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Light-induced Na+ efflux was observed in sub-bacterial particles of Halobacterium halobium loaded and suspended in 4 M NaCl solution. The Na+ efflux was not ATP driven, since ATPase inhibitors were without effect or even enhanced efflux at low light intensity. Uncouplers, on the other hand, inhibited Na+ efflux, the inhibition being complete at low light intensity. The Na+ efflux was accompanied by proton influx. Both processes were dependent on light intensity, unaffected or enhanced by ATPase inhibitors and similarly affected by uncouplers. Proton influx was not observed in particles loaded with 4 M KCl instead of 4 M NaCl. Na+ transport in the dark could be induced by artificial formation of a pH difference across the membrane; changing the sign of the pH difference reversed the direction of the Na+ transport. Proton influx in the dark followed the artificial formation of a sodium gradient ([Na+]in > [Na+]out). These results may be explained by a Na+/H+ antiport mechanism. The fluxes of Na+ and H+ were of comparable magnitude, but the initial rate of Cl? efflux in the same experiment was one-third of the initial rate of Na+ efflux. Consequently Cl? is not regarded as a participant in the Na+ efflux mechanism.  相似文献   

The purple membrane of Halobacterium halobium acts as a light-driven proton pump, ejecting protons from the cell interior into the medium and generating an electrochemical proton gradient across the cell membrane. However, the typical response of cells to light as measured with a pH electrode in the medium consists of an initial net inflow of protons which subsides and is then replaced by a net outflow which exponentially approaches a new lower steady state pH level. When the light is turned off a small transient acidification occurs before the pH returns to the original dark level. We present experiments suggesting that the initial inflow of protons is triggered by the beginning ejection of protons through the purple membrane and that the initial inflow rate is larger than the continuing light-driven outflow. When the initial inflow has decreased exponentially to a small value, the outflow dominates and causes the net acidification of the medium.The initial inflow is apparently driven by a pre-existing electrochemical gradient across the membrane, which the cells can maintain for extended times in the absence of light and oxygen. Treatments which collapse this gradient such as addition of small concentrations of uncouplers abolish the initial inflow.The triggered inflow occurs through the ATPase and is accompanied by ATP synthesis. Inhibitors of the ATPase such as N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) inhibit ATP synthesis and abolish the inflow. They also abolish the transient light-off acidification, which is apparently caused by a short burst of ATP hydrolysis before the enzyme is blocked by its endogenous inhibitor.Similar transient inflows and outflows of protons are also observed when anaerobic cells are exposed to short oxygen pulses.  相似文献   

The combined action of electric field (105–107 V · m?1) and light (380–580 nm, 80 W · m?2) activating the photoenergetic reaction of bacteriorhodopsin (BR) in dry films of purple membranes from Halobacterium halobium was studied. A new stimulating effect of the field on the BR412 intermediate accumulation in the normal photochromic cycle of BR570 has been observed. The formation of the product BR412 is supposed to be accompanied by specific rearrangements of certain charged, polar and polarizable groups in the BR pigment-protein matrix. Such an intrinsic polarization could be promoted by an external electric field, the displacement vector of those groups being oriented in the direction of the field. The dielectric polarization properties of the purple membranes have been demonstrated by electret-thermal analysis.  相似文献   

Transport of Ca2+ in membrane vesicles of the cyanobacterium Anabaena variabilis has been investigated. The light membranes previously shown to carry a Mg2+-dependent, Ca2+-stimulated ATPase (Lockau, W. and Pfeffer, S. (1982) Z. Naturforsch. 37C, 658–664) accumulate Ca2+ upon addition of ATP, whereas the (heavier) thylakoids do not. A stoichiometry of 0.3 Ca2+ taken up per ATP hydrolyzed has been determined from initial rates, which is considered to be an underestimation of the true stoichiometry of the pump. Calcium transport and Ca2+-stimulated ATPase activity are both sensitive to Na3VO4 (an inhibitor of ATPases forming a phosphorylated intermediate), show the same pH optimum and a comparable dependence on ATP concentration. Calcium transport is also supported by nucleoside triphosphates other than ATP, although at lower rates. Accumulation of calcium is abolished by an ionophore of divalent cations, ionophore A23187, but is resistant to ionophores of monovalent cations and to the inhibitor of F1-F0-type ATPases, N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. It is concluded that the ATPase is a primary calcium pump.  相似文献   

