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Right-side-out vesicles derived from red blood cells treated with chymotrypsin retain specific anion transport function (defined as transport sensitive to the specific inhibitor, 4,4′-diisothiocyano-2,2′-stilbenedisulfonic acid (DIDS)), even though the transport protein, band 3, is cleaved into two segments of 60 and 35 kdaltons. In contrast, vesicles derived from alkali-stripped ghosts treated with relatively high concentrations of chymotrypsin retain almost no specific anion function. The loss of function appears to be related to additional cleavages of band 3 protein that occur in treated ghosts, the 60-kdalton segment being reduced first to a 17- and then to a 15-kdalton segment and the 35-kdalton segment being reduced to a 9-kdalton segment plus a carbohydrate containing fragment. The chymotryptic cleavages of band 3 protein of ghosts are preferentially inhibited by high ionic strength, the production of the 9-kdalton segment being somewhat slower than that of the 15-kdalton segment. Vesicles derived from ghosts treated with chymotrypsin at different ionic strengths show a graded reduction in specific anion transport activity, but it was not possible to determine, definitively, which of the additional cleavages was inhibitory. In the light of these data and other information, the functional role of the segments of band 3 is discussed.  相似文献   

The hydrophobic probe phenylisothiocyanate is utilized for chemical modification of human erythrocyte band 3 protein. The binding of phenylisothiocyanate to this protein is characterized in whole erythrocytes, erythrocyte ghost membranes and in isolated band 3 protein. The label, reactive with nucleophiles in their deprotonated form, is found in all three preparations to be covalently bound to band 3 protein. Under saturation conditions, 4–5 mol phenylisothiocyanate are covalently bound per mol protein (molecular weight 95 000). The described modification effects inhibition of phosphate entry into erythrocytes. 50% inhibition of phosphate transport is obtained following a preincubation of erythrocytes with 0.45 mM phenylisothiocyanate. Both phenylisothiocyanate binding and transport inhibition are saturating processes. The relationship of the two parameters is non-linear.  相似文献   

The binding site for 4,4′-diisothiocyano-2,2′-stilbenedisulfonic acid, a specific, potent, irreversible inhibitor of anion transport in red blood cells is located in a 15 000 dalton transmembrane segment of band 3, produced by chymotrypsin treatment of ghosts stripped of extrinsic proteins. The segment was cleaved into three fragments of 7000, 4000 and 4000 daltons by CNBr. The C-terminus of the segment is located in the 7000 dalton fragment; the N-terminus in one of the 4000 dalton fragments; and the binding site for 4,4′-diisothiocyano-2,2′-stilbenedisulfonic acid in the middle 4000 dalton fragment. The latter was cleaved by N-bromosuccinimide into two fragments of 2000 daltons. The binding site for 4,4′-diisothiocyano-2,2′-stilbenedisulfonic acid was located on the fragment containing the newly formed N-terminus. It is concluded that the binding site is located about 9000 daltons from the C-terminus (at the outside face of the membrane) and 6000 daltons from the N-terminus (at the cytoplasmic face). In view of the existing evidence that the binding site may be located near the outside face of the membrane, it is suggested that the 15 000 dalton segment is folded, so that it crosses the bilayer three times.  相似文献   

Phloretin is an inhibitor of anion exchange and glucose and urea transport in human red cells. Equilibrium binding and kinetic studies indicate that phloretin binds to band 3, a major integral protein of the red cell membrane. Equilibrium phloretin binding has been found to be competitive with the binding of the anion transport inhibitor, 4,4′-dibenzamido-2,2′-disulfonic stilbene (DBDS), which binds specifically to band 3. The apparent binding (dissociation) constant of phloretin to red cell ghost band 3 in 28.5 mM citrate buffer, pH 7.4, 25°C, determined from equilibrium binding competition, is 1.8 ± 0.1 μM. Stopped-flow kinetic studies show that phloretin decreases the rate of DBDS binding to band 3 in a purely competitive manner, with an apparent phloretin inhibition constant of 1.6 ± 0.4 μM. The pH dependence of equilibrium binding studies show that it is the charged, anionic form of phloretin that competes with DBDS binding, with an apparent phloretin inhibition constant of 1.4 μM. The phloretin binding and inhibition constants determined by equilibrium binding, kinetic and pH studies are all similar to the inhibition constant of phloretin for anion exchange. These studies suggest that phloretin inhibits anion exchange in red cells by a specific interaction between phloretin and band 3.  相似文献   

