleus cannot explain spindle shortening in response to laser ablation. Instead, spindle collapse requires microtubule dynamics and is powered by the minus-end-directed motor proteins dynein Dhc1 and kinesin-14 Klp2, but it does not require the minus-end-directed kinesin Pkl1.  相似文献   

Shimamoto Y  Maeda YT  Ishiwata S  Libchaber AJ  Kapoor TM 《Cell》2011,145(7):1062-1074
The microtubule-based metaphase spindle is subjected to forces that act in diverse orientations and over a wide range of timescales. Currently, we cannot explain how this dynamic structure generates and responds to forces while maintaining overall stability, as we have a poor understanding of its micromechanical properties. Here, we combine the use of force-calibrated needles, high-resolution microscopy, and biochemical perturbations to analyze the vertebrate metaphase spindle's timescale- and orientation-dependent viscoelastic properties. We find that spindle viscosity depends on microtubule crosslinking and density. Spindle elasticity can be linked to kinetochore and nonkinetochore microtubule rigidity, and also to spindle pole organization by kinesin-5 and dynein. These data suggest a quantitative model for the micromechanics of this cytoskeletal architecture and provide insight into how structural and functional stability is maintained in the face of forces, such as those that control spindle size and position, and can result from deformations associated with chromosome movement.  相似文献   

Mature Drosophila oocytes are arrested in metaphase of the first meiotic division. We have examined microtubule and chromatin reorganization as the meiosis I spindle assembles on maturation using indirect immunofluorescence and laser scanning confocal microscopy. The results suggest that chromatin captures or nucleates microtubules, and that these subsequently form a highly tapered spindle in which the majority of microtubules do not terminate at the poles. Nonexchange homologs separate from each other and move toward opposite poles during spindle assembly. By the time of metaphase arrest, these chromosomes are positioned on opposite half spindles, between the metaphase plate and the spindle poles, with the large nonexchange X chromosomes always closer to the metaphase plate than the smaller nonexchange fourth chromosomes. Nonexchange homologs are therefore oriented on the spindle in the absence of a direct physical linkage, and the spindle position of these chromosomes appears to be determined by size. Loss-of-function mutations at the nod locus, which encodes a kinesin-like protein, cause meiotic loss and nondisjunction of nonexchange chromosomes, but have little or no effect on exchange chromosome segregation. In oocytes lacking functional nod protein, most of the nonexchange chromosomes are ejected from the main chromosomal mass shortly after the nuclear envelope breaks down and microtubules interact with the chromatin. In addition, the nonexchange chromosomes that are associated with spindles in nod/nod oocytes show excessive poleward migration. Based on these observations, and the structural similarity of the nod protein and kinesin, we propose that nonexchange chromosomes are maintained on the half spindle by opposing poleward and anti-poleward forces, and that the nod protein provides the anti-poleward force.  相似文献   

We argue that hypotheses for how chromosomes achieve a metaphase alignment, that are based solely on a tug-of-war between poleward pulling forces produced along the length of opposing kinetochore fibers, are no longer tenable for vertebrates. Instead, kinetochores move themselves and their attached chromosomes, poleward and away from the pole, on the ends of relatively stationary but shortening/elongating kinetochore fiber microtubules. Kinetochores are also "smart" in that they switch between persistent constant-velocity phases of poleward and away from the pole motion, both autonomously and in response to information within the spindle. Several molecular mechanisms may contribute to this directional instability including kinetochore-associated microtubule motors and kinetochore microtubule dynamic instability. The control of kinetochore directional instability, to allow for congression and anaphase, is likely mediated by a vectorial mechanism whose magnitude and orientation depend on the density and orientation or growth of polar microtubules. Polar microtubule arrays have been shown to resist chromosome poleward motion and to push chromosomes away from the pole. These "polar ejection forces" appear to play a key role in regulating kinetochore directional instability, and hence, positions achieved by chromosomes on the spindle.  相似文献   

