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The diversity and genetic relationship among 29 populations of Chrysanthemum morifolium, one of Chrysanthemum indicum and one of Chrysanthemum nankingense from China were analyzed using morphological traits and molecular markers. Twenty morphological traits were scored as well as 182 ISSR marker-fragments, as amplified by 22 primers [the percentage of polymorphic bands (PPB): 81.87%], and 243 SRAP marker-fragments as generated by 26 primer pairs (PPB: 75.72%). Mantel’s test indicated significant correlation (r = 0.624) of morphological trait and SRAP. By contrast, the morphological trait showed low correlation with ISSR (r = 0.246). Cluster analysis showed groupings of the accessions according to all four methods correlated well with their geographic region of origin, and most populations from the south of China were classified into one cluster and most populations from the north of China were classified into another cluster. Finally, an appropriate strategy for conserving the C. morifolium germplasm was proposed.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity in 17 germplasms of Vicia amoena L. from north China was analyzed using SRAP and ISSR markers. Three hundred and sixty-eight (94.11%) polymorphic bands (211 and 157 obtained from 20 pairs of SRAP and ISSR primers, respectively) were scored. Although SRAP was more effective than ISSR markers with higher PIC, RP and larger variation range of genetic distance, both the markers were useful for assessing V. amoena genetic diversity. Cluster analysis showed that the 17 germplasms were clustered into 5 groups. The results of principal coordinate analysis supported UPGMA clustering. The germplasms from source areas where the annual average temperature ranged from −1.0 to 5 °C exhibited the highest level of genetic diversity with the highest PPI, I and H. These results have important implications in genome mapping, breeding purposes, and germplasm conservation.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to obtain an overview of the genetic relationships within Perinereis aibuhitensis using Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) and Sequence-Related Amplified Polymorphism (SRAP) markers that were derived from related populations residing in the Chinese coasts. The percentage of polymorphic bands, Nei's gene diversity and Shannon's information index revealed a high level of genetic diversity at the species level. The analysis of molecular variance revealed that 81.22% (ISSR) and 76.29% (SRAP) of variability were partitioned among individuals within populations, which indicated the coherent trend by Nei's genetic differentiation (Gst) (0.2568/0.2876). The gene flow number (Nm) was 1.4470/1.2385, which indicated that there was limited gene exchange between populations. The phylogenetic tree of the ten P. aibuhitensis populations was separated into four major clusters using the neighbor-joining (NJ) method. These results provide a simple and useful basis for P. aibuhitensis germplasm research and aquaculture breeding.  相似文献   

甜瓜种质资源遗传多样性的SRAP分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陈芸  李冠  王贤磊 《遗传》2010,32(7):744-751
为研究甜瓜材料之间的亲缘关系及其分类, 更有效地利用种质资源, 为培育新品种提供依据, 文章采用 SRAP (Sequence-related amplified polymorphism)技术对61份甜瓜种质资源的遗传多样性进行研究。结果表明: 从42对引物组合中筛选出16对扩增条带清晰、多态性高的引物组合分析供试材料, 共检测出452个位点, 其中265个为多态性位点, 多态性比率达58.63%, 平均每对引物组合产生28.56个位点和16.56个多态性位点。61份材料间的相似系数为0.48~0.93, 平均为0.73。这些结果说明, 供试甜瓜材料具有较为丰富的遗传多样性。聚类分析结果表明, 61个甜瓜品种中首先可分为薄皮甜瓜与厚皮甜瓜两大类, 彼此亲缘关系最远。以遗传相似系数0.74为截值, 可把供试材料分为5个类群。在生态区域中, 新疆厚皮甜瓜的Nei’s基因多样性指数(0.2231)和Shannon’s信息指数(0.3422)最高。  相似文献   

