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Francis-Andr  Wollman  Pierre Bennoun 《BBA》1982,680(3):352-360
A new chlorophyll-protein complex, CP O, was isolated from Chlamydomonas reinhardii using lithium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis run at 4°C. A similar complex is recovered using Triton/digitonin solubilization of thylakoid membranes of the F54-14 mutant lacking in CP I and ATPase. CP O is enriched in long-wavelength chlorophyll a and contains five polypeptides (27.5, 27, 25, 23 and 19 kDa). Its 77 K fluorescence emission spectrum peaks at 705 nm while CP II have an emission maximum at 682 and 720 nm, respectively. Comparison of the polypeptide pattern of the wild type and AC40 mutant of C. reinhardii shows that the five CP O polypeptides are specifically lacking in the mutant. Although the 77 K emission originating from the Photosystem (PS) I pigments is lower in the mutant than in the wild type, the two spectra show the same peaks at 686, 694 and 717 nm. However, comparison of the 77 K emission spectrum of the F14 mutant lacking in CP I with that of the double mutant AC40-14 lacking in CP I and CP O shows the absence in the latter of the large emission band peaking at 707 nm. The 707 nm emission is thought to arise from some PS I antennae and is quenched in the wild type by the presence of PS I traps located in CP I. We conclude that CP O is a part of the PS I antenna in C. reinhardii which controls the 707 nm fluorescence emission.  相似文献   

Geoffrey C. Owens  Itzhak Ohad 《BBA》1983,722(1):234-241
Thylakoid polypeptide phosphorylation has been studied in vivo and in vitro during plastid differentiation in Chlamydomonas reinhardii y-1. Pulse labeling cells at different stages of greening with [32P]orthophosphate revealed differences in the pattern of protein phosphorylation. In the early phase of greening the 44–47 kDa reaction center II polypeptides were labeled but the 22–24 kDa polypeptides of the light-harvesting chlorophyll ab-protein complex (LHC) were not. Later in the greening, coinciding with the formation of the antenna of Photosystem I and membrane stacking, the converse was found. Furthermore, the 22–24 kDa polypeptides of grana lamellae were less labeled than the same polypeptides found in the corresponding stroma lamellae. Polypeptides in the molecular mass range of 32–34 kDa were phosphorylated at all stages following the onset of greening. Dark-grown cells did not incorporate 32P in vivo or in vitro into the polypeptides present in the residual thylakoids. Similarly, cells greened in the presence of chloramphenicol, in which the synthesis of reaction centers is inhibited, showed no light-stimulated phosphorylation in vitro. However, the residual 32–34 kDa and 44–47 kDa polypeptides found in thylakoids of these cells were phosphorylated in vivo, whereas the LHC polypeptides synthesized in the presence of chloramphenicol were not. Phosphorylation of the LHC polypeptides (22–24 kDa) in these cells occurred if new reaction center polypeptides and all antennae components were formed, following removal of the inhibitor and further incubation of the cells in the light. Phosphorylation of LHC polypeptides was not resumed if active reaction centers were formed in the absence of complete restoration of all antenna components (incubation in the dark or light with addition of cycloheximide). It is concluded that phosphorylation is correlated with the thylakoid polypeptide content and organization.  相似文献   

Yeda press disruption of thylakoids in the presence of magnesium followed by aqueous polymer two-phase partitioning fractionated the total thylakoid membrane material into two distinctly different fractions. One fraction comprised approx. 60% of the material on a chlorophyll basis and contained inside-out vesicles while the other fraction (40%) contained right-side-out vesicles. The sidedness of the vesicles was determined from the direction of their light-induced proton translocation. The inside-out vesicles showed a pronounced Photosystem (PS) II enrichment as judged by their high PS II and low PS I activities. Moreover, they showed a high ratio between the PS II reaction centre chlorophyll-protein complex and the PS I reaction centre chlorophyll-protein complex (CP I). The chlorophyll ab ratio was as low as 2.3 compared to 3.2 for the starting material. In contrast, the right-side-out vesicles showed a pronounced PS I enrichment. Their chlorophyll ab ratio was 4.3–4.9. The tight stacking induced by Mg2+ allows a quantitative formation of inside-out vesicles from the appressed thylakoid regions while mainly non-appressed thylakoids turn right-side-out. The possibility of fractionating all of the thylakoid material into two sub-populations with markedly different composition with respect to PS I and PS II argues against a close physical association between the two photosystems and in favour of their spatial separation in the plane of the membrane. This fractionation procedure, which can be completed within 1 h and gives high yields of both PS II inside-out thylakoids and PS I right-side-out thylakoids, should be very useful for facilitating and improving studies on both the transverse and lateral organization of the thylakoid membrane.  相似文献   

