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Individual quaking aspen trees vary greatly in foliar chemistry and susceptibility to defoliation by gypsy moths and forest tent caterpillars. To relate performance of these insects to differences in foliar chemistry, we reared larvac from egg hatch to pupation on leaves from different aspen trees and analyzed leaf samples for water, nitrogen, total nonstructural carbohydrates, phenolic glycosides, and condensed tannins. Larval performance varied markedly among trees. Pupal weights of both species were strongly and inversely related to phenolic glycoside concentrations. In addition, gypsy moth performance was positively related to condensed tannin concentrations, whereas forest tent caterpillar pupal weights were positively associated with leaf nitrogen concentrations. A subsequent study with larvae fed aspen leaves supplemented with the phenolic glycoside tremulacin confirmed that the compound reduces larval performance. Larvae exhibited increased stadium durations and decreased relative growth rates and food conversion efficiencies as dietary levels of tremulacin increased. Differences in performance were more pronounced for gypsy moths than for forest tent caterpillars. These results suggest that intraspecific variation in defensive chemistry may strongly mediate interactions between aspen, gypsy moths and forest tent caterpillars in the Great Lakes region, and may account for differential defoliation of aspen by these two insect species.  相似文献   

When pleiotropy is present, genetic correlations may constrain the evolution of ecologically important traits. We used a quantitative genetics approach to investigate constraints on the evolution of secondary metabolites in a wild mustard, Boechera stricta. Much of the genetic variation in chemical composition of glucosinolates in B. stricta is controlled by a single locus, BCMA1/3. In a large‐scale common garden experiment under natural conditions, we quantified fitness and glucosinolate profile in two leaf types and in fruits. We estimated genetic variances and covariances (the G ‐matrix) and selection on chemical profile in each tissue. Chemical composition of defenses was strongly genetically correlated between tissues. We found antagonistic selection between defense composition in leaves and fruits: compounds that were favored in leaves were disadvantageous in fruits. The positive genetic correlations and antagonistic selection led to strong constraints on the evolution of defenses in leaves and fruits. In a hypothetical population with no genetic variation at BCMA1/3, we found no evidence for genetic constraints, indicating that pleiotropy affecting chemical profile in multiple tissues drives constraints on the evolution of secondary metabolites.  相似文献   

