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Understanding factors that cause species' geographic range limits is a major focus in ecology and evolution. The central marginal hypothesis (CMH) predicts that species cannot adapt to conditions beyond current geographic range edges because genetic diversity decreases from core to edge due to smaller, more isolated edge populations. We employed a population genomics framework using 24 235–33 112 SNP loci to test major predictions of the CMH in the ongoing invasion of the cane toad (Rhinella marina) in Australia. Cane toad tissue samples were collected along broad‐scale, core‐to‐edge transects across their invasive range. Geographic and ecological core areas were identified using GIS and habitat suitability indices from ecological niche modelling. Bayesian clustering analyses revealed three genetic clusters, in the northwest invasion‐front region, northeast precipitation‐limited region and southeast cold temperature‐limited region. Core‐to‐edge patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation were consistent with the CMH in the southeast, but were not supported in the northeast and showed mixed support in the northwest. Results suggest cold temperatures are a likely contributor to southeastern range limits, consistent with CMH predictions. In the northeast and northwest, ecological processes consisting of a steep physiological barrier and ongoing invasion dynamics, respectively, are more likely explanations for population genomic patterns than the CMH.  相似文献   

In order to preserve key activities or improve survival, insects facing variable and unfavourable thermal environments may employ physiological adjustments on a daily basis. Here, we investigate the survival of laboratory-reared adult Cydia pomonella at high or low temperatures and their responses to pre-treatments at sub-lethal temperatures over short time-scales. We also determined critical thermal limits (CTLs) of activity of C. pomonella and the effect of different rates of cooling or heating on CTLs to complement the survival assays. Temperature and duration of exposure significantly affected adult C. pomonella survival with more extreme temperatures and/or longer durations proving to be more lethal. Lethal temperatures, explored between −20 °C to −5 °C and 32 °C to 47 °C over 0.5, 1, 2, 3 and 4 h exposures, for 50% of the population of adult C. pomonella were −12 °C for 2 h and 44 °C for 2 h. Investigation of rapid thermal responses (i.e. hardening) found limited low temperature responses but more pronounced high temperature responses. For example, C. pomonella pre-treated for 2 h at 5 °C improved survival at −9 °C for 2 h from 50% to 90% (p < 0.001). At high temperatures, pre-treatment at 37 °C for 1 h markedly improved survival at 43 °C for 2 h from 20% to 90% (p < 0.0001). We also examined cross-tolerance of thermal stressors. Here, low temperature pre-treatments did not improve high temperature survival, while high temperature pre-treatment (37 °C for 1 h) significantly improved low temperature survival (−9 °C for 2 h). Inducible cross-tolerance implicates a heat shock protein response. Critical thermal minima (CTmin) were not significantly affected by cooling at rates of 0.06, 0.12 and 0.25 °C min−1 (CTmin range: 0.3-1.3 °C). By contrast, critical thermal maxima (CTmax) were significantly affected by heating at these rates and ranged from 42.5 to 44.9 °C. In sum, these results suggest pronounced plasticity of acute high temperature tolerance in adult C. pomonella, but limited acute low temperature responses. We discuss these results in the context of local agroecosystem microclimate recordings. These responses are significant to pest control programmes presently underway and have implications for understanding the evolution of thermal tolerance in these and other insects.  相似文献   