Extracts prepared from heads of Drosophila melanogaster show high-affinity binding (KD = 1.9 nM) of [3H]saxitoxin, a compound known to bind to and block voltage-sensitive sodium channels in other organisms. The interaction between saxitoxin and the Drosophila saxitoxin receptor is non-cooperative and reversible with a half-life of 18.3 s for binding at 4°C. The saturable binding is specifically inhibited by tetrodotoxin with a KI = 0.30 nM. The number of saturable binding sites in the extract is 97 fmol/mg protein. Since approx. 50% of the binding activity is recovered in the extract, the number of binding sites in the head is estimated to be 6.4 fmol/mg head. Nerve conduction in Drosophila larvae is completely blocked after 20 min in a bathing solution containing 200 nM tetrodotoxin. A comparison between the binding and the electrophysiological studies in Drosophila and other organisms suggests that the Drosophila saxitoxin receptor is part of the voltage-sensitive sodium channel involved in the propagation of action potentials. A mutant (ttxs), which is abnormally sensitive to dietary tetrodotoxin, is shown to be indistinguishable from wild type with respect to [3H]saxitoxin-binding properties and physiological sensitivity to tetrodotoxin. These studies provide techniques which can be used to identify mutants with defects in the saxitoxin-binding component of the sodium channel.  相似文献   

Arlette Danon  S.Roy Caplan 《BBA》1976,423(1):133-140
The relationship between proton movement and phosphorylation in Halobacterium halobium R1 has been investigated under anaerobic conditions. The light-induced changes in the bacteriorhodopsin are accompanied by proton movements across the cell membrane which result in pH changes in the suspending medium. The initial alkaline shift is shown to be closely paralleled by (and hence correlated with) ATP synthesis. Acidification of the medium in the presence of valinomycin, under conditions of low external potassium, brings about ATP synthesis in the dark.  相似文献   

A.J. Clark  N.P.J. Cotton  J.B. Jackson 《BBA》1983,723(3):440-453
(1) Under conditions in which membrane potential (Δψ) was the sole contributor to the proton-motive force, the steady-state rate of ATP synthesis in chromatophores increased disproportionately when Δψ was increased: the rate had an approximately sixth-power dependence on Δψ. (2) Simultaneous measurements showed that the dissipative ionic current (JDIS) across the chromatophore membrane had a related dependence on Δψ, i.e., the membrane conductance increased markedly as Δψ increased. (3) For comparable Δψ values, JDIS was greater in phosphorylating than in non-phosphorylating chromatophores. For comparable actinic light intensities, Δψ was smaller in phosphorylating than in non-phosphorylating chromatophores. (4) At either low pH or in the presence of venturicidin, oligomycin or dicyclohexylcarbodiimide to inhibit ATP synthesis, JDIS was substantially depressed, particularly at high Δψ. Even under these conditions the membrane conductance was dependent on Δψ. (5) Also in intact cells, JDIS was depressed in the presence of venturicidin. Points 1–5 are interpreted in terms of a Δψ -driven H+ flux through the F0 channel of the ATPase synthase. The high-power dependence of the F0 conductance on Δψ determines the dependence of the rate of ATP synthesis on Δψ. The Δψ -dependent conductance of F0 dominates the electrical properties of the membrane. In chromatophores the ionic current accompanying ATP synthesis was more than 50% of the total membrane ionic current at maximal Δψ. (6) The rate of cyclic electron transport was calculated from JDIS. This led to an estimate of 0.77 ± 0.22 for the ATP2e? ratio and of 3.5 ± 1.3 for the H+ATP ratio. (7) Severe inhibition of the electron-transport rate by decreasing the light intensity led to an almost proportionate decrease in the rate of ATP synthesis. The chromatophores were able to maintain proportionality by confining electron-transport phosphorylation to a narrow range of Δψ. This is a consequence of the remarkable conductance properties of the membrane.  相似文献   