Interleukin-12 (IL-12) is a heterodimeric pro-inflammatory cytokine that induces the production of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), favours the differentiation of T helper 1 (T(H)1) cells and forms a link between innate resistance and adaptive immunity. Dendritic cells (DCs) and phagocytes produce IL-12 in response to pathogens during infection. Production of IL-12 is dependent on differential mechanisms of regulation of expression of the genes encoding IL-12, patterns of Toll-like receptor (TLR) expression and cross-regulation between the different DC subsets, involving cytokines such as IL-10 and type I IFN. Recent data, however, argue against an absolute requirement for IL-12 for T(H)1 responses. Our understanding of the relative roles of IL-12 and other factors in T(H)1-type maturation of both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells is discussed here, including the participation in this process of IL-23 and IL-27, two recently discovered members of the new family of heterodimeric cytokines.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis and tomato plants mutated in the F-box protein COI1 mediating jasmonate (JA) responses are more susceptible to herbivores in laboratory trials, but the exact mechanisms of COI1-mediated resistance are not known. We silenced COI1 by transformation with an inverted repeat construct (ir-coi1) in Nicotiana attenuata, a plant the direct and indirect defenses of which against various herbivores have been well studied. ir-coi1 plants are male sterile and impaired in JA-elicited direct [nicotine, caffeoylputrescine and trypsin proteinase inhibitor (TPI) activity] and indirect (cis-alpha-bergamotene emission) defense responses; responses not elicited by JA treatment (ethylene production and flower TPI activity) were unaffected. Larvae of Manduca sexta, a common herbivore of N. attenuata, gained three times more mass feeding on ir-coi1 than on wild-type (WT) plants in glasshouse experiments. By regularly moving caterpillars to unattacked leaves of the same plant, we demonstrate that larvae on WT plants can grow and consume leaves as fast as those on ir-coi1 plants, a result that underscores the role of COI1 in mediating locally induced resistance in attacked leaves, and the importance of herbivore movement in avoiding the induced defenses of a plant. When transplanted into native habitats in the Great Basin Desert, ir-coi1 plants suffer greatly from damage by the local herbivore community, which includes herbivores not commonly found on N. attenuata WT plants. Choice assays with field-grown plants confirmed the increased attractiveness of ir-coi1 plants for both common and unusual herbivores. We conclude that NaCOI1 is essential for induced resistance in N. attenuata, and that ir-coi1 plants highlight the benefits of herbivore movement for avoiding induced defenses.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Changes in herbivore movement and feeding behaviour may determine the efficacy of induced plant resistance by affecting the location of damage within the foliage and by modifying the vulnerability of herbivores to predators. 2. Observations of larval feeding sites were used to test whether induced resistance increased the movement of free‐living Epirrita autumnata Borkh. (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) larvae feeding on mountain birch [Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii (Orlova) Hämet‐Ahti]. The amount of defoliation at different canopy parts was measured to test the associated changes in the spread of damage within the foliage. 3. The architectural complexity of trees was measured to test its association with the disappearance of larvae from their hosts. The underlying hypothesis was that the architectural traits of the host plant could affect disappearance by influencing the frequency of herbivores encountering predators. 4. Distance between the consecutive feeding positions, the number of leaves damaged, and consumption of long shoot leaves all increased in trees with induced resistance. 5. Disappearance of larvae depended on the architectural complexity of trees. The effect of complexity differed between defoliation treatments, and may depend on the activity and number of predators in relation to the canopy size. 6. Accordingly, this study suggested that the interactive effects of plant architecture, induced resistance, and herbivore behaviour can determine the performance of herbivores on their host plant.  相似文献   

Plants can defend themselves against the damaging effects of herbivory in at least two ways. Resistant plants avoid or deter herbivores and are therefore fed upon less than susceptible plants. Tolerant plants are not eaten less than plants with little tolerance, but the effects of herbivore damage are not so detrimental to a tolerant plant as they are to a less tolerant plant. Biologists have suggested that these two strategies might represent two alternative and redundant defenses against herbivory since they appear to serve the same function for plants. I explore the relationship between resistance and tolerance, particularly with regards to how the joint evolution of these two traits will influence the evolution of plant defense. Although I briefly review some of the contributions of theory to the study of tolerance, I concentrate on an empirical, ecological genetic approach to the study of the evolution of these characters and the coevolution of tolerance and herbivores. In order to understand the evolution of any trait, we must understand the evolutionary forces acting on the trait. Specifically, we must understand how natural selection acts on tolerance. I review several studies that have specifically measured the form of selection acting on tolerance and tested the hypothesis that resistance and tolerance are alternative strategies. I also present a statistical analysis that does not support the hypothesis that herbivores are selective agents on tolerance. Finally, I consider a variety of constraints that possibly restrict the evolution of tolerance. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Discrimination between self and non-self by lectins (carbohydrate-binding proteins) is a strategy of innate immunity that is found in both vertebrates and invertebrates. In vertebrates, immune recognition mediated by ficolins (lectins that consist of a fibrinogen-like and a collagen-like domain), as well as by mannose-binding lectins, triggers the activation of the complement system, which results in the activation of novel serine proteases. The presence of a similar lectin-based complement system in ascidians, our closest invertebrate relatives, indicates that the complement system probably had a pivotal role in innate immunity before the evolution of an adaptive immune system in jawed vertebrates.  相似文献   

