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The polymorphic phase behaviour of dilinoleoylphosphatidyethanolamine (DLPE) and 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylcholine (POPC) is investigated by freeze-fracture electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and 31P-NMR. The structures at 5% or less POPC are predominantly inverted hexagonal (HII), whereas at 15% or more POPC, the structure is mostly bilayer (L), interrupted by defects (lipidic particles). A cubic phase structure is observed in the transition range between H and L phases; the cubic arrangement deteriorates at higher temperatures into an amorphous aggregate of spherical units. Both cubic and amorphous structures contribute to the isotropic 31P resonance, with no preference for PC or PE partitioning in the isotropic motion as observed by high resolution NMR. The existence of the cubic phase seems to depend cirtically on the homogeneity and the degree unsaturation of the phospholipids.  相似文献   

Model systems of phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and cardiolipin (DPG), as pure components and in binary mixtures with phosphatidylcholine (PC) have been morphologically analysed. The relation between the hexagonalII (HII) phase and lipidic particles as well as between the HII phase and the lamellar phase has been studied. Moreover, the periodicity of the various HII tubes was determined. (1) The periodicity of the HII phase of cardiolipin is dependent on the cation involved. DPG-Ca exhibits the smallest tube to tube distance when compared to Mg2+ and Mn2+. Moreover, the DPG-Ca tubes are quite straight, in contrast to the Mg2+ and Mn2+ tubes, which appear to be frequently curved. (2) HII tubes with two distinct diameters have been observed in HII phase containing lipid mixtures. The thickness of the HII tube is related to the composition of the tube. In the cardiolipin-lecithin system, structural separation of the pure cardiolipin HII phase has been suggested with Mg2+ and Mn2+, but not with Ca2+. (3) Models for the HII to lamellar phase transition and for the HII phase to the lipidic particles are presented. (4) Lipidic particles are exclusively found in lipid model systems, which contain HII phase favouring lipids. Morphological evidence is presented which suggests these lipidic particles represent inverted micelles. These observations include: (i) there is a strong topological and quantitative relation between HII tubes and lipidic particles, (ii) lipidic particles occur densely packed in conglomerates without the presence of a smooth layer.  相似文献   

Ca2+-induced phase separation in phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylethanolamine/phosphatidylcholine model membranes was studied using spin-labeled phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine and compared with that in phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylcholine model membranes studied previously. The phosphatidyl-ethanolamine-containing membranes behaved in qualitatively the same way as did phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylcholine model membranes. There were some quantitative differences between them. The degree of phase separation was higher in the phosphatidylethanolamine-containing membranes. For example, the degree of phase separation in phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylethanolamine membranes containing various mole fractions of phosphatidylserine was 94–100% at 23°C and 84–88% at 40°C, while the corresponding value for phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylcholine membranes was 74–85% at 23°C and 61–79% at 40°C. Ca2+ concentration required for the phase separation was lower for phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylethanolamine than that for phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylcholine membranes; concentration to cause a half-maximal phase separation was 1.4 · 10?7 M for phosphatidylserine-phosphatidylethanolamine and 1.2 · 10?6 M for phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylcholine membranes. The phase diagram of phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylethanolamine membranes in the presence of Ca2+ was also qualitatively the same as that of phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylcholine except for the different phase transition temperatures of phosphatidylethanolamine (17°C) and phosphatidylcholine (?15°C). These differences were explained in terms of a greater tendency for phosphatidylethanolamine, compared to phosphatidylcholine, to form its own fluid phase separated from the Ca2+-chelated solid-phase phosphatidylserine domain.  相似文献   

(1) The polymorphic phase behaviour of aqueous dispersions of various synthetic phosphatidylethanolamines, both singly and in mixtures, has been investigated by 31P-NMR. (2) 14:014:0 PE remains in the lamellar phase up to 90°C. 18:1t18:1t PE exhibits a lamellar to hexagonal (HII) transition between 60°C and 63°C. For 18:1c18:1c PE, the lamellar to hexagonal (HII) transition occurs between 7 and 12°C, whereas for 18:2c18:2c PE, the hexagonal (HII) phase is the preferred structure above ?15°C. (3) Mixtures of 18:1c18:1c PE and 18:1t18:1t PE exhibit near-ideal miscibility behaviour. For mixtures of 18:1c18:1c PE and 14:014:0 PE there is evidence of fluid-solid immiscibility at temperatures below the gel-liquid crystalline transition temperature of the 14:014:0 PE component. Mixtures of 18:2c18:2c PE and 18:1t18:1t PE exhibit complex phase behaviour involving limited fluid-solid immiscibility at low temperatures and formation of a phase allowing isotropic motional averaging at higher temperatures. (4) 31P-NMR provides a graphic method for investigating the miscibility properties of mixed PE systems.  相似文献   