We have used micromanipulation to study the attachment of chromosomes to the spindle and the mechanical properties of the chromosomal spindle fibers. Individual chromosomes can be displaced about the periphery of the spindle, in the plane of the metaphase plate, without altering the structure of the spindle or the positions of the nonmanipulated chromosomes. From mid-prometaphase through the onset of anaphase, chromosomes resist displacement toward either spindle pole, or beyond the spindle periphery. In anaphase a chromosome can be displaced either toward its spindle pole or laterally, beyond the periphery of the spindle; however, the chromosome resists displacement away from the spindle pole. When an anaphase half-bivalent is displaced toward its spindle pole, it stops migrating until the nonmanipulated half-bivalents reach a similar distance from the pole. The manipulated half-bivalent then resumes its poleward migration at the normal anaphase rate. No evidence was found for mechanical attachments between separating half-bivalents in anaphase. Our observations demonstrate that chromosomes are individually anchored to the spindle by fibers which connect the kinetochores of the chromosomes to the spindle poles. These fibers are flexible, much less extensible than the chromosomes, and are to pivot about their attachment points. While the fibers are able to support a tensile force sufficient to stretch a chromosome, they buckle when subjected to a compressive force. Preliminary evidence suggests that the mechanical attachment fibers detected with micromanipulation correspond to the birefringent chromosomal spindle fibers observed with polarization microscopy.  相似文献   

To study the potential use of optical forces to manipulate chromosome movement, we have used a Nd:YAG laser at a wavelength of 1.06 microns focused into a phase contrast microscope. Metaphase and anaphase chromosomes were exposed while being monitored by video microscopy. The results indicated that when optical forces were applied to late-moving metaphase chromosomes on the side closest to the nearest spindle pole, the trapped chromosomes initiated movement to the metaphase plate. The chromosome velocities were two to eight times the normal rate depending on the chromosome size, geometry, and trapping site. At the initiation of anaphase, a pair of chromatids could be held by the optical trap and kept motionless throughout anaphase while the other pairs of chromatids separated and moved to opposite spindle poles. As a result, the trapped chromosome either was incorporated into one of the daughter cells or was lost in the cleavage furrow, or the two chromatids eventually separated and moved to their respective daughter cells. If the trap was removed at the beginning of anaphase B, the chromosome moved back to the poles. Our experiments demonstrate that the laser-induced optical force trap is a potential new technique to study noninvasively the mitotic spindle of living cells.  相似文献   

In a typical cell division, chromosomes align at the metaphase plate before anaphase commences. This is not the case in Mesostoma spermatocytes. Throughout prometaphase, the three bivalents persistently oscillate towards and away from either pole, at average speeds of 5–6 μm/min, without ever aligning at a metaphase plate. In our experiments, nocodazole (NOC) was added to prometaphase spermatocytes to depolymerize the microtubules. Traditional theories state that microtubules are the producers of force in the spindle, either by tubulin depolymerizing at the kinetochore (PacMan) or at the pole (Flux). Accordingly, if microtubules are quickly depolymerized, the chromosomes should arrest at the metaphase plate and not move. However, in 57/59 cells, at least one chromosome moved to a pole after NOC treatment, and in 52 of these cells, all three bivalents moved to the same pole. Thus, the movements are not random to one pole or other. After treatment with NOC, chromosome movement followed a consistent pattern. Bivalents stretched out towards both poles, paused, detached at one pole, and then the detached kinetochores quickly moved towards the other pole, reaching initial speeds up to more than 200 μm/min, much greater than anything previously recorded in this cell. As the NOC concentration increased, the average speeds increased and the microtubules disappeared faster. As the kinetochores approached the pole, they slowed down and eventually stopped. Similar results were obtained with colcemid treatment. Confocal immunofluorescence microscopy confirms that microtubules are not associated with moving chromosomes. Thus, these rapid chromosome movements may be due to non-microtubule spindle components such as actin-myosin or the spindle matrix.  相似文献   