A kinetic study on ubiquinol-cytochrome f reductase (EC has been undertaken either in situ in KCN-inhibited mitochondria and submitochondrial particles, or in the isolated cytochrome b-c1 complex using ubiquinol-1 and exogenous cytochrome c as substrates. The steady-state two-substrate kinetics of the reductase appears to follow a general sequential mechanism, allowing calculation of a Km for ubiquinol-1 of 13.4 μM in mitochondria and of 24.6 μM in the isolated cytochrome b-c1 complex. At low concentrations of cytochrome c, however, the titrations as a function of quinol concentration appear biphasic both in mitochondria and in submitochondrial particles containing trapped cytochrome c inside the vesicle space, fitting two apparent Km values for ubiquinol-1. Relatively high antimycin-sensitive rates of ubiquinol-1-cytochrome c reductase have been found in submitochondrial particles: both the Vmax and the Km for ubiquinol-1 are, however, affected by the overall orientation of the particle preparation, i.e., by the reactivity of cytochrome c with its proper site. The turnover numbers corrected for particle orientation with respect to cytochrome c interaction are at least 2-fold higher in submitochondrial particles than in mitochondria. This is particularly evident using inside-out particles containing trapped cytochrome c in the vesicle space (and therefore reacting with its physiological site). A diffusion step for the quinol substrate appears to be rate limiting in mitochondria and can be removed by addition of deoxycholate, suggesting that the oxidation site of ubiquinol may be more exposed to the matrix side of the inner mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

A high rate of nitrate uptake was observed in Nostoc muscorum when cells were grown on elemental nitrogen as compared to that when they were grown on nitrate or ammonium. The uptake of nitrate was light dependent. However, supplementation with ATP (50 μM) stimulated nitrate uptake both in light and darkness. ADP, under similar conditions had no effect. 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU), 2-n-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline, (HOQNO) and KCN inhibitied nitrate uptake in light which could be partially reversed by adition of ATP. Inhibitiion by carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone (FCCP), an uncoupler of photophosphorylation, was complete and could not be restored by the addition of ATP. N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD), a specific inhibitor of ATPase, blocked nitrate uptake in the presence or absence of externally added ATP. Although no nitrate uptake was observed under anaerobic conditions in dark, addition of ATP resulted in uptake of nitrate, which was similar in magnitude to that observed under aerobic condition in the light, and was inhibited by DCCD. Ammonium ions inhibited the uptake of nitrate in the absence of ATP but in its presence there was simultaneous uptake of nitrate and ammonium ions. However, uptake of ammonium ions alone was not affected by presence or absence of ATP in the external medium. It was concluded that nitrate ion uptake was energy dependent and may be linked with a proton gradient which can be formed either by photophosphorylation or ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Walter G. Zumft  Kurt Frunzke 《BBA》1982,681(3):459-468
The marine nitrite-respiring (denitrifying) bacterium, Pseudomonas perfectomarinus, catalyzes by a membrane-bound enzyme the reduction of nitric oxide to nitrous oxide with ascorbate-reduced phenazine methosulfate as electron donor. The entire nitric oxide-reducing capability of a cell-free system was membrane bound and this process was studied with respect to pH and substrate dependency. The enzymatic process was perturbed by an identical nonenzymatic reduction by iron(II) ascorbate in neutral to alkaline aqueous solution. 2 mol nitric oxide and 1 mol ascorbate were consumed per mol nitrous oxide formed. Enzymatic and nonenzymatic processes were discriminated by their differential behavior towards pH and metal-chelating agents. The pH optimum for the enzymatic and nonenzymatic reaction was 5.2 and greater than 7.0, respectively. EDTA (10 mM) inhibited the nonenzymatic reduction completely without interfering with the membrane-bound activity. The nonenzymatic system mimics the reaction of nitric oxide reductase and could serve as a model to study the formation of the N-N bond in denitrification. Enzymatic generation of nitric oxide by cytochrome cd and subsequent nonenzymatic reduction to nitrous oxide simulate an overall quasi-enzymatic nitrous oxide formation by cytochrome cd. The nonenzymatic reduction of nitric oxide might have occurred in previous work due to the ubiquitous use of ascorbate in studies on nitrite respiration and the likelihood of adventitious iron in biological samples.  相似文献   