The putative hexose transport component of Band 4.5 protein of the human erythrocyte membrane was covalently photolabelled with [3H]cytochalasin B. Its transmembrane topology was investigated by electrophoretically monitoring the effect of proteinases applied to intact erythrocytes, unsealed ghosts, and a reconstituted system. Band 4.5 was resistant to proteolytic digestion at the extracellular face of the membrane in intact cells at both high and low ionic strengths. Proteolysis at the cytoplasmic face of the membrane in ghosts or reconstituted vesicles resulted in cleave of the transporter into two membrane-bound fragments, a peptide of about 30 kDa that contained its carbohydrate moiety, and a 20 000 kDa nonglycosylated peptide that bore the cytochalasin B label. Because it is produced by a cleavage at the cytoplasmic face and because the carbohydrate moiety is known to be exposed to the outside, the larger fragment must cross the bilayer. It has been reported that the Band 4.5 sugar transporter may be derived from Band 3 peptides by endogenous proteolysis, but the cleavage pattern found in the present study differs markedly from that previously reported for Band 3. Minimization of endogenous proteolysis by use of fresh cells, proteinase inhibitors, immediate use of ghosts and omission of the alkaline wash resulted in no change in the incorporation of [3H]cytochalasin B into Band 4.5, and no labelling of Band 3 polypeptides. These results suggest that the cytochalasin B binding component of Band 4.5 is not the product of proteolytic degradation of a Band 3 component.  相似文献   

Oxidation of erythrocyte membrane SH-groups by diamide and tetrathionate induces cross-linking of spectrin (Haest, C.W.M., Kamp, D., Plasa, G. and Deuticke, B. (1977) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 469, 226–230). This cross-linking was now shown to go along with a concentration- and time-dependent enhancement of membrane permeability for hydrophilic nonelectrolytes and ions. The enhancement is specific for oxidative SH-group modifications, is reversible by reduction of the induced disulfides, can be suppressed by a very brief pre-treatment of the cells with low concentrations of N-ethylmaleimide and is strongly temperature-dependent. The pathway of the induced permeability discriminates nonelectrolytes on the basis of molecular size and exhibits a very low activation energy (Ea 3–8 kcal/mol). These findings are reconcilable with the formation of a somewhat inhomogeneous population of aqueous pores with radii probably ? 0.65 nm. Estimated pore numbers vary with the size of the probe molecule. Assuming a diffusion coefficient as in bulk water within the pore, at least 20 pores per cell have to be postulated; more realistic lower diffusion coefficients increase that number. Alterations of the lipid domain by changes of cholesterol contents and insertion of hexanol or nonionic detergents alter the number or size of the pores. Since aggregation of skeletal and intrinsic membrane proteins also occurs after the SH-oxidation, in parallel to the formation of membrane leaks, one may consider (a) defects in the disturbed bilayer interface, (b) a mismatch between lipid and intrinsic proteins or (c) channels inbetween aggregated intrinsic proteins as structures forming the pores induced by diamide treatment.  相似文献   