Sub-plots of hybrid poplars were experimentally defoliated using 10 million gypsy moth larvae. Half of the defoliated (and undefoliated control) plots were fertilized to see if this would ameliorate the predicted induction of carbon-based phenolic defenses in the regrowth leaves. In order to bioassay the leaves of the four different treatments, we employed a continuum of genotypes (different hybrids and backcrosses of two different species of tiger swallowtail butterflies) with different abilities to detoxify these allelochemicals. Based on our previous studies with phytochemicals from the Salicaceae plant family, Papilio canadensis was likely to consume and process all Populus spp treatments, whereas P. glaucus predicted to either not consume or else quickly die on all Populus treatment leaves. Hybrid and backcross larvae of these two butterfly species are known to have intermediate levels of esterase detoxication enzymes and would therefore be likely to provide a continuum or at least varying degrees of sensitivity in bioassays for even the most subtle induction responses in the regrowth leaves. This presumption was supported in the feeding and growth studies conducted at different times post-defoliation during the 1997 growing season in Michigan.  相似文献   

Two strains of a geometrid defoliator, Epirrita autumnata, were used in bioassays to test existence and relative efficacy of rapid, wound-induced foliage resistance in two provenances of the white birch. One birch and one moth strain originated in the outbreak range of the moth and another outside it. Both birch provenances responded to manual leaf damage by changes in foliage quality which significantly retarded growth of the insects, reducing their pupal weights and protracting larval periods. Leaves which were previously damaged were lower quality as Epirrita food than adjacent intact leaves. Both of them were lower quality than intact leaves without damaged leaves nearby. Because of variance between years in the efficacy of the response, and because of different transfer distances of the provenances to the common garden where the experiments were performed, we could not ascertain whether there is any overall difference in the efficacy of rapid inducible responses between the provenances. Both moth strains were affected by wound-induced deterioration in foliage quality. There were no differences in how the moth strains experienced inducible resistance in the two birch provenances. Moths achieved relatively higher pupal weights on the birch provenance matching their origin. Moths from the outbreak range completed their larval period in a shorter time and pupated in a smaller size and, due to dependence of fecundity on size, had a lower potential rate of increase than insects outside the outbreak range.  相似文献   

Phytopathogenic bacteria use the type-III secretion system (TTSS) to inject effector proteins into plant cells, presumably to colonize their hosts. The function of these proteins inside plant cells has remained a mystery for years. The recent discovery that the effectors XopD, AvrXv4, AvrPphB, and AvrRpt2 have cysteine protease functions reveals that the proteolysis of host substrates is an important strategy employed by pathogens to alter plant physiology. Moreover, the characterization of these proteases and their targets provides new insight to mechanisms of bacterial virulence and the activation of plant immunity.  相似文献   

We reviewed the evidence on the role of ants as plant biotic defenses, by conducting meta-analyses for the effects of experimental removal of ants on plant herbivory and fitness with data pooled from 81 studies. Effects reviewed were plant herbivory, herbivore abundance, hemipteran abundance, predator abundance, plant biomass and reproduction in studies where ants were experimentally removed (n = 273 independent comparisons). Ant removal exhibited strong effects on herbivory rates, as plants without ants suffered almost twice as much damage and exhibited 50% more herbivores than plants with ants. Ants also influenced several parameters of plant fitness, as plants without ants suffered a reduction in biomass (−23.7%), leaf production (−51.8%), and reproduction (−24.3%). Effects were much stronger in tropical regions compared to temperate ones. Tropical plants suffered almost threefold higher herbivore damage than plants from temperate regions and exhibited three times more herbivores. Ant removal in tropical plants resulted in a decrease in plant fitness of about 59%, whereas in temperate plants this reduction was not statistically significant. Ant removal effects were also more important in obligate ant–plants (=myrmecophytes) compared to plants exhibiting facultative relationships with hemiptera or those plants with extrafloral nectaries and food bodies. When only tropical plants were considered and the strength of the association between ants and plants taken into account, plants with obligate association with ants exhibited almost four times higher herbivory compared to plants with facultative associations with ants, but similar reductions in plant reproduction. The removal of a single ant species increased plant herbivory by almost three times compared to the removal of several ant species. Altogether, these results suggest that ants do act as plant biotic defenses, but the effects of their presence are more pronounced in tropical systems, especially in myrmecophytic plants. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. N. P. de U. Barbosa, L. Diniz, Y. Oki and F. Pezzini contributed equally to this work and are listed in alphabetical order.  相似文献   