基于表型参数及SRAP标记的广东茶树种质遗传多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用表型鉴定与SRAP分子标记,对25份广东茶树种质和5份对照品种的遗传多样性进行系统评价和分类;利用Pearson相关和Farthest neighbor方法对其表型性状进行聚类分析.结果表明:茶树各性状的平均变异系数为32.15%,其中茸毛的变异系数最大,为42.41%;芽叶生育期变异系数最小,为18.52%.经基于表型性状的聚类分析,30份样本可分为4组:第1组有17个品种,第2组有10个品种,第3组为云南大叶种和凌云白毛茶2个对照品种,第4组仅海南大叶种1个对照品种.利用21对SRAP引物对茶树基因组DNA进行研究,共扩增出127条带,其中114条为多态性带,占88.67%;平均每个引物组合的谱带数和多态性带数分别为6.05条和5.43条.当遗传距离为0.39 cm时,茶树种质可分成A、B、C 3类,其中A类占83.33%;当遗传距离为0.31 cm时,又可将A群划分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ3个亚群,其中第Ⅰ亚群包括13个品种,第Ⅱ亚群包括2个品种,第Ⅲ亚群包括10个品种.依据SRAP标记的聚类与表型性状的表现并不完全一致.  相似文献   

An assessment of the genetic diversity and variation of Pinellia ternata collected from 43 populations in China was undertaken using SRAP + TRAP markers. A total of 13 SRAP primers in addition to 3 TRAP primer combinations yielded 292 bands in total of which 286 were polymorphic (98.0%), with an average of 16 for each. The PIC value ranged from 0.88 to 0.95, with a mean polymorphic information content (PIC) of 0.92 over all the primers. A cluster analysis was conducted based on the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic average (UPGMA), and a principle coordinate analysis (PCA) was performed relying on Nei's genetic distance, both of which showed similar outcomes in that the results of clustering did not correlate to the geography locations but showed an association with morphology. An analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) was performed to detect the source of variation; the results indicated that the main variation existed within populations (67.2%), whereas there was still 32.8% differentiation existing among the populations.  相似文献   

Understanding genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships is useful for plant breeding. In this study, we assessed the genetic diversity in a panel of 84 accessions of kenaf from 26 countries using SRAP and ISSR markers. The kenaf accessions could be divided into L1 (60 cultivated varieties) and L2 (24 wild accessions) at the level of 0.145 genetic dissimilarity coefficient by UPGMA. The L2 group was further divided into two subgroups (16 relative-wide and 9 origin wide accessions) at the level of 0.207 genetic dissimilarity. Out of the 9 wild accessions in the L2 group, 6 were from Tanzania and the remaining 3 lines were from Kenya. These results suggest that the center of origin for kenaf might be Tanzania and Kenya.  相似文献   

野生狗牙根种质遗传多样性的SRAP研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
易杨杰  张新全  黄琳凯  凌瑶  马啸  刘伟 《遗传》2008,30(1):94-100
采用SRAP分子标记技术, 对采自中国四川、重庆、贵州、西藏四省区的32份野生狗牙根(Cynodon dactylon)材料进行遗传多样性分析, 获得下述结果:(1)用14对引物组合共得到132条多态性条带, 平均每对引物扩增出9.4条多态带, 多态性位点百分率为79.8%, 材料间的遗传相似系数范围在0.591到0.957之间, 平均GS值为0.759, 这些结果说明, 供试野生狗牙根具有较为丰富的遗传多样性; (2)对所有材料进行聚类分析, 可聚为4类, 大部分来自相同或相似生态地理环境的材料聚为一类, 表明供试材料的聚类和其生态地理环境间有一定的相关性; (3)基于Shannon多样性指数估算了6个狗牙根生态地理类群内和类群间的遗传分化, 发现类群内遗传变异占总变异的65.56%, 而类群间遗传变异占总变异的34.44%; (4)对各生态地理类群基于Nei氏无偏估计的遗传一致度的聚类分析表明, 各生态地理类群间的遗传分化与其所处的生态地理环境具有一定的相关性。  相似文献   

利用SRAP和ISSR分子标记,研究了14份耐盐茄子种质资源的遗传多样性,结果表明,2种标记均能揭示材料间较高的遗传多样性,其中ISSR标记多态性略高于SRAP标记。在SRAP分析中,每对引物组合可扩增出8-15条DNA片段,平均为12.12条:26对SRAP引物组合共扩增出315条DNA片段,其中263条具有多态性,多态性比率为83.49%;材料间遗传相似系数变化范围为0.212~0.923,平均值为0.755。在ISSR分析中,每个引物可获得5~16条DNA片段,平均为10.87条;15个ISSR引物共扩增出163条DNA片段,其中141条具有多态性,多态性比率为86.50%;材料间遗传相似系数变幅为0.333-0.957,平均值为0.736。聚类分析表明,2种标记都能将供试材料完全区分开来,聚类结果具有一定的相似性,但也存在明显差异。Mantel相关分析表明,SRAP分析与ISSR分析的相关性达到极显著性水平(r=0.904,P〈0.01)。  相似文献   