The Photosystem I acceptor system of a subchloroplast particle from spinach was investigated by optical and electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy following graduated inactivation of the bound iron-sulfur proteins by urea/ferricyanide solution. The chemical analysis of iron and sulfur and the ESR properties of centers A, B and X are consistent with the participation of three iron-sulfur centers in Photosystem I. A differential decrease in centers A, B and X is observed under conditions that induce S2? →S0 conversion in the bound iron-sulfur proteins. Center B is shown to be the most susceptible, while center ‘X’ is the least susceptible component to oxidative denaturation. Stepwise inactivation experiments suggest that electron transport in Photosystem I does not occur sequentially from X→B→A, since there is quantitative photoreduction of center A in the absence of center B. We propose that center A is directly reduced by X; thus, X may serve as a branch point for parallel electron flow through centers A and B.  相似文献   

Thylakoid membranes were treated by potato lipolytic acyl hydrolase, phospholipases A2 from pancreas and snake venom, and by phospholipase C from Bacillus cereus under various conditions. The changes in the uncoupled rates of electron transport through Photosystem I (PS I) and in lipid composition were followed during these treatments. Pancreatic phospholipase A2 which destroyed all phospholipids in thylakoid membranes stimulated the NADP+ reduction supported by reduced 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol. This stimulation concerned only the dark but not the light reactions of this pathway. The main site of action of pancreatic phospholipase A2 may be located on the donor side of PS I; the hydrolysis of phospholipids at this site caused an increased ability of reduced 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol and ascorbate alone to feed electrons into PS I. A second site may be located on the acceptor side of PS I, probably between the primary acceptor and the ferredoxin system. When thylakoid membranes were first preincubated with or without lipolytic acyl hydrolase at 30°C (pH 8), the NADP+ photoreduction was inhibited whilst the methyl viologen-mediated O2 uptake was stimulated. A subsequent addition of pancreatic phospholipase A2 (which had the same hydrolysis rates for phosphatidylglycerol but not for phosphatidylcholine) further stimulated the O2 uptake and restored NADP+ photoreduction. The extent of this stimulation, which depended on the presence of lipolytic acyl hydrolase, was ascribed partly to the hydrolysis of the phospholipids and partly to the generation of their lyso derivatives but not to the release of free fatty acids. On the contrary, phospholipase C which destroyed only phosphatidylcholine failed to restore this activity. It is suggested that phosphatidylglycerol is the only phospholipid associated with thylakoid membrane structures supporting PS I activities and that this lipid may play a physiological role in the regulation of these activities.  相似文献   

P. Gast  T. Swarthoff  F.C.R. Ebskamp  A.J. Hoff 《BBA》1983,722(1):163-175
The yield of the triplet state of the primary electron donor of Photosystem I of photosynthesis (PT-700) and the characteristic parameters (g value, line shape, saturation behavior) of the ESR signal of the photoaccumulated intermediary acceptor A have been measured for two types of Photosystem I subchloroplast particles: Triton particles (TSF 1, about 100 chlorophyll molecules per P-700) that contain the iron-sulfur acceptors FX, FB and FA, and lithium dodecyl sulfate (LDS) particles (about 40 chlorophyll molecules per P-700) that lack these iron-sulfur acceptors. The results are: (i) In Triton particles the yield of PT-700 upon illumination is independent of the redox state of A and of FX,B,A and is maximally about 5% of the active reaction centers at 5 K. The molecular sublevel decay rates are kx = 1100 s?1 ± 10%, ky = 1300 s?1 ± 10% and kz = 83 s?1 ± 20%. In LDS particles the triplet yield decreases linearly with concentration of reduced intermediary acceptors, the maximal yield being about 4% at 5 K assuming full P-700 activity. (ii) In Triton particles the acceptor complex A consists of two acceptors A0 and A1, with A0 preceding A1. In LDS particles at temperatures below ?30°C only A0 is photoactive. (iii) The spin-polarized ESR signal found in the time-resolved ESR experiments with Triton particles is attributed to a polarized P-700-A?1 spectrum. The decay kinetics are complex and are influenced by transient nutation effects, even at low microwave power. It is concluded that the lifetime at 5 K of P-700A0A?1 must exceed 5 ms. We conclude that PT-700 originates from charge recombination of P-700A?0, and that in Triton particles A0 and A1 are both photoaccumulated upon cooling at low redox potential in the light. Since the state P-700AF?X does not give rise to triplet formation the 5% triplet yield in Triton particles is probably due to centers with damaged electron transport.  相似文献   