Recent studies have posited that the pattern of glucocorticoid secretion within an individual represents a stable, fixed physiological trait. To test this hypothesis, we assessed the repeatability of baseline and stress-induced corticosterone (CORT) secretion across developmental stages and years in Florida scrub-jays. We sampled individuals from multiple cohorts repeatedly from the age of 11 days post-hatch up to 4 years of age. We found a significant degree of repeatability within individuals in stress-induced corticosterone levels, i.e., the amount of hormone secreted during a standardized stress protocol (corrected integrated corticosterone). However, baseline corticosterone levels were not statistically repeatable, although there was some indication that nestling levels predicted levels at 1 year of age. The results of this study indicate that stress-induced CORT levels are consistent within individual scrub-jays, and the degree to which a young jay mounts an acute stress response appears to be somewhat “set” by the age of nutritional independence. Thus stress-induced corticosterone secretion appears to be a stable, repeatable trait within individuals and as such may be subject to natural selection.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of repeated thermal conditioning (RTC) at an early age on physiological and behavioral responses in chicks.MethodsBirds were assigned to one of the four treatments in which the RTC was exposure to 40 °C for 15 min daily. The treatments were 1) no thermal conditioning (control); 2) early exposure group (EE; RTC from 2 to 4 days of age); 3) later exposure group (LE; RTC from 5 to 7 days of age); or 4) both early and later exposure (BE; RTC from 2 to 7 days of age). All groups of chicks were challenged with high ambient temperature (40 °C for 15 min) at two weeks of age.ResultsDuring heat challenge, initiation times of dissipation behaviors (panting and wing-drooping) were measured. Rectal temperature and respiration rate were measured after and before heat challenge. Hypothalamic samples and blood were collected at the end of heat challenges. Initiation times of dissipation behaviors and rectal temperature were not affected by the treatments. Increases in respiration rate in response to heat challenge were suppressed by early RTC treatment. There was no clear pattern of glucose levels in relation to thermal conditioning, whereas plasma corticosterone levels were decreased by early treatment (EE and BE groups). Hypothalamic thyrotropin releasing hormone gene expression was suppressed by early and later thermal conditioning and suppressed further by both early and later exposure. Neuropeptide Y gene expression in the BE group was lower than in the other groups, with a similar trend for corticotropin releasing hormone expression.ConclusionOur results suggest that the effect of repeated thermal conditioning on the central thermoregulatory system depends on the number of times that chicks experienced conditioning. In addition, repeated thermal conditioning has greater effects on the acquisition of thermotolerance when conditioning occurs in chicks of two to four days of age in comparison with chicks of five to seven days of age.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic climate change is altering temperature regimes for coastal marine fishes. However, given that temperature changes will not occur in isolation of other stressors, it is necessary to explore the potential consequences of stress on the thermal tolerances and preferences of tropical marine fish in order to understand the thresholds for survival, and predict the associated coastal ecological consequences. In this study, we used exogenous cortisol injections to investigate the effects of a thermal challenge on checkered puffers (Sphoeroides testudineus) as a secondary stressor. There were no significant differences between control and cortisol-treated fish 48 h following cortisol treatment for swimming ability (using a chase to exhaustion protocol), blood glucose concentrations or standard metabolic rate. In the lab, control and cortisol-treated puffers were exposed to ambient (29.1±1.5 °C), ambient +5 °C (heat shock) and ambient −5 °C (cold shock) for 4 h and to evaluate the consequences of abrupt temperature change on puff performance and blood physiology. Following cold shock, control fish exhibited increases in cortisol levels and weak ‘puff’ performance. Conversely, fish dosed with cortisol exhibited consistently high cortisol levels independent of thermal treatment, although there was a trend for an attenuated cortisol response in the cortisol-treated fish to the cold shock treatment. A 20-day complementary field study conducted in the puffer’s natural habitat, a tidal creek in Eleuthera, The Bahamas, revealed that cortisol-injected fish selected significantly cooler temperatures, measured using accumulated thermal units, when compared to controls. These results, and particularly the discrepancies between consequences documented in the laboratory and the ecological trends observed in the field, highlight the need to establish the link between laboratory and field data to successfully develop management policies and conservation initiatives with regards to anthropogenic climate change.  相似文献   

