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Ora Canaani  Elisabeth Gantt 《BBA》1983,723(3):340-349
The relationship of the structure and function of the light-harvesting antennae in the blue-green alga Nostoc sp. was further elucidated by reconstitution experiments. Separated phycoerythrin-phycocyanin complexes and allophycocyanin fractions were reassociated as described earlier (Canaani, O., Lipschultz, C.A. and Gantt, E. (1980) FEBS Lett. 115, 225–229) into functional phycobilisomes with a 70% yield. Native and reassociated physobilisomes had molar ratios of about 1.4:1.1:1.0 of phycoerythrin:phycocyanin:allophycocyanim. Energy transfer was demonstrated by their fluorescence emission maximum at approx. 675 nm (20°C), and their excitation spectra (emission wavelength 680 nm) which reflected the contribution of the three constitutive phycobiliproteins. Scans of Coomassie blue-stained SDS-polyacrylamide gels showed that the polypeptide composition of native and reassociated phycobilisomes was virtually indistinguishable. Reassociation of phycobilisomes was dependent on the interaction of allophycocyanin and phycocyanin, because it could be blocked with antisera to phycocyanin and allophycocyanin, but not to phycoerythrin. In addition, reassociation did not occur when a 31 000 Da polypeptide, which is part of the phycoerythrin-phycocyanin complex, was reduced in size (by 4000 Da). These results suggest that at least two domains are required for functional reassociation of phycobilisomes involving phycocyanin and allophycocyanin.  相似文献   

Single-photon timing with picosecond resolution is used to investigate the kinetics of the fluorescence emission of chlorophyll a in chloroplasts from spinach and pea and in the algae Chlorella pyrenoidosa and Chlamydomonas reinhardii. The fluorescence decay is best described by three exponential components in all species. At low light intensity and with open reaction centers of Photosystem II (F0), we find lifetimes of approx. 100, 400 and 1100 ps for the three components. Closing the reaction centers by addition of 3-(3′,4′-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea plus hydroxylamine and by increasing light intensity produces only minor changes in the almost constant fast- and medium-lifetime components; however, there is a dramatic increase in the yield of the slow component, by a factor of about 20, accompanied by only a modest increase in the lifetime to 2200 ps (Fmax). In good agreement with previous fluorescence lifetime measurements, we find an increase in the averaged lifetime of the three components from 0.5 to 2.0 ns, which is proportional to the 4-fold increase in the total fluorescence yield. Our time-resolved results are inconsistent with models which are based on the proportionality between lifetime and yield and which involve a homogeneous origin of fluorescence that is sensitive to the state of the reaction centers. We conclude that the variable part of the fluorescence, which is dominated by the slow phase, reflects the kinetics of charge recombination in the reaction center, as proposed previously (Klimov, V.V., Allakhverdiev, S.I. and Paschenko, V.Z. (1978) Dokl. Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R. 242, 1204–1207). The modest increase in lifetime of the slow phase indicates the presence of some energy transfer between photosynthetic units.  相似文献   

The excited state kinetics of three different allophycocyanin (AP) complexes has been studied by picosecond fluorescence spectroscopy. Both the fluorescence kinetics and the decay-associated fluorescence spectra of the different complexes can be understood on the basis of a structural model for AP which uses (a) an analogy to the known x-ray determined structure of C-phycocyanin, (b) the biochemical analogies of AP and C-phycocyanin, and (c) the biochemical composition of AP-B (AP-681). A model is developed that describes the excited state kinetics as a mixture of internal conversion processes within a coupled exciton pair and energy transfer processes between exciton pairs. We found excited state relaxation times in the range of 13 ps (AP with linker peptide) up to 66 ps (AP-B). The trimeric aggregates AP 660 and AP 665 show one fast relaxation component each, as was expected on the basis of their symmetry properties. The lower symmetry of AP-B (AP-681) gives rise to two fast lifetime components (τ1 = 23 ps and τ2 = 66 ps) which are attributed to internal conversion and/or energy transfer between excitonic states formed by the coupling of symmetrically and spectrally nonequivalent chromophores. It is proposed that the internal conversion between exciton states of strongly coupled chromophores fulfills the requirements of the small energy gap limit. Thus, internal conversion rates in the order of tens of picoseconds are feasible. The influence of the interaction of the linker peptide on the properties of the AP trimer are manifested in the fluorescence kinetics. Lack of the linker peptide in AP 660 gives rise to a heterogeneity in the chromophore conformations and chromophore-chromophore interactions.  相似文献   