The functional role of a chlorophyll ab complex associated with Photosystem I (PS I) has been studied. The rate constant for P-700 photooxidation, KP-700, which under light-limiting conditions is directly proportional to the size of the functional light-harvesting antenna, has been measured in two PS I preparations, one of which contains the chlorophyll ab complex and the other lacking the complex. KP-700 for the former preparation is half of that of the preparation which has the chlorophyll ab complex present. This difference reflects a decrease in the functional light-harvesting antenna in the PS I complex devoid of the chlorophyll ab complex. Experiments involving reconstitution of the chlorophyll ab complex with the antenna-depleted PS I preparation indicate a substantial recovery of the KP-700 rate. These results demonstrate that the chlorophyll ab complex functions as a light-harvesting antenna in PS I.  相似文献   

H.Y. Nakatani  B. Ke  E. Dolan  C.J. Arntzen 《BBA》1984,765(3):347-352
A Photosystem-II (PS-II)-enriched chloroplast submembrane fraction has been subjected to non-denaturing gel-electrophoresis. Two chlorophyll a (Chl a)-binding proteins associated with the core complex were isolated and spectrally characterized. The Chl protein with apparent apoprotein mass of 47 kDa (CP47) displayed a 695 nm fluorescence emission maximum (77 K) and light-induced absorption characteristics indicating the presence of the reaction center Chl, P-680, and its primary electron acceptor, pheophytin. A Chl protein of apparent apoprotein mass of 43 kDa (CP43) displayed a fluorescence emission maximum at 685 nm. We conclude that CP43 serves as an antenna Chl protein and the PS II reaction center is located in CP47.  相似文献   

The EPR characteristics of Photosystem II electron acceptors are described, in membrane and detergent-treated preparations from a mutant of Chlamydomonas reinhardii lacking Photosystem I and photosynthetic ATPase. The relationship between the quinone-iron and pheophytin acceptors is discussed and a heterogeneity of reaction centres is demonstrated such that only a minority of reaction centres were capable of secondary electron donation at temperatures below 100 K. Only these centres were therefore able to stabilise a reduced acceptor below 100 K. Parallel experiments using a barley mutant (viridis zb63) which also lacks Photosystem I, provide similar results indicating that the C. reinhardii system can provide a general model for the Photosystem II electron acceptor complex. The similarity of the system to that of the purple photosynthetic bacteria is discussed.  相似文献   

(1) Five minor chlorophyll-protein complexes were isolated from thylakoid membranes of the green alga Acetabularia by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, after SDS or octylglucoside solubilization. None of them were related to CP I (Photosystem I reaction center core) or CP II (chlorophyll ab light-harvesting complex). (2) Two complexes (CPa-1 and CPa-2) contained only chlorophyll (Chl) a, with absorption maxima of 673 and 671 nm, and fluorescence emission maxima of 683 nm compared to 676 nm for CP II. The complexes had apparent molecular masses of 43–47 and 38–40 kDa, and contained a single polypeptide of 41 and 37 kDa, respectively. They each account for about 3% of the total chlorophyll. (3) Three complexes had identical spectra, with Chl ab ratios of 3–4 compared to 2 for thylakoid membranes, and a pronounced shoulder around 485 nm indicating enrichment in carotenoids. One of them was the complex ‘CP 29’ (Camm, E.L. and Green, B.R. (1980) Plant Physiol. 66, 428–432) and the other two were slightly different oligomeric forms of CP 29. They could be formed from CP 29 during reelectrophoresis; but about half the complex was isolated originally in an oligomeric form. Together they account for at least 7% of the total chlorophyll. Their function is unknown.  相似文献   

