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A 58.7-kb nonconjugative plasmid (pKQ1) previously reported in a clinical isolate of Enterococcus faecium was found to contain both a tetM and an erythromycin resistance (erm) determinant. The plasmid contained a region homologous to the A, F, H, and G HincII fragments of Tn916. However, the 4.8-kb B fragment of Tn916 which contained the tetM determinant was replaced by a 7.3-kb fragment, and the 3.6-kb HincII C fragment of Tn916 was missing. An element homologous to Tn917 was juxtaposed to the truncated Tn916-like element. The Tn917-like element was similar in size to the erm transposon Tn917 as determined by a ClaI restriction digest which spanned approximately 99% of the transposon. When Bacillus subtilis or Streptococcus sanguis were transformed with pKQ1, no zygotically induced transposition of the tetM element was detected. Similarly no transposition of the Tn917-like element was detected.  相似文献   

The production of a novel broad-spectrum antimicrobial peptide enterococcin A 2000, active against Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms includingListeria subsp. andEscherichia coli, byEnterococcus faecium strain A 2000 isolated from the surface of traditional Bulgarian yellow cheese “kash-kaval” is considerably influenced by complex nitrogen sources in the production medium. Medium components, especially peptone and yeast extract, and their concentration contributed to the increase in bacteriocin production during the stationary phase (16–46 h) of cultivation even in the absence of one of the components present in the basal cultivation MRS medium.  相似文献   

Enterococcus faecium is an important nosocomial pathogen causing biofilm-mediated infections. Elucidation of E. faecium biofilm pathogenesis is pivotal for the development of new strategies to treat these infections. In several bacteria, extracellular DNA (eDNA) and proteins act as matrix components contributing to biofilm development. In this study, we investigated biofilm formation capacity and the roles of eDNA and secreted proteins for 83 E. faecium strains with different phylogenetic origins that clustered in clade A1 and clade B. Although there was no significant difference in biofilm formation between E. faecium strains from these two clades, the addition of DNase I or proteinase K to biofilms demonstrated that eDNA is essential for biofilm formation in most E. faecium strains, whereas proteolysis impacted primarily biofilms of E. faecium clade A1 strains. Secreted antigen A (SagA) was the most abundant protein in biofilms from E. faecium clade A1 and B strains, although its localization differed between the two groups. sagA was present in all sequenced E. faecium strains, with a consistent difference in the repeat region between the clades, which correlated with the susceptibility of biofilms to proteinase K. This indicates an association between the SagA variable repeat profile and the localization and contribution of SagA in E. faecium biofilms.  相似文献   

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Many studies report positive effects of probiotic supplementation on the performance and health of piglets. The intention of this study was to describe the effects of Enterococcus faecium NCIMB 10415 on the transport and barrier functions of pig small intestine to improve our understanding of the underlying mechanisms of this probiotic. Ussing chamber studies were conducted with isolated jejunal epithelia of piglets at the age of 14, 28, 35 and 56 days. Jejunal tissues of the control group were compared with epithelia of piglets that had received a diet supplemented with the probiotic Enterococcus faecium NCIMB 10415. Transport properties (absorption and secretion) of the epithelia were examined by mucosal addition of glucose or L-glutamine or by serosal addition of PGE2. Electrophysiology of the epithelia was continuously recorded and the change in short circuit current (Isc) was determined. Paracellular permeability was measured by measuring the flux rates of mannitol. The increase of Isc caused by mucosal addition of glucose was, at all glucose concentrations, higher in the probiotic group compared with the control group. However, the difference (up to 100% of the control) was not significant. The increase of Isc after the mucosal addition of L-glutamine (12mmol/l) was higher in the tissues of the probiotic group but did not reach significance. Serosal PGE2 induced a significantly higher increase of Isc in tissues of the probiotic group at the age of 28 days. No consistent differences were observed in mannitol transport rates between the feeding groups. Significant age-dependent alterations of absorptive and secretory properties of the jejunal epithelium were observed; these were independent of the treatment. A probiotic supplementation seems to influence transport properties of small intestine epithelium. The increased absorption of glucose could be interpreted as a positive effect for the animal.  相似文献   


