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Mechanosensitive channel proteins are important safety valves against osmotic shock in bacteria, and are involved in sensing touch and sound waves in higher organisms. The mechanosensitive channel of small conductance (MscS) has been extensively studied. Pulsed electron-electron double resonance (PELDOR or DEER) of detergent-solubilized protein confirms that as seen in the crystal structure, the outer ring of transmembrane helices do not pack against the pore-forming helices, creating an apparent void. The relevance of this void to the functional form of MscS in the bilayer is the subject of debate. Here, we report PELDOR measurements of MscS reconstituted into two lipid bilayer systems: nanodiscs and bicelles. The distance measurements from multiple mutants derived from the PELDOR data are consistent with the detergent-solution arrangement of the protein. We conclude, therefore, that the relative positioning of the transmembrane helices is preserved in mimics of the cell bilayer, and that the apparent voids are not an artifact of detergent solution but a property of the protein that will have to be accounted for in any molecular mechanism of gating.  相似文献   

Mutations that alter the phenotypic behavior of the Escherichia coli mechanosensitive channel of small conductance (MscS) have been identified; however, most of these residues play critical roles in the transition between the closed and open states of the channel and are not directly involved in lipid interactions that transduce the tension response. In this study, we use molecular dynamic simulations to predict critical lipid interacting residues in the closed state of MscS. The physiological role of these residues was then investigated by performing osmotic downshock assays on MscS mutants where the lipid interacting residues were mutated to alanine. These experiments identified seven residues in the first and second transmembrane helices as lipid-sensing residues. The majority of these residues are hydrophobic amino acids located near the extracellular interface of the membrane. All of these residues interact strongly with the lipid bilayer in the closed state of MscS, but do not face the bilayer directly in structures associated with the open and desensitized states of the channel. Thus, the position of these residues relative to the lipid membrane appears related to the ability of the channel to sense tension in its different physiological states.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been a vast increase in structural and functional understanding of VDAC1, but VDAC2 and -3 have been understudied despite having many unique phenotypes. One reason for the paucity of structural and biochemical characterization of the VDAC2 and -3 isoforms stems from the inability of obtaining purified, functional protein. Here we demonstrate the expression, isolation, and basic characterization of zebrafish VDAC2 (zfVDAC2). Further, we resolved the structure of zfVDAC2 at 2.8 Å resolution, revealing a crystallographic dimer. The dimer orientation was confirmed in solution by double electron-electron resonance spectroscopy and by cross-linking experiments disclosing a dimer population of ∼20% in lauryldimethine amine oxide detergent micelles, whereas in lipidic bicelles a higher population of dimeric and higher order oligomers species were observed. The present study allows for a more accurate structural comparison between VDAC2 and its better-studied counterpart VDAC1.  相似文献   

Ion conduction across the cellular membrane requires the simultaneous opening of activation and inactivation gates of the K+ channel pore. The bacterial KcsA channel has served as a powerful system for dissecting the structural changes that are related to four major functional states associated with K+ gating. Yet, the direct observation of the full gating cycle of KcsA has remained structurally elusive, and crystal structures mimicking these gating events require mutations in or stabilization of functionally relevant channel segments. Here, we found that changes in lipid composition strongly increased the KcsA open probability. This enabled us to probe all four major gating states in native-like membranes by combining electrophysiological and solid-state NMR experiments. In contrast to previous crystallographic views, we found that the selectivity filter and turret region, coupled to the surrounding bilayer, were actively involved in channel gating. The increase in overall steady-state open probability was accompanied by a reduction in activation-gate opening, underscoring the important role of the surrounding lipid bilayer in the delicate conformational coupling of the inactivation and activation gates.  相似文献   

