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Root hairs are tip-growing long tubular outgrowths of specialized epidermal cells, and are important for nutrient and water uptake and interaction with the soil microflora. Here we characterized two poplar cellulose synthase-like D (CSLD) genes, PdCSLD5 and PdCSLD6, the most probable orthologs to the Arabidopsis AtCSLD3/KOJAK gene. Both PdCSLD5 and PdCSLD6 are strongly expressed in roots, including in the root hairs. Subcellular localization experiments showed that these two proteins are located not only in the polarized plasma membrane of root hair tips, but also in Golgi apparatus of the root hair and non-hair-forming cells. Overexpression of these two poplar genes in the atcsld3 mutant was able to rescue most of the defects caused by disruption of AtCSLD3, including root hair morphological changes, altered cell wall monosaccharide composition, increased non-crystalline β-1,4-glucan and decreased crystalline cellulose contents. Taken together, our results provide evidence indicating that PdCSLD5 and PdCSLD6 are functionally conserved with AtCSLD3 and support a role for PdCSLD5 and PdCSL6 specifically in crystalline cellulose production in poplar root hair tips. The results presented here also suggest that at least part of the mechanism of root hair formation is conserved between herbaceous and woody plants.  相似文献   

Late Embryogenesis Abundant (LEA) proteins are commonly found in plants and other organisms capable of undergoing severe and reversible dehydration, a phenomenon termed “anhydrobiosis”. Here, we have produced a tagged version for three different LEA proteins: pTag-RAB17-GFP-N, Zea mays dehydrin-1dhn, expressed in the nucleo-cytoplasm; pTag-WCOR410-RFP, Tricum aestivum cold acclimation protein WCOR410, binds to cellular membranes, and pTag-LEA-BFP, Artemia franciscana LEA protein group 3 that targets the mitochondria. Sheep fibroblasts transfected with single or all three LEA proteins were subjected to air drying under controlled conditions. After rehydration, cell viability and functionality of the membrane/mitochondria were assessed. After 4 h of air drying, cells from the un-transfected control group were almost completely nonviable (1% cell alive), while cells expressing LEA proteins showed high viability (more than 30%), with the highest viability (58%) observed in fibroblasts expressing all three LEA proteins. Growth rate was markedly compromised in control cells, while LEA-expressing cells proliferated at a rate comparable to non-air-dried cells. Plasmalemma, cytoskeleton and mitochondria appeared unaffected in LEA-expressing cells, confirming the protection conferred by LEA proteins on these organelles during dehydration stress. This is likely to be an effective strategy when aiming to confer desiccation tolerance to mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Brachypodium distachyon (purple false brome) is a herbaceous species belonging to the grass subfamily Pooideae, which also includes major crops like wheat, barley, oat and rye. The species has been established as experimental model organism for understanding and improving cereal crops and temperate grasses. The complete genome of Bd21, the community standard line of B. distachyon, has been sequenced and protocols for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation have been published. Further improvements to the experimental platform including better evaluation systems for transgenic plants are still needed. Here we describe the growth conditions for Bd21 plants yielding highly responsive immature embryos that can generate embryogenic calli for transformation. A prolonged 20-h photoperiod produced seeds with superior immature embryos. In addition, osmotic treatment of embryogenic calli enhanced the efficiency of transfection by particle bombardment. We generated transgenic plants expressing Arabidopsis thaliana galactinol synthase 2 (AtGolS2) in these experiments. AtGolS2-expressing transgenics displayed significantly improved drought tolerance, increasing with increased expression of AtGolS2. These results demonstrate that AtGolS2 can confer drought tolerance to monocots and confirm that Brachypodium is a useful model to further explore ways to understand and improve major monocot crop species.  相似文献   