Many studies report positive effects of probiotic supplementation on the performance and health of piglets. The intention of this study was to describe the effects of Enterococcus faecium NCIMB 10415 on the transport and barrier functions of pig small intestine to improve our understanding of the underlying mechanisms of this probiotic. Ussing chamber studies were conducted with isolated jejunal epithelia of piglets at the age of 14, 28, 35 and 56 days. Jejunal tissues of the control group were compared with epithelia of piglets that had received a diet supplemented with the probiotic Enterococcus faecium NCIMB 10415. Transport properties (absorption and secretion) of the epithelia were examined by mucosal addition of glucose or L-glutamine or by serosal addition of PGE2. Electrophysiology of the epithelia was continuously recorded and the change in short circuit current (Isc) was determined. Paracellular permeability was measured by measuring the flux rates of mannitol. The increase of Isc caused by mucosal addition of glucose was, at all glucose concentrations, higher in the probiotic group compared with the control group. However, the difference (up to 100% of the control) was not significant. The increase of Isc after the mucosal addition of L-glutamine (12 mmol/l) was higher in the tissues of the probiotic group but did not reach significance. Serosal PGE2 induced a significantly higher increase of Isc in tissues of the probiotic group at the age of 28 days. No consistent differences were observed in mannitol transport rates between the feeding groups.

Significant age-dependent alterations of absorptive and secretory properties of the jejunal epithelium were observed; these were independent of the treatment. A probiotic supplementation seems to influence transport properties of small intestine epithelium. The increased absorption of glucose could be interpreted as a positive effect for the animal.  相似文献   

A new bacteriocin has been isolated from an Enterococcus faecium strain. The bacteriocin, termed enterocin A, was purified to homogeneity as judged by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, N-terminal amino acid sequencing, and mass spectrometry analysis. By combining the data obtained from amino acid and DNA sequencing, the primary structure of enterocin A was determined. It consists of 47 amino acid residues, and the molecular weight was calculated to be 4,829, assuming that the four cysteine residues form intramolecular disulfide bridges. This molecular weight was confirmed by mass spectrometry analysis. The amino acid sequence of enterocin A shared significant homology with a group of bacteriocins (now termed pediocin-like bacteriocins) isolated from a variety of lactic acid-producing bacteria, which include members of the genera Lactobacillus, Pediococcus, Leuconostoc, and Carnobacterium. Sequencing of the structural gene of enterocin A, which is located on the bacterial chromosome, revealed an N-terminal leader sequence of 18 amino acid residues, which was removed during the maturation process. The enterocin A leader belongs to the double-glycine leaders which are found among most other small nonlantibiotic bacteriocins, some lantibiotics, and colicin V. Downstream of the enterocin A gene was located a second open reading frame, encoding a putative protein of 103 amino acid residues. This gene may encode the immunity factor of enterocin A, and it shares 40% identity with a similar open reading frame in the operon of leucocin AUL 187, another pediocin-like bacteriocin.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, L-fucose is dissimilated via an inducible pathway mediated by L-fucose permease, L-fucose isomerase, L-fucose kinase, and L-fuculose 1-phosphate aldolase. The last enzyme cleaves the six-carbon substrate into dihydroxyacetone phosphate and L-lactaldehyde. Aerobically, lactaldehyde is oxidized to L-lactate by a nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD)-linked dehydrogenase. Anaerobically, lactaldehyde is reduced by an NADH-COUPLED REDUCTASE TO L-1,2-propanediol, which is lost into the medium irretrievably, even when oxygen is subsequently introduced. Propanediol excretion is thus the end result of a dismutation that permits further anaerobic metabolism of dihydroxy-acetone phosphate. A mutant selected for its ability to grow aerobically on propanediol as a carbon and energy source was reported to produce lactaldehyde reductase constitutively and at high levels, even aerobically. Under the new situation, this enzyme serves as a propanediol dehydrogenase. It was also reported that the mutant had lost the ability to grow on fucose. In the present study, it is shown that in wild-type cells the full synthesis of lactaldehyde dehydrogenase requires the presence of both molecular oxygen and a small molecule effector, and the full synthesis of lactaldehyde reductase requires anaerobiosis and the presence of a small molecule effector. The failure of mutant cells to grow on fucose reflects the impairment of a regulatory element in the fucose system that prevents the induction of the permease, the isomerase, and the kinase. The aldolase, on the other hand, is constitutively synthesized. Three independent fucose-utilizing revertants of the mutant all produce the permease, the isomerase, the kinase, as well as the aldolase, constitutively. These strains grow less well than the parental mutant on propanediol.  相似文献   