The phospholipid composition of yeast plasma membrane was manipulated by two different methods: (i) by using two auxotrophic strains KA101 (cho1) and MC13 (Cho+) which required phospholipid bases for growth and (ii) by supplementing Saccharomyces cerevisiae (3059) cells with high concentration of choline or ethanolamine. It was possible to enrich the plasma membrane with phosphatidylcholine (PC) or phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) by both methods. The uptake of amino acids, e.g., glycine, glutamic acid, leucine, lysine methionine, phenylalanine, proline and serine, was significantly reduced in PC- or PE-enriched cells. However, the extent of reduction in transport was variable among different strains. A fluorescent probe, 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonate (ANS), was used to monitor the structural changes induced by altered phospholipid composition. It was observed that the relative fluorescence intensity of bound ANS was decreased as a consequence of PC or PE enrichment. The decrease in fluorescence was probably associated with reduced number of available binding sites (n) and increased apparent dissociation constant (Kd). Furthermore, our results also suggest that a critical level of PE or PC is required for proper functioning of yeast membrane.  相似文献   

The phase behavior of dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine in aqueous solutions of urea, N,N'-dimethylurea (DMU), and N,N,N',N'-tetramethylurea (TMU) has been characterized by synchrotron X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry. All three solutes stabilize the lamellar liquid-crystalline phase at the expense of lamellar-gel phase and inverted hexagonal phase of the phospholipid when present in concentrations up to 3 M. X-ray diffraction data demonstrated that the repeat spacing of DOPE increased with increasing urea concentration, but decreased as the DMU and TMU concentrations increased. The repeat spacing of DOPE in the liquid-crystal phase dispersed in the three solutes is d(urea)>d(DMU)>d(TMU). The molecular mechanisms underlying these observations are discussed in terms of either membrane Hofmeister effect, where urea acts as a water structure breaker, or a direct insertion effect of the amphiphilic DMU and TMU molecules into the lipid head groups in the interfacial region of the phospholipid bilayer.  相似文献   

The hydration properties of Escherichia coli lipids (phosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylethanolamine) and synthetic 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine in H2O/2H2O mixtures (9:1, v/v) were investigated with 2H-NMR. Comparison of the 2H2O spin lattice relaxation time (T1) as a function of the water content revealed a remarkable quantitative similarity of all three lipid-H2O systems. Two distinct hydration regions could be discerned in the T1 relaxation time profile. (1) A minimum of 11–16 water molecules was needed to form a primary hydration shell, characterized by an average relaxation time of T1 ≈ 90 ms. (2) Additional water was found to be in exchange with the primary hydration shell. The exchange process could be described in terms of a two-site exchange model, assuming rapid exchange between bulk water with T1 = 500 ms and hydration water with T1 = 80–120 ms. Analysis of the linewidth and the residual quadrupole splitting (at low water content) confirmed the size of the primary hydration layer. However, each lipid-water system exhibited a somewhat different linewidth behavior, and a detailed molecular interpretation appeared to be preposterous.  相似文献   

The phase behaviour of leaf polar lipids from three plants, varying in their sensitivity to chilling, was investigated by differential scanning calorimetry. For the lipids from mung bean (Vigna radiata L. var. Berken), a chilling-sensitive plant, a transition exotherm was detected beginning at 10 ± 2°C. No exotherm was evident above 0°C with polar lipids from wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Falcon) or pea (Pisum sativum cv. Massey Gem), plants which are insensitive to chilling. The enthalpy for the transition in the mung bean polar lipids indicated that only about 7% w/w of the lipid was in the gel phase at ?8°C. The thermal transition of the mung bean lipids was mimicked by wheat and pea polar lipids after the addition of 1 to 2% w/w of a relatively high melting-point lipid such as dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol or dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine. Analysis of the polar lipids from the three plants showed that a dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol was present in mung bean (1.7% w/w) and pea (0.3% w/w) but undetected in wheat, indicating that the transition exotherm temperature of 10°C in mung bean, 0°C in pea and about ?3°C in wheat correlates with the proportion of the high melting-point disaturated component in the polar lipids. The results indicate that the transition exotherm, observed at temperatures above 0°C in the membranes of chilling-sensitive plants, could be induced by small amounts of high melting-point lipids and involves only a small proportion of the membrane polar lipids.  相似文献   