该研究在生物信息学分析的基础上,克隆玉米胚胎发生后期丰富蛋白基因(MGL3)的启动子序列(pMGL3),进行非生物逆境应答元件分析以及实时定量PCR验证其非生物逆境胁迫响应特性,构建了pMGL3启动子驱动报告基因(GUS)表达载体,基因枪法转化玉米愈伤组织,通过GUS染色验证pMGL3启动子在非生物逆境胁迫下的驱动活性。再根据启动子序列分析结果,去除不同的顺式作用元件,构建不同长度pMGL3启动子驱动报告基因GUS表达载体,农杆菌介导法转化烟草叶盘,以确定pMGL3启动子的最短活性序列。结果显示:pMGL3启动子长1 554bp,存在多种与非生物逆境胁迫应答相关的调控元件,在干旱、高盐、低温胁迫及脱落酸、乙烯诱导下驱动MGL3基因增量表达,用以驱动GUS基因转化玉米愈伤组织,在高渗、高盐、低温胁迫及脱落酸诱导下具有驱动活性,且截短至325bp仍可保持驱动活性。研究表明,pMGL3启动子的确有非生物逆境诱导启动活性,进一步验证其作用机理后可运用于玉米抗逆转基因研究。  相似文献   

Several cellular chaperones have been shown to affect the propagation of the yeast prions [PSI+], [PIN+] and [URE3]. Ssa1 and Ssa2 are Hsp70 family chaperones that generally cause pro-[PSI+] effects, since dominant-negative mutants of Ssa1 or Ssa2 cure [PSI+], and overexpression of Ssa1 enhances de novo [PSI+] appearance and prevents curing by excess Hsp104. In contrast, Ssa1 was shown to have anti-[URE3] effects, since overexpression of Ssa1 cures [URE3]. Here we show that excess Ssa1 or Ssa2 can also cure [PSI+]. This curing is enhanced in the presence of [PIN+]. During curing, Sup35-GFP fluorescent aggregates get bigger and fewer in number, which leads to their being diluted out during cell division, a phenotype that was also observed during the curing of [PSI+] by certain variants of [PIN+]. The sizes of the detergent-resistant [PSI+] prion oligomers increase during [PSI+] curing by excess Ssa1. Excess Ssa1 likewise leads to an increase in oligomer sizes of low, medium and very high [PIN+] variants. While these phenotypes are also caused by inhibition of Hsp104 or Sis1, the overexpression of Ssa1 did not cause any change in Hsp104 or Sis1 levels.  相似文献   

The partial CaDSR6 (Capsicum annuum Drought Stress Responsive 6) cDNA was previously identified as a drought-induced gene in hot pepper root tissues. However, the cellular role of CaDSR6 with regard to drought stress tolerance was unknown. In this report, full-length CaDSR6 cDNA was isolated. The deduced CaDSR6 protein was composed of 234 amino acids and contained an approximately 30 amino acid-long Asp-rich domain in its central region. This Asp-rich domain was highly conserved in all plant DSR6 homologs identified and shared a sequence identity with the N-terminal regions of yeast p23fyp and human hTCTP, which contain Rab protein binding sites. Transgenic Arabidopsis plants overexpressing CaDSR6 (35S:CaDSR6-sGFP) were tolerant to high salinity, as identified by more vigorous root growth and higher levels of total chlorophyll than wild type plants. CaDSR6-overexpressors were also more tolerant to drought stress compared to wild type plants. The 35S:CaDSR6-sGFP leaves retained their water content and chlorophyll more efficiently than wild type leaves in response to dehydration stress. The expression of drought-induced marker genes, such as RD20, RD22, RD26, RD29A, RD29B, RAB18, KIN2, ABF3, and ABI5, was markedly increased in CaDSR6-overexpressing plants relative to wild type plants under both normal and drought conditions. These results suggest that overexpression of CaDSR6 is associated with increased levels of stress-induced genes, which, in turn, conferred a drought tolerant phenotype in transgenic Arabidopsis plants. Overall, our data suggest that CaDSR6 plays a positive role in the response to drought and salt stresses.  相似文献   