PELDOR spectroscopy was exploited to study the self-assembled super-structure of the [Glu(OMe)7,18,19]alamethicin molecules in vesicular membranes at peptide to lipid molar ratios in the range of 1:70-1:200. The peptide molecules were site-specifically labeled with TOAC electron spins. From the magnetic dipole-dipole interaction between the nitroxides of the monolabeled constituents and the PELDOR decay patterns measured at 77 K, intermolecular-distance distribution functions were obtained and the number of aggregated molecules (n ≈ 4) was estimated. The distance distribution functions exhibit a similar maximum at 2.3 nm. In contrast to Alm16, for Alm1 and Alm8 additional maxima were recorded at 3.2 and ∼5.2 nm. From ESEEM experiments and based on the membrane polarity profiles, the penetration depths of the different spin-labeled positions into the membrane were qualitatively estimated. It was found that the water accessibility of the spin-labels follows the order TOAC-1 > TOAC-8 ≈ TOAC-16. The geometric data obtained are discussed in terms of a penknife molecular model. At least two peptide chains are aligned parallel and eight ester groups of the polar Glu(OMe)18,19 residues are suggested to stabilize the self-aggregate superstructure.  相似文献   

We report a significant methodological advance in the application of double electron-electron resonance (DEER) spectroscopy to measure long-range distances in spin-labeled membrane proteins. In the pseudo two-dimensional environment of proteoliposomes, a steep intermolecular background shapes DEER signals leading to long accumulation times, complicating data analysis and reducing the maximal measurable distances from 70 Å down to ∼40-50 Å. To eliminate these limitations, we took advantage of the homogeneity and monodispersity of a class of discoidal nanoscale phospholipid bilayers in conjunction with the micromolar DEER sensitivity at Q-band (34 GHz) microwave frequency. Spin-labeled mutants of the ABC transporter MsbA were functionally reconstituted at a ratio of one functional dimer per nanoscale apolipoprotein-bound bilayer (NABB). DEER echo intensities from NABB-reconstituted MsbA have linear baselines reflecting a three-dimensional spatial distribution. This results in an order-of-magnitude higher sensitivity at Q-band relative to proteoliposomes and restores the maximal observable distance effectively increasing experimental throughput. The advances described here set the stage for the use of DEER spectroscopy to analyze conformational dynamics of sample-limited eukaryotic membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Structure of Oriented Lipid Bilayers   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
X-ray diffraction studies show that lipid hydrocarbon chains are uniformly packed in bilayers and oriented so that their free ends are near the centre. This provides a model for biological membranes.  相似文献   

《Journal of molecular biology》2019,431(17):3081-3090
Since life has emerged, gradients of osmolytes over the cell membrane cause pressure changes in the cell and require tight regulation to prevent cell rupture. The mechanosensitive channel of small conductance (MscS) releases solutes and water when a hypo-osmotic shock raises the pressure in the cell. It is a member of a large family of MscS-like channels found in bacteria, archaea, fungi and plants and model for mechanosensation. MscS senses the increase of tension in the membrane directly by the force from the lipids, but the molecular mechanism is still elusive. We determined the lipid interactions of MscS by resolving the structure of Escherichia coli MscS embedded in membrane discs to 2.9-Å resolution using cryo-electron microscopy. The membrane is attached only to parts of the sensor paddles of MscS, but phospholipid molecules move through grooves into remote pockets on the cytosolic side. On the periplasmic side, a lipid bound by R88 at the pore entrance is separated from the membrane by TM1 helices. The N-terminus interacts with the periplasmic membrane surface. We demonstrate that the unique membrane domain of MscS promotes deep penetration of lipid molecules and shows multimodal interaction with the membrane to fine-tune tension sensing.  相似文献   

