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In a previous report (J. Biol. Chem. 258 (1983) 3565–3570) we have demonstrated that the disulfide-reducing agent dithiothreitol has two effects on the sodium-dependent outer cortical brush border membrane d-glucose transporter; the first results in a reversible increase in the affinity of the transporter for the non-transported competitive inhibitor phlorizin, while the second results in a partially reversible loss of phlorizin binding and glucose-transport activity. Evidence was presented that both of these effects are the result of the reduction of disulfide bonds on the transport molecule. In the present paper we extend our observations on the inactivation of the transporter by dithiothreitol. We provide evidence here (i) that the inactivation of the transporter by dithiothreitol is independent of the effect of the reducing agent on the affinity of the transporter, (ii) that this inactivation process is first-order in dithiothreitol and thus presumably due to the reduction of a single disulfide bond essential to the functioning of the transporter. (iii) that it is the reduction of this disulfide bond and not some subsequent conformational or other change in the transporter which results in its inactivation, (iv) that phlorizin and substrates of the transporter provide protection against inactivation by dithiothreitol and that the degree of protection provided correlates well with the known specificity and phlorizin-binding properties of the transporter, and (iv) that the reactivity of the transporter with dithiothreitol is pH-dependent, decreasing with increasing pH over the pH range 6.5–8.5. We conclude that this site of action of dithiothreitol is a single essential disulfide bond intimately associated with the glucose-binding site on the transport molecule.  相似文献   

The effect of anhydro-4-epitetracycline on sodium gradient-dependent d-glucose transport of rabbit renal brush-border membrane vesicles was studied. The purity of isolated brush-border membrane vesicles as judged by enzyme activities was not different between normal control and anhydro-4-epitetracycline-administered rabbits. There was no difference in estimate of intravesicular volume, either. When NaCl was used for sodium gradient, the overshoot of d-glucose uptake into brush-border membrane vesicles isolated from anhydro-4-epitetracycline-treated rabbits was significantly smaller than that of normal control rabbits. In the cases of NaSCN or Na2SO4, the former was also smaller than the latter, but not significantly so. To avoid the possible effect of membrane potential on d-glucose uptake, the voltage-clamp method was applied. Even in the voltage-clamped condition, the overshoot of d-glucose uptake into vesicles from anhydro-4-epitetracycline-treated rabbits was decreased compared to that of normal rabbits. In vitro incubation of brush-border membrane vesicles with 20 mM anhydro-4-epitetracycline caused no alteration in sodium gradient-dependent d-glucose uptake. Our results demonstrate that there exists a disorder in sodium gradient-dependent d-glucose uptake of renal brush-border membrane in anhydro-4-epitetracycline-treated rabbits, and suggest that this disorder is one of the underlying mechanisms of experimental Fanconi syndrome.  相似文献   

In the presence of an Na+- or a K+-gradient (outside > inside), l-phenylalanine uptake exhibited an overshoot phenomenon indicating active transport. The amplitudes of the overshoots were increased by increasing either Na+ or K+ concentrations in the incubation media, indicating that binding alone cannot account for the K+ effect. The K+-induced overshoot is not due to the presence of a membrane potential alone, as a gradient of choline chloride failed to produce it. Li+ could also substitute for Na+ though less potent than Na+ in inducing an overshoot. Uptake of l-leucine also showed Na+- and K+-effects and l-leucine and l-alanine could inhibit the Na+- and K+-overshoots obtained with phenylalanine. These results lead us to postulate the presence of a carrier for neutral amino acids dependent on monovalent cation with higher affinity for Na+ in mouse intestine. The Na+- and K+-driven active transport of l-phenylalanine were shown to be dependent on the presence of a membrane potential, as short-circuiting the membrane with FCCP reduced the amplitude of the overshoots seen with both ions. However, substitution of Cl? by more lipophilic anions (NO3?, SCN?) produced an inhibition of uptake. A preliminary analysis of the interrelations between Na+ and K+ for l-phenylalanine uptake showed complex interactions which can be best explained by mutual competition for a common carrier at both sides of the membrane. These results suggest the presence of a new transport system or a variant of an ASC-type system for l-phenylalanine (and neutral amino acids) in the mouse intestine. However, our studies do not rule out the possible involvement of more than one system for neutral amino acid uptake.  相似文献   