Cathespin L-like proteases (CPLs), characterized from a wide range of helminths, are significant in helminth biology. For example, in Caenorhabditiselegans CPL is essential for embryogenesis. Here, we report a cathepsin L-like gene from three species of strongyles that parasitize the horse, and describe the isolation of a cpl gene (Sv-cpl-1) from Strongylusvulgaris, the first such from equine strongyles. It encodes a protein of 354 amino acids with high similarity to other parasitic Strongylida (90-91%), and C.elegans CPL-1 (87%), a member of the same Clade. As S.vulgariscpl-1 rescued the embryonic lethal phenotype of the C.eleganscpl-1 mutant, these genes may be orthologues, sharing the same function in each species. Targeting Sv-CPL-1 might enable novel control strategies by decreasing parasite development and transmission.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis Cor15am is a late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) related protein that has been shown to exhibit cryoprotective activity in vitro. In this study, we further investigated the mechanisms by which Cor15am protects substrates from inactivation. Although Cor15am did not exhibit refolding activity, it showed protective activity against various stresses in vitro. This might be attributable to the activity of Cor15am in attenuating the aggregation of the substrates. Our data indicate that Cor15am functions as a protectant against various stresses by preventing protein aggregation.  相似文献   

The effect of choline chloride on the conformational dynamics of the 11‐mer repeat unit P1LEA‐22 of group 3 Late Embryogenesis Abundant (G3LEA) proteins was studied. Circular dichroism data of aqueous solutions of P1LEA‐22 revealed that the peptide favors a polyproline II (PPII) helix structure at low temperature, with increasing temperature promoting a gain of unstructured conformations. Furthermore, increases in sample FeCl3 or choline chloride concentrations causes a gain in PPII helical structure at low temperature. The potential role of PPII structure in intrinsically disordered and G3LEA proteins is discussed, including its ability to easily access other secondary structural conformations such as α‐helix and β‐sheet, which have been observed for dehydrated G3LEA proteins. The observed effect of FeCl3 and choline chloride salts on P1LEA‐22 suggests favorable cation interactions with the PPII helix, supporting ion sequestration as a G3LEA protein function. As choline chloride is suggested to improve salt tolerance and protect cell membrane in plants at low temperature, our results support adoption of the PPII structure as a possible damage‐preventing measure of Late Embryogenesis Abundant proteins.  相似文献   

The production of complex multidomain (membrane) proteins is a major hurdle in structural genomics and a generic approach for optimizing membrane protein expression is still lacking. We have devised a selection method to isolate mutant strains with improved functional expression of recombinant membrane proteins. By fusing green fluorescent protein and an erythromycin resistance marker (ErmC) to the C-terminus of a target protein, one simultaneously selects for variants with enhanced expression (increased erythromycin resistance) and correct folding (green fluorescent protein fluorescence). Three evolved hosts, displaying 2- to 8-fold increased expression of a plethora of proteins, were fully sequenced and shown to carry single-site mutations in the nisK gene. NisK is the sensor protein of a two-component regulatory system that directs nisin-A-mediated expression. The levels of recombinant membrane proteins were increased in the evolved strains, and in some cases their folding states were improved. The generality and simplicity of our approach allow rapid improvements of protein production yields by directed evolution in a high-throughput way.  相似文献   

Antifreeze proteins are a class of polypeptides produced by certain animals, plants, fungi and bacteria that permit their survival under the subzero environments. Ammopiptanthus nanus is the unique evergreen broadleaf bush endemic to the Mid-Asia deserts. It survives at the west edge of the Tarim Basin from the disappearance of the ancient Mediterranean in the Tertiary Period. Its distribution region is characterized by the arid climate and extreme temperatures, where the extreme temperatures range from − 30 °C to 40 °C. In the present study, the antifreeze protein gene AnAFP of A. nanus was used to transform Escherichia coli and tobacco, after bioinformatics analysis for its possible function. The transformed E. coli strain expressed the heterologous AnAFP gene under the induction of isopropyl β-D-thiogalactopyranoside, and demonstrated significant enhancement of cold tolerance. The transformed tobacco lines expressed the heterologous AnAFP gene in response to cold stress, and showed a less change of relative electrical conductivity under cold stress, and a less wilting phenotype after 16 h of − 3 °C cold stress and thawing for 1 h than the untransformed wild-type plants. All these results imply the potential value of the AnAFP gene to be used in genetic modification of commercially important crops for improvement of cold tolerance.  相似文献   