Increasing incubation temperatures, caused by global climate change or thermal effluent from industrial processes, may influence embryonic development of fish. This study investigates the cumulative effects of increased incubation temperature and repeated heat shocks on developing Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) embryos. We studied the effects of three constant incubation temperatures (2 °C, 5 °C or 8 °C water) and weekly, 1-h heat shocks (+3 °C) on hatching time, survival and morphology of embryos, as these endpoints may be particularly susceptible to temperature changes. The constant temperatures represent the predicted magnitude of elevated water temperatures from climate change and industrial thermal plumes. Time to the pre-hatch stage decreased as constant incubation temperature increased (148 d at 2 °C, 92 d at 5 °C, 50 d at 8 °C), but weekly heat shocks did not affect time to hatch. Mean survival rates and embryo morphometrics were compared at specific developmental time-points (blastopore, eyed, fin flutter and pre-hatch) across all treatments. Constant incubation temperatures or +3 °C heat-shock exposures did not significantly alter cumulative survival percentage (~50% cumulative survival to pre-hatch stage). Constant warm incubation temperatures did result in differences in morphology in pre-hatch stage embryos. 8 °C and 5 °C embryos were significantly smaller and had larger yolks than 2 °C embryos, but heat-shocked embryos did not differ from their respective constant temperature treatment groups. Elevated incubation temperatures may adversely alter Lake Whitefish embryo size at hatch, but weekly 1-h heat shocks did not affect size or survival at hatch. These results suggest that intermittent bouts of warm water effluent (e.g., variable industrial emissions) are less likely to negatively affect Lake Whitefish embryonic development than warmer constant incubation temperatures that may occur due to climate change.  相似文献   

The survival and viability of sea turtle embryos is dependent upon favourable nest temperatures throughout the incubation period. Consequently, future generations of sea turtles may be at risk from increasing nest temperatures due to climate change, but little is known about how embryos respond to heat stress. Heat shock genes are likely to be important in this process because they code for proteins that prevent cellular damage in response to environmental stressors. This study provides the first evidence of an expression response in the heat shock genes of embryos of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) exposed to realistic and near-lethal temperatures (34 °C and 36 °C) for 1 or 3 hours. We investigated changes in Heat shock protein 60 (Hsp60), Hsp70, and Hsp90 mRNA in heart (n=24) and brain tissue (n=29) in response to heat stress. Under the most extreme treatment (36 °C, 3 h), Hsp70 increased mRNA expression by a factor of 38.8 in heart tissue and 15.7 in brain tissue, while Hsp90 mRNA expression increased by a factor of 98.3 in heart tissue and 14.7 in brain tissue. Hence, both Hsp70 and Hsp90 are useful biomarkers for assessing heat stress in the late-stage embryos of sea turtles. The method we developed can be used as a platform for future studies on variation in the thermotolerance response from the clutch to population scale, and can help us anticipate the resilience of reptile embryos to extreme heating events.  相似文献   

This study addressed the hypotheses that exposure to chronic hypoxia (CH) and chronic hypercapnia (CHC) would modify the acute hypercapnic ventilatory response in the cane toad (Rhinella marina; formerly Bufo marinus or Chaunus marinus) and its regulation by NMDA-mediated processes. Cane toads were exposed to 10 days of CH (10% O2) or CHC (3.5% CO2) followed by acute in vivo hypercapnic breathing trials, conducted before and after an injection of the NMDA-receptor channel blocker, MK801 into the dorsal lymph sac. CH, CHC and MK801 did not alter ventilation under acute normoxic normocapnic conditions. CH blunted the increase in breathing frequency during acute hypercapnia while CHC had no effect. The effect of CH on breathing frequency was mediated by a decrease in the number of breaths per breathing episode. Neither CH nor CHC altered breath area (volume). MK801 augmented breathing frequency (via an increase in breaths per episode) and total ventilation during acute hypercapnia in control toads and toads exposed to CH; there was no effect of MK801 on the increase in breathing frequency or total ventilation, during acute hypercapnia in toads exposed to CHC. The results indicate that CH and CHC differentially alter breathing pattern. Furthermore, they indicate an absence of NMDA-mediated glutamatergic tone during normoxic normocapnia but that NMDA-mediated processes attenuate the increase in breathing frequency during acute hypercapnia under control conditions and following CH but not following CHC. Given that MK801 was administered systemically, the effects could be acting anywhere in the reflex pathway from CO2-sensing to respiratory motor output.  相似文献   