Transduction of insulin binding into metabolic control in isolated rat adipocytes apparently requires intact cell surface carbohydrate. The ability of certain lectins and some glycosides to mimic and/or inhibit the actions of insulin has been cited as evidence supporting the hypothesis that a concanavalin A-like binding site on fat cells is crucial to this function. Such a binding site could explain the stimulation by methyl-α-d-mannoside of glucose oxidation or its ability to antagonize the effect of insulin on lipolysis. The present study corroborated these effects of methyl-α-d-mannoside in hyperosmolar medium, but shows that the effects vanish when osmolarity is maintained within physiological limits. Osmolarity alone could not explain all of the complex effects observed, but it can be concluded that earlier data suggesting methyl-α-d-mannoside mimics or antagonizes the actions of insulin cannot be used to support the above hypothesis.  相似文献   

L-β-Hydroxyacid dehydrogenase (L-β-hydroxyacid--NAD-oxidoreductase, EC of Drosophila is composed of two, identical subunits with a molecular weight of approx. 33 300. The enzyme was purified 938-fold from Drosophila melanogaster. An isoelectric point of 8.6 was determined for L-β-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase. An amino acid analysis was conducted of the purified enzyme. A single subunit was obtained by SDS-gel electrophoresis of the purified enzyme. Translation of larval and adult mRNA in a mRNA-dependent reticulocyte lysate, followed by immune precipitation using anti-L-β-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase IgG revealed a single L-β-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase subunit of 33 300. Larval and adult proteins were the same size. The enzyme does not appear to be subjected to substantial post-translational modifications.  相似文献   

Human placental microsomes exhibit uptake of d-[3H]glucose which is sensitive to inhibition by cytochalasin B (apparent Ki = 0.78 /gm M). Characterization of [3H]cytochalasin B binding to these membranes reveals a glucose-sensitive site, inhibited by d-glucose with an ED50 = 40 mM. The glucose-sensitive cytochalasin B binding site is found to have a Kd = 0.15μM by analysis according to Scatchard. Solubilization with octylglucoside extracts 60–70% of the glucose-sensitive binding component. Equilibrium dialysis binding of [3H]cytochalasin B to the soluble protein displays a pattern of inhibition by d-glucose similar to that observed for intact membranes, and the measurement of an ED50 = 37.5 mM d-glucose confirms the presence of the cytochalasin B binding component, putatively assigned as the glucose transporter. Further evidence is attained by photoaffinity labelling; ultraviolet-sensitive [3H]cytochalasin B incorporation into soluble protein (Mr range 42 000-68 000) is prevented by the presence of d-glucose. An identical photolabelling pattern is observed for incorporation of [3H]cytochalasin B into intact membrane protein, confirming the usefulness of this approach as a means of identifying the presence of the glucose transport protein under several conditions.  相似文献   

Rabbit kidney brush-border membrane vesicles were exposed to bacterial protease which cleaves off a large number of externally oriented proteins. Na+-dependent d-glucose transport is left intact in the protease-treated vesicles. The protease-treated membrane was solubilized with deoxycholate and the deoxycholate-extracted proteins were further resolved by passage through Con A-Sepharose columns. Sodium-dependent d-glucose activity was found to reside in a fraction containing a single protein band of Mr ? 165000 which is apparently a dimer of Mr ? 85 000. When reconstituted and tested for transport, this protein showed Na+-dependent, stereo-specific and phlorizin-inhibitable glucose transport. Transport activity is completely recovered and is 20-fold increased in specific activity. A similar isolate was obtained from rabbit small intestinal brush-border membranes and kidneys from several other species of animals.  相似文献   

Classical fractionation studies showed that chicken liver contains two enzymes which can oxidize DL-3-hydroxybutyrate. The cytosolic enzyme is specific for the L-(+) isomer and accounts for 60% of the total activity. The mitochondrial activity is specific for the D-(?) isomer and accounts for 40% of the total activity. Kinetic studies showed that L-gulonic acid is a competitive inhibitor of the enzyme. We conclude that the cytosolic enzyme is the previously described L-3-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