Several recent models for spindle length regulation propose an elastic pole to pole spindle matrix that is sufficiently strong to bear or antagonize forces generated by microtubules and microtubule motors. We tested this hypothesis using microneedles to skewer metaphase spindles in Xenopus laevis egg extracts. Microneedle tips inserted into a spindle just outside the metaphase plate resulted in spindle movement along the interpolar axis at a velocity slightly slower than microtubule poleward flux, bringing the nearest pole toward the needle. Spindle velocity decreased near the pole, which often split apart slowly, eventually letting the spindle move completely off the needle. When two needles were inserted on either side of the metaphase plate and rapidly moved apart, there was minimal spindle deformation until they reached the poles. In contrast, needle separation in the equatorial direction rapidly increased spindle width as constant length spindle fibers pulled the poles together. These observations indicate that an isotropic spindle matrix does not make a significant mechanical contribution to metaphase spindle length determination.  相似文献   

In mitotic vertebrate tissue cells, chromosome congression to the spindle equator in prometaphase and segregation to the poles in anaphase depend on the movements of kinetochores at their kinetochore microtubule attachment sites. To test if kinetochores sense tension to control their states of movement poleward (P) and away from the pole (AP), we applied an external force to the spindle in preanaphase newt epithelial cells by stretching chromosome arms with microneedles. For monooriented chromosomes (only one kinetochore fiber), an abrupt stretch of an arm away from the attached pole induced the single attached kinetochore to persist in AP movement at about 2 μm/min velocity, resulting in chromosome movement away from the pole. When the stretch was reduced or the needle removed, the kinetochore switched to P movement at about 2 μm/min and pulled the chromosome back to near the premanipulation position within the spindle. For bioriented chromosomes (sister kinetochores attached to opposite poles) near the spindle equator, stretching one arm toward a pole placed the kinetochore facing away from the direction of stretch under tension and the sister facing toward the stretch under reduced tension or compression. Kinetochores under increased tension exhibited prolonged AP movement while kinetochores under reduced tension or compression exhibited prolonged P movement, moving the centromeres at about 2 μm/min velocities off the metaphase plate in the direction of stretch. Removing the needle resulted in centromere movement back to near the spindle equator at similar velocities. These results show that tension controls the direction of kinetochore movement and associated kinetochore microtubule assembly/disassembly to position centromeres within the spindle of vertebrate tissue cells. High tension induces persistent AP movement while low tension induces persistent P movement. The velocity of P and AP movement appears to be load independent and governed by the molecular mechanisms which attach kinetochores to the dynamic ends of kinetochore microtubules.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which sister chromatids maintain biorientation on the metaphase spindle are critical to the fidelity of chromosome segregation. Active force interplay exists between predominantly extensional microtubule-based spindle forces and restoring forces from chromatin. These forces regulate tension at the kinetochore that silences the spindle assembly checkpoint to ensure faithful chromosome segregation. Depletion of pericentric cohesin or condensin has been shown to increase the mean and variance of spindle length, which have been attributed to a softening of the linear chromatin spring. Models of the spindle apparatus with linear chromatin springs that match spindle dynamics fail to predict the behavior of pericentromeric chromatin in wild-type and mutant spindles. We demonstrate that a nonlinear spring with a threshold extension to switch between spring states predicts asymmetric chromatin stretching observed in vivo. The addition of cross-links between adjacent springs recapitulates coordination between pericentromeres of neighboring chromosomes.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The pole-to-pole distance of the metaphase spindle is reasonably constant in a given cell type; in the case of vertebrate female oocytes, this steady-state length can be maintained for substantial lengths of time, during which time microtubules remain highly dynamic. Although a number of molecular perturbations have been shown to influence spindle length, a global understanding of the factors that determine metaphase spindle length has not been achieved. RESULTS: Using the Drosophila S2 cell line, we depleted or overexpressed proteins that either generate sliding forces between spindle microtubules (Kinesin-5, Kinesin-14, dynein), promote microtubule polymerization (EB1, Mast/Orbit [CLASP], Minispindles [Dis1/XMAP215/TOG]) or depolymerization (Kinesin-8, Kinesin-13), or mediate sister-chromatid cohesion (Rad21) in order to explore how these forces influence spindle length. Using high-throughput automated microscopy and semiautomated image analyses of >4000 spindles, we found a reduction in spindle size after RNAi of microtubule-polymerizing factors or overexpression of Kinesin-8, whereas longer spindles resulted from the knockdown of Rad21, Kinesin-8, or Kinesin-13. In contrast, and differing from previous reports, bipolar spindle length is relatively insensitive to increases in motor-generated sliding forces. However, an ultrasensitive monopolar-to-bipolar transition in spindle architecture was observed at a critical concentration of the Kinesin-5 sliding motor. These observations could be explained by a quantitative model that proposes a coupling between microtubule depolymerization rates and microtubule sliding forces. CONCLUSIONS: By integrating extensive RNAi with high-throughput image-processing methodology and mathematical modeling, we reach to a conclusion that metaphase spindle length is sensitive to alterations in microtubule dynamics and sister-chromatid cohesion, but robust against alterations of microtubule sliding force.  相似文献   