Mussels, such as Mytilus edulis, are common keystone species on open coasts and in estuaries and are frequently used in environmental monitoring programmes. Mussels experience a wide range of environmental conditions at these locations, including rapid changes in salinity and physical disturbance (both natural and from aquaculture practices).This paper addressed the hypothesis that reduced salinity will lower mussel blood immune function and influence mussel blood metabolic responses, and that this will in turn increase the susceptibility of mussels to other stresses such as physical disturbance. To test these hypotheses, experiments were conducted in controlled laboratory tank conditions and mussel blood was analysed using a combination of metabolic fingerprinting with FT-IR and immunological assay techniques.Reducing seawater salinity to half that of normal caused a significant reduction in several measures of immune function, including the concentration of haemocytes, percentage of eosinophilic haemocytes and phagocytosis. Mechanical shaking of mussels for 10 min caused a reduction in the level of respiratory burst activity. However, there was no evidence of additive or interactive effects of lowered salinity with shaking on the immune response. Analysis of mussel blood metabolic fingerprints revealed differences in response to half salinity (vs. full salinity) but there were no detectable effects of shaking. Increasing frequency and magnitude of flood events at coastal sites due to climate change could lead to longer, and more frequent, periods of reduced salinity. The potential impact on the immune function of this keystone species within or near estuaries could have knock-on effects on the wider ecosystem including altered nutrient cycling, changes in biodiversity and aquaculture production.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean land snail Xeropicta derbentina forms huge populations in Southern France. In order to characterize heat exposure and the induction of the 70-kD heat shock protein (Hsp70) response system during the life cycle of this snail, a selected population from the Vaucluse area, Provence, was investigated encompassing the issues of morphological life cycle parameters (shell size and colouration), the daily courses of heat exposure at different heights above the ground, of shell temperature, and that of the individual Hsp70 levels. The study covered all four seasons of the year 2011. Snails were found to be annual, reaching their final size in August. The shell colouration pattern showed high variation in juveniles (spring) with a strong tendency towards becoming uniformly white at old age in autumn. In all seasons, ambient air temperature decreased with increasing distance from the ground surface during daytime while remaining constantly low in the night. Overall, the Hsp70 level of individuals followed the ambient temperature during diurnal and seasonal variations. Correlation analysis revealed a positive association of individual shell temperature and Hsp70 level for the most part of the life cycle of the snails until late summer, whereas a negative correlation was found for aged animals indicating senescence effects on the capacity of the stress response system.  相似文献   

Physiological performance and tolerance limits in metazoans have been widely studied and have informed our understanding of processes such as extreme heat and cold tolerance, and resistance to water loss. Because of scaling considerations, very small arthropods with extreme microclimatic niches provide promising extremophiles for testing predictive physiological models. Corollaries of small size include rapid heating and cooling (small thermal time constants) and high mass-specific metabolic and water exchange rates. This study examined thermal tolerance and water loss in the erythracarid mite Paratarsotomus macropalpis (Banks, 1916), a species that forages on the ground surface of the coastal sage scrub habitat of Southern California, USA. Unlike most surface-active diurnal arthropods, P. macropalpis remains active during the hottest parts of the day in midsummer. We measured water-loss gravimetrically and estimated the critical thermal maximum (CTmax) by exposing animals to a given temperature for 1 h and then increasing temperature sequentially. The standardized water flux of 4.4 ng h−1 cm−2 Pa−1, averaged for temperatures between 22 and 40 °C, is among the lowest values reported in the literature. The CTmax of 59.4 °C is, to our knowledge, the highest metazoan value reported for chronic (1-h) exposure, and closely matches maximum field substrate temperatures during animal activity. The extraordinary physiological performance seen in P. macropalpis likely reflects extreme selection resulting from its small size and resultant high mass-specific water loss rate and low thermal time-constant. Nevertheless, the high water resistance attained with a very thin lipid barrier, and the mite’s exceptional thermal tolerance, challenge existing theories seeking to explain physiological limits.  相似文献   