Target sizes of the renal sodium-d-glucose cotransport system in brush-border membranes of calf kidney cortex were estimated by radiation inactivation. In brush-border vesicles irradiated at ?50°C with 1.5 MeV electron beams, sodium-dependent phlorizin binding, and Na+-dependent d-glucose tracer exchange decreased exponentially with increasing doses of radiation (0.4–4.4 Mrad). Inactivation of phlorizin binding was due to a reduction in the number of high-affinity phlorizin binding sites but not in their affinity. The molecular weight of the Na+-dependent phlorizin binding unit was estimated to be 230 000 ± 38 000. From the tracer exchange experiments a molecular weight of 345 000 ± 24 500 was calculated for the d-glucose transport unit. The validity of these target size measurements was established by concomitant measurements of two brush-border enzymes, alkaline phosphatase and γ-glutamyltransferase, whose target sizes were found to be 68 570 ± 2670 and 73 500 ± 2270, respectively. These findings provide further evidence for the assumption that the sodium-d-glucose cotransport system is a multimeric structure, in which distinct complexes are responsible for phlorizin binding and d-glucose translocation.  相似文献   

The static head method for determining the charge stoichiometry (the number of moles of charge translocated per mole of substrate) of a coupled transport system is presented. The method involves establishing experimental conditions under which a membrane potential exactly balances the thermodynamic driving force of a known substrate gradient. The charge stoichiometry can then be calculated from thermodynamic principles. In contrast to the usual steady-state method for determining charge stoichiometry in cell suspensions and vesicle preparations, the static head method is applicable to systems which are not capable of maintaining a constant membrane potential over time. The charge stoichiometries of two renal sodium coupled d-glucose transporters previously identified in brush-border membrane vesicle preparations from the outer cortex (early proximal tubule) and outer medulla (late proximal tubule) are determined. The charge stoichiometries of these transporters are in good agreement with their sodium/glucose coupling ratios arguing against the possibility that glucose transport is coupled to ions other than sodium in these membranes.  相似文献   

The presence of an Na+/Ca2+ exchange system in basolateral plasma membranes from rat small intestinal epithelium has been demonstrated by studying Na+ gradient-dependent Ca2+ uptake and the inhibition of ATP-dependent Ca2+ accumulation by Na+. The presence of 75 mM Na+ in the uptake solution reduces ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport by 45%, despite the fact that Na+ does not affect Ca2+-ATPase activity. Preincubation of the membrane vesicles with ouabain or monensin reduces the Na+ inhibition of ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake to 20%, apparently by preventing accumulation of Na+ in the vesicles realized by the Na+-pump. It was concluded that high intravesicular Na+ competes with Ca2+ for intravesicular Ca2+ binding sites. In the presence of ouabain, the inhibition of ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport shows a sigmoidal dependence on the Na+ concentration, suggesting cooperative interaction between counter transport of at least two sodium ions for one calcium ion. The apparent affinity for Na+ is between 15 and 20 mM. Uptake of Ca2+ in the absence of ATP can be enhanced by an Na+ gradient (Na+ inside > Na+ outside). This Na+ gradient-dependent Ca2+ uptake is further stimulated by an inside positive membrane potential but abolished by monensin. The apparent affinity for Ca2+ of this system is below 1 μM. In contrast to the ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport, there is no significant difference in Na+ gradient-dependent Ca2+ uptake between basolateral vesicles from duodenum, midjejunum and terminal ileum. In duodenum the activity of ATP-driven Ca2+ uptake is 5-times greater than the Na+/Ca2+ exchange capacity but in the ileum both systems are of equal potency. Furthermore, the Na+/Ca2+ exchange mechanism is not subject to regulation by 1α,25-dihydroxy vitamin D-3, since repletion of vitamin D-deficient rats with this seco-steroid hormone does not influence the Na+/Ca2+ exchange system while it doubles the ATP-driven Ca2+ pump activity.  相似文献   

The proton ejection coupled to electron flow from succinate and/or endogenous substrate(s) to cytochrome c using the impermeable electron acceptor ferricyanide is studied in tightly coupled mitochondria isolated from two strains of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. (1) The observed H+ ejection/2e? ratio approaches an average value of 3 when K+ (in the presence of valinomycin) is used as charge-compensating cation. (2) In the presence of the proton-conducting agent carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, an H+ ejection/2e? ratio of 2 is observed. (3) The low stoichiometry of 3H+ ejected (instead of 4) per 2e? and the high rate of H+ back-decay (0.1615 lnδ-(ngatom)H+s and a half-time of 4.6 s for 10 mg protein) into the mitochondrial matrix are related to the presence of an electroneutral K+/H+ antiporter which is demonstrated by passive swelling experiments in isotonic potassium acetate medium.  相似文献   