25-Hydroxycholesterol and 25-hydroxy vitamin D-3 increased the permeability of liposomes to Ca2+ measured by the arsenazo III encapsulation technique. This effect was sensitive to the lipid composition of the membrane, with changes that decreased the motional freedom of phospholipid acyl chains decreasing Ca2+ permeability. The greatest permeability was observed with the zwitter-ionic phospholipids, phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine, whereas the acidic phospholipids, phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylserine, depressed Ca2+ permeability. The effect was not specific for Ca2+. Other divalent cations were translocated in the order Mn2+ > Mg2+  Ca2+ ? Sr2+  Ba2+. The permeability of liposomes to the monovalent cation, Na+, was also substantially increased. The effect did not appear to be due to ionophoretic properties of the sterols, and it is suggested that perturbation of the membranes by the polar 25-hydroxyl group may play a role in increasing membrane permeability.  相似文献   

We use fluorescence microscopy to directly observe liquid phases in giant unilamellar vesicles. We find that a long list of ternary mixtures of high melting temperature (saturated) lipids, low melting temperature (usually unsaturated) lipids, and cholesterol produce liquid domains. For one model mixture in particular, DPPC/DOPC/Chol, we have mapped phase boundaries for the full ternary system. For this mixture we observe two coexisting liquid phases over a wide range of lipid composition and temperature, with one phase rich in the unsaturated lipid and the other rich in the saturated lipid and cholesterol. We find a simple relationship between chain melting temperature and miscibility transition temperature that holds for both phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin lipids. We experimentally cross miscibility boundaries both by changing temperature and by the depletion of cholesterol with beta-cyclodextrin. Liquid domains in vesicles exhibit interesting behavior: they collide and coalesce, can finger into stripes, and can bulge out of the vesicle. To date, we have not observed macroscopic separation of liquid phases in only binary lipid mixtures.  相似文献   

The binary phase diagram of the enantiomers of indobufen, 1 (Ibustrin), an antithrombotic drug, has been investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC); 1 is a racemic compound (racemate) with melting point lower than that of the enantiomers. Its thermal behaviour (DSC) has been examined and is discussed in comparison with other physical methods (IR spectroscopy and X-ray powder diffraction). Absolute configuration has been assigned to the enantiomers by 1H-NMR correlations. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Membrane fusion requires restructuring of lipid bilayers mediated by fusogenic membrane proteins. Peptides that correspond to natural transmembrane sequences or that have been designed to mimic them, such as low-complexity “Leu-Val” (LV) peptide sequences, can drive membrane fusion, presumably by disturbing the lipid bilayer structure. Here, we assess how peptides of different fusogenicity affect membrane structure using solid state NMR techniques. We find that the more fusogenic variants induce an unaligned lipid phase component and a large degree of phase separation as observed in 31P 2D spectra. The data support the idea that fusogenic peptides accumulate PE in a non-bilayer phase which may be critical for the induction of fusion.  相似文献   

We carried out comparative differential scanning calorimetric and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic studies of the effects of cholesterol (Chol) and epicholesterol (EChol) on the thermotropic phase behaviour and organization of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) bilayers. EChol is an epimer of Chol in which the axially oriented hydroxyl group of C3 of Chol is replaced by an equatorially oriented hydroxyl group, resulting in a different orientation of the hydroxyl group relative to sterol fused ring system. Our calorimetric studies indicate that the incorporation of EChol is more effective than Chol is in reducing the enthalpy of the pretransition of DPPC. EChol is also initially more effective than Chol in reducing the enthalpies of both the sharp and broad components of the main phase transition of DPPC. However, at higher EChol concentrations (~ 30-50 mol%), EChol becomes less effective than Chol in reducing the enthalpy and cooperativity of the main phase transition, such that at sterol concentrations of 50 mol%, EChol does not completely abolish the cooperative hydrocarbon chain-melting phase transition of DPPC, while Chol does. However, EChol does not appear to form a calorimetrically detectable crystallite phase at higher sterol concentrations, suggesting that EChol, unlike Chol, may form dimers or lower order aggregates at higher sterol concentrations. Our spectroscopic studies demonstrate that EChol incorporation produces more ordered gel and comparably ordered liquid-crystalline bilayers compared to Chol, which are characterized by increased hydrogen bonding in the glycerol backbone region of the DPPC bilayer. These and other results indicate that monomeric EChol is less miscible in DPPC bilayers than is Chol at higher sterol concentrations, but perturbs their organization to a greater extent at lower sterol concentrations, probably due primarily to the larger effective cross-sectional area of the EChol molecule. Nevertheless, EChol does appear to produce a lamellar liquid-ordered phase in DPPC bilayers.  相似文献   