We are investigating the relation between the force pulling a kinetochore poleward and the length of the corresponding kinetochore fiber. It was recognized by Ostergren in 1950 (Hereditas 36:1-19) that the metaphase position of a chromosome could be achieved by a balance of traction forces were proportional to the distance from kinetochore to pole. For the typical chromosome (i.e., a meiotic bivalent or mitotic chromosome) with a single kinetochore fiber extending to each pole, the resultant force (RF) would equal zero when the chromosome lay at the midpoint between the two poles. For special chromosomes that have unequal numbers of kinetochore fibers extending towards opposite poles. For special chromosomes that have unequal numbers of kinetochore fibers extending towards opposite poles. For special chromosomes that have unequal numbers of kinetochore fibers extending towards opposite poles, Ostergren’s proposal suggests that RF = 0 when the chromosome is shifted closer to the pole toward which the greater number of kinetochore fibers are pulling. We have measured the force-length relationship in living spindles by analyzing the metaphase positions of experimentally generated multivalent chromosomes having three or four kinetochore fibers. Multivalent chromosomes of varied configurations were generated by γ-irradiation of nymphs of the grasshopper melanoplus differentialis, and their behavior was analyzed in living first meiotic spermocytes. The lengths of kinetochore fibers were determined from time-lapse photographs by measuring the kinetochore-to-pole distances for fully congressed chromosomes just before the onset of anaphase. In our analysis, force (F) along a single kinetochore fiber is expressed by: F = kL(exp), where k is a length-independent proportionality constant, L represents the kinetochore fiber length, and exp is an unknown exponent. The RF on a chromosome is then given by: RF = σk(i)L(i)(exp), where kinetochore fiber lengths in opposite half- spindles are given opposite sign. If forces on a metaphase chromosome are at equilibrium (RF = 0), then for asymmetrical orientations of multivalents we can measure the individual kinetochore fiber lengths (L(i)) and solve for the exponent that yields a resultant force of zero. The value of the exponent relates how the magnitude of force along a kinetochore fiber varies with its length. For six trivalents and one naturally occurring quadrivalent we calculated an average value of exp = 1.06 +/- 0.18. This result is consistent with Ostergren’s hypothesis and indicates that the magnitude of poleward traction force along a kinetochore fiber is directly proportional to the length of the fiber. Our finding suggests that the balance of forces along a kinetochore fiber may be a major factor regulating the extent of kinetochore microtubule assembly.  相似文献   