Purified plasma membrane vesicles isolated from R3230AC rat mammary tumors displayed carrier-mediated and stereospecific uptake. Uptake was shown to be proportional to protein concentration, sensitive to increasing osmolarity, and inhibited only by substrates entering by the same carrier. Carrier-mediated glucose uptake was inhibited rapidly by estradiol-17β and phloretin in a dose-dependent manner, whereas proline uptake was not affected by estradiol-17β. The data suggest that the inhibition of glucose by estradiol and phloretin, originally observed in whole cells, occurs by an interaction of the steroid with a component on the plasma membrane. In contrast, the lack of effects of estradiol on proline transport into vesicles implies that intracellular components may have mediated the estrogen-induced effects observed in whole cells.  相似文献   

The effects of d-glucose addition to a glucose-free luminal perfusate were investigated in the proximal tubule of Necturus kidney, by electrophysiological techniques. The main findings are: (1) In the presence of sodium, d-glucose produces 10.5 mV ± 1.1 (S.E.) depolarization. (2) Phlorizin reduces the magnitude of this response to 2.1 ± 0.1 mV. (3) The glucose-evoked depolarization, ΔVG, does not alter the intracellular K+ activity nor is it affected by peritubular addition of ouabain. (4) Isosmotic reduction of Na+ concentration in luminal perfusate from 95 to 2 mmol/l (choline or Li+ substituting for Na+) does not change the magnitude of ΔVG; complete removal of sodium from the lumen lowers the value of ΔVG (3.2 ± 0.2 mV) but the response is not abolished. This observation suggests that the d-glucose carrier of renal tubules in Necturus is poorly specific with regard to the cotransported cation species.  相似文献   

Three parallel pathways of l-lactate transport across the membrane of human red blood cells can be discriminated: (a) by nonionic diffusion; (b) via the band 3 anion exchange protein; and (c) via a specific monocarboxylate carrier system. Influx of lactate via the latter system leads to alkalinization of the medium, suggesting lactate-proton symport. Kinetic analysis of initial lactate influx via the monocarboxylate carrier indicates a symport system with ordered binding of the two ligands, in the sense that a proton binds first to the translocator, followed by lactate binding to the protonated carrier. The influence of varying trans-pH under conditions of net (zero-trans) flux with constant cis-pH indicates that the monocarboxylate translocator should be considered as a mobile carrier, with the ligand-binding sites exposed alternately to the outside and the inside of the membrane.  相似文献   

[3H]Cytochalasin B binding and its competitive inhibition by D-glucose have been used to identify, the glucose transporter in plasma and microsomal membranes prepared from intact rat diaphragm. Scatchard plot analysis of [3H]cytochalasin B binding yields a binding site with a dissociation constant of roughly 110 nM. Since the inhibition constant of cytochalasin B for D-glucose uptake by diaphragm plasma membranes is similar to this value, this site is identified as the glucose transporter. Plasma membranes prepared from diaphragms bind approx. 17 pmol of cytochalasin B/mg of membrane protein to the D-glucose-inhibitable site. If 280 nM (40000 microunits/ml) insulin is present during incubation, cytochalasin B binding is increased roughly 2-fold without alteration in the dissociation constant of this site. In addition, membranes in the microsomal fraction contain 21 pmol of D-glucose-inhibitable cytochalasin B binding sites/mg of membrane protein. In the presence of insulin during incubation the number of these sites in the microsomal fraction is decreased to 9 pmol/mg of membrane protein. These results suggest that rat diaphragm contain glucose transporters with characteristics identical to those observed for the rat adipose cell glucose transporter. In addition, insulin stimulates glucose transport in rat diaphragm through a translocation of functionally identical glucose transporters from an intracellular membrane pool to the plasma membrane without an alteration in the characteristics of these sites.  相似文献   