The picosecond fluorescence and energy-transfer kinetics of isolated phycobilisomes from Synechococcus 6301 were studied under low intensity excitation. Different combinations of excitation and emission wavelengths were used in order to monitor selectively the fluorescence of the pigments phycocyanin and allophycocyanin. The relatively long overall energy-transfer time of 120 ps from the phycocyanin rods to the allophycocyanin-core is rationalized in terms of the special structure of the rods being built up of several phycocyanin hexamers in this alga species. The fluorescence lifetime of the terminal chromophores in the core was determined to be 1.8–1.9 ns depending on the excitation wavelength. A fast decay component of 20 ± 10 ps which is most prominent at short emission wavelengths is assigned to arise mainly from energy transfer within the C-phycocyanin-units from ‘sensitizing’ to ‘fluorescing’ chromophores.  相似文献   

The energy transfer between C-phycocyanin chromophores in intact phycobilisomes of Synechococcus 6301 is shown to lead to an anisotropy relaxation with a lifetime of 10 ± 2 ps. However, due to the molecular order within the hexameric units of C-phycocyanin the anisotropy does not decay to zero. The Förster dipole-dipole mechanism of energy transfer can qualitatively explain these data provided that there is no back transfer of excitation energy and that the chromophore distribution is non-random. The rate of energy transfer in phycobilisomes between C-phycocyanin and allophycocyanin can best be described by a double exponential with lifetimes of 12 ± 3 and 84 ± 8 ps.  相似文献   

Single-photon timing with picosecond resolution is used to investigate the effect of Mg2+ on the room-temperature fluorescence decay kinetics in broken spinach chloroplasts. In agreement with an earlier paper (Haehnel, W., Nairn, J.A., Reisberg, P. and Sauer, K. (1982) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 680, 161–173), we find three components in the fluorescence decay both in the presence and in the absence of Mg2+. The behavior of these components is examined as a function of Mg2+ concentration at both the F0 and the Fmax fluorescence levels, and as a function of the excitation intensity for thylakoids from spinach chloroplasts isolated in the absence of added Mg2+. Analysis of the results indicates that the subsequent addition of Mg2+ has effects which occur at different levels of added cation. At low levels of Mg2+ (less than 0.75 mM), there appears to be a decrease in communication between Photosystem (PS) II and PS I, which amounts to a decrease in the spillover rate between PS II and PS I. At higher levels of Mg2+ (about 2 mM), there appears to be an increase in communication between PS II units and an increase in the effective absorption cross-section of PS II, probably both of these involving the chlorophyll light-harvesting antenna.  相似文献   

The wavelength-resolved fluorescence emission kinetics of the accessory pigments and chlorophyll a in Porphyridium cruentum have been studied by picosecond laser spectroscopy. Direct excitation of the pigment B-phycoerythrin with a 530 nm, 6 ps pulse produced fluorescence emission from all of the pigments as a result of energy transfer between the pigments to the reaction centre of Photosystem II. The emission from B-phycoerythrin at 576 nm follows a nonexponential decay law with a mean fluorescence lifetime of 70 ps, whereas the fluorescence from R-phycocyanin (640 nm), allophycocyanin (660 nm) and chlorophyll a (685 nm) all appeared to follow an exponential decay law with lifetimes of 90 ps, 118 ps and 175 ps respectively. Upon closure of the Photosystem II reaction centres with 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea and preillumination the chlorophyll a decay became non-exponential, having a long component with an apparent lifetime of 840 ps. The fluorescence from the latter three pigments all showed finite risetimes to the maximum emission intensity of 12 ps for R-phycocyanin, 24 ps for allophycocyanin and 50 ps for chlorophyll a.A kinetic analysis of these results indicates that energy transfer between the pigments is at least 99% efficient and is governed by an exp ?At12 transfer function. The apparent exponential behaviour of the fluorescence decay functions of the latter three pigments is shown to be a direct result of the energy transfer kinetics, as are the observed risetimes in the fluorescence emissions.  相似文献   

Single-photon timing with picosecond resolution is used to investigate the effect of Mg2+ on the room-temperature fluorescence decay kinetics in broken spinach chloroplasts. In agreement with an earlier paper (Haehnel, W., Nairn, J.A., Reisberg, P. and Sauer, K. (1982) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 680, 161–173), we find three components in the fluorescence decay both in the presence and in the absence of Mg2+. The behavior of these components is examined as a function of Mg2+ concentration at both the F0 and the Fmax fluorescence levels, and as a function of the excitation intensity for thylakoids from spinach chloroplasts isolated in the absence of added Mg2+. Analysis of the results indicates that the subsequent addition of Mg2+ has effects which occur at different levels of added cation. At low levels of Mg2+ (less than 0.75 mM), there appears to be a decrease in communication between Photosystem (PS) II and PS I, which amounts to a decrease in the spillover rate between PS II and PS I. At higher levels of Mg2+ (about 2 mM), there appears to be an increase in communication between PS II units and an increase in the effective absorption cross-section of PS II, probably both of these involving the chlorophyll ab light-harvesting antenna.  相似文献   