Following a shift to medium with acetate as the carbon source, a parental yeast strain exhibited a transient moderate 20% reduction in total cellular [NAD+ + NADH] but showed a ∼10-fold increase in the ratio of [NAD+]:[NADH] after 36 h. A mutant strain (idhΔ) lacking the tricarboxylic acid cycle enzyme isocitrate dehydrogenase had 50% higher cellular levels of [NAD+ + NADH] relative to the parental strain but exhibited similar changes in cofactor concentrations following a shift to acetate medium, despite an inability to grow on that carbon source; essentially all of the cofactor was in the oxidized form within 36 h. The salvage pathway for NAD(H) biosynthesis was found to be particularly important for viability during early transition of the parental strain to stationary phase in acetate medium. However, oxygen consumption was not affected, suggesting that the NAD(H) produced during this time may support other cellular functions. The idhΔ mutant exhibited increased flux through the salvage pathway in acetate medium but was dependent on the de novo pathway for viability. Long-term chronological lifespans of the parental and idhΔ strains were similar, but viability of the mutant strain was dependent on both pathways for NAD(H) biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The control of infectious diseases such as swine influenza viruses (SwIV) plays an important role in food production both from the animal health and from the public health point of view. Probiotic microorganisms and other health improving food supplements have been given increasing attention in recent years, but, no information on the effects of probiotics on swine influenza virus is available. Here we address this question by assessing the inhibitory potential of the probiotic Enterococcus faecium NCIMB 10415 (E. faecium) on the replication of two porcine strains of influenza virus (H1N1 and H3N2 strain) in a continuous porcine macrophage cell line (3D4/21) and in MDBK cells. Cell cultures were treated with E. faecium at the non-toxic concentration of 1×106 CFU/ml in growth medium for 60 to 90 min before, during and after SwIV infection. After further incubation of cultures in probiotic-free growth medium, cell viability and virus propagation were determined at 48 h or 96 h post infection. The results obtained reveal an almost complete recovery of viability of SwIV infected cells and an inhibition of virus multiplication by up to four log units in the E. faecium treated cells. In both 3D4/21- and MDBK-cells a 60 min treatment with E. faecium stimulated nitric oxide (NO) release which is in line with published evidence for an antiviral function of NO. Furthermore, E. faecium caused a modified cellular expression of selected mediators of defence in 3D4-cells: while the expression of TNF-α, TLR-3 and IL-6 were decreased in the SwIV-infected and probiotic treated cells, IL-10 was found to be increased. Since we obtained experimental evidence for the direct adsorptive trapping of SwIV through E. faecium, this probiotic microorganism inhibits influenza viruses by at least two mechanisms, direct physical interaction and strengthening of innate defence at the cellular level.  相似文献   

Seven years after the ban of avoparcin, VREF could still be isolated within sectors of the UK broiler industry. The aim of this study was to assess whether there is a carryover of VREF between consecutive flocks of birds, to conduct a preliminary investigation of possible routes of entry of VREF into broiler houses and to follow the dynamics of VREF shed by growing birds. A series of nine visits were made to two of six houses on a conventional broiler farm. A total of 343 vanA VREF were recovered from environmental (95/843) and faecal (248/416) samples. Significant differences were observed in the carryover of VREF between pre- and postcohort postcleaning and disinfection visits (RR 0.57, P=0.006). Ninety-nine percent of the VREF isolates were resistant to more than five antimicrobials, with 42 isolates (n=49) positive for erm(B) and 32 (n=40) for vat(E). Pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) typing identified 50 PFGE types within 15 different PFGE clusters of 90% similarity, demonstrating a high level of genetic diversity within VREF populations from epidemiologically related broiler flocks and broiler houses. Further characterization of Tn1546 from different clones showed a low diversity of Tn-types, suggesting horizontal transfer of resistance determinants between different genetic clones. Thus, this study does not only show the persistence of VREF but also of multi-drug resistant lineages of VREF.  相似文献   