Isolated muscle cells from adult rat heart have been used to study the relationship between myocardial glucose transport and the activity of the Na+/K+ pump. 86Rb+-uptake by cardiac cells was found to be linear up to 2 min with a steady-state reached by 40–60 min, and was used to monitor the activity of the Na+/K+ pump. Ouabain (10?3 mol/I) inhibited the steady-state uptake of 86Rb+ by more than 90%. Both, the ouabain-sensitive and ouabain-insensitive 86Rb+-uptake by cardiac cells were found to be unaffected by insulin treatment under conditions where a significant stimulation of 3-O-methylglucose transport occurred. 86Rb+-uptake was markedly reduced by the presence of calcium and/or magnesium, but remained unresponsive towards insulin treatment. Inhibition of the Na+/K+ pump activity by ouabain and a concomitant shift in the intracellular Na+:K+ ratio did not affect basal or insulin stimulated rates of 3-O-methylglucose transport in cardiac myocytes. The data argue against a functional relationship between the myocardial Na+/K+ pump and the glucose transport system.  相似文献   

The characterization of cytochalasin B binding and the resulting effect on hexose transport in rat liver parenchymal cells in primary culture were studied. The cells were isolated from adult rats by perfusing the liver in situ with collagenase and separating the hepatocytes from the other cell types by differential centrifugation. The cells were established in primary culture on collagen-coated dishes. The binding of [4-3H]cytochalasin B and transport of 3-O-methyl-D-[14C]glucose into cells were investigated in monolayer culture followed by digestion of cells and scintillation counting of radioactivity. The binding of cytochalasin B to cells was rapid and reversible with association and dissociation being essentially complete within 2 min. Analysis of the kinetics of cytochalasin B binding by Scatchard plots revealed that binding was biphasic, with the parenchymal cell being extremely rich in high-affinity binding sites. The high-affinity site, thought to be the glucose-transport carrier, exhibited a KD of 2.86 · 10?7 M, while the low-affinity site had a KD of 1.13 · 10?5M. Sugar transport was monitored by 3-O-methyl-D-glucose uptake and it was found that cytochalasin B (10?5M) drastically inhibited transport. However, D-glucose (10?5M) did not displace cytochalasin B, and cytochalasin E, which does not inhibit transport, was competitive for cytochalasin B at only the low-affinity site, demonstrating that the cytochalasin B inhibition of sugar transport occurs at the high-affinity site but that the inhibition is non-competitive in nature. Therefore, the liver parenchymal cells may represent an unusually rich source of glucose-transport system which may be useful in the isolation of this important membrane carrier.  相似文献   

Sodium-dependent d-glucose uptake into proteoliposomes reconstituted from dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) and hog kidney brush border membrane extract is strongly affected by temperature and the physical state of the membranes. This dependence is defined by a nonlinear Arrhenius plot with a break point at 23°C, a temperature not significantly different from the phase transition temperature of the pure lipid (24°C). The transport process is characterized by different activation energies: 35.1 kcal/mol below and 5.5 kcal/mol above the transition temperature. The shift in the break point for the d-glucose transport activity from 15°C, in the brush border membranes, to 23°C in the reconstituted system leads us to conclude that the lipids surrounding the sodium/d-glucose cotransport system can exchange readily with the bulk lipid used for reconstitution. The results thus provide no evidence for the presence of an annulus of specific lipids surrounding the transport system.  相似文献   

Receptor sites for insulin on GH3 cells were characterized. Uptake of 125I-labeled insulin by the cells was dependent upon time and temperature, with apparent steady-states reached by 120, 20 and 10 min at 4, 23 and 37°C, respectively. The binding sites were sensitive to trypsin, suggesting that the receptors contain protein. Insulin competed with 125I-labeled insulin for binding sites, with half-maximal competition observed at 5 nM insulin. Neither adrenocorticotropic hormone nor growth hormone competed for 125I-labeled insulin binding sites. 125I-labeled insulin binding was reversible, and saturable with respect to hormone concentration. 125I-labeled insulin was degraded at both 4 and 37°C by GH3 cells, but not by medium conditioned by these cells. After a 5 min incubation at 37°C, products of 125I-labeled insulin degradation could be recovered from the cells but were not detected extracellularly. Extending the time of incubation resulted in the recovery of fragments of 125I-labeled insulin from both cells and the medium. Native insulin inhibited most of the degradation of 125I-labeled insulin suggesting that degradation resulted, in part, from a saturable process. At steady-state, degradation products of 125I-labeled insulin, as well as intact hormone, were recovered from GH3 cells. After 30 min incubation at 37°C, 80% of the cell-bound radioactivity was not extractable from GH3 cells with acetic acid.  相似文献   

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