Jeannine Maroc  Jacques Garnier 《BBA》1981,637(3):473-480
Photosystem (PS) II-enriched particles or chloroplast fragments of the wild type and of three nonphotosynthetic mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardii, which lack chloroplast cytochromes, were analyzed by lithium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis at 4°C to locate which chlorophyll complexes and which proteins are associated with cytochrome b-559. Two mutants, Fl 39 and Fl 50, have previously been shown to contain, respectively, 3.6- and 2.7-times less hydroquinone-reducible high-potential cytochrome b-559 than the wild type. They have impaired PS II functions. In the presence of ADRY agents: carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone (FCCP), 2-(3-chloro-4-trifluoromethyl)anilino-3,5-dinitrothiophene (ANT 2p) or 2-(3,4,5-trichloro)-anilino-3,5-dinitrothiophene (ANT 2s), Fl 50 carried out photo-oxidation of cytochrome b-559 with half the amplitude of that of the wild type. No photo-oxidation was observed with Fl 39. We show here that in both these mutants chlorophyll-protein complexes CP III, CP IV and CP V were missing. There were traces of the corresponding apoproteins (45 000, 42 000 and 33 000 daltons, respectively) in Fl 50 but none in Fl 39. In addition, a 19 000 dalton protein was missing in Fl 39 and present in a very small amount in Fl 50. In another mutant, Fl 9, previously characterized as lacking both cytochromes b-563 and c-553 with a normal cytochrome b-559 content, CP III-CP V and the 19 000 dalton protein were detected. CP I (110 000 daltons) and CP II (24 000 daltons) were present in all strains. These observations confirmed the close relationship between deficiencies in cytochrome b-559, lack of CP III and CP IV and anomalies in the photochemistry of PS II. They provided additional evidence that CP V and a 19 000 dalton protein are also involved in this PS II photochemistry. Staining of the gels with 3,3′,5,5′-tetramethylbenzidine and H2O2 allowed us to distinguish clearly four heme protein bands having peroxidase activity. Three of these bands (45 000, 42 000 and 19 000 daltons), which were shown in wild-type, Fl 39 and Fl 50 preparations but not in Fl 9, appeared related to cytochromes b-563 and c-553. The fourth heme protein (14 000 daltons) occurred in wild type and Fl 9 but was missing in Fl 39 and Fl 50; it appeared related to cytochrome b-559.  相似文献   

A membrane-bound phycobilisome complex has been isolated from the cyanobacterium Fremyella diplosiphon grown in green light, thus containing phycoerythrin in addition to phycocyanin and allophycocyanin. The complex was dissociated by lowering the salt concentration. In the mixture obtained, no energy transfer from phycoerythrin to chlorophyll (Chl) a was observed. Reassociation of the phycobiliproteins and membrane mixture was carried out by a gradual increase of the salt concentration. The complex obtained after reassociation was characterized by polypeptide composition, absorbance and fluorescence emission spectra and electron microscopy. These analyses revealed similar composition and structure for the original and reconstituted membrane-bound phycobilisomes. Fluorescence emission spectra and measurements of Photosystem II activity demonstrated energy transfer from phycoerythrin to Chl a (Photosystem II) in the reconstituted complex. Reassociation of mixtures with varying phycoerythrin / Chl ratio showed that the phycobiliprotein concentration was critical in the reassociation process. Measurements of the amount of phycobilisomes reassociated with the photosynthetic membrane did not show saturation of binding when increasing the phycobiliprotein concentration. The ratio phycoerythrin / Chl a in the native complex was 7:1 (mg / mg). When the phycobiliprotein concentration was increased during the reassociation process, a ratio of 13–15 mg phycoerythrin / mg Chl a could be obtained. Under these conditions, only part of the phycobilisomes attached to the thylakoids was able to transfer energy to Photosystem II.  相似文献   

Kenneth Leto  Charles Arntzen 《BBA》1981,637(1):107-117
Despite the total loss of Photosystem II activity, thylakoids isolated from the green nuclear maize mutant hcf1-3 contain normal amounts of the light-harvesting chlorophyll ab pigment-protein complex (LHC). We interpret the spectroscopic and ultrastructural characteristics of these thylakoids to indicate that the LHC present in these membranes is not associated with Photosystem II reaction centers and thus exists in a ‘free’ state within the thylakoid membrane. In contrast, the LHC found in wild-type maize thylakoids shows the usual functional association with Photosystem II reaction centers. Several lines of evidence suggest that the free LHC found in thylakoids isolated from hcf1-3 is able to mediate cation-dependent changes in both thylakoid appression and energy distribution between the photosystems: (1) Thylakoids isolated from hcf1-3 and wild-type seedlings exhibit a similar Mg2+-dependent increase in the short/long wavelength fluorescence emission peak ratio at 77 K. This Mg2+ effect is lost following incubation of thylakoids isolated from either source with low concentrations of trypsin. Such treatment results in the partial proteolysis of the LHC in both membrane types. (2) Thylakoids isolated from both hcf1-3 and wild-type seedlings show a similar Mg2+ dependence for the enhancement of the maximal yield of room temperature fluorescence and light scattering; both Mg2+ effects are abolished by brief incubation of the thylakoids with low concentrations of trypsin (3) Mg2+ acts to reduce the relative quantum efficiency of Photosystem I-dependent electron transport at limiting 650 nm light in thylakoids isolated from hcf1-3. (4) The pattern of digitonin fractionation of thylakoid membranes, which is dependent upon structural membrane interactions and upon LHC in the thylakoids, is similar in thylakoids isolated from both hcf1-3 and wild-type seedlings. We conclude that the surface-exposed segment of the LHC, but not the LHC-Photosystem II core association, is necessary for the cation-dependent changes in both thylakoid appression and energy distribution between the two photosystems, and that the LHC itself is able to transfer excitation energy directly to Photosystem I in a Mg2+-dependent fashion in the absence of Photosystem II reaction centers. The latter phenomenon is equivalent to a cation-induced change in the absorptive cross-section of Photosystem I.  相似文献   