We describe Tn5386, a novel ca.-29-kb Tn916-like mobile element discovered to occur in ampicillin-resistant, Tn916-containing Enterococcus faecium D344R. PCR amplification experiments after overnight growth with or without tetracycline revealed "joint" regions of circularized Tn5386 composed of 6-bp sequences linking different transposon termini. In one case (no tetracycline), the termini were consistent with those derived by target site analysis of the integrated element. In the other case, the termini were virtually identical in distance from the integrase binding regions, as seen with Tn916. These data are consistent with a model in which one PCR product results from the action of Tn5386 integrase, whereas the other results from the action of the Tn916 integrase on Tn5386. Spontaneous conversion of D344R to an ampicillin-susceptible phenotype (D344SRF) was associated with a 178-kb deletion extending from the left end of Tn5386 to the left end of Tn916. Examination of the Tn5386 junction after the large deletion event suggests that the deletion resulted from an interaction between the nonintegrase ends of Tn5386 and Tn916. The terminus of Tn5386 identified in this reaction suggested that it may have resulted from the activity of the Tn916 integrase (Int(Tn916)). The "joint" of the circular element resulting from this excision was amplifiable from D344R, the sequence of which revealed a heteroduplex consistent with Int(Tn916)-mediated excision. In contrast, Tn5386 joints amplified from ampicillin-susceptible D344SRF revealed ends consistent with Tn5386 integrase activity, reflecting the absence of Tn916 from this strain. Tn5386 represents a new member of the Tn916 transposon family. Our data suggest that excision of Tn5386 can be catalyzed by the Tn916 integrase and that large genomic deletions may result from the interaction between these heterologous elements.  相似文献   

【目的】研究并建立利用原生质体紫外诱变技术选育可利用廉价碳源发酵的高产油新菌株的方法。【方法】采用1.5%蜗牛酶和1.0%纤维素酶混合液水解去除细胞壁得到2A00015(近平滑假丝酵母,Candida parapsilosis)的原生质体,将其放于紫外灯下诱变及再生壁培养,筛选获得可利用廉价碳源发酵的高产油酵母,并采用气相色谱质谱联用法(GC-MS)测定其脂肪酸组成。【结果】突变效果最好的突变菌株2A00015/25用葡萄糖发酵培养7 d后,其生物量、油脂产率和产油量分别为17.77 g/L、58.12%和10.32 g/L,较原始菌株分别提高了12.45%、23.32%和38.68%;利用废糖蜜发酵培养,其生物量、油脂产率和产油量分别为18.54 g/L、49.44%和9.17 g/L,较原始菌株分别提高了9.09%、21.16%和32.18%。利用废糖蜜培养其产油效率虽低于利用葡萄糖培养,但从环境保护及原材料成本的角度考虑,用废糖蜜作为碳源发酵培养产生油脂更具优势。诱变菌株利用废糖蜜发酵后产生油脂经检测含有8种脂肪酸,其脂肪酸组成与植物油近似,其中不饱和脂肪酸含量占脂肪酸总量的82.4%。【结论】通过利用原生质体紫外诱变技术,成功选育出一株新的可利用廉价碳源的高产油海洋菌株,产油率达到49.4%,提高了21.2%。  相似文献   

When tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) callus or cell cultures were placed on media containing ribose as the sole carbon source, the tissues turned dark brown and ceased growth. However, after approximately 60 days bright green tissue able to grow on ribose emerged from 3 % of the brown necrotic callus tissue pieces plated. The selected tissue was highly organized, consisting of leafy primordia and associated meristematic tissues, sustained growth on ribose, and demonstrated the capacity to regenerate whole plants for at least 3 years. Cultures able to grow on ribose could not be selected from liquid suspension cultured tomato cells or from callus which had been mechanically macerated into cell aggregates containing less than approximately 100 cells. Plants regenerated from ribose adapted cultures were abnormal, having shortened internodes and thicker greener leaves. Regenerated plants were both male and female sterile.Abbreviations BAP N6-benzylaminopurine - CFM callusforming medium - IAA indole acetic acid - SDM shoot determination medium - RCM ribose containing medium  相似文献   