Various species of genus Saccharina are economically important brown macroalgae cultivated in China. The genetic background of the conserved Saccharina germplasm was not clear. In this report, DNA-based molecular markers such as inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) were used to assess the genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships among 48 Saccharina germplasms. A total of 50 ISSR and 50 RAPD primers were tested, of which only 33 polymorphic primers (17 ISSR and 16 RAPD) had an amplified clear and reproducible profile, and could be used. Seventeen ISSR primers yielded a total of 262 bands, of which 256 were polymorphic, and 15.06 polymorphic bands per primer were amplified from 48 kelp gametophytes. Sixteen RAPD primers produced 355 bands, of which 352 were polymorphic, and 22 polymorphic bands per primer were observed across 48 individuals. The simple matching coefficient of ISSR, RAPD and pooled ISSR and RAPD dendrograms ranged from 0.568 to 0.885, 0.670 to 0.873, and 0.667 to 0.862, revealing high genetic diversity. Based on the unweighted pair group method with the arithmetic averaging algorithm (UPGMA) cluster analysis and the principal components analysis (PCA) of ISSR data, the 48 gametophytes were divided into three main groups. The Mantel test revealed a similar polymorphism distribution pattern between ISSR and RAPD markers, the correlation coefficient r was 0.62, and the results indicated that both ISSR and RAPD markers were effective to assess the selected gametophytes, while matrix correlation of the ISSR marker system (r = 0.78) was better than that of the RAPD marker system (r = 0.64). Genetic analysis data from this study were helpful in understanding the genetic relationships among the selected 17 kelp varieties (or lines) and provided guidance for molecular-assisted selection for parental gametophytes of hybrid kelp breeding.  相似文献   

The diversity and genetic relationship among and within 16 populations of Pogostemon cablin from China were analyzed using ISSR and SRAP markers. High percentage of polymorphism observed by these two markers indicated a high level of genetic diversity existed among P. cablin populations. The percentage of polymorphic bands revealed by these two markers showed genetic variations were much higher between populations of P. cablin than within. The UPGMA clustering results using ISSR, SRAP or ISSR + SRAP combination showed most accessions from the same or adjacent regions were classified together. However, cluster results based on the absolute contents of patchouli alcohol and pogostone did not keep in good accordance with their geographic distributions, which revealed that the forming of patchouli alcohol and pogostone were relevant to the cultivation conditions except for genetic factors and environmental conditions. Finally, an appropriate strategy for conserving the patchouli germplasm was proposed.  相似文献   

山东丹参(Salvia miltiorrhiza)不同地理居群的遗传多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以山东泰安、临沂、莱芜、菏泽和潍坊5个居群的72份丹参株系为材料,利用ISSR引物进行群体遗传结构的研究。结果表明:8个ISSR引物在5个居群中共扩增出219个位点,平均可扩增出27条带,在种级水平及泰安、临沂、莱芜、菏泽和潍坊5个居群水平多态性位点百分比分别为98.63%、81.28%、66.67%、66.21%、51.14%和50.68%,种级水平的Nei基因多样性和Shannon信息指数大于各居群;5个居群Nei基因多样性和Shannon信息指数相比较,泰安〉临沂〉莱芜〉菏泽〉潍坊;根据基因分化系数,测得的基因流值Nm为4.2352;UPGMA聚类分析结果表明,莱芜居群和临沂居群遗传一致度最大,遗传关系最近,泰安居群与其它4个居群遗传关系最远;分析发现菏泽居群、泰安居群是相对独立的群体,但5个居群间存在部分基因交流。所有参数分析表明,泰安居群遗传多样性最丰富,故在制定原位种质保护计划时应优先考虑泰山周边地区的丹参。  相似文献   