Identical time-resolved fluorescence measurements with ~ 3.5-ps resolution were performed for three types of PSI preparations from the green alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: isolated PSI cores, isolated PSI–LHCI complexes and PSI–LHCI complexes in whole living cells. Fluorescence decay in these types of PSI preparations has been previously investigated but never under the same experimental conditions. As a result we present consistent picture of excitation dynamics in algal PSI. Temporal evolution of fluorescence spectra can be generally described by three decay components with similar lifetimes in all samples (6–8 ps, 25–30 ps, 166–314 ps). In the PSI cores, the fluorescence decay is dominated by the two fastest components (~ 90%), which can be assigned to excitation energy trapping in the reaction center by reversible primary charge separation. Excitation dynamics in the PSI–LHCI preparations is more complex because of the energy transfer between the LHCI antenna system and the core. The average trapping time of excitations created in the well coupled LHCI antenna system is about 12–15 ps longer than excitations formed in the PSI core antenna. Excitation dynamics in PSI–LHCI complexes in whole living cells is very similar to that observed in isolated complexes. Our data support the view that chlorophylls responsible for the long-wavelength emission are located mostly in LHCI. We also compared in detail our results with the literature data obtained for plant PSI.  相似文献   


1. 1. Greening barley and pea leaves treated with lincomycin have a reduced chlorophyll content. Lincomycin does not alter the proportion of chlorophyll in chlorophyll-protein complex II (CPII) but greatly reduces that in chlorophyll-protein complex I (CPI).

2. 2. Difference spectra show that chloroplasts from lincomycin-treated leaves are deficient in at least two long wavelength forms of chlorophyll a. These have maxima at 77 K of 683 and 690 nm.

3. 3. The chemically determined P-700/chlorophyll ratio of chloroplasts is unaffected by lincomycin but the photochemical P-700/chlorophyll ratio is less than half of that of the control. It is less affected than the chlorophyll-protein complex I content.

4. 4. Photosystem I activity expressed on a chlorophyll basis is unaffected by lincomycin but the light intensity for half saturation is increased 8-fold.

5. 5. Chlorophyll-protein complex I apoprotein content is reduced by lincomycin. No evidence was found for an accumulation of its precursor(s). The relative abundance of major peptides of 18 000, 15 000 and 12 000 daltons in lincomycin-treated chloroplasts is attributed to a general inhibition of greening and associated membrane formation.

Abbreviations: DCIP, 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol; CPI, chlorophyll-protein complex I; CPII, chlorophyll-protein complex II; SDS, sodium dodecyl sulphate  相似文献   

The photochemical oxidation and reduction of P-700 were studied in digitonin- and in sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS)-Photosystem I (PS I) particles in the presence of ascorbate. In digitonin-PS I particles, reduction of P-700+ occurs by the bound iron-sulphur protein (P-430) and by ascorbate. The relative contribution of these back reactions depends on the length of the exposure to light and on the temperature and pH of the reaction medium. Experiments performed under anaerobic conditions demonstrate that some endogenous component may serve as the electron acceptor of P-430?. The rate of the latter reaction is also dependent upon the temperature and pH of the sample. At pH 9 and lower temperatures the rate of this reaction is so much reduced that the reduction of P-700+ by ascorbate, which increases rapidly at high pH, can be observed even during illumination. The effects of secondary electron acceptors and of the presence of SDS on the absorption changes due to P-700 are also reported. Low concentrations of SDS are shown to retard the back reaction of P-700+ with P-430?. Studies with SDS-PS I particles (CPI) confirm the absence of the iron-sulphur centres in this preparation. Three larger P-700-chlorophylla-protein complexes prepared by mild electrophoresis in the presence of SDS plus Triton X-100, however, still contain P-430.  相似文献   