Biosurfactant production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa A41, a strain isolated from seawater in the gulf of Thailand, was examined when grown in defined medium containing 2% vegetable oil or fatty acid as a carbon source in the presence of vitamins, trace elements and 0.4% NH(4)NO(3), at pH 7 and 30 degrees C with 200 rpm-shaking for 7 days. The yield of biosurfactant steadily increased even after a stationary phase. Under such conditions the surface tension of the medium was lowered from 55-70 mN/m to 27.8-30 mN/m with every carbon source tested. However, types of carbon sources were found to affect biosurfactant yield. The yields of rhamnolipid biosurfactant were 6.58 g/L, 2.91 g/L and 2.93 g/L determined as rhamnose content when olive oil, palm oil and coconut oil, respectively, were used as a carbon source. Among them, biosurfactant obtained from palm oil was the best in lowering surface tension of the medium. Increase in biosurfactant activities in terms of oil displacement test and rhamnose content were observed to be higher with shorter chain fatty acids than that of the longer chains (C12>C14>C16). In addition, we found that C18:2, highly unsaturated fatty acid, showed higher oil displacement activity and rhamnose content than that of C18:1. The optimal oil displacement activity was found at pH 7-9 and in the presence of 0.5-3% NaCl. The oil displacement activity was stable to temperatures up to 100 degrees C for 15 h. Surface tension reduction activity was relatively stable at pH 2-12 and 0-5% of NaCl. Emusification activity tested with various types of hydrocarbons and vegetable oils showed similarity of up to 60% stability. The partially purified biosurfactant via TLC and silica gel column chromatography gave three main peaks on HPLC with mass spectra of 527, 272, and 661 m/z respectively, corresponding to sodium-monorhamnodecanoate, hydroxyhexadecanoic acid and an unknown compound, respectively.  相似文献   

Selecting an inexpensive and effective organic carbon source is the key to reducing the cost in selenium (Se) remediation. Five bacteria were screened based on their ability in using molasses as an organic carbon source to reduce selenate [Se(VI)] in drainage water. Efficiency of Se removal differed in the molasses-added drainage water containing different bacteria, with an order of Enterobacter taylorae>Pantoea sp. SSS2>Klebsiella sp. WRS2>Citerobacter freundii>Shigella sp. DW2. By using E. taylorae, 97% of the added Se(VI) (1000 microg/L) was reduced to elemental Se [Se(0)] in an artificial drainage water during an 11-day experiment, and 93% of Se(VI) in a natural agricultural drainage water was reduced to Se(0) and organic Se during a 7-day experiment. E. taylorae also rapidly removed Se(VI) in agar-coated sand columns. During 45 days of the experiment, more than 92% of influent Se was removed from the drainage water with a molasses range of 0.01-0.1%. This study reveals that molasses may be a cost-effective organic carbon source used by Se(VI)-reducing bacteria to remove Se from agricultural drainage water in field.  相似文献   

Enterocin A produced by Enterococcus faecium EFM01 displayed a narrow antimicrobial spectrum, mainly directed against Listeria spp. In particular, the bacteriocin was extremely active against 13 Listeria monocytogenes strains. This high specificity of action of enterocin A for Listeria spp. relative to lactic acid bacteria, together with its broad range of activity from pH 4.0 to pH 9.0, are factors which may be of great interest with respect to the potential antilisterial use of this bacteriocin in fermented foods. Assessment of the effect of enterocin A concentration on the extent and kinetics of bactericidal activity on L. monocytogenes Lm 6 (107 cfu ml-1 in culture broth), suggested that viability losses of higher than 5 log10, and time intervals necessary for maximum loss of viability of less than 2 h, could not be obtained. Moreover, it was shown that both parameters are closely dependent on the Listeria strain used. On the other hand, at concentrations inducing destruction of approximately 2 log10 cycles, maximum loss of viability was achieved within time intervals which varied widely from one lactic acid bacteria bacteriocin to another.  相似文献   

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