茉莉酸及其甲酯在植物诱导抗病性中的作用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
茉莉酸类物质被认为是植物抗病防卫反应的内源及中间信号分子。本文介绍了茉莉酸及其甲酯在植物抗病性中的作用,从它们在体内激活的代谢途径及相关基因表达探讨有关作用机制以及有可能在农业上应用的前景。  相似文献   

The role of olfaction and vision in the close-ranging flying and walking orientation of male gypsy moths, Lymantria dispar(L.), to females was studied in the forest and in the laboratory. In the forest, feral males found an isolated pheromone source as readily as one supplemented with female visual cues; dead, acetonerinsed females deployed without pheromone received virtually no visitations. In flight tunnel choice experiments using cylinders as surrogate trees and pheromone in different spatial configurations, visual attributes of the female did not influence either the males' choice of landing site or the efficiency with which they located the female. Rather, the presence of pheromone on the cylinder was necessary to elicit orientation as well as landing and walking on the cylinder. When a female visual model was placed in various positions around a pheromone source, walking males oriented primarily to the chemical stimulus. There were, however, indications that males would alter their walking paths in response to female visual cues over short distances (<5 cm), but only if they continued to receive pheromone stimulation. When visual and chemical cues were abruptly uncoupled by altering the trajectory of the pheromone plume, most males responded to the loss of the odor cue rather than to visual cues from the female. Temporal pheromone stimulation patterns affected male walking orientation. When stimulated by pheromone, males oriented toward the source; loss of the odor cue prompted an arearestricted local search characterized by primarily vertical and oblique movements with frequent reversals in direction. Presumably these maneuvers enhance the likelihood of recontacting the plume or serendipitously encountering the female. The apparent lack of visual response to the female is discussed in light of morphological and behavioral evidence suggesting that gypsy moths were formerly nocturnal.  相似文献   

The oxygenated derivatives of fatty acids, known as oxylipins, are pivotal signaling molecules in animals and terrestrial plants. In animal systems, eicosanoids regulate cell differentiation, immune responses, and homeostasis. In contrast, terrestrial plants use derivatives of C18 and C16 fatty acids as developmental or defense hormones. Marine algae have emerged early in the evolution of eukaryotes as several distinct phyla, independent from the animal and green-plant lineages. The occurrence of oxylipins of the eicosanoid family is well documented in marine red algae, but their biological roles remain an enigma. Here we address the hypothesis that they are involved with the defense mechanisms of the red alga Chondrus crispus. By investigating its association with a green algal endophyte Acrochaete operculata, which becomes invasive in the diploid generation of this red alga, we showed that (1) when challenged by pathogen extracts, the resistant haploid phase of C. crispus produced both C20 and C18 oxylipins, (2) elicitation with pathogen extracts or methyl jasmonate activated the metabolism of C20 and C18 polyunsaturated fatty acids to generate hydroperoxides and cyclopentenones such as prostaglandins and jasmonates, and (3) C20 and C18 hydroperoxides as well as methyl jasmonate did induce shikimate dehydrogenase and Phe ammonialyase activities in C. crispus and conferred an induced resistance to the diploid phase, while inhibitors of fatty acid oxidation reduced the natural resistance of the haploid generation. The dual nature of oxylipin metabolism in this alga suggests that early eukaryotes featured both animal- (eicosanoids) and plant-like (octadecanoids) oxylipins as essential components of innate immunity mechanisms.  相似文献   