Herbert Böhme  Helmar Almon 《BBA》1983,722(3):401-407
Isolated heterocysts from Anabaena variabilis show high rates of light- and hydrogen-dependent acetylene reduction. This heterocyst preparation also shows light-induced redox reactions of cytochromes f-556 and b-564. Both cytochromes are reversibly oxidized by light or by oxygen (in the dark). Oxygen-oxidized cytochromes assume their initially reduced state by addition of dithionite or flushing the reaction vessel with hydrogen or argon. All three agents remove oxygen from solutions more or less efficiently, thereby creating reducing conditions; hydrogen-induced reduction is slow and generally completed after about 10 min. No evidence has been obtained for a direct electron donation of hydrogen to either of the cytochromes measured. Photoreduction of nitrogen in the presence of hydrogen is explained by a combined operation of properly poised cyclic photophosphorylation providing ATP, and a light-independent hydrogenase reaction providing reductant.  相似文献   

Three chlorophyll-protein complexes of a Chroomonas species (Cryptophyceae) have been separated by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The two bands at 100 and 42 kDa are Complex I (CP I) and Complex IV (CP IV), the ubiquitous chlorophyll a-proteins associated with Photosystems I and II, respectively. The third 55 kDa band, which had two peptide subunits (24 and 20 kDa), contained both chlorophyll a and chlorophyll c2 in a molar ratio of 1.4 chlorophyll a to 1 chlorophyll c2 (chlorophyll achlorophyll c2 ratio in whole cells = 4). A chlorophyll ac2 fraction with similar spectral and electrophoretic properties was isolated by digitonin-sucrose density gradient centrifugation. This fraction had no photochemical activity and contained only a single carotenoid species with absorbance maxima in methanol at 424, 448 and 476 nm. Efficient energy transfer from chlorophyll c2 to chlorophyll a occurred in the complex.  相似文献   

J. Hladík  P. Pančoška  D. Sofrová 《BBA》1982,681(2):263-272
Thylakoid membranes of the cyanobacterium Plectonema boryanum solubilized with Triton X-100 can be resolved into three fractions of pigment-protein complexes (Hladík, J. and Sofrová, D. (1981) Photosynthetica 15, 490–503). Fraction I contained relatively the highest amount of carotenoids as well as monomeric forms of chlorophyll a, Fractions II and III contained chlorophyll-protein complexes with a characteristic exciton-split circular dichroism in the red region. It has been shown that fraction III is an oligomeric form of the chlorophyll-protein complex of fraction II. Circular dichroism spectra indicate that, different from fraction II, fraction III contains specifically oriented and space-fixed molecules of carotenoids. Thermal dissociation of fracion III to fraction II is accompanied by disappearance of the positive circular dichroism effect of carotenoids in the 500–550 nm region, thus causing deorganization of the carotenoids, proceeding in parallel to the geometrical rearrangement of chlorophyll molecules. Extraction of the carotenoids of fraction III with heptane is acompanied by dissociation of fraction III. We assume that the observed effects are due to binding of the two pigments to the protein component of the complex and that carotenoids can mediate a part of the interactions which stabilize the structure of pigment-protein complexes. Thus, besides the light-harvesting and protective functions, carotenoids can also play a structural role.  相似文献   

Salil Bose  P. Ramanujam 《BBA》1984,764(1):40-45
The rate of electron transfer through Photosystem I (reduced 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol (DCIPH2 → methylviologen) in a low-salt thylakoid suspension is inhibited by Mg2+ both under light-limited and the light-saturated conditions, the magnitude of inhibition being the same. The 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol (DCIP) concentration dependence of the light-saturated rate in the presence and in the absence of Mg2+ shows that the overall rate constant of the photoreaction is not altered by Mg2+. With N,N,N′,N′-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine or 2,3,5,6-tetramethylphenylenediamine as electron donor only the light-limited rate, not the light-saturated rate, is inhibited by Mg2+ and the magnitude of inhibition is the same as with DCIP as donor. The results are interpreted in terms of heterogeneous Photosystem I, consisting of two types, PS I-A and PS I-B, where PS I-A is involved in cation-regulation of excitation energy distribution and becomes unavailable for DCIPH2 → methyl viologen photoelectron transfer in the presence of Mg2+.  相似文献   

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