The transmembranal potential, in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, has been calculated from the distribution of the lipophilic cation tetraphenylphosphonium (TPP+) between the intracellular and extracellular water. Trifluoperazine at concentrations of 10 to 50 μM, caused a substantial increase in the membrane potential (negative inside). This increase was observed only in the presence of a metabolic substrate and was eliminated by the addition of the protonophores 2,4-dinitrophenol and sodium azide, removal of glucose, replacement of glucose by the nonmetabolizable analog 3-O-methyl glucose, or by the addition of 100mM KCl. An increase in 45CaCl2 accumulation from solutions of low concentrations (1 μM) was observed under all conditions where membrane potential was increased. Proton ejection activity was monitored by measurements of the rates of the decrease in the pH of unbuffered cell suspensions in the presence of glucose. Trifluoperazine inhibited the changes in medium pH; this inhibition was not the result of an increase in the permeability of cell membranes to protons since in the absence of glucose, trifluoperazine did not cause a change in the rate of pH change generated by proton influx. The activity of plasma membrane ATPase was measured in crude membrane preparations in the presence of sodium azide to inhibit mitochondrial ATPase. Trifluoperazine strongly inhibited the activity of the plasma membrane ATPase. The effect of phenothiazines on transport and on membrane potential reported in this study and in the previous one (Eilam, Y. (1983) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 733, 242–248) were observed only in the presence of a metabolic substrate. The possibility that energy is required for the uptake of phenothiazines into the cells was eliminated by results showing energy-independent uptake of [3H]chlorpromazine. The results strongly suggest that phenothiazines activate energy-dependent K+-extrusion pumps, which lead to increased membrane potential. Increased influx of calcium seems to be energized by membrane potential, and therefore stimulated under all conditions where membrane potential is increased. The analog which does not bind to calmodulin, trifluoperazine sulfoxide, had no effect on the cells, but the involvement of calmodulin in the processes altered by trifluoperazine cannot as yet, be determined.  相似文献   

Amiloride and harmaline were tested as inhibitors of proton movements in brush-border membrane vesicles from rat kidney cortex. Transmembrane pH differences were visualized using acridine orange. Fluorescence quenching due to Na+ gradient-driven intravesicular acidification was inhibited by amiloride and harmaline. However, a similar inhibition was observed for the Na+ gradient-driven electrogenic proton movements in the presence of gramicidin. Moreover, amiloride and harmaline decreased the fluorescence signal of electrogenic proton movements driven by a K+ gradient in the presence of valinomycin. The degree of inhibition of intravesicular acidification by both drugs was concentration dependent. Half-maximal inhibition (I50) of Na+/H+ exchange and K+ gradient-driven proton movements occurred at 0.21 and 0.6 amiloride, respectively. The I50 for harmaline was 0.21 mM in both cases. Amiloride also decreased the initial quenching of acridine orange fluorescence due to a preset pH gradient without affecting the rate of dissipation of the pH gradient. This effect was independent of the buffer capacity. In contrast, harmaline seemed to dissipate pH gradient in the same way as a permeant buffer. Amiloride and harmaline led to a concentration-dependent fluorescence decrease even in aqueous solution. The results suggest an interaction of amiloride and harmaline with acridine orange which overlaps a possible specific inhibition of Na+/H+ exchange by these drugs.  相似文献   

We determine the kinetic parameters V and KT of lactose transport in Escherichia coli cells as a function of the electrical potential difference (Δψ) at pH 7.3 and ΔpH = 0. We report that transport occurs simultaneously via two components: a component which exhibits a high KT (larger than 10 mM) and whose contribution is independent of Δψ, a component which exhibits a low KT independent of Δψ (0.5 mM) but whose V increases drastically with increasing Δψ. We associate these components of lactose transport with facilitated diffusion and active transport, respectively. We analyze the dependence upon Δψ of KT and V of the active transport component in terms of a mathematical kinetic model developed by Geck and Heinz (Geck, P. and Heinz, E. (1976) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 443, 49–63). We show that within the framework of this model, the analysis of our data indicates that active transport of lactose takes place with a H+/lactose stoichiometry greater than 1, and that the lac carrier in the absence of bound solutes (lactose and proton(s)) is electrically neutral. On the other hand, our data relative to facilitated diffusion tend to indicate that lactose transport via this mechanism is accompanied by a H+/lactose stoichiometry smaller than that of active transport. We discuss various implications which result from the existence of H+/lactose stoichiometry different for active transport and facilitated diffusion.  相似文献   

The internal cation levels of chloroplasts isolated from a green sea alga, Bryopsis maxima, were studied. Atomic absorption spectroscopy, combined with the determination of the sorbitol-impermeable and water-permeable spaces, revealed that chloroplasts contain an extremely high concentration of K+ and high levels of Na+, Mg2+ and Ca2+. A method was developed to estimate the thermodynamic activities of monovalent and divalent cations present in chloroplasts. pH changes induced by the addition of an ionophore (plus an H+ carrier), which makes the outer limiting membranes of chloroplasts permeable to both a cation and H+, were determined. Provided that the external pH was set equal to the internal pH, the internal concentration of the cation was estimated by determining the external cation concentration which gave rise to no electrochemical potential difference of the cation and hence no pH change on addition of the ionophore. The internal pH was determined by measuring distributions of radioactive methylamine and 5,5-dimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione between the chloroplast and medium (Heldt, H.W., Werdan, K., Milovancev, M. and Geller, G. (1973) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 314, 224–241). The internal pH was also estimated by measuring pH changes caused by the disruption of the outer limiting membrane with Triton X-100. The results indicate that a significant part of the monovalent cations and most of the divalent cations are attracted into a diffuse layer adjacent to the negatively charged surfaces of membranes and proteins, or form complexes with organic and inorganic compounds present in the intact chloroplasts.  相似文献   

ATP-induced quenching of fluorescence of acridine orange (a pH probe) or Oxonol V (a potential difference probe) is evoked in turtle bladder membrane vesicles in suspending media of appropriate ionic composition and is insensitive to oligomycin, valinomycin, and ouabain. These effects are ascribed to a membrane-bound, ouabain-resistant ATPase which mediates an active electrogenic proton transport.  相似文献   

Metronidazole (2-methyl-5-nitroimidazole-1-ethanol) at 1–2 mM levels has been shown to be a selective inhibitor of nitrogenase activity in Anabaena. Two constitutive hydrogenases and photosynthesis are insensitive to metronidazole at these same concentrations. At higher concentrations metronidazole inhibits photosynthesis in Anabaena while photoreduction and to a lesser extent photohydrogen production are retarded in Scenedesmus. Respiration is slightly stimulated at high metronidazole levels in both algae. The reductant source for nitrogenase in Anabaena and photohydrogen production and photoreduction electron transport in Scenedesmus are discussed. Due to the activity of metronidazole as a selective inhibitor of ferredoxin-associated processes, it should prove to be useful in N2 fixation studies and in distinguishing between ferredoxin-linked reactions of different sensitivities and other activities not associated with low reduction potential components.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic nature of the initial stages of nitrate assimilation, namely, uptake and reduction of nitrate, has been investigated in cells of the cyanobacterium Anacystis nidulans treated with l-methionine dl-sulfoximine to prevent further assimilation of the ammonium resulting from nitrate reduction. The light-driven utilization of nitrate or nitrite by these cells results in ammonium release and is associated with concomitant oxygen evolution. Stoichiometry values of about 2 mol oxygen evolved per mol nitrate reduced to ammonium and 1.5 mol oxygen per mol nitrite have been determined in the presence of CO2, as well as in its absence, with nitrate or nitrite as the only Hill reagent. This indicates that in A. nidulans water photolysis directly provides, without the need for carbon metabolites, the reducing power required for the in vivo reduction of nitrate and nitrite to ammonium, processes which are besides strongly inhibited when the operation of the photosynthetic noncyclic electron flow is blocked. Evidence indicating the participation of concentrative transport system(s) in the uptake of nitrate and nitrite by A. nidulans is also presented. The operation of these energy-requiring systems seems to account for the sensitivity to ATP-synthesis inhibitors exhibited by nitrate and nitrite utilization in l-methionine dl-sulfoximine-treated cells. The utilization of nitrate by A. nidulans cells, concomitant with oxygen evolution, can therefore be considered as a genuinely CO2-independent photosynthetic process that makes direct use of photosynthetically generated assimilatory power.  相似文献   

Hendrik Hüdig  Gerhart Drews 《BBA》1984,765(2):171-177
Purified b-type cytochrome oxidase from Rhodopseudomonas capsulata was incorporated into phospholipid vesicles to measure proton extrusion with pulses of ferrocytochrome c for one oxidase turnover. In accordance with the pH shift of its midpoint potential, the purified oxidase showed a proton extrusion of 0.24 H+e? with uptake of 1 H+e? from the liposomes for the reduction of oxygen to water. This proton translocation could only be observed in the presence of valinomycin +K+ and was not inhibited by DCCD. Oxidase preparations from the first purification step, which contain other protein compounds especially a membrane-bound cytochrome c but not the ubiquinol-cytochrome c2-oxidoreductase showed a pumping activity of 0.9 H+e?, which was inhibited by DCCD for nearly 75%. Inhibition of the electron transfer was not observed, which could be explained by a ‘molecular slipping’ of proton extrusion and electron transfer. Proton extrusion from two oxidase-turnovers was only 80% of that from one turnover. The proton pumping of the b-type oxidase strongly depended on the enzyme/phospholipid ratio.  相似文献   

Continuous cultures of the cowpea-type Rhizobium sp., strain CB756, were grown in the presence of NH+4 at automatically controlled concentrations of dissolved O2 and rates of aeration. Nitrogenase activity of steady-state cultures was only detected under microaeration conditions (dissolved O2 typically <0.03 μM; aeration rate typically 0.6 μmol O2/ml per h), when the cellular ATP pool size was 0.8–1.8 nmol/mg dry wt., (optimum 1.1) and the energy charge 0.6–0.7. At twice this aeration rate and dissolved O2 concentration of about 0.15 μM, the yield of bacteria doubled, the ATP pool increased and energy charge increased to 0.8. With similar rates of O2 supply but high concentration of dissolved O2 (approx. 150 μM), cultures were NH+4-limited and the ATP pool and energy charge were slightly reduced. Amongst all of these O2 supply conditions the total pool of adenosine phosphates was not significantly different (2.6 S.D. 0.7 nmol/mg dry wt.). In steady-state, O2-limited cultures, concentrations of cyclic GMP were higher when nitrogenase was present. When rates of O2 supply to steady-state cultures were changed, oscillations in bacterial energy status and growth rate were induced decreasing in amplitude until a new steady state was reached. This made it difficult to discern precisely the energy status in which nitrogenase activity was derepressed or repressed. However, generally, increases in nitrogenase activity followed decreases in ATP and energy charge and decreased nitrogenase activity accompanied increases in these energy parameters. These results are discussed in relation to the possible involvement of adenylation or deadenylation of glutamine synthetase and to the control of nitrogenase synthesis in the presence of NH+4. It is concluded that the small ATP pool size is responsible for failure of adenylylation of glutamine synthetase and is related to nitrogenase synthesis at microaeration rates.  相似文献   

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