Understanding the relationships between environmental variables and wildlife activity is an important part of effective management. The desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii), an imperiled species of arid environments in the southwest US, may have increasingly restricted windows for activity due to current warming trends. In summer 2013, we deployed 48 motion sensor cameras at the entrances of tortoise burrows to investigate the effects of temperature, sex, and day of the year on the activity of desert tortoises. Using generalized estimating equations, we found that the relative probability of activity was associated with temperature (linear and quadratic), sex, and day of the year. Sex effects showed that male tortoises are generally more active than female tortoises. Temperature had a quadratic effect, indicating that tortoise activity was heightened at a range of temperatures. In addition, we found significant support for interactions between sex and day of the year, and sex and temperature as predictors of the probability of activity. Using our models, we were able to estimate air temperatures and times (days and hours) that were associated with maximum activity during the study. Because tortoise activity is constrained by environmental conditions such as temperature, it is increasingly vital to conduct studies on how tortoises vary their activity throughout the Sonoran Desert to better understand the effects of a changing climate.  相似文献   

The effects of acclimation temperature on insect thermal performance curves are generally poorly understood but significant for understanding responses to future climate variation and the evolution of these reaction norms. Here, in Acheta domesticus, we examine the physiological effects of 7-9 days acclimation to temperatures 4 °C above and below optimum growth temperature of 29 °C (i.e. 25, 29, 33 °C) for traits of resistance to thermal extremes, temperature-dependence of locomotion performance (jumping distance and running speed) and temperature-dependence of respiratory metabolism. We also examine the effects of acclimation on mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase (CCO) enzyme activity. Chill coma recovery time (CRRT) was significantly reduced from 38 to 13 min with acclimation at 33-25 °C, respectively. Heat knockdown resistance was less responsive than CCRT to acclimation, with no significant effects of acclimation detected for heat knockdown times (25 °C: 18.25, 29 °C: 18.07, 33 °C: 25.5 min). Thermal optima for running speed were higher (39.4-40.6 °C) than those for jumping performance (25.6-30.9 °C). Acclimation temperature affected jumping distance but not running speed (general linear model, p = 0.0075) although maximum performance (UMAX) and optimum temperature (TOPT) of the performance curves showed small or insignificant effects of acclimation temperature. However, these effects were sensitive to the method of analysis since analyses of TOPT, UMAX and the temperature breadth (TBR) derived from non-linear curve-fitting approaches produced high inter-individual variation within acclimation groups and reduced variation between acclimation groups. Standard metabolic rate (SMR) was positively related to body mass and test temperature. Acclimation temperature significantly influenced the slope of the SMR-temperature reaction norms, whereas no variation in the intercept was found. The CCO enzyme activity remained unaffected by thermal acclimation. Finally, high temperature acclimation resulted in significant increases in mortality (60-70% at 33 °C vs. 20-30% at 25 and 29 °C). These results suggest that although A. domesticus may be able to cope with low temperature extremes to some degree through phenotypic plasticity, population declines with warmer mean temperatures of only a few degrees are likely owing to the limited plasticity of their performance curves.  相似文献   

In several mammalian species, lactating females show blunted neural, hormonal, and behavioral responses to stressors. It is not known whether new fathers also show stress hyporesponsiveness in species in which males provide infant care. To test this possibility, we determined the effects of male and female reproductive status on stress responsiveness in the biparental, monogamous California mouse (Peromyscus californicus). Breeding (N = 8 females, 8 males), nonbreeding (N = 10 females, 10 males) and virgin mice (N = 12 females, 9 males) were exposed to a 5-min predator-urine stressor at two time points, corresponding to the early postpartum (5-7 days postpartum) and mid/late postpartum (19-21 days postpartum) phases, and blood samples were collected immediately afterwards. Baseline blood samples were obtained 2 days prior to each stress test. Baseline plasma corticosterone (CORT) concentrations did not differ among male or female groups. CORT responses to the stressor did not differ among female reproductive groups, and all three groups showed distinct behavioral responses to predator urine. Virgin males tended to increase their CORT response from the first to the second stress test, while breeding and nonbreeding males did not. Moreover, virgin and nonbreeding males showed significant behavioral changes in response to predator urine, whereas breeding males did not. These results suggest that adrenocortical responses to a repeated stressor in male California mice may be modulated by cohabitation with a female, whereas behavioral responses to stress may be blunted by parental status.  相似文献   