MscL, a 15 kDa transmembrane protein, is the only component involved in the formation of a 3 nS channel in the inner membrane of Escherichia coli that opens in response to mechanical or osmotic stress. While previous data had suggested that the functional MscL complex might be a hexamer, a recent crystallographic study of the MscL homologue from M. tuberculosis reveals a pentameric structure. The present work further examines the stoichiometry of the E. coli MscL using a variety of biochemical approaches. Detergent-purified 6His-MscL in solution and MscL in the membrane could be chemically crosslinked with the products displaying ladderlike patterns on SDS gels. Three crosslinking agents (EDC, DMS, and DMA) used at saturating concentrations invariably generated pentamers as the largest product. DSS produced additional bands corresponding to larger complexes although the pentamer band appeared to be the predominant product at high levels of crosslinker. It is not clear whether these extra bands reflect a difference in the crosslinking chemistry of DSS or whether its spacer arm is the longest of those used, or a combination of both facts. For the detergent-solubilized 6His-MscL both sedimentation equilibrium and gel chromatography showed the presence of multiple species. Thus the longer spacer arm could permit both intra- and intercomplex linkages. Nonetheless, the patterns obtained with all agents are consistent with and strongly suggest a pentameric organization for the MscL channel. Expression of MscL as genetically engineered double or triple subunit tandems yields low numbers of functional channels as compared to expressed monomers. The double-tandem assemblies must have an even number of subunits and crosslinking in the membrane confirmed hexamerization. Gel chromatography clearly demonstrated that the channels formed from the double tandems were larger than those formed from WT MscL, consistent with the native channel being pentameric. The observation that both double and triple tandems form channels of normal conductance implies that the pentameric assembly is to some degree independent of the number of subunit repeats in the polypeptide precursor. The channel is thus a pentameric core with the `extra' subunits left out of the functional complex. From sedimentation equilibrium and size-exclusion chromatography, we also conclude that MscL complexes are not in a dynamic equilibrium with monomers, but are pre-assembled; and thus, their gating properties must result from changes in the conformation of the entire complex induced by the mechanical stress. Received: 26 February 1999/Revised: 10 June 1999  相似文献   

Driven by the energy of ATP binding and hydrolysis, ATP-binding cassette transporters alternate between inward- and outward-facing conformations, allowing vectorial movement of substrates. Conflicting models have been proposed to describe the conformational motion underlying this switch in access of the transport pathway. One model, based on three crystal structures of the lipid flippase MsbA, envisions a large-amplitude motion that disengages the nucleotide-binding domains and repacks the transmembrane helices. To test this model and place the crystal structures in a mechanistic context, we use spin labeling and double electron-electron resonance spectroscopy to define the nature and amplitude of MsbA conformational change during ATP hydrolysis cycle. For this purpose, spin labels were introduced at sites selected to provide a distinctive pattern of distance changes unique to the crystallographic transformation. Distance changes in liposomes, induced by the transition from nucleotide-free MsbA to the highest energy intermediate, fit a simple pattern whereby residues on the cytoplasmic side undergo 20-30 Å closing motion while a 7- to 10-Å opening motion is observed on the extracellular side. The transmembrane helices undergo relative movement to create the outward opening consistent with that implied by the crystal structures. Double electron-electron resonance distance distributions reveal asymmetric backbone flexibility on the two sides of the transporter that correlates with asymmetric opening of the substrate-binding chamber. Together with extensive accessibility analysis, our results suggest that these structures capture features of the motion that couples ATP energy expenditure to work, providing a framework for the mechanism of substrate transport.  相似文献   

Quantitative structures are obtained at 30°C for the fully hydrated fluid phases of palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylcholine (POPC), with a double bond on the sn-2 hydrocarbon chain, and for dierucoylphosphatidylcholine (di22:1PC), with a double bond on each hydrocarbon chain. The form factors F(q z ) for both lipids are obtained using a combination of three methods. (1) Volumetric measurements provide F(0). (2) X-ray scattering from extruded unilamellar vesicles provides ΙF(q z )Ι for low q z . (3) Diffuse X-ray scattering from oriented stacks of bilayers provides ΙF(q z )Ι for high q z . Also, data using method (2) are added to our recent data for dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC) using methods (1) and (3); the new DOPC data agree very well with the recent data and with (4) our older data obtained using a liquid crystallographic X-ray method. We used hybrid electron density models to obtain structural results from these form factors. The result for area per lipid (A) for DOPC 72.4 ± 0.5 Å2 agrees well with our earlier publications, and we find A = 69.3 ± 0.5 Å2 for di22:1PC and A = 68.3 ± 1.5 Å2 for POPC. We obtain the values for five different average thicknesses: hydrophobic, steric, head-head, phosphate-phosphate and Luzzati. Comparison of the results for these three lipids and for our recent dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) determination provides quantitative measures of the effect of unsaturation on bilayer structure. Our results suggest that lipids with one monounsaturated chain have quantitative bilayer structures closer to lipids with two monounsaturated chains than to lipids with two completely saturated chains.  相似文献   