The concept of a spindle matrix has long been proposed. Whether such a structure exists, however, and what its molecular and structural composition are have remained controversial. In this study, using a live-imaging approach in Drosophila syncytial embryos, we demonstrate that nuclear proteins reorganize during mitosis to form a highly dynamic, viscous spindle matrix that embeds the microtubule spindle apparatus, stretching from pole to pole. We show that this "internal" matrix is a distinct structure from the microtubule spindle and from a lamin B-containing spindle envelope. By injection of 2000-kDa dextran, we show that the disassembling nuclear envelope does not present a diffusion barrier. Furthermore, when microtubules are depolymerized with colchicine just before metaphase the spindle matrix contracts and coalesces around the chromosomes, suggesting that microtubules act as "struts" stretching the spindle matrix. In addition, we demonstrate that the spindle matrix protein Megator requires its coiled-coil amino-terminal domain for spindle matrix localization, suggesting that specific interactions between spindle matrix molecules are necessary for them to form a complex confined to the spindle region. The demonstration of an embedding spindle matrix lays the groundwork for a more complete understanding of microtubule dynamics and of the viscoelastic properties of the spindle during cell division.  相似文献   

Metaphase and anaphase spindles in cultured newt and PtK1 cells were irradiated with a UV microbeam (285 nM), creating areas of reduced birefringence (ARBs) in 3 s that selectively either severed a few fibers or cut across the half spindle. In either case, the birefringence at the polewards edge of the ARB rapidly faded polewards, while it remained fairly constant at the other, kinetochore edge. Shorter astral fibers, however, remained present in the enlarged ARB; presumably these had not been cut by the irradiation. After this enlargement of the ARB, metaphase spindles recovered rapidly as the detached pole moved back towards the chromosomes, reestablishing spindle fibers as the ARB closed; this happened when the ARB cut a few fibers or across the entire half spindle. We never detected elongation of the cut kinetochore fibers. Rather, astral fibers growing from the pole appeared to bridge and then close the ARB, just before the movement of the pole toward the chromosomes. When a second irradiation was directed into the closing ARB, the polewards movement again stopped before it restarted. In all metaphase cells, once the pole had reestablished connection with the chromosomes, the unirradiated half spindle then also shortened to create a smaller symmetrical spindle capable of normal anaphase later. Anaphase cells did not recover this way; the severed pole remained detached but the chromosomes continued a modified form of movement, clumping into a telophase-like group. The results are discussed in terms of controls operating on spindle microtubule stability and mechanisms of mitotic force generation.  相似文献   

We addressed the role of the G-protein regulatory (GPR) motif-containing Leu-Gly-Asn-enriched protein (LGN) and G-proteins (Gialpha3) in the positioning of the spindle pole during mammalian cell division. Immunocytochemistry indicated that both LGN and Gialpha3 co-localized at the spindle pole and at the midbody and the cell cortex during the different phases of mitosis. In marked contrast to the positioning of the spindle pole at metaphase midway between the cell cortex and the metaphase plate, the spindle pole was juxtaposed with the cell cortex at metaphase following increased expression of Gialpha3 and LGN. This repositioning of the spindle pole required the interaction of LGN with Gialpha. The influence of LGN and Gialpha3 on the cortical positioning of the spindle pole likely reflects either stronger pulling forces on the spindle pole exerted from the cell cortex or increased pushing forces exerted on the spindle pole from the mitotic spindle indicating that these events are regulated by GPR motif-containing proteins and G-proteins independent of asymmetry.  相似文献   

In meiosis I, homologous chromosomes combine to form bivalents, which align on the metaphase plate. Homologous chromosomes then separate in anaphase I. Univalent sex chromosomes, on the other hand, are unable to segregate in the same way as homologous chromosomes of bivalents due to their lack of a homologous pairing partner in meiosis I. Here, we studied univalent segregation in a Hemipteran insect: the spittlebug Philaenus spumarius. We determined the chromosome number and sex determination mechanism in our population of P. spumarius and showed that, in male meiosis I, there is a univalent X chromosome. We discovered that the univalent X chromosome in primary spermatocytes forms an amphitelic attachment to the spindle and aligns on the metaphase plate with the autosomes. Interestingly, the X chromosome remains at spindle midzone long after the autosomes have separated. In late anaphase I, the X chromosome initiates movement towards one spindle pole. This movement appears to be correlated with a loss of microtubule connections between the kinetochore of one chromatid and its associated spindle pole.  相似文献   

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