Timothy H. Bayburt 《FEBS letters》2010,584(9):1721-14316
Nanodiscs are soluble nanoscale phospholipid bilayers which can self-assemble integral membrane proteins for biophysical, enzymatic or structural investigations. This means for rendering membrane proteins soluble at the single molecule level offers advantages over liposomes or detergent micelles in terms of size, stability, ability to add genetically modifiable features to the Nanodisc structure and ready access to both sides of the phospholipid bilayer domain. Thus the Nanodisc system provides a novel platform for understanding membrane protein function. We provide an overview of the Nanodisc approach and document through several examples many of the applications to the study of the structure and function of integral membrane proteins.  相似文献   

We performed comparative DSC and FTIR spectroscopic measurements of the effects of cholesterol (Chol) and ergosterol (Erg) on the thermotropic phase behavior and organization of DPPC bilayers. Ergosterol is the major sterol in the biological membranes of yeasts, fungi and many protozoa. It differs from Chol in having two additional double bonds, one in the steroid nucleus at C7-8 and another in the alkyl chain at C22-23. Erg also has an additional methyl group in the alkyl chain at C24. Our DSC studies indicate that the incorporation of Erg is more effective than Chol is in reducing the enthalpy of the pretransition. At lower concentrations Erg is also more effective than Chol in reducing the enthalpies of both the sharp and broad components of main phase transition. However, at sterol concentrations from 30 to 50 mol%, Erg is generally less effective at reducing the enthalpy of the broad components and does not completely abolish the cooperative hydrocarbon chain-melting phase transition at 50 mol%, as does Chol. Nevertheless, in this higher ergosterol concentration range, there is no evidence of the formation of ergosterol crystallites. Our FTIR spectroscopic studies demonstrate that Erg incorporation produces a similar ordering of liquid-crystalline DPPC bilayers as does Chol, but an increased degree of hydrogen bonding of the fatty acyl carbonyl groups in the glycerol backbone region of the DPPC bilayer. These and other results indicate that Erg is less miscible in DPPC bilayers at higher concentrations than is Chol. Finally, we provide a tentative molecular explanation for the comparative experimental and computation results obtained for Erg and Chol in phospholipid bilayers, emphasizing the dynamic conformational differences between these two sterols.  相似文献   

The interactions of the antimicrobial peptides aurein 1.2, citropin 1.1 and maculatin 1.1 with dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC), dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol (DMPG) and dimyristoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DMPE) were studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The effects of these peptides on the thermotropic phase behavior of DMPC and DMPG are qualitatively similar and manifested by the suppression of the pretransition, and by peptide concentration-dependent decreases in the temperature, cooperativity and enthalpy of the gel/liquid-crystalline phase transition. However, at all peptide concentrations, anionic DMPG bilayers are more strongly perturbed than zwitterionic DMPC bilayers, consistent with membrane surface charge being an important aspect of the interactions of these peptides with phospholipids. However, at all peptide concentrations, the perturbation of the thermotropic phase behavior of zwitterionic DMPE bilayers is weak and discernable only when samples are exposed to high temperatures. FTIR spectroscopy indicates that these peptides are unstructured in aqueous solution and that they fold into α-helices when incorporated into lipid membranes. All three peptides undergo rapid and extensive H-D exchange when incorporated into D2O-hydrated phospholipid bilayers, suggesting that they are located in solvent-accessible environments, most probably in the polar/apolar interfacial regions of phospholipid bilayers. The perturbation of model lipid membranes by these peptides decreases in magnitude in the order maculatin 1.1 > aurein 1.2 > citropin 1.1, whereas the capacity to inhibit Acholeplasma laidlawii B growth decreases in the order maculatin 1.1 > aurein 1.2 ≅ citropin 1.1. The higher efficacy of maculatin 1.1 in disrupting model and biological membranes can be rationalized by its larger size and higher net charge. However, despite its smaller size and lower net charge, aurein 1.2 is more disruptive of model lipid membranes than citropin 1.1 and exhibits comparable antimicrobial activity, probably because aurein 1.2 has a higher propensity for partitioning into phospholipid membranes.  相似文献   