Almond (Amygdalus spp.) is one of the most important nut fruits worldwide and its seed has been recognized as a health nutrient supply for human consumption. In this study, we characterized the major seed traits and fruit nutrient elements among four Chinese wild almonds (Amygdalus mongolica Maxim., Amygdalus pedunculata Pall., Amygdalus tangutica Batal., and Amygdalus triloba (Lindl) Ricker.) in addition to commercial two cultivars (Amygdalus communis L.), as well as their genetic diversity and natural variations using SRAP marker, aiming at exploiting valuable traits for breeding new cultivars. Our results show that the wild almond species are rich in crude fat, Ca, Ma, Fe and Zn compared to the cultivars analyzed. Our study also identified a relatively high level of genetic diversity (h = 0.3363, I = 0.5075) among species analyzed as evidenced by fact that 161 out of a total of 162 bands amplified with fourteen SRAP primer combinations reveal polymorphism among species analyzed. AMOVA analysis reveals a high level of genetic differentiation among populations (ΦST = 0.4474) but The UPMGA cluster analysis indicates that A. communis and A. mongolica are more closely related. Potential utilization of the wild almond species and their valuable traits for breeding new cultivars is discussed.  相似文献   

Manglietia patungensis Hu is an endangered plant native to China. Knowledge of its genetic diversity and structure would aid its conservation. This study assessed nine natural populations of M. patungensis using two methods: inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) and sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) markers. Using 10 ISSR primer pairs, 334 bands were generated, and 10 SRAP primer pairs generated 276 bands. The percent of polymorphic bands (91.32% and 93.48%), Nei's genetic diversity (0.3448 and 0.3323), and Shannon's information index (0.5075 and 0.4935) revealed a high level of genetic diversity at the species level. Total heterozygosity was 0.3439 by ISSR and 0.3281 by SRAP. The mean heterozygosity was 0.2323 by ISSR and 0.2521 by SRAP. The coefficient of genetic differentiation among natural populations was 0.3245 by ISSR and 0.2316 by SRAP. These data indicated higher levels of genetic diversity of M. patungensis within, rather than among, populations. Estimates of gene flow among natural populations were 1.0411 and 1.0589, which implied a certain amount of gene exchange among populations. A Mantel test revealed no significant correlation between genetic and geographic distance. ISSR and SRAP markers are both effective for genetic diversity research in M. Patungensis. Based on these results, conservation of M. patungensis should be performed both in situ and ex situ.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships among five endemic Pinus taxa of China (Pinus tabulaeformis, P. tabulaeformis var. mukdensis, P. tabulaeformis f. shekanensis, Pinus massoniana and Pinus henryi) were studied by SRAP markers. Using 10 SRAP primer pairs, 247 bands were generated. The percent of polymorphic bands (94.8%), Nei's genetic diversity (0.2134), and Shannon's information index (0.3426) revealed a high level of genetic diversity at the genus-level. At the taxon level, P. tabulaeformis f. shekanensis and P. henryi showed a higher genetic diversity than the others. The coefficient of genetic differentiation among taxa (0.3332) indicated a higher level of genetic diversity within taxon, rather than among taxa. An estimate of gene flow among taxa was 1.0004 and implied a certain amount of gene exchange among taxa. The results of neighbor-joining cluster analysis and principal co-ordinate analysis revealed that P. tabulaeformis, P. tabulaeformis var. mukdensis and P. tabulaeformis f. shekanensis were conspecific, which was in agreement with the traditional classification. Phylogenetic relationships analysis also indicated that P. henryi might be a distinct species closely related to P. tabulaeformis.  相似文献   

采用ISSR、SRAP分子标记对61份细辛资源进行遗传多样性与亲缘关系进行分析,结果表明:(1)ISSR标记平均每条引物可获得8.35个DNA片段,多态性比率为86.3%,SRAP标记平均每对引物可获得7.85个DNA片段,多态性比率为86.0%。(2)利用相同数量的引物,ISSR标记揭示的多态性略高于SRAP标记。(3)按照种质间相似系数得出聚类图,可将所有细辛资源分开,在依据ISSR标记聚类分析中,生物学上北细辛和汉城细辛的划分,其作用不如地域来源的效应。SRAP分子标记中,大部分资源的聚类与地域性有关,但有4份汉城细辛优先聚类,SRAP分子标记在揭示基因组差异方面有一定的优势。(4)2种分子标记的聚类图中,来自同一产地的北细辛和汉城细辛优先聚类,其亲缘关系更近。聚类图中未出现北细辛与汉城细辛分别聚类。分子标记分类与传统植物学分类不一致。  相似文献   