In the established interpretation of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra of phospholipid bilayers in the gel state, the molecules are assumed to perform rotational diffusion about their long axis. Here we present an alternative model of the molecular mobility in this phase, which considers the positions of the lipid molecules in the two-dimensional bilayer lattice as fixed within the NMR timescale. Instead we assume an intramolecular two-site hopping of the hydrocarbon chains about their long axis. It is shown that deuterium NMR spectra of chain-labeled compounds are very sensitive to the precise angle of this flip-flop motion near 90°, so that the diversity of these gel-phase spectra is easily explained by slight variations of this angle. In addition, it is argued that the axial symmetry of 13C spectra of carbonyl-labeled phospholipids might also result from this intramolecular mobility.  相似文献   

Interactions of monomeric alpha-synuclein (αS) with lipid membranes have been suggested to play an important role in initiating aggregation of αS. We have systematically analyzed the distribution and self-assembly of monomeric αS on supported lipid bilayers. We observe that at protein/lipid ratios higher than 1:10, αS forms micrometer-sized clusters, leading to observable membrane defects and decrease in lateral diffusion of both lipids and proteins. An αS deletion mutant lacking amino-acid residues 71–82 binds to membranes, but does not observably affect membrane integrity. Although this deletion mutant cannot form amyloid, significant amyloid formation is observed in the wild-type αS clusters. These results suggest that the process of amyloid formation, rather than binding of αS on membranes, is crucial in compromising membrane integrity.  相似文献   

Interactions of monomeric alpha-synuclein (αS) with lipid membranes have been suggested to play an important role in initiating aggregation of αS. We have systematically analyzed the distribution and self-assembly of monomeric αS on supported lipid bilayers. We observe that at protein/lipid ratios higher than 1:10, αS forms micrometer-sized clusters, leading to observable membrane defects and decrease in lateral diffusion of both lipids and proteins. An αS deletion mutant lacking amino-acid residues 71–82 binds to membranes, but does not observably affect membrane integrity. Although this deletion mutant cannot form amyloid, significant amyloid formation is observed in the wild-type αS clusters. These results suggest that the process of amyloid formation, rather than binding of αS on membranes, is crucial in compromising membrane integrity.  相似文献   

《Journal of molecular biology》2019,431(17):3339-3352
All membrane proteins have dynamic and intimate relationships with the lipids of the bilayer that may determine their activity. Mechanosensitive channels sense tension through their interaction with the lipids of the membrane. We have proposed a mechanism for the bacterial channel of small conductance, MscS, that envisages variable occupancy of pockets in the channel by lipid chains. Here, we analyze protein–lipid interactions for MscS by quenching of tryptophan fluorescence with brominated lipids. By this strategy, we define the limits of the bilayer for TM1, which is the most lipid exposed helix of this protein. In addition, we show that residues deep in the pockets, created by the oligomeric assembly, interact with lipid chains. On the cytoplasmic side, lipids penetrate as far as the pore-lining helices and lipid molecules can align along TM3b perpendicular to lipids in the bilayer. Cardiolipin, free fatty acids, and branched lipids can access the pockets where the latter have a distinct effect on function. Cholesterol is excluded from the pockets. We demonstrate that introduction of hydrophilic residues into TM3b severely impairs channel function and that even “conservative” hydrophobic substitutions can modulate the stability of the open pore. The data provide important insights into the interactions between phospholipids and MscS and are discussed in the light of recent developments in the study of Piezo1 and TrpV4.  相似文献   