Recently, DHSM, a minor constituent in naturally occurring SMs, was indicated to form a raft-like ordered phase more effectively than a naturally occurring form of SM because DHSM has greater potential to induce the intermolecular hydrogen bond. In order to examine the influence of the DHSM-induced hydrogen bond on the phase segregation, the thermal phase behavior of stearoyl-DHSM/DOPC binary bilayers was examined using calorimetry and fluorescence observation and compared with that of SSM/DOPC binary bilayers. Results revealed that the DHSM/DOPC bilayers undergo phase segregation between two Lα phases within a limited compositional range. On the other hand, apparent phase separation was not observed above main transition temperature in SSM/DOPC mixtures. Our monolayer measurements showed that the lipid packing of DHSM is less perturbed than that of SSM by the addition of small amount of DOPC, indicating a stronger hydrogen bond between DHSM molecules. Therefore, in DHSM/DOPC binary bilayers, DHSM molecules may locally accumulate to form a DHSM-rich domain due to a DHSM-induced hydrogen bond. On the other hand, excess accumulation of DHSM should be prevented because the difference in the curvature between DHSM and DOPC assemblies causes elastic constraint at the domain boundary between the DHSM-rich and DOPC-rich domains. Competition between the energetic advantages provided by formation of the hydrogen bond and the energetic disadvantage conferred by elastic constraints likely results in Lα/Lα phase separation within a limited compositional range.  相似文献   

We carried out comparative DSC and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic studies of the effects of cholesterol and lanosterol on the thermotropic phase behavior and organization of DPPC bilayers. Lanosterol is the biosynthetic precursor of cholesterol and differs in having three rather than two axial methyl groups projecting from the β-face of the planar steroid ring system and one axial methyl group projecting from the α-face, whereas cholesterol has none. Our DSC studies indicate that the incorporation of lanosterol is more effective than cholesterol is in reducing the enthalpy of the pretransition. Lanosterol is also initially more effective than cholesterol in reducing the enthalpies of both the sharp and broad components of the main phase transition. However, at sterol concentrations of 50 mol %, lanosterol does not abolish the cooperative hydrocarbon chain-melting phase transition as does cholesterol. Moreover, at higher lanosterol concentrations (~30–50 mol %), both sharp and broad low-temperature endotherms appear in the DSC heating scans, suggestive of the formation of lanosterol crystallites, and of the lateral phase separation of lanosterol-enriched phospholipid domains, respectively, at low temperatures, whereas such behavior is not observed with cholesterol at comparable concentrations. Our Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic studies demonstrate that lanosterol incorporation produces a less tightly packed bilayer than does cholesterol, which is characterized by increased hydration in the glycerol backbone region of the DPPC bilayer. These and other results indicate that lanosterol is less miscible in DPPC bilayers than is cholesterol, but perturbs their organization to a greater extent, probably due primarily to the rougher faces and larger cross-sectional area of the lanosterol molecule and perhaps secondarily to its decreased ability to form hydrogen bonds with adjacent DPPC molecules. Nevertheless, lanosterol does appear to produce a lamellar liquid-ordered phase in DPPC bilayers, although this phase is not as tightly packed as comparable cholesterol/DPPC mixtures.  相似文献   

The thermal stability of excitation transfer from pigment proteins to the Photosystem II reaction center of Nerium oleander adjusts by 10 Celsius degrees when cloned plants grown at 20°C/15°C, day/night growth temperatures are shifted to 45°C/32°C growth temperature or vice versa. Concomitant with this adjustment is a decrease in the fluidity of thylakoid membrane polar lipids as determined by spin labeling. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that there is a limiting maximum fluidity compatible with maintenance of native membrane structure and function. This limiting fluidity was about the same as for a number of other species which exhibit a range of thermal stabilities. Inversely correlated shifts in lipid fluidity and thermal stability occurred during the time course of acclimation of N. oleander to new growth temperatures. Thus, the temperature at which the limiting fluidity was reached changed during acclimation while the limiting fluidity remained constant. Although the relative proportion of the major classes of membrane polar lipids remained constant during adjustments in fluidity, large changes occured in the abundance of specific fatty acids. These changes were different for the phospho- and galacto-lipids suggesting that the fatty acid composition of these two lipid classes is regulated by different mechanisms. Comparisons between membrane lipid fluidity and fatty acid composition indicate that fluidity is not a simple linear function of fatty acid composition.  相似文献   

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