Adaptive trade-offs in length–weight allometry might reduce vulnerability under climate change of adult ground beetle (Col., Carabidae) assemblages in their original elevation stratum on Tenerife. In particular this study shows that the predictive values for simple log-linear regression parameters were high in all strata and also the F-tests were statistically significant (p < 0.0001). Ground beetle assemblage on upper stratum had smaller coefficients and higher intercepts than did lower ones, indicating that the ground-beetle assemblages may be trading off higher powers for higher resilience via water and thermal efficiency in the face of environmental warming, in opposition to strategies adopted in cool and wet climates. Adults of ground beetle assemblages from warm and dry lower strata might have to be heftier, with encapsulation of bodies and heavily sclerotized exoskeleton, than those from cloudy, cool and wet strata; the latter group, freed from this constraint, would thus be characterized by more elongated, thinner and softer-bodied species. The outlined methodology could become a useful tool for the vulnerability and resilience assessment of natural assemblages, and could theoretically be applied to any latitudinal and altitudinal assemblage.  相似文献   

Spatially intimate symbioses, such as those between scleractinian corals and unicellular algae belonging to the genus Symbiodinium, can potentially adapt to changes in the environment by altering the taxonomic composition of their endosymbiont communities. We quantified the spatial relationship between the cumulative frequency of thermal stress anomalies (TSAs) and the taxonomic composition of Symbiodinium in the corals Montipora capitata, Porites lobata, and Porites compressa across the Hawaiian archipelago. Specifically, we investigated whether thermally tolerant clade D Symbiodinium was in greater abundance in corals from sites with high frequencies of TSAs. We recovered 2305 Symbiodinium ITS2 sequences from 242 coral colonies in lagoonal reef habitats at Pearl and Hermes Atoll, French Frigate Shoals, and Kaneohe Bay, Oahu in 2007. Sequences were grouped into 26 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) with 12 OTUs associated with Montipora and 21 with Porites. Both coral genera associated with Symbiodinium in clade C, and these co‐occurred with clade D in M. capitata and clade G in P. lobata. The latter represents the first report of clade G Symbiodinium in P. lobata. In M. capitata (but not Porites spp.), there was a significant correlation between the presence of Symbiodinium in clade D and a thermal history characterized by high cumulative frequency of TSAs. The endogenous community composition of Symbiodinium and an association with clade D symbionts after long‐term thermal disturbance appear strongly dependent on the taxa of the coral host.  相似文献   

A purpose-designed microarray platform (Stressgenes, Phase 1) was utilised to investigate the changes in gene expression within the liver of rainbow trout during exposure to a prolonged period of confinement. Tissue and blood samples were collected from trout at intervals up to 648 h after transfer to a standardised confinement stressor, together with matched samples from undisturbed control fish. Plasma ACTH, cortisol, glucose and lactate were analysed to confirm that the neuroendocrine response to confinement was consistent with previous findings and to provide a phenotypic context to assist interpretation of gene expression data. Liver samples for suppression subtractive hybridisation (SSH) library construction were selected from within the experimental groups comprising “early” stress (2–48 h) and “late” stress (96–504 h). In order to reduce redundancy within the four SSH libraries and yield a higher number of unique clones an additional subtraction was carried out. After printing of the arrays a series of 55 hybridisations were executed to cover 6 time points. At 2 h, 6 h, 24 h, 168 h and 504 h 5 individual confined fish and 5 individual control fish were used with control fish only at 0 h. A preliminary list of 314 clones considered differentially regulated over the complete time course was generated by a combination of data analysis approaches and the most significant gene expression changes were found to occur during the 24 h to 168 h time period with a general approach to control levels by 504 h. Few changes in expression were apparent over the first 6 h. The list of genes whose expression was significantly altered comprised predominantly genes belonging to the biological process category (response to stimulus) and one cellular component category (extracellular region) and were dominated by so-called acute phase proteins. Analysis of the gene expression profile in liver tissue during confinement revealed a number of significant clusters. The major patterns comprised genes that were up-regulated at 24 h and beyond, the primary examples being haptoglobin, β-fibrinogen and EST10729. Two representative genes from each of the six k-means clusters were validated by qPCR. Correlations between microarray and qPCR expression patterns were significant for most of the genes tested. qPCR analysis revealed that haptoglobin expression was up-regulated approximately 8-fold at 24 h and over 13-fold by 168 h.  相似文献   

European black pine (Pinus nigra ssp. nigra Arnold) encroachment at increasing elevation has been analyzed at four treeline ecotones of the central Apennines (Italy). The study sites are located along a North-South gradient of 170 km across Marche and Abruzzo regions in Central Italy. The aims of this study were: (i) to detect possible common patterns of structural attributes of black pine regeneration at the treeline ecotone; (ii) to date the seedlings germination and (iii) to assess the climate influence on the pine upward encroachment process also using intra-annual density fluctuations (IADFs) in tree-rings. We sampled 658 encroached black pine trees above the current treeline to the mountain top. All individuals were mapped and their basal stem diameter, total height, annual height increments and other structural attributes measured. One increment core was extracted from stem base of most samples for cambial age determination and detection of intra-annual density fluctuations (IADF). At two sites we also extracted cores at DBH from forest trees to assess climate–growth relationships of black pine. We used multivariate analysis (PCA) to explore the correlation structure of the main tree attributes, regression analysis to relate radial and height increment and dendroclimatic analysis to assess the influence of climate on tree growth and IADF formation.Most black pine trees were located at high altitude and their structural attributes were similar at the four sites where the pine encroachment process started between 30 and 40 years ago featuring similar germination peaks and growth patterns. Black pine is particularly sensitive to maximum temperatures and IADF occurred in mid-late summer with highest frequency peaks between 2003 and 2004. The pine encroachment process, besides the differences of environmental features and land use histories of the four study sites, appears synchronic and spatially diffused. Consistent tree-growth dynamics and the species adaptation to a warming climate are signals envisaging a possible treeline upward shift.  相似文献   

Sitodiplosis mosellana Géhin, one of the most important pests of wheat, undergoes obligatory diapause as a larva to survive unfavorable temperature extremes during hot summers and cold winters. To explore the potential roles of heat shock proteins (hsp) in this process, we cloned full-length cDNAs of hsp70, hsc70 and hsp90 from S. mosellana larvae, and examined their expression in response to diapause and short-term temperature stresses. Three hsps included all signature sequences of corresponding protein family and EEVD motifs. They showed high homology to their counterparts in other species, and the phylogenetic analysis of hsp90 was consistent with the known classification of insects. Expression of hsp70 and hsp90 were highly induced by diapause, particularly pronounced during summer and winter. Interestingly, hsp70 was more strongly expressed in summer than in winter whereas hsp90 displayed the opposite pattern. Abundance of hsc70 mRNA was comparable prior to and during diapauses and was highly up-regulated when insects began to enter the stage of post-diapause quiescence. Heat-stressed over-summering larvae (⩾30 °C) or cold-stressed over-wintering larvae (⩽0 °C) could further elevate expression of these three genes, but temperature extremes i.e. as high as 45 °C or as low as −15 °C failed to trigger such expression patterns. Notably, hsp70 was most sensitive to heat stress and hsp90 was most sensitive to cold stress. These results suggested that hsp70 and hsp90 play key roles in diapause maintenance and thermal stress; the former may be more prominent contributor to heat tolerance and the latter for cold tolerance. In contrast, hsc70 most likely is involved in developmental transition from diapause to post-diapause quiescence, and thus may serve as a molecular marker to predict diapause termination.  相似文献   

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