Phycobilisome (PBS) is a giant photosynthetic antenna associated with the thylakoid membranes of cyanobacteria and red algae. PBS consists of two domains: central core and peripheral rods assembled of disc-shaped phycobiliprotein aggregates and linker polypeptides. The study of the PBS architecture is hindered due to the lack of the data on the structure of the large ApcE-linker also called LCM. ApcE participates in the PBS core stabilization, PBS anchoring to the photosynthetic membrane, transfer of the light energy to chlorophyll, and, very probably, the interaction with the orange carotenoid protein (OCP) during the non-photochemical PBS quenching. We have constructed the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 mutant lacking 235 N-terminal amino acids of the chromophorylated PBLCM domain of ApcE. The altered fluorescence characteristics of the mutant PBSs indicate that the energy transfer to the terminal emitters within the mutant PBS is largely disturbed. The PBSs of the mutant become unable to attach to the thylakoid membrane, which correlates with the identified absence of the energy transfer from the PBSs to the photosystem II. At the same time, the energy transfer from the PBS to the photosystem I was registered in the mutant cells and seems to occur due to the small cylindrical CpcG2-PBSs formation in addition to the conventional PBSs. In contrast to the wild type Synechocystis, the OCP-mediated non-photochemical PBS quenching was not registered in the mutant cells. Thus, the PBLCM domain takes part in formation of the OCP binding site in the PBS.  相似文献   

Delayed fluorescence from isolated reaction centers of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides was measured to study the energetics of electron transfer from the bacteriochlorophyll complex (P-870, or P) to the primary and secondary quinones (QA and QB). The analysis was based on the assumption that electron transfer between P and Q reaches equilibrium quickly after flash excitation, and stays in equilibrium during the lifetime of the P+Q radical pair. Delayed fluorescence of 1Q reaction centers (reaction centers that contain only QA) has a lifetime of about 0.1 s, which corresponds to the decay of P+QA. 2Q reaction centers (which contain both QA and QB) have a much weaker delayed fluorescence, with a lifetime that corresponds to that of P+QB (about 1 s). In the presence of o-phenanthroline, the delayed fluorescence of 2Q reaction centers becomes similar in intensity and decay kinetics to that of 1Q reaction centers. From comparisons of the intensities of the delayed fluorescence from P+QA and P+QB, the standard free energy difference between P+QA and P+QB is calculated to be 78 ± 8 meV. From a comparison of the intensity of the delayed fluorescence with that of prompt fluorescence, we calculate that P+QA is 0.86 ± 0.02 eV below the excited singlet state of P in free energy, or about 0.52 eV above the ground state PQA. The temperature dependence of the delayed fluorescence indicates that P+QA is about 0.75 eV below the excited singlet state in enthalpy, or about 0.63 eV above the ground state.  相似文献   

Jane M. Bowes  Peter Horton 《BBA》1982,680(2):127-133
Fluorescence induction curves in 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU)-inhibited Photosystem (PS) II particles isolated from the blue-green alga Phormidium laminosum have been analysed as a function of redox potential. Redox titration of the initial fluorescence indicated a single component with Em,7.5 = +30 mV (n = 1) (Bowes, J., Horton, P. and Bendall, D.S. (1981) FEBS Lett. 135, 261–264). Despite this simplified electron acceptor system and the small number of chlorophylls per reaction centre, a sigmoidal induction curve was nevertheless seen. Sigmoidicity decreased as Q was reduced potentiometrically prior to induction such that the induction was exponential when the ratio FiFm = 0.64. These particles also showed a slow (β) phase of induction which titrated with an Em value slightly more positive than that of the major quencher. It is concluded that the sigmoidal shape of the fluorescence induction curve observed in Phormidium PS II particles is not a consequence of a requirement for two photons to close the PS II reaction centre, but is generated as a result of energy transfer between photosynthetic units comprising one reaction centre per approx. 50 chlorophylls. Also, the existence of PS II heterogeneity (PS IIα, PS IIβ centres) does not require a structurally differentiated chloroplast, but may only indicate the extent of aggregation of PS II centres.  相似文献   

We have developed a continuous fluorescence assay based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) for the monitoring of RNA helicase activity in vitro. The assay is tested using the hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3 helicase as a model. We prepared a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) substrate with a 5′ fluorophore-labeled strand hybridized to a 3′ quencher-labeled strand. When the dsRNA is unwound by helicase, the fluorescence of the fluorophore is emitted following the separation of the strands. Unlike in conventional gel-based assays, this new assay eliminates the complex and time-consuming steps, and can be used to simply measure the real-time kinetics in a single helicase reaction. Our results demonstrate that Alexa Fluor 488 and BHQ1 are an effective fluorophore-quencher pair, and this assay is suitable for the quantitative measurement of the RNA helicase activity of HCV NS3. Moreover, we found that several extracts of marine organisms exhibited different inhibitory effects on the RNA and DNA helicase activities of HCV NS3. We propose that this assay will be useful for monitoring the detailed kinetics of RNA unwinding mechanisms and screening RNA helicase inhibitors at high throughput.  相似文献   

Hiroyuki Arata  Mitsuo Nishimura 《BBA》1983,725(2):394-401
Delayed fluorescence of chromatophores of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides was measured to estimate the standard free energy change accompanying the electron transfer from the bacteriochlorophyll dimer (P) to the primary acceptor quinone (QA). The chromatophores emitted delayed fluorescence with a lifetime of about 60 ms in the presence of o-phenanthroline. By comparing the intensity of the delayed fluorescence with that of the prompt fluorescence, the standard free energy of the P+QA? radical pair was evaluated. It was about 0.87 eV below the level of excited singlet state, P1QA, or 0.51 eV above the ground state, PQA, independent of pH.  相似文献   

C.P. Rijgersberg  J. Amesz 《BBA》1980,593(2):261-271
Fluorescence emission spectra of Anacystis nidulans, Porphyridium cruentum and Cyanidium caldarium, three phycobiliprotein-containing algae, were measured at temperatures between 4 and 120 K in the absence and in the presence of quinones as quenchers of chlorophyll fluorescence. In all species three major emission bands were observed in the chlorophyll a region, near 685 nm (F-685), 695 nm (F-695) and between 710 and 730 nm. Additional bands were observed at shorter wavelengths; these were preferentially excited by light absorbed by the phycobiliproteins and are presumably due to phycocyanins and allophycocyanins.

The amplitudes of F-685, F-695 and the long-wave emission showed a distinct increase upon cooling. For F-685 and F-695 the temperature dependence was similar to that earlier observed with spinach chloroplasts, for the long-wave emission it appeared to depend on the location of the emission bands, which was different for different species. All three bands were strongly quenched by quinones. These and other data suggest that the origin of these bands is the same as in higher plants, and that the fluorescence increase upon cooling can be explained by a lowering of the efficiency of energy transfer between chlorophyll molecules. It is concluded that at most a small percentage of the emission at 685 nm can be ascribed to allophycocyanin B, and that the efficiency of energy transfer between allophycocyanin B and chlorophyll a probably exceeds 99% both at 77 and 4 K. Experiments with isolated phycobilisomes suggest that energy transfer from allophycocyanin to allophycocyanin B occurs with an efficiency of about 90% at low temperature.

The effect of quenchers can be understood by the assumption that the quenching is caused by the formation of non-fluorescent traps in the bulk chlorophyll. Of three quinones tested, the strongest quenching was observed with dibromothymoquinone, which quenched F-685, F-695 and the long-wave emission approximately equally. Menadione and 1,4-naphthoquinone, however, preferentially quenched the long-wave bands, indicating a stronger interaction with Photosystem I than with Photosystem II chlorophylls.  相似文献   

The time-course of fluorescence from reaction centers isolated from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides was measured using single-photon counting techniques. When electron transfer is blocked by the reduction of the electron-accepting quinones, reaction centers exhibit a relatively long-lived (delayed) fluorescence due to back reactions that regenerate the excited state (P*) from the transient radical-pair state, PF. The delayed fluorescence can be resolved into three components, with lifetimes of 0.7, 3.2 and 11 ns at 295 K. The slowest component decays with the same time-constant as the absorbance changes due to PF, and it depends on both temperature and magnetic fields in the same way that the absorbance changes do. The time-constants for the two faster components of delayed fluorescence are essentially independent of temperature and magnetic fields. The fluorescence also includes a very fast (prompt) component that is similar in amplitude to that obtained from unreduced reaction centers. The prompt fluorescence presumably is emitted mainly during the period before the initial charge-transfer reaction creates PF from P*. From the amplitudes of the prompt and delayed fluorescence, we calculate an initial standard free-energy difference between P* and PF of about 0.16 eV at 295 K, and 0.05 eV at 80 K, depending somewhat on the properties of the solvent. The multiphasic decay of the delayed fluorescence is interpreted in terms of relaxations in the free energy of PF with time, totalling about 0.05 eV at 295 K, possibly resulting from nuclear movements in the electron-carriers or the protein.  相似文献   

We have used single-photon timing with picosecond resolution to investigate the effect of phosphorylation on the fluorescence decay from broken spinach chloroplasts. Phosphorylation of spinach thylakoids causes a quenching of the slow decay phase (equivalent to a quenching of variable fluorescence) and an increase in the yield of the middle phase decay component. In addition, phosphorylation alters the intensity dependence of fluorescence in a manner which indicates a decreased antenna size of Photosystem II. The observed changes are indicative of a State 1-State 2 transition and show a clear reversal when the membranes are dephosphorylated.  相似文献   

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