Double electron-electron resonance is used here to investigate intermediates of the transport cycle of the Escherichia coli vitamin B12 ATP-binding cassette importer BtuCD-F. Previously, we showed the ATP-induced opening of the cytoplasmic gate I in TM5 helices, later confirmed by the AMP-PNP-bound BtuCD-F crystal structure. Here, other key residues are analyzed in TM10 helices (positions 307 and 322) and in the cytoplasmic gate II, i.e. the loop between TM2 and TM3 (positions 82 and 85). Without BtuF, binding of ATP induces detectable changes at positions 307 and 85 in BtuCD in liposomes. Together with BtuF, ATP triggers the closure of the cytoplasmic gate II in liposomes (reported by both positions 82 and 85). This forms a sealed cavity in the translocation channel in agreement with the AMP-PNP·BtuCD-F x-ray structure. When vitamin B12 and AMP-PNP are simultaneously present, the extent of complex formation is reduced, but the short 82–82 interspin distance detected indicates that the substrate does not affect the closed conformation of this gate. The existence of the BtuCD-F complex under these conditions is verified with spectroscopically orthogonal nitroxide and Gd(III)-based labels. The cytoplasmic gate II remains closed also in the vanadate-trapped state, but it reopens in the ADP-bound state of the complex. Therefore, we suggest that the substrate likely trapped in ATP·BtuCD-F can be released after ATP hydrolysis but before the occluded ADP-bound conformation is reached.  相似文献   

Previous work has established that the 61 amino acid stretch from residue 322 to 382 in the T-domain of diphtheria toxin forms channels indistinguishable in ion-conducting properties from those formed by the entire T-domain. In the crystal structure of the toxin''s water-soluble form, the bulk of this stretch is an α-helical hairpin, designated TH8-9. The present study was directed at determining which residues in TH8-9 line the ion-conducting pathway of the channel; i.e., its lumen or entrances. To this end, we singly mutated 49 of TH8-9''s 51 residues (328–376) to cysteines, formed channels with the mutant T-domain proteins in planar lipid bilayers, and then determined whether they reacted with small, charged, lipid-insoluble, sulfhydryl-specific methanethiosulfonate (MTS) derivatives added to the bathing solutions. The indication of a reaction, and that the residue lined the ion-conducting pathway, was a sudden change in single-channel conductance and/or flickering behavior. The results of this study were surprising in two respects. First, of the 49 cysteine-substituted residues in TH8-9 tested, 23 reacted with MTS derivatives in a most unusual pattern consisting of two segments: one extending from 329 to 341 (11 of 13 reacted), and the other from 347 to 359 (12 of 13 reacted); none of the residues outside of these two segments appeared to react. Second, in every cysteine mutant channel manifesting an MTS effect, only one transition in single-channel conductance (or flickering behavior) occurred, not the several expected for a multimeric channel. Our results are not consistent with an α-helical or β-strand model for the channel, but instead suggest an open, flexible structure. Moreover, contrary to common sense, they indicate that the channel is not multimeric but is formed from only one TH8-9 unit of the T-domain.  相似文献   

A K+ channel with a main conductance of 29 pS was recorded after the incorporation of coronary artery membrane vesicles into lipid bilayers. This channel was identified as an ATP-sensitive K+ channel (KATP) because its activity was diminished by the internal application of 50–250 μm ATP-Na2. Moreover, it was opened when 10–50 μm pinacidil was externally applied. Single-channel records revealed the existence of several (sub)conductance states. At 0 mV and with a 5/250 KCl gradient, the main conductance of the KATP channel was 29 pS. The other (sub)conductance states were less frequent and had discrete values of 12, 17 and 22 pS. Pinacidil stabilized the channel open state primarily in the 29 pS conductance level; whereas ATP inhibited all the conductance levels. In general, KATP channels were characterized by brief openings followed by long closings (open probability, P o ≈ 0.02); only occasionally (3 out of 12 experiments) did the KATP channels have a high open probability (P o ≥ 0.7). Channel activity could be increased or rescued by adding 2.5–10 mm UDP-TRIS and 0.5–2 mm MgCl2 to the internal side of the channel. Received: 7 November 1995/Revised: 10 June 1996  相似文献   

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