Leaf senescence is a complex and highly organized process resulting in numerous changes of gene expression and metabolic procedures. However, the exact mechanisms underlying these changes are not well understood. In this study, we reported a rice (Oryza sativa) T-DNA insertion mutant impaired in an Abc1 kinase family gene with a dwarf and pale-green phenotype. The mutant showed reduced pigment content and photosynthetic efficiency and increased superoxide dismutase activity in leaves. The mutated gene, designated OsABC1-2, is expressed primarily in green tissues and/or organs and encodes a protein localized in chloroplast envelope. Expression of the gene was drastically suppressed by dark treatment. Overexpression of the gene in rice enhanced tolerance to prolonged dark-induced stress. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the plant Abc1 proteins could be divided into three subgroups and OsAbc1-2 resides in a subgroup with potential chloroplast origin. Our results suggest that divergence has occurred among plant Abc1 family and chloroplast Abc1 kinases play potential roles in regulating dark-induced senescence of plants.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis MBD7 (AtMBD7) - a naturally occurring poly MBD protein - was previously found to be functional in binding methylated-CpG dinucleotides in vitro and localized to highly methylated chromocenters in vivo. Furthermore, AtMBD7 has significantly lower mobility within the nucleus conferred by cooperative activity of its three MBD motifs. Here we show that besides the MBD motifs, AtMBD7 possesses a strong chromatin binding domain located at its C-terminus designated sticky-C (StkC). Mutational analysis showed that a glutamic acid residue near the C-terminus is essential though not sufficient for the StkC function. Further analysis demonstrated that this motif can render nuclear proteins highly immobile both in plant and animal cells, without affecting their native subnuclear localization. Thus, the C-terminal, StkC motif plays an important role in fastening AtMBD7 to its chromosomal, CpG-methylated sites. It may be possible to utilize this motif for fastening nuclear proteins to their chromosomal sites both in plant and animal cells for research and gene therapy applications.  相似文献   

AtHMA4 is an Arabidopsis thaliana P1B-ATPase which transports Zn and Cd. Here, we demonstrate that AtHMA4 is localized at the plasma membrane and expressed in tissues surrounding the root vascular vessels. The ectopic overexpression of AtHMA4 improved the root growth in the presence of toxic concentrations of Zn, Cd and Co. A null mutant exhibited a lower translocation of Zn and Cd from the roots to shoot. In contrast, the AtHMA4 overexpressing lines displayed an increase in the zinc and cadmium shoot content. Altogether, these results strongly indicate that AtHMA4 plays a role in metal loading in the xylem.  相似文献   

Seeds contain storage compounds, from various carbohydrates to proteins and lipids, which are synthesized during seed development. For the purposes of many plant researches or commercial applications, developing promoter systems expressing specifically in seeds or in particular constituents or tissues/compartments of seeds are indispensable. To screen genes dominantly or specifically expressed in seed tissues, we analyzed Arabidopsis ATH1 microarray data open to the public. Thirty-two candidate genes were selected and their expressions in seed tissues were confirmed by RT-PCR. Finally, seven genes were selected for promoter analysis. The promoters of seven genes were cloned into pBI101 vector and transformed into Arabidopsis to assay histochemical β-glucuronidase (GUS) activity. We found that Pro-at3g03230 promoter drove GUS expression in a chalazal endosperm, Pro-at4g27530:GUS expressed in both chalazal endosperm and embryo, Pro-at4g31830 accelerated GUS expression both in radicle and procambium, Pro-at5g10120 and Pro-at5g16460 drove GUS expression uniquely in embryo, Pro-at5g53100:GUS expressed only in endosperm, and Pro-at5g54000 promoted GUS expression in both embryo and inner integument. These promoters can be used for expressing any genes in specific seed tissues for practical application.  相似文献   

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