Scanning microcalorimetry was employed as an aid in examining some structural features of the anion transport system in red blood cell vesicles. Two structural transitions were previously shown to be sensitive to several covalent and non-covalent inhibitors of anion transport in red cells. In this study, these transitions were selectively removed, either thermally or enzymatically, and the subsequent effect on 35SO42? efflux in red cell vesicles was determined. It is shown that removal of one of these transitions (B2) has a negligible inhibitory effect on anion transport. Cytoplasmic, intermolecular disulfide linkages between band 3 dimers are known to form during the B2 transition. The integrity of the 4,4′-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2′-disulfonate-sensitive C transition, on the other hand, is shown to be a requirement for anion transport. The localized region of the membrane giving rise to this transition contains the transmembrane segment of band 3, as well as membrane phospholipids. The calorimetric results suggest a structure of band 3 which involves independent structural domains, and are consistent with the transmembrane segment playing a direct role in the transport process.  相似文献   

Band 3 protein, extracted from human erythrocyte membranes by Triton X-100, was recombined with egg lecithin/cholesterol mixtures to form small unilamellar vesicles at a yield of 15–20%. These systems exhibited sulfate fluxes which were inhibitable by stilbene disulfonates and other inhibitors. Maximal inhibition could only be obtained when inhibitors were present at both membrane surfaces. Inhibitor constants I50 were higher than in the native membrane. Quantitatively, transport function was retained at least 60%, as related to the amount of protein involved. Sulfate transport in the recombinates resembled transport in the native membrane with respect to temperature dependence (Ea = 29?32 kcal/mol), pH dependence between pH 6.5 and 7.8, and the relationship between net and exchange fluxes. In contrast to the native cell, concentration dependence was linear up to 80 mM sulfate, which may be indicative of a lowered affinity for the substrate. Lactate transport in these systems, although substantial, was insensitive to stilbene disulfonates as well as to mercurials, indicating that band 3 is not involved in the specific monocarboxylate transfer in the erythrocyte. Anion transport in band 3-lipid recombinates was insensitive to cholesterol between 0 and 27 mol%. Treatment with proteases, while not affecting transport per se, abolished sensitivity to stilbene disulfonate inhibitors. These observations indicate a number of disturbances of band 3 after recombination, in spite of a preservation of the major transport properties.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the human red cell anion transport protein, band 3, is the site not only of the cation leak induced in human red cells by treatment with the sulfhydryl reagent pCMBS (p-chloromercuribenzene sulfonate) but is also the site for the inhibition of water flux induced by the same reagent. Our experiments indicate that N-ethylmaleimide, a sulfhydryl reagent that does not inhibit water transport, also does not induce a cation leak. We have found that the profile of inhibition of water transport by mercurial sulfhydryl reagents is closely mirrored by the effect of these same reagents on the induction of the cation leak. In order to determine whether these effects are caused by band 3 we have reconstituted phosphatidylcholine vesicles containing only purified band 3. Control experiments indicate that these band 3 vesicles do not contain (Na+ + K+)-ATPase as measured by ATP dephosphorylation. pCMBS treatment caused a significant increase in the cation leak in this preparation, consistent with the view that the pCMBS-induced cation leak in whole red cells is mediated by band 3.  相似文献   

Cyclosporin A at concentrations of more than 10 nM protects isolated hepatocytes against the action of phalloidin. Cyclosporin A at 100 nM inhibits the uptake of demethyl[3H]phalloin by 50%, and at 5 μM also that of [14C]cholate. This inhibition is independent of the preincubation period and is not reversed by washing the cells. With a 30–60-fold excess of cyclosporin A, affinity labeling of plasma membrane proteins using 12 μM [3H]isothiocyanatobenzamido cholate was reduced to 40–60% of the control. These findings indicate that transport inhibition by cyclosporin A in liver cells cannot be explained by simple competition on the level of the membrane protein(s) involved.  相似文献   