Plant domestication is assumed to result in reduced levels of defensive compounds in crops, because this makes the plants more suitable for consumption by humans and livestock. We argue that this should mainly be reflected in the concentrations of defense compounds in the plant parts that are used for consumption and not necessarily for other parts of crop plants. We tested this hypothesis for domesticated lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus), by comparing its chemical defenses against a leaf herbivore, the beet armyworm (Spodoptera exigua), and a seed predator, the beetle Zabrotes subfasciatus. For seeds and leaves we determined the concentrations of cyanogenic glycosides (CNGs) in cultivated varieties and wild populations and evaluated the preference and performance of the herbivores when exposed to leaves and seeds from wild and cultivated plants. Concentrations of CNGs were significantly different between wild and cultivated plants. In the leaves the concentration of CNGs in the cultivated varieties were more than double that of the wild leaves. In contrast, seeds from cultivated plants had up to 20 times lower CNG concentration compared to seeds from the wild populations. Insect preference and performance do not parallel the chemical data. Larvae of S. exigua preferred wild leaves but had higher survival on cultivated leaves. The beetles, however, strongly preferred seeds from cultivated plants and females developed more quickly on these seeds. We conclude that domestication of P. lunatus has altered the concentration of CNGs in both the seeds and the leaves in opposite directions. This results in differential effects on the herbivores that attack these two plant structures. The contrasting effect of domestication on different plant tissues can be explained by the fact that bean plants have been specifically selected for human consumption of the seeds. Tissue-specific effects of plant domestication on plant defenses can be expected for other crops as well.  相似文献   

Insect herbivores contend with various plant traits that are presumed to function as feeding deterrents. Paradoxically, some specialist insect herbivores might benefit from some of these plant traits, for example by sequestering plant chemical defenses that herbivores then use as their own defense against natural enemies. Larvae of the butterfly species Battus philenor (L.) (Papilionidae) sequester toxic alkaloids (aristolochic acids) from their Aristolochia host plants, rendering larvae and adults unpalatable to a broad range of predators. We studied the importance of two putative defensive traits in Aristolochia erecta: leaf toughness and aristolochic acid content, and we examined the effect of intra- and interplant chemical variation on the chemical phenotype of B. philenor larvae. It has been proposed that genetic variation for sequestration ability is ??invisible to natural selection?? because intra- and interindividual variation in host-plant chemistry will largely eliminate a role for herbivore genetic variation in determining an herbivore??s chemical phenotype. We found substantial intra- and interplant variation in leaf toughness and in the aristolochic acid chemistry in A. erecta. Based on field observations and laboratory experiments, we showed that first-instar larvae preferentially fed on less tough, younger leaves and avoided tougher, older leaves, and we found no evidence that aristolochic acid content influenced first-instar larval foraging. We found that the majority of variation in the amount of aristolochic acid sequestered by larvae was explained by larval family, not by host-plant aristolochic acid content. Heritable variation for sequestration is the predominant determinant of larval, and likely adult, chemical phenotype. This study shows that for these highly specialized herbivores that sequester chemical defenses, traits that offer mechanical resistance, such as leaf toughness, might be more important determinants of early-instar larval foraging behavior and development compared to plant chemical defenses.  相似文献   

Severe sepsis is associated with dysfunction of the macrophage/monocyte, an important cellular effector of the innate immune system. Previous investigations suggested that probiotic components effectively enhance effector cell functions of the immune system in vivo. In this study, we produced bacteria-free, lysozyme-modified probiotic components (LzMPC) by treating the probiotic bacteria, Lactobacillus sp., with lysozyme. We showed that oral delivery of LzMPC effectively protected rats against lethality from polymicrobial sepsis induced by cecal ligation and puncture. We found that orally administrated LzMPC was engulfed by cells such as macrophages in the liver after crossing the intestinal barrier. Moreover, LzMPC-induced protection was associated with an increase in bacterial clearance in the liver. In vitro, LzMPC up-regulated the expression of cathelicidin-related antimicrobial peptide (CRAMP) in macrophages and enhanced bactericidal activity of these cells. Furthermore, we demonstrated that surgical stress or cecal ligation and puncture caused a decrease in CRAMP expression in the liver, whereas enteral administration of LzMPC restored CRAMP gene expression in these animals. Using a neutralizing Ab, we showed that protection against sepsis by LzMPC treatment required endogenous CRAMP. In addition, macrophages from LzMPC-treated rats had an enhanced capacity of cytokine production in response to LPS or LzMPC stimulation. Together, our data suggest that the protective effect of LzMPC in sepsis is related to an enhanced cathelicidin-related innate immunity in macrophages. Therefore, LzMPC, a novel probiotic product, is a potent immunomodulator for macrophages and may be beneficial for the treatment of sepsis.  相似文献   

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