Sindora glabra, one of the second-class national protective plants in China, has important ecological and commercial values. To understand the genetic diversity and structure of S. glabra, eleven natural populations from four areas of Hainan Island in China were analyzed by inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. Thirteen primers were screened out and used to amplify 157 DNA samples. A total of 122 bands were obtained, among which 114 (93.4%) bands were polymorphic. Genetic parameters including average number of effective alleles (1.547), Nei's gene diversity (0.321), Shannon's information index (0.482), and gene differentiation coefficient (0.1944) revealed a high level of genetic diversity maintained in S. glabra populations. The variation within populations accounted for 85.6% of total variation based on analysis of molecular variance. Genetic distance analysis showed that 11 populations could be divided into three groups and populations from the same areas were classified as one group, suggesting that high genetic diversity of S. glabra was attributable to geographic isolation. Together, introduction of germplasm from distant natural distribution areas would be a sound strategy for germplasm resource conservation of S. glabra and selection of elite individuals from populations of far relationship for hybridization is of great importance for breeding improvement programs in future.  相似文献   

油莎豆SRAP指纹图谱构建及遗传多样性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用SRAP分子标记构建了14份不同地理来源、表型具有差异的油莎豆品系的分子指纹图谱并进行遗传多样性分析。结果表明100对引物中共有多态性引物42对,扩增出多态性带328条,平均每对引物7.8条。28对引物在12个品系上具有特征谱带,除品系4和14外,均可用1对引物进行鉴定;采用引物组合法仅用Me2/Em6和Me8/Em11这2对引物就可将14份材料区分开,并利用这2对引物构建了上述品系的数字指纹图谱。UPGMA聚类分析表明,所有参试材料间的遗传距离在0.12~0.75之间,平均为0.42,表明我国不同地理来源的油莎豆品系遗传差异较大,具有较为丰富的遗传多样性。  相似文献   

Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) markers were employed to analyze the genetic diversity of Ricinus communis L. in northeastern China plants. We selected ten primers that produced clear, reproducible and multiple bands for these experiments and 179 bands were obtained across 39 genotypes. Polymorphic band ratios ranged from 100% to a minimum of 78.9% with an average of 96.4% while band numbers were comprised between 13 (UBC823) and 23 (UBC856). The results obtained from UPGMA clustering dendrogram and PCoA lead to 39 distinct castor bean accessions belonging to four major groups. We found that all groups shared a common node with 66% similarity while Jaccard's similarity coefficient ranged from 0.58 to 0.92. Compatible inference was also observed from the high values of heterozygosity (Ht = 0.3378 ± 0.0218), Nei's genetic diversity (H = 0.1765 ± 0.2090), and Shannon's information index (I = 0.4942 ± 0.1872). In addition, our data reveal a Nei's genetic differentiation index (GST) of 0.3452 and estimated the gene flow (Nm) at 0.9482. These findings clearly suggest a genetic diversity in castor bean germplasms from various geographic origins and contribute to our understanding of breeding and conservation of castor beans.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity among the Turkish cultivars of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) was estimated by studying the Sequence Related Amplified Polymorphism (SRAP), Peroxidase Gene Polymorhism (POGP), and Chloroplast Simple Sequence Repeats (cpSSR) markers. The unweighted pair group method arithmetic average (UPGMA) and Neighbor joining (NJ) algorithm resulted in a dendrogram representing the genetic relationship among major common bean cultivars grown in Turkey. The dendrogram generated two groups possibly representing two different major gene pools. By using three different marker systems, 194 alleles were detected and 118 were found to be polymorphic. For SRAP, POGP and cpSSR, 64, 64 and 26% polymorphism ratio were obtained, respectively. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was also carried out to determine genetic variation among common bean genotypes and three different groups were generated. The individuals were placed into three different populations in structure analysis. Three populations created in structure analysis were exactly corresponded to the three groups in PCA. Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) was used to partition the genetic variations. The percentage of the variance was approximately 59%, 3%, and 38% among groups, among populations within groups and, within populations, respectively. The percentages of variation were found to be significantly high within the populations and among the groups.  相似文献   

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