Flufenamate, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, is a powerful inhibitor of anion transport in the human erythrocyte (I50 = 6·10?7M). The concentration dependence of the binding to ghosts reveals two saturable components. [14C]Flufenamate binds with high affinity (Kd1 = 1.2·10?7M) to 8.5·105 sites per cell (the same value as the number of band 3 protein per cell); it also binds, with lower affinity (Kd2 = 10?4M) to a second set of sites (4.6·107 per cell). Pretreatment of cells with 4-acetamido-4′-isothiocyanostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid (SITS), a specific inhibitor of anion transport, prevents [14C]flufenamate binding only to high affinity sites. These results suggest that high affinity sites are located on the band 3 protein involved in anion transport. Extracellular chymotrypsin and pronase at low concentration cleave the 95 kDa band 3 into 60 kDa and 35 kDa fragments without affecting either anion transport or [14C]flufenamate binding. Splitting by trypsin at the inner membrane surface of the 60 kDa chymotryptic fragment into 17 kDa transmembrane fragment and 40 kDa water-soluble fragment does not affect [14C]flufenamate binding. In contrast degradation at the outer membrane surface of the 35 kDa fragment by high concentration of pronase or papain decreases both anion transport capacity and number of high affinity binding sites for [14C]flufenamate. Thus it appears that 35 kDa peptide is necessary for both anion transport and binding of the inhibitors and that the binding site is located in the membrane-associated domain of the band 3 protein.  相似文献   

Band 3 protein extracted from human erythrocyte membranes by Triton X-100 was recombined with the major classes of phospholipid occurring in the erythrocyte membrane. The resulting vesicle systems were characterized with respect to recoveries, phospholipid composition, protein content and vesicle size as well as capacity and activation energy of sulfate transport. Transport was classified into band-3-specific fluxes and unspecific permeability by inhibitors. Transport numbers (sulfate ions per band 3 per minute) served as a measure of functional recovery after reconstitution. The transport properties of band 3 proved to be insensitive to replacement of phosphatidylcholine by phosphatidylethanolamine, while sphingomyelin and phosphatidylserine gradually inactivated band-3-specific anion transport when present at mole fractions exceeding 30 mol%. The activation energy of transport remained unaltered in spite of the decrease in transport numbers. The results, which are discussed in terms of requirements of band 3 protein function with respect to the fluidity and surface charge of its lipid environment, provide a new piece of evidence that the transport function of band 3 protein depends on the properties of its lipid environment just as the catalytic properties of some other membrane enzymes. The well-established species differences in anion transport (Gruber, W. and Deuticke, B. (1973) J. Membrane Biol. 13, 19–36) may to some extent reflect this lipid dependence.  相似文献   

The transmembrane movements of lactate and other monocarboxylate anions in mammalian erythrocytes have been claimed, by virtue of their sensitivity to SH-reagents, to involve a transfer system different from the classical anion system (Deuticke, B., Rickert, I. and Beyer, E. (1978) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 507, 137–155). Inhibition of monocarboxylate transfer by SH-reagents, however, was incomplete to an extent varying for different monocarboxylates. The transport component insensitive to SH-reagents has now been shown to involve (a) the classical anion-exchange system, as demonstrated by sensitivity to specific disulfonate inhibitors, and (b) nonionic diffusion, as indicated by the characteristic pH- and concentration dependency of this component and its stimulation by aliphatic alcohols. Under physiological conditions about 90% of total lactate movement proceed via the specific system, 5% via the classical anion-transfer system, 5% by nonionic diffusion. These three components of lactate exchange differ in their activation energies. The specific lactate system mediates net fluxes almost as fast as exchange fluxes, in marked contrast to the classical anion-exchange system which mediates halide exchange much faster than halide net movements. The underlying mechanism, for maintenance of electroneutrality, is an OH?-antiport or an H+-symport as indicated by the particular response of lactate net fluxes to changes of intra- or extracellular pH.  相似文献   

The cAMP receptor protein (CRP) requires cAMP for an allosteric change and regulates more than 150 genes in Escherichia coli. In this study, the modular half of cAMP receptor protein was used to investigate the allosteric signal transmission pathway induced by cAMP binding. The activation of CRP upon cAMP binding is indicated to be realignment of the two subunits within the CRP dimer. The interaction of loop 3 and Phe136 do not involve in signal